A plan for describing Mitrofan from the comedy undergrowth. Characteristics and image of Mitrofan in the comedy undergrowth Fonvizin essay

(One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs.

The name Mitrofan means "similar", similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son was a reflection of Prostakova herself.

Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her until the age of twenty-six, not letting him go to work.

Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, insolent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion.

“While Mitrofan is still underage, while he should be married; and there, in a dozen years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, endure everything.

Mitrofanushka himself has no purpose in life, he only loved to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe either ...” To which his mother replied: “Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka.”

Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because it was necessary in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind - the mind. As he told his mother: “Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of washing the will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice for me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, let him sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!" The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy.

Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He already ate five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth, you beast.” These words show concern for the son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately comes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations.

Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look what a task is from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book. ”What, what do you want to do? Remember, darling!" “Vit is here and the river is close. I’ll dive, and remember your name.” “Dead! God is dead with you! ”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! ". And in response he hears a heartless: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.” “The whole night such rubbish climbed into my eyes.” "What rubbish is Mitrofanushka?" “Yes, then you, mother, then father.”

Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke of his son as follows: “At least I love him as a parent, this is a smart child, that is a reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I am overjoyed with him, I myself truly do not believe that he is my son, ”and added, looking at his wife:“ In your eyes, mine do not see anything.

Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: “Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, not a father!” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What are you, uncle, overeating with henbane? Get out, uncle, get out."

Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I will scratch out those thorns. I tried to make a decent person out of him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way. Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and even then because of the fact that Prostakov was not angry with him and scolded. The rest of the teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: "Your nobility always toil around idle, if you please." And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Come on board, garrison rat! Set your butts." “All butts, your honor. We are left behind with tasks, a century behind. Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. “Take them with a shot and Eremeevna”: this is how he spoke about his teachers and nanny.

Mitrofan was ill-bred, a rude, spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was sure that the people around him should help him, give advice. Mitrofan had an inflated self-esteem.

No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a particle of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is sometimes lazy. There are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, many depend on the upbringing of children by parents.

Image of the people and images in the work “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” by Radishchev Roman A. Radishcheva “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” is one of the most significant phenomena of Russian literature of the eighteenth century. It is written in the then popular genre of “travel”, which was discovered by L. Stern, the founder of sentimentalism. In his assessment of man, Radishchev generally followed the sentimentalist writers and wrote that it is precisely the ability to sympathize that distinguishes man from the beast. Sympathy, compassion are the main emotions of the narrator in the novel: “I looked around me - my soul became wounded by the sufferings of mankind.”

What is the narrator's compassion for? The position of the people. The novel gives a broad panorama of the life of the serfs. And Radishchev is outraged not so much by the poverty and hard work of the peasants, but by the fact that they, like serfs, are deprived of free will, legally deprived of rights. “The peasant in law is dead,” writes Radishchev. And he is dead only when the protection of the law is required. This is what the head of “Zaitsevo” says. For many years, the cruel landowner and his family tortured the peasants, and no one ever stood up for the unfortunate. When the peasants, driven out of patience, killed the monster, the law remembered them, and they were sentenced to death.

The fate of the peasant is terrible: "And the lot of a riveted in bonds, and the lot of a prisoner in a stinking dungeon, and the lot of an ox in a yoke." But the narrator, brought up on the ideas of enlightenment, affirms the equality of all people. But the majority of the peasants are simply humanly better than the landowners. The landlords in Radishchev's novel are almost all negative characters, nonhumans. The morals of the peasants are healthy and natural, they are not infected by artificial civilization. This is especially clear when comparing urban and rural girls: “Look how all the members of my beauties are round, tall, not twisted, not spoiled. It's funny to you that they have feet at five. vershokov, and maybe six. Well, my dear niece, with your three-toothed leg, stand next to them and run in a run, who will sooner reach the tall birch that stands at the end of the meadow?

Village beauties are healthy and virtuous, while urban beauties “have blush on their cheeks, blush on their hearts, blush on their conscience, on sincerity ... soot.”

Radishchev's main merit and his main difference from most accusatory literature of the eighteenth century is that he does not complain about individual negative examples, but condemns the very order of things, the existence of serfdom: Slave peace under the shadow of Golden Fruits will not increase; Where all the mind abhors striving, Greatness will not vegetate there.

The peculiarity of Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow lies in the fact that Radishchev, having taken the form of a “journey”, filled it with accusatory content. The sensitive hero of sentimental literature, although capable of compassion, seeks to escape from the evil of this world into himself, and the narrator from Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow is concerned with public issues and seeks to serve the public good.

“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” is the first Russian ideological novel, where not so much artistic as political tasks are set. This is its originality and significance for all our literature. The image of Mitrofan in Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" The name Mitrofan is translated as like a mother, like a mother. He was sixteen years old, he should have already gone to the service at fifteen, but Mrs. Prostokova did not want to be separated from her son.

He did not have a goal in life, he did not think about the future and about his studies, and Mitrofanushka chased pigeons all day long. He was not industrious, but was very lazy. He never overworked himself. After all, from a spoiled son, Mitrofani turns into a cruel person, a traitor. He betrays his mother when he finds out that she is no longer the mistress of the house. He shows his real attitude towards her. It seems to me that there can be no worse punishment, even one like Prostakova. Mrs. Prostakova says that people live and lived without sciences.

Nanny Eremeevna, who raised Mitrofanushka as best she could, endured all insults, but after all this Mitrofan wanted her to protect him from everyone.

And his mother, to whom he constantly complained about the nanny and his teachers, always cursed and did not pay her, thinking that the nanny was already indebted to her for the fact that she was fed and she lived with them. To his teachers, of which only the teacher of arithmetic tried to transfer his knowledge to Mitrofan, he treated with disdain.

Mitrofan does not notice his father at all, because he does not help him in anything.

Mitrofanushka is a very capricious and careless child, he is stupid and impolite, does not think about his future and people.

I think that people like Mitrofanushka don't know what happiness is, because they don't even think about it, so they can't be happy.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://sochinenia1.narod.ru/ were used.


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One of the main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth" by Fonvizin is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs.
The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to the mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection of Prostakova herself.
Mitrofanushka was sixteen years old, but his mother did not want to part with her child and wanted to keep her until the age of twenty-six, not letting him go to work.
Mrs. Prostakova herself was stupid, insolent, impolite, and therefore did not listen to anyone's opinion.
“While Mitrofan is still in the undergrowth, while he is to be married; and there, in ten years, when he enters, God forbid, into the service, endure everything.
Mitrofanushka himself has no purpose in life, he only loved to eat, mess around and chase pigeons: “I’ll run to the dovecote now, so maybe either ...” To which his mother replied: “Go, frolic, Mitrofanushka.”
Mitrofan did not want to study, his mother hired teachers for him only because it was necessary in noble families, and not so that her son would learn the mind - the mind. As he told his mother: “Listen, mother. I amuse you. I will learn; just make sure it's the last one. The hour of washing the will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married” And Mrs. Prostakova always echoed him: “It’s very nice for me that Mitrofanushka doesn’t like to step forward, With his mind, let him sweep far, and God forbid! Only you are tormented, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!"
The worst qualities of character, the most backward views on science characterize such young nobles as Mitrofan. He is also unusually lazy.
Mrs. Prostakova herself did not look for a soul in Mitrofanushka. Fonvizin understood the unreasonableness of her blind, animal love for her offspring, Mitrofan, a love that, in essence, destroys her son. Mitrofan ate himself to the point of colic in his stomach, and his mother tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said: “He already ate five buns, mother.” To which Prostakova replied: “So you feel sorry for the sixth, you beast.” These words show concern for the son. She tried to provide him with a carefree future, decided to marry him to a rich wife. If someone offends her son, she immediately comes to the defense. Mitrofanushka was one of her consolations.
Mitrofan treated his mother with disdain: “Yes! Just look what a task is from uncle: and there from his fists and for the watch book “What, what do you want to do? Come to your senses, darling!” “Vit here and the river is close. I’ll dive, and remember your name.” “Dead! God is dead with you!”: these words prove that he does not love at all and he does not feel sorry for his own mother at all, Mitrofan does not respect her and plays on her feelings. And when Prostakova, who has lost power, rushes to her son with the words: You are the only one left with me, my heartfelt friend, Mitrofanushka! ". And in response he hears a heartless: “Yes, get rid of you, mother, how you imposed yourself.” “The whole night such rubbish climbed into my eyes.” “What kind of rubbish Mitrofanushka?”. “Yes, then you, mother, then father.”
Prostakov was afraid of his wife and in her presence he spoke of his son as follows: “At least, I love him as a parent, this is a smart child, that is a reasonable, amusing, entertainer; sometimes I am beside myself with joy, I myself truly do not believe that he is my son, ”and added, looking at his wife:“ In your eyes, mine do not see anything.
Taras Skotinin, looking at everything that was happening, repeated: “Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, not a father!” And Mitrofan turned to his uncle: “What are you, uncle, overeating with henbane? Get out, uncle, get out."
Mitrofan was always rude to his mother and snapped at her. Although Eremeevna did not receive a penny for raising a minor, she tried to teach him good things, defended him from his uncle: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch out those thorns." I tried to make a decent person out of him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll finish them off; I will again complain to my mother, so she will deign to give you a task in yesterday's way. Of all the teachers, only the German Adam Adamych Vralman praised Mitrofanushka, and even then because of the fact that Prostakov was not angry with him and scolded. The rest of the teachers openly scolded him. For example, Tsyfirkin: “Your nobility is always idle toil, if you please.” And Mitrofan snapped: “Well! Come on board, garrison rat! Get your asses back." “All butts, your honor. We’ll be left with tasks a century behind. ” Mitrofan's dictionary is small and poor. “Shoot them with Yeremeevna too”: this is how he spoke about his teachers and nanny.
Mitrofan was ill-bred, a rude, spoiled child, whom everyone around obeyed and obeyed, he also had freedom of speech in the house. Mitrofan was sure that the people around him should help him, give advice. Mitrofan had an inflated self-esteem.
No matter how smart and hardworking a person is, there is a particle of such Mitrofanushka in him. Every person is sometimes lazy. There are also people who try to live only at the expense of their parents, without doing anything themselves. Of course, many depend on the upbringing of children by parents.
To people like Mitrofan, I am neither good nor bad. I just try to avoid talking to people like that. In general, I think that such people should try to help with their difficulties and problems. We need to reason with him, make him learn. If such a person does not want to improve himself, studies and studies, but, on the contrary, remains stupid and spoiled, treats his elders disrespectfully, then for the rest of his life he will remain undersized and ignorant.

MITROFANUSHKA - the hero of the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" (1781), a sixteen-year-old teenager (undergrowth), the only son of Mrs. Prostakova, mother's darling and favorite of the servants. M. as a literary type was not the discovery of Fonvizin. Russian literature of the end of the XVIII "Sw. she knew and portrayed such undersized people living freely in rich parental homes and at the age of sixteen barely mastered the letter. Fonvizin endowed this traditional figure of noble life (especially provincial) with the generic features of the Prostakovo-Skotininsky “nest”. In the house of his parents, M. is the main "amusing person" and "entertainer", an inventor and a witness to all stories like the one that he dreamed of in a dream: how mother beat father. It is a textbook known how M. took pity on his mother, who was busy with the heavy duty of beating her father. M.'s day is marked by absolute idleness: fun in the dovecote, where M. escapes from lessons, is interrupted by Eremeevna, who begs the "child" to learn. Having blabbed to his uncle about his desire to marry, M. immediately hides behind Eremeevna - "an old bastard", in his words - ready to lay down his life, but "child" "do not give out." M.’s boorish arrogance is akin to his mother’s manner of treating household members and servants: “freak” and “dead” - husband, “dog daughter” and “bad mug” - Eremeevna, “beast” - girl Palashka. If the intrigue of the comedy revolves around the marriage of M. to Sofya, longed for by the Prostakovs, then the plot is focused on the topic of education and teaching of an underage teenager. This is a traditional topic for educational literature. M.'s teachers were selected in accordance with the norm of the time and the level of understanding of their task by parents. Here, Fonvizin emphasizes the details that speak of the quality of choice, which is characteristic of the simpleton family: M. is taught in French by the German Vralman, the exact sciences are taught by retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, who “marks a little arithmetic”, grammar is taught by the “educated” seminarian Kuteikin, dismissed from "every doctrine" by permission of the consistory. Hence, in the well-known scene of the exam, M. - an outstanding invention of Mitrofan's ingenuity about the noun and adjective of the door, hence the intriguingly fabulous ideas about the story told by the cowgirl Khavronya. On the whole, the result was summed up by Mrs. Prostakova, who was convinced that "without science, people live and lived." The hero of Fonvizin is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is stricken with a disease of dishonesty that spreads to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is unscrupulous in his attitude towards his mother, by whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness, and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation. The comic robes of the image are funny only at first glance. V.O. Klyuchevsky attributed M. to the breed of creatures “related to insects and microbes”, characterizing this type with inexorable “reproducibility”. Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word "undergrowth" (previously neutral) became a household name for a loafer, lazybones and lazybones.

Mitrofanushka (Prostakov Mitrofan) is the son of the landowners Prostakovs. He is considered undersized, tk. He is 16 years old and has not reached the age of majority. Observing the decree of the king, Mitrofanushka studies. But he does it with great reluctance. He is distinguished by stupidity, ignorance and laziness (scenes with teachers).
Mitrofan is rude and cruel. He does not put his father in anything, mocks teachers and serfs. He takes advantage of the fact that his mother does not have a soul in him, and turns her around as she wants.
Mitrofan stopped in his development. Sophia says about him: “Although he is 16 years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go far.”
Mitrofan combines the features of a tyrant and a slave. When Prostakova's plan to marry her son to a rich pupil, Sofya, fails, the undergrowth behaves like a slave. He humbly asks for forgiveness and humbly accepts "his sentence" from Starodum - to go to serve ("For me, where they are told"). Slave upbringing was instilled in the hero, on the one hand, by the serf nanny Eremeevna, and, on the other hand, by the whole world of the Prostakovs-Skotinins, whose concepts of honor are perverted.
Through the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin shows the degradation of the Russian nobility: from generation to generation, ignorance increases, and the rudeness of feelings reaches animal instincts. It is not for nothing that Skotinin calls Mitrofan "the damned ingot." The reason for such degradation is in the wrong, disfiguring upbringing.
The image of Mitrofanushka and the very concept of "undergrowth" has become a household word. Now they say that about ignorant and stupid people.

Literally translated from Greek, the name Mitrofan means “revealing his mother”, that is, similar to his mother. This is a bright type of spoiled "sissy", who grew up and developed in an ignorant environment of the feudal landed nobility. Serfdom, home furnishings and an absurd, ugly upbringing spiritually ruined and corrupted him. By nature, he is not devoid of cunning and ingenuity. He perfectly sees that the mother is the sovereign mistress of the house, and he adapts to her, pretends to be her tenderly loving son (a story about a dream) or scares her with the threat of drowning herself if they don’t save him from his uncle’s fists and torment him by reading the hour book.

Mitrofan's mental development is extremely low, since he has an insurmountable aversion to work, to learning. The scenes of his studies from the teacher and the exam "clearly and fully show his mental poverty, ignorance in the sciences, unwillingness to understand anything, to learn new things. Dovecote, hearth pies, sweet sleep and the idle life of a barchuk are much dearer to him than mental pursuits. Mitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for those closest to him - his father, mother and nanny. He does not talk to the teachers, but "barks", in the words of Tsyfirkin; he calls Eremeevna, devoted to him, “an old bastard,” threatens her with ferocious reprisals: “I’ll beat them up!” When the kidnapping of Sophia failed, he angrily shouts: “Let's start with people! Having lost both power and property, his mother, who rushed to him in despair, he rudely pushes away: “Yes, get rid of it, mother, as it was imposed. Mitrofan's speech fully reflects his character and his distinctive qualities. Mitrofan's mental wretchedness and underdevelopment are reflected in the fact that he does not know how to use the word, to speak coherently. He expresses himself in one word: Probably, brother. “Which door? Everything to hell!” In his language there are a lot of vernaculars, words and phrases borrowed from the courtyards: For me, where they are told. Yes, and look that from uncle task”, “I’ll dive so remember what your name was!

The main tone of his speech is a capricious, dismissive, rude rut of a spoiled "mama's son", barchuka, a future despot and petty tyrant. Even with his mother, he speaks more than cheekily, and sometimes he is insolent to her.

The image of Mitrofan is revealed widely and diversified: his attitude to his parents, to his uncle, to teachers, to Yeremeevna, his occupations, pastime, conditions that shaped his character, the reasons for his relationship to his mother at the beginning and end of the comedy are shown. The author's attitude towards him is sharply negative.

The image of Mitrofan is an image of a huge generalizing force. The name Mitrofanushka has become a household name. The very word "undergrowth", which before Fonvizin meant a noble teenager under the age of 16, became synonymous with a round ignoramus who knew nothing and did not want to know anything.

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MITROFANUSHKA - the hero of the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" (1781), a sixteen-year-old teenager (undergrowth), the only son of Mrs. Prostakova, mother's darling and favorite of the servants. M. as a literary type was not the discovery of Fonvizin. Russian literature of the end of the XVIII "Sw. she knew and portrayed such undersized people living freely in rich parental homes and at the age of sixteen barely mastered the letter. Fonvizin endowed this traditional figure of noble life (especially provincial) with the generic features of the Prostakovo-Skotininsky “nest”. In the house of his parents, M. is the main "amusing person" and "entertainer", an inventor and a witness to all stories like the one that he dreamed of in a dream: how mother beat father. It is a textbook known how M. took pity on his mother, who was busy with the heavy duty of beating her father. M.'s day is marked by absolute idleness: fun in the dovecote, where M. escapes from lessons, is interrupted by Eremeevna, who begs the "child" to learn. Having blabbed to his uncle about his desire to marry, M. immediately hides behind Yeremeevna - "an old grunt", in his words - ready to lay down his life, but "child" "do not give out." M.’s boorish arrogance is akin to his mother’s manner of treating households and servants: “freak” and “dead” - husband, “dog daughter” and “nasty mug” - Eremeevna, “beast” - the girl Palashka. If the intrigue of the comedy revolves around the marriage of M. to Sofya, longed for by the Prostakovs, then the plot is focused on the topic of education and teaching of an underage teenager. This is a traditional topic for educational literature. M.'s teachers were selected in accordance with the norm of the time and the level of understanding of their task by parents. Here, Fonvizin emphasizes the details that speak of the quality of choice, which is characteristic of the simpleton family: M. is taught in French by the German Vralman, the exact sciences are taught by retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, who “marks a little arithmetic”, grammar is taught by the “educated” seminarian Kuteikin, dismissed from "every doctrine" by permission of the consistory. Hence, in the well-known scene of the exam, M. - an outstanding invention of Mitrofan's ingenuity about the noun and adjective door, hence the intriguingly fabulous ideas about the story set forth by the cowgirl Khavronya. On the whole, the result was summed up by Mrs. Prostakova, who was convinced that "without science, people live and lived." The hero of Fonvizin is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is stricken with a disease of dishonesty that spreads to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is unscrupulous in his attitude towards his mother, by whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness, and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation. The comic robes of the image are funny only at first glance. V.O. Klyuchevsky attributed M. to the breed of creatures “related to insects and microbes”, characterizing this type with inexorable “reproducibility”. Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word "undergrowth" (previously neutral) became a household name for a loafer, lazybones and lazybones.

Mitrofanushka (Prostakov Mitrofan) is the son of the landowners Prostakovs. He is considered undersized, tk. He is 16 years old and has not reached the age of majority. Observing the decree of the king, Mitrofanushka studies. But he does it with great reluctance. He is distinguished by stupidity, ignorance and laziness (scenes with teachers).
Mitrofan is rude and cruel. He does not put his father in anything, mocks teachers and serfs. He takes advantage of the fact that his mother does not have a soul in him, and turns her around as she wants.
Mitrofan stopped in his development. Sophia says about him: “Although he is 16 years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go far.”
Mitrofan combines the features of a tyrant and a slave. When Prostakova's plan to marry her son to a rich pupil, Sofya, fails, the undergrowth behaves like a slave. He humbly asks for forgiveness and humbly accepts "his sentence" from Starodum - to go to serve ("For me, where they are told"). Slave upbringing was instilled in the hero, on the one hand, by the serf nanny Eremeevna, and, on the other hand, by the whole world of the Prostakovs-Skotinins, whose concepts of honor are perverted.
Through the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin shows the degradation of the Russian nobility: from generation to generation, ignorance increases, and the rudeness of feelings reaches animal instincts. It is not for nothing that Skotinin calls Mitrofan "the damned ingot." The reason for such degradation is in the wrong, disfiguring upbringing.
The image of Mitrofanushka and the very concept of "undergrowth" has become a household word. Now they say that about ignorant and stupid people.

Hearing the name of the comedy "Undergrowth", the image of an idler and an ignoramus emerges. Not always the word undergrowth had an ironic meaning. During the time of Peter the Great, children of the nobility under the age of 15 were called undergrowths. Fonvizin managed to give the word a different meaning. After the release of the comedy, it became a household name. The image and characterization of Mitrofanushka in the comedy "Undergrowth" are negative. Through this character, Fonvizin wanted to show the degradation of the Russian nobility, when a person ceases to be a person, turning into an ignorant and stupid beast.

The key role in the comedy "Undergrowth" is occupied by Mitrofan Prostakov, a noble son. The name Mitrofan means "similar", similar to his mother. Parents, as in the water looked. By naming the child by this name, they received a complete copy of themselves. An idler and a parasite, accustomed to the fact that all desires are fulfilled the first time. Favorite activities are good food and sleep. Mitrofan is only 16 years old, and when his peers are full of aspirations and desires, they are completely absent from him.

Mitrofan and mother

Mitrofan is a typical sissy.

“Well, Mitrofanushka, I see you are a mother’s son, and not a father!”

The father loves his son no less than the mother, but the father's opinion means nothing to him. Seeing how the mother treats her husband, humiliating the serfs in front of her, either with a word or with a cuff, the guy made certain conclusions. If a man voluntarily allowed himself to be turned into a rag, then what he deserves. The only desire to wipe your feet and step over.

Thanks to his mother, Mitrofan is absolutely not adapted to life. Why fill your head with problems and worries when there are servants and a mother who is ready for anything for him. Her guardianship and doggy adoration irritated me. Maternal love did not find a response in his heart. He grew up cold, unfeeling. In the final scene, Mitrofan proved that his mother was indifferent to him. He refuses a loved one, as soon as he hears that she has lost everything. Rushing to him in the hope of getting support, the woman hears a rude:

"Yes, get rid of you, mother, how imposed"

Self-interest, the desire to get rich quickly and effortlessly became his credo. These traits are also passed down from the mother. Even the wedding with Sophia was at the suggestion of the mother, who wanted to profitably attach her unlucky son.

“I don’t want to study, I want to get married”

These are Mitrofan's words addressed to her. The proposal was accepted by them with a bang. After all, a wedding with a rich heiress promised him a carefree and secure future.


Favorite leisure food and sleep. Food for Mitrofan meant a lot. The guy loved to eat. He stuffed his belly so that he could not sleep. He was constantly tormented by colic, but this did not make the amount of food eaten less.

“Yes, it’s clear, brother, you dined tightly ...”

Having dined heavily, Mitrofan usually went to the dovecote or went to bed. If not for the teachers with their classes, he would get out of bed only to look into the kitchen.

Attitude towards learning

Science was given to Mitrofan with difficulty. For four years the teachers fought to teach the stupid guy at least something, but the result was zero. The mother herself, an uneducated woman, inspired her son that it was not necessary to study. The main thing is money and power, everything else is a waste of time.

“Only you suffer, and everything, I see, is emptiness. Don't study this stupid science!"

Peter's decree that noble children should know arithmetic, God's word and grammar played a role. She had to hire teachers not out of love for the sciences, but because it was supposed to be. It is not surprising that with such an attitude towards learning, Mitrofan did not understand and did not know elementary things.

The value of Mitrofan in comedy

Through the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin wanted to show what can happen to a person if he stops developing, getting stuck in one pore and forgetting about human values ​​such as love, kindness, honesty, respect for people.


MITROFANUSHKA - the hero of D.I. Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth" (1781), a sixteen-year-old teenager (undergrowth), the only son of Mrs. Prostakova, mother's darling and favorite of the servants. M. as a literary type was not the discovery of Fonvizin. Russian literature of the late 18th century. she knew and portrayed such undersized people living freely in rich parental homes and at the age of sixteen barely mastered the letter. Fonvizin endowed this traditional figure of noble life (especially provincial) with the generic features of the Prostakovo-Skotininsky “nest”.

In the house of his parents, M. is the main "amusing person" and "entertainer", an inventor and a witness to all stories like the one that he dreamed of in a dream: how mother beat father. It is a textbook known how M. took pity on his mother, who was busy with the heavy duty of beating her father. M.'s day is marked by absolute idleness: fun in the dovecote, where M. escapes from lessons, is interrupted by Eremeevna, who begs the "child" to learn. Having blabbed to his uncle about his desire to marry, M. immediately hides behind Eremeevna - "an old bastard", in his words - ready to lay down his life, but "child" "do not give out." M.’s boorish arrogance is akin to his mother’s manner of treating household members and servants: “freak” and “dead” - husband, “dog daughter” and “bad mug” - Eremeevna, “beast” - girl Palashka.

If the intrigue of the comedy revolves around the marriage of M. to Sofya, longed for by the Prostakovs, then the plot is focused on the topic of education and teaching of an underage teenager. This is a traditional topic for educational literature. M.'s teachers were selected in accordance with the norm of the time and the level of understanding of their task by parents. Here, Fonvizin emphasizes the details that speak of the quality of choice, which is characteristic of the simpleton family: M. is taught in French by the German Vralman, the exact sciences are taught by retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, who “marks a little arithmetic”, grammar is taught by the “educated” seminarian Kuteikin, dismissed from "every doctrine" by permission of the consistory. Hence, in the well-known scene of the exam, M. - an outstanding invention of Mitrofan's ingenuity about the noun and adjective of the door, hence the intriguingly fabulous ideas about the story told by the cowgirl Khavronya. On the whole, the result was summed up by Mrs. Prostakova, who was convinced that "without science, people live and lived."

The hero of Fonvizin is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is stricken with a disease of dishonesty that spreads to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is unscrupulous in his attitude towards his mother, by whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness, and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation. The comic robes of the image are funny only at first glance. V.O. Klyuchevsky attributed M. to the breed of creatures “related to insects and microbes”, characterizing this type with inexorable “reproducibility”.

Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word "undergrowth" (previously neutral) became a household name for a loafer, lazybones and lazybones.

Lit .: Vyazemsky P. Fon-Vizin. St. Petersburg, 1848; Klyuchevsky V. "Undergrowth" Fonvizin

//Klyuchevsky V. Historical portraits. M., 1990; Rassadin St. Fonvizin. M., 1980.

E.V. Yusim

literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


See what "MITROFANUSHKA" is in other dictionaries:

    Ignorant, ignorant, undersized, half-educated Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mitrofanushka n., number of synonyms: 5 mitrofan (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    MITROFANUSHKA, and, husband. (colloquial). An overgrown ignoramus [by the name of the hero of Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth"]. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The protagonist of the comedy "Undergrowth" (1783) by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1745-1792) is a spoiled landowner's son, a lazy and ignorant one. A common noun for young people of this type. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M .: "Lokid ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    M. 1. Literary character. 2. Used as a symbol of a stupid, undereducated young man from a wealthy family; undergrowth. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Undergrowth comedy by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. This play is his most famous work and the most repertory play of the 18th century on the Russian stage of subsequent centuries. Fonvizin worked on the comedy for about three years. The premiere took place in 1782 ... Wikipedia

    Mitrofanushka- Mitrof anushka, and, genus. n. pl. h. nis (undergrowth) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Mitrofanushka- (1 m) (lit. character; also about a lazy person and an ignoramus) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    AND; m. and w. Iron. About a poorly educated, lazy, unwilling to study teenager. ● Named after the hero of the comedy Fonvizin Undergrowth (1782) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    mitrofanushka- And; m. and w.; iron. About a poorly educated, lazy, unwilling to study teenager. After the hero of the comedy Fonvizin Nedorosl (1782) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Mitrofanushka- the character of the comedy D. Fonvizin Undergrowth (1783), his name has become a household name for a stupid and ignorant young man who does not want to learn ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary


  • Undergrowth. Brigadier, Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich. The book includes the most famous works of the playwright, publicist, translator and creator of Russian everyday comedy D. I. Fonvizin. The heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" are representatives of different social ...

Mitrofan Terentyevich Prostakov (Mitrofanushka) - undergrowth, son of landowners Prostakov, 15 years old. The name "Mitrofan" means in Greek "manifested by his mother", "similar to his mother." It has become a household word for a stupid and arrogant ignorant sissy. Yaroslavl old-timers considered the prototype of the image of M. a certain barchuk who lived in the vicinity of Yaroslavl, as reported by L. N. Trefolev.

Fonvizin's comedy is a play about an undergrowth, about his monstrous upbringing, which turns a teenager into a cruel and lazy creature. The word "undergrowth" before Fonvizin's comedy did not carry negative semantics. Undergrowths were called teenagers under the age of fifteen, that is, the age determined by Peter I for entry into the service. In 1736, the period of stay in the "undergrowth" was extended to twenty years. The decree on the freedom of the nobility abolished the mandatory term of service and granted the nobles the right to serve or not to serve, but confirmed the compulsory education introduced under Peter I. Prostakova follows the law, although she does not approve of it. She also knows that many, including those in her family, circumvent the law. M. has been studying for four years, but Prostakova wants to keep him with her for ten years.

The plot of the comedy is based on the fact that Prostakova wants to marry the poor pupil Sophia for her brother Skotinin, but then, having learned about 10,000 rubles, the heiress of which Starodum made Sophia, decides not to miss the rich heiress. Skoti-nin doesn't want to give in. On this basis, between M. and Skotinin, between Prostakova and Skotinin, enmity arises, turning into ugly quarrels. M., set up by his mother, demands collusion, declaring: “The hour of my will has come. I don't want to study, I want to get married." But Prostakova understands that first you need to get the consent of Starodum. And for this it is necessary that M. appear in a favorable light: “While he is resting, my friend, at least for the sake of appearance, learn, so that it comes to his ears how you work, Mitrofanushka.” For her part, Prostakova in every possible way praises M.'s diligence, successes and her parental care for him, and although she knows for sure that M. has not learned anything, she nevertheless arranges an “exam” and encourages Starodum to evaluate the successes of her son (case 4, yavl. VIII). The lack of motivation for this scene (it is hardly appropriate to tempt fate and present the son in a bad light; it is also unclear how the illiterate Prostakova could appreciate M.'s knowledge and the pedagogical efforts of his teachers) is obvious; but it is important for Fonvizin to show that the ignorant landowner herself becomes a victim of her own deceit and sets a trap for her son. After this farcical comedy scene, Prostakova, confident that she will push her brother back by force, and realizing that M. could not stand the test and comparison with Milon, decides to forcibly marry M. to Sophia; instructs him to get up at six o'clock, put "three servants in Sophia's bedroom, and two in the hallway to help" (d. 4, yavl. IX). To this M. replies: "Everything will be done." When Prostakova’s “conspiracy” fails, M., at first ready, after her mother, “to be taken for people” (d. 5, fig. III), then humbly asks for forgiveness, and then rudely pushes her mother away: “Get off, mother, how imposed itself” (case 5, yavl. last). Completely bewildered and having lost power over people, he now has to go through a new school of education (“Go serve,” Pravdin tells him), which he accepts with slavish obedience: “According to me, where they are told.” These last words of M. become a kind of illustration to the words of Starodum: “Well, what can come out of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for which ignorant parents also pay money to ignorant teachers? How many noble fathers who entrust the moral upbringing of their son to their serf slave! Fifteen years later, instead of one slave, two come out, an old uncle and a young master ”(d. 5, yavl. I).

The struggle for the hand of Sophia, making up the plot of the comedy, puts M. in the center of action. As one of the "imaginary" suitors, M. with his figure connects two worlds - the ignorant nobles, tyrants, the world of "malice" and the enlightened nobles, the world of good morals. These "camps" are extremely alienated from each other. Prostakova, Skotinin cannot understand Starodum, Pravdin and Milon (Prostakova says to Starodum in complete bewilderment: “God knows how you judge you now” - d. 4, phenom. VIII; M. cannot understand , which the same characters demand of him), and Sofya, Pravdin, Milon and Starodum perceive M. and his relatives with open contempt. The reason for this is a different upbringing. The natural nature of M. is distorted by upbringing, and therefore he is in sharp contradiction with the norms of behavior of a nobleman and with ethical ideas about a good-natured and enlightened person.
The author's attitude to M., as well as to other negative characters, is expressed in the form of a "monologue" self-exposure of the hero and in the replicas of positive characters. The rudeness of vocabulary betrays in him hardness of heart and evil will; ignorance of the soul leads to laziness, empty pursuits (chasing pigeons), gluttony. M. is the same tyrant at home as Prostakova. Like Prostakova, she does not consider her father, seeing him as an empty place, and treats teachers in every possible way. At the same time, he holds Prostakov in his hands and threatens to commit suicide if she does not protect him from Skotinin (“To wind here and the river is close. Dive, so remember your name” - d. 2, yavl. VI). M. knows neither love, nor pity, nor simple gratitude; in this respect he surpassed his mother. Prostakova lives for her son, M. for herself. Ignorance can progress from generation to generation; coarseness of feelings is reduced to purely animal instincts. Prostakov remarks with surprise: “It’s strange, brother, how relatives can resemble relatives. Our Mitrofanushka looks like an uncle. And he is a pig hunter from childhood, just like you. As he was for another three years, it used to happen, when he saw a pig, he would tremble with joy ”(d. 1, yavl. V). In the fight scene, Skotinin calls M. "damned ingot." With all his behavior and speeches, M. justifies the words of Starodum: “An ignoramus without a soul is a beast” (d. 3, yavl. I).

According to Starodum, there are three types of people: an enlightened smart girl; unenlightened, but possessing a soul; unenlightened and soulless. M., Prostakova and Skotinin belong to the latter variety. They seem to grow claws (see the scene of Skotinin’s quarrel with M. and the words of Eremeevna, as well as the fight between Prostakova and Skotinin, in which M.’s mother “pierced” Skotinin’s scruff), bearish strength appears (Skotinin says to Prostakova: “It will come to breaking , I will bend, so you will crack" - d. 3, yavl. III). Comparisons are taken from the animal world: “Have you heard that a bitch gave out her puppies?” Worse, M. stopped in its development and is then only capable of regression. Sophia says to Milon: “Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go far” (d. 2, yavl. II). The absence of family and cultural traditions turned into a triumph of "malice", and M. breaks even those "animal" ties that united him with his kindred circle.

In the face of M. Fonvizin brought out a peculiar type of tyrant slave: he is a slave of low passions, which turned him into a tyrant. The “slave” upbringing of M. in the narrow sense is connected with the “mother” Eremeevna, in the broad sense - with the world of the Prostakovs and Skotinins. In both cases, dishonorable concepts were instilled in M.: in the first, because Eremeevna was a serf, in the second, because the concepts of honor were perverted.

The image of M. (and the very concept of "undergrowth") became a household word. However, the educational idea of ​​the mechanistic dependence of human behavior on his upbringing was subsequently overcome. In The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin, Petrusha Grinev receives an education similar to M., but develops independently and behaves like an honest nobleman. Pushkin sees in M. something radical, Russian, charming, and with the help of the epigraph (“Mitrofan for me”) raises the narrator - and partly the characters - of “Belkin's Tales” to the hero of “Undergrowth”. The name "Mitrofan" is found in Lermontov ("Tambov Treasurer"). The satirical development of the image is given in the novel by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Lords of Tashkent”.
Prostakova is the wife of Terenty Prostakov, mother of Mitrofan and sister of Taras Skotinin. The surname indicates both the simplicity, ignorance, lack of education of the heroine, and the fact that she falls into a mess.
