How it was. Victory Day in photo and video

It's hard for us to imagine it now, but 74 years ago, the month of May became one of the happiest in the history of our country, but happy in a special way - with anguish and tears. The war is over, and with it the bombing, the fear of not waking up in the morning, the whistle of bullets, the howl of sirens, the bitterness of the loss of comrades. Few were destined to meet victory - millions of people both at the front and in the rear did not see this long-awaited May.

We, who know about the events of that time from history books and the stories of grandparents, still hear the voice of the war from the pictures taken by fearless photojournalists who, risking their lives, captured the unique, and often very terrible faces of the war. Each of the photographs of the Great Patriotic War is a masterpiece, if only because it was taken in unrealistic conditions. And today we have prepared a selection of 35 famous images of the Great Patriotic War, which are the best way to tell about the victory that we got with such difficulty.

Many words have been said about the courage of our soldiers, hundreds of songs have been sung, and it is simply impossible to overestimate the feat, the selflessness of each warrior without exception. We are proud of this victory, and we are infinitely grateful for the gift of spring and freedom!

1. Combat. Photographer Max Alpert.

"Combat" is one of the most famous photographs of the Great Patriotic War, taken by Soviet photographer Max Alpert. The photo shows the junior political instructor A.G. Eremenko, raising a soldier to attack, a few seconds before his death.

2. Banner of Victory over the Reichstag. Photo by Evgeny Khaldei.

The first flag was set away from the Reichstag, on the roof of the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army, near the sculpture of an eagle perched on the globe. The second is over the Brandenburg Gate. When Khaldei got to the Reichstag, a lot of flags had already been installed. Having stumbled upon several fighters, he took out his flag and asked them to help him climb onto the roof. Having found a convenient point for shooting, he filmed two cassettes.

Tank commander Lieutenant B.V. Smelov shows a hole in the turret of the German Tiger tank, shot down by Smelov's crew, to Lieutenant Likhnyakevich. This hole was made by an ordinary armor-piercing projectile from a 76-millimeter tank gun, so the picture was often used for propaganda purposes, showing that the latest and strongest German tanks can be penetrated by our T-34.

4. Lydia Litvyak, pilot of a fighter aviation regiment, after a sortie on the wing of her Yak-1B fighter.

On August 1, 1943, Lydia Litvyak made four sorties, during which she personally shot down two enemy planes and one in a group, but she did not return from the fourth sortie - her plane was damaged by a German fighter burst and went missing.

5. Soviet soldier with a Czech child in his arms.

6. Girl-sniper of the 1st Baltic Front, 1944.

7. Senior Sergeant I. Kireev fires from a captured German grenade launcher during a night battle in the city of Breslau.

8. Soviet soldiers in between battles.

9. Volley of Soviet rocket launchers "Katyusha" on the outskirts of Vyborg.

10. Guards machine gunner Private Yefim Kostin, awarded the Order of the Red Star.

11. Soviet soldiers in the attack near Leningrad during the beginning of the blockade.

12. Soviet scouts in battle.

13. "Woe", photo by Dmitry Baltermants.

14. Child of war.

15. Machine gunner Zina Kozlova.

16. Soviet soldier gives a light to the captured Germans.

17. Rewarding the young hero.

18. The killed boy Vitya Cherevichkin with a dove in his hands.

19. Post air defense on the roof of the hotel "Moscow" in the capital.

A series of documentary photographs dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. A selection of 95 rare photographs of military equipment and participants in the Second World War. A unique photo from the scenes of 1941-1945, military operations in the history of black and white photography. Watch online documentary photo of the Second World War 1941-1945.

German self-propelled guns "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery near the city of Lvov in July 1944.

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Junior Sergeant Konstantin Alexandrovich Shuty (06/18/1926-12/27/2004) (left), brother of Mikhail Shutoy, with a fellow soldier, also a junior sergeant.

Junior sergeant, mortar - Nikolai Polikarpov at a firing position near Kiev. 1st Ukrainian Front.

Marine of the US 5th Division, shot in the head by a Japanese sniper (you can see the bullet hole on the helmet).

Sailors of the Soviet destroyer of project 7 "Crushing" with a ship's pet, the area of ​​the bow torpedo tubes, a view of the bow.

German Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bomber under repair at a field airfield.

The beginning of the counterattack of one of the units of the 270th Infantry Division of the Soviet 7th Guards Army on the Kursk Bulge.

Major General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (center), head of the political department of the 4th Ukrainian Front, future leader of the USSR in 1964-1982, during the Victory Parade.

Head of Communications of the 51st MTAP Bykov V.V. instructs gunners-radio operators before the flight Kolberg (Germany) - Pernov (Estonia). From left to right Mikhalev, Karpov, Archakov, Shishkin, Volkov, Chekanov, Bykov.

Unidentified female partisans of the 1st Proletarian Brigade of NOAU, armed with Czech light machine guns ZB vz. 26. The village of Zharkovo near Belgrade on the eve of the battles for the city.

Unknown Soviet female snipers at the dugout. On overcoats are sergeant's shoulder straps, in the hands of a Mosin rifle with a PU optical sight (Shortened Sight).

An unknown American soldier of the US 87th Infantry Division, killed by a German sniper in the spring of 1945 in Koblenz, Germany. The soldier's weapon is a BAR automatic rifle.

German 105-mm self-propelled guns "Vespe" (Sd.Kfz.124 Wespe) from the 74th regiment of self-propelled artillery of the 2nd tank division of the Wehrmacht, passes next to an abandoned Soviet 76-mm gun ZIS-3 near the city of Orel.

German self-propelled guns "Vespe" after being hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German self-propelled guns "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery near the city of Lvov in July 1944.

German self-propelled guns "Hummel", destroyed by Soviet artillery near the city of Lvov in July 1944.

German self-propelled guns Marder II in ambush, between houses, in a Ukrainian village.

German quad 20-mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (ZSU) "Werbelwind" based on the tank Pz.Kpfw. IV, destroyed by a direct hit by a large-caliber projectile.

German huntsmen at the MG-34 machine gun on the Eastern Front.

German officers captured by French soldiers during the liberation of Paris. Hotel "Majestic", chosen by the Wehrmacht during the occupation.

German infantrymen and tankers choose bottles of alcoholic beverages in a warehouse.

German soldiers in a captured Soviet T-34 tank. The machine is ready for shipment to Germany for testing. The inscription “O.K.H.Wa. Prvf. 6" (military acceptance 6).

German soldiers inspect the captured positions of Soviet troops.

May 9, 1945 is moving further and further away from us, but we still remember at what cost our fathers and grandfathers got that day and every year we celebrate this wonderful and tragic holiday together with veterans. The photographs capture the last moments of the war, happy moments and joyful faces of soldiers.

2.Soviet soldiers in a Berlin tram car.

3. Maria Timofeevna Shalneva, corporal of the 87th separate road maintenance battalion, regulates the movement of military equipment near the Reichstag in Berlin on May 2, 1945.

4.Soviet soldiers with an accordion on a street in Berlin.

5.Soviet soldier in Goebbels' apartments in Hitler's bunker under the Reich Chancellery.

6. Soviet mortar soldier Sergei Ivanovich Platov leaves his autograph on the column of the Reichstag.

7. A British soldier leaves his autograph among the autographs of Soviet soldiers inside the Reichstag.

8. Lydia Ruslanova performs "Katyusha" against the backdrop of the destroyed Reichstag. May 1945.

9. Return from the front of the pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Mikhailovich Skomorokhov (1920-1994). He made 605 sorties, conducted more than 130 air battles, shot down 46 enemy aircraft personally and 8 in a group, 7th result in the list of Soviet fighter aces. Skomorokhov himself was never wounded during the entire war, he was never shot down.

10. A photograph of a Soviet soldier hoisting a red banner over the Reichstag on May 2, 1945, which later became known as the Banner of Victory - one of the symbols of the Great Patriotic War, along with the famous “Combat” photograph. This is one of a series of photographs taken by Yevgeny Chaldei on the roof of the Reichstag. Yevgeny Khaldei said: “There were four of us [on the roof of the Reichstag], but I well remember Alexei Kovalev, a resident of Kiev, who was tying the flag. I photographed him for a long time. In different poses. I remember that we were all very chilled then ... He and I were helped by the foreman of the reconnaissance company of the Guards Red Banner Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky of the Zaporozhye Rifle Division Abdulkhakim Ismailov from Dagestan and Leonid Gorychev from Minsk. This version was published in official Soviet sources in a retouched form: the contrast of the image was increased and the watch (according to another version, the compass) was removed from the officer’s right hand, which could give rise to the accusation of Soviet military personnel of looting.

11.Official, retouched version.

12. Another option.

13. Residents of Leningrad on fireworks in honor of the Victory.

14. Soviet soldiers drink for the Victory - on the general formation of the unit, Victory over Nazi Germany was announced on May 9, 1945.

15. A Soviet cavalryman is talking to a Russian girl who was driven away to work in Germany and is now returning home.

16. The German unit on bicycles advances to the place of surrender.

18. Meeting of Soviet marshals G.K. Zhukov and K.K. Rokossovsky with British Field Marshal B. Montgomery at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

19.Chief of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces, Infantry General Krebs (left), who arrived on May 1 at the location of the Soviet troops in order to draw the High Command into the negotiation process. On the same day, the general shot himself.

20. Soldiers who stormed the Reichstag. Reconnaissance platoon of the 674th Infantry Regiment of the 150th Idritskaya Infantry Division. In the foreground is Private Grigory Bulatov. It is believed that it was he who first hoisted the red flag on the Reichstag. However, the version spread that the first were the now famous Mikhail Egorov and Meliton Kantaria.

21. Mikhail Yegorov and Meliton Kantaria go out on May 1 to the roof of the Reichstag to hoist the Banner of Victory there.

22. Poet Yevgeny Dolmatovsky with a sculpted head of Hitler in Berlin. May 1945.

23. Evgeny Dolmatovsky reads poetry at the Brandenburg Gate.

24. Soviet soldiers, resting on the steps of the Reich Chancellery, consider the German awards, which were never awarded. Berlin. May 2, 1945.

25. Red flag on the quadriga of the Brandenburg Gate.

26. Salute in honor of the Victory on the roof of the Reichstag. Soldiers of the battalion under the command of the Hero of the Soviet Union S. Neustroev.

27. Courtyard of the Reich Chancellery shortly after the end of the battles for Berlin. This photo is interesting because it shows a rare armored car. In 1933, Wilton-Fijenoord manufactured three armored vehicles for the Dutch East Indies.

28. General photo of the Soviet delegation during the signing of the Act of unconditional surrender of all German armed forces. Marshal Zhukov in the center. May 8, 1945.

29. Echelon "We are from Berlin!", on which Soviet soldiers return from Berlin to Moscow.

30. Rest at the train “We are from Berlin!” with Soviet soldiers.

31. Girls-snipers.

32. Meeting of victorious warriors at the Belorussky railway station in Moscow.

33. Officers of the 3rd Belorussian Front take Germans surrendering along with armored vehicles, including from the 4th Panzer Division. Spit Frisch-Nerung, May 9, 1945.

34.Soviet soldiers on the T-34-85 in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The tank was covered with mesh screens that protected from hits from "faustpatrons".

35. The capitulation of the Germans on the Frisch-Nerung Spit, East Prussia. German officers accept from the Soviet officer the terms of surrender and the procedure for surrender.

38. Soviet sailors, heroes of the storming of Berlin, pose for an American war correspondent.

39. A soldier returning from the front kisses his son.

40. Artillerymen of the 144th Infantry Regiment of the 49th Guards Rifle Division in German helmets.

41. Fellow soldiers of the 88th separate heavy tank regiment at the Reichstag.

42. American soldiers who came to the Tiergarten garden in Berlin to exchange watches, communicate with German girls. In the background is a group of Soviet soldiers. For the first time after the end of the war, the Tiergarten garden became a place for the barter exchange of goods.

43. American service girls salute the Soviet traffic controller in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate.

44. Polish citizens who survived the war (residents of the city of Lodz, who were driven to forced labor in Germany), huddle along the railway tracks in Berlin, hoping that the British military will pick them up.

45. The son of the regiment, Volodya Tarnovsky, puts his autograph on the column of the Reichstag.

46. ​​Soviet gunners are fighting on the streets of Berlin. April 1945.

47. The Soviet assault group is moving towards the Reichstag.

48.Soviet soldiers flee to a new position in battle in Berlin. In the foreground is a killed German sergeant from the RAD (Reichs Arbeit Dienst, pre-conscription labor service).

49. Ivan Alexandrovich Kichigin at the grave of a friend Grigory Afanasyevich Kozlov in Berlin in early May 1945.

June 22, 1941. Announcement of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
Moscow, 25th October street.
Photo by E. Chaldea

Soldiers of the Red Army go to the front.

Photo TASS

Soldiers go to the front from the Moscow Hippodrome.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Soldiers of the N-th unit in the forefront.

Photo by M. Alpert

Actor I. V. Ilyinsky in the classroom defense circle at the Maly Theater. Moscow.

Photo by B. Vdovenko

The best gun crew of Captain Khlebnikov's unit is firing from a closed position. On the right is the commander of the gun, junior sergeant Komsomol member D. Kalyakin.

Photo by E. Khaikin

In between fights.

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

Concert artists front brigade in the army.

Photo by V. Malyshev

Harvest of the first year of the war.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Junior Lieutenant S. G. Malovsky interrogates the captured fascist intelligence officer Vanker Helmut.

Photographer unknown

Soldiers of the Red Army in the village.

Photo by B. Vdovenko

Branch of the N-th part forces the river.

Western direction.

Photo by M. Redkin

The soldiers of the N-sky ship at the time of the combat chemical alarm.

Northern Fleet.

Photo by E. Chaldea

On the enemy - fire!

Photo by D. Baltermants

At the firing position.

Photo by G. Konovalov

Construction of fortifications.

On the outskirts of Moscow.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Combat training of workers on the streets of Moscow.

Photo by N. Kubeev

Marines near Moscow.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Residents of Rostov-on-Don are building barricades.

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

partisan women.

In the occupied region of the Moscow region.

Photo by M. Bachurin

Soldiers are fighting at the forefront of defense.

Photo by N. Granovsky and A. Shaikhet

Fighter pilots are sent to the airfield.

Photo by S. Mazaev

Aircraft repair.

Photo by A. Ustinov

In ambush.

Photo by G. Zelma

Manufacture of parts for shells at a defense plant. Moscow.

Photo by J. Khalip

Skiers of Lieutenant Malkov's unit on the march.

Photo by N. Kubeev

Siberians go on the attack.

Near Moscow.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Senior Lieutenant V.S. Efremov before a night flight into the rear of the enemy.

Photo by K. Leshko

The downed fascist Yu-88 plane is burning down.

Photographer unknown

Manufacture of warheads for high power rocket artillery shells at a defense plant.

Photo by J. Khalip

Clearing the ice from the gun turret of the main caliber of the battleship "Paris Commune".

Black Sea Fleet.

Photo by A. Mezhuev

Purification of drinking water in the front-line laboratory.

Photo by L. Dorensky

Artillerymen who have received new combat weapons take a solemn oath.

Photo by M. Markov-Grinberg

In the rest house for commanders.

Photo by B. Vdovenko

Loading shells on an armored train.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Captured command vehicle. It contained a banner, lingerie, a hammock, a table clock, staff documents.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Leaders of service dogs are sent to the battle line.

Photo TASS

Competitions in bayonet fighting in the TsPKiO them. Gorky.

Photographer unknown

Calculation, to battle!

Photo by D. Baltermants

Defense of Sevastopol.

The fighting of the marines.

Photographer unknown

The first trophies of combat units of the Southern Front (more than 60 bicycles).

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

The calculation of the "hearers" of Sergeant A. S. Kotikov at work.

Photo by Y. Solovyov

The gun crew of Lieutenant Zuev is conducting a gun through the forest thickets to a new firing line.

Photo by G. Konovalov

Diving group for checking the submarine before entering the combat operation. Northern Fleet.

Photo by E. Chaldea

Photo by D. Baltermants

Commander of the 122nd Tank Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Ivanovich Rudoy (left) and tank commander Ivan Vasilyevich Vlaskin.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Tanks are firing.

Photo by D. Baltermants


Photo by N. Bode

In defense of the motherland.

Photo by S. Strunnikov

The guerrillas are going to combat reconnaissance.

Leningrad region.

Photo by S. Loskutov


Photo by E. Evzerikhin

Stalingrad fountain.

Photo by E. Evzerikhin

Photo by D. Baltermants


Photo by N. Bode

Prisoners from the "cauldron" near Kalach.

Photo by N. Bode

Stalingrad. Fight for the house.

Photo by G. Lipskerov

Fight on the territory of the German airfield.

Photo by G. Kapustensky

Stalingrad. Fight in the shops of the plant "Red October".

Photo by G. Samsonov

Stalingrad. For them, the war is over.

Photo by G. Lipskerov

Stalingrad. Prisoners.

Russian frost will be remembered for a long time.

Photo by G. Lipskerov

Liberation of Kharkov.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

The landing of the marines. Northern Fleet.

Photo by R. Diamenta

Partisan attack.

Photo by M. Trakhman

The calculation of the PTR Sergeant Pavel Tarasov, under the cover of a smoke screen, approaches enemy tanks.

Photo by M. Savin

Soviet soldiers overcome the barbed wire.

Photo by Y. Solovyov

Subdivision of the N-th part on the march.

Photographer unknown

Artillerymen carry shells to their battery.

Photographer unknown

Stand to death!

Photo by E. Evzerikhin

Kursk Bulge. How the Tigers were beaten. Through and through! The tank commander, the brave lieutenant B. V. Smelov, knocked out the Tiger tank. Tov. Smelov shows Lieutenant Likhnyakevich (who knocked out 2 Nazi tanks in the last battle) a hole in the Tiger's turret. It was made by an ordinary armor-piercing projectile from a 76-millimeter tank gun. Tower "Tiger" all in cracks from several hits of our shells.

Photo by N. Bode

Photo by M. Savin

Machine gunner and his "Maxim".

Photo by A. Egorov

Children of war. Village near Belgorod.

Photo by N. Bode

On the heels of the enemy.

Photo by G. Lipskerov


Photo by N. Bode

The crew of the armored vehicle Lieutenant V. N. Kokhmansky for the repair of the railway track.

Photo by Y. Solovyov

Guard Lieutenant Sviridov is the best signalman.

At the forefront.

Photographer unknown

In polar latitudes.

Bear cub Masha - a pupil of the North Sea.

Photo by S. Shimansky

Leningrad. Nevsky.

Photo by S. Shimansky

On the street of the city of Berdichev.

Photo by P. Troshkin

Residents of the liberated Kirovograd meet their liberators soldiers and officers of the Red Army.

Photo by G. Omelchuk

Photo leaflet dedicated to the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

Photographer unknown

Delivery of ammunition on dogs. Karelia.

Photo by S. Konovalov

Crossing artillery crew.

Photo by D. Baltermants

Forcing the Sivash.

Photo by A. Ustinov

At the crossing.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Carts at the parade of the horse guards of the guards of Lieutenant General N. S. Kulikovsky.

Photo by I. Utkin

Motorized Intelligence.


Photo by Y. Ryumkin

Transportation of weapons and shells to the line of fire.

Photo by N. Shestakov

On the outskirts of East Prussia, machine gunners clear the shore of the lake from the Germans.

Photo by M. Savin

Battle with the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of Warsaw Prague.

Photo by Y. Ryumkin

Street fight.

Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev

Fight on the streets of Belgrade.

Photo by E. Chaldea

The best crew of the attack aircraft-hunter "Alexander Suvorov" is junior lieutenant V. T. Aleksukhin and gunner A. D. Gamayunov.

Photo by S. Guraria


Photo by B. Yaroslavtsev


Photo by D. Baltermants

Photo by D. Baltermants

Let the soldiers get some sleep...


Photo by G. Lipskerov

Destroyed and burned houses in Warsaw.

Photo by Y. Ryumkin

Street fight in Mühlhausen.

East Germany.

Photo by A. Shaikhet

Silence on the Oder. Germany.

Photo by D. Baltermants

The soldiers pull out the car.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Traffic controller Tanya - Artemyeva Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Photo by M. Redkin

American soldiers demonstrate the weapons of the "Willis".

On the Elbe.

Photo by A. Ustinov

They give up.

Photo by A. Ustinov

Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov before signing the German Surrender Act. Berlin.

Photo by E. Chaldea

Fraternization of Soviet and American soldiers.

Photo by N. Shestakov

Victory Parade on Red Square.

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