Start in science. Start in science What is the 7th

The main favorable meaning of the number 7 is the ability to think. For real. That is, to pose a certain question, and then, using logic, erudition and insight, find the answer. In fact, it is available to a few, which gives you an undeniable advantage in most life situations. And it is quite natural that you are considered a wise adviser. Another positive quality is your inner peace. You can flare up and break into a scream because of any trifle, but it is almost impossible to get you out of balance and make you “lose your head”.

Negative qualities

In a negative way, the number 7 in numerology is revealed in such qualities as cynicism, misanthropy, unreasonable suspicion and some wildness in external manifestations. You don't care what people think or say about you, so you don't bother showing good manners or even basic courtesy. But if you want, you can "teach a lesson in etiquette" in such a defiant way that the interlocutor will feel offended. In addition, you demonstrate your independence and unwillingness to "be part of the crowd" at every opportunity. Therefore, you will never become everyone's favorite.

Name numbers

"Seven" in the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of appearance - is a sign of the presence of exceptional abilities and pronounced talents. First of all, this is a remarkable intellect, the ability to think in images and categories, without exchanging for trifles. However, you are by no means an abstract thinker. You have a purely practical ingenuity and dexterity, which allows you to realize any of your original ideas. The number seven is the vibration of the “Master”, who knows everything and achieves everything exactly as he intended.

Date of birth numbers

The value of the number 7 in the numbers of the date of birth - the Number of the Life Path and the Number of the Birthday - could be called a sign of unlimited possibilities, if not for the peculiarities of your character. You are too picky and picky to grab every chance that comes up. And if sometimes you still do it, it is solely for the sake of money. You have no doubts about your own abilities. You are concerned with another question: to what extent do all the existing possibilities correspond to what you can offer? And your life can become a continuous "testing the world for compliance." Because there is simply no definitive answer.

Impact on the profession

You are able to master any profession, the requirements of which do not go beyond your physical capabilities. However, self-realization in the profession is almost impossible for you. And this is a very sad paradox. The problem is that not only do you not want to work - you are not original here - but you will never want to work. The number 7 in numerology means that a person of your temperament will simply not be interested in doing the same thing twice. You can casually create a masterpiece, but the feeling of moral satisfaction and professional pride will “die” in a quarter of an hour.

Impact on personal life

Answering the question: “What does the number 7 mean in personal relationships?”, It can be called the “champion of unlucky love.” Why? But this is perhaps the only question to which the G7 cannot give an intelligible answer. Everything affects: both refined selectivity, and pedantry, and - of course - sexual emancipation that frightens many. But the most likely cause is early on. In youth, the "sevens" of both sexes have some kind of special, magnetic attraction. And the first sex often happens to them long before the first love, which they are then unable to even recognize, because the landmarks are knocked down, and the “throb of love” is already indistinguishable in the waves of more powerful sensual sensations.

For most people, the number 7 signifies good luck. This is true, and yet it is far more important than is commonly believed. But only a person who understands numerology can prove the significance of this figure.

Seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow, seven wonders of the world, seven notes, seven circles of hell or the seventh heaven. Number 7 everywhere.

What is this mystical number?

There are many concepts in numerology - the language of numbers, consciousness of numbers, types of numbers and other equally interesting details. All of them in one way or another relate to the seven. The language of numbers is the most ancient of all currently known, and the number 7 on it means Divine intervention in human destiny. They say luck is blind. No matter how! This number of luck perfectly sees and understands everything, since numbers, in addition to their language, also have consciousness. The seven have their own opinion on everything, which often does not coincide with the human one. And luck always comes suddenly.

And all because she lives not according to the Law of Time, but according to the Law of Eternity. How often do people believe that this or that is not at all worthy of happiness and good luck, so why do they get them? As they say, everything is the will of God. This is exactly the case. Because this number sees through a person and rewards those who are truly worthy.

"divine" figure

The number 7 in numerology is divine, therefore it belongs to the main numbers and is the most insightful of them. But, clearly seeing the essence of things, it, nevertheless, does not reveal Divine secrets to anyone. The expression "with seven seals" here will be very appropriate. The Seven does not like magicians and soothsayers who are trying to predict the unpredictable or find out the unknown with its help. She is the keeper of the Secret.

And yet, what else can be said about the seven? So many. Relating to the category of spiritual numbers, it symbolizes the sword, while the number 8 is the shield. Together they are called upon to protect the nine - spiritual knowledge. Translated into human language, we can say that a person who is engaged in affairs that do not contradict spiritual logic, these numbers will help in everything and everywhere.

Moreover, the number 7 is considered active protection, and the number 8 is passive. One might ask how important this spiritual protection is. Man needs it all the time. Otherwise, the material principle will prevail over the spiritual. This means that a person will lose his individuality, and spiritual death will come, which is much worse than physical. It leads to absolute non-existence.


The meaning of the number 7 is very multifaceted and contradictory. It symbolizes reason and order, analytical thinking and philosophy of life. It contains the harmony of nature - the rainbow has seven colors, and music - seven notes. God created the Earth in six days, and made the seventh day off. This is what characterizes the number 7 as the number of order and organization. A person should work for six days, and devote the seventh to rest and reflection on God. From this follow such properties of number as loneliness and self-knowledge.

In our time, mysterious numerology, the number of fate 7 is of great interest. Everyone strives to find out how lucky they are by turning to this science for help.

What does the number 7 mean in the fate of each of us?

A person born on the seventh has contradictory features, since this number symbolizes both mystery and knowledge. This line of contradictory properties can be continued.

The person will have a strong intuition, but at the same time capable of analytical thinking. It is with a lively imagination. Strong representatives of this number become composers, musicians, poets, philosophers and thinkers, while the weak will easily be drawn into the swamp of despondency and pessimism.

gift from above

If 7 refers to a name, such a person will be no less gifted than one born on the seventh. This figure constantly directs its owner in the right direction of activity - in the sphere of science and creativity. Often such people become leaders, but for this it is necessary to carefully analyze what has been achieved and clearly plan for the future. But in business, they will always need outside help. This should be remembered.

Destiny number 7 is introverted. It rewards its owner with a very bright personality. and a reserved person who always has an opinion. He has few friends, but those who are lucky find in him a reliable comrade for life.

A lover of books and a connoisseur of countries - this is how you can describe a person with a seven in fate. He loves to travel and, if he has enough money, he will definitely go on a tourist trip abroad. Given this quality, we can safely say that work in a travel agency or a position associated with constant business trips abroad is what such a person needs. Charity work brings sevens special satisfaction. They like to take care of the disabled, sick children and anyone who needs help.

Negative Traits

Seven endows a person with negative qualities with which he struggles all his life. Such people may be prone to alcoholism, often secrecy, cunning and nervousness give them many problems. Thanks to the habit of saying out loud everything they think, these people often find themselves in unpleasant situations.

They simply forget that much more can be achieved by diplomacy. But smart owners of this number choose the path of wisdom and understanding, which help them to restrain the negative traits of their character. Having embarked on the path of self-knowledge, sevens are looking for clues to the mysteries of life. They have strong intuition and often see prophetic dreams. All this leads them to study. Such people easily develop the gift of clairvoyance and often become psychics.

Good days for people with the number seven

The most successful days of the week for them are Sunday and Monday. And the most difficult cases simply need to be started on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. Best of all, sevens are found with those who were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th. And although people who have the number 7 in fate are endowed with the features of an introvert, it is desirable for them to have a friend who would share their interests and was always there.


The significance of the number 7 in marriage is enormous. It endows its owners with loyalty and a sense of duty. If both spouses are sevens, then especially strong relations are established between them, based only on reciprocity and trust. Sevens are good parents. They have strong relationships with children. They rarely make mistakes in education.

These are loyal parents who try not to abuse the trust of their children. Not too demanding, however, they responsibly and competently approach the upbringing of their children. For the sake of their happiness, such parents are ready to make any sacrifices. The same applies to family well-being.


Children born under the number 7 will bring joy to their parents. From a very early age, they will amaze those around them with their prudence. These kids are dreamers. They love solitude, when you can completely indulge in your dreams. Sevens babies have a precocious sense of compassion for other people. The gentle nature and responsiveness make them favorites of educators and, of course, classmates. At school, they are not the most successful students, but innate perseverance and diligence help them cope with any tasks and problems. Parents don't have to worry too much about their children. The only problem - the tendency of kids to be introverted - can be solved if you have frank conversations with them, encourage them to express their thoughts aloud. This is the only way to remove the child's fear and anxiety in front of society, which can weigh him down.

Psychomatrix, or makes it possible to determine the main characteristics of a person by the date of birth of a person. And it attaches special importance to people who have the numbers 0 or 7. These numbers are special signs left by Nature itself. If the number 0 is present in the psychomatrix of a person, during his life, working in the sphere of activity determined for him by Fate, he can make an important discovery for humanity. A person with a seven in the psychomatrix is ​​protected by all the forces of Nature. It contains information that is very important for people in this historical period. And the more sevens in the psychomatrix, the more important his role in this life.

The most unlucky person is the one who does not have a life path number of 7. This means that at the moment he does not have any specific task necessary for the development of the world. He tries to find his calling on his own and makes many mistakes. Nature does not lead him at the moment, she simply does not control him. Such a person can devote his whole life to searching for a field of activity that would suit him. Here, the individual qualities inherent in Nature in each person can come to the rescue. This is the mind, insight, logic, a penchant for the exact sciences or, conversely, for the natural. All of them will tell you how and where it is better to realize yourself. And then the failures will go away.

People who have one seven in their psychomatrix have a small amount of luck. By and large, failures and accidents simply bypass them. This is where luck ends. To understand where they should reveal their potential and bring benefit to the world, they will have to fill a lot of bumps. After all, the control and help from Nature is minimal. And yet, when a person takes a wrong step and gets into trouble, this is a signal that he needs to change direction and move in the other direction. Only with such hints Nature "spoils" a person with one number 7. But do not give up. With patience, you can find your own path in life and fulfill it. Even on the right path, such people cannot relax and continue to hope only for good luck. Otherwise, the number 7 will smoothly turn into 6. In this case, luck will disappear, and with it the energy with health. This can be avoided by cultivating and constantly controlling love for parents, tolerance for people and kindness. These qualities will help to keep the number 7 in the psychomatrix. Especially if it already contains 6. In addition, there is always the possibility of converting this six into the number 7.

good luck in life

About people with two sevens, you can say that they are real lucky. Nature leads them through life and suggests the right path for revealing the abilities inherent in a person. These people quickly find the right direction thanks to the clues of Fate. And if troubles happen, then only, of course, through their fault.

With two sevens, you can believe in luck and not try to find your way on your own. And if, nevertheless, a person, contrary to Fate, does the opposite, not believing in his luck, then various surprises begin to happen to him. The second variant of trouble comes when the seven turns into the six due to failure to fulfill the duty to the parents and intolerance towards others. Such people should always remember their task in this world and their responsibility to generations.

People who have three or more sevens are the real masters of their lives. They themselves build life around themselves, possessing vast knowledge about Nature and its secrets. Rare failures in the lives of such people happen only through their fault and because of disbelief in their own strengths.

A small conclusion

Many mistakenly believe that 7 is a lucky number. This is not entirely true in reality. It would be more correct to say that the seven brings good luck. In numerology, as you understand, there are no lucky and unlucky numbers. These qualities are endowed by a person.

Now, knowing everything about the number 7, you can try to find your own path that would benefit humanity.


A complex combination, which is associated with varying degrees of emotionality of both partners. Sevens are sociable, not used to hiding their emotions, which can irritate a restrained eight and lead to constant conflicts and misunderstandings. Relations between them are possible only business or friendly.

Despite the high intellectual level of both partners, they rarely understand each other, as they have different aspirations, goals and desires.

While the eight strives for career heights or gnaws at the granite of science, the seven shows its creative potential and has fun. The Eight may consider this a waste of time and a childish manifestation of character, which sooner or later will lead to conflicts and constant quarrels and misunderstandings.

Such people can work together, plan a business, since the creativity of the seven will complement the plans of the eight, and joint cooperation will help partners to adopt positive qualities from each other.

Compatibility 7 and 8 in love

For love in this union, there is not enough understanding and common emotional desires. The Eight is too reserved and cold to communicate with the Seven, they may constantly quarrel over leisure, places of recreation and entertainment.

If 7 constantly needs entertainment and a reason to show their creative abilities, then 8 will constantly annoy and lead to quarrels and showdowns. T

Such people should not plan a life together, as they look at the same issues differently. They can re-educate each other, and if children appear, then constantly quarrel over them.

Advantages of the union

  • fruitful cooperation in business, business;
  • both partners have a great sense of humor;
  • intellectual interaction, ingenuity;
  • support each other with mutual respect;
  • strong friendships;
  • the eight can teach the seven a lot;
  • the seven can contribute to the looseness and emotionality of the eight;
  • goodwill of both partners;
  • successful creative collaboration;
  • if contact is established and there is mutual understanding, then strong friendships or love relationships.

Union Disadvantages

  • different degree of emotionality of both partners;
  • lack of understanding or respect for each other;
  • different ways of spending rest and leisure;
  • complex family relationships;
  • the eight will be too demanding and strict in the seven;
  • the seven will be constantly annoyed by the exactingness and rigidity of the eight;
  • constant resentment and quarrels;
  • high probability of divorce, especially after 3 years of marriage;
  • different desires of partners, goals and aspirations;
  • gradual fading of interest in each other.

Compatibility 7 and 8 in friendship

Friendly relations and business relations between these people are quite favorable with mutual respect of partners for each other. The Eight can teach the Seven a lot and contribute to her personal growth and success in all matters and undertakings. Such people perfectly understand each other, are ready to cooperate in business, if it corresponds to their interests.

But informal relationships can be complicated and filled with quarrels due to the tendency of sevens to extravagance and entertainment, which are unlikely to please the eights. If there is no respect between them, then there will be constant quarrels and a complete lack of understanding in the relationship.

Numbers of Destiny: Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology Andrey Kostenko

Chapter V. Idealistic Numbers: 7, 8, 9


This number means Silence, Loneliness, Introspection, Understanding, Balance, Thinker.

Seven- the most amazing number. The true development of a person does not depend on his activity and expression in the outside world - what is important is internal growth, which symbolizes the number 7. It implies spiritual expansion, harmony, faith, wisdom and understanding, deep reflection and the desire to comprehend the spiritual meaning of life. Truth can only be found in silence and reflection. Vibration 7 people are thinkers, philosophers and mystics. They have already found themselves, they are reliable and faithful. They are here in the world, but not of this world. One of their lessons: to be alone with yourself, but not alone. Such people personify the sunny, serene side of life. They don't have many friends, but they are all true friends. Seven is a life in silence, a prayerful and introspective frame of mind. 7 is the number of the temple. Another lesson of this number is the ability to let go, to refuse small treasures, to rejoice in a lot, but not to hold on to it and not strive to possess it.

A person with a vibration of 7 is a dreamer and a priest who seeks to achieve conscious unity with the Divine. He loves the exquisite and beautiful in art and nature, he likes softened colors, oriental patterns and draperies - in other words, everything mysterious, unusual, shaded and indistinct. He is very attracted to old houses, antique furniture and old-fashioned gardens. He is proud of his pedigree and tends to be conservative. He has only one great desire - inner peace and development. Such a person does not care about business issues. He knows the inner aspects of life, but often has difficulty trying to explain something, and therefore he is very often misunderstood or misunderstood.

Negative aspect number 7 - a fussy, impressionable, talkative, dissatisfied, critical, depressed, gloomy, dull and melancholic person, especially if he is poorly versed in life. It often seems to him that everyone around him is opposed to him - including even those who treat him quite kindly. Nevertheless, such a person perceives everyone “with hostility”. He is afraid of failure and loneliness, seeks to dominate others and suppress them, believing that this will bring him peace and tranquility. Such people are imprudent, stupid and stubborn. They realize their own mistakes too late, after which they bitterly repent and regret the past for a long time.

A person with a vibration of 7 does not differ in physical strength, but has great endurance. Truly happy people Sevens very strong and cheerful, although their inner health and peace are very dependent on those around them, on the harmony and grace of external circumstances. In general, these people tend to take the lessons of life too seriously and therefore are often pessimists.

In clothes, such people are neat and elegant. They know how to choose colors so that the outfit looks harmonious and fits the occasion. They treat new things with distrust, get used to them for a long time and give preference to the old ones. These people are often connoisseurs and collectors of antiques and antiques. They like to visit churches, museums, monasteries and old houses for a long time, walk in old-fashioned parks.

Vocation: People with vibrations of 7 are mystics, theologians, monks, inventors, novelists, gardeners, musicians (especially often organists), since all these activities are very consistent with their worldview. In addition, they are excellent real estate agents or bankers, occupy high positions that require trust and management of affairs; the reason for their success in these areas is not so much an interest in financial activities as an intuitive sense for profitable investments. These people prefer quiet research and observation, and therefore often become naturalists and astronomers. They also make good antique dealers and collectors. In general, they like any activity that is beautiful and harmonious. In addition, they certainly need a quiet job that provides privacy and time for reflection.

Seven often associated with the number 16 (16 is a "falling tower" and 7 = 1+6). This number is a symbol of the parable of the fishermen who could not catch their catch until, on the advice of Christ, they threw their nets on the other side of the boat. In other words, a person with a vibration of 7 should not fall into despair at failures; he should try again and again until he succeeds. Optimism is one of the main lessons that number 7 people need to learn.


This number means Power, Organization, Success, Material Independence.

Human society needs not only workers, thinkers and inventors, but also organizers who bring law, order, productivity and organization to social activities. This category also includes people with vibration 8, which, in essence, is a more complete development of vibration 1 and complements its properties with a strong-willed desire for high morality of goals. Eight, above all, the vibration of success. Efficiency and reasonable, purposeful willpower bring a reward for work, that is, wealth. If the Thinker, Inventor and Artist is the spirit of society, and the Worker is the body of social welfare, then the number 8, the Capitalist, is his soul, and they all need each other.

In order for the human race to live in peace and happiness, good will, understanding and cooperation are needed.

The number 8 denotes power, justice, inspiration, accomplishment, creation, efficiency, success and wealth. At its best, it is spirituality operating on the material plane. Eight indicates the ability to get out of difficult situations, rebuild something anew, overcome obstacles. Judgment, firmness, insight, analysis, organization, creation, universal sympathy, understanding - these are the hallmarks of a positive, creative vibration 8. Such people express themselves in the material side of life and do truly great things. By nature, they are balanced, have a strong will, are able to meet difficulties in cold blood, with faith in final success. Very confident in themselves, success comes to them as if by itself. They think very sensibly, they build plans on a grand scale and without stint. In relation to others, these people are fair and generous.

Eight- the number of trials, since it always harbors the temptation to abuse one's abilities for the sake of domination, exploitation of oppression and enrichment at the expense of others.

Negative aspect vibration 8 - abuse of power and abilities inherent in this vibration for selfish purposes, exploitation, coercion and oppression of other people. In destructive manifestations, the number 8 can indicate a ruthless and vile tyrant. This is a dishonest, unprincipled huckster whose only goal in life is to earn as much money as possible at any cost, to gain power and use it for personal interests. This is a typical speculator, an owner who squeezes all the juice out of workers, a stock player, a swindler and, finally, just a petty swindler. Such people direct all their abilities and will to petty personal goals instead of becoming agents of the divine will for the benefit of all people.

To a person with negative vibration 8 lacks perseverance and perseverance, he is lazy to think, misses favorable opportunities, faces constant failures, because he is convinced in advance of the impending failure. On the other hand, he, on the contrary, can be a completely reckless daredevil, a bully and a scoundrel.

Appearance: a person with constructive eight looks rich and prosperous, generosity and influence, calculation and insight are seen in his thoughts, words and deeds. They dress well, wear a variety of outfits, especially appreciate high-quality underwear, shoes and gloves, and in general they look sleek. Never make a mediocre impression.

Vocation: Their main vocation and sphere of self-expression is the organization and management of business enterprises. They become excellent managing directors, financiers, bankers, industrial magnates, owners of transportation lines. These people succeed wherever you need to think big, organize business and make sound practical judgments. Limiting the scope of their powers is very frustrating - in order to prove themselves, they need a large scale. They are simply unable to get used to cramped circumstances and will never agree to play the role of "second violin". They seem to be born precisely to be vested with power.


This number signifies Impersonal Love, Wisdom, Understanding, Artistic Expression.

To reach the heights of his development, a person must learn to love all his fellows, and not just himself, relatives and close friends. "Love is the fulfillment of the law." In addition to love for specific people, there must also be love that is impersonal, universal. The well-being of others should be taken care of no less than your own, "for none of us lives for himself and none of us dies for himself."

The ideal of a person with a vibration of 9 is universal love and selfless service. They strive to benefit society in this or that field, to get rid of narrow-mindedness, a sense of their own exclusivity and purely personal interests.

Receptive faith is inherent in people of this type, and their love extends to everything noble and highly spiritual, including painting, music and poetry. They show an interest in global events that affect all races, peoples and creeds. These people have a developed intuition, they are compassionate, tactful, fair and generous, they are distinguished by a strong desire to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. They become real healers of souls and always give wise advice, because they intuitively understand human nature and treat all people sympathetically. Nine is the number of empathy and service. These people think big. The number 9 is the full measure of a person, it crowns the sequence of cosmic vibrations.

in the destructive negative aspect the number 9 indicates greed, selfishness, bias based on personal preferences, as well as jealousy, envy of the success and property of other people. These people are self-centered and arrogant. The place of impersonal love is occupied in their character by stormy, exaggerated outbursts of emotions. At the same time, they demand respect and recognition from others, dream of fame and exorbitant rewards for their services. They are unrestrained and most often abuse the trust placed in them.

People with a constructive vibration of 9 are distinguished by their bright appearance and manners. Among them are many great actors, composers, playwrights, painters, sculptors, generals and preachers. They know how to make a deep impression and even try to do it. Ambitious, generous, impulsive and courteous people, they are always ready to help society in lofty aspirations, and sometimes even give their lives for a just cause. They want to serve people and live for the benefit of others.

Vocation people with a vibration of 9 - strive upward, serve people and inspire humanity. These are healers, reformers, teachers, writers, actors, composers, surgeons, military leaders, specialists in criminal law, founders of philanthropic and other public institutions. They choose any field where they can help people and express themselves in a humane and creative way. Often they become patrons of the arts, sciences, literature and any other field of activity, whose main task is to bring happiness to people. Such people are the messengers of progress and peace on Earth.

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KV) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MN) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PR) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CO) of the author TSB

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From the book Crossword Guide author Kolosova Svetlana

From the book Numbers of Destiny: Pythagorean, Indian and Chinese numerology author Kostenko Andrey

Numbers 4 Zero Darkness - other Russian. 10 thousand 5 Ravens (vran) - other Russian. 10 million Gross - 12 dozen Hundred 6 Dozen Legion - other Russian. 100 thousand Thousand 7 Billion (billion) - 109 Ten Unit Million - 106 Percent - one hundredth of the number 8 Promille - thousand of the number Trillion - 101210 Quadrillion -

From the book Amsterdam. Guide author Bergmann Jürgen

Chapter II. Numbers, letters and vibrations Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 cover the entire set of vibrations of the material existence of a person and his development on the physical, vital, mental and intuitive planes of consciousness. When these numbers are used for analysis character by name, their

From the book Lisbon. Guide author Bergmann Jürgen

Chapter III. Number values. Personal numbers: 1, 2, 3 The process of evolution of the human soul includes various states of consciousness, which manifest themselves as characteristic features of life. These forms of self-expression have been noticed for a long time and were subjected, depending on the needs

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Chapter IV. Altruistic numbers: 4, 5, 6 Number 4 - PHYSICAL VIBRATION Organization, Labor, Mastery, Service, Calmness. Labor is the basis of human life. It is thanks to him that we accumulate experience and serve people. The number 4 means meaningful work, the work of the body and mind,

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Chapter VIII. Warning Numbers There are at least four numbers whose appearance in the name should be considered as a warning, after which it is useful to make appropriate adjustments in our lives so that our weaknesses do not lead to serious difficulties. With spiritual

From the author's book

Chapter XI. Destiny and Birth Numbers Adding all the letters of the name, both vowels and consonants, we get a total amount, which is the Number of Destiny of a person. This number indicates what a person is capable of. The number of Destiny reveals the forms of self-expression to which it

From the author's book

Numbers one – eentwo – twethree – driefour – vierfive – vijfsix – zesseven – zeveneight – achtnine – pedepten – tientwenty – twintigfifty – vijtigone – honderdthousand –

From the author's book

Numbers one - um, uma [mind, mind] two - dois, duas [doish, duash] three - tr?s [trash] four - quarto [quartu] five - cinco [sink] six - seis [seish] seven - sete [set] eight - oito [oitu] nine - nove [new] ten - dez [dash] eleven - onze [onze] twelve - doze [dose] 20 - vinte [vinte] 100 - cem, cento [sem, cent] 120 – cento e

From the author's book

"Two numbers" The game is aimed at developing the ability to concentrate and concentrate. Offer the child a card measuring 30 x 20 cm, on the entire surface of which numbers from 1 to 20 are pasted, 2 of which must be the same. The kid needs to find them and

From the author's book

Numbers 357 Ark of the covenant of the Lord. Number 10:33 358 The Lord is long-suffering and merciful<…>but punishing the iniquity of the fathers in children up to the third and fourth generation. Number 14:18; See also: Ref. 20:5–6; Ps. 102:8 359 And your sons will wander in the wilderness for forty years. Number 14:33 360 And the Lord opened


Numerology is based on the idea of ​​vibration expressed in numbers. Everything in the world vibrates. Your character is determined by the vibration that was given to you at birth. Your thoughts are vibrations that make you do certain things and give energy to your actions. Human vibrations interact with the vibrations of time and space. As a result, you are faced with certain events in life, with certain circumstances, and you are forced to react to them in one way or another. But these events, circumstances and your reaction are the fruit of vibrations. Numerical vibrations can be in harmony, opposition or be neutral with respect to each other.

What we really do is make connections with other idea-bearers, compare ourselves with them, fight with them, accept them or reject them. On this path, our original essence reaches completion and thus ripens for a return to perfection.

The task of our life is to develop a new and conscious “I” from the multitude of ideas imposed on us and accepted by us, programs that form our basis, in order to thereby avoid the old schemes of fate, to cancel them. So, in the events of our destiny, old programs now and then emerge, requiring us to rework them anew. Reworking will be the easier, the clearer the programs will be for us.

Leopold Szondi, born in 1893 in Hungary, was a Jewish intellectual who was the first to venture to embrace human destiny in a single general theory. Here are the most significant provisions set forth by Leopold Szondi:
1) Through our subconscious, parents, relatives, teachers (I can also add newspapers, the Internet and television) interfere in our destiny and forcibly direct our choice. Szondi calls this "an imposed fate."
2) Our position-forming "I" is able to overcome the demands from the outside and make its own personal choice. Thus arises the antipode of imposed destiny: a freely chosen destiny.

The better a person understands these influences, the further he moves away from the obsolete, ossified domination of these programs and ideas, and he himself becomes the conductor of the manifestations of his will.
Back in 1851, in Schopenhaur's work "On the Imaginary Predestination of a Separate Destiny" one could read the following:
Close observation reveals that there is a plan in the life of most people, as if foreordained by their own nature or by the circumstances that move them. No matter how varied and changing the constituent elements of their lives may be, in the end, the main thing still appears, which allows us to notice a certain correspondence. – The hand of predestined fate, however secretive it may act, nevertheless clearly shows itself, even if rejected by external influences or internal urges. It often even happens that opposing principles in this respect are reconciled with each other.
It turns out that we need to make sure every day not to degrade from a puppeteer to a puppet.
If our entire existence is based on the ideological world of archetypes, and numbers, in turn, are symbols of these energies, then with the help of numerology, we can clarify the corresponding constructions and thereby approach the mystery of our destiny.
It is absurd to claim that someone born, for example, on the 5th of any month, is a "type of five". If this were true, the world would be filled with people of this type, bloody crushing each other's toes in an effort to best implement the appropriate program. It is also meaningless to say that the sum of the digits of the number uniquely reflects your fate; because if, for example, we got 34 as a result, which the next addition gives 7, then the person from whose date of birth this number was obtained would have to share his fate with many millions of others whose sum of digits is also 7. The dates of our births consist of a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 numbers. In each month there are 3 or 4 opportunities to get 7 in the sum of the digits of the number. Therefore, there are from 36 to 48 such opportunities in a year. Not a small number for the same program of fate, if you think about how many people are born on the same day. Therefore, the value of the sum of the digits of a number must have a wide range.


The basic program is the main program of fate. The number of fate speaks of purpose of man.
In the Romance languages, the corresponding word for the concept of "fate" is absolutely identical to the word for "goal", "direction" (for example, French: destin - destination, Italian: destino - destinazione). If the wrong direction is taken at the crucial moment, the program originally intended is slowed down or changed beyond recognition.
The origin, the root of all destinies lies in the date of your birth, which is the key to everything that happens to you. Each date is a compact program that is then individually deployed based on your name. This applies to both your date of birth and the date of the day you are currently on.

Calculation example:
29 (number of birth).11 (November).1977.=2+9+1+1+1+9+7+7=11+2+24=37 – full number of destiny. 3+7=10=1 – abbreviated destiny number.
In my case, the number of fate 1 comes out of the number 37/10. The number 3 and the number 7 have many definitions.
Now let's calculate problematic numbers And target number.
29 - 11 – 1977
11 + 2 + 24
13 - 26
4 + 8 – problem numbers
12/3 – target number(cm. )

Sevens are restless and irritable, often prone to melancholy and depression. They have skin problems: hypersensitivity or heavy sweating.
Particularly healthy foods are cucumbers, cabbage, grapes, apples, sorrel and mushrooms.
Changes in health await you at 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52 and 61 years old.

Destiny number 8
Planet Saturn

Fate promises you prosperity and power. You will never know poverty and dependence, because your path lies to the blessings of this world. Fame, power and wealth are the three components of your success.
Administrative abilities and organizational talent are the tools with which you will create a strong and worthy position for yourself and your family. Well-being, success and humanity are the cause and effect of your growth.
With your inclinations, you should choose the field of activity on a grand scale - the greater the responsibility, the greater the reward, material or spiritual. High authority and a clear idea of ​​what is right will open the way for you to great achievements. Your interest in philanthropy and charitable organizations is extremely beneficial to them, because you know how to get what others cannot, which means you will carry out the largest projects. The productivity and agility that comes from your number vibration, allowing you to save time, effort and energy to put it where it's needed most.
You are very perceptive and understand human nature, and therefore sympathize with people less gifted and fortunate than you. All your life you will not get tired of extending a helping hand to those who need it, but the donated will return to you multiplied a hundredfold.
Courage is one of your main assets, and you often show courage in seeking equal rights for all people. You are always ready to stand up for the victims of injustice. It does not bother you to spend your energy on others more economically and be more selective.
Behind your commitment to discipline and rejection of infringement of legal rights lies the most destructive force that can serve evil, because power is a monstrous weapon that you can use at your discretion. However, if the negative nature takes over and you use power to harm others, you will never be able to enjoy the acquired material wealth, because they will be a wormhole for you. Why? Yes, because it is the feeling of a job well done and a righteous reward that gives you joy.
Material wealth will come to you without much effort. You will know the feeling of moral satisfaction from the fact that you have done something extraordinary thanks to the skill inherent only in you. You are not endowed with imagination, and therefore act wisely, having mastered all the novelties that lead to the main goal you have chosen, and then you will, without any doubt, achieve it.
With that deep participation that you show to people, the acquired wealth pleases you already because you can clothe the less prosperous, which you willingly and constantly do.

Fundamental setting of the number 8 program:
Do not succumb to the eccentric and extreme inconsistency of this energy, but reduce the opposite forms of expression to the golden mean.
No other program requires such a high price that users have to pay for permission to master it. Whoever survives this tear test will wear an invisible laurel crown on his gray hair for the rest of his life, if he does not lose it from worries even earlier. These worries arise very early because of the continuous rushing between what is considered good and noble, and dark aspirations, which, under the conditions of the number 8, have such an irresistibly attractive force for a person that no common sense can bring him to reason and lead to a saving compromise.
Equal treatment for all- this is a difficult task that must be mastered under this program, in accordance with the call "love your neighbor as yourself." But it is precisely “to love oneself” that turns out to be infinitely difficult in circumstances that are constantly pushing towards destruction and despair. Thus arises a tendency to intolerance and injustice, to fanaticism and ruthlessness. This program is a reform camp for the hard-to-learn. This is a route that allows you to look into realms that remain forever closed to others.
This death-defying attitude has made a significant contribution to the emergence of such professions as a stuntman, an aerial acrobat, and a race car driver.
Most of the lessons in the curriculum of this school are devoted to such topics as frailty, decline, the insignificance of being and death.
The idea that death can be a friend, and Lucifer - a bearer of light, belongs exclusively to the potential of cognition of this program. This program is not about the mind, but about the emotional body, about intuitive premonition. Here the subconscious, studied, remembered and recognized are masterfully combined.
Anyone who "rides" along these rails must reckon with sharp and sudden changes in his destiny. Ups and downs often occur at the same time, only in different areas of life, as if taking care that inspiration for success never appears.
The “eights” are strange people: if they have a profitable business or an amazing role is offered, or they meet a wonderful partner, then they will invariably end the message about this with the phrase: “But I don’t want to talk too much, otherwise everything will fail again!” All too often these sufferers have to learn that their joy was premature and their hopes dashed.
For many, the only way out is the world of fantasies and dreams, in which one can live for a long time only by resorting to dubious aids, since reality has become unbearable. After all, this program sharpens the senses and highlights the truth so much that all attempts to console and embellish are rejected by a tired movement of the hand. Confrontation is inevitable, the moment of truth is inevitable, looking behind the curtain is unbearable.
For idols found among this category, it is typical that they break down on small, downright ridiculous in comparison, points of this program.
“All or nothing” is the motto of this journey, a requirement that all participants feel for themselves and make them feel their surroundings; a dramatic aura envelops the performers of this performance with an unknown end, which does not leave anyone who sympathizes indifferent.
Anyone who achieves the balance of the neutral middle through this program can rise to the heights of a gifted and highly qualified consultant, helping all who lack the strength and courage to stand against the most sworn enemy that we all must confront in this life: ourselves.

Red and green colors, especially thick shades, best reflect the character of typical "eights". If carriers of the number 8 prefer light and bright tones to dark tones - both in clothes and at home, the “eights” will only benefit from this. Brighter colors will give them a sense of freedom and joy. And this, in turn, will help them to sweep away the barriers with which they have protected themselves and those around them.

The "eights" have problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract. They often have headaches, as well as a tendency to rheumatism.
A vegetarian diet is best for you. Eat more spinach, carrots, celery, sage.
Important years for health are 17, 27, 35, 44, 53 and 62.

Destiny number 9
Planet Nibiru

Your rare sensitivity makes you extremely responsive to people and susceptible to the influence of the atmosphere, music and, in general, sounds, colors, and someone else's personality. All this develops your insight and arouses interest in the essence of things hidden from a cursory glance, and especially in the so-called esoteric, in the occult sciences. You are attracted by the mystic, and you feel an irresistible need to delve into this secret knowledge in order to check for yourself whether there is something valuable in them for you. You also have the gift of extrasensory perception and may well be engaged in bioenergetics and other similar things.
Unrestricted freedom to roam is your great dream. The fetters of property or wealth only interfere with your development, so you need to understand that there comes a time when it is better to give up everything. And not just material goods. You have to get over the habitual relationship. You can easily fall victim to a romantic connection; in this case, resist the temptation to change yourself in order to please your loved one. Nothing will help, and in the end your relationship will make both of you unhappy. You need to be yourself and trust that you will find the happiness that is meant for you. Settle for nothing else, then you will find exactly what you are looking for.
Love is so important to you that you can love several people at the same time and enjoy the happiness of love in all its shades. Romantic love for life is not your destiny. Dive into ecstasy, immerse yourself in sadness, and, having multiplied experience, look for a new love. And only then will you find complete satisfaction in life.
It also matters to you to care for others, the opportunity to help a person. What goes around comes around. And when you least expect it, the fruits of your kindness will ripen and you will be rewarded.
Your concern for the interests of other people sometimes deprives you of peace, and therefore you soar on the wings of happiness, then plunge into deep depression. When you learn to subordinate your emotions to reason, you will rise like a phoenix from the ashes and take your place in life as a truly enlightened person. And you will never again be sad because people deceive you. You will understand why everything is happening to you, and you will wait for tomorrow with the belief that everything in this world is for the better. Any experience will be greatly appreciated. Your amazing generosity will encourage you to share the truths you have obtained with all who are able to understand them, because you so would like to make all mankind happy. May the feeling of satisfaction and peace of mind that you have been assigned be with you.
You will always attract attention for one reason or another - your life will be full of events. The fate of a person with the number "9" is the sum of the fates determined by all other numbers. And therefore, you are endowed with all the positive and negative properties inherent in other numbers, which makes you an extremely powerful person in any sense of the word.

Fundamental setting of the number 9 program:
Everything inexplicable, incomprehensible, unimaginable is not only constructively processed within oneself, but also transferred to the outside world the fruits of this work in an understandable and usable form.
On this path, you have to deal with the energy that makes you take three steps forward and two back, with inexplicable premonitions that bring happiness or torment, with the world of a thousand voices in your head, with immersion in a sea of ​​​​your own feelings and fantasies, with a door behind which hides the secret of Bluebeard or the Grail.
The greatest boon that can be provided to a person of this form of existence is a companion who is able to concretely express the incomprehensible world of his partner, transplant it onto suitable soil, transfer it into his own understanding. Unfortunately, the gratitude that he will receive for this will be very dry, since the “nine” does not fight so fiercely with anything as with claims that require discipline and submission.
This is a nervous energy that has absorbed both all the unlived dreams of chaos and the ideas of the cosmos. If you could make her speak, she would say, "I know exactly what to do, but I can't express what I mean, and I don't find the strength to do it myself." When the "little prince" Saint-Exupery meets a snake in the desert, thanks to the bite of which he returns to his star again, he reproaches her: "You speak in riddles." She replies, "I know the answers to them." Most likely, she was a "nine".
This is the most powerful of all energies, for it is able to question everything and everyone, disband and then subjugate to its dominance. This mother of all possibilities patronizes inventors, artists, philosophers and explorers. But it also tends to inattention towards oneself and others, which is not at all due to banal arrogance, but to a reduced ability to focus on the real side of life. Therefore, these people are often careless about their health, do not notice the signals that the body sends them, or ignore them, which often leads to physical or mental illness.
They have the opportunity to develop under this program the abilities of the medium, allowing them to perceive the physical signals of others, feel moods and anticipate needs. The palms of many of them can transmit healing energy, which they themselves sometimes do not realize, as well as their gift of clairvoyance and the finest hearing. The potential placed at their disposal offers an unheard-of wealth of spiritualistic revelations that on the path of the "nine" could lead to wisdom - which, oddly enough, is rarely used by participants in this program, as if they are afraid to drown in this abundance and lose their "I" in it. .
The number nine always lures you on a journey to an unfamiliar country, to a more beautiful world, to a room of distorting mirrors of the universe, where in the end your face is so distorted that you can stop identifying yourself with it if the mind is not involved as the dominant element.
This energy could be compared to the noise that an orchestra creates when each individual player repeats different passages. Without a conductor, you can’t even guess what piece they are rehearsing, and only a wave of the conductor’s baton makes them jointly submit to this score. This is the requirement of the program: to find the score and, by a clear wave of the conductor's baton, force the energy to obey the proposed order.
There are surprisingly many heroes among them, and the reason is not at all that especially brave eccentrics gather under this number, but rather it is due to the fact that the consciousness, which is under such a strong influence, is not able to assess the situation in its entirety. Here they do not think, but act, for their luck, in most cases correctly and thus achieve the final result, which seems to be a heroic deed, and not what it really was, that is, thoughtlessness and frivolity. Luckily, this energy just seems to be home to all the guardian angels making sure everything ends up great.
A chance, a good moment in no other program, except for this one, can appear so unexpectedly and be used so thoughtlessly. A well-planned course of events suddenly develops an unforeseen dynamic of its own, leading to a more favorable outcome than the one originally intended, and leading to believe that this happy coincidence is caused by some brilliant idea. In fact, one gets the impression that these accidents come only thanks to unusually painstaking preparatory work, like timid exotic butterflies want to land only on very specific flowers, the cultivation of which requires special care. As applied to the life plan, this means that the more clearly and consciously you plan and prepare the trip, the more carefully you pack your suitcase, the better you will be protected from the surprises of this excursion.
The slogan of this path is: “Only the heart can see. Important things remain invisible to the eyes.” Whoever later learns that butterflies die when touched will win the game that teaches the art of letting go.

Brown color in the psychology of color perception represents the opposition of everything material to everything spiritual. Brown will give the "nines" a sense of comfort, which will be enhanced in a pleasant company, where a warm atmosphere will contribute to its beneficial effects. Even in an unfriendly environment, this color will always give its bearers self-confidence.
Brown color It's a mixture of orange and black. Using brown, the Nine-men bring out their inherent energy and combativeness to the fullest extent, and at the same time restrain their internal protest against a too traditional environment.
They should avoid red. It is the color of passion and anger. Red will only increase the tendency towards instability inherent in the number 9, and if the situation is brought to the limit, it will cause significant damage to people of this vibration.

Those whose personal number is 9 often suffer from fevers, measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever. In general, beware of infections.
You are shown onions, garlic, horseradish, nettle juice. But it is advisable to limit fatty foods and alcohol.
Important health changes await you at 18, 27, 36, 45 and 63 years old.

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