Riddles for children children's riddles about frost, nature. Riddles about a frosty pattern and frost Riddles about winter patterns

The wind blew and frost
Snow brought us from the north.
Just since then
On my glass...
(Frosty pattern)

The forest has grown
All white
Do not enter on foot
Do not enter on a horse.
(Frosty pattern)

Turned white all over the night
And we have a miracle in the apartment!
Outside the window, the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(Frosty pattern)

Santa Claus when it's dark
From forests and snowy mountains
Comes to us under the window
Draw on it...
(Frosty pattern)

Our windows are like pictures.
Who is the invisible artist?
Bouquets of roses on the glass
We drew...

Decorated the sorcerer
Windows are all in people's houses.
Whose patterns? - Here's the question.
Drawn them...

He breathed on the window -
It was instantly covered with ice.
Even birch branches
Inem stole...

The snow turned blue from the cold,
There is white frost on the trees.
Even Bobik hides his nose
Because on the street...

The wind blew and frost
Snow brought us from the north.
Just since then
On my glass...

Happy mice, happy cats:
Winter has come to visit
And for every window
Weaved a miracle lace
There are strange herbs
Unprecedented beauty
Unusual oak forests
Stars, leaves and flowers
(Frost pattern on the window)

Painter picture
I've been painting all night
Worked conscientiously
Peace did not know.
And here on the windows
Already turned white
tall pines,
Fluffy firs.
Then we saw
There is a sky
Where the stars are cheerful
They led a round dance,
Snowflakes fluttered
One by one
- so windows frost
Decorated in winter.
(Frost pattern on the window)

At night, in the frosty haze,
I paint on glass.
Visible through the curtains in the morning
My intricate pattern.
Both trees and bushes
Unprecedented beauty.
(Frost pattern on the window)

At the window in winter
A web will fall.
What is the right
Wonderful picture!
The sun's ray will break through -
Glowing, sparkling
Just arrived
Weird firebird.
And spring will come
Failure awaits us
The drawing is gone
And the window will cry.
(Frost pattern on the window)

Invisible carefully
He comes to me
And draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

This is maple and this is willow
Here is the palm tree in front of me.
How beautifully he draws
White paint alone!

I look - do not break away:
Twig lines are gentle!
And the artist is happy to try.
You don't even need brushes.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.

Who whitens the glades with white?
And writes with chalk on the walls?
sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?

He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
And naughty like a little one.

He entered - no one saw,
He said no one heard.
He blew on the windows and disappeared
And a forest grew on the windows.

So that autumn does not get wet,
Not sour from water
He turned puddles into glass
Made the gardens snowy.

The artist draws
Landscape on glass
But this picture
Dies in the heat.

The guest stayed
bridge paved,
Without a saw
He paved the bridge without an axe.

Grandpa paved the bridge
No ax and no knife.

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

The old man at the gate
Warmly dragged away,
Doesn't run on his own
And he won't stop.

What is the master
Put on glass
Both leaves and herbs
And bushes of roses?

No arms, no legs
And he knows how to draw.

Not fire, but burning.

Who without logs across the rivers
Building bridges?

I visited the hut
- I painted the whole window,
Stayed by the river
- The bridge paved the whole river.

Wonderful artist
I visited the window
Guess guys
Who painted the window.

What a grandfather
Building a house without an ax?

Everyone is afraid of him in winter
- It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
Because on the street...

Painted the windows
All without asking.
But who is it?
Here is the question!
All this makes...

He doesn't know how to play
And make you dance
Blush all people
Who is this sorcerer?

He always
Angry at something
And whenever you're angry
The kids blush their faces,
And all the old are young.

Someone to the house
And nowhere did he inherit!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:
drinking bears
raspberry tea,
Hares ride on a horse
Who is he
That the night did not sleep
Did you paint on glass?

Not in a dungeon
And in the light
He locks up the girl.
Until spring girl
Do not open the lights.
(Frost and river)

If the cat decides to lie down,
Where is warmer
Where the stove
And covered his nose with his tail
- Waiting for us...

old joker
On the street does not order to stand,
Pulls home by the nose.
(Frost) Although the guys have a rest,
They are sitting at home.
It's minus thirty outside the window.
I came to Zima-sister.
Ice bound the pond,
And the river
And he put the cat on the stove.

Here comes the winter time
- It's crackling in the yard...
(Not hot, but cold)

Riddles for children Children's riddles about Frost, nature The wind blew, and frost Snow brought us from the north. Only since then On my glass ... Answer (Pattern) The days have become shorter. It rained at night. And the glazier came - He glazed the puddles Answer (Frost) So that the autumn would not get wet, Not become sour from the water, He turned the puddles into glass, Made the gardens snowy. Answer (Frost) Whose drawings are on the window, Like a pattern on crystal? Winter grandfather pinches everyone's nose ... Answer (Frost) Everyone is afraid of him in winter - It can hurt him to bite. Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, After all, on the street ... Answer (Frost) Turned white overnight everywhere, And we have a miracle in our apartment! Outside the window, the yard disappeared. A magical forest grew there. Answer (Frost pattern) He entered - no one saw, He said - no one heard. He blew into the windows and disappeared, And a forest grew on the windows. Answer (Frost) Who, even without hands, can draw? Answer (Frost) The old man at the gate dragged him away Warmly, He does not run himself And does not order to stand. Answer (Frost) He does not know how to play, But he will make him dance, He will blush all people, Who is this sorcerer? Answer (Frost) Not fire, but it burns. Answer (Frost) Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions, "riddles + with answers" that describe an object without naming it. "Riddles for children" Most often, the focus in children's riddles is on some unique property of an object or its similarity with another object. It is customary to share riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, new riddles, riddles + for children, watch riddles, the solution of which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your baby. riddle games Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting Riddles. All riddles for kids are answered, online riddles so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, watch funny riddles and riddles online, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the clue. Play riddles with your child and he will understand free riddles that learning to solve a riddle can be interesting and even fun! To turn solving into an entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are currently doing and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, Russian riddles if you went mushroom picking in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. riddles + about animals This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your baby saw a fish. And if you prepared children's riddles + with answers in advance and took riddles about fish with you? Your success in the game of a puzzle on the water and sea theme is guaranteed.

riddles about frost in verse

Who whitens the glades with white,
And writes on the walls with chalk,
sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?

I visited the hut -
Painted the whole window
Stayed by the river -
The bridge spanned the entire river.

The old man at the gate
Warmly dragged away,
Doesn't run on his own
And he won't stop.

Not fire
And it stings.

What is the master
Painted on glass
Both leaves and herbs
And bushes of roses?

Draws without hands
Bites without teeth.

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.
This is maple and this is willow
Here is the palm tree in front of me.
How beautifully he draws
White paint alone!

So that autumn does not get wet,
Not sour from water
He turned puddles into glass
Made the gardens snowy.

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
Painted the windows all without asking.
But who is it? Here is the question!
All this makes ... (Frost)

Crackling vigorous
He paved the bridge;
I ran through the yards
Painted all the windows.

Wonderful artist
I visited the window
Guess guys
Who painted the window.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ... (Frost)

He is always angry about something
And whenever you're angry
The kids blush their faces,
And all the old are young.

Someone came to the house
And nowhere did he inherit!
But funny pictures
Appeared on the window:
Bears drink raspberry tea
Hares ride on a horse
Who is he that did not sleep at night
Did you paint on glass?

He doesn't know how to play
And make you dance
Blush all people
Who is this sorcerer?

Angry - covering his face with his hand,
The passer-by said muffledly.
- Hit like! - grumbled another,
Stroking the ear.
A grandmother with a stick walked by,
Hiding your nose in a handkerchief,
She said: - Look what!
Bites like a dog.
And I quickly covered my face
Coat collar.
On that day and right
Was angry
You guessed who!

If the cat decides to lie down,
Where it's warmer, where the stove is,
And covered his nose with his tail -
Waiting for us... (Frost)

What grandfather builds a house without an axe?

Who builds bridges across rivers without logs?

Who, even without hands, can draw?

old joker
On the street does not order to stand,
Pulls home by the nose.

Although the guys have a rest,
They are sitting at home.
It's minus thirty outside the window.
I came to Zima-sister.
Ice bound both the pond and the river,
And he put the cat on the stove.

Here is the winter time -
It is cracking in the yard ... (not heat, but frost)

Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old,
The bridge spanned the entire river.
And came young -
The whole bridge was crushed.
(Frost and spring)

Winter. There are snow all around.
All people are in a hurry to go home.
And every puddle froze...
Frost, snowstorm - such ... (cold)

The wind blew and frost
Snow brought us from the north.
Just since then
On my glass... (pattern)

The forest has grown
All white
Do not enter on foot
Do not enter on a horse.
(Frost pattern on the window)

Turned white all over the night
And we have a miracle in the apartment!
Outside the window, the yard disappeared.
A magical forest grew there.
(Frost pattern on the window)

Santa Claus when it's dark
From forests and snowy mountains
Comes to us under the window
Draw on it... (pattern)

Who hums in the pipe in winter?

No arms, no legs
Roaring around the world,
Sings and whistles.

Running through the snow
And there is no trace.
(driving snow)

riddles about a blizzard in verse

Who sweeps and gets angry in winter,
Blowing, howling and spinning,
Making a white bed?
This is a snowy ... (blizzard)

Suddenly, winter will overtake the clouds.
Snow in the face flies prickly.
The wind is howling, the snow is tossing,
Drives everyone home.
Making a snow bed
And it buzzes-sweeps ... (blizzard).

Walks in the field, not on a horse,
Flying high, not a bird.

I walk in the field
I fly free
I twist, I grumble,
I don't want to know anyone.
I run along the village
I'm making snowdrifts.

We are snowflakes. This is us
Winter parachutes.
We are circling over you
We are friends with the winds.
We dance day and night
Even a few weeks.
Our dances, by the way,
Are called - ... (blizzard)

Because of the high gray mountains,
From foreign lands far away
The evil witch has arrived
Scaring everyone with a wild song.
She turned everything around.
She blew everything.
It became cold.

Scattered Lukerya
Silver feathers.

Who, guess
Sedentary hostess:
Shake feathers,
Above the world of fluff?

Everything around is white-white -
All roads are covered!
flew from afar
Severe to us ... (blizzards)

Spruce swaddling snow
With a sad song ... (blizzard)

Angry janitor at the gate
Sweeps with a white broom.
Worked all night until morning
And there is more snow than yesterday.

Will suddenly hit the ground
White whirlwind of white flies.
The snow drifts like a snowdrift,
What's this? ... (blizzard)

The blizzard has a girlfriend
Call this girlfriend ... (blizzard)

Can't find my friend's house -
Covered the roads ... (blizzard)

Blue spots over the forest.
Snow curtain.
The frost eased up a bit.
Wind from the south. Wait... (blizzards)

I'm friends with frost
I sweep the earth.
I fly and circle
I sing the song.
Veterok - my little brother -
I am always happy.
(Snowstorm, blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm)

The storm covered with snow
My city has been covered in dust.
And when it calms down
Everything around will turn silver.

riddles about a blizzard in verse

She circles the snow along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.
Zimushki-winter friend,
Northern guest ... (blizzard)

Walking in the field
Not a horse.
Flying at will
Not a bird.

Jumping through the forest back and forth,
Howls, hums and shakes trees.

I don't have wheels
I am winged and light.
Louder than all guards
I whistle without a whistle.
On the fly, on the fly, on the fly,
I will notice all of Moscow.

Doesn't let you over the threshold
Beats, bites, knocks down.
This cold girlfriend -
White and evil ... (blizzard)

I am winged and light
And I whistle without a whistle.
On the fly, on the fly
I'll cover everything with snow.
