Freelance contests. Contests

Here will be collected a selection of sites that host contests on a regular basis. for freelancers.

Dizkon- an exchange for designers, work here takes place on a competitive basis, the customer gives a task, drawn up in the form of a competition, after which he chooses one of the proposed options, which becomes the winner. The amount that the winner will receive can reach several tens of thousands of rubles, for example, competitions of 20 thousand rubles are frankly a lot. Any designer who registers here can take part in the competition.

freelancehunt- freelance exchange, in addition to the usual tasks, you can also see a set of competitions here. There are not so many of them at the same time, but the tasks are very diverse, from design development to naming. In addition, the rewards here are very solid.

Freelance Boutique- competitions are held here related to the development of logos, design, other work with graphics, and there is also naming. The prize fund is usually quite solid. True, you cannot immediately participate, unlike other similar sites, there are quite high requirements for the participants in the competition, for example, you need to score 750 business activity points, which can only be obtained by working on the site.

In this selection of works, we will get acquainted with the winners of the competitions, which were the penultimate ones in 2019. We wish the participants inspiration and good luck in the New Year! Maxim Filatov Development of a logo and corporate identity for a diversified company Alexander Tsymbalyuk Loft-style graphic drawing on a wall panel Polina Alekseeva Design a logo and corporate identity for a software product Ilya Kin Logo and corporate identity for a...

  • 26.12.19

As you know, you need to be equal to the best. That is why we have compiled a selection of works by the winners of graphic contests on Freelance.Boutique. Watch and get inspired! Andrey Martynovich Logo for dog creative cafe Logo and identity for Cvetlana Pyatkova manicure studio Corporate brand-hero by analogy with a cartoon character Andrey Blinov Travel agencies - DELMOS WORLD Issa Kono Development of the company logo...

  • 05.12.19

Love taking part in freelance contests? Then you will definitely check out creative freelance battles. This format is a bit similar to contests, but it has its own characteristics. The conditions here are simpler, from a freelancer you only need a bank card and a creative. The customer chooses the finished concept and takes it "as is", and you get the winnings. See what work your colleagues have already done. For example, the design of a New Year's flyer. Or, here's a poster about the benefits of recycling waste paper. Had...

  • 02.12.19

It's time to meet the winners of Freelance.Boutique contests from the last two weeks. Take an example from the best (according to clients)! Mikhail Zaplavsky Development of a logo and corporate identity for a construction company Natalya Belonogova Logo for complete balanced food and treats for ornamental rodents Lena K Logo for tap water treatment and bottling machines Irina Protazanova Logo for the brand...

  • 21.11.19

Let's sum up the results of Freelance.Boutique contests for the last weeks! Personally, I have been watching competitions for a long time. And what I want to note: every month the work of the participants is getting better, more professional and original. See for yourself. Olya O. Updating (rebranding) of the existing logo of the sailing regatta Olya O. Development of the logo and corporate identity of the company Vitaly Filin Development of the logo and corporate identity of Almas® Assanov...

  • 07.11.19

What is a battle? This is a unique format of interaction between the customer and the contractor. The client creates an arena, describes what graphics problem he needs to solve, reserves the amount. Freelancers offer creative solutions. Then the customer chooses one concept and receives it "as is". A freelancer does not need to modify or redo anything, and to participate, they do not need anything other than a bank card. That’s why clients and freelancers like battles so much. And we are glad to show you the most interesting works,...

  • 28.10.19

It's time to get acquainted with the work of the winners of freelance competitions on Freelance.Boutique. Today there is something to see! Maria Alexandrova Logo and corporate identity for an online store of EVA car mats Olya O. Corporate identity for a Bosnian plastic waste and wood recycling company Maria Ivanova Logo and corporate identity for a pharmacy Andrei Martynovich Logo and corporate identity for a flower studio...

  • 17.10.19

It's time to meet the winners of the graphic design competitions from the last two weeks. The work is very varied and interesting. See for yourself! Artist Graphic Design a logo and corporate identity Tatyana Kozlovskaya Logo and corporate identity for the Alyssa project Svetlana Konycheva Packaging design for toys for girls Irina Protazanova We need to create a bright label design for a new fruit syrup packaging project...

  • 03.10.19

Can you create unique, creative business solutions? Are your clients surprised by your unconventional approach to any task? You might be interested in trying your hand at a creative freelance battle. To participate, all you need is a bank card and a desire to create! And the work of your colleagues in the shop will help you to be inspired. For example, such a logo was born during the battle to develop a logo for a female image maker. Another battle - to create a name and logo for a children's diversified...

  • 09.09.19

Do you need to develop a logo or corporate identity for a company, but you still don’t fully understand how it should be? Would you like to see more options? Open a contest on Freelance.Boutique: you will get hundreds of ready-made options, all you have to do is choose the best one! Look at the works that have already won competitions and see the high level of their performance. Olga Didash Corporate identity for an educational organization Daria Anischenkova Packing for...

  • 05.09.19

Check out the entries from the competition winners from the last two weeks. Naming, website design, logo or corporate identity - freelancers can be entrusted with any task. The only difficulty is to choose then the best of the best! Ekaterina Katyukhina Create website design Dmitry Morozov Development of corporate identity and logo for Real estate agencies Stanislav Ulyanov Development of logo and corporate identity for an IT company Denis Kosvintsev Development of...

  • 15.08.19

A creative freelance battle is a chance for a customer to get a quick and immediately ready solution to any problem related to creativity. Need a banner? Do you need to draw a character, develop a logo, a cover, and even a visualization of your future home? All this can be done by our freelancers. Moreover, in a short time you get a lot of options for ready-made works, you just have to choose the one that suits you. None of them fit, you get your money back. It's easier than a competition. And the work is very...

  • 12.08.19

In the next selection of works of the winners, there were some surprises. It is very interesting to recognize familiar nicknames and names - there are freelancers who win often. And there are those who manage to win two contests in a row! Vitaly Filin Logo + Corporate identity for the fuel company Nikolai Mart Logo + Corporate identity for DNA testing company Peter Drul Development of corporate identity and logo Anton K.U.B. Development of a logo and corporate...

  • 01.08.19

Hi all! Today we’ll talk about competitions that are held on freelance exchanges, and I’ll also write my thoughts on this, tell you what competitions I took part in, and how it ended. Contests in and of themselves are a great opportunity to dump a freelancer. No matter what project the customer proposes, be it a slogan, naming, website template, logo or something else. But first things first.

Each freelancer who takes part in competitions gets a good opportunity to get acquainted with the work of other participants, to compare their abilities with their own. Excitement and the desire to win increases when the organizer of the competition pays attention to you, politely asks you to edit the template, or even better - adds you to the candidates for victory, and your opponents cheer you up with positive feedback.

Even if a freelancer has not achieved great professionalism, competitions offer an opportunity to show themselves. How useful are competitions for beginners? The fact that even if you do not win the competition, then the work done can then be posted in your portfolio.

However, it happens that very often participants post their work in haste. And from here it follows: minuses in reputation from "colleagues", the organizer of the competition skips your work, because he considered it not of high quality and does not want to waste time on commenting. And you're all sitting in anticipation of audience sympathy. Yes, where is it. Therefore, you should bring the work to the end, no one likes hacks, if you set to work, bring it to full readiness before sending it to the “court”. Of course, this only applies to projects where you need to immediately show the finished version, and not a sketch.

I want to note that all of the above applies to those competitions that are fair. The competition is more credible when its jury is fair and authoritative, that is, the organizer is a well-known person with a good reputation and has been on the site for more than a day.

Freelancers with good references, extensive experience and not suffering from a lack of orders usually do not participate in competitions, so often newbies who fill their portfolios or those who have free time hang out in competitions. Each work should be adequately rewarded, this means receiving a cash prize, sometimes receiving a large order and further work on the project.

Unfortunately, very often the organizers start the competition in order to make easy money. On large freelance exchanges, where a large number of freelancers gather, a tempting competition is announced, with a decent budget, and with the casually mentioned words, that all the works of the participants become the property of the organizer, and it even happens that in the future they are asked not to post their works in the portfolio. Or, for example, in the TOR there are such words: “I reserve the right not to pay for the work if I don’t like anything.” And after the competition is over, the organizer either disappears from view, or puts a figurehead as the winner. And all the ideas of freelancers are simply taken away and left.

And it doesn't matter what the organizer stole. Here are some examples of competitions:

Site design. Decent TK, big budget, everything is correctly scheduled, what needs to be done and what kind of work the organizer wants to see. Participants of the competition begin to do the work and put their templates on display. In the meantime, the organizer makes some corrections, gives advice to the participants, praises someone, even adds them to the candidates for victory. But, after the end of the competition, he quietly leaves with all the ideas.

Where can these ideas be applied? For example, if there is a full-time designer in the office, then he gives all the ideas to him. It is very convenient in the sense that no one has to pay more. There is a designer, he receives a salary, and the money that was supposedly allocated for the competition remains in the pocket of that organizer. Or vice versa, he is looking for a freelance artist on the same site, and already at a reduced price, as if nothing had happened, he says what he likes (showing the work of the contestants), and waits for the finished layout. Stupid and unfair, right?

The same goes for the logo, or the name for a cafe/restaurant/shop/website. It’s very disappointing when you try, and your work is not only not paid, but also in the end you see that the name that you came up with is already being used by this scam organizer.

Now I will tell you in which competitions I took part.

1. It was necessary to come up with a slogan. A simple task, with a good budget, a polite customer. I must say right away that what I came up with was really good work. This I mean that the options of other participants sometimes come across interesting. But here I was already confidently in the lead, and the customer praised me, and the competitors were not so strong. In general, I offered several worthy options, every day while the competition lasted, I sent my own versions of the slogan. When the competition ended, the customer disappeared to the ends. I don’t know, either the participants didn’t like the ideas, or they really stole it.

2. Template for the site. It was necessary to redesign the page, the budget, again, is not small. I sent my work, looked at the work of other participants, who also naively tried. A few days later, the organizer wrote to me, asked if I could make up templates and if I had partners in site promotion. Of course, this surprised me, because the competition did not mention that this template also needs to be made up and promoted later on the site. A few more days passed, and then I finally saw these lines about layout and promotion in the description of the competition. Some members began to resent this and were soon banned. Here you can say that the time was wasted.

Here are two of my mini-stories that came to mind. I don't want to say that contests are evil. But before you take part in them, think about how it could end. In fact, no one is forcing or forcing you to participate in them, this is a voluntary matter.

While participating in competitions, I would say, a second wind opens up, there is a desire to do better than others, to come up with something original and interesting. When everything is ready, look at your work through the eyes of the person you are doing for. If you have another idea after submitting the sketch for evaluation, don't be afraid to implement it.

Do you participate in competitions?

Earnings on the Internet, or freelancing, is attracting more and more remote workers these days. Among the obvious benefits of freelancing are a free work schedule and a variety of vacancies on the Internet. However, in order to get a job, sometimes you need not only to be an experienced specialist, but also to be able to win job competitions.

What is freelancing?

Today, freelancing is any job through the Internet with a free schedule, in which you work for several employers at the same time. Remote work via the Internet for one customer or company is not freelancing. It's just remote or distance collaboration.

Freelancing is also the freedom of the work schedule, even if you work for five customers at once, none of them knows exactly how you perform your duties. You can get up early in the morning and work until lunchtime, or you can work on weekends and spend only a couple of hours on weekdays. In addition, freelancing has another important feature - the absence of geographical barriers, thanks to which you can easy to find customer in another region or even country.

Types of work on freelance exchanges

Any freelance specialist can find a job on a special site dedicated to remote collaboration. Such sites are called freelance exchanges, and on the Internet you can already count dozens of large portals with thousands of vacancies and performers. Freelance sites allow you to search for work in several categories, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Projects

This is a category of freelance sites in which, as a rule, one-time work is published. Usually, customers offer the execution of orders of small volume, and often such work has a tight framework regarding the deadlines. In this category of work, the most number of proposals is published, it is in projects that tasks appear literally every hour.

One or more performers can take a work that is placed in the category of projects - it all depends on the requirements of the customer. You leave your own application for a project with a proposal for cooperation, and the employer has the right to choose a performer or several specialists among the applicants.

If the customer contacted you, this does not mean that the work is yours - it is quite possible that you will be asked to complete a test task that will confirm your qualifications.

  1. Jobs

Requirements for performers are higher than in the category of projects, and vacancies appear on sites less frequently. However, performers actively leave their applications in the category of vacancies, since if you get a job, you find yourself provided with tasks immediately for a long period in advance.

Vacancies most often represent a full-time job, that is, it should not be a part-time job, but employment throughout the working day. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend almost the whole day working, and if you do not have time to complete tasks, then it is quite possible that you will have to allocate time for work over the schedule. Among the advantages of vacancies - stable fixed income.

  1. Contests

One of the most unusual categories of work on freelance sites is contests. They are projects that offer to complete a specific task with strict conditions, but the contractor invites applicants to complete the task in advance with payment to the winner. In general, competitions are the same projects, however, the performers are chosen not before the task is completed, but after.

Contests are interesting because they often offer unusual work from large employers. This may be a company or organization that is looking for a new employee on a competitive basis. As a rule, competitions offer participants to complete a small task.

If you are confident in your abilities and know for sure that the completion of the competition task will not require too much time, then you can safely participate in the battle for the main prize. Sometimes in competitions only the winner is awarded, but there are also competitions in which the monetary reward goes to both the second and third places.

How to participate in competitions?

To participate in the competition, a freelancer must first of all fulfill its conditions and then submit his application. Conditions usually consist of at least a few points, for example, if a logo is required, then the designer is asked to make a layout, think over the color and stylistic features of the emblem, create a logo according to the requirements and upload it for review. Usually competitions last from a week to three weeks.

In order to participate in the contest on equal terms with other participants, it is desirable to have an account with a high reputation and rating.

This means that being new to the site is quite difficult to participate in contests and expect to win. In some cases, the requirements for the task itself indicate that only specialists with a certain experience are allowed to participate.

But the initial requirement for participation, which is implied by itself, is registration on the site. If you met the competition by chance, or a friend told you about it and you are not registered on the site, then you will have to go through this procedure and most likely pay for the VIP account which allows you to participate in contests.

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

What does it take to win the competition?

It is worth noting that winning a competition on a freelance exchange is often quite difficult, especially if you are a beginner. The fact is that in the case of low requirements and an attractive prize fund, many performers respond to the competition and there is high competition between them.

To win, first of all, it is important to clearly fulfill the conditions and requirements, but simply completing the tasks in order to stand out among other specialists is not enough. You should do the task either as quickly as possible, demonstrating the speed of your work, or, even better, do it in an unusual form.

Often, customers choose among many performers not the highest quality project, but simply an application of good quality, but clearly standing out from the rest. There are times when a contestant is chosen as the winner even with mistakes made in the project, but which has shown a creative approach.

The second thing that is very important for winning competitions for freelance jobs and projects is the user's reputation on the site. Everything is very clear here - the higher your rating, the older your profile and the more reviews on the site - the better for your reputation. Therefore, try to actively develop your profile and ask each employer to leave a review about you after completing the assignment. If you have a well-developed profile with a high reputation on the site, this can greatly benefit you and you will not have to work too hard on the task itself. It all depends on the customer and his requirements for the winner.

Also, the strictness of fulfilling the requirements for the competition is important for victory. Some freelancers deliberately leave out part of the requirements and complete the task as they see fit. Sometimes customers turn a blind eye to this, but if you complete the task not only correctly and at a decent level, but also take into account every nuance and wish, this will only speak in your favor as a conscientious one, responsible executor.

Watch the video - Freelance for beginners. How to receive orders from the freelance exchange:

Is it worth participating in freelancing contests?

Competitions look tempting for many performers. However, it is worth admitting that participation in them for a remote specialist is a rather time-consuming and risky undertaking. Competitions are the same work projects, however, which require the assignment to be completed in advance. Of course, for the customer, the organization of the competition is a profitable undertaking, but for the performers it is doubtful.

It is worth taking part in competitions only in cases where a small and interesting task is offered. However, if you are asked to do hard work and are not promised anything in return, because only the winner among many applicants will receive payment, then carefully consider whether it is worth spending time on the competition, when the corresponding work can most certainly be done in the section of vacancies or prepaid projects.

Participation in competitions is an interesting and gambling undertaking, and for it you will need to clearly fulfill the requirements for the task. The quality of the completed task and the reputation of the performer allows you to win the competition, however, remember that it is probably worth taking part in the competition only if an interesting and extraordinary task is offered, in all other cases it is more reasonable to look for a classic work on prepayment or with guaranteed payment after completion.

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A platform for freelancers of various directions. The highest paid resource for naming contests. 10 000 rub. for 1 word. 6 wins, 47 ideas in the top list. - a review of a site where you can earn with your imagination!

A platform for freelancers of various fields (graphics, texts, game development, architecture / interior, outsourcing / consulting), but I will tell you how to make money on it without special skills, knowledge, but in a simple Russian word)))

Opposite each category is the number of competitions in which you can now participate. So, if you own graphic editors, you can try your luck in competitions for a logo, corporate identity and others, or you can try to come up with a name, a slogan for the company.

As a freelancer, I personally participate in naming and slogan contests. To participate in this type of competition, you need to score a certain number of business activity points - for this you need to fill in information in the section about yourself and publish there at least 5 works on naming or slogans. After registration, 30 days must pass and only then you can take part in the competition. This was done to screen out scammers and unscrupulous customers. Competitions are published constantly, so wait until the due date and you can proceed.

Choose a competition, read the brief - and go ahead - submit your work. When submitting the work, fill in the boxes - the Russian version of the title and / or the Latin version and a comment on the work. It is better to comment on your work, explaining to the customer how you came to this idea, why he should choose it, its uniqueness, sonority, etc.

Now about ideas. You can submit 50 ideas in each competition. There is room for improvement, right? Therefore, serve different things - both super original in your opinion and simple - banal. You never know what the customer will like - I had a lot of cases when super-duper ideas were ruthlessly bowed out in favor of the simplest ones. Therefore, we carefully read the brief and submit ideas. And a few tips for ideas:

1. Study the competitors - maybe their names will give you the right idea or set the right direction.

2. Read and re-read the brief - sometimes you can read between the lines what exactly the customer wants.

3. Write a rationale for your ideas - make it so that for the customer it was not just a word, but a NAME! unique, the best!

4. If everyone rejects, try another direction, take a different look at the task.

As for the resource itself - everything is honest! The highest paid resource is 10,000 per word. Honestly, without cheating, quickly! Withdrawal to Qiwi, Yandex, WebMoney. It is worth a try - suddenly you get an interesting hobby, for which you can also earn money. All good luck and victories!

By the way, if you have registered, but you need to wait 30 days for them to pass, try your hand at such a resource. There you can start working right away. My review of it -
