Kostyria, Ivan Sergeevich - The Tale of the Solar Brothers. Sunny country Tale of solar brothers

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# study


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https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image002_21.gif" alt="Sunny country" width="468" height="121 src=">!}

Ulyanovsk, 2012

The image of the sun V culture Russian people

Target:on basis analysis works Russian popular creativity formulate image sun.

The sun is the oldest cosmic symbol known to all peoples, it means life, Source of Life, light.

The sun is a heroic and courageous force, creative and guiding, the beginning of earthly life, plants, animal world.

In the Christian world the sun is symbol of immortality and resurrection. As a heat source, the sun represents vitality, passion, courage and eternal youth. Like, it symbolizes knowledge, intelligence.

In the culture of the Russian people, the Sun is mostly masculine. Christians have the sun God the Father, the ruler of the universe, radiating light and love, the divine principle in man.

In literature, the morning sun birth symbol and awakenings. In addition, the Sun denotes a heroic beginning.

In fairy tales, most often, not the word sun is used, but the sun, which indicates a respectful attitude towards the object. Also, in most cases, not one word is used, but with an adjective: red sun. In a fairy tale "Brother and sister» the heroine is compared with the sun: Martha the Beautiful, that the sun is red. In this case, “red” means beautiful, which confirms another expression from this fairy tale: Arms up to the elbows in gold, legs up to the knees in silver, a red sun in the forehead, and a bright moon in the back of the head.

Fairy tale "Sun, Moon and Raven Voronovich" speaks of the Sun as an active character, on a par with human heroes. Most often, the Sun appears in the male role. The sun marries a girl: "the sun is a beloved, significant person."

In a fairy tale "Yuvashka White Shirt" tells about a king who had no sun, moon, stars and midnight, and this was the greatest misfortune. Here the sun is compared to wealth.

Fairy tale " In the forehead is the sun, on the back of the head is a month, on the sides of the star " compares the Sun with beauty: the sun is in the forehead, and the month is on the back of the head, on the sides of the star.

In a fairy tale "Frost, Sun and Wind" It is said about the power of the Sun: Is there anyone stronger than the Sun!

The sun in fairy tales plays a positive role, is regarded as a blessing and a giver of blessings, in almost all fairy tales the sun is wealth.

M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun"

K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun"

"Before Sunrise"

M. Gorky "Children of the Sun"

Ivan Kostyria "The Tale of the Solar Brothers"

M. Lermontov "The Sun"

How beautiful the winter sun

When, wandering between the gray clouds,

On the white snows in vain

It throws a weak beam! ..

That's right, young girl

Your image shines before me;

But your gaze, promising happiness,

Will it revive my soul?

And Akhmatova "Memory of the sun ..."

Yellow grass.

The wind blows with early snowflakes


It no longer flows in narrow channels -

Water freezes.

Nothing will ever happen here

Oh never!

The memory of the sun in the heart is weakening.

What is this? Dark?

Maybe! .. During the night he will have time to come

The sun is shining in the sky

Dew glistens on the grass.

Only the morning comes -

The sun's ray comes running

And looks out the window.

play with us a little

Wants sunshine in the morning.

He says: - It's time to get up!

And calls us all to the yard -

warm summer conversation

The sun's ray continues

Invites you for a walk.

The summer sun rises

They ring the bell.

Geese walk in the meadow

Summer morning is met.

Ducks quickly from the yard

Everyone rushes to the river in the morning.

The river runs away.

mischievous clouds

Meet over the river

And bathe in the river.

Wind wanders in the field.

The cornflower blooms.

And the daisies are growing

In the meadow and everyone is dreaming

Meet in a summer bouquet

To remember summer.

Keeps everyone warm

Hot, bright sun circle.

Summer gave us:

River, field, forest and there -

Everywhere the sun's rays.

How hot!

Oh, the Sun, God's creation!

You shine for us from the universe.

I love you with all my heart.

You give joy a sip,

Your flow of heat has not dried up,

Your rays envelop the Earth

And I rejoice and listen to them.

In your rays of love, a sprout

And now I'm looking for the east,

The whole world is subject to your rays

And your face is colorful and clear.

And suddenly there will be a stain,

We can't see him.

For my ancestors, you are Yarilo;

And God's image showed them,

They prayed to you in the morning

And I will repay my debt to you.

In your rays I will sow the field,

So that you can groom him

And the harvest would come

And I would give you tribute.

You are the measure of a happy life,

But you also created the desert.

You can give joy

But you can also kill.

You gave life to many

And you served my ancestors

In your rays lived happily;

And they created, and they created,

And they left us a legacy

Your divine kingdom

And we need to transform it

It is beautiful to live, to give birth to children,

If only - my luminary;

You always rose in the morning!

Fedor Tyutchev

The sun is shining, the waters are shining,

A smile on everything, life in everything,

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

The trees sing, the waters sparkle,

Love dissolves the air

And the world, the blossoming world of nature,

Intoxicated by the abundance of life.


Let's be like the sun! Let's forget about

Who leads us on the golden path,

We will only remember that forever to another,

To the new, to the strong, to the good, to the evil

Brightly we strive in a dream of gold.

We will always pray unearthly

In our earthly desire!

We will be like the Sun always - young,

Gently caress the fiery flowers,

The air is clear and everything is golden.

Are you happy? Be twice as happy

Be the embodiment of a sudden dream!

Just do not hesitate in motionless peace,

To eternity, where new flowers will flare up.

Let's be like the sun, it's young

This is the precept of Beauty!


The sun is watching from the sky

Millions of years.

The sun pours down on the earth

And warmth and light.

But the sun will shine

And walks away

And a living heart

Warm day and night.

So the heart is better

the sun itself.

no clouds

Don't overshadow him!

D. Gulia. Marshak


The sun shines very brightly

Warms gently and gently.

Early in the morning in my window

Looked important.

Touched by the beam

To a rosy cheek.

Illuminated everything around.

Beam - I'll squeeze it in my hand.

I won't let him go

Let my hand warm.

In it I will find summer,

Not everyone can do that.


So the Sun once quarreled with the Moon:

“You can’t,” he says, “you equal me:

I've just jumped from Fethidin's bed,

I will darken all the stars

And you turn pale in front of me

You dare not resist my radiance

Spring has come to us again

And woke nature from sleep,

Birds and animals, trees, flowers

After a cold winter!

Clear warm sun

He smiles happily at everyone.

Suddenly the rain will rustle from the sky, it will shed.

It will bloom brightly around!

Soft and gentle breeze

Calls us for a walk in nature -

In the field and the forest, on the lawn to play,

Meet the rainbow in the sky!

East all year round

In the morning the sun rises

Washed away by the rain

Rolls with a fireball

On the path of heaven

To come to the west.

Goes to bed in the evening

In the clouds - your bed.

The cloud hides behind the forest,

The sun is watching from heaven.

And so pure

Good, radiant.

If we got him

We would kiss him.

In the blue sky

The sun is playing

bright beams

Illuminates the earth.

The sun is a golden sun

You are so bright!

It's probably summer

It will be very hot.

On the hill, on the lawn

The sun is shining brightly.

It's good that it's so light

The sun is my sun!

flowers bloom,

Leaves appear.

This sun gives light.

Hello from me!

The clouds came running

Blocked out the sun

And spring rain

Knocked at the window.

But then again

The sun began to shine.

It's good that it's so light!

The sun is my sun!

The sun extended a golden ray,

He says to Alyonushka: play with me.

Alyonushka is angry: there is no time to play,

We were given a difficult task to solve.

And then the radiant looked at us,

Smiled merrily at children and old people.

It became very joyful for people in the yard:

Boys and girls - glorious kids.

Grandmother exclaimed: My sun,

You see, I hung clothes here to dry.

I hoped for you, my friend, in the morning,

I will do all the work, I will be in time.

The sun is enough: there is a need for me,

I will help people on Earth.

Looks, and Alyonushka went out onto the meadow,

She turned to the Sun: Where are you, my friend?

Play with me and my cat

And I'll solve the problem later.

The sun tried, warmed her palms,

And shone brightly on the sides of the cat.

It's time for everyone to go home.

And it's time for the luminary to hide behind the mountain.

Cheerfully said goodbye to the sun of the kids,

Tomorrow come to us, Sunshine, in the morning.

Alyonushka thinks: how good,

(She made the right decision).

After all, I got the job done very quickly.

Well, thanks, Sunshine, we're friends now.

In the middle of spring on the street

Buttercup admiring the sun:

- Interesting you, the sun!

We must be family!

You are beautiful and yellow

And it looks like me!

The sun stayed with Tanya.

Five on the right, five on the left:

Who worries early in the morning?

Who frolic outside the window?

This sun is like bait

The beam was thrown into my house.

Trills woke me up.

What is the chorus in the morning?

The birds were singing loudly

This is a bird baby.

Who hung on the trees

Emerald eyes?

From swollen mature buds

The sprouts break through.

What is happening with nature?

I fell asleep - it was Winter.

Maybe I'm dreaming all this?

They say: "Spring has come!"

Here I will substitute the palm of the sun -

Maybe it will give the sunset beauty?

I'll take just a little

Well, I'll take a lot to my mother.

Mom will be surprised, smile,

Quietly say: "My sun ..."

And my mother's heart will wake up

Depart from gray sad dreams.

And mommy will see what's next

Her sun, that I am near.

Let him understand: we do not need more.

Two of us? Well, we are family!

The sun is welcoming in the window

The ray stretched out mischievously.

Glides on the cheek: "Get up, Seryozhka,

Play a little with me!"

As if unraveling the mystery of the dawn,

My son is squinting from sleep.

Splashes of light from the window

Fidget - girl-spring.

I looked, and again on the roofs,

She ran, ringing merrily.

And Seryozhka whispered: "I heard

As she called me with her.

Here's a ray of sunshine creeping

Vikusha is already waiting for him.

She opens the window

Gives him his hands.

He lay down to rest a little.

Breathe pancake air -

And tired of a long journey.

Decided to take a nap at the window.

The ray ate the smell,

The window sill has already warmed up -

And to know it's time for him to crawl:

"And you, Vikusha, wait tomorrow."

A ray does not always come

And Vika is sad at the window:

And the rain tediously pours and pours

Vikusha does not let him walk.

Vika knows, mom tomorrow.

Bake pancakes for breakfast

The ray will not pass by

Do not knock on the window will enter.

To us the rays fly from the sun -

Gold: red, blue,

This sun is laughing so hard

With its beautiful rainbow.

And when the rays pass

Through this height

In the sky they find rain

Paint the sky on the fly.

If the sun is a bowl of porridge,

Where is the big spoon?

If the sun is a ball

Why is it slow to jump?

If the sun is a slice of cheese

Why can't I see holes?

If - a ball of caramel,

Why wasn't he eaten?

The sun burns like a stove

The sun shines like a candle

Warms the heads of babies

Maybe the sun is sick?

Gingerbread man without handles-legs,

chubby, yellow-skinned,

The king in heaven, the most important,

Is he more important than mom?


The sun shines very brightly

Warms gently and gently.

Early in the morning in my window

Looked important.

Touched by the beam

To a rosy cheek.

Illuminated everything around.

Beam - I'll squeeze it in my hand.

I won't let him go

Let my hand warm.

In it I will find summer,

Not everyone can do that.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image013_8.gif" alt="Fables" width="219 height=75" height="75"> !}

J. La Fontaine, fable "The Sun and the Frogs"

In the face of the king, a stronghold shone from all evils

Had daughters of marshes;

No poverty, no war, no burden of other disasters

The frog did not burden the tribe:

His power grew and spread.

But no matter how well the ponds lived queens

(We call the Frogs that way because

What a loud name to give things and persons

It doesn't cost anything.)

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image015_9.gif" alt=" Riddles about the sun." width="298" height="70">!}

1. Big sunflower in the sky,

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer

And there are no seeds!

2. Not high, not low,

Not far, not close.

Floats in the sky Shar-

Hot like a fire.

3. Above the forest Kolobok.

Kolobok is a hot side.

And how to hide behind the forest.

Orange in the sky

4. Yellow Beret

Dressed for heaven.

5.Gold Coin

Rolled over the sea.

Found in the morning

6. Red Antoshka

Looked out the window.

Where it was damp - gray.

Everything was fun right away.

7. What is this yellow ball

Jumping through the forests after us.

Golden ray window,

They call him…

8. Kolobok - hot side.

Oh, he doesn't like couch potatoes.

Puts on a cloud-dress

Gets up first.

9. In the blue sky, a yellow Pancake.

Well, let's eat it!

No it hurts damn hot

You hide your hands.

10. Rolling across the sky

Golden Pyatak,

And take no way.

11. Fire Eye

Looks at us!

12. The golden Rooster left.

Outside Sweat Day

13. Flies in the cloudy sky

A fire bird.

Every evening dies

To be reborn

14. The bird is bright!

Plumage is hot!

Throws from the mountain

Golden feathers.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image017_9.gif" alt=" Children's fairy tales about the sun" width="434" height="51"> !}

The sun shines, rejoices. Good Sunshine, smiling. And from this smile rays in all directions. A comet flew past the sun, displeased, angry. He says to the Sun: “Why are you smiling, look, you see a tail behind me, these are tears from your smile. And in general I don’t like you, so huge, self-satisfied, and not only me. - - Jupiter - turned, flying up to the planet comet - the time has come, do not be silent!

I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but somehow it didn't work out - not the agile Jupiter grunted - I don't like that you are so big. If not for you, I would be the most majestic in the system! So Saturn will confirm my words. -

And I don’t want to talk to him at all - Saturn grumbled - if it weren’t for him and his attraction, I would have been with the beautiful Venus for a long time, presented the ring and made an offer. Uranus and Neptune will become matchmakers.

A comet flew past Venus: “What do you say to this beauty”? Venus replied that she did not care about the Sun at all, since she was so beautiful that she did not notice him. And he loves only himself and his brother Mercury.

Then the red, angry Mars intervened: “Hey, the Sun can’t wait for the time when you weaken, your gravity will decrease and I will fly to Saturn to deal with it! The villain is looking at my beloved Venus. Yes, and you will get it.”

The Sun thought, his smile became smaller.

“That's not all - from somewhere far away, the nasal whisper of Pluto reached the Sun: “I despise you, you are weak, and I miss your warmth”

The Sun was sad, the smile almost disappeared. The beams got smaller.

It became uncomfortable in the solar system. - Why don't you ask me? - the blue-eyed Earth turned to the Sun. - - And what to ask you - the Sun was sad - everything is clear to me, there is no joy from me to anyone, only problems. - Well, what are you, the Sun, they are stupid, they don’t understand that they exist thanks to you - the Earth smiled - look at me, because from the fact that you are so big, kind and warm, life was born on me. Don't be sad Sunny, we love you.

The Sun looked closely at the Earth, saw myriads of creatures loving it. Smiled and never felt sad again.

And the comet flew away. Sow discord in other star systems.

What could be worse than a cloudy day? Only a cloudy evening,” thought the sparrow Grisha. He sat on a chestnut branch with his eyes closed so as not to cry.

"Well, why, why does this happen? Why do you look forward to warmth all winter, and when you wait, and you already chirp a spring song, frosts will come again and chill your heart through and through ?!"

A shiver went through the body of the chestnut. He, too, has already begun to wake up, warmed by the March sun, and even began to grow buds. Now he was cold, and the wind still blew, whistled and laughed.

"If the sun doesn't come out now, I'll freeze. To everyone's evil," thought Grisha.

Hey, you stupid sparrow, don't sit, you'll freeze! - croaked, flying past, Adelaide Markovna.

I'll freeze! Grisha shouted resolutely in response.

The crow made a circle and returned.

What happened to you? Are you sick?

Sparrow did not answer, only frowned even more.

Do not be silent. I can't help you if I don't know what happened to you.

You don't need to help me, - grumbled Grisha.

And then I myself am so stupid that I don’t know when and who needs help! Well, when! Say what's wrong with you.

I want spring.

The wind tensed up and blew so that the feathers could not protect from the cold, and Grisha trembled all over.

Everyone wants it, - Adelaida Markovna moved closer and covered Grisha with her wing. Under the wing was soft and warm. - Not long to wait. Just a little bit completely. Hold on. And what will I say to the sun when it comes out, and you are frozen?

Well, let! - Grisha started up and stubbornly climbed out into the cold. - Shame on him!

OK. Sit here, I am now, - the crow flapped its wings and took off. - What a hero! The sun is going to shame!

Grisha was left alone, and he became so sad that he was ready to howl like a dog. He closed his eyes again and snuggled closer to the branch.

The cat Chetan came up to the tree, jumped onto the trunk and deftly climbed onto the branch to the sparrow. Grisha closed his eyes and clicked his beak in fear, but did not budge.

What did I tell you? Quite bad, - the crow sat down nearby and the branch bent dangerously. - He's cold. Come out, he says, the sun, otherwise I will freeze.

Let me warm you up, - suggested the cat. - I'll cover with my tail and you are already, as in a nest. It will even get warmer.

Grisha wanted to move away, but a crow was sitting on the other side. It was warm from the cat's side. Adelaida Markovna shielded from the wind.

I don't need anything! - he chirped and fluttered to another branch. “I don’t need anything but the sun!”

Here you see! See what's happening to him! cried the crow. - What we shall do?

We must call the Bird, - thoughtfully said Chetan.

One more?

Not another one, but the only one. Only she can help.

Can she convince the sparrow not to be stupid?

No, she can summon the sun.

What!? The crow jumped up on the branch, and Chetan gripped his claws tighter. - I brought the crazy to talk to the crazy! No one has power over the sun! Nobody! Do you hear?!

Chetan looked at the crow and smiled slightly. Adelaida Markovna fell silent and asked in a calm voice:

And what is this bird?

My wife, - the cat answered and smiled a little stronger, but, seeing that the crow was gaining air in its chest in order to be indignant again, he added, - only she is not a bird, but a bird. Her name is so, for a sonorous voice. Somehow in the summer the rain caught us in the field, so she meowed through the cloud above us, and we did not get wet.

The crow shook her head.

I won't believe it until I see it myself. Run, call her.

Grisha, although he continued to tremble on the next branch, nevertheless perked up a little, he also wanted to see the magical cat. Perhaps only a little less than basking in the sun.

Chetan soon returned. He was in a hurry and all the time looked back at the slender miniature cat walking behind him, which walked proudly and dignifiedly, stepping neatly with its small paws.

Here she is, my Birdie, - the cat introduced her.

The bird went up to the tree and looked at the crow, and then at the sparrow.

So, who needs to be saved?

Me,” Grisha chirped, and he himself was surprised at his impudence.

It will be lost without the sun,” Chetan said.

Yes Yes! It will fall, no doubt. Wither away, bend without the sun! picked up Adelaida Markovna. - And if you really know how to do what your cat told us about, then please do it. After all, to be honest, I really want spring itself.

The bird smiled and thought, looking at the dense dark clouds that covered the sky.

Are you sure you can't wait a couple of days?

Then I need your help. Which one of you can scream meow?

We can do everything! Grisha chirped.

Can you meow? Do not make me laugh! the crow laughed.

Can you?

I? No. I do not know how. But I don't brag. I'll see how you do it.

Well, - the Bird interrupted this useless argument, - then get ready, all fluffy and feathered. Everyone who believes in the great power of meow. Ready?

Chetan nodded.

Yes, - chirped Grisha.

Adelaida Markovna looked at Ptichka with her right eye and also nodded slightly.

I want the sun, - she almost moaned, - you infected us all, sparrow.

Then on the count of three. One, two...

A strong, sonorous, fervent meow flew up into the sky and pierced into the clouds. Joyful spring cat-bird song hit the cloud armor and, at first reluctantly, and then faster and faster, the clouds began to disperse. A small blue speck appeared, but it began to grow rapidly, like a puddle in a summer thunderstorm. A hole in the clouds turned into a window, the edges of which were golden with the evening sun, and now half of the sky is clear and clean, shining with turquoise, and the sun is shining warmly and gently, forcing you to squint.

Did I meow too? - asked the crow, spreading its wings towards the sun. - I was shouting something, but I was more interested in what was happening in the sky, and I did not listen ...

And the sun shone generously, trying to have time before sunset to warm everyone who missed the warmth during the long, fierce winter. The wind swept past, dousing everyone with prickly freshness, but this no longer frightened anyone. Even the smiles on their faces remained the same. And Grisha jumped on the branch and chirped incessantly, complaining to the sun about the hard winter.

You won't hide anymore, will you? he asked him. - Will you be with us all spring, summer and autumn now? Chick-chirp! Chirik! - Grisha looked at the receding clouds, and it suddenly seemed to him that they were beginning to gather again, again they wanted to hide the sun behind their backs. He looked menacingly and confidently at them and shouted: MEOW!!!

In his own way, like a sparrow, but the clouds understood him and backed away.

solar braids

Once, in springtime, the Sun wove two golden braids from her bright rays. He looks at them and is overjoyed: they turned out to be beautiful! Long, silky, and so shiny that it's just a feast for the eyes!

“I’ll give them to someone for happiness,” Sunny thought.

And gave: one - to the Horse, the other - to the Birch.

Oh, and the Horse became a beauty! He runs across the meadow, beats with his hoof, and the golden braid in his mane sparkles in the wind, reaches the ground.

And the white birch is unrecognizable. He sings songs, weaves a solar braid into flexible long branches. And its branches rustle with leaves, shine with gold. Well, just not Birch, but a real princess!

Brook saw such a bright spring beauty and envied. “But I didn’t get anything,” he thinks.

But, the Horse and the Birch have not forgotten about the Brook. They shook off the golden sparks and gave them to the Brook. Let him murmur and show off, and do not take offense at them.

golden spatula

Mom said that tomorrow we will go to plant trees. I was happy about this upcoming event, because I really like to dig with a shovel.

I have a golden shovel that was given to me in the winter. The store had spatulas of different colors, but my dad bought me a gold one, and I agreed with his choice. In winter, you can’t do without a spatula! I needed her when I helped my uncle janitor clean the ice rink. Then there was a lot of snow - whole mountains! And the janitor worked alone until the evening. Mom and I went on the ice, and I began to shovel the snow with my shovel. Uncle the janitor even stopped and rested a bit while I was working. He shook my hand and thanked me for my help.

Then I made snowdrifts near our house. And even when my mother and I went to other yards, I took my shovel with me to work with it somewhere. And once I met a girl, and she and I were painting with spatulas in the snow. She drew a teapot and a bowl of sweets. And I drew a long path, and we ran along it one after another. We had a lot of fun! And our mothers smiled happily on the sidelines.

In the spring, I scooped up some water from the puddles with a shovel and watered the snow that lay nearby. So I helped the snow melt faster. The water warmed the snow, and it became like liquid ice. Then I trampled this snow slurry with my boots, and the snow dissolved in the water. Early puddles are very clean and transparent, but cold. And when you put the shovel to meet the running stream, then the water itself runs into the shovel and seethes in it like a spring. I could transfer such springs to other places where spring water had not yet arrived.

Closer to the summer, my mother removed the spatula away, so that later she would get it only by the next winter. And I wanted to continue playing with it in the summer, in the sand. But my mother gave me a scoop with a bucket, and they became my summer tools. And suddenly, we received a phone call and were told that there would be a “family alley” in our town, where we were entrusted to plant one tree as a symbol of our family. “So, my spatula will be needed in the summer,” I was delighted.

Our family is large and friendly. For ourselves, we have already planted five trees under the window as a symbol of all of us. Mom says that at first there were four of us, and four of our trees grew under the window. And then they planted germinated willow branches in the ground, which were at home, in a vase. The branches grew, and a very even and slender tree rose. It quickly overtook the rest of the trees. My parents looked at him and wondered: "To whom is the fifth tree dedicated?" And after a while I was born.

Now I'm going with my mom and dad to this family holiday. Music is playing loudly, the sun is shining brightly, other families have also come to plant their trees. We approached pre-dug holes in which young trees were embedded. These trees will turn into a friendly alley. They will become a family! We only need to direct their tops to the sun, sprinkle with warm earth and pour clear water over them so that they begin to live here.

“Planting a tree is a very responsible thing,” I thought. And he took the matter seriously. But I remembered that we had forgotten my golden spatula at home. Everyone around unanimously began to dismantle the large shovels brought on the red tractor and choose their own hole. They also gave me a shovel that was taller than me. I held it and thought: “Probably, when a person grows up, the tools with which he has to work change, and his affairs change.” A large shovel, although heavier than mine, is golden, but it introduced me to another world. I saw that adults also like to dig with shovels, and they do it just as responsibly, together and cheerfully as we do - children.

I did not become upset about my shovel left at home, but began to grab the heavy earth with a large shovel and lower it into the hole, where our tree already stood exactly, carefully supported by my mother's hands. Dad and I filled the hole with earth, watered it and tamped it down with our feet. During the transplantation, the leaves had already wilted on our tree, but I stroked it with a pen and wished it well, and my mother bandaged the broken branch. We believe that the tree of our family will take root in his new house, which we built for him with our own hands.

And when we came home and sat down at the round table to drink tea, dad said that people should build houses for their families with their own hands. “But do we already have a house?” I asked. Then my mother answered: “There is a house, which means that it remains for us to grow in this house, directing our branches to the Sun, like our tree, and delight people with our beauty and our deeds.” I was glad that our family is like a tree. And my mother said that my tool in building our family is my smile.

Then I remembered my golden spatula. I know that the golden color is a symbol of the Sun, Perfection or Highest achievement. My spatula helped me understand this. Let all people build their houses with golden shovels, then their families will reach Perfection.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image021_7.gif" alt=" Proverbs and sayings about the Sun" width="377" height="63 src="> !}

In Russian folk art, proverbs and sayings mention the Sun from the positive side, they compare it with warmth, kindness, beauty and a model of truth.

The red sun will rise, farewell to the bright moon.

In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines, but it does not warm.

And the red sun does not please everyone.

And the falcon does not fly above the sun.

And the sun passes through wicked places, so that it does not become defiled.

You can't catch the sun with a bag.

You can't look at the sun with all your eyes.

Don't look at the sun, you'll go blind.

Run from the sun - you can't see the light.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

The sun will come to our windows.

You can't close the sun, but you can't hide the truth.

The sun will rise and so will the morning.

The sun rises - joy to the old, and sets - sweetness to the young.

The sun is low, and the evening is near.

The sun shines, but the moon only shines.

The sun shines on everyone.

The sun is not waiting for us.

Summer is bad if there is no sun.

What is gold to me - the sun would shine.

Lexical meaning of proverbs and sayings about the Sun.

In Russian, proverbs and sayings expand the role of the Sun in people's lives, confirm a close spiritual connection. In the culture of the Russian people, much depends on the great and powerful luminary - the Sun. Therefore, the image of the sun occupies one of the main places in people's lives.

"Pine trees illuminated by the sun"

Laurent Parcelier "Sunshine"

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image027_3.jpg" width="647" height="613">

N. Krymov "Sunny Day"

Julius Klever "Sunrise"

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image030_2.jpg" width="623" height="612">

Claude Monet Sunrise

https://pandia.ru/text/78/243/images/image032_2.jpg" width="624" height="554 src=">

Testing reading skills: working with the text of a work of art

"Wind and Sun"

One day, the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength with the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.

“Look,” said the Wind, “how I will pounce on him: in an instant I will tear off his cloak.

He said - and began to blow that was urine. But the more the Wind tried, the more tightly the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled at the bad weather, but rode farther and farther.

The wind got angry, raged, showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak in his sleeves and tied it with a belt. Here the Wind himself was convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the impotence of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler.

Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he cheered up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak himself, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

“You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with caress and kindness than with anger.

(164 words)

Read the text "Wind and Sun". Complete the tasks. Mark the statements corresponding to the content of the read text.

1. Define the characters of the work.

a) Sun, Wind, traveler;

b) Sun, Wind;

c) Sun, Wind, Horse.

2. Where, in what place do the events described in the text take place?

a) On a forest path;

b) in a mountain gorge;

c) on the highway.

3. What was the dispute between the Sun and the Wind about?

a) Which one is more important?

b) which of them is stronger;

c) which of them is loved more.

4. Choose a phrase that is close in meaning to the meaning of the expression blow that was urine.

a) From the last forces;

b) with all your might

c) whenever possible.

5. Restore the traveler's sequence of actions in response to the efforts of the Wind.

b) tightly wrapped up;

c) put on his raincoat in the sleeves;

d) grumbled at bad weather;

d) tied with a belt.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the Sun.

a) Looked out;

b) smiled

c) dried up;

d) warmed up.

8. Give your characteristics to the Sun.

9. Write out words from the text that help to understand what the author wanted to tell us about.

10. Define the genre of the work. Justify your answer.

Subject: native literature. Writers of Donbass. Ivan Kostyrya "The Tale of the Elephant Brothers" Grade 7

Lesson Objectives:

subject: to acquaint students with the biography and creative activity of the writer-countryman I. Kostyrey, with his work "The Tale of the Solar Brothers", to teach to unravel the author's intention, to deepen children's knowledge about such a genre of literature as a fairy tale story, about the concept of "science fiction", to convince schoolchildren that the literature of their native land is an integral part of the pan-European and world culture;

Metasubject: develop the ability to put forward a hypothesis,to select arguments to confirm their own position, to promote the development of students' thinking skills, which are necessary not only in studies, but also in everyday life: the ability to work with information, analyze various situations, the ability to ask questions; develop your own opinion; develop the ability to take responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, build constructive relationships with other people, the ability to cooperate and work in a group; to make a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities.

Personal: to develop in the younger generation of the DPR a correct understanding of national and universal values, to form moral and ethical convictions, the ability to make a moral choice, the ability to adequately respond to difficulties and not be afraid of mistakes, to cultivate national pride in the Donbass, respect for the native land, its wealth, and talent compatriots awareness of one's civic identity.

Lesson type : Lesson of complex application of knowledge

Equipment : portrait of the writer, text of the work, student literary dictionaries.

Literary theory : fairy tale, story, fantasy.

Interdisciplinary connections: Russian language, geography, physics.

Needless to say, the attractive force and power of the earth is great
named Donbass!
And yet people created this name, our countrymen

Ivan Kostyria "Thought of countrymen"

During the classes:

I . Mobilizing stage.

ІІ . Updating of basic knowledge.


    Guys, at the lessons of literature and Ukrainian literature, you met with works about Donbass, writers of Donbass. Name them.

    What is the name of the literature lesson dedicated to the native land, native land? (Literature of the native land )

III .Motivation of educational activity.Self-determination of students on the basis of anticipation (definition by students of their educational tasks).

Our today's lesson is dedicated to the writer of Donbass. And what do we call Donbass? How does this compound noun stand for?

DONBASS - the abbreviated name of the Donetsk coal basin.

    I have in my hands a piece of Donbass gold, the heart of Donbass, a heart that gives warmth and light to millions of people, gives energy to plants and factories. This is our Donetsk coal. The riches of the Donetsk land, the labor of the people who extract it have been praised more than once in the works of literature by our talented fellow countrymen. One of them is Ivan Sergeevich Kostyria. Today we will get acquainted with this writer, consider his work "The Tale of the Solar Brothers"

    What do you think today's lesson will bring us? State his goals.

Students formulate the objectives of the lesson (get acquainted with the biography of I. Kostyria, analyze his work, replenish your knowledge about the outstanding people of Donbass, approve the idea that the native land is the best point on the globe).

Record the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Work on the epigraph of the lesson.

Guys, write down the epigraph to our lesson in your notebook. Express your opinion about these words of Ivan Kostyria. ( Student responses)

Yes, the earth gives us, the inhabitants of Donbass, a great gift, giving away wealth from its depths. But is this the only thing our region is famous for? A lot of talented, famous people gave us the Donetsk land. And among them is the writer Ivan Sergeevich Kostyria, who said:Donetsk region was lucky to have great countrymen. Not every
a country in Europe or on some other continent
to boast of such a number, a whole constellation of world
names, as it is now customary to liken people to stars, so that
emphasize their dignity.

2. Acquaintance with the writer.

- Ivan Sergeevich Kostyria (1932 - 2003) - a well-known writer, whose literary activity was closely connected with local history, with the glorification of his native land, the places where he was born, grew up, lived.

What kind of person was this? Today he will tell about himself. (A student who has prepared independently, under the guidance of a teacher, tells an autobiography in the image of a writer and with his portrait)

sample story

I was born on January 13, 1932 on the Fedorovka farm in the Mezhevsky district in the Dnepropetrovsk region in the family of a rural teacher. Childhood and youth were spent in the Donbass.
He studied in the Dnepropetrovsk region - he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk paramedic school. Subsequently, he studied at the Kiev Medical Institute, and after graduation he returned to the Donbass.
From 1957 to 1965 I was in Gorlovka, Donetsk region, as a school doctor for children, an emergency doctor, and then a psychiatrist.
My first story was published during my studies, in the institute's large circulation.
In 1967 I graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the M. Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow. The experience of my medical practice is reflected in the stories, the action of which takes place in the Donetsk region:

    "New Moon Time"

    "Night duty"

    "Children's Doctor"

    "Medical secrecy",

    "Urgent call.

For depicting the work of miners in literature, I was awarded:

    badge "Miner's Glory" III and II degree;

    was a laureate of literary prizes named after V. Korolenko and named after V. Shutov;

    in 1999 he received an incentive prize and a diploma from the Aleksa Tichiy Memorial Foundation for the best publication

    During my life I managed to write and publish more than forty books for children and adults. Local lore topics were especially reflected in the books published in the last years of his life.
    In 2002, "Thoughts about the Donbass" (legends, traditions, stories, tales about the Donetsk land, its nature, past and present) and "The Word about the Donetsk Territory" (a kind of literary history of Donbass) were published.
    And my last work was the book "Mezhevskaya Side" about my native Dnepropetrovsk region, where I was born and grew up.

- Teacher:
Ivan Sergeevich is gone
in August 2003.

3. Work on a fairy tale - the story "The Tale of the Solar Brothers"

Once on the territory of our region there was no coal, there was a huge primeval forest. The sun was shining, storms were raging, it was raining, in peat bogs, lakes or lagoons over 300 million years various plant residues under the influence of high temperatures and pressure gradually turned into brown coal, coal, anthracite . This is what Ivan Kostyria tells us in his book.

1.Problem-search for a solution

Previously, you were given the task to read The Tale of the Solar Brothers. Let's define the genre of this work. You need to justify your opinion. exemplary student answers - a fairy tale, a story, a fantasy story)

You are right, in this work there are signs of a fairy tale, fantasy ( unreal, fantastic characters, events, almost magic). But we can also see the signs of the story - medium size, many heroes, many events over time, division into chapters. Therefore, we call such a work story-tale.

And we can also call this story sci-fi. Why? ( children's answers)

We could read about the process of coal formation in the scientific literature, in works on physics, geography, geology. But you children would not be very interested in reading such books. This is where science fiction comes in. It was easy and interesting for you to read about complex physical and chemical processes.

But the calling of any fiction is not only to convey the facts. It brings out the best human qualities in us.

    Collective drawing up a plan for a story-tale.

    Work on the ideological and artistic content

    Group work

First group: determines the composition "Tales ..."filling in the table

Second group: determines the theme and idea of ​​the work

Subject: the image in a fabulous, fantastic form of the formation of coal rocks, the struggle of the sun's rays with various elements that stand in their way.

Idea: affirmation of the idea that a person who, overcoming difficulties, not succumbing to temptations, carries a spark of warmth and light in himself, will live in the hearts of people even after many years.

Third group: work on the artistic means of the work (write out several epithets, metaphors, personifications and other tropes)

    Presentation by group speakers with further discussion.

    Independent work on the images of a fairy tale story

Identify the main character traits of the characters, showing them schematically

Children of the Spectrum : above each ray write the traits of his character, under the ray - his fate.

Speeches of children with justification, based on the text.

    Work in pairs. Compilation of syncwine. ( Line 1 - the heading, in which the keyword, concept, theme of syncwine, expressed in the form of a noun, is entered, line 2 - two adjectives, line 3 - three verbs, line 4 - a phrase that carries a certain meaning of the work, line 5 - conclusion, one word (maybe two), noun)

Reading and discussion of works.

V. Reflection.

Guys, today we met with an amazing fellow countryman Ivan Kostyri and his amazing work. Have we achieved the objectives of the lesson set at the beginning of the lesson? (children's answers).

And at the end of the lesson, our guest Ivan Sergeevich will read an excerpt from his work “The Thought of Countrymen” (a speech by a student playing the role of a writer)

“Any span of land in the sublunar world, including yours
the fatherland from which you took the first step into the wide world,
remains unknown until it is discovered, inhabited, transformed
glorify in the nearest district, and even in all distant distances
with their tireless zeal, their ascetic
man with his ascetic deeds and talent.
This is what happened with the Donbass. His worldwide authority
also developed thanks to people, our fellow countrymen.
It would be like the uninhabited steppe, the Wild Field, or, by geographical definition, just Donetsk
we circle, and even then without our own name, if not for the first settlers, not for the discoverers of its underground treasures and not
pioneers of combustible stone, salt, iron ores and mercury,
rare clays and building stones, and if it were not for the pioneers in domestic science and literature, who for the first time comprehended the unprecedented riches of the Donetsk land and told about this region to all mankind; if it wasn't for the artists
imprinted on their canvases and in sculpture and revealed
world its unique image, and those who this image
on a par with nature created, and transformed in his own way,
day after day, vigilantly toiling new ways in the knowledge of its secrets
and wealth, mastering them and multiplying the labor glory of this predominantly working-class region; and if it weren’t for the nightingale singers, who told about the immortal soul of the miner’s homeland in foreign and foreign cities and villages.

- Thank you. And I will add words Konstantin Kudievsky, who worked with I. Kostyri in the editorial office of the Raduga magazine

“Writing about books is difficult - you just have to read them. Therefore, in a friendly way, I advise readers to get acquainted with the books of Ivan Kostyria. They will not find exotics, stunning plots and enchanting heroes in those books. But they will recognize the signs of true life: they will catch the smell of earth and rain, they will hear the distant rattle of wagon wheels in the night steppe, they will meet ordinary human joys and sufferings.

VI. Evaluation.

VII. Homework: prepare a collage for the Tale of the Solar Brothers.

Resources used:


Lesson of literature of the native land

Ivan Kostyria

The Tale of the Solar Brothers

Prepared by: teacher of Russian language and literature of the Amvrosievskaya schoolІ-ІІІ stages №2 Zikeeva S.I.

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

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logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

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To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.
