Guide to finding jade figurines. Finding collectibles in Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Powerful weapons at the very beginning of the game

Each figurine - gives access to 1 Kung Fu reception at the martial arts school
Below I will tell you where to find them.

First, you need to meet a girl named Tiffany in the Bam-Bam club. After a date with her, the figurines will be available on the map if you press the "Q" button. There are 11 of them in the game.

Figurine No. 1 The first figurine is located in the Bam-Bam club. After you sang karaoke, go up to the second floor and after the cutscene a fight will start. Knock back enemies and run to the bar. The figurine will stand there.

Figurine #2 The second figurine is in Winston's mom's kitchen. Run into the kitchen from the street, and the figurine will stand on the kitchen table.

Figurine #3 The third statuette is located in a Tibetan temple. You can get there either during idle wandering, or during the mission "The Future Bride". One way or another, the figurine will be on a pedestal, there is also a monk standing next to it. Do not miss.

Figurine #4 The fourth statuette is located on the pier. Again, you can get it while idle wandering around the city, or while doing a police job: "Pop Star Case 3". After shadowing and photographing, get out of the car, chat the man and take the figurine, it will stand on the box.

Figurine #5The fifth statuette can only be obtained during the main mission, but if you missed the statuette, the mission can be replayed from the social center. During the mission, you will have to jump on the roofs, then jump to the balcony and go into the apartment. The figurine will stand on the coffee table. The task will be available after the middle of the story story.

Figurine #6 The sixth figurine is in the K-bar. You can get there at any time, during a walk, or during a story mission, when you need to show a producer from the USA all the delights of Hong Kong. The figurine will stand on the bar, all that remains is to pick it up and that's it.

Figurine #7 The seventh statuette is in the central hospital. Can be obtained at any time. The figurine will be on the registration table, there is also a nurse standing there, so don't miss it.

Figurine #8 The eighth figurine is in the flower shop. You can get there, both in your free time and during the mission: "Bride-to-be". After the video, get out of the car and go into the shop. The figurine will stand on the table.

Figurine #9The ninth statuette is in the gaming den. To get there, you need a boat. Jump into the boat and go to the ship where the brothel is located. Once on the ship - go into the cabin, turn right and take the figurine. The hangout is at the top of the map

Figurine #10The tenth statuette can only be obtained during a mission. Having entered the apartment of Fatty - the temporary chairman, break open the lock and take the figurine. Quest only after the middle of the game

Figurine #11 The eleventh and last statuette on the list can be found in the graveyard. Again, as during a free walk, so during a mission.

security cameras

There are 26 cameras "Drug Crash + regular cameras" in the game. Hacking cameras near the "Drug Crash" quests does not require much effort.


For me, it was an easy way to get rich in this game. Collected ~1500000 local currency.
Safes. There are 100 of them in the game. They are hidden in different places: in the alleys, in the yards of houses, on the roofs and in many other places. Most often, there is a guard of 3 people next to them. In the middle of the game, in one of the missions, we meet a black rapper named King. You go to a bar with him. In the bar you meet 2 girls (Katyushka and Ilyana). After a successful visit to the bar, Ilyana's number will appear in your mobile phone. Call her anytime, take her out on a date, beat her on a date and safes will appear on your minimap. 40 safes in North Point, 15 in Aberdeen, 30 in Central area and 15 in Kennedy Town.
You will need to defeat her in parkour on the roofs not far from the bar.

Altars of health

An easy way to make the main character almost "immortal".
If you "pray" in all 50 altars, then the character's health will increase by 100%, and every 5 altars increase health by 10%. To see the altars on the minimap, you need to go on a date with Amanda. She meets at the beginning of the game and Wei shows her around the city. After that, her number is added to your mobile phone. Now, you can call her at any time. She'll offer to meet you at Victoria Peak. You walk with her, take some photos. After the date, health altars will be displayed on your minimap (radius up to 80 meters). There are 15 altars in North Point, 10 in Aberdeen, 15 in Central area and 10 in Kennedy Town. Hi all. You know that collectibles are in every game, and Sleeping Dogs has them too. For example, here you can collect jade figurines to give them to the martial artist Kuoki, in return, he will teach you new techniques that will greatly help in a street fight.

If you want to find all the figurines, then you need to meet Tiffany at the Bam Bam Club. After a date with her, a bonus will open for you: all jade figurines will be displayed on the minimap.

Jade figurine #1.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The first figurine is in the Bam-Bam club. After you sang karaoke, go up to the second floor and after the cutscene a fight will start. Knock back enemies and run to the bar. The figurine will stand there.

Jade figurine №2.

The third figurine is in a Tibetan temple. You can get there either during idle wandering, or during the mission "The Future Bride". One way or another, the figurine will be on a pedestal, there is also a monk standing next to it, so don't miss it, even if you want to.

Jade figurine №4.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The fourth figurine is located on the pier. Again, you can get it while idle wandering around the city, or while doing a police job: "Pop Star Case 3". After spying and photographing, get out of the car, babble the man and take the figurine, it will stand on the box.

Jade figurine №5.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The fifth statuette can only be obtained during the completion of the story mission, but if you missed the statuette, then the mission can be replayed from the social center. During the mission, you will have to jump on the roofs, then jump to the balcony and go into the apartment. The figurine will stand on the coffee table.

Jade figurine №6.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide

See something flickering there? This is the sixth statue.

The sixth figurine is in the K-bar. You can get there at any time, during a walk, or during a story mission, when you need to show a producer from the USA all the delights of Hong Kong. The figurine will stand on the bar, all that remains is to pick it up and that's it.

Jade figurine №7.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The seventh figurine is in the central hospital. Can be obtained at any time. The figurine will be on the registration table, there is also a nurse standing there, so don't miss it.

Jade figurine №8.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The eighth figurine is in the flower shop. You can get there, both in your free time and during the mission: "Bride-to-be". After the video, get out of the car and go into the shop. The figurine will stand on the table.

Jade figurine №9.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The ninth figurine is in the gaming den. To get there, you need a boat. Jump into the boat and go to the ship where the brothel is located. Once on the ship - go into the cabin, turn right and take the figurine.

Hong Kong. Nowadays. The deal is interrupted by a security guard who suddenly appears and the police immediately begin to act. We run after Naz, holding the acceleration button. To overcome obstacles, you must press the jump button. Our accomplice is caught, and we continue to run away. But this will not last long, soon they will “tie” us.

Meet Wei Shen, an undercover cop. In the cell we meet an old friend Jackie Ma. After talking with him, we promise to help before he leaves. The command quickly releases us, gives instructions and sends us to conquer Hong Kong. We follow Jackie, entering the hotel, local guys from the Dog Eye gang begin to pester him. The hand-to-hand combat system is quite simple, but moreover, it is multifaceted. We perform various combinations of simple strikes displayed on the screen. We capture on opponents using the block. We will deal with the latter quite cruelly - we grab it and, approaching the illuminated counter, we press it with a curtain. We get to the restaurant run by Winston's mother. After small graters, Winston gives us a task. Let's follow Conroy to the backyard. The guys don't seem to understand who they're dealing with, so they decide to test us. Counterattack when the enemy's face turns red. We withstand a certain amount of time and go to the task.

Supplier blackmail.

Dog's eye appears to Winston. He wants to divide the controlled territory. At the same time offends the memory of our sister. It is strange that Wei did not react to this in any way. Together with Jackie we collect money from four merchants. Some of them refuse to pay immediately, so you have to work with your hands. If there is little health, then you can buy food, since it is in abundance on the market. Then we'll buy some clothes.

Susan's lunch.

Let's talk to the merchant in the market. Susan gives us money for the lunch that Chu gave her from the Goldfish restaurant. Let's go there, in front of the restaurant we will meet opponents. We deal with them and transfer the money to Chu's assistant. We return to Winston.

Night market chase.

Ask Kwan where we can find Ming. As soon as he sees us, we immediately give chase. We overcome obstacles in the jump and try not to collide with people once again. We deal with the thugs, the latter will be placed in a dumpster. We jump up and continue the fight on the roof. The last target is Ming himself. It is useless to attack him, so we only counterattack and immediately carry out a series of strikes. The police are watching what is happening and arrest us. However, Wei is quickly released, but we have to enlighten Junior Inspector Teng in our affairs.

Robbery and delivery.

Waking up, we go outside and pick up the bike from the parking lot. We leave for the green target on the map. We are interested in Jackie and upcoming events that will help us "rise" in front of Winston. Nearby is the deal of Dog's Eye, we go to the warehouse in a van. As usual, we deal with the thugs, we select the piercing and cutting objects that fall from them to facilitate the battle. Then we start chasing the cargo van. Pushing opponents out of the way. To do this, we attach ourselves to them from the side, press the strike button + direction. Finally, we overtake the main target, push it off the road and pick up the goods - cheap Cambria watches. Before we deliver them to Top Glamor Import, let's break away from the police. We ram the car a couple of times and, breaking away, complete the task.

Route transportation.

The most profitable route belongs to Dog Eye. Together with Winston's guys we go to Breimar Hill. Next stop is Lei Tong. Then we get to the Admiralty and drop off all the allies, while we ourselves follow the competing minibus. It is most effective to fill the bar of aggressiveness by signaling in close proximity next to an enemy vehicle. We pick up passengers and try to hide from persecution. We ram enemy vehicles and try to maneuver through dense traffic. We drop off passengers near the night market.

Pop Star Case 1.

Let's visit Ten and help her. We write Mina SMS and go to the meeting point to the market. After talking to him, we get to the Pop Star, who, in turn, asks for money for the service, but tells where they can be obtained. Literally across the street is the debtor, along with a security guard. We print the guard into the booth and take the money due. We return to the Pop Star, we get drugs. We quickly escape from the paws of the police. We catch the first oncoming car and hide from persecution. Then we call Ten, deliver the drugs to Ming.

Pop Star case 2.

We get to the park and deal with the bandits near the entrance to the drug den. Now we crack the control panel of the video camera. We are given six attempts. It is necessary to build the correct combination of numbers from one to nine. For example, we enter 9 8 7 6 - of which 9 8 turned out to be correct numbers, but not in their place; 7 is the correct number; 6 is an invalid number. Let's swap 9 and 8, and substitute 5 instead of 6. We get a new code - 8 9 7 5. The nine has fallen into place, the eight is still out of place. Five also turned out to be the right number, but not in its place. Thus, we only have to change places 8 and 5 and then we will get the correct code - 5 9 7 8. We go to a safe house to use the surveillance system. Turn on the TV, select the NORTH POINT section. We activate the only working camera, identify the supplier (the one with the suitcase), point the sight at him and click "Arrest". We call Ten and inform that Fang Shen is finished.


We meet on the street with a beautiful girl Amanda. She got a little lost in the local beauties of Hong Kong. We'll pick up the bike from the parking lot and drive it to the martial arts school. On the way, we will visit the Bam-Bam club and the temple. At school we meet Kuok, our old friend and coach all rolled into one. We will work out new techniques, and then, when communicating with the master, we will learn about the stolen figurines. Time has flown by unnoticed, it's time for Amanda to go home, but she promises to call. On this beautiful note, we say goodbye to her.

Club "Bam-Bam".

Winston gives another task. You need to go to the Bam-Bam club and reason with the manager Benny, who decided to switch to the Dog's Eye side. Having reached the place, we talk to the guard and go inside. We communicate with the security guard of the VIP zone, who sends us to the manager. We get to know her, Tiffany will let us into the closed area without any problems. She wants us to sing for her. We approach the control panel and select the only song from the list. Everything is quite simple: use the movement buttons to move the slider, you need it to pass through the emerging stripes. At the end, our success will be displayed as a percentage. We go upstairs, pick up a sparkling figurine from the counter and go to the VIP zone. Benny doesn't seem happy to see us, let's teach his thugs a lesson and knock on the door. We escape from two strong opponents. We carry out a kick with a foot and quickly press the counterpunch button. Enemies are also waiting for us below, it is best to first disarm the one with a knife and, picking up a sharp object, cut the rest. We break into the toilet, deal with the rest. We are afraid of sharp seizures, and if it has already happened, then we quickly press the indicated buttons. We inform Benny that he has nothing to fear, Winston will support.

We read a message from Raymond and meet him in the alley.

Pop Star case 3.

Arriving at the start of the task, we climb into a truck with chickens. After waiting for the star, we will follow it to the place of the transaction without violating the rules of the road, so as not to attract too much attention. Do not forget that in the game there is left-hand traffic and for driving on the right side, the scale of suspicion can fill up sharply! Having reached, we leave the van, climb onto the roof and cling to the shelter. We turn on the phone and get ready to take a picture of the Pop Star with the supplier. Jumping down, we take another picture. We are waiting until the star team leaves for the docks. We follow to the control point, we go down the stairs to the guard. Pretending to be a local drunk, we try to go further. Improvisation is bearing fruit, we penetrate the boat, pick up the figurine and go upstairs. We continue surveillance and as soon as the target pulls out a weapon, we take a picture. We return to the truck, tear off from the police and get to the underground headquarters.

We get to the martial arts school, give Kuoka the statuette we found, and in return we get a new method of hand-to-hand combat.
We visit Winston's restaurant and they almost kill us there, suspecting of foul play. However, Wei deftly gets out and Benny gets a bullet in the forehead instead of us.


We go to the store and get the bag. Going out into the street, the robber snatches it from our hands. We pursue the enemy until we press him in the alley and give him bream. We take the bug out of the bag. The next point is scaffolding near the Golden Fish restaurant. Using them, we can enter the restaurant and install a bug. Open the top hatch, jump inside. We take the figurine, unscrew the two screws at the ventilation grill. Now you need to calibrate the bug. Move the sliders until they turn completely green. We hold in this position and wait for the scale to fill. Having fully configured the bug, we screw the screws back. We break open the door, slowly moving the springs in the lock.

We get to the martial arts school, give Kuoka the statuette we found, and in return we get a new method of hand-to-hand combat.

Case of Daredevil 1.

After talking with Ten, we will write SMS to Jackie and find out about the big shot at the races. We call Ace and arrange a meeting. We sit down in the confiscated car and go to the race. It's simple, we go forward, we try to overtake everyone. One way or another, you must complete the competition first. We look at the mini-map so as not to miss the sharp turns on which we use the handbrake.

chain of evidence.

We receive SMS from Tiffany and immediately go to her. We get from her a gun left by Charlie. She thanks us and we call Raymond right away. We inform him about the find, meet him in the North Point tunnel. Together with Raymond, Pendrew arrived at the meeting. As we already know, in Hong Kong, weapons are quite strict. After all, it was not in vain that we went through one third of the game and still did not even hold a gun in our hands. This copy will help us practice, so we shoot the highlighted objects. When the battle starts, we snuggle up behind the cover, aimingly shoot at the TV, pipe and lamp. Then we make three shots blindly. We kill the arriving enemies and, having moved behind the neighboring shelter, we deal with a couple more opponents. Now you need to jump over the cover and, holding the aim button, kill the bandits in slow motion. When one of them is about to slip away, we shoot through the tires.


From the SMS from Ten we learn that Winston's mother's restaurant was shot. Several guys from the gang died, as well as a couple of visitors. We get into the SUV and get to the port, which controls Xu Wa. He must be won over to our side, but not killed. Arriving at the place, we run to the gate. We open them and go inside. We pass through the rooms, cracking down on opponents. We carry out captures and use the environment, for greater effect. On the enemy with a pistol, we quickly run straight at him. We rise higher and higher, shooting enemies. Xu Wa is running away from us, we are rushing after us. We grab it near the furnace and quickly head to the exit, killing a few more people along the way. Outside, we encounter the police, without hesitation, we sit on a motorcycle and pursue Xu Wah. We hold the jump button and when we are as close as possible to the pursued car, we jump onto it. It remains only to break away from the cops and get to Winston.

Case of Daredevil 2.

We get into the van and go to the place where Daredevil was last seen. Arriving there, we observe the dialogue and quickly install the bug. Let's calibrate the frequency and sensitivity by moving the slider over the area until it turns bright green. We get into the van, pursue the target without violating the rules of the road, that is, without crashing anywhere and driving exclusively on the left side. On the way, Daredevil will pick up his friend Naz and from the conversation we will learn about suspicions about us and about the impending assassination attempt on Ace. We deliver the van to headquarters.

We go home and go to bed.

Uncle Po.

Waking up, we get to Winston and together we go to the carpet to Uncle Po. He greets us quite kindly and immediately gives us the task. We leave to Roland Ho to the parking lot. He, in turn, asks to deal with a certain Patsy Vin, who owes money. On the way, Winston calls us and informs us that everything is settled, but we will have to work a lot. Having reached Patsy, we begin the pursuit. While driving, we can shoot, in this way we eliminate the help. But we don’t get carried away with them much, because our main goal is Patsy’s yellow car, which we need to catch up with as soon as possible. She has no money, but her trunk is full of drugs. We drop the passenger and deliver the car to the designated place.

Case of Daredevil 3.

We arrive at the start of the race and, of course, we must arrive at the finish line first. Another victory will improve our reputation.

Future bride.

Arriving at the restaurant, Mrs. Chu asks us to be the driver for Winston's fiancée Peggy. First, let's take her to the bridal salon. The girl's mood can instantly worsen if we constantly crash into something. While trying on the dress, we learn that Peggy would like to see black orchids at the wedding. However, getting them is almost impossible. The only place where they are is the Temple.

The next point of the route is a confectionery. On the way, we receive SMS from Winston that someone stole the cake, for sure this someone works for Dog's Eye. For a limited time, we get to the confectionery and start chasing the van. Having caught up, we jump to it and climb to the driver. In the cabin, in addition to the driver, we find a disgruntled young lady who allegedly carries this cake for her wedding. We dump it and deliver the transport to the bus depot.
Next, we go to the Temple and, without attracting attention, we climb onto its territory along the scaffolding. In the hut we change into a robe. We move forward and chat the monks, quickly pressing the appropriate button after their question. After passing through the second monk, we climb the stairs and take the figurine from the central building. Then we turn right, we continue to go to the orchid. Having collected the right amount, the monks catch us stealing and call the police. We break through to the exit, simultaneously cracking down on opponents. You can’t just break through them, so we carry out the first attack with a counterattack. Having reached the car, we hide from the police and take Peggy to an entertainment venue.

We get to the martial arts school, give Kuoka the statuette we found, and in return we get a new method of hand-to-hand combat.


Let's go to the store and pick up a snow-white suit. We get to the banquet hall, where the ceremony is about to begin. Among the guests of honor is Uncle Poe. Winston asked us to go to his car and fetch a case of any of the chairman's wines from the trunk. As soon as we left, we immediately heard screams. We run to the main entrance, there is no way through, so we climb the scaffolding on the right and climb inside through the window. We deal with the raging waiters on the upper and lower floors. We open the door and quickly deal with the waiter. We select a pistol and break through to Winston. Unfortunately, he dies along with Peggy. We have no choice but to find Uncle Po, who is still alive. As soon as the door opens, we jump over the cover, hold the aim and destroy the enemies. We leave for the main hall, where we clean the upper and lower floors. We open the next door, we get to the old man. Together we pass through the courtyard, killing the enemies we meet, and get to the hospital.

Case of Daredevil 4.

We get to the place where the task began and receive an incoming call from Ace. Focusing on the phone, we go to the center of the antenna. We start scanning the CENTRAL region. We are interested in the antenna that starts to signal the very first. So we carefully monitor the screen of the phone and track where the signal began to appear from. We fix this zone and get data on the whereabouts of Ace's girl. Arriving at the scene of the accident, we go down and communicate with the victim. We leave the scene of the accident, climbing the stairs, take a picture of the burning car. Without leaving the scene, we call Ten and report what happened. It's time to punish Daredevil, so we send him SMS and arrange a meeting. We need a fast car for the race. We can see its location on the map. We get to Victoria Peak and start a duel. The enemy, without waiting for the countdown, rushed at full speed. We chase him until the police show up. Then he rammed it to complete destruction and hide from the police.

Mission 10: Training Range (Chain of Evidence)

Tiffany gets in touch - first answer the phone call, then go meet her, get excellent equipment in the form of a pistol. Having received the weapon, dial Raymond, you must meet him at the agreed place, get a lesson in the use of firearms. However, you will not see anything new and special here, the shooting system can be called classical.

You are required to hit several targets, this is not a difficult task, all that the developers wanted to get as a result was teaching the player how to shoot locally. So, for starters, shoot at targets glowing red, by the way, when you have to shoot at living targets, you will have the opportunity to slow down everything, in the best traditions of the genre. Activated by the corresponding key while jumping. Just do everything that is required of you here to switch to the next task.

And it will be to get rid of the cops who have tailed you. Jump on a motorcycle and run away, as soon as you disappear from the field of view of law enforcement officers, the mission will be completed.

Mission 11: Siu Wa (Payback)

At the beginning, we get the task to get into the Conroy jeep, then we get on it to the car marked with a green marker, having driven closer, you can even eavesdrop on the dialogue. True, I would not recommend getting too close, try to keep an average distance. Here you have reached the factory, leave the vehicle there and run to the green marker, you must first explore the factory territory - open the large door, next to which the marker is located.

Having penetrated inside the plant, you will see a strong crowd of people, but these are simple hard workers, mostly who will not cause us much harm due to their lack of weapons. So just show them who's boss in a banal hand-to-hand combat. Boxes, kindly highlighted in red, can help a lot in it, you can very effectively drop hostile characters on them.

The passage of Sleeping Dogs is difficult here due to the fact that you will have to fight quite a lot, because the opponents take, though not in quality, but in quantity, so there will be no time to relax too much. Having cleared your way, go further, you will stumble upon a not the most friendly reception - they will open fire on you from the stairs, so it is important to leave the line of fire in time and hide in cover. After waiting for the right moment, leave your shelter and dash across to the location of the shooter to punish him for his aggression.

Go ahead, see the barrels - you can shoot at them, this will lead to the detonation of the explosives contained in them. This same detonation can greatly simplify your passage. The task is to get to the marker, of course, they won’t let you get there just like that, so you have to break through by force. So look for Siu Wa, who will run away - start the pursuit, the enemy is highlighted with a green mark, so it is unlikely to be lost from sight.

But this only applies to the chase stage, where the fire has not yet appeared. The flaming element will cover the entire plant, therefore it will become a little harder, but the enemy will still get tired and stop fleeing, stopping near a large furnace. We just have to capture it and leave here, however, "only" - just in theory, in practice, not everything is so cloudless. Here the area is teeming with enemies who will shoot at you and can easily hit our hostage, which will lead to the failure of the mission, but we do not need it. Therefore, when you see enemies, quickly and accurately deal with them.

Further, the passage of Sleeping Dogs prepares a wonderful spectacular stage in the best traditions of Hong Kong action movies. Law enforcement agencies are already waiting for you on the street, and there are also circumstances against us - there was an explosion, the shock wave knocked our hero down, and the hostage immediately starts to run away, plunging into a car with a flashing light. We have to saddle a police motorcycle and continue the pursuit. Of course, it is desirable to throw off your pursuers in the form of cops.

When you get close to the car in which our hostage is escaping (you need to get very close!), Having caught the right moment, jump on the enemy car, after which the fugitive is again in our hands. For a quiet life, you need to get rid of your own "tail" completely, which is best done by ramming police cars until they are destroyed. Having coped, go back to the bus depot, where you can leave our hostage to interested parties.

Mission 12: Uncle Po

In the company of Winston, dive into the car and deliver him to Uncle Po's house. After the cutscene starts, cross the street and get into the car parked next to the sidewalk. The path is relatively long, so you can chat with Roland, then head to Vin Patsy. She will go with a strong escort - several security cars.

You will have to get rid of the latter by any of the available methods. As an option - a banal shot at the tires and / or heads of drivers, simply riddled with bullets, or constantly ramming enemy vehicles until they are completely unusable. At the same time, do not forget about the main goal in the form of Patsy's car, it cannot be overlooked in any way, so do not slow down and drive all the time at the limit of your car.

The most annoying thing is that enemy equipment is practically invulnerable, it will have to be tortured for a long time and tediously, until it finally stops. Throw the driver out of the wheel, take his place and drive the car to the indicated place, drive it to the garage and leave it there.

Mission 13: Preparation for the wedding (Bride to Be)

Together with Peggy, go to the bridal store, after a short scene, follow the second goal, there you will receive a voice message from Winston. Some bastard decided to buy a cake that Winston needed for his wedding. Our next goal is a bakery, it is desirable to get there as quickly as possible - within the allotted time period, you will be able to see Vann there. Of course, he will try to get away from us, but this cannot be allowed.

Chase the adversary, you need to get as close as possible to the back of the van, then you will see a green arrow appear on the monitor, make a heroic jump in order to grab onto the pursued transport. It is necessary to get out onto the cab of the van slowly and very carefully so as not to crash down. Having got out upstairs, carry out the capture of the vehicle, and then drive back to the bakery.

Return to the car with Peggy, go to the temple together, leave the car there and listen to the instructions. Continuing through Sleeping Dogs, we will reach a platform made of bamboo, which you need to climb up, so you will get to the back door of the temple. Enter the nearest door, get hold of the clothes of the monks, then follow to the next marker, which marks the target. Along the way, you will have to give answers to curious monks, the game will carefully tell you what to press and when.

After talking, move on, keep in mind that there are enough curious people here, and for now it’s better to talk to them politely, we still have time to fight. Having reached the goal, you will see black orchids, it is them that Peggy wants so badly for her wedding - pluck, hear the temple bell ... Was there a flower on the alarm, or what? Well, okay, you understand the essence - the alarm has risen, our further stay here will not be comfortable, we will have to fight a lot.

Break through serious resistance back to the car, I don’t recommend obsessing over killing everyone - the number of enemies is very large, there is no point in wasting time, so as soon as you get the slightest opportunity to run, run. After jumping over a tall fence and sitting in the car, return Peggy with her flowers home.

Mission 14: The Wedding

We received an invitation to a wedding, in preparation for which we took part. Preliminarily, it is desirable to get hold of human clothes, meaning a solid suit, and not what our hero wears in everyday life. There is an excellent clothing store in the city center - this is where you need to buy a tuxedo. After wearing it, go to the event, a cut-scene will start there.

When you hear a scream, turn around and run towards the building, there is a dead man lying near the entrance, with whom we recently talked. It is not so easy to get into the building itself due to the fact that everything is locked. We are looking for an alternative path, as such, the forests located to the left of the entrance will go perfectly, you can get to the roof through them, take a run there and jump into the nearest window. So you will find yourself in the house, go down the stairs in it, then open the door in the style of Chuck Norris, that is, with a kick.

Going down, get involved in not the easiest fight. Having scattered the enemies, go further, you will encounter three more enemies, and one of them with a knife, do not lose concentration, and do not forget to take the knife with you after the victory. Behind the double door, another not the easiest test awaits you - as soon as you open it, you immediately need to quickly bang the enemy in a red shirt, then arm yourself with his pistol. The hall is teeming with characters hostile to us, so weapons will come in handy.

So that the passage of Sleeping Dogs does not cause much trouble here, it is advisable to hide from enemy fire at the tables, after finishing everyone, go to the opposite end of the room, where we will meet Winston and see a small cut-scene. At the end of it, open the nearest door with your foot, go out onto the balcony after it, follow the marker. Get rid of the enemy patrolling the balcony, jump to the lower floor, where again you will meet serious resistance, and the enemies take not only quantity, but also quality.

Having finished with them, continue the passage of Sleeping Dogs, stepping to the rooms where the adversary sat down, who took civilians hostage. You need to get rid of him very quickly, for which the combination of slow mode + a fast and accurate headshot is best suited. Having figured it out, leave the room, go outside, where you need to talk with Uncle Po, let's walk a little together, the ally must be protected from the encroachments of enemies at any cost.

To do this, you need to get rid of opponents as quickly as possible, and also, if necessary, it’s better to substitute yourself than to substitute the character we protect. Enemies are marked with red dots, so keep an eye on the map. So we will gradually make our way to the hospital, destroying crowds of enemies along the way. Quick response is the key to success. Often at this stage it is very important to get rid of the aggressors with accurate headshots, this will not only allow you to use less ammo, but also instantly incapacitate the characters who come under the scope. Once near the hospital, cross the street and go to the green marker, where this difficult stage will end.

Mission 15: Revenge of Mrs. Chu (Mrs. Chu "s Revenge)

We start a new adventure by going to a restaurant to chat with Mrs. Chu, then use the tracking phone to find the location of the Beast. Head there, listen to the dialogue with some woman, how she will get out of here, start the chase, which will be complicated by the appearance of a group of opponents. The latter must be disposed of quickly in order to continue the pursuit of the fugitive. Don't forget to pick up their weapons.

Further pursuit passes through the warehouses, there you will again have to engage in battle, and the weapons picked up earlier will come in handy in it. After getting rid of the defenders of Bestia, chase him again, he will get into the car in the garage and try to hide. But it will not be so easy for him to do this - after all, there will be transport for us, so saddle up the motorcycle and hit the road. Traditionally, it's best to drive as fast as possible, but don't expect an easy life.

The fugitive is supported by his bandits, who not only try to shoot at us directly at speed, but also do not miss the opportunity to ram. Given that we are riding a motorcycle, this must be avoided at all costs. The deceleration mode helps a lot, especially against "colleagues"-motorcyclists. Having got rid of the resistance, proceed to the main task - catch up with the fleeing Bestia, jump onto the roof of his car, which you then capture and take her with the newly made prisoner to the restaurant, where Miss Chu has already been waiting for him.

Mission 16: Meet the New Boss

Arriving at the club, we will see that there was a conflict there, after the video you will hear shots outside the door - we immediately go there. We will see a good cluster of enemies, and enemies with "guns". One of the adversaries even took a hostage and hides behind her, be very careful. You can try to disable it melee. Having dealt with the enemies, run to the railing, there destroy the enemies that are below. Of course, not in open combat, but hiding behind a barrier.

Having killed one group of enemy forces, take on the second, which has arrived to help. Having completely cleared the area, collect weapons and go to the door, another hostile crowd will break there. At the door, it is convenient to get rid of them all, in order to simplify the passage of Sleeping Dogs, aim at one point and water from firearms. It's time to leave the club, on the street, hide behind the car to use it as cover, then methodically get rid of the enemies on the other side of the street one at a time.

Do away with them - take care of those that get out of the arrived car. It seems that everything is now - jump in the car and drive with Jackie (he will kindly steer) away from here. If a partner plays the role of a driver, then we are the role of a shooter who must get rid of the threat in the form of constantly attacking enemies on cars and motorcycles. You will encounter an enemy car in an accident, from which the surviving adversary will try to elude us.

Cheat codes

Jade figurine #1 - The first figurine is located in the Bam-Bam club. After you sang karaoke, go up to the second floor and after the cutscene a fight will start. Knock back enemies and run to the bar. The figurine will stand there.
Jade Figurine #2 - The second figurine is in Winston's mom's kitchen. Run into the kitchen from the street, and the figurine will stand on the kitchen table.
Jade figurine #3-The third figurine is in a Tibetan temple. You can get there either during idle wandering, or during the mission "The Future Bride". One way or another, the figurine will be on a pedestal, there is also a monk standing next to it, so don't miss it, even if you want to.
Jade Figurine #4 - The fourth statuette is located on the pier. Again, you can get it while idle wandering around the city, or while doing a police job: "Pop Star Case 3". After spying and photographing, get out of the car, babble the man and take the figurine, it will stand on the box.
Jade Figurine #5 - The fifth statuette can only be obtained during the main mission, but if you missed the statuette, the mission can be replayed from the social center. During the mission, you will have to jump on the roofs, then jump to the balcony and go into the apartment. The figurine will stand on the coffee table.
Jade Figurine #6 - The sixth figurine is located in the K-bar. You can get there at any time, during a walk, or during a story mission, when you need to show a producer from the USA all the delights of Hong Kong. The figurine will stand on the bar, all that remains is to pick it up and that's it.
Jade Figurine #7 - The seventh statuette is in the central hospital. Can be obtained at any time. The figurine will be on the registration table, there is also a nurse standing there, so don't miss it.
Jade figurine #8-The eighth figurine is in the flower shop. You can get there, both in your free time and during the mission: "Bride-to-be". After the video, get out of the car and go into the shop. The figurine will stand on the table.
Jade Figurine #9 - The ninth statuette is located in the gambling den. To get there, you need a boat. Jump into the boat and go to the ship where the brothel is located. Once on the ship - go into the cabin, turn right and take the figurine.
Jade Figurine #10 - The tenth statuette can only be obtained during a mission. Having entered the apartment of Fatty - the temporary chairman, break open the lock and take the figurine.
Jade Figurine #11 - The eleventh and last figurine on the list can be found in the graveyard. Again, as during a free walk, so during a mission.

Having collected all 11 figurines, you will not receive an achievement, but the collection of figurines is necessary for 100% completion of all deeds, favors and other mess necessary to receive the corresponding achievement.
