Why do you dream about a guy you don’t know? What did the guy dream about? What does it mean if you dream about a guy?

Since ancient times, dreams have been considered peculiar signs of fate, which people tried to unravel and explain. Dreamers are especially interested in dreams in which they see people - familiar or unfamiliar. What to expect from fate if you dream of a guy? Is this dream a good or worrying sign?

Often, upon waking up, dreamers are puzzled to see a completely unfamiliar guy in a dream. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the behavior and appearance of the stranger. So, if the dream character is attractive, it is likely that a patron and guide will soon appear in the dreamer’s destiny, who will help in solving problems.

When you dream of an unfamiliar guy, it is important to evaluate his appearance and actions:

  • A healthy, handsome young man promises a joyful event and prosperity in the house.
  • An unattractive, repulsive character promises serious disappointment.
  • If a stranger ended up in the dreamer’s house in a dream, in reality the latter will acquire an intercessor and defender of his interests.
  • A stranger who gives flowers - one should expect a spontaneous outburst of feelings from the object of the girl’s passion.
  • A declaration of love from a stranger - to lift the veil over the secrets of loved ones.

The situation is completely different if the guy seen in the dream is an acquaintance. Such a dream is usually interpreted as favorable. Depending on a man’s mood, one can judge the future.

I dreamed about a guy I know - evaluate his mood:

  • A cheerful, smiling young man promises laughter and positive emotions in reality.
  • A gloomy, taciturn acquaintance is a symbol of anxiety and concern.
  • A close friend who becomes aggressive in a dream speaks of possible disappointments in loved ones in reality.
  • To see an old friend in a dream, whom you have not seen for a long time, means to receive quick news from him.

Constantly seeing a familiar male character in your dreams means your wishes will come true.


Every lady will be puzzled by a dream with an ex-lover in the leading role. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Depending on the context, the dream can mean the following:

  1. Parting with an ex in a dream means a new meeting in reality.
  2. Seeing an ex-boyfriend who is far from the dreamer means making new friends.
  3. The marriage of the ex-groom foreshadows troubles in reality.
  4. An ex-man appears to a married woman to force her to travel.
  5. A kiss with an ex in your dreams is a surprise in reality.

Seeing a guy you like in a dream

Dreaming of a guy you like? The most logical explanation for this fact is that the girl often thinks about the object of her passion. Thus, the subconscious mind displays a picture of what the brain was most likely occupied with during the day.

When trying to interpret a dream, you should also take into account all its subtleties and nuances.

  • If a guy suddenly invites you to see each other, and the girl cannot understand where exactly they are going in a dream, in reality you should be careful and circumspect. Most likely, the dreamer is overwhelmed by jealousy and a thirst for possession of the object of passion.
  • If a guy in reality does not show any initiative, but in a dream, on the contrary, is courteous and gallant, the dreamer should take a closer look at him. It is quite possible that his thoughts are also directed to her. Such a dream can give a hint regarding subsequent actions that will help bring the guy into dialogue.

Holding hands, hugging

Night dreams, in which the dreamer finds herself in a strong man's embrace, promise a promising future. A dream, taking into account the details, can have several interpretations.

Holding hands and hugging your lover means a long, happy relationship.

If a sleeping woman is hugged by an unfamiliar character, in reality she may encounter long-awaited changes on the personal front and a pleasant acquaintance. For unmarried people, such a vision promises the appearance of a desired partner in their destiny. In this case, you should remember as accurately as possible what the dreamed stranger was wearing.

  • A neat, well-groomed young man is a symbol of material well-being, satiety and prosperity.
  • A guy dressed in rags, with an unkempt and repulsive appearance, holding a girl by the hand and not wanting to let her go is a bad sign. In reality, she is threatened by shame, conspiracies and gossip. Often such a plot can mean the onset of a difficult period in life or a deterioration in one’s financial situation. The dream warns that now is not the time for active actions; you should step aside and wait for better times.

The hug of a person who causes disgust and horror in the dreamer can mean a close acquaintance, which will become a source of trouble, slander and gossip for a woman.

A girl who has fallen into the arms of a neighbor should take a close look at him after waking up. It is possible that he is the happy chosen one for her.

I dreamed of kisses and intimate relations

Intimate intimacy between the dreamer and a guy (man) in a dream means that in reality the girl most likely does not accept the help of loved ones, as if a wall has been erected between them. Such a dream encourages you to think about the possible consequences of such behavior. Perhaps all problems arise from a lack of tenderness and attention. To resolve such situations, you should have a permanent partner. A new relationship will most likely help resolve the situation.

Why dream of kissing a guy in a dream? A girl who receives a kiss in a dream will soon have a pleasant acquaintance in reality. But only if the kiss was pleasant. If the guy’s actions confused the dreamer and caused a protest, most likely, a quarrel with her lover is expected soon.

The guy in the dream turned into someone else

If a guy turns into someone else in a dream, the dreamer should think about the frequency of such visions. If they are repeated regularly, you should admit to yourself that something about your current boyfriend or man scares and repels her.

A dream in which a man attractive to a girl turned into an animal or, worse, into some kind of monster, warns the dreamer: the potential chosen one is good at hiding his true face behind the mask of a pleasant and sociable guy. Unsightly character traits can be revealed after the start of a relationship.

Break up, quarrel

A girl’s dream of a quarrel with a young man means that the relationship that begins in reality will be long and lasting. Troubles will bypass the couple; even ill-wishers will not be able to interfere with their happiness.

If a quarrel with this guy really took place, after such a dream you should pay close attention to him - perhaps he is the dreamer’s destiny.

A more detailed interpretation of the dream depends on the reason that caused the quarrel:

  1. A quarrel over betrayal - a real conflict with your beloved guy awaits in reality.
  2. A scandal over a trifle foreshadows minor difficulties that pass very quickly.
  3. A protracted quarrel, in which neither side agrees to make peace, portends obstacles to the implementation of the dreamer’s plan. However, one should not despair, nor should one give up - it is quite possible to achieve the desired goal with maximum effort.

See a guy with another girl

Seeing a guy with someone else means changes in existing relationships are coming in reality. It is likely that they will be subject to testing that the chosen one will not be able to pass.

A dream in which a guy marries someone else should be regarded as extremely unfavorable.

If in a dream a loved one kisses another girl, in reality the relationship within the couple will only strengthen. Perhaps a marriage proposal will follow after some time. This unpleasant dream in most cases has a positive explanation.

  • If in a dream a guy hugs someone else’s woman, in reality for him the dreamer is the center of the Universe, an object of adoration and pride. It is likely that the chosen one clearly understands exactly how important she is to him.
  • A guy is arguing with another woman - in reality you should prepare for protracted conflicts with family members.
  • To see a guy hugging a woman much older than himself in a dream means that in reality the dreamer may have a rival.

In attempts to unravel what they saw in a dream, people often turn to dream books. Different publications may interpret the appearance of a guy in a dream differently. However, in many aspects the meanings of the dream are similar. So, the designation of a dream largely depends on the mood and appearance of the guy. In addition, the fact of meeting in a dream with a familiar or unfamiliar guy plays an important role. A girl who has encountered her lover’s betrayal in a dream should not be upset - in reality such a dream does not necessarily promise the appearance of a rival.

You fell in love. Constantly thinking about this guy. Every day you anxiously await his phone call. You are constantly tormented by worries about whether he loves you or doesn’t love you. At every new meeting, you nervously ponder the annoying thought of whether he likes you now. There are situations in life when, for some reason, you quarrel, don’t see each other for weeks, and then the thought often comes to mind: when will I dream about him? And suddenly - I dreamed. And then the girls try to understand what does a guy dream about, which one you like. Does he think about me as before, does he worry about our separation?

But first things first.

The factors and reasons causing this phenomenon are very diverse. Therefore, you can understand such a dream only if you study it thoroughly, down to the smallest details.

In addition, a representative of the opposite sex can “appear” in different guises:

  • beloved (husband, lover or just a guy for whom you have strong feelings),
  • neighbor on the landing,
  • boss from work or just a colleague,
  • teacher,
  • unknown man,
  • famous person.

Why do men dream?

Most likely, your thoughts are devoted to dreams and daydreams about men, if they visit you in your sleep. If your dreams with representatives of the stronger sex are frank and figurative, it means that in your dreams you return to them too often.

Take any dream interpreter. You can pay attention to such a moment that a person’s behavior in a dream and in reality is described in a completely opposite sense.

If you were offended in a dream

For example, if a guy greatly offended you in your night visions, then, most likely, in real life he will show a lot of signs of attention towards your person. Therefore, only competent dream interpreters will help you correctly determine the meaning of a vividly remembered moment of a secret message.

Interpretation of night signs by famous dream books

  • We must try to remember the thoughts sent to us by higher powers at night down to the smallest detail.
  • Usually our daytime dreams and experiences come true in a dream.

How to interpret dreams

If we like a guy, feelings for him fill our hearts, his image will be seen everywhere. Therefore, the emotional state we experience in the night “cinema” is very important.

Catch every movement of a man, his words and behavior, evaluate objects and the environment around him. All these points will allow you to figure out what it means if you dream about a guy you like.

If you can't fall asleep for a long time:

A table of dream books from famous personalities will help you find out what Fate wants to convey to you by sending signs.

Elements of behavior in a dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation Miller
The young man made a positive impression You need to think very carefully before trusting a guy like this. To a large extent, this leads to your unjustified expectations.
Challenging behavior In the near future you will have the opportunity to normalize your relationship
Why do you dream about a guy you like?
  • Perhaps this dream may not have any connection with your relationship.
  • You may unexpectedly successfully complete any financial endeavor.
Vanga's Dream Book
Insensitive behavior In reality, you are not entirely confident in your own strengths and capabilities.
Attractive appearance
  • Don’t get hung up on your chosen one, don’t do good to him.
  • Try to devote more time and attention to yourself.
Excessive flattery A large percentage of disappointment in the person you like.
Criticism of a man Your relationship will soon end.
Indifference on the part of a man Wait for recognition, he has the most tender feelings for you.

Simple friendship can move to a higher level of relationship.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Kiss on a date
  • Possible unpleasant troubles are expected.
  • But don’t despair, they will end quickly and will not cause you much harm.
  • Disappointment in a friend and loved one.
  • Temporary health problems, but they are short-term and not too serious.
Other dream books
Tactile touch A man expects you to take the initiative first.
Reluctance to communicate Frightened by the rapid development of your relationship, not yet ready for it.
A closer look in your direction His exciting thoughts in his head are directed exclusively in your direction.
His lips say your name He's seriously into you.
His accusations He is trying to make amends by shifting responsibility onto you.
Gently hugs another Attempts to make you jealous.
Communicates with ridicule He plays with you, not taking your feelings seriously, you mean nothing to him.
Asks for forgiveness Disappointments await you, not necessarily on a personal level.
Speaks in a raised voice In life, your superiority over his capabilities is felt, and this hurts him.
Declaration of love The guy’s feelings are real and sincere, but there is no need to rush into recognition.
Sex with your loved one Your general desire for love pleasures.
The guy doesn't offer to share a meal with him Forget about him forever.
Dies before your eyes There is a new acquaintance ahead, from whom you should expect more.
Strangely dressed His feelings for you are contradictory and ambiguous; it is worth waiting for their further development.
You are sitting in his arms The guy only wants to sleep with you.
Doesn't recognize you Most likely, there is someone else between you, let go and don’t torture each other.
Gave a present He needs the initiative coming from you, then a bright future together awaits you.
Clicks the seeds It means his complete indifference to you, don’t expect anything good.
He is rude, rude, throws threats and calls him obscenities. There is no future for your relationship, it’s better to break up with him before it’s too late.
Changes clothes in front of you The long-awaited body, affection and love will soon surround you and protect you from unpleasant moments.
Kissing another woman If in a dream a guy you like kisses someone else, he doesn’t even assume about your feelings.
pesters you in your sleep The level of your relationship will rise to a higher level.
Asks for help Bad things are happening in his life, and he urgently needs your support.
Walking together You will make new acquaintances in your life, pleasant events await you, and your opinion about many things will change.
Visits in the hospital You have a rival that you don’t know about, there is a high probability of cheating with her.

Why should we film the ones we like?

Have you already noticed such a strange moment that all our thoughts and feelings that we experience in real life, but sometimes hide them and do not show them in front of other people, come out in night visions.

Freud's theory

Sigmund Freud thought about this feature of the human body. His theory confirms the likelihood of all our unfulfilled desires passing into the unconscious level.

But “night films” can only be interpreted from this point of view. Many soothsayers presented the concepts of changing plots in dreams in different ways.

How old people interpret dreams

Grandmothers-witches accumulated their own experience, observing the events occurring after various visions, and passed it on to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Very often, young ladies who dream of finding out what it means if they dream about a guy they like, soon received unexpected news. Most often it concerned precisely the object of their desire.

But in this matter, as mentioned above, what is important is the background of the storyline that emerges in your dream and the emotional state that overwhelms both of you.

A good and good sign will be an environment that exudes calm and tranquility.

  • It’s ideal if your sweetheart presents you with a cute bouquet, and your communication is gentle and reverent.
  • Perhaps sometimes in a dream you see a man completely unfamiliar to you, with whom you have a pleasant conversation. Then expect a new romantic acquaintance, which in the future may develop into bright feelings. And then, your wedding will be just around the corner.

Why don't I have intimate dreams?

Many ladies are very worried if in the sleepy kingdom the attitude of the person closest to them is rather indifferent and dismissive. But don’t worry, your secret fears and anxieties can manifest themselves in such unique ways in night vision. However, if you too clearly feel the negative emotional notes emanating from your loved one, then most likely a major scandal in real life is possible in the near future.

Its dimensions will be so enormous that in some cases it can lead to separation.

Different interpretations of the interpretation of a gentle touch with the lips can be found in different dream books.

Most often, a kiss in a dream indicates the following:

  • With your beloved man - your relationship is stable, not subject to destruction by ill-wishers.
  • With a person with whom you are in a quarrel - expect, reconciliation is almost on your doorstep, all that remains is to take the first step towards meeting him.
  • With a stranger - the expected troubles can unexpectedly bring a significant monetary addition to your family budget.

It is possible to determine the meaning of a particular night vision with the help of dream books, but do not forget to concentrate before turning to them.

  • you need to try to remember all the nuances;
  • write down any, at first glance, seemingly insignificant details, the style and character of the behavior of the young man and you, the situation that was around.

Otherwise, it will not be possible to correctly interpret what the guy you like is dreaming about. Even the smallest detail that you miss can lead to the fact that you will be able to find the most general formulations, by which you will not be able to understand what exactly the higher powers were trying to put into your head that night.

Decoding dreams depending on the days of the week

Many psychics are of the opinion that the interpretation of your dreams should be compared with the specific day of the week when you dreamed them.

So gradually, by collecting all the puzzles necessary to create a clear and clear picture, you will be able to determine what awaits you in the end.

What day did the guy dream about

The following table will help you get the most reliable data:

Day of the week Decoding
From Sunday to Monday For those who have not yet met their beloved soulmate, such dreams become prophetic.
  • Seeing a male representative may mean that in the coming days you will have an unexpected pleasant acquaintance.
  • But most often it is fleeting and does not mean anything more than ordinary flirting.
  • If you dreamed of a quarrel or a fight, expect scandals and violent quarrels with your loved one.

Claims expressed to each other - respect the feelings of the chosen one and try to avoid unnecessary conflict situations.

From Monday to Tuesday Your closest and dearest person shows the most tender feelings in a dream, kissing and caressing you - beware of the loss of the former intensity of sensations, which can lead to separation.

But you shouldn't despair. After some time, everything can return to its place.

A young lady who sees a boy in her dream may encounter a not entirely successful development of her relationship.

  • Divorce - the chosen one suffers from inattention to his person.
  • There is no need to brush aside such a sign, as there is a certain risk of losing your loved one forever.
From Tuesday to Wednesday If you dream about a guy you like on this day of the week, this is a kind of warning.
  • Don't let your sweetheart make an irreparable mistake or commit a rash act.
  • You are having fun in a dream - the universe thus advises you to add some variety to your relationship.
  • A quarrel, divorce or cessation of communication - a rival is visible on the horizon.

The night prophecy that you saw during this period of time should be told to the person involved in your dreams without fail.

If the guy had a dream in the second half of the week

But here the meanings are even more interesting, and it is noted that dreams seen on these days most often come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday Dreams from Wednesday

If you dreamed about your beloved on this day, then this means absolutely nothing.

  • Most often, the dream will not come true; it will only reflect your secret desires and thoughts.
  • You can express your feelings about a breakup this way.

The events presented to your attention may find application in your life, but in the future and with another man.

From Thursday to Friday The most realistic dreams in terms of feasibility

If your feelings are reciprocated, you can also appear in a dream to your loved one on this day of the week.

  • If in your visions your actions are joint, then you do not need to strive for the rapid development of events.
  • Wait, let everything take its course, the best moment will definitely come.
  • When you see a guy quarreling with another stranger, your chosen one is not yet ready for more serious actions and actions.
From Friday to Saturday Why do you dream about a guy you like as a husband?

Excellent prerequisites:

  • Your choice is right, you are guaranteed a strong marriage, with the birth of children and prosperity in the family budget.
  • Cheating on your betrothed - you are doing something wrong with your actions, figure it out and try to change your attitude towards your sweetheart.

The feeling of happiness gained from new acquaintances and meetings is a positive signal, indicating that soon the right person will cross paths with you, and you have a future.

From Saturday to Sunday If in a dream with another woman
  • Betrayal with another woman - you really run the risk of being deceived.
  • An unfamiliar man is interested in you - a successful meeting is coming that will bring happiness.
  • A former admirer is a real restoration of a lost relationship.

True or false dream about a guy

So, you have studied all the recommendations and advice regarding dreams that torment you or, on the contrary, give you a positive attitude. Naturally, there is a lot that you don’t understand; you are completely scared of some moments that promise separation and parting. But you shouldn't take everything so personally.

Yes, some of them are the result of the vast experience gained over many centuries by those specialists who analyze a specific situation after a certain vision that appeared in a dream.

But, often, these are simply your unrealized plans, dreams and fears for your future together with your loved one.

Therefore, if you remember well what you dreamed, compare all the facts, evaluate your experiences the day before, study all the advice provided and the transcript from dream books. Perhaps you will be able to change the course of upcoming events if you did not like the interpretation of what the guy you like is dreaming about. In any case, do not take words literally and react to dreams appropriately.

You might be interested.

Quite often, people whom we thought about in reality come to us in our dreams. It happens that strangers also break into dreams. But a special category is occupied by night dreams, in which a man who is pleasant to a girl appears.

You just can’t understand why you dream about the guy you like? The main assumption is that you just dream about him a lot. However, a dream in which a man you like appears does not always mean only the processing of fantasies and experiences by the consciousness.

In some cases, such dreams can lift the veil of the future or warn of possible danger. Compilers of various dream books also talk about this. So, why do you dream about a person you care about?

A man, a guy, a boy in girls’ dreams is a very common phenomenon that occurs for various reasons and factors. To decipher this dream correctly, you must pay attention to many little things.

In addition, various representatives of the stronger sex come into dreams:

If you dream about a man, in most cases it means that all your thoughts are occupied with thoughts and thoughts about men.

The more often you dream about guys, the more frank and imaginative the dreams in which representatives of the stronger half of humanity come.

Very often, a person’s behavior in a dream is interpreted by dream books in a completely opposite sense. For example, if a boy smiles at you in a dream, expect unworthy actions from him in real life.

That is why it is necessary to turn to competent dream interpreters in order to correctly decipher secret messages and signs.

Miller's dream book about a guy in a dream

What does a young man dream about, according to this dream interpreter?

Usually such dreams reflect the thoughts, feelings and desires that this man or boy evokes in you. You should pay attention to the emotions that you experience in a dream.

Moments such as the guy’s behavior, his words, as well as the surrounding environment are also informative. For example:

  1. If you dreamed of a guy who wants to make a positive impression on you, this means that you should think a lot before trusting him. Most likely, he can deceive your expectations and dreams.
  2. Another point concerns his behavior. If a man behaves defiantly, you will soon have the opportunity to establish a good relationship.
  3. What else does this dream book talk about? A guy you like foretells success in commercial endeavors in a dream. That is, in some situations, it would seem that romantic dreams do not have much to do with love and emotions.

Why is the guy dreaming, according to this dream interpreter? The dream book suggests paying attention to many additional details and some behavioral features that a man (boy) demonstrates in a dream:

  • if a guy looks sloppy, behaves rudely, is drunk, this means that you are not confident in your own capabilities;
  • if your chosen one in a dream is very handsome, this speaks of your low self-esteem and tendency to idealize the object of your love;
  • if a man is overly obsequious towards you, tries to show his affection and joy, there is a possibility of becoming disappointed in this person;
  • a dream in which you reprimand a guy means an imminent breakup with your lover;
  • if a guy is indifferent to you in a dream, he actually has warm feelings and wants to take your relationship to a more serious level.

What does Tsvetkov’s dream book say?

To figure out why a person is dreaming, this dream interpreter suggests recalling additional points.

If a boy kissed you in a dream, expect various troubles and troubles in the near future. However, they will end quickly and will not cause much harm. You will probably be disappointed in someone close to you.

Another option is that there may be some minor health difficulties, but you will overcome them safely. Meanwhile, the dream book does not advise attaching great importance to such dreams if you thought about your boyfriend for a long time before falling asleep.

25 interpretations from other dream books

What does it mean if you dream about a guy you like? Seeing a man in a dream is always an exciting event, especially if you love him or at least care about him. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of dreams in which your beloved man or boy appears:

  1. When a guy strokes your hand, he is waiting for active actions on your part;
  2. A man is hiding from you - he is afraid of close and serious relationships;
  3. The boy looks intently in your direction - you disturb and excite him;
  4. He calls you by name - you are dear to him;
  5. Accuses you of something - the man himself was guilty and is trying to shift the blame onto you;
  6. When your beloved boy laughs at you, most likely he takes you seriously or your relationship means little to him;
  7. Hugging another woman - wants to make you jealous;
  8. Asks to forgive him - serious disappointments await you in something (not necessarily in personal relationships);
  9. Screaming loudly means that he feels your superiority over his own capabilities;
  10. He confesses his love to you - he experiences real feelings, but still does not dare to confess in reality, because he is not sure of them and your answer;
  11. To dream of having sex with him means the man desires you;
  12. To see how he eats and does not treat you - throw away thoughts about the possibility of being with him;
  13. A boy dies before your eyes - a new relationship awaits you soon;
  14. When he is wearing strange clothes, he has not yet made up his mind towards you and has not figured out his feelings;
  15. To dream of sitting on his lap - he only needs sex from you;
  16. When a man does not recognize you in a dream, he probably has another woman, so you will have to let him go in real life;
  17. To dream of receiving gifts from him - he is waiting for initiative on your part, in general - the boy feels sympathy and warm feelings for you;
  18. When a man husks sunflower seeds in your presence, he is indifferent;
  19. If you dream of a person who is rude, threatens or swears, nothing good awaits you in this relationship, it is better to stay away from him;
  20. To see how he changes clothes in your presence - you expect affection, tenderness, warmth from him;
  21. When a man kisses another woman, he thinks that he is not of particular interest to you;
  22. If a guy pesters you, such a dream means that your relationship is moving to a more serious level;
  23. When a boy asks for advice, he really feels bad, perhaps he needs help;
  24. To dream of walking with a guy means that new events, changes in fate, the appearance of new people in life, or a change of opinions about people and events are coming soon;
  25. If a man visits you in the hospital, be careful, there is a high probability of betrayal on his part.

Thus, if you dreamed of a guy you like, you need to remember and carefully write down all the nuances of the dream, the smallest details, and only then study various dream interpreters.

It is no secret that the “truthfulness” of dreams depends on whether you saw the dream that bothers you on Monday or Friday, Thursday or Wednesday. To determine the meaning of the image, you need to understand what dreams mean by day of the week.

On Tuesday

If your beloved man in a dream demonstrates his interest in you in every possible way, kisses and caresses, your relationship has probably lost its former intensity, and there is a high probability of separation. However, don’t be afraid – after a while you can get back together again.

For young girls, a dream about a boy is not always a good sign, since the relationship may not be entirely successful. If you get divorced in a dream, think about your lack of attention to your chosen one.

If you don’t take such a sign into account, you risk losing your husband or lover.

For Wednesday

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are warning in nature. You can protect a guy from making a mistake or warn him against rash actions.

The dream from Tuesday must be told to the person who appeared in it.

In addition, seeing yourself having fun with your lover means that you need to diversify your relationship.

If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday that you were quarreling, getting divorced, or ending all contact with your chosen one, you probably have a rival.

For Thursday

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday, in which a beloved man or boy is present, as a rule, come true extremely rarely. They only reflect your desires or show that you are sad or worried about a lost relationship.

Events seen in a dream can come true, but in the distant future and with another person.

On Friday

Friday night dreams come true quite often. In addition, it is believed that on this day the person you like also has a dream with your participation, especially if the feelings are mutual.

If you saw a dream in which you and your beloved man are together, do not rush things, but wait for the best moment.

If you dream of a person who is quarreling with someone else, do not hope that you will be able to connect with your loved one in the near future, since a dream on Friday warns that he is not ready for a serious relationship with you.

On Saturday

Dreaming of being married to the man you love is a good signal. This means you made the right choice, and now only good things await you: a strong marriage, the birth of children and joint prosperity.

If your chosen one cheated in a dream, you need to understand what you are doing wrong in your relationship with the guy and try to change your attitude towards him.

New acquaintances that give multiple positive emotions in dreams are a positive signal. You will meet in real life a person who can become your soulmate.

For Sunday

Such dreams, in which a beloved boy or man appears, are considered the most accurate. However, they should not be interpreted unambiguously. Such dreams are just a hint.

Why do you dream about a man who cheats on Sunday night? He probably really wants to deceive you. If you dreamed of a stranger who was sincerely interested in you, expect to meet him soon. A former lover in a dream means that he wants to renew the relationship again.

On Monday

Dreams from Sunday can become prophetic if you are single. Seeing a man in a dream means that you will soon meet a nice guy. However, flirting with him is more likely than a serious relationship.

Dreams from Sunday warn of the likelihood of scandals and separations from your lover if you dreamed of quarrels and fights. Claims in dreams often carry over into real life, so you should pay attention to the feelings of your chosen one and prevent possible conflicts.

Having carefully studied what the guy you like is dreaming about, take note, but don’t rush to implement everything you see in real life.

Dreams in most cases are simply the result of processing unconscious thoughts and desires, and not a guide to action.

Therefore, react to dreams without much fanaticism, but still remember - forewarned is forearmed!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Why is a guy dreaming?

Miller's Dream Book

Guy you like? Usually such dreams are reflections of your desires. You constantly think about your loved one, so you dreamed about him. In a dream, you should pay attention to your feelings, emotions, the environment, the behavior of the young man, his clothes. If he behaves diligently and tries to please you, you shouldn’t trust him in real life, he can bring a lot of disappointments. The dream can also indicate success in areas not related to personal relationships.

Why is a guy dreaming?

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream: Is the guy you like sloppily dressed, drunk, or fabulously handsome? Such a dream has a meaning: you are not confident in yourself, suffer from low self-esteem, but you overly idealize your soulmate. Dream Interpretation A guy you like shows indifference in a dream - in reality everything is exactly the opposite, your relationship will become warmer, more trusting. If you scold your lover for something, you will break up in the near future.

Why is a guy dreaming?

Universal dream book

Interpretation of the dream book: A guy you like kissing you? In reality, you need to remain vigilant, as some troubles are possible, although you shouldn’t expect anything terrible. You may feel slightly unwell, lose something, be disappointed in some people. If possible, you should avoid conflict situations, because they can have bad consequences for you. Dream Interpretation A guy you like can warn you about gossipers who are closely watching you. In a dream, you and your loved one are in twilight, you feel safe - in reality they are discussing you and weaving intrigues.

Why is a guy dreaming?

Online dream book

You see some guy - in reality you are very confident that you are simply irresistible.

You dreamed about your ex - according to the interpretation of the dream book, soon you will indulge in some memories.

If the guy doesn't look good, expect something bad.

The dream book interprets a very tall guy as an indication that there are some negative qualities in your nature that have recently manifested themselves too strongly.

Huge growth may indicate that this vision may become a reality in the very near future.

A young man with blond curls in a dream indicates that in your subconscious you have created for yourself a certain ideal of a man, and only the one who matches it is able to claim the role of a life partner. The blonde personifies nobility, strength of character, self-confidence, as well as high moral ideals.

I dreamed of a guy with bright red hair - miraculously, everything will turn out just fine for you, you won’t even put much effort into it, but you will achieve everything you want.

A young man who is attractive to you with a smile on his lips means that in real life he also feels great sympathy for you, but he just can’t decide to open his feelings, but don’t rush things, and everything will turn out well for both of you.

If a guy sent you a letter in a dream, you will soon receive very important information that you have been waiting for a very long time and no longer even hoped to receive.

You write him a message yourself - perhaps someone is in dire need of communicating with you, you definitely need to send someone a message or just a friendly greeting.

I dreamed that you were introducing your boyfriend to your mom and dad - soon there is a high probability that your current chosen one will ask for your hand in marriage, at least he is very serious towards you.

If you dreamed that your loved one presented you with a ring, know that he values ​​your relationship very much, and is ready to do a lot to make it perfect; he can sacrifice a lot for you.

A dream in which a young lady sees a young guy well known to her is a direct reflection of the feelings and moods that reign between him in real life.

If she doesn’t know this beautiful young man

A guy you see in a dream, who, as in real life, you like, but your feelings are not mutual, promises you a fateful meeting, grandiose changes in your personal life.

If he is burning with love for you, or you are talking in a raised voice

If you dreamed about your boyfriend, this is a reflection of the fact that he has occupied all your thoughts, you value him very much. The way he behaved in your vision will be projected onto real life.

Seeing a young man unknown to you, but very handsome, means joyful events, true pleasures. And the more beautiful and beautiful he is, the more successful and fortunate you will become in reality.

You dream of a guy whom you know well, he is your good friend - it means that at the moment you are faced with some intractable issue, and you do not know how to act. You need to abstract yourself from the problem, evaluate it unbiasedly, and most importantly, try to find a non-standard, innovative solution.

If you see your friend’s boyfriend with whom you are having a nice conversation, it means that in the near future your usual way of life will not change, you will enjoy a state of peace and harmony.

If you argue with him zealously

The dream book interprets an interesting pastime in the open air as a sign that in reality you will become involved in some important and significant event.

In a dream, you and your boyfriend went on an exciting walk

A dream in which you are harassed by some guy who is hostile towards you promises you annoying misunderstandings that can greatly upset you, but nothing bad will happen.

Dreaming of your boyfriend in the company of a stranger means that in real life you will be tormented by vague doubts about his loyalty, as well as sincerity towards you; perhaps they will be unfounded, but you will still have to worry.

In a dream, the guy you love very much leaves you forever - most likely, this is a warning that in real life you are also in danger of separation. Therefore, try to change something before it is too late.

If your separation is accompanied by a huge scandal

A dream in which your boyfriend is very drunk suggests that you should take a closer look at your current companion, he is not as good as he seems, and you will suffer more from him.

Also a drunk person

To dream that your boyfriend is completely naked - in reality it’s hard for him now, he feels powerless and is unable to ward off the blows of fate.

For a girl such a vision

I dreamed about a large number of guys - some worries and intense experiences await you, but thanks to the help of a stronger and more influential person, you will cope with everything.

According to the dream book, if a handsome, attractive guy appears in the dream of a male person, there is a high probability that in reality he will have an unpleasant meeting with a rival in amorous affairs.

If a girl dreamed of him

Why is a guy dreaming?

Dream book of the 21st century

To understand why the guy you like is dreaming about, you should determine him and your mood. If you saw a rival in a dream, you may not even suspect this girl of having a love relationship with her beloved, she is not interested in him or she is not his type. Dream Interpretation The guy you like does not evoke the proper awe in your dream, you are overcome by disappointment - in reality another man likes you, and he will soon declare his feelings. A quarrel in a dream means rapprochement in reality.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a guy, modern dream books give clear answers. It turns out that the young lady has matured and is looking for a potential partner. However, not all interpretations boil down to love if you happen to see a beautiful young man in a dream. To clarify what representatives of the stronger half of humanity dream of, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Interpretations in the Enigma dream book

Seeing a handsome guy means family and love troubles. The Enigma Dream Book recommends taking into account your own likes and dislikes that arise in your dreams.

For example, a young man with an ideal physique is considered a symbol of good luck and luxury. Unfortunately, an unpleasant personality with a repulsive appearance signals danger and impending problems.

If your beloved guy looks after you beautifully in a dream, expect an invitation to the wedding house, where you can marry him in reality. But swearing and the departure of a loved one from home are a warning about real quarrels and stormy reconciliations.

By the way, there is a sign: if a girl dreams of a guy from Thursday to Friday, then he will be the one with whom she will have a date next weekend. There will be a lot of plans to build a joint future.

What does military mean?

To dream of visiting a military garrison means large amounts of work. Miller's dream book guarantees profit from various sources. Here is an increase in monthly income, and rewarding with a bonus, and receiving generous gifts from fans.

Communicating with the military in a dream means intrigue from friends, neighbors, and relatives. There is a risk of accidentally offending a loved one and experiencing shame.

Gustav Miller's dream book, telling what a young and slender officer dreams about, advises you to remember who the guy was in your dream:

  • dad, brother, son - to good news about relatives;
  • classmate, fellow student - for a long-awaited meeting;
  • colleague - the beginning of a huge project;
  • neighbor - to gossip, unpleasant conversations;
  • a stranger - to litigation.

Why do you dream about a bald guy?

If you dreamed of a bald recruit or an ordinary guy without hair, it means it’s time to act. The dreamer has long needed to make an important decision. Providence itself suggests that it’s time to open your own business and be one step ahead of your competitors, so that you don’t have to catch up with them later.

A completely bald head also means a lack of complexes and moral standards. If she was a stranger, beware of clashes with scammers, unnecessary people. Very soon someone will try to deceive you and offend you.

For men, a head without hair is a warning about the onset of a disease. Exposing it, stroking it and trying to comb it in front of everyone means a loss of strength and energy.

A young man with unusual hair

A guy with long hair in the Islamic dream book signals the arrival of relatives from afar, or the dreamer’s upcoming travels.

To understand why a long-haired handsome man dreams, pay attention to the details:

  • blond - for romantic proposals;
  • brunette - for a trip, business trip, vacation;
  • red - to deception on the part of unfamiliar people;
  • gray - to stable business connections;
  • with a beard - to enter study or service.

Seeing a young black man with an unusual hairstyle means preparing to move to a new place of residence. Sleeping with a black man in a dream and experiencing a feeling of love means achieving new horizons in the creative and scientific fields.

If you dreamed of a groom

Seeing your current boyfriend is a sign of life changes. The family dream book, describing what a lover dreams about, recommends remembering your actions towards him:

  • hug, kiss - for a serious conversation;
  • swimming in a pool or river - for a long life together;
  • calling and discussing the engagement means disagreement;
  • running away from a wedding means news;
  • there is one dish for two - soon you will have to make peace;
  • receive flowers - a long-awaited gift;
  • to be offended and leave - to public recognition;
  • catching up after a quarrel means making a mistake.

See young people in the bathhouse

Naked guys in a dream are a bad sign. Vanga's dream book warns against diseases of the body and soul. Moreover, even a completely healthy person can get sick if he does not adhere to basic hygiene rules. The plot means a sharp decrease in immunity.

But, seeing a guy in a bathhouse means happy moments in the family and at work. Problems will be solved by themselves if you happen to steam and sweat on a shelf in a sauna with your loved one.

A beautiful body, muscular arms and legs indicate harmony in a relationship in reality. But a completely naked guy signals insults that will have to be heard from the lips of a friend or relative. In addition, beware of gossip and condemnation from the public.

What does it mean to constantly treat guys?

Cooking delicious food and treating a guy you know to it is a sign of early marriage for a girl. However, you should not rejoice if in a dream you had to cast a love spell on your lover. Most likely, your partner will feel false, insincerity in the relationship and will want to break up with you.

If in a dream your mistress cast a love spell on your husband, you don’t need to wait for betrayal on the part of your spouse in reality. The plot only tells about your fears and anxieties. In fact, a dream has nothing to do with existing reality.

Fortune telling about your betrothed can be a continuation of real dreams and aspirations. If the time has come to fall in love and dreams of a wonderful neighbor, an admirer, an inaccessible knight from a famous novel have settled in your head, then the hero can easily occupy all your thoughts day and night.

Taking someone else's husband away

Taking a married person away from your family means unforeseen problems at work and in your personal life. Moreover, troubles can arise in two places at the same time. And you won't know where to direct energy first.

Psychologists and esotericists, describing in modern dream books what dreams of having an affair on the side mean, recommend taking care of your reputation, not making impossible promises and not taking part in dubious transactions.

If a guy just can’t make a choice between you and another girl, don’t place high hopes on talkers and slackers. Your immediate plans and desires will collapse, you will be removed from an important project, and you will be deprived of the opportunity to earn additional money.

Catching up with a friend in a dream

For a woman, a dream in which she had to catch up with a guy indicates pleasant troubles and worries. One of the older relatives or children will find themselves in a difficult situation and will not be able to cope without your help.

For men, the dream book guarantees the signing of lucrative contracts. You will have to work hard for the sake of profit, but the reward will be high.

Chasing a young man on transport means dramatic changes for the better. Chasing a guy on horseback or in a dog sled is long-awaited news.

Stroking a man

Hugging and snuggling in a dream is a sign of patronage and protection. A reliable friend will appear who will be able to defend your interests against competitors, opponents, and protect you from the claims of former fans.

Making the first guy you meet fall in love with you is a sign of joyful changes. Rendezvous, parties, corporate events will bring a lot of positive emotions. New business partners will appear who will help bring some long-standing plans to life.

It’s worse if you happen to fall out of love with a guy in a dream and feel disgust towards him. Freud's dream book promises to go through sexual incompatibility with the partner you like. Difficulties will arise not only in bed, but also at the level of everyday communication.

See a dead man

A wounded, beaten guy who groans, twitches in an unnatural position on the sidewalk and cannot get up - to a long-outdated relationship between spouses.

Murder before your eyes is considered a symbol of a creative breakthrough, public recognition, and the resolution of a number of global problems.

Often quarrel with your lover

Why you dream of a scandal is described in detail in ancient dream books. Interpreters believe that it does not bring anything bad, but is only a warning about the onset of a difficult period, which will begin with a reassessment of values.

If you do not want to give up the palm to a man, be prepared to face obstacles in the implementation of small and large projects.

Noticing a man’s dissatisfied gaze in a dream is a sign of irritation and annoyance due to failed plans and events. The interpretation of the plot in Nostradamus’s dream book comes down to painstaking work on oneself.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend was sleeping or ignoring you in a dream, be prepared for his behavior to be the opposite. Most likely, you will have to go through a stormy quarrel with screaming, tears, and breaking dishes.

A picture with a complete idyll will also not bring anything good. It turns out that the darling has numerous secrets and secrets. In addition, there is a risk of getting involved in an unpleasant story and significantly damaging your reputation.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a smoking, drinking guy personifies mental torment and worries about unfulfilled hopes. To avoid falling headlong into depression, try to stay away from gloomy and dissatisfied people.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I saw in a dream that I was going to sign up for the gym with my girlfriend, and at the gym I met a guy I liked. After leaving the gym, we go with him in my dad’s car, my brother is driving. When we got out of the car, I walked past him, and he stopped me by the wrist, looked at me and said something (I don’t remember what), but the most vivid thing in this dream was that he was looking at me all the time.

    • If he looks, it means he’s thinking about you. Reproduces your image in memory. I'm sure he cares about you too. The only thing that prevents you from being together is his indecision 😊.

      Please tell me, I dreamed of a guy with curly hair, as if we were at school, and he allegedly stole me from class and we went somewhere, I don’t remember his face well, but I remember that there was a drawing on his face.

      • You will meet a very romantic suitor! He is capable of loving without asking for anything in return, and your story will be pure and beautiful 😍. He will give you something memorable and very cute)

        I dreamed that some unfamiliar guy came up and hugged me from the front 🙂 then he also stroked my knee and it was as if we were meeting the dawn... What is this for?

        I dreamed that an acquaintance with whom I was in a relationship came to my house, then he left with a friend. I then corresponded with the guy whom I am dating now in reality, but he was somehow aloof and a little indifferent. I went out to see where they were. I met him near the entrance and went back to the apartment. When I arrived, I discovered that they never came. I went into the room, stood and my boyfriend, with whom I was with in reality, hugged me from behind, but he was somehow drooping. I turned around and we hugged tightly.
        What is this for?

        I dreamed about the guy I was in love with. He was sitting at the table opposite me. The table was filled with food, but not excessively. I was eating something. I didn’t look at him (as if I was afraid to make eye contact), but he sat and watched me as if he were watching me with a sophisticated gaze. He looked straight at me. Smiled. But we didn't talk...

        I saw myself in a dream at some wedding. The wedding took place in the house of rich people, but I didn’t know them. And suddenly, from a beautiful car, one handsome man, whom I don’t know, looks at me. Our eyes collide and he comes up to me and flirts with me. I turn around another man and so on and so forth. Please tell me what does this mean?

        I had a dream, I was declaring my love to a young man (I know him in real life). And he replies that I don’t love you. What could this dream mean?

        The second time I had a dream: three guys were sitting in my room and discussing something. I was irritated by their presence, but everything happened as if they were friends. The first time they were guys I knew, while the second time they were strangers.

        I've been dreaming about the same guy for the second day now. We loved each other so much and were going to live together. I can't forget these feelings. What does this mean?

        I dreamed of a friend (in reality we crossed paths only once). He and I hold hands and walk into a dark tunnel. What could this mean?

        24-Mar-2018 Julia:

        I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, whom I still love. We walked along a narrow rocky and dangerous road, on one side there was a wall, and on the other there was a river, it was not clear, but it was like a waterfall, but he said that if I said that I didn’t love him, then he would rush, and I said that I love him, and he hugged him tenderly and while talking we walked to some stop and from there they came to our home.

        About two weeks ago, I probably dreamed of a very good friend of mine. We walked with him, walked holding hands, then we started walking in an embrace!!! And this is to spite my friend. And today I dreamed about him again. Today in a dream he protected me and my friend from some men!!! What is this for??? Please answer my question. We urgently need to find out the whole truth!

        I dreamed of a guy (an acquaintance) who I liked in real life, wanted intimacy, was very gentle, and after hints he began to ignore me. In the dream, he was very gentle and happy, hugging me, gently holding my hand. Then he came closer and closer to me (although there was no distance between us). He said something: like how he was sorting out the relationship between us, why everything was like this, and something else (I don’t remember). When he came very close to me he wanted to do something, but I woke up. I dreamed of this guy in another dream before, but I don’t remember him. Tell me what this dream means and why I remembered that he was wearing a blue shirt and red sneakers (that’s all I remembered), and why I don’t remember the area at all, not what was around.

        I had such a dream. I had two dreams about a guy. First. We were walking late and stopped the car. He took me to a store in the city, we went, he left the car. We come, she’s gone. And I woke up. Second. I wanted to find him and I found him. In the dream, when I found her and hugged me, we became a couple. When we were near the spring there was a friend there, she jumped into the spring, and we took the water, splashed it and then kissed. Then we went outside and they gathered me and him somewhere. And we couldn’t get out, when she got the phone, they let us go. And we went out and kissed again. Why do I have such dreams? And I dreamed of a friend from another city.

        31-Mar-2017 Julia:

        03/29/17 when I was at school. In the lesson History of Belarus. Leo studied together in the same class 10B. Leo is next to my desk. I study Russian very well. Leo doesn't like Russian. I helped him and let him copy from my notebook. And then Leo was very good at solving mathematics. I don't like math. He didn't help me much. By chance, Artyom took a photo of me. I said: why did you take the photo? He replied: because you and Leo are an ideal couple! I turned away and Leo pulled up a chair. When it was recess I was going down the stairs and met Dima. We talked, Leo watched me. What means?

        29-Mar-2017 Katerina:

        I woke up at home with a guy I like. He doesn’t like touching, but in a dream he hugged me, I crawled away from him, and he moved closer and hugged me tighter. What could this mean?

        21-Feb-2017 Elena:

        Hello, I can’t find the meaning of my dream, please help. I dreamed that my classmate was feeding me carefully, and I was feeding him, then he said that he liked me, I brought him to my home. What does it mean?

        12-Feb-2017 Polina:

        Yes, everything came true for me (I was invited by a handsome blond boy), me and he are 14. We were walking, and he asked me to meet, I agreed, and recently I dreamed about it and it came true, and one more thing, he’s my new classmate, he’s cute and he’s handsome and kind.

        I dreamed that my boyfriend came up to me, said something in my ear, and I answered, he was so gentle in his dream! Someone said: “You are so cute!” Then he just followed me. Came to my house. But he didn't say anything. Then we walked together, hugging each other, through the park, where the street lights were shining, we were just walking. And I felt so good! And before going to bed, he insulted me, and I quarreled with him. Please explain, I'm completely confused.

        If you dream of a guy you know, but in reality you don’t feel sympathy for him, then such a dream means quick news that will not affect your soul.

        11-Sep-2016 Alena:

        In the dream, my grandmother was very happy about my loved one and kissed him. And his sister hugged me in a dream and was glad to see me, what was this for?

        I dreamed this: I moved to the village to live with my grandmother for a while. The house is nice and she rents out rooms. Even earlier, I was in some camps, and half the group of the last detachment lived with her. The point is that there was a stranger who wanted me very much, and one day, coming out of a summer shower, he came up to me, passionately hugged me, dropped me off and we kissed, and then I jumped off and left. And then he wrote today he will come and it will be “like this” and tomorrow “like this”. What does it mean???

        I dreamed that my boyfriend and I and my friend (I don’t know her in real life, my friend in the dream) were going to the toilet. She says they had sex right in this toilet. I go out, go to the guy, he wants to calm me down, but I hit him and when I wanted to leave, he told her why she told me this. He started yelling at her, wanted to hit her, but she said: she’s fat, why do you need her? I'm prettier. He hugged me tightly.

        I dreamed that I was going to the toilet with a girl; I don’t know her in real life, but in the dream she was my friend. And the guy is waiting in the cafe. My boyfriend. In the toilet she says that they had sex there. I go out and go to the guy, he wants to calm me down, I hit him. When she wanted to leave, he asked her like why did she tell me this, yelled at her and wanted to hit her, but she said: “She’s fat, why do you need her, you should be with me.” And the guy hugs me very tightly. What does this mean please tell me.

        We walked on the lawn, he bought me something like ice cream and kvass (no matter how strange it may sound), then we went to the park. There, on the bridge that crossed a small river, I hugged and kissed him. I thought about this kisses during the day, maybe that’s why I had this dream? Please tell me! Very important! Thank you very much in advance!

        Hi all. I had such a dream. The guy I like bought another coffee. We stood near the “kiosk” with coffee. He made it, threw in two and a half spoons of sugar. I mixed it. We gave the coffee to that girl and she left. What could this dream mean? Thank you:)

        Hello, I dreamed that I was fighting with some unfamiliar guy, it was raining, cloudy, and suddenly I started kissing and hugging him, he hugged me tightly and carried me home in his arms. I meet his sisters and brother at his house. Then his mother comes in, sits down at the table and introduces herself to her mother, she sits in surprise and smiles, I can hardly tell you something, I’m very embarrassed... I would like to know what kind of dream I saw.

        21-Mar-2016 Angelina:

        Hello, I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday. I dreamed that I was sitting in a movie with two young men (in real life I don’t know them), they are my friends in the dream, one is sitting on the right, and the second on the left, the guy sitting on the right was quoting the film (as if he had watched it 100 times exactly), and the guy on the left was sitting and eating popcorn, I periodically took it from him (he ate it so greedily, it seemed like he had never been fed), I asked the guy sitting on the right: “Does the guy on the left always quote movies like that?” He replied: Yes! I laughed, and I suddenly wanted to kiss the guy with the popcorn, and I kissed him on the cheek, he smiled. I didn’t watch the film itself (I only remember the flashes). And the guy on the right bothered me a little! Then something happened and they told me that I had to leave, I listened to them. The guy on the right walked me to the car and claimed that I was small, and I was the opposite to him (He was like family to me in this dream, although I didn’t know him in reality), he carried my things to the car, then put them on the ground and said, that he won't go. He smiled and I hugged him, hanging on his neck, but since he was tall, I couldn’t reach the ground, he cordially hugged me to him, then I got into the car and we drove off. I woke up. I wanted to ask what it could mean to a girl who doesn’t have a boyfriend?! Help me please!

        12-Mar-2016 Anonymous:

        I dreamed that the guy to whom I confessed my love (stupid act) at first pretended to respect my feelings, but then came up from behind and cut my hair into a bob, and I was offended by him. Then he started making fun of me, laughing, and it hurt me very much, because all this happened in front of people. He said that a girl shouldn’t be given notes declaring her love, and he also somehow found out that I did it. At the end of the dream, I was terribly angry and promised myself that I would take revenge on him for his public humiliation. What could this dream mean?

        I dreamed that an ex-boyfriend, for whom I still have feelings, comes to my house and we lie on the bed, hug, but at the same time we are friends in the dream. We had fun. Then he wanted to go somewhere, but then my family came and everyone sat down to dinner.

        On the way to school I saw two handsome, tall guys. One was sitting on a chair, and the other was standing next to me, and when I walked nearby, they stopped me. The guy who was standing asked me for his number, but I wrote it in the wrong place and got nervous, he flared up at me a little, but then he hugged me from behind and said that everything was fine. Then we played together for about 20 minutes. And then my brother called me and asked where, so as not to be late for school. Well, I had already started to leave, but they asked me to stay, but I couldn’t and I felt sad that I might not see them again. But here’s another problem: why in my dream I saw another me who was playing alone, and the other real me stood and was a little sad. Please explain to me what my dream is about???

        I had a dream, a man from a contact though - I really didn’t see him only from the photo, at first I didn’t dream about him, and then literally a week passed, maybe a little more, I dreamed about him, his name is Dima, well, I was scared and he cheated on me into some pool of water, and he was there, making himself feel good and at the same time looking at me, and I was all naked. Tell me, what does this dream mean?

        26-Sep-2015 Nika:

        I dreamed of a guy whom I used to love very much. Now he lives well, not denying himself anything, but we don’t communicate with him at all, but in a dream I dreamed of him as some kind of drunk, in a dream he pestered me, looked terrible, was drunk and was on much older, I dreamed that he was drunk, what can I say about him now, he is quite neat, but in the dream he was the complete opposite of himself, what does this dream mean?

        26-Sep-2015 Victoria:

        I dreamed about a guy for three nights in a row. I don’t really know him, we meet on the street, but he often looks at me. He looks very calm. I dreamed of him in a new place, that is, while leaving, not at home. He dreamed, in principle, as he usually behaves, we just locked eyes.

        I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend for whom I still have feelings, but in the dream he simply hated me and did not want to contact me, what could this mean?

      • Dream: a guy I really like comes up from behind and touches my hair, I felt so pleased, but then he cut it and walked away, my long hair turned into a bob, I walk up to the guy and look at him with an evil look, and he smiles sincerely. What does it mean? 🙂
