How to enter a military school. Military schools for girls: list, rating, specialties

How do the rules for admission to military universities differ from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student at a military academy or higher school? You will learn about this right now in this article.

In the Russian education system military universities always stood, stand and will stand apart. And not only because students of such educational institutions, as you might guess, among other disciplines, necessarily study drill training and observe strict discipline, subordination and a specific regime. Military universities are practically the only area of ​​specialist training where people enroll not because it is prestigious, profitable or accessible, but because the “military” profession is a calling.

Military universities differ from civilian and rules for admission of applicants. These differences are explained very simply: if a civilian university is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science, then a military university is subordinate exclusively to the Ministry of Defense, which sets its own admission rules, based on the characteristics of service in the Russian Armed Forces. How do the rules for admission to military universities differ from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student at a military academy or higher school? You will learn about this right now in this article.

Features of admission to military universities

Speaking of distinctive features admission to military universities First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the results of the Unified State Examination, which are considered primarily in civilian educational institutions, are accepted only as information for reflection in academies or higher schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense.

Entrance exams to a military university for applicants begin with a psychophysical and psychological examination (and this is not surprising, since people who, by the nature of their activities, are directly related to weapons must have a stable psyche). The second stage of the exams consists of passing standards for physical training:

  • 100 m run - minimum 15 seconds (- 18.9 seconds);
  • 3 km run - minimum 14 minutes 40 seconds (for girls 1 km run - 5 minutes, 07 seconds);
  • Pull-ups on the bar - at least 5 times (for girls, the torso is tilted forward (minimum 20 bends per minute);
  • Freestyle swimming (100 m) - minimum 2 minutes 16 seconds (for girls - 3 minutes 45 seconds);
  • Breaststroke swimming (100 m) - minimum 2 minutes 32 seconds (for girls - 4 minutes 05 seconds).

Naturally, minimum indicators do not guarantee admission. They only allow the admissions committee to consider the applicant as a possible candidate for enrollment in a military university.

And finally, the final stage entrance examinations to a military university consists of traditional exams: Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects (chemistry, physics, biology, etc.). Let us emphasize that if in civilian universities exams are taken in the form of tests, then in military higher educational institutions - in the old fashioned way, in the form of tests and dictations.

Let us say right away that documents for admission to a military academy or higher school are submitted through the military registration and enlistment office. That is, primary documents (in particular, an application for the right to admission to exams) must be submitted not to the admissions committee of the selected educational institution, but to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. The submitted package of documents is reviewed by the admissions committee, which, in fact, makes a decision on the possibility of admitting the applicant to the exams. But this procedure for submitting documents applies only to “civilians”. For people who have a desire to receive a professional military education at the time when they are serving in the Armed Forces of Russia, there is a slightly different application procedure documents for admission to a military university. They simply submit a report about their desire to enroll in a specialized university to their commander, who supplements the application with all the necessary documents and passes all the papers further up the chain of command.

Who can enroll in a military university?

Candidates for admission to Russian military universities are “screened out” not only by psycho-physical indicators or entrance exam results, but also by age. The following have a chance to become a cadet at a military university:

  • citizens of Russia, aged 16-22 years, who have not served in the RF Armed Forces;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 24, who have served/are serving in the Armed Forces upon conscription;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 25, serving in the Armed Forces on a contract basis (except for officers).

On admission to a military academy or higher education institution cannot apply for:

  • citizens of Russia with higher education;
  • citizens of Russia in respect of whom a decision has ever been made that the candidate does not meet the requirements established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens of Russia who are serving a sentence in places of deprivation of liberty, in respect of whom a preliminary investigation, inquiry or court hearing is underway, or those who have an outstanding criminal record.

Note that competition for military universities slightly less than in civilian educational institutions (on average, 3 people per place). But this indicates not so much a lack of popularity or prestige, but rather the specifics of the educational organization. Firstly, there are not so many people who want to become a military profession, and secondly, not everyone, even an absolutely healthy person, is able to pass the rigorous selection process.

A graduate of a military university is also in demand in civilian life.

Modern military universities offer their applicants a huge selection of specialties, many of which are in demand both in the Russian Armed Forces and in civilian life.

  • Firstly, these are specialties that duplicate the areas of training characteristic of civilian universities: legal and economic specialties, managers of the socio-cultural sphere, translators, social work specialists, etc.
  • Secondly, these are multifunctional specialties that, despite their “military” orientation, can be used in everyday life: for example, having received an education in engineering and technology studying at a military university, in ordinary life, a specialist can work in the field of civil or industrial construction, design, airfields, highways or transport tunnels, maintenance and management of hoisting, construction or road machines, etc.

Thus, studying at a military university allows you not only to realize your dream of a military career, but also to obtain a competitive and highly paid specialty that gives you a lasting sense of stability and confidence in yourself and your abilities.

The procedure for entering a military school is very complicated. Before you go to your place of study, you need to go to the military registration and enlistment office together with your parents. Why with your parents, if deep down you already feel like an adult, a real military man? The fact is that in the history of the educational institution there could be periods when almost completely small children were admitted there - this has been the case since then. And the management does not consider it necessary to abandon the idea of ​​agreeing with your parents not only on the issue of your admission to a military school, but also on the issue of your further compulsory education at a military university! And all this is not just in conversation, but in a special report that parents must write. The position “now you will go to Suvorov, and then we’ll see” is unacceptable.

At least in the year preceding admission, or better yet even earlier, try to study well and not spoil relations with either the class teacher or the school principal, since you will be asked for a report card with grades for the last year of schooling and a reference from the school with signatures and official seal . In this case, you need to indicate what language you studied at school, and do you know why? French, which is quite common in Russian schools, can become an obstacle to admission! For example, only those who studied English are accepted into naval secondary schools, and those who studied English or German at school are accepted into the military music school.

When deciding to enroll in a military school, the most important question is health. You need to undergo a detailed medical examination. The most unusual examinations may be required - from x-rays of the paranasal sinuses with a description and photographs to 100% sanitation of the oral cavity with the subsequent issuance of a certificate about this. For a complete list of required documents, look at two websites - the military educational institution you want to enroll in, and the military educational institution closest to you (it is possible that the military command will reconsider your choice, based on the geographical principle). It happens that this list contains everything mixed up - medical certificates, anthropometric data of the candidate (from height to shoe and headgear size), photographs with a place for a seal in the lower right corner, a certificate from the place of residence of the parents indicating the composition of the family and living conditions, documents about possible benefits and much more. In general, there are enough benefits here - and at the same time, even more documents are required from orphans (they are accepted without exams) - almost a court decision to establish guardianship. Mothers of children of fallen military personnel (such children have preferential right of enrollment) must also devote a lot of time to preparing the necessary papers.

Based on the mass of submitted documents, the admissions committee will decide whether to admit you to the entrance examination. And if a negative decision in this case is still subject to appeal, then the results of the tests themselves are no longer subject to appeal.

The competition for admission to a secondary military educational institution can be 4 people per place.

Admission campaign deadlines

Until June 20, the personal lists of candidates admitted to the entrance examinations are submitted by the school’s admissions committee to the central admissions committee.

Before July 1, the central admissions committee creates lists of names taking into account your place of residence (but regardless of which school you have chosen) and promptly sends them to the admissions committees of schools for competitive entrance tests (including the use of visiting committees) .

Until August 5, competitive lists of candidates are sent to the central selection committee, which compiles a single set of lists, which is approved by the Minister of Defense. Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on the Internet on the website of the Ministry of Defense. However, with the withdrawal of military schools from under the wing of the Ministry of Defense and their reassignment to the corresponding branches of the armed forces, such a decision will likely be made by the relevant commanders.

Hello, my dear readers!

So with this article I would like to slightly supplement the previous one. Namely, to raise this question: is it possible to enter a military school from the army.

Looking ahead, I answer the question: yes. And how is it even possible? But there are a number of nuances. Read below to see what obstacles there may be and how they can be overcome. The rest of the questions are reflected in the comments, I think that you can find everything on this topic in them: from tattoos to questions with the Unified State Exam.

What advantages does a soldier have from the army?

The undeniable advantage is the change of scenery. Wherever you serve, in six months you will get tired of everything. And changing the situation for a month and a half (if the outcome is negative) is only good for health.

As a rule, competent soldiers choose a university closer to home, because which troops you serve in and which ones you enroll in is also not particularly important.

We had a paratrooper, a marine, several infantry people join our air defense, and my deputy platoon commander served in the Air Force.

In addition, the time before you are included in the lists of a military institution is considered 1 to 1. That is, you were admitted for a month and a half, but if you were not admitted, a month and a half is counted towards your service. (Let me remind you that the training time at a military school is half, that is, a year of school and six months of military service).

Now I don’t know about the fare, but I would venture to guess that it’s free. Because for part you will be on a business trip, and the business trip is paid. So the soldier does not risk anything when enlisting.

What are the disadvantages

If you sincerely want to enroll, then the downside may be a real lag in knowledge from civilian applicants, since they are after school, and you have already been serving for some time.

In addition, there are standards for physical training. For soldiers they are overpriced and you will take the exam in military uniform. So prepare in advance. That’s how it was, now everyone is equal (note dated 01.2015).

Exam standards: 3km cross-country, 100m run and pull-ups. The bigger, the faster and the bigger, the better.

Regarding the relationship in part

And probably one of the main questions: they won’t let you go. Here I will say this: firstly, everything depends on you. If you are in good standing with the commanders, if you did not drink their blood, then they will gladly let you go. They will write a good reference, maybe even talk to friends at the place of admission. It is not hard.

But if you are a rascal, then problems may arise. And I understand such commanders (paradoxical, right? - in theory, they should get rid of bad things).

But they cannot simply let go of anyone of their own free will. Therefore, your actions are as follows:

  • I need to write a report addressed to the nearest commander like, please send me as a candidate for admission there and there;
  • wait for an answer.

You just need to do everything very much in advance. Since, by law, each commander has from 10 to 30 days to make a decision. The period is calculated from the date of registration in the combat unit. I repeat this for the scoundrels or those who for some reason fell among them. Because a good soldier will be processed in a week.

Naturally, you can lose the report and pretend that it didn’t exist. To prevent this from happening, it must be sent by registered mail with notification to the address of the unit. Such documents must be registered, and therefore they will not be able to lose your report and will be obliged to give some kind of intelligible answer.


The only obstacle may be health restrictions. It’s hard to believe, but your health may be enough to be drafted into the army, but not enough to enter a military school.

Hence a little advice: don’t go to the medical unit as much as possible, especially don’t go there if you decide to enroll in a military university. And you can ask for the required IVC result in a unit. And here, as you understand, the commander can again help or harm.

Hence the conclusion: it is possible to enter a military school from the army, but you need to be committed to this from the very beginning. Any commander can see for what purpose the soldier applied as a candidate: to avoid service or to study. Don't look for something stupider than yourself. Good luck with your application!

197 comments on ““There is an addition””

    Hello. Last year, after graduating from school, I tried to enter a military school, but they didn’t accept me for health reasons (flat feet of the 2nd degree), I had to go to a regular university, but I realized that this was not for me, I needed discipline and drill, and all the benefits they won’t be superfluous. I want to drop out of college and try to enter a military school after leaving the army. Do you think it’s worth trying or is it better to serve for a year and then decide?
    I’ll ask one more question, it seems they say that starting in 2015, a competition for certificates will be introduced in universities, so does this not apply to military universities?

    • I think it’s worth going to the military registration and enlistment office and try again to formalize the case as a military case. Because the requirements are different for cadets and soldiers. And you can serve in the army and not become fit for military service.
      As such, there has always been a competition for certificates. If the points scored are equal. So nothing will change for military universities.

      I am closing comments on this article. Since the topic of Coming from the Army has been exhausted.

    It’s very easy for us from Belarus to apply because we have our own competition, and as I understand, Russian universities are not very popular with us this time. It is much easier for us to pass physical exams. these are two standards, and thirdly, we have many cadet classes (I study in them) which make it possible to enroll without problems (there is no competition for entry from cadet schools at all).

    • The competition depends on the university. Somewhere it’s too high (the same Mozhaika last year or the border in Galitsyno), and somewhere it’s not enough. On average, there is probably also a shortage in the hospital. The state has come to its senses that there is no one to serve, and there are not so many qualified schoolchildren.

  1. Hello, can you tell us about the training of foreigners at a military university in Russia? More precisely about Belarusians.

    • Hello. Alas, I don’t really know anything. The officer trainees studied with us. We did not have Belarusian civilian cadets. And I haven’t heard that those with whom I served were in universities (motorists, signalmen, logistics officers, rabbis, political officers, physical education instructors, railway workers, chemists). Can not help.

      • Thank you. From what I managed to find out, Belarusians live and study together with Russians.

        • Which university? Maybe I have someone to ask. It became interesting for me.

          • To the Ryazan Higher Air Command School, Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin, Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, Military Institute (Railway Troops and Military Communications) of the Military Academy of Logistics, Branch of the Military Academy of Aerospace Defense, Branch of the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Cherepovets), Military Academy air defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk)

            • In my time, listeners lived and studied in Smolensk. Promoted officers. There have never been Belarusians in the special faculty. I will of course clarify. Although today this situation may only be gaining momentum since last/this year.

    Hello, I have a question, I’m currently studying in the 10th grade and things are not very good with my studies, the average score is about 4.2, I’m afraid by the 11th grade it will remain approximately the same, my physical fitness is good, I’m healthy, I hope that I will pass the EGE without problems high scores, so, is there a chance to enter a military university with bad grades and an average score in the certificate in the region of 4

    • Of course you can! Certificates are compared if all other indicators are equal, which happens very rarely.

      • Thank you very much, another question: if I pass excellently in pull-ups, 3 km running, swimming, but pass mediocre 3-4 in the 100-meter run (or 60), will my chances of getting in still be high? And I’m also not very tall, 172 cm, maybe by 11th grade I’ll be 175, does it affect anything?

        • From the end: growth is not important for most universities.
          But with physical education everything is not simple. Now she is accepted based on points. And 100 meters is a more beneficial exercise than 3 km. And swimming is generally accepted at very few universities - there are no conditions. For what and what points you can see on any website of any military man in the “Applicants” section.

    I'm going to leave the army, but I want to go to a military training center, and as far as I know, there are no barracks there, all the students live in a dormitory, and I assume no one will support me in the dormitory in the summer.

    • )) there will be more. They will put up tents, but the soldiers and non-locals will definitely not be allowed to go home. I would have no illusions. Let it be a pleasant surprise later that they will let you go. There's no point in guessing.

    And if I go to university, will I be able to spend the summer at home or will I have to spend the summer in a unit? And is it possible to wait at home for the decision of the admissions committee if your home is nearby?

    • If you are from the army, definitely in a unit (in a school), if you are a civilian, then of course you can do it at home.

    But I also heard that you can choose a Ministry of Internal Affairs university instead of a military university. Is this true?

    • I can’t answer reliably, I didn’t delve into it.

    Were they abused, that is, they enrolled in studies until the end of their military service, and then dropped out? Is it possible to do this with impunity?

    • What is the violation of the law? I didn’t like it, I chose the wrong thing, I made a mistake. Doesn't it happen? This is not a prison - this is an educational institution. If you don't like it, leave.
      The point is that until 2005, the biggest punishment for a cadet was expulsion and sending directly to the army without paying money for training (which the former soldier does not face). Then they introduced that expelled cadets pay the cost of their studies (I don’t know exactly under what conditions and how, but I know it’s expensive). Therefore, now it is completely unprofitable and stupid for the army to mow down like this.

    Hello, I have a question: can they not allow me to join another type of military? And in case of unsuccessful admission, will the travel days be included in the service period? Thanks in advance.

    • Hello! The type of troops is not important. They must be released anywhere. In case of unsuccessful admission, all days go 1:1 to the service and this was abused, especially before. We had one who even got accepted, but refused to study.

    Understood thanks.

    Do I need to indicate it in the report?) If for some reason I don’t receive it, can I go without it? Call the institute and find out whether they called me or not..

    • There is no need to write anything extra in the report. That’s the beauty of it: you can call the admissions office and find out everything two weeks before the “H” time. And you can’t, but you need to interact with them. Because school websites are made on the knees and letters are sent out the same way.

    Where will the challenge come? To the military registration and enlistment office?

    • Where do you indicate or at your place of registration. The Russian Post brought me my call.

    Hello. I have this situation. This year I will go into the army for spring conscription, most likely in April. The report on admission to the school must be submitted to the commander before March 1. The call comes until May 20, then I must be sent to a university. But it turns out I have to be demobilized in April next year and won’t be able to leave the army? And if you act as a civilian, then the application must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office before April 1, again I don’t have time. Tell me what should I do? Thank you in advance.

    • What difference does it make to come from the army or not from the army? The main thing is that the personal file ends up in the right university and the call comes. Therefore, let him be sent from the troops, and go as a free civilian, for me it’s even easier. It’s easier in terms of paperwork to prepare the case, and then with the trip itself.

    Hello! I am a contract sergeant, squad commander. Contract since May 2013. I'm 24 this May. I want to enter a military school. The question is, is it possible or not? What salary awaits me and what is the procedure for submitting all documents?

This is another article written by blog reader Gennady. The author has already noted the publication of this note: Which military school to choose. I am sure that the material published below will arouse no less interest.

All Russian military schools, specialties and the Unified State Examination for each of them are at the end of the article.

The list of military schools and cadet corps based on incomplete secondary education is HERE.

Let's start with the fact that only you are responsible for your own life. “Life is given to a person once, and one must live it in such a way that one is not painfully ashamed of the years spent aimlessly.” And the decision to become an officer should be your decision. The example of parents, an older brother, the advice of a school teacher or a military registration and enlistment office employee should not be the main motive for making such a decision. These people, who certainly want the best for you, will not be able to live your life for you, no matter how much some of them would like it.

Pros of military education

To begin with, without any pink snot, let’s figure out what advantages military education and a subsequent military career have:

1. The opportunity at the age of 17-18 to “get off the hook” and become an independent person. Look around - there are countless young people at the age of 30 living with their parents (or, even funnier, with their wife’s parents).

2. Romance of military service. You can fully experience real masculine adventures if you are lucky enough to serve in special forces, airborne forces, marines, on an active submarine or a flying airplane. Although getting there is not as easy as it seems.

3. Military service is one of the few areas of life that is a working “social elevator.” Often this is the only way for a young man from the outback, from a simple family, to get a more or less decent education, “get on his feet,” and support his family. While in other government agencies, large banks, oil companies, the principle of “Russian Railways” (relatives, wives, children), scientifically called “nepotism,” flourishes.

4. Free higher education. At a time when there are a lot of complaints about the education system in Russian society, in military educational institutions many problems are minimized. The main thing is that the theory here is close to practice, the training is targeted, specific, with an eye to results. In addition, the most serious attention, unlike civilian universities, is paid to education.

And in military educational institutions, whether you like it or not, they force you to study. From the first year, the cadet is pressured by the need to study, and to study well, and therefore the level of training of the average cadet is slightly higher than that of the average student at an average civilian university. I, of course, heard that there are also such elite St. Petersburg State University, MSTU, MEPhI and other MIPT, but we are not talking about them, but about the average level in the country. You can’t sleep during lectures at a military institute, and there is also independent training, which is provided for in the daily routine. Of course, you can hang around on your cell phone at this time, read books and do personal business, but this is in any way better than a student whose comrades are drinking in the dorm, have nothing to eat and urgently need to look for a job.

5. Scholarship (more than 15,000 rubles just for teaching you).

6. Regular free nutritious balanced meals. Students of civilian universities eat both worse and less often - I checked it personally.

7. Lack of girls. As they say, time for business is time for fun. By the way, the girls come THEMSELVES: to discos, to checkpoints, and to the back gate. Sometimes they even come WITH MOMS, but this is a topic for another conversation.

8. The salary of officers has been significantly increased in recent years. If after college you end up “wherever they send you,” you will receive your 50,000 rubles. The money is not crazy at all, but as of 2014, it is higher than the average salary in the Moscow Region, and no one will just give it in civilian life. Officers who serve in the branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the military, which in peacetime carry out combat missions according to their intended purpose (and where increased demands are placed on military personnel), receive significantly more and can live on their allowance without denying themselves anything. By a strange coincidence, service in such troops also brings a pleasant bonus in the form of preferential length of service.

9. Stability, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

10. There have been noticeable changes in the provision of housing for officers in recent years, and graduates of 2020 and subsequent years, I hope, will not encounter the same housing problems that we had in the 1990s - 2000s.

11. A military pension in adulthood is an obvious and serious plus. In addition, after retiring at the age of 40-50, there is a good chance of getting a job in a state or municipal structure, in a bank or a raw materials company. The leaders of these structures (very often former “siloviki” themselves) believe that a military person is obviously proven and more loyal. In addition, many security structures have sprung up, in whose leadership some military professions are indispensable.

Negative points

At the same time, you need to realize that the listed advantages are not given by the state for nothing. Their purpose is to compensate for the main disadvantages of military service, which I will list very briefly. So:

1. The military system is a serious test for the individual. It will temper and make a strong personality stronger, but it can break a weak one. And professional psychological selection for admission to military educational institutions is precisely aimed at weeding out weaklings at the initial stage.

2. Military service is associated with real danger to life. Moreover, this danger is connected with the defense of the Motherland only indirectly. Remember the New Year's assault on Grozny (1995), the death of the 6th parachute company (2000), the Kursk nuclear submarine disaster (2000), numerous fires and explosions in ammunition depots, etc.

3. In a modern army, on the one hand, a specialist is required to have a very high intellect to work with the most complex equipment, and on the other hand, the same person must completely turn off his intellect in order to meekly carry out any order, no matter how stupid it may be.

4. The practice of punishing commanders for the misdeeds of subordinates and unknown whose omissions in service is an integral generic feature of our army. And remember the “Ullman case”.

5. Irregular working hours and lack of full days off. Freedom of movement is limited: travel outside the garrison, and in some cases outside the military camp - only with a written report, with the permission of the unit commander. This is especially annoying when serving in the Moscow region.

6. Limited employment opportunities for officers' wives.

Your parents and friends will tell you other disadvantages, but are they right? For example, there is an opinion that military personnel are “not adapted to life.” But who exactly is not adapted to life, decide for yourself:

- a senior student at the Suvorov School (who upon admission had already passed the entrance tests in a competition of 5-10 people per place) or an eleventh grader who is being prepared by three tutors to take the Unified State Exam and enter a university?

- a cadet of the Ryazan Airborne Forces or a student of the Ryazan Radio Engineering (Ryazan girls do not have this question, their choice is clear to me - “You can’t fool a woman, she sees with her heart”)?

— or perhaps a Marine platoon leader aboard a ship in the Gulf of Aden?

- or the head of the border outpost in Tuskhara?

- captain 2nd rank at fleet headquarters?

— “little green man” in the General Staff?

- Lieutenant Colonel of the reserve in the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations department of the city mayor's office?

- a retired major - a personnel officer in the administration of the municipal district?

The decision is up to you. And your personal arguments must be reasonable and convincing. I will only note one thing: if with your soul and heart you really want to devote your whole life to the defense of the Motherland, to be an officer, to command living people and operate expensive equipment (and be responsible for them) - then this is your calling! And if, as they say, “my grandfather served, my father served, and I will go,” this is pure madness. The same as “yes, I’m for Russia with all my heart!”

List of military educational institutions

Below is a current list of military educational institutions at the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015, what specialties can be obtained in them and what exams are needed for admission:

160 comments: Military schools after 11th grade. Advantages and disadvantages

Hello, I really want to enter this institution, but there is such a problem that I am finishing my studies at Vocational School - No. 18 and graduating in January 2016, and I have a birthday in March 6, a summons comes and I don’t want to lose 1 year and maybe should I enroll in this institution?? And what is the average GPA in the subjects?? Please answer, it is very important for me!.

Hello. Subject scores are higher.

There is nothing to lose. In the year of graduation, before March 1, submit an application for military service and then your personal file will be processed not for the army, but there. And you won’t have to lose a year.

I am closing comments on this article. The topic has been exhausted regarding schools, left-wing questions here

How to enter a military school after 9th or 11th grade

When finishing school, both girls and boys have to decide what profession to choose, and they want it to be prestigious and help them develop their career. Considering these coins, many choose military educational institutions, which are always different from the so-called civilian ones.

Most often, applicants consider the following military institutions:

  • Suvorovskoe;
  • Ryazanskoe;
  • Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great.

And, of course, the Airborne Forces, because only a flight school will help in the future to begin to conquer the vast expanses of the sky.

Of course, starting a military career in such educational institutions is not so easy, because admission requires special requirements for applicants:

  • The performance must be excellent;
  • highest grade exam marks;
  • good physical fitness;
  • excellent psychological health.

So, is it possible for graduates to try their hand at it and which institution is best to enroll in? Let’s try to analyze it further.

What are the requirements for future applicants?

Before applying to the chosen military school, experts recommend that graduates analyze the selection requirements, which differ significantly from other educational institutions. If a graduate of the 11th grade enters a military institution, then the selection of applicants is carried out by representatives of the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence of the future applicant. And before this, graduates must undergo a preliminary suitability test, which will confirm or deny the possibility of their training in military educational institutions.

The main pre-check requirements are the following:

  • availability of a document confirming Russian citizenship;
  • appropriate age;
  • Diploma of completion of 11th grade and good references;
  • excellent physical and psychological health.

It is worth noting that flat feet can become a serious problem when entering military institutions. And with poor eyesight, starting a military career - both for a girl and a guy - will be very problematic.

After completing 9th grade, future cadets will be able to begin training in military educational institutions only if their parents give consent to this, and always in writing. In addition to an application from parents and the necessary documents, the future applicant must pass an entrance exam and demonstrate his physical fitness at the training camp.

If the future cadet passes all the preliminary tests with excellent marks, he will be placed in a barracks at the educational institution, where his suitability will continue to be tested under the supervision of a teacher-officer. Studying and living in barracks conditions requires compliance with strict rules; if they are violated, the applicant will be given a severe reprimand; if they violate them again, they may be expelled from the educational institution.

What documents are required for admission?

Of course, the desire and desire to start a military career is not enough to enter military educational institutions, although these points are very important for all graduates without exception. But no one will be able to become a cadet without a documentation package, so for admission you need to prepare the following:

  1. An application addressed to the director of a military institution, which is filled out using a special form and indicates the following:
  • personal data of the applicant;
  • his place of residence;
  • name of the local commissariat, its address and zip code;
  • what is the applicant’s level of education;
  • identification details;
  • contact phone number;
  • the name of the profession that is of interest to the applicant.
  1. The characterization, of course, is good, both from school and from the place of permanent work, as well as an autobiography.
  2. Photocopies will need to be made of the following documents:
  • high school diploma;
  • birth certificate;
  • passport of a Russian citizen, which certifies the identity of the applicant;
  • certificates of honor or other awards received at school for excellent academic performance and athletic achievements.
  1. Photographs size 4.5x6 in triplicate.

All of the above documents are necessary so that military institutions begin to create a personal file for the future cadet.

What exams do you need to take?

After submitting the documents, the applicant will have to pass the exams. Which exams need to be passed depends on the grade after which he enters the military school:

  1. For admission, 9th grade graduates need to pass an exam in mathematics and their native Russian language.
  2. Graduates of 11th grade are required to pass the Unified State Exam in the following disciplines:
  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • physics.

It is worth noting that the disciplines described above are basic; finding out exactly which examination subject you will need to pass depends on the profile of the educational institution, so it is best to resolve this issue with the admissions committee of the selected school when submitting documents for admission.

Final stage of admission

The last stage of admission is to check the applicant’s physical fitness. This test can be done in two ways:

  1. The exam is counted based on the physical education grades obtained at school. Of course, only those who have an excellent grade in their diploma and certificates of sports achievements should count on this method.
  2. This physical education exam, which includes the following exam exercises and standards:
  • 1000 m cross-country;
  • running at a distance of 3 km and 100 m;
  • 50m and 100m water swim;
  • 10-17 pull-ups on a sports bar.

An applicant is allowed to take the physical education exam only after examination and permission from the medical commission.

Each examination test is allowed to be taken once, that is, the applicant will not be able to retake the result on the second attempt. A second attempt is granted only if an unforeseen situation occurs while performing the exercises, for example, a hand slips off the crossbar or the applicant falls, causing a leg injury.

To summarize, we can say that if a graduate has a strong desire to master the military profession, he has excellent grades in his diploma, especially in physical education, his physical and psychological condition is excellent, and he sees himself as a military officer in the future, he should definitely try his hand at enrolling to a military educational institution for both girls and boys.

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How to enter a military school: admission procedure

The modern Russian army, equipped with the most sophisticated military equipment, is increasingly attracting young people to become an officer. Naturally, every interested young man faces the problem of how to enter a military school. First of all, the applicant faces the question of what is needed to enter a military school. Before entering, you need to study the selection rules for the chosen university, and they differ significantly from the rules of civilian educational institutions. Recruitment for military schools is carried out by local military registration and enlistment offices. The following have the right to apply for admission to military schools: boys and girls aged 16 years, but not older than 22 years (only boys under 15 years old are admitted to the Moscow Suvorov Military School); conscripts who have served are not older than 24 years of age; contract military personnel no older than 24 years of age. All these categories of applicants must meet the requirements of psychological and physical parameters.

Required list of documents: a report from a serviceman addressed to the unit commander; civilians submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office by April 20. The following documents must be attached to the application: a complete autobiography; a copy of the birth certificate; a copy of the passport pages; a copy of the 11th grade results; character reference from the school director (unit commander); medical examination results; psychologist's report; three photographs size 4.5x6; original Unified State Examination certificate. Our country has basic and higher military education. The first category includes: cadet schools; Suvorov schools; Nakhimov schools. They accept citizens under 18 years of age. Higher profile educational institutions include: higher command schools; academies; institutes.

When deciding which military school to enroll in, you should be guided by existing specializations. The profile of each educational institution corresponds to a specific branch of the Russian army. Applicants after 9th grade take entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics. Applicants after 11th grade present the results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics, Russian language, physics and must pass an exam in the direction of the school. The final stage evaluates physical fitness. Exams are possible in two versions: exam grades are formed based on the results of physical education and victories in sports competitions; Physical education exam is accepted. The exercises given correspond to standard standards. The physical training program includes: 1000 m cross-country; 100 m and 3 km run; swim 50-100 m; pull-ups on the crossbar (from 11 to 17 times). Retaking exams is not permitted.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following people enjoy benefits and privileges: orphans and children left without parental care; graduates of secondary educational institutions who received diplomas with honors or medals; graduates of preparatory courses of higher educational institutions; students after the first year of higher education institutions specializing in a military school; young people under 20 years of age, one of whose parents is disabled group I; combatants. Considering the seriousness of the requirements for applicants, you should start preparing for study at a military school in advance. You need to study well, communicate loyally at school with teachers, the class teacher, and the school principal. Actively play sports and participate in competitions at various levels. Strive for sporting achievements in the form of prizes and medals. Lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain and maintain your health at the required level.

In addition to age restrictions, military universities do not accept citizens with a criminal record or those under investigation with health concerns. If the applicant has personal achievements, you should select all certificates, diplomas of all courses, certificates of sports achievements, shooting or parachute jumping, certificates reflecting participation in competitions or olympiads. All this will help you successfully complete the competition. A modern military university trains specialists in various fields, most of whom can also work on civilian sites. Firstly, this includes specialties in economics and law, translators, managers of socio-cultural problems and others. Secondly, multifunctional specialties that allow, after graduating from a military university, to work in industry, construction, road transport, civil aviation, agriculture and other sectors of the economy.

So, the preparation of documents is as follows: you need to write an application to the military registration and enlistment office in the prescribed form; prepare documents for admission according to the list of the military registration and enlistment office or the admissions committee of the selected university; if there are benefits, the applicant attaches a document from the social protection department to the application, then instead of exams, the applicant undergoes an interview; Having passed the documents, you can prepare for exams and wait for a call to the school. Travel to take exams at a military university is free. Free accommodation and meals are provided. Applicants enjoy free medical and cultural services. A list of travel documents is obtained from the military registration and enlistment office.

The service of an officer in the Russian army is prestigious and honorable. However, enrolling in a military university is not so easy. Competitions for admission today amount to 6.10 applicants for one vacancy. To be admitted, a young person must be absolutely healthy, have received a good general education, have good physical characteristics, and have the required psychological and physiological characteristics. Only under such conditions is successful admission to the chosen military university possible. Consequently, when choosing a military career, it is necessary to prepare in advance and create the prerequisites for possessing the necessary physical, educational and psychological qualities of a person.

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Admission to military school

Military schools have always stood apart from other educational institutions. Getting into such an educational institution is not easy. Admission to such a school is associated with a number of mandatory conditions and requirements for the applicant - exams, physical and psychological tests, standards.

Types of military schools of the Russian Federation

Currently in Russia there are two types of professional military education - basic and higher. The first category includes:

  • cadet school;
  • Suvorov School;
  • Nakhimov School.

Male citizens under 18 years of age are admitted to cadet, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.

The duration of study at the school is from 2 to 4 years.

The second type of professional military educational institutions includes:

The duration of study at a higher military school is from 2 to 3 years.

Each of these types of educational institutions has its own profile specifics and professional orientation:

  • marine;
  • ground troops;
  • missile forces;
  • airborne troops;
  • railway troops;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military music;
  • military justice.

The main feature of such educational institutions is the combination of theory and practice in the learning process. Such a universal system of mastering the military craft allows one to master the art of war to perfection and train elite command staff of the country's armed forces.

Requirements for candidates

Before enrolling, you need to familiarize yourself with the selection rules existing at the educational institution. And they are diametrically different from the requirements of other educational institutions for their applicants. Thus, the recruitment of applicants for admission to a military school after the 11th grade is carried out by the draft commissions of local military registration and enlistment offices among civilians without military service experience. In this case, cadet candidates are subject to a preliminary attribution of their suitability for training in a military school.

Among the main requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation,
  • age and level of education,
  • health status,
  • level of physical fitness,
  • professional suitability based on the results of psychological and physiological testing.

Admission to a military school after the 9th grade is made only with the written consent of the parents upon submission of a special package of documents to the admissions committee of the educational institution. In addition, the little applicant is required to pass entrance exams and withstand physical tests in the form of summer training camps.

Upon successful completion of all stages of selection, a group of applicants led by an educational officer is placed on the territory of the military school to continue the entrance campaign. Here, applicants live in barracks conditions. If internal regulations and discipline are violated, the applicant may be disqualified.

Documents for admission

What else is needed for admission, besides confidence and a strong desire to become an officer? First of all, this is a package of special documents:

  1. An application addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the full name, date of birth of the applicant, address at the place of registration, the name of the commissariat and its postal code, information about the citizenship and level of education of the applicant, identification details, personal contacts and the name of the specialty for which the applicant is applying.
  2. Autobiography and characteristics from the place of study or work.
  3. Certificate of education or certificate of the student's current academic performance.
  4. A photocopy of the birth certificate, diploma, passport and documents confirming the special rights of candidates upon enrollment in the school.
  5. Three photo cards 4.5x6.

This entire host of documents is formed into the applicant’s personal file.


The next stage of admission is examinations for admission to a military school and testing of knowledge of the general education program.

To enter a military school after 9th grade, you must pass entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics.

For applicants who have completed 11th grade, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

What exams must be taken when enrolling in the military? additionally, it is necessary to check with each educational institution separately. Depending on the profile of the school, they will be different.


The third and final step of the admissions campaign is passing the mandatory physical fitness tests. There are two options here:

  1. Passing an exam based on the results of excellent grades in physical education and certificates of victories in sports competitions.
  2. Performing examination exercises in physical education.

In the second case, the standards for admission to a military school are passed strictly according to the physical standards of the Ministry of Health and only after examination by a medical commission.

In the physics program training includes:

  • 1000 m cross;
  • 100 m and 3 km run;
  • swim 50-100 m;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar (from 11 to 17 times).

There is only one attempt for each task without the right to retake it. Exceptions can only be made in unforeseen cases - falling off the crossbar, falling, etc.


With fairly high competition, many applicants are interested in the question - how to enroll in the military without a competition? In this case, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a whole system of benefits and privileges:

  • children without guardianship and orphans;
  • children who graduated from a secondary educational institution with honors or a medal;
  • graduates of preparatory courses at military schools and universities based on the results of final exams;
  • persons who have completed the first year of a civilian university in a specialized specialty at a military school;
  • graduates of other military schools and boarding schools with basic flight training;
  • persons under 20 years of age, whose one of the parents is a disabled person of group I;
  • participants in hostilities.

Thus, the military school is a good preparatory school for the younger generation to study military affairs. However, this is just a base that provides primary knowledge and skills for entering universities.

Military institutes of Russia: list for admission after 11th grade

The title “military” sounds proudly, which both boys and girls can now receive. The list of military institutes in Russia where you can enroll after 11th grade is quite wide; each of them has its own structure, rules and features, which are worth knowing about in advance.

The choice of educational institution greatly influences a person’s professional career. Yesterday you were still a schoolboy, and today you are already a student at a military institute.

Such a decision must be conscious and deliberate, and you should not rely on the opinions of friends and relatives. Only independent choice will prevent you from regretting what you have done.

Benefits of Education

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  1. Quite high wages, which is important at this stage of economic development.
  2. Career growth, many titles and positions.
  3. Opportunity to improve your skills under simple conditions.
  4. Social guarantees (medical care, housing, etc.)

The state has always supported and will continue to support this segment of the population. They stand at the post of defenders of the fatherland and only they can be relied on in difficult times for the country.

Negative aspects in the profession

All professions have negative aspects. You should pay attention to them before entering military universities, because not everyone can withstand such a load.

  1. The military profession is a constant danger to life. You never know where the service will take you. Hot spots, places of military operations, all this endangers the life and health of the defender.
  2. Service in remote places. It's very difficult to be away from your family all the time.
  3. Psychological and physical stress. You need to be self-possessed, physically savvy and mentally stable. You cannot predict what you will encounter in your service, but you should be prepared.
  4. With career growth, responsibility increases, because even more work falls on your shoulders.
  5. There is no standardized schedule; very often you have to work overtime and on weekends.

What specialties are provided for girls?

The role of a military man is always presented as a serious, stern man. But girls also go to such service. They are not afraid of difficulties, heavy workload and responsibility. The girls are ready to completely devote themselves to serving their native country.

At a military post for females there are the following types of specialties:

  1. Military doctor. You cannot do without the qualified help of doctors in the service, especially when the area is remote.
  2. An engineer and an economist, they perform their functions at headquarters.
  3. Telephone operator - receives calls, forwards faxes.
  4. Radio operator - receives and sends messages via radio.
  5. Technical specialties: foreman, mechanic, operator.
  6. Photo lab assistant.
  7. Cartographer, meteorologist for monitoring the area.

Important: one of the most significant factors influencing admission to a military specialty is health. There should be no complaints here, just like a guy, a girl should be strong and resilient.

In which educational institutions can you obtain a specialty?

This profession can be obtained both at a university specialized in the military sector, and at the department of institutes with various directions.

Specialized military institutes are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, and accordingly, admission and further education there will be stricter than at regular universities.

Among the specialized military institutes are:

  1. Higher Military Command School, Moscow - here they teach personnel management, maintenance and repair of military equipment.
  2. Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - it trains military lawyers, sociologists, translators, and has many other areas.
  3. Military Technical University of the Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation - graduates engineers in various military specializations, for example: civil engineers or mechanics.
  4. Academy named after Mozhaisky in St. Petersburg - its graduates are becoming sought-after and highly qualified engineers in various fields.
  • Military Institute of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation in Moscow - has many military specialties (law, psychology, etc.).
  • The Military Institute of Airborne Forces in Ryazan is the dream of most boys to become paratroopers. However, getting there is very difficult.
  • The Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in Orel has a legal and engineering focus in the military sphere.
  • The University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg graduates many military specialists: lawyers, managers, psychologists, etc.
  • The University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow has a large number of military specializations (law, psychology and pedagogy, economic security, etc.)
  • State institutions

    1. Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov - is considered one of the most popular institutes. It has about 40 faculties, including military specialties.
    2. The State University of Land Management also trains military personnel in various fields. Students undergo internships at their own military base, and also undergo military training and internships in military units.
    1. Moscow State University - military economists, mathematicians, and accountants emerge from its walls.
    2. Moscow Aviation University – trains specialists in the field of defense and space industry. Main directions of education:
    • Aviation;
    • Weapons;
    • Radar (detection and measurement of coordinates);
    • Avionics (the study and use of equipment on board an aircraft).
    1. State University of Civil Engineering in Moscow - engineers and commanders of military units emerge from its walls.
    2. State Forest University in Moscow - trains military specialists in aviation, rocket and space technology. It has its own training ground.
    3. The Institute of Physics and Technology in Moscow produces military mathematicians, physicists, and specialists in the field of information technology.
    4. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation - trains rifle sergeants and other military specialties.
    5. The Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University trains military motorists.

    As for the medic, such a specialty can be obtained at the Military Academy of Russian Chemical Defense named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko in Kostroma, Bashkir State Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy, and other universities in the country. Specialists in dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, etc. graduate from their walls.

    And this is not a complete list of educational institutions that produce specialists in this industry. There are a lot of them and listing them would take more than one page.

    What exams do you need to take?

    In order to enter a military institute, you will need to pass 3 exams, and which ones depend on the chosen specialty.

    There are 2 mandatory exams that are taken upon admission to any specialty - Russian language and mathematics. But the third one depends on the chosen profile; it could be social studies, physics, geography, history, computer science, chemistry or biology.

    If translator suddenly becomes your chosen specialty, you will have to take Russian, a foreign language and history.

    Military specialty has always been valued and will continue to be valued, because it trains defenders of the state. You need to choose this path consciously and purposefully; this is not a fleeting decision, it is a whole life that you will need to devote to your favorite business.

    Do girls want to enter military schools, watch the report in the following video:

    Hello! I am interested in becoming a military doctor after 11th grade. I live in the Amur region, a young man. Interested in admission conditions and universities.

    Hello! Admission conditions may vary, so it is better to first decide on the institution you will be applying to, and then look at the admission conditions. The list of institutions can be viewed on the Internet, and accordingly, the conditions for each selected university will be described.

    Hello! I want to go to a military institute after 11th grade, but I can’t decide which one. Please tell me which one is better? Preferably Moscow or St. Petersburg.

    Hello! Today, there are a huge number of such establishments. If you choose geographically, between St. Petersburg and Moscow, then here you better proceed solely from your capabilities. Think about where it would be more convenient for you to go, since the establishments are decent in both places. In general, focus on what the child likes best and submit documents. I will give a small list of such institutions in Moscow: Moscow Military Institute of the FPS FSB of the Russian Federation, Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great, Air Force Engineering Academy named after Professor Zhukovsky, and many others.

    Hello, tell me about a military institute after 11th grade. Subjects include Russian language, chemistry and biology.

    Hello. Which military institute to go to? Where you don't have to give money. And preferably closer to the Caucasus.

    Good afternoon Please tell me, after 11th grade the child wants to enter a military academy, but he has an administrative offense (driving a vehicle without a license). Will this affect admission and do we have a chance?

    Good evening! Tell me, can I get a quota or a referral from the military registration and enlistment office to a military institute?

    Good afternoon Our daughter graduates from school next year and wants to connect her fate with the military profession. We select an institution and a profession. Do you have any advice for us?

    Hello. My son plans to become a military translator. Please tell me which institute we need to go to? Thanks for the answer.

    Hello! I want to enter the university of the Federal Security Service of Russia. Please advise where it is better for a girl to do. I would like to work in the border service at the airport. I have a swimming rank, and in general I am very motivated to serve. Thank you.

    Hello! I would like to know if girls can apply here?

    Hello! Of course, you can enter such an institution after finishing 11th grade.

    Hello! I'm just entering 8th grade, but I'm thinking about enrolling. I would like to enter a military institute either in Moscow or St. Petersburg. What subjects must be taken in the entrance exams? Thanks in advance for your answer.

    Hello! Find out which military institute, there are a lot of them, and each has its own requirements.
