Exercises for developing reading technique. Exercises to develop expressive reading skills

Types of special exercises to improve reading quality in primary school students


Compiled by: O.V. Misheneva, primary school teacher

Tongue twisters for the sound [G]

There are jackdaws in the yard, and there are pebbles on the shore.
Gregory carried the pie across the threshold. He stood on the peas and fell on the threshold.
Our head over-headed your head, out-headed.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ш]

Funny jokes from Sasha and Mishutka.
Stesha was in a hurry, she sewed the shirt, but she was in a hurry - she didn’t finish the sleeve.
The jackal walked, the jackal galloped. Checkers on the table, cones on the pine tree.
Six little mice rustle in a hut.
They spank the gander with the gander and the gander.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Zh]

The train rushes by grinding: je, che, sha, sha.

I walk and repeat, I sit and repeat, I lie and repeat:
Zhi, zha, zha, zhu. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.

The snake was bitten by the snake.
I can't get along with the snake.
I've already become terrified -
The snake will eat it for dinner.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ч and Ш]

The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.
The thicket in our forest is cleaner, the thicket is thicker in our forest.

In a suitcase by a tap dancer
Brushes, rosary beads, abacus - for my aunt.
Rosaries, abacus, brushes - for the guy,
Abacus, brushes, rosary - for the nanny.
Only tap dancing - for myself.
A clear family is dancing.

Tongue twisters for the sound [H]

Four turtles have four turtles.
Four little black little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean.
The bird was stuffed with matches.
Our daughter is eloquent, her speech is clear.

Tongue twisters for the sound [Ш]

Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

Tongue twisters for the sound [R]

In the forest, the beaver and the beaver's brother work without an axe.
During a thunderstorm, the body collapsed from the load of watermelons.
There are tomatoes in Fedora's garden. Behind Fedora's fence are fly agaric mushrooms.
Millet flies into Frosya's field, Frosya takes out the weeds.
Makar gave Roman a caramel, and Roman gave Makar a pencil.
They gave the little one corn, and the little one asks for a watermelon.
The sparrows are waiting at the feeder for food, Markushka is bringing them cloudberries in her pocket.
Behind the cockroach with a drum, behind the mosquito with an axe.
The queen's gentlemen sailed to her on a caravel.
Charles stole half a crucian carp and half a carp from Polycarp.
The wise raven quickly picked fly agaric mushrooms from the ditch.
A crab crept onto the ship, crucian carp stole the gangplank.
One swarm of mosquitoes is behind the mountain, and the second swarm is under the mountain.
Open the gates, Uvar, we are carrying loads of wood.
The path is trodden along the grass.
Tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.
Early in the morning two rams drum on drums.
Roma Masha picked daisies.
The pig dug and dug, dug half a snout.
From the mountain - not uphill, uphill - not from the mountain.
The pig was stupid, dug up the whole yard, dug half a snout, but didn’t get to the hole.
The gray rams beat the drums, beat them indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.
Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka.
Three trumpeters blow their trumpets.
The nimble mink darted into the hole.

Tongue twisters for the sound [R and L]

I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.
There are three crucian carp and three carp in Polycarp's pond.
All beavers are kind to their beavers.
Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
Valya's Clara is playing the piano.
The Queen gave the gentleman a caravel.
The quail flew before the quail, before the quails.
On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.
The fellow ate thirty-three pies, all with cottage cheese.
Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

The crow missed the crow.
Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

1. Exercises aimed at developing clarity of pronunciation

Many students do not know how to regulate their breathing while reading. Breathing exercises are used to correct this deficiency.
1) Inhale through your nose - exhale through your mouth. Inhale – hold your breath – exhale. Inhale and exhale in portions.
2) “The beep is approaching and moving away”: inhale - while exhaling we say mm-mm-mm, n-n-n-n-n.
3) “Dog growl”: inhale - exhale r-r-r-r-r.
4) “Air coming out of a punctured bicycle tire”: s-s-s-s-s.
5) “Candle”: Taking a deep breath, exhale evenly and slowly, then take a deep breath, stop and slowly blow on the flame of an imaginary candle.
6) “Put out the candle”: intense intermittent exhalation, then inhale, hold your breath for a second, then exhale three times in short bursts: ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
7) A fly flew near my ear: w-w-w.

A wasp flew near my nose: ssss.
A mosquito flew and rang: z-z-z.
He sat on his forehead, we slammed him -
And they caught it: s-z-z.
Let it fly!

2. Exercises to develop the mobility of the speech apparatus: “Sound warm-up”

1) Read quickly, look carefully:


2) We read vowels with emphasis on one of them:


You can diversify this exercise by pronouncing the syllables first with emphasis on the 1st syllable, then on the 2nd and 3rd:


3) Taking a deep breath, as you exhale, read 15 consonants of one row (with sounds):

B K Z S T R M N V Z R Sh L N X

4) Read the chain of syllables:

Use these colorful three-letter word cards to teach your child how to read.

5) Read words with build-up:

Po - cook, heat, dare, drink, walked, led.

3. Exercises that develop lateral vision and practice direct gaze

1) In order for children to be able to understand the essence of the terms “lateral vision” and “right angle”, they are asked, without taking their eyes off one line, to list the objects that fall into the field of vision on the right, left, above, below.

2) Handout – Schulte table (size 20x20cm)

Usage algorithm:

    As quickly as possible, name all the numbers in order from 10 to 25, pointing with a pencil or finger;

    Try to remember the location of two or three consecutive numbers at once.

Remember! The eyes look at the center of the table, at the number 10, but see it all as a whole.\

This card can be given to students to gradually fill in the letters and sounds they have learned.

A a O o U y y I and E e

E e E e Yu yu I I

B b C c D g F f Z h D d

P p F f K k W w S s T t

L l M m N n R r X x C c


4. Exercises that develop attention to the word and its parts and are a prerequisite for correct and speed reading

Children have a poorly developed articulatory apparatus, which inhibits rapid reading, so the following exercises are relevant in 1st and 2nd grades:

1) Reading combinations of two or three consonants with vowels:

2) Read, slowly, at a moderate pace: speeding up the pace:



The sparrow_ sat_ on a branch_ and chirped.

Tongue Twisters

Lena was looking for a pin.
The pin fell under the bench.
I was too lazy to crawl under the bench,
I was looking for a pin all day.

a) Read the tongue twisters orthographically.
b) Read the tongue twisters spelling.
c) Working with tablets: children read the tongue twister in accordance with the assignment:



in a whisper

silent film (silent)

"The house that Jack built"

Children pronounce the first phrase at maximum speed several times until they succeed. Then 1-2 more words are added, which are read at the same speed. And so on until the end of the passage, repeating everything from the beginning each time, as in the famous poem “The House That Jack Built.” For example:

In some kingdom... In some kingdom, in some state... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant...

5. Exercises that develop working memory and stability of attention.

"Find the extra letter"


You can cut out any texts from old newspapers and distribute them to children.

Exercise: today we cross out only the letter I. Tomorrow – another, etc.

"Find the extra word"

Read it. Justify your choice.


"Photo Eye"

In 20 seconds, children must “photograph” the words with their eyes and answer the question “Are among these words...?” For example:


"Yes or no?"

Children listen to the sentences and determine whether it can be. If yes, when, where, why? If not, then this needs to be explained with evidence.

Snow fell, Alyosha went out to sunbathe. The car whistled at the same speed and moved forward.

This exercise is aimed at attention to the text, its conscious mastery, the ability to quickly grasp the meaning of what is being read, and accurately construct a statement.

“Add sentence”

The cat meowed...

6. Exercises that develop flexibility and speed of reading silently and aloud


The textbook page (any) is indicated, and then the text is read. Children must find the page, look for the right line with their eyes and adapt to the teacher’s reading.

Reading with word counting


1) clench your lips and teeth tightly;
2) read only with your eyes;
3) read as quickly as possible, while counting the words of the text to yourself;
4) answer the question about the text (given before reading).

Reading with a sound guide

The text is read into the tape recorder at a certain speed. Children must follow the voice of the book and have time to voice the text synchronously with the tape recorder. The check is carried out individually: touching the child’s shoulder with your hand means read aloud. It is advisable to carry out such work systematically. At the same time, the sound speed of the “sound reference” gradually increases. If there is no tape recorder in the class, you can use the game exercise “Catch up.” Children read a passage of text in chorus, in a low voice, listening to the voice of the teacher, who reads loudly, at a fairly high speed, and “reach out” for him, trying to “catch up.”

7. Exercises that promote the synthesis of perception and understanding

1) Help vowels and consonants make friends. Combine them to make the words:

2) Take out one letter from each word. Do this so that from the remaining ones you get a new word:

regiment paint slope screen trouble heat (count) (helmet) (elephant) (crane) (food) (field)

3) Add a letter to the beginning or end of a word to make a new word. What sounds are represented by these letters?

4) Connect the words of the right and left columns so that new words are formed:

"Tasty words"

Imagine it's your birthday. You need to set the table. But when choosing treats, remember that their names should consist of two or three syllables:

halva bagels tea lemonade waffles grapes cherry tangerine

8. Exercises that develop logical thinking

These exercises help develop the speed of thinking in the reading process and its awareness.

1) Perform a mathematical operation and read the word:

LOD + IM – MO + VAN – L = ? (sofa)
VER + FOX + TU – US + 0 – IL + YEARS = ? (helicopter)

2) Rearrange the letters:

A calf is sitting on a pine tree in the forest. The tail rests against the rest of the area. He knocks on the trunk with his nose, he works, he looks for insects.

(In the forest, a woodpecker sits on a pine tree. Its tail rests against the tree trunk. It knocks on the trunk with its nose, gouges the bark, and looks for insects).

3) "Search"

Can you find a connection between two seemingly unrelated events? Explain how everything happened.

The dog chased the chicken. The schoolchildren were unable to go on the excursion.

4) Learn to express thoughts in other words.
The exercise is aimed at teaching the child to use words.

This winter will be very cold.

It is necessary to convey the same idea without distortion, but in different words. None of the words in this sentence should be used in new sentences.

5) Compiling sentences with three words that are not related to each other in meaning:

lake bear pencil

For example:

We drew with a pencil how a bear catches a fish on a forest lake.

The exercise develops the ability to establish connections between objects and phenomena, think creatively, and create new holistic images from disparate objects.

9. Exercises to develop conscious reading skills

9.1. Logic exercises

1) What do these words have in common and how do they differ?

Chalk is shallow, small is crumpled, soap is sweet.

2) Name it in one word.

Siskin, swallow, rook, owl, swift. Scissors, pliers, hammer, saw, rake. Scarf, mittens, coat, jacket. TV, iron, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator. Potatoes, beets, onions, cabbage. Horse, cow, pig, sheep. Shoes, boots, slippers, sneakers. Linden, birch, spruce, pine.

3) Which word is missing?

Beautiful, blue, red, yellow. Minute, time, hour, second. Road, highway, path, path. Milk, sour cream, curdled milk, meat.

4) How are the following words similar?

Iron, blizzard, stick, clock, lamp, glass.

5) Make up a new word by taking the first syllable from each of the given words.

Ear, mouth, vase. Cora, lotto, boxer. Milk, spawning, plate.

6) Three words are given. The first two are in a certain connection. There is the same connection between the third and one of the five proposed words in brackets. Find the fourth word.

a) Song - composer, plane - ... (airfield, fuel, designer, pilot, fighter). b) School - training, hospital - ... (doctor, student, treatment, patient). c) Knife - steel, chair - ... (fork, wood, table, food, tablecloth).

7) Divide the words into groups.

Hare, peas, hedgehog, bear, cabbage, wolf, cucumber. Cow, wardrobe, chair. Sofa. Goat, sheep, table. Poppy, linden, maple, chamomile, birch, lily of the valley, oak.

9.2. Word making games

1) Find the word in the word.

thunderstorm newspaper bush
joke tray chocolate
watchmaker sliver fair

2) Complete the sentence.

In the mornings, Dr. Aibolit treats the teeth of animals: zbrey, itgyr, vdryy, ybbr .

3) Charades.

The beginning is the voice of a bird, The end is at the bottom of the pond, And the whole thing is in the museum It will be found without difficulty.


With the letter K I live in the forest. With the letter CH, I herd sheep.

(Boar - shepherd).

4) Find the name of the animals among the lines.

The pump sucks the river water,
And the hose will be extended to the garden.
There is peace among the bushes,
It's good to wander here alone.

10. Exercises to develop correct reading skills

1) Describe the object (the teacher shows it and quickly puts it away).

2) Repeat what the teacher said:

A barrel is a dot, a grandmother is a butterfly, a cat is a spoon.

3) Choose words for a given sound (from a read quatrain, sentence, text).

4) Reading words that differ by one letter.

Chalk - stranded - soap - small - crumpled; mouse - midge - bear - bowl.

5) Reading words that have the same prefixes and endings.

Came, came, sewed, brought, chorus; red, white, blue, black. yellow; doll, mom, dad, paw, spoon.

6) Reading “reversals”.

The lion ate the oxen. Go find a taxi, go.

11. Exercises to develop expressive reading

1) Reading sentences with different intonations.

2) Reading a text with the transmission of emotions (joy, indignation, sadness, pride, etc.) depending on the content.

3) Dictionary of moods.

A mood dictionary is very helpful in working on expressive reading. Every student has one. After the teacher has read the work expressively, the children place cards on their desks with words that indicate the mood they felt while reading the work. For example, children receive cards with the words:"cheerful", "joyful". Analyzing the work, we come closer to the question: what feelings did the author himself experience? And we write down other words on the board that reflect the author’s mood: (cheerful, joyful, happy, surprise, excitement ).

After such work, children read the text much more expressively, trying to convey both their personal mood and the mood of the author through reading.

"Dictionary of moods and states"

Restless, combative

Friendly, joyful

Cheerful, fearful

Whimsical, timid

Stormy. funny

Light, angry








Sleepy, sunny














Ni-ki-ta and Le-sha are friends. They go to kindergarten together. Le-shi has a sa-mo-kat. And Nik-ki-you has a gun. Not real, but toy. These boys are great guys. O-ni always do-la-tsya ig-rush-ka-mi. And they never quarrel. The two of them play and laugh. It's good to be friends!


Peti and Misha had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse is it? Did they start tearing each other's horses?

Give it to me, this is my horse.

No, give it to me, the horse is not yours, but mine.

The mother came, took the horse, and the horse became no one’s.


There was a fight between Zhuch-koy and Kosh-koy.

The cat started eating, and the bug came. Cat-ka Zhuch-ku la-sing for the nose.

Bug, grab the cat by the tail.

Cat-bug in the eye. Bug the cat behind the neck.

Te-cha walked by, carried a bucket of water and began to pour water on Kosh-ku and Zhuch-ku.


I want to drink something.

There was a jug of water in the yard, but there was no water in the jug, only at the bottom. It would be impossible for Gal-ka to get it.

She began to throw ka-mush-ki into the jug and so much so that the water became taller and could be drunk


The spring came, the water flowed. The children took it up to the cheeks, made a boat, put a boat in the water. The little girl swam, and the children ran after her, screaming, and couldn’t see anything ahead of themselves and in the blue I'm sorry I fell.

Ta-nya was coming from school. On the do-ro-ge o-na u-vi-de-la ma-lazy puppy. He sat by the fence and howled. Ta-nya po-gla-di-la puppy. He began to lick Ta-not's hand. Ta-nya took the puppy home. Do-ma Ta-nya give e-moo-lo-ka. That's why Ta-nya let the puppy sleep by the stove. The puppy got used to Ta-na. Ta-nya was worried about him.

Li-sa would be hungry. O-la lay down on the snow and closed her eyes. Are the vor-ny and not far from the li-sa. O-they wanted to peck at the li-su, but I was afraid. Li-sa lies as if dead. Then they are very close. One of them wanted to peck the fox in the tail, the other wanted to peck it in the nose. Li-sa jumped up and grabbed the stupid thing.

Misha was seven years old. Pa-pa ku-drank e-skis. Mi-sha grabbed his skis and went up the mountain. But the skis did not go up the mountain. Mi-sha took the skis in his hands and went up the mountain. You were skiing down the mountain. O-ni u-chi-li Mi-shu. Mi-sha got on his skis and began to walk. He immediately fell. The second time Mi-sha fell the same way. That's why Mi-sha na-u-chil-sya. Mi-sha came home on skis and was so excited that he learned to ski.

It was cold in winter. To the window, pri-le-te-la si-nich-ka. She would be cold. At the window at the hundred-I-de-ti. They felt sorry for the si-nich-ku. O-never opened the for-point. Si-nich-ka l-te-la in the room. The bird was hungry. Oh, I started pecking the bread crumbs on the table. All winter she lived with the children. In the spring, you were allowed to go free.

It was in winter. The mother burned the stove and went into the store.
The house was the only one left. Little Ko-lya opened the stove and stuck it in there. She smacked and fell on the floor. And there were chips on the floor. The fire glowed brightly. The children were frantic, screaming and screaming. The neighbor came running and started firing.

Odin the soldier was wounded in the arm and leg. He fell. To-va-ri-shchi-li-da-le-ko. The patient lay in bed for two days. Suddenly he hears: a snorting so-ba-ka. That would be sa-ni-tar-na-ya so-ba-ka. On her back there was a bag with a red cross: there were bandages and medicines. The ra-ne-ny per-vtvya-hall itself. So-ba-ka-be-zha-la and soon pri-ve-la sa-ni-ta-rov.
There was a spa in the past.


    How to overcome difficulties in learning to read. S.N. Kostromina, L.G. Nagaeva. – M.: Axis – 89, 1999.

    Primary school plus before and after. No. 7 2010.

    Primary school plus before and after. No. 6 2009.

    Primary school plus before and after. No. 11 2008.

    Primary school plus before and after. No. 11 2007.

    Primary school plus before and after. No. 8 2007.

    Elementary School. No. 6 2001.

    We read after “The ABC with large letters”: textbook / N.N. Pavlova; ill.A.V.Kardashuk. – M.: OLISS: Eksmo, 2011.– 64 p.: ill.


Work in primary school is difficult because students quickly lose interest in any type of work. This is especially noticeable in reading lessons. To avoid such a situation, engage the children and achieve good results, I did the following. I compiled a list of various exercises aimed at developing reading skills, known from the literature, my own experience and the experience of other teachers (task bank). I divided all types of work into three groups (although the division is quite arbitrary): tasks aimed at developing technique, expressiveness and meaningfulness of reading.


1.Reading out loud.

2.Reading to yourself.

3.Reading is buzzing.

4. Reading in chorus.

5.Reading at the pace of a tongue twister.

6. Reading in a “chain” (one word, sentence, paragraph at a time).

7.Dynamic reading. A column of 5-7 words is written on a board or card with a gradual increase in the number of letters in the words.

8. Binary reading. Two students read one text at the same time.

9. "Queue." First the teacher reads, then the students read the same text.

10. "Tug":

a) the teacher reads aloud, changing the reading speed. Students read aloud, trying to keep up with the teacher;

b) the teacher reads aloud, the children silently. The teacher stops, the students show the word where the teacher stopped.

11. "Trap" A teacher or a well-read student reads a familiar text and replaces some words with synonyms. Students are looking for this replacement.

12. "Jumping" Reading through the word.

13. “Head and Tail.” The teacher or student begins to read the sentence, the children quickly find it and finish reading it all together.

14. "First and last." Reading the first and last letter in a word; the first and last words in a sentence.

15. “Hide and Seek.” Finding a word with a certain feature in the text (begins with the letter a; consists of two syllables; with an accent at the end of the word, etc.).

16.Circular reading. A short text is read one word at a time several times.

17. “Who is faster?” A sentence is written on the board, texts are scattered on the table. At the signal, students look for this sentence in the texts.

18. “Photo Eye”:

a) on the board there is a column of words that students read for a certain time. The words are closed, the children name the words they read from memory;

b) the teacher shows a frame of the filmstrip, students must reproduce the caption for the frame.

19. "Guess":

a) anticipation of words, sentences, proverbs;

b) reading the text through the grille.

20. "Find me." Lines of letters are written on the sheets, and whole words are “hidden” between the letters. They need to be found.

21. “Counting words.” At maximum speed, children read the text and count words at the same time. Before reading, students are asked a question that they must answer after finishing the work.

22. "Scanning". In 20-30 seconds, students “scan” the text with their eyes in search of important information.


1. Articulation: vowels and consonants, syllables of various types.

2.Reading difficult to pronounce words (democracy, excavator, escalator).

3.Reading tongue twisters.

4. "Endings". Increased requirement for clarity of word endings. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

6. “In one breath.” Take a deep breath, read the sentence from beginning to end.

7.Selective reading of interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

8.Reading one sentence with different intonation.

9. "Echo" The teacher reads 1-2 lines of the poem, the students repeat it with the same intonation.

10. "Acceleration". One sentence is repeated several times, gradually increasing the tempo and strength of the voice.

11.Text markup: pauses, logical stress, strengthening and weakening of voice.

12.Reading-singing. The motive of a familiar song is chosen and the text of a poem or short story is sung.

13. Reading with the mood. One student reads the text, the others must guess its mood.

16. Reading by roles.


19. Announcer reading. The text is divided into parts, each “speaker” prepares in advance to show a reading sample. The teacher works with each “speaker”.

20. Reading competition. Students prepare independently.


1. Vocabulary work. Reading words and explaining their lexical meaning.

2.Titling the text.

3. Dividing the text into parts, drawing up a plan.

4. Determination of the theme of the text, the main idea.

5.Determination of text type.

6. Selection of illustrations for the text.

7.Use the illustration to determine the content of the text.

8. Compiling a filmstrip. The text is divided into parts and distributed among the children. The student reads his passage, draws a picture for it, and writes a short caption. All drawings are attached to each other and used for a brief retelling.

9.Selective reading. Find in the text a description of the hero, nature, etc.

10.Work on teacher questions. Textbook or student.

11. Reading to prepare for the retelling.

12. “Missing word.” The teacher reads the text and skips one word. Children must insert a word that matches the meaning.

13. Restoring the logical sequence of the text. Articles from magazines and newspapers are cut into pieces, mixed and given to the student in an envelope.

14.Text recovery. A small text is written in large letters on a piece of paper and cut into small pieces. A team of 2-3 people restores the text. The task can be complicated if you put pieces from other texts into the envelope or mix several articles.

15.Distribution of proposals. In grades 1-2 according to the teacher’s questions, in grades 3-4 – independently.

16.Phantograms. Various fantasies when working with text:

a) in a well-known text, one condition changes (hero, season, location, etc.). Students fantasize about how the content will change;

b) come up with a continuation of the story;

c) all students are given sheets of paper on which 2-3 phrases are written (the same ones). This is the beginning of the story. Then everyone continues in their own way. Then the stories are read out and the best ones are determined.

17. Compilation of crossword puzzles based on the text.

18.Quizzes on one large work or several small ones.

19. Mini-essays for the purpose of analyzing the character or actions of the hero.

20. Selection of riddles for words from the text.

21. Selection of proverbs and sayings that reveal the theme of the text.

22. Compiling puzzles for words from the text.

When preparing for a lesson, I select several exercises from the bank (depending on the class, text, lesson goals, etc.) and mark them on the list. You can clearly see which tasks have already been completed and what still needs to be worked on.

At each lesson, the following types of tasks are performed: work on articulation, learning tongue twisters, vocabulary work, buzz reading. To work on reading technique, I use one exercise several lessons in a row. After the children get used to the task and most begin to complete it successfully, I choose a new task. Work on the formation of expressiveness and meaningfulness of reading is carried out at a slow pace. Sometimes the same task is completed within 1-2 months.

This kind of work allows you to achieve good results.

The task bank is constantly updated. The work begun will be continued in the next academic year.

A huge role in the upbringing, education, and development of schoolchildren is given to reading. Reading is not only an academic subject that a child needs to successfully master, but also a subject through which he will master other disciplines. Therefore, one of the current topics of primary school is the formation of the skill of correct, fluent, conscious, expressive reading.

As experience shows, those students who read a lot usually read quickly. In the process of reading, working memory and stability of attention are improved. Mental performance, in turn, depends on these indicators. It is impossible to read aloud for a long time, because... reading out loud as a means of extracting information is unrealistic. When you read silently, your reading speed increases significantly. At the same time, scientists and practitioners agree that most students have a reading speed of 120 words per minute. Then the question arises: how to reach this level? How to teach a child to read consciously and correctly, develop the skill of working with different types of texts, and determine the level of reading comprehension? How to lead students to understand the meaning of the text, to understand and remember the terms of an arithmetic problem, grammatical rule and task during a single reading, to teach them to isolate the main thing in a scientific educational article or educational text? How to make reading lessons and the reading process itself a joy for the student? Probably every teacher thinks about these questions and everyone tries to solve them in their own way.

Working with children, I noticed that students always read better, with interest, when they study the ABC book. Checking reading technique at the end of the first half of the year always shows that almost all students read the prescribed norm (15-25 words per minute). Interest in reading is lost, children begin to read poorly from the second half of 1st grade. And in order to prevent this, from the second half of the year it is necessary to put the technical side of reading in the foreground.

Interest in reading arises if the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives for reading. One option for improving reading quality in the early grades is targeted management of reading instruction. In the process of work, I try to develop the skills of conscious reading and the ability to independently work with text with the help of special exercises and methods of action that actively influence the basic parameters of reading: comprehension, technique, expressiveness.

The following exercises are used to improve reading skills:

  • Exercises aimed at developing clarity of pronunciation.
  • Exercises that develop attention to the word and its parts and are a prerequisite for correct reading.
  • Exercises that develop working memory and reading skills.
  • Exercises that develop flexibility and speed of reading aloud and silently, and the ability to guess the subsequent text.

Exercises to promote clarity of pronunciation

It is known that a person who begins to read aloud does not open his mouth enough and articulate sounds, therefore, in order to avoid monotony and unclear pronunciation, such exercises must be given every time before reading. Practice at home in front of the mirror.

Blow out the candle

Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle. Imagine that there are three small candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three proportions. Blow out each candle. Imagine that you have a big birthday cake in front of you. There are many small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as possible, making the maximum number of short exhalations.

Spray the laundry with water (one step, three, five)

Take a deep breath and simulate splashing water on your laundry.

Exhale with a count

Take a deep breath, and count loudly as you exhale until you run out of air. Using tongue twisters (in unison):

Like on a hill, on a hill

Cost 33 Egorki (deep breath)

One Yegorka, two Yegorkas...

(and so on until you exhale completely).

It should be noted that after just a few classes there is enough air for a larger number of Yegoras.

Speech warm-up

Tongue twisters, pure twisters, exercises in clear pronunciation of paragraphs and stanzas.

Reading combinations of vowels and consonants

Working with the consonant table.

Students take a deep breath and, as they exhale, read 15 consonants of the same row:

Reading blocks

Reading syllables, three-letter combinations and words using tables.

Exercises that develop attention to the word and its parts and are a prerequisite for correct reading

Reading words with a common root

Reading words with different roots but the same endings.

Reading aloud unknown words from the text

Installation reading

To develop correct reading, the technique of mutual checking is used: the student reads a text of 1-2 paragraphs to his neighbor, who monitors the correctness and notes errors. Then the roles change - the other reads the next two paragraphs. All students are engaged in reading, and the teacher records each student's reading accuracy on his list once a week. Thus, the teacher has a picture of reading, and children are taught to pay attention to the text.

Exercises that develop working memory and reading field

Each set contains 6 sentences, but it is no less effective to use sets of 5 sentences, since children in grades 1-2 still get tired quickly and for them this is a lot of work. The peculiarity of the sentences from the sets is as follows: if the first sentence contains only two words “The snow is melting” - 8 letters. The length of sentences increases gradually, one or two letters at a time. The working time for all sets is approximately two months.

One set of sentences is written on the board, but you can also prepare written sentences on sheets of paper, then you don’t need to spend a lot of time writing on the board. Cover with a sheet of paper. Then the sheet is moved down so that one sentence is visible, and the children read to themselves for a certain time (it is indicated in the table), trying to remember this sentence. After the time has passed, the teacher closes the sentence or erases it and asks them to write it down in their notebooks. This is followed by exposure, reading, and memorization of the second sentence. After the proposal is closed, it is also written down in the notebook.

It is advisable to write down sentences during a reading lesson, since in this lesson children work a lot orally, but writing down sentences will serve to change the type of activity. This work takes from 5 to 9 minutes. It is better to make notes in a separate notebook so that such work does not affect the grade in class work.

An indispensable condition for performing visual dictations is that they must be carried out daily, only then will they bring the expected result.

After only a month of training, the first successes in learning to read appear: children more easily grasp the meaning of sentences and read more willingly. In two months, RAM develops so much that a child can remember a sentence consisting of 36 letters, that is, six to eight words. Now he easily grasps the meaning of a sentence, it becomes interesting for him to read, and therefore the process of learning to read goes much faster.

Exercises that develop flexibility and speed of reading aloud and “to oneself”, the ability to guess the subsequent text

Exercise "Lips"

At the command to read “to oneself”, children put the finger of their left hand to their tightly compressed lips, which reinforced the psychological attitude towards silent reading. As the children got used to reading without external signs of pronunciation, the command “Lips” was given less and less often, and, finally, was completely canceled.

Exercise "Guess"

The “Guess” exercise is learned in two versions:

  • The teacher distributes cards with sentences that do not have the endings of individual words. By reading these sentences out loud, he encourages children to read them “to themselves,” verbally filling in the missing endings. Then the children read these sentences independently.
  • Texts with numbered sentences are offered on cards, individual words in which are deprived of endings. The missing letters are placed on the back of the cards. Children read the text to themselves, trying to understand its content. In case of difficulties, it was allowed to use the key. Anticipation testing was carried out after reading.

Exercise "Finish"

The teacher names a word (or group of words) from the textbook to which the children must “silently” read the text as quickly as possible. Having read to the given word, the children raise their hand. The teacher selectively checks the correctness (the children showed him the given word). To prevent sliding through the text and stimulate attention, it is necessary to ask questions about the content of the read part of the text.

Exercise "Photo Eye"

Columns of four-, five-, and six-letter words are written (photographed) on transparent film and shown one at a time; the time of presentation of each word was fixed: 1.0; 0.75; 0.5; 0.25 seconds. Children read words from the screen silently. To control, after every ten words the teacher asks whether such and such a word was presented. At the same time, the named word might not be in this top ten. The “Photo Eye” exercise later includes, along with words consisting of six letters, a phrase of two or three words consisting of seven to nine letters, also counting the space between words.

Exercise "Tug"

The teacher reads the text loudly, varying the reading speed in accordance with a pre-planned plan within the limits of the students' reading speed. Children read this text “to themselves”, trying to keep up with the teacher. Thus, they learn to change the speed and rhythm of reading in appropriate connection with the content and structure of the text itself.

Checking children's attention and compliance with reading speed is carried out by suddenly stopping the teacher on a word and repeating it. Children must also stop at this word and indicate the last word, and the teacher, walking between the rows, makes a spot check.

Exercise "Lightning"

The “Lightning” exercise consists of alternating reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed accessible to everyone, reading silently and reading aloud. The transition to reading in the most accelerated mode is carried out by the command “Lightning!” and lasts from 20 seconds (in the beginning) to two minutes (after mastering the exercise). Training is carried out several times during each reading lesson.

"Reading with stops"

Children read up to the given word (phrase, paragraph) and stop. Next, they think about how the actions will take place and predict the plot of the work. .

Didactic simulators and didactic training aids for reading

Experience shows that the use of didactic simulators and didactic training tools introduces elements of novelty and entertainment into the educational process, arouses great interest among schoolchildren, especially younger ones, and stimulates their attention. Working with simulators takes on an emotional overtones. All this significantly increases the efficiency of the teacher’s work.

With the help of didactic simulators, the conditions of a specific didactic task that students must solve are very quickly recreated. By saving time on reproducing the conditions of the task (and this is what sometimes requires a lot of time, especially in elementary school), it is possible to significantly increase the number of such task-operations and provide intensive training for students in the activity being practiced and in performing the necessary actions and operations and so on.

Didactic simulator “Grid”

The “Grid” simulator is a set of quadrangles cut out of thick paper measuring 16x10 cm. Windows measuring 6x1 cm are cut out in each quadrangle. The grids differ in the width of the partition. In grid No. 4, all partitions between the windows are 4 mm. In grid No. 5 the partition width is 5 mm, in No. 6 - 6 mm.

Text reading training begins with grid number 4. It is superimposed on the readable part of the page and gradually moves down. When a grid is applied to the text, perpendicular partitions block some sections of the text (letters, letter combinations, words).

Students, perceiving the elements of texts visible in the windows, must mentally fill in the sections of the line blocked by membranes, restoring the meaning. If the logical connections of the content are lost in certain places, you can allow the grid to be moved 2-3 mm to the left or right to increase the field of visible text. To facilitate the restoration of blocked sections of the text, you can proceed to reading in a low voice.

Reading training with a grid lasts no more than 5 minutes continuously and is replaced by reading without a grid for 2-3 minutes. The total training time is no more than 10-15 minutes. Grid No. 4 should be changed to No. 5 when a feeling of easy reading appears.

Thus, if you systematically carry out exercises to improve reading technique in the first half of lessons, starting from the first grade, you can teach students to read, cultivating their love of reading.


  1. Baranova E.E., Razumovskaya O.K. How to teach your child to read. - M., 2003.
  2. Volokshina M.I. Belgorod teachers master modern teaching technologies // Primary school. - 1998. - No. 1.
  3. Zaitsev V.N. Reserves for learning to read. - M., 1991.
  4. Kolganova N.E. Teaching full reading of children's literature // Primary school. - 2005. - No. 6.
  5. Lokakova N.I. How to overcome slow reading in schoolchildren // Primary school. - 1998. - No. 18.
  6. Omorokova M.I., Rapoport I.A., Postolovsky I.Z. Overcoming difficulties. - M., 1990.

Exercises to develop reading skills for primary school children

The main goal of these exercises is to improve reading skills, since poor reading technique invariably affects reading comprehension.For a beginning reader, understanding a word read often does not come along with reading, but after it, when he traces the entire letter sequence.

Gradually the eye gets the opportunity to run forward and understanding occurs along with reading. We list the most significant exercises in this set:

1. Read columns and lines of words in whole words in a circle, repeating after each all the previous words as quickly as possible. FOR EXAMPLE: HOUSE, HOUSE - TOOTH, HOUSE - TOOTH - NOSE, HOUSE - TOOTH - NOSE - FOREST, HOUSE - TOOTH - NOSE - FOREST - CHEESE,...

2. Read function words as one word with the word to which they relate. For example: in the forest, along the river; and said.

3. Read the tongue twister many times from beginning to end “ round" gradually increasing the reading speed, showing the word being read with your finger. Have a competition using seconds.

4. Choose 2-3 sentences, read the first word, and then, quickly repeating the first word again, read the second; Having repeated the first two, read the third and so on until the end. FOR EXAMPLE: “XIE LI”. "SELLING GEESE." “GEESE SAT ON THE WAVE.” “GEESE SAT ON THE WAVE IN THE EVENING” Try to read the previous words faster each time, when you reach the end of the sentence, read it again.

5. Do exercises on placing logical stress (highlighting the most important words in your voice. Read, placing logical stress in the question and answer:

Is this the cat Maruska?This is the cat Maruska.

Is this the cat Maruska? This is the cat Maruska.

Is this the cat Maruska? This is the cat Maruska.

6. Do exercises to regulate the pace of reading.

Reading pace: SLOWLY, but in whole words, smoothly. AVERAGE - reading standard with all the rules of expressiveness. FAST is a tongue twister.

7. Reading passages at different paces.

a) Reading, with a change in the strength of the voice: QUIET - NORMAL - LOUD; LOUD - QUIET - NORMAL;

8. Read just forward, without repeating what you read. When reading a sentence, try to remember similar pictures and try to convey your attitude towards what you read.

9. Choose 2-3 sentences and read them in turn with an adult, recording the time:

Adult: 23 sec, 21 sec, 19 sec, 17 sec.

Child: 1 min.16 sec, 1 min., 50 sec., 46 sec.

Next, specific tasks are proposed according to the type of which each teacher can create similar. The purpose of these exercises is to improve the technical success of reading of a primary school student without violence, based on the development of interest in this type of activity.

1. . Find words in each column that differ by one letter. Connect them with an arrow.

WASP poppy

cat mustache

Mouth whale

cancer horn

2.Tell me how they are similar and how they are different.


3.K pronounce each subsequent syllable louder, then quieter:

Ra-ru-ry-ri-re-re. for-zu-zy-zi-za-zya

4. Correct mistakes.

It hits like a fish hitting honey.

A lazy person and a scoundrel are two native gates.

5.Read the sentences with question and answer intonation.

in autumn rooks fly south. in autumn rooks fly south. Rooks in autumn fly away South. In autumn the rooks fly away South.

6.Read and write the names of the birds. For this

you need to rearrange the syllables.


Read the words in columns and lines “in a circle”


and the whale



at the cat's




grow on a beaver

moths crickets


at the walrus



let go



and the fox


Change all the words in the first column according to the model fox - fox.

Change all the words in the third column according to the model; foxes - fox

7. Read the tongue twister, read one word at a time.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

8.Read, chanting one word at a time. Where will you pause and take a breath?

The bear picks more than one berry at a time, but sucks the entire bush.

9.Read the sentence with intonation: surprised criticism, condemnation, indignation.

What a greedy bear you are!

10.Read: first quietly, and finish reading very loudly; start very loudly and finish very quietly.

Look, if you overeat, your stomach will hurt.

11. What do they look like in your opinion? Connect the words with arrows.

Wolf careful, cunning.

The fox is angry and greedy.

Hare thrifty, timid.

12. Place the mixed up syllables correctly:




13. Find and write five words that are hidden in these syllables:



14.Find a name on each line and write it next to it.


SASHAITEUBLT _____________

ONMAKNGTANYA _________________

15.Read the sentences. Watch your inhalation and exhalation.

There was a thunderstorm (inhale) and thunder. There was a thunderstorm and thunder, (exhale). Sasha couldn’t hear (inhale) whether the storm had passed.

Why are whales silent? Do not say anything.

Why are whales silent? Do not say anything.

Why are whales silent? Do not say anything.

17. Read the sentence with intonations: surprise, doubt, joy.

"It's nice in the forest in autumn!"

17.a) Accompany the phrase: “I am very happy” with various gestures:

Extend your hand joyfully in greeting,

Pull your hand away in fear

Threaten your finger angrily

Shrug your shoulders indifferently

Call slyly to yourself.

18.Read the words in order of increasing action:

passed, passed, ran

19.Match the proverbs on the left side with the half on the right.

Learning is light, but one is guided by the mind

They meet you by their clothes, and there will be no boredom

Don’t sit idly by, ignorance is darkness

20. Correct the mistake.

A horn to the ears - even sewn strings.

21.Read the tongue twister “in a circle”, increasing the speed.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

22. Read the sentences, distributing your breathing correctly.

(inhale) And his house has no stove (inhale) - \just a doghouse, (inhale) \and there is straw laid down there, (inhale) \and he is not cold.

23.Which syllable must be added to form words? Write these words.

Miss___ rep___ mass____ bowls___ lies_____

24. The names of animals were hidden among the letters. Find and underline.





Use "/" pauses.

The fox drags the children a mouse, a bird, or a hare. Sits aside and watches like fox cubs catch prey learn to catch.

26. For these words, choose words with the opposite meaning.

Deep-? Long-?

Clean - ? Sad- ?

Sit down - ?

27.Read prepositions with words as one word.

Fishing from water to riveron the shore behind the float

28. Correct mistakes.

In the absence of fish, the tank is fish.

Fashion does not flow under a lying stone.

Buy a whale in a bag.

29. In what order can these words be put?

Stream, puddle, pond, river, sea, ocean, lake

30. Read the words and find among them those that can be read backwards.



31.Answer. Who's flying? Running? Floats?

Magpie, dog, sparrow, pike, hare, bream, crow, stork, seal, bullfinch, crane, bee, giraffe, mouse, perch, wolf, tit, shark.

32. Cross out the letters that are repeated twice. What is written?


33. Buratino underlined the letters as in the example: A and B. Find the mistakes.

Y Ts U A K E N A N G Sh B Sh Shch D F H Ъ F A Y V A P E R O L E D J E A Y H S E B I A T B Y Y C B
