The most beautiful Czech female models (13 photos). What can we learn from Czech women? Linen Czech women on the street for money

Love. How much do sex services cost in the Czech Republic? Where can you find relaxed Czech women in short skirts and open cleavages and how not to make a mistake?

As you know, the top ten leading sex countries include such powers as Germany, Holland, Thailand and others. Despite the fact that you won’t find the Czech Republic on this list, quite a few tourists still have the opportunity to appreciate all the features of national Czech sex.

There are “free brothels” in the Czech Republic. Arriving there, the visitor receives everything he needs: linen, towels, safety equipment. For this they ask for only one thing: to sign a paper stating that the visitor does not object to the broadcast of his love affairs on the Internet.

However, sex tourists from Ukraine are still very rare here. Although for the time being... It is interesting that there are dozens of scientific works on the topic of Czechoslovak sex, to which it is worth adding hundreds more absolutely unscientific ones. Be that as it may, the whole meaning of these works boils down to only one meaning: Czech sex is one of the most cynical in the world, and, moreover, completely devoid of sacredness.

In this country, sex is treated as a simple human need, the same as food, sleep, and rest. Therefore, tenderness and affection are the same demanded goods as gas and oil, and prostitution here is quite commonplace, which is treated very calmly.

As researchers note, Czech women are much more active than men in intimate matters. This can be explained by the peculiarities of the country's drinking traditions. After all, Czechs usually try beer in early childhood. For comparison, in Ukraine, a person who drinks 1–2 liters of beer daily is already considered an alcoholic, with all the ensuing consequences, but in the Czech Republic this is considered the usual norm. Here, a person who does not drink beer at all will cause more concern.

As a result of frequent drinking of beer, many Czechs by the age of 30 begin to develop apathy and complete indifference to nightly adventures. And, naturally, a completely predictable reaction follows from women: in this country there is a phenomenon of sexual hospitality that is completely unusual for Europe. This phenomenon is very well known in Western countries. In our country, very little has been heard about him yet.

Czech avant-garde composer Erwin Schulhoff wrote the Erotic Sonata in 1919, which is still performed at music festivals to this day. In fact, the sonata consists of one part for the female voice, imitating moans and sighs during sexual intercourse.

The meaning of this phenomenon is that Czechs take great pleasure in offering their girlfriends, mistresses and even wives to their guests. Moreover, they do not see anything unnatural in this. According to them, all these love claims are absolutely uninteresting for them, so they see no reason to prevent their significant other from having fun with other men.

Because of this attitude towards sex, there are very few sex attractions in the country, but what is there can capture the imagination of even the most sophisticated tourist. Just look at the museum of sex machines, recently opened in Prague. This museum, located in three floors of an ancient building in the city center, where almost two hundred erotic exhibits are collected, attracts about 100 thousand tourists every year. The collection even contains erotic films made with amateur cameras at the very beginning of the twentieth century, erotic clothing and other items with a very obvious purpose.

As for prostitution, here it is the most profitable area of ​​the illegal economy. Every evening at exactly 6 o'clock in the evening, on Old Town Square, as if on command, a whole squad of beautiful and smartly dressed girls appears. This can also be seen on Narodnaya Street and other very popular and crowded places in the center of Prague. According to some estimates, these girls earned almost 6 billion crowns just last year. This is a very considerable amount, which amounts to 0.2% of the total national income of the entire country.

In the western Czech Republic, on the streets of the city of Aš, signs will appear with images of women’s lips, crossed out or not. This way tourists will be informed about the legality of sex services in the area. According to the law, the mayor's office cannot ban prostitution throughout the city.

Statistics show that in the Czech Republic there are a total of about 6,300 priestesses of love, and most of them are foreigners. Each girl can earn about 80 dollars during the day (or 2,500 kroons in national currency).

Despite the very high tolerance, discussions sometimes arise in the country about the advisability of legalizing this type of activity. Thus, several years ago, the issue of creating a special district in Prague where all prostitutes could be resettled was seriously discussed. However, these plans were not destined to come true, but about 70% of Czechs support the idea of ​​legalizing prostitution.

When searching for representatives of the oldest profession, it is quite possible to stumble upon your compatriot. This is not at all surprising, since 500 thousand Russian speakers live in the Czech Republic, and half of them, of course, are women. Compared to native Czech girls, Russian girls usually look much better. As a rule, they prefer long-term relationships with men who permanently reside in the Czech Republic or are on long-term business trips. Our compatriots can be found on Rimskaya and Paris streets or on Wenceslas Square.

In Czech prostitution, several styles and trends can be distinguished. The same phenomenon, however, is observed in almost all countries. The most popular genre is street prostitution. Representatives of various nations engage in this type of activity here; you can meet Romanians, Slovaks, Albanians and Gypsies. But Czech women themselves, as well as Russian girls, are not observed among all this diversity. While on the street, these girls behave very actively, flirt and flirt with passing men. The price for their services ranges from 20 to 100 dollars per hour. However, using the services of street prostitutes can be very dangerous, since if you follow a pretty girl, you run the risk of simply being robbed.

Social services of the Czech Republic have published a comic book brochure for representatives of the oldest profession. In it, experienced colleagues give the girl advice on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, remind her about medical examinations, and teach her how to use contraception correctly.

: It’s a pity that dirty Western “culture” and the church turn Slavic women into prostitutes and whores. All this is at least contrary to Holy Scripture and leads to the degeneration of the nation and people.
03.06.14 Gennady Igorevich

Western dirt, drugs, homosexuality of Catholic priests, prostitution. All this shows what kind of dirt, garbage dump and sexual slavery, and not “culture” and “freedom” Western society brings! Unemployment, poverty, lack of rights, slavery.
Suck dirty dicks on the street. This is what the West brought to Slavic girls
21.08.15 Pumpkin Vasa

Unfortunately, the West lives by its own standards, and this is the West’s choice. But why the Slovenian people absorb only garbage - I was unable to understand this logically. After all, you should always take only the best. Although... whoever is interested in this other than yourself - take the best. And the problem of the Slovenian people is that there is a lot of rot. And this rottenness slips the turd. And the tip of the iceberg of this problem is the weak government.
20.09.17 Alexandra

: It’s a pity that the dirty Western “culture” and the church turn Slavic women into prostitutes and whores. All this is, at the very least, contrary to Holy Scripture and leads to the degeneration of the nation and people.
03.06.14 Your name*

The guide advised us to visit the pomegranate museum on Panskaya street 6. We were satisfied, and you can buy beautiful collections of Czech pomegranates!!!
26.11.13 Svetlana

By origin, the Czechs are Slavs, but their mentality is significantly different from the Russian one. This manifests itself in external features and behavior. These differences are especially noticeable when looking at the female part of the Czech population.

Characteristic features of appearance

Czech women have an attractive appearance, combining Germanic elongation and pointed features with Slavic cuteness and softness. Their noses are usually long and slightly hooked.

The natural hair color of most Czech women is light brown, but sometimes you can see brunettes who apparently have gypsy roots. At the same time, many ladies dye their hair, turning into light blondes or dark brown-haired women.

Czech women have a thin build. They have quite long legs and large breasts.

Dressing style

Women in the Czech Republic try to dress simply and practically. This is precisely where they differ most from the Russians. Czechs do not wear high-heeled shoes, because they believe that they are harmful to health, and it is impossible to walk on cobblestone streets in them. They rarely wear skirts and dresses, especially short ones, and they have no passion for furs and sparkles.

The traditional outfit of Czech women is jeans, sneakers, a T-shirt and a jacket. At the same time, they emphasize their individuality and femininity with the help of stylish accessories: scarves, watches and discreet jewelry. The look is completed with a torn bun of hair on the head and a minimum of makeup on the face. It is worth noting that Czech women, who are indifferent to outfits, have a weakness for original perfumes. Public places often have an unusual, pleasant aroma.

Compared to Czech women who prefer a calm, sporty style, Russian ladies with flashy makeup in short bright dresses and stiletto heels stand out very much.

In the Czech Republic, it is customary to buy clothes not in expensive boutiques, but in markets or in stores with affordable prices. In general, in this country it is considered shameful to demonstrate high wealth and boast of things from famous brands. That is, Czechs value not the luxury of Gucci more, but the practicality of H&M and Zara, especially during sales periods.


Czech women are independent and have the same rights in society as men. Moreover, representatives of the stronger sex in the Czech Republic are quite infantile and very often voluntarily agree to the financial and moral dominance of a woman in the family. Gender equality in this country is evidenced by the fact that both men and women are required to shake hands when meeting, and after dining together in a restaurant, everyone pays for themselves.

Czechs start working early and never spend too long on maternity leave. There are practically no housewives among them. Most often they work in administrative positions that do not require higher education. Therefore, it is very difficult to meet a Czech woman with a university diploma.

Attitude towards marriage and children

The sexual revolution in the Czech Republic occurred much earlier than in the countries of the former USSR, and this is manifested in the behavior of Czech women. They are sexually liberated and behave with men without affectation or hidden games. According to statistics, before the age of 30, Czech women have sex with 5-8 men. And this does not cause condemnation in society.

Civil marriages, which Czechs call “partnerships,” are common in this country. Such relationships can last a very long time - 10 or even 50 years. Marriages are registered only in cases of extreme necessity.

As a rule, Czechs decide to start a family when they are closer to 30 years old, already having a certain financial base. They love children and give birth to at least two babies. The approach to educating the younger generation in the Czech Republic is thorough. As a rule, children are given a lot of attention, while respect for elders is instilled in them. Public scandals are very rare. Parents talk to their offspring calmly, but do not allow them to manipulate them. There are many family clubs.


A healthy lifestyle is very popular among Czech women. Many of them follow vegetarian dietary principles, go on diets and go to gyms.

Sports are a kind of hobby for Czechs. They spend their days off very actively: skiing, river rafting, playing tennis, going to dancing and yoga. In every district you can find a park specially equipped for sports activities.

In terms of their character, appearance and attitude to life, Czech women are closer to German women than to Eastern Slav women. They are cute and smart, but don't try to show off their individuality with flashy clothes and makeup. The main thing for them is comfort.

3. When crossing the road at a zebra crossing, you can rest assured: drivers will definitely let you through. There are, of course, exceptions, but generally, people here prefer to stop a few meters from the pedestrian.
4. Blowing your nose loudly in public is considered absolutely normal.
5. Czechs love pets very much. Quite often you can see purebred dogs accompanied by elderly people.
6. There is a pet store on almost every corner.
7. It is very rare to meet homeless animals on the street. Even a black cat crossing your path is someone's property.
8. The Czech Republic has the highest number of marijuana smokers in all of Europe.
9. By the way, drugs are legal here (up to 15 grams of marijuana, up to four ecstasy tablets, two grams of amphetamine, one and a half grams of heroin, one gram of cocaine).

10. Women here dress quite modestly. Practicality in clothing is preferable to high heels, which would make it impossible to walk on the cobblestones laid out in the city center.
11. Most Czechs understand Russian swearing. Some even use it. But mostly swear words here are associated with the names of animals (cow, pig).
12. There are only three metro lines in Prague and short distances between stations.
13. The easiest way to get to the right place is by public transport; it runs here on schedule and on time.
14. In the Czech Republic they don’t understand why Russians love sunflower seeds. However, according to stories, Czech students who were visiting Moscow enjoyed clicking them.
15. The famous cartoon about a mole was created in the Czech Republic. Here, by the way, you can buy souvenirs and toys in the form of the main character.
16. The largest castle in Europe is Prague Castle, which is located in Prague.
17. On the outskirts of the small town of Kutna Hora there is an unusual Ossuary Church, made of human bones. As the story goes, the land on which the church stands was considered holy and everyone wanted to be buried in it. During the plague of the 14th century, 30,000 people found peace in this land, and after every war and uprising this land was replenished with fresh graves. However, in the 18th century, the new owners of the land decided to dig up the remains and use them as improvised materials for building a church.
18. Every year on the fifth of December the day of St. Nicholas (Nicholas) is celebrated here. According to tradition, in the evening Saint Nicholas visits families with children and, based on the records of good and bad deeds that he carries with him, gives the children gifts or coal. He is accompanied by the devil, who has coal in his sack, and an angel who carries gifts.
19. The Czech garnet gemstone is considered quite popular. According to legend, this stone has magical properties and is a talisman for its owner.

20. And, of course, Czech beer is considered one of the most delicious. Czech breweries have great success and a high reputation in the world.

21. To travel around the country, you should buy a “vignette” - a sticker on the windshield of your car, confirming that you have paid for the right to travel on Czech toll roads. During the trip, local traffic police did not stop us, so we did not have to show them the receipt of payment. But, they say, without a “vignette” the fine is serious.
22. In the Czech Republic, probably like in most Western countries, when they mean “one”, they show the thumb, and not, as we do, the index finger.
23. The word “Pozor” in Czech translates to “Caution.” The first couple of times the signs with this inscription are funny, then you get used to it.
24. Prague is located on the Vltava River.
25. To travel on the metro, you need to buy a universal ticket for all types of public transport from a machine. Tickets vary in time of use. The machine prints the start time of the trip on them.
26. There are inspectors in subway cars, but we have never met them.
27. You will not see satellite dishes on the roofs of old houses - it is forbidden to hang them. This spoils the appearance of the old city.
28. We were told that it is impossible to replace old window frames with double-glazed windows.
29. Money in the Czech Republic is called “koruny”.

30. In the fields and next to country roads, wild poppies grow like a bright carpet.
31. In the evening in the city you can see a picture of drug addicts injecting themselves into a vein. This does not happen in crowded places, of course, but they are not particularly hidden.
32. An acquaintance who lives in Prague told us. There are two types of blacks here: some with briefcases are in a hurry somewhere for work, others stand with an idle look - these are drug sellers.
33. One of the most famous Czech souvenirs is “Krotek” from the children's cartoon.

34. Writer Franz Kafka was born in Prague. His image is used on a bunch of souvenirs.
35. Tap water in Prague is clean and odorless. You can drink it unboiled.
36. The price of beer in glass bottles in stores is less than in cans. But when you pay, the price somehow increases. It turns out that the price tag does not immediately include the deposit cost of the bottle itself.
37. At gas stations, the car is filled up immediately, and only after that the payment is made, and without a queue. Making my way through a crowd of Russian-speaking tourists standing in line at a gas station store, I heard about how I was jumping the line.
38. When purchasing goods at a Tesco hypermarket, a coupon is issued at the checkout, which reduces the price at a Tesco gas station.
39. In street cafes, salty pretzels are displayed on the tables to accompany beer. When paying for beer, the number of pretzels is checked, if you eat something, it is added to the bill.

40. Chinese fast foods serve large portions that are difficult for one not very hungry person to eat. But, if you ask for additional cutlery and pay a little extra, the portion can be divided between two.
41. Payment in these Chinese establishments goes like this: a Chinese woman administrator comes up with a wallet, into which she immediately puts the payment for the food and gives out change, if necessary.
42. There are few people who smoke; in Europe it is an expensive pleasure.
43. Almost no one smokes while walking.
44. In the Czech Republic, Mattoni mineral water is popular, which, unlike the usual one, has a sweet taste. Just for fun, I even bought this mineral water, but in a dark red bottle: it tasted like Licorice root.
45. Ordering set lunches in a cafe is cheaper than buying groceries and cooking it yourself.
46. ​​When exchanging currency, pay close attention to the commission charged, which can be quite impressive.
47. You need to recalculate the amount immediately after the exchange; you can easily be short-changed.
48. The best exchangers with zero commission are those run by Arabs.
49. The rate varies depending on the day of the week. It seems that the best day to exchange dollars for crowns is Monday.

50. In general, it is better to go through all the exchangers to choose the best rate.
51. Prostitution is allowed in the Czech Republic. “Trade union of prostitutes” sounds funny.
52. In Prague, I didn’t see regular black bread in stores, which made me suffer a lot. Although, of course, I’m not saying that it’s impossible to find.
53. Students receive discounts on most excursions and exhibitions. Therefore, I advise you to carry some student documents.
54. An acquaintance told me that they looked at him askance in a Prague water park, where he swam without taking off his cross. Apparently they don't do that.
55. Czechs are a friendly nation. For example, in stores, sellers always say “good afternoon” (Dobry den), “thank you” (Dekuju), “all the best” (nashledanou).

You can judge what Czech women look like from my previous posts: and. But today I decided to write an essay about what I think about Czech women and what they look like.

1. Let me start with the fact that there are a lot of beautiful girls in the Czech Republic. I would say that there is the largest number of pretty girls among European countries. There is no point in comparing Czech women with average German, Austrian or Norwegian women: this is heaven and earth.

2. Most often, Czechs have light brown or light brown hair; brunettes and blondes are less common. They can be distinguished from our girls by their slightly larger nose, but not as big as that of the Austrians.

3. Czech women love sports very much, they are hardy. Even if a girl seems plump to you, it doesn’t mean anything, she can easily walk kilometers quickly, carry three bags from the store and a couple of children. When they have a free minute, they run, ride a bike, go hiking, etc. lead an active lifestyle.

4. Czech women are very relaxed: they can calmly sit in a sauna naked, sunbathe topless, change clothes in front of everyone. But at the same time they don’t look like B and are shy.

5. Czech women are usually cute. Like all representatives of Slavic peoples, Czechs often look sad and simply do not smile at strangers. But if you make friends with them, do some minimally pleasant thing, then they will be pleased, and they will definitely smile at you. I would call this trait "the absence of a Western hypocritical smile."

6. Czechs are far from lazy. Like any normal person, they take care of home, family, work, study, build a career, raise children, meet with relatives. By the way, most girls in the Czech Republic work.

7. They use little cosmetics, but at the same time they have smooth skin, a healthy complexion, and no wrinkles. I think that here girls and women look good without makeup, because the Czech Republic has a good environment, high-quality natural products, and there is general relaxation and kindness in the air.

8. They don’t behave provocatively and vulgarly, they don’t do cool makeup and hairstyles like Russians, they’re just different. There are models who wear heels, dresses, and beautiful makeup, but most Czech women prefer naturalness and beauty, wear comfortable sportswear or jeans, and most often look ridiculous and funny in heels. The most common clothing for Czech women is jeans, a light sports jacket, sneakers or sneakers, and a backpack. Even if a girl is carrying a leather bag, she may have a backpack hanging behind her back, and I sincerely don’t understand why they would do that.

9. Girls in the Czech Republic are prudent; they cannot, like Russians or Italians, spend all their money on a fur coat and then pay off the loan for a year. Therefore, if you meet a girl in the Czech Republic wearing a fur coat, hung with gold jewelry and expensive clothes, it means that she is from a rich family and can really afford it.

10. Czechs love to cook, and they prepare a variety of food, including baking sweets themselves, making pickles, baking meat, and barbecuing. In stores you can see that Czechs buy products specifically for cooking, and not semi-finished products, and books with recipes are quite popular in stores.

The Czechs are the fifth largest (after Russians, Poles, Ukrainians and Serbs) Slavic people. They belong to the Western Slavs (along with the Poles, Slovaks and Lusatians). There are more than 10-12 million Czechs in the world, most of whom live in the Czech Republic. 1.5 million Americans are of Czech descent.
Hundreds of thousands of Czechs have German roots, due to the strong German influence from the 13th century to the beginning of the 20th century. There is also a Celtic element to the Czechs (the Celts were the first known population of the modern Czech Republic, and one of the historical regions of the Czech Republic, Bohemia, took its name from the Kelian Boii tribes).
This rating presents the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Czech women.
18th place. Lucie Kovandová (born November 6, 1993) - Czech model, representative of the Czech Republic at Miss World 2013. Height 176 cm, measurements 90-62-90.

17th place. Zdenka Podkapova (born August 6, 1977, Brno, Czech Republic) is a Czech model, known mainly for her nude photo shoots. She became Penthouse magazine's Girl of the Year in 2001. The owner of natural breasts. In her youth she was seriously involved in gymnastics and became a 4-time champion of the Czech Republic.

16th place. Helena Houdová (born December 27, 1979, Pilsen, Czech Republic) is a Czech model, Miss Czech Republic 1999, who represented the country at Miss World 1999.

15th place. Marketa Janska / Markéta Jánská (born May 24, 1981, Most, Czech Republic) is a Czech model. Became Playboy's June 2003 Girl of the Year.

14th place. Eliška Kovářová is a Czech model.

13th place. Hana Svobodová (born July 30, 1988) is a Czech model. She represented the country at the Miss Earth 2008 competition. Height is 176 cm, measurements 89-64-91.

12th place. Simona Krainova (born February 19, 1973, Gaviřov, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel and TV presenter. Height 175 cm, measurements 89-59-89.

11th place. Karolína Kurková (born February 28, 1984, Decin, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel. Height 180.5 cm, parameters 84-58.5-87.5.

10th place. Veronika Varzhekova / Veronika Vařeková (born June 19, 1977, Olomouc, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel. Height 178 cm, measurements 92-61-89.

9th place. Daniela Peštová (born October 14, 1970, Teplice, Czech Republic) is a Czech supermodel. Height 180 cm, parameters 86.5-59-91.5.

8th place. Barbora Kodetova (born September 6, 1970) is a Czech actress. She is best known for her role as Chani in the miniseries Dune (2000), an adaptation of Frank Herbert's science fiction novel of the same name.

Barbora Kodetova in the mini-series "Dune" (2000)

7th place. Petra Kvitová (born March 8, 1990, Bilovec) is a Czech tennis player who won 17 WTA tournaments, including twice (2011, 2014) Grand Slam tournament - Wimbledon. In the past - the second racket of the world.

6th place. Miroslava Sternova / Miroslava Šternová, better known as Miroslava Stern / Miroslava Stern or simply Miroslava, is a Mexican actress. Born on February 26, 1926 in the capital of Czechoslovakia, Prague. Her adoptive father was Jewish, which forced the family to flee the Nazis to Mexico in 1940. Miroslava was a successful actress in Mexico, starring in several Hollywood films, but committed suicide at the age of 29 on March 9, 1955, shortly after the release of her most famous film, Attempted Crime (dir. L. Buñuel). Her friends said that she did this because of unrequited love for the matador Luis Miguel Dominguin, who married someone else.

5th place. Libuše Šafránková (June 7, 1953, Brno) is a Czechoslovakian and Czech actress. She became famous (including in the USSR) after the main role in the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella” (1973), a joint production of Czechoslovakia and the GDR.

Libuše Šafrankova in the film "The Third Prince" (1982)

4th place. Gabriela Soukalova (born November 1, 1989, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic) is a Czech biathlete, winner of the 2015/2016 World Cup, two-time silver medalist at the Sochi Olympics.

3rd place. Eva Herzigová (born March 10, 1973, Litvinov, Czech Republic) is a Czech top model and actress. In Russian-language media, her last name and first name are written Eva Herzigova, which is not entirely correct, because Czechs pronounce Eva Herzigova. Height 181 cm, figure parameters 89-63.5-90.

2nd place. Veronika Zemanova / Veronika Zemanová (born April 14, 1975, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic) is a former Czech model, known for nude photo shoots, as well as videos in the soft genre (Zemanova did not appear in videos with men, most often alone or with girls ). At the end of 2000, she enlarged her already naturally large breasts. At the end of 2003, she married a German businessman, and soon after that she stopped acting.

1 place. Pavlina Pořízková (born April 9, 1965, Prostejov, Czech Republic) is a supermodel, actress and writer. You can also find her name spelled as Polina or Paulina, and her last name as Porizkova. She has lived in the United States since the 80s and has American as well as Swedish citizenship (her parents fled to Sweden from Czechoslovakia in 1968).
