Christmas tree of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Theater of the Russian Army and the play "New Year's Toy Escape".

The traditional Christmas tree of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the theater of the Russian Army in Moscow this year will give young viewers a whole range of entertainment events, it will be held daily from December 26, 2017 to January 5, 2018, the theater press service said.

Joint New Year's project of the theater of the Russian army, children's and youth military-patriotic movement " Yunarmiya ” and the Central Sports Club of the Army (CSKA) is held under the motto "Culture strengthens the spirit, but physical education strengthens the body" and includes a whole range of activities for children: on the street in front of the theater, in the foyer, and the culmination of the holiday will be the premiere of the musical fairy tale "New Year's Escape of Toys" staged by director Andrei Badulin.

"On the square in front of the theater building, an hour before the start of the performance, sports competitions will be held - a snowball shooting range and the game" Ball in the gate ". Life-size puppets will amuse the kids. In the foyer of the theater, children will have an autograph session and a photo session with the Olympic champions of CSKA, draws and contests under the Christmas tree, as well as photographing in a sports sleigh - bob and a lot of surprises and gifts", the message says.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the theater staged a funny magical story based on the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Journey of the Blue Arrow". Excellent artists, a fascinating story, dancing, music, interactive scenes - all this awaits the audience in the new New Year's performance.

/ Monday, December 4, 2017 /

Topics: culture New Year

. . . . . The culmination of the New Year's children's holiday will be the premiere of the musical fairy tale "New Year's Toy Escape" staged by director Andrei Badulin.

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Our military plans to hold New Year entertainment events not only in Moscow - in all Russian garrisons from Kaliningrad to the Kuril Islands. On the eve of the New Year in 2016, the military department of the country installed 60,000 Christmas trees for the children of military personnel. In addition, the Ministry of Defense arranged a grand New Year's decoration for its buildings and facilities located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Sevastopol, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk and many other cities. The main army Christmas tree, 20 meters high, was installed in Moscow in front of the building of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation.

This December, the defense department has not yet announced a detailed plan for the New Year. But, according to a good tradition, the Ministry of Defense should meet the year 2018 in “ fully armed", to please military personnel, members of their families, as well as the civilian population with a variety of festive events.

My girlfriend loves to go to the theater, I tolerate this business, but honestly, it’s a very meaningless and not very attractive activity, especially when she drags me to the classics. And here, for the first time, I had to persuade. There were a lot of objections, and what is this theater with 3D? And what can Gosha Kutsenko squeeze out of himself with his voice? And, is Irina Medvedeva an actress, with her “6 shots”? In general, there was a fight and I won, having put forward a lot of arguments and promised everything that was possible.

Honestly, I was still a schoolboy in the theater of the Russian Army, my memories were vague and very unpleasant, they watched something with the whole class, the hall was huge, the performance was boring, and the teachers hissed in the back. Since then, he has not been in it, and the girl, fortunately, does not favor this theater. Tickets for the musical, on the advice of the operator, I took in the middle, and more than once during the performance I remembered him with a kind word. Thank you very much to him.

Pleasures began even with the metro, Dostoevskaya station, new, one of the exits, practically leads to the porch of the theater. Remember, before, on foot from Novoslobodskaya you go, you reach a cafe and you think, well, this performance, I’d rather sit deliciously warm and to the music. The theater itself has always amazed with its scope, such a PALACE on the mountain, huge halls, a huge hall and one toilet with a wild queue, apparently in the USSR not only there was no sex, but also natural needs.

Today everything seems to be the same, but different. After the wardrobe, you are immediately offered champagne for FREE, photographed at every corner, some stylish things, the buffet, however, is rather weak, but these are trifles. Before entering the hall, you will be given both glasses and a napkin, as expected. The hall has not changed, as I remember it, and why change there, huge, red soft chairs. All the way, my hissed, but slowly, subsided, especially after champagne. I will say right away that during the intermission she said that she would not leave without a disk, so she also managed to sign it with Gosha and Irina.

We are spoiled for bright 3D films and musicals, so.... BUT, honestly, we did not expect THIS. The first thing that impressed me was a man from the extras, standing, smoking for himself, everyone left, he was standing, and then I realized that he was cheap, I almost slid under a chair from laughing at myself. And then more, dreams, flights, extras, costumes - everything is cool, cool, impressive. You sit like a child, with your mouth open, holding your breath, looking with all your eyes, listening with all your ears. The squeak from the right returned to reality, it was my girlfriend who got scared at one moment, and back, into action, without looking up.

Of course, Gosha is not a singer, nature did not give a voice, but, well done, he didn’t fake it, he pulled everything out, but he played like a peasant. Irina Medvedva struck. It turns out that this is a deep, dramatic actress, with a strong pleasant voice, this musical is her finest hour, bravo, Irochka, sincerely happy. The extras are also at their best, there are no blunders, as in the Phantom of the Opera, and the special effects are simply no words.

In general, we were all impressed, and the other day, we are going again, already at the request of a girl and a large company, I don’t even know if I want to see another line-up, I won’t be upset about this one, I like Kuchenko more than Leonidov.

Palace on the mountain

3D new word in the musical genre


spacious foyers

you can get lost in the lobby

theater history in person

very soviet

red carpet to 3D wonder

souvenirs in style


huge hall

convenient passages

well let's get up

how soft and comfortable they are

general bow

chic extras

G. Kutsenko, I. Medvedeva - Lubitsch, Negri

surprisingly, the artists were given flowers and not a few !!!

everything is very stylish and with deep love and respect for the memory of the characters

At all times, the new, 2018 year hurries forward - and of course this is the time of New Year's parties and all kinds of performances that give us that very feeling of magic in childhood! Of course, such an amazing theater as TsATRA did not ignore the topic and until January 6 will show an amazing fairy tale "New Year's Escape of Toys" staged by director Andrei Badulin.

For the New Year holidays, the Army Theater staged an amazingly warm, cheerful and touching magical story based on the fairy tale “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” by Gianni Rodari. You can also watch the fairy tale for a few more days, and our little viewers - Maxim and Gleb, together with their mother, our resident Yulia Orekhova, have already managed to taste the magic. And today there will be an unusual review, because the children themselves wanted to talk about their impressions! Further from the first mouth from Maxim Maksimovich, a connoisseur of art for seven years:

I recently attended the premiere of the musical performance "New Year's Toy Escape". My mother and brother and I were in anticipation of the viewing before we went to the New Year Tree, which took place before the performance itself!

Fabulous Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden invited everyone to go to the hall! Gleb, Mom and I took a comfortable position in our chairs and got ready for the viewing! Fairy-tale heroes began to appear on the stage one by one, and we carefully looked at them from the side. I liked all the characters in the play, but especially the dog Button - she ran away with her friends from the toy store and was chased by an evil mistress.

The heroes of the toy were very kind and fair, and when they found out that there are children who have never been given gifts, they decided to make a miracle for them and give themselves.

I told my mother that I was very sorry for the children and certainly would not have passed by someone else's grief, just like the Toys did! We must help others who need help, I decided!

And we thank the community
