Blessed Alicia Goloseevskaya. Amazing predictions of mother Alipia (from the book “Acquisition of the Spirit of the Way”)

... Many could not understand her strange, fragmentary phrases warning of a great disaster: “It is burning underground, grief is coming”, believing that mother did not know such words as “reactor”, “radiation”, “radiation”. It seems, however, that she knew everything perfectly ..

Very few earthly inhabitants reach the narrow gates of a cramped life, where they leave everything earthly and cross the mysterious threshold of Eternity, knowing the true spiritual life, comprehending the innermost mysteries of being, for, as the Gospel says, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matt. 20 , 16).
Knowing this, nun Alipia worked humbly and patiently all her life, in sorrow and self-abasement. The Lord granted her to know the hidden secret of prayer pleasing to Him, and mother learned this generous gift by experience. Living in the flesh on sinful earth, she dwelt in spirit in Heaven, already here she carried within herself the enlightened image of God. Feeling this special grace, everyone who looked for healing and enlightenment flowed to her with faith in prayerful help. Therefore, despite the desire for solitude, the old woman selflessly took upon herself the difficult feat of fatherly nourishment, understanding how these helpless sheep of the flock of Christ need unfailing spiritual support so as not to stray from the true path leading to salvation. She always had to be in public, admonishing and instructing them.
The blessed gift that the Lord endowed the nun Alipia was also the gift of foreseeing future events. Mother left many predictions that are carefully kept by her children, passed from mouth to mouth. Many of them have already been fulfilled, some will come true.

One of the most important predictions of the blessed one concerned a great calamity that directly affected the Church: the soul-destroying Filaret schism that occurred in 1992. Matushka repeatedly publicly denounced the former Primate of our Church Filaret (Denisenko), who at that time was still the Metropolitan of Kyiv and whose power seemed unshakable. With an iron hand he led the Church to destruction, but even the pious clergymen, for whom the grossest violations of the Rules they allowed were no secret, did not dare to think about public condemnation and meekly endured widespread personnel abuses, the all-powerful Yevgeny Rodionov and much more.

Mother, for her impartial statements, was severely persecuted, but she still did not stop denouncing. Thus, the recollections of many children contain evidence of how the perspicacious old woman reacted to the photograph of Filaret she saw, about which she immediately categorically said: “He is not ours.” The people who were next to her, thinking that matushka simply did not know the Primate by sight, began to persistently explain to her that this was the Metropolitan, but she repeated again: “He is not ours.” It was useless to argue, and many resigned themselves, not understanding the meaning of her words and perceiving them as one of the mother's oddities. When, four years after her death, the Church was shaken by a crushing schism, everything fell into place. It was clear that Mother foresaw this mournful event in advance and warned the faithful about it, and in order to reach their hearts, she clothed her protest against the unworthy bishop in a peculiar, sometimes very outrageous form.

She repeated her denunciations repeatedly. For a long time, the parishioners of the Demievsky Church of the Ascension of the Lord remembered how once, during a magnificent episcopal service in the temple, she loudly exclaimed: “Glorious, glorious, but you will die a peasant.” Of course, for her insolence, she was immediately expelled. But this did not in the least frighten the ascetic, and she continued to denounce the unworthy bishop.

So, according to the recollections of the children who asked not to indicate their names, when she was shown a magazine in which there was a large photograph of Denisenko, mother grabbed this magazine, jabbed two fingers into the eyes of the photograph and raised her voice: “Oooo enemy, how many grief to people you will bring, how much evil you will do! A wolf in sheep's clothing! Into his oven, into the oven! Then I crumpled up the magazine and really sent it to the oven. The audience was silent in confusion, not knowing how to react to such a thing. Only one of the women nearby, plucking up courage, timidly asked: “What will happen?” Mother smiled affably and said with indescribable childish joy: “Vladimir will be, Vladimir!”

Remembering this momentous event during the schism, mother's children, without the slightest doubt or hesitation, followed His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir, whom mother pointed out one and a half before her death. Their trust in the blessed old woman was not put to shame. And the defrocked Filaret covered himself with indelible shame.

Mother predicted the coming Chernobyl disaster. Many could not understand her strange, fragmentary phrases warning of a great disaster: “It’s burning underground, grief is coming,” believing that mother didn’t know such words as “reactor”, “radiation”, “radiation”. It seems, however, that she knew everything perfectly, for such heavenly heights, such infernal depths were revealed to her by the spirit, that we will be comprehending her words, comprehending their innermost meaning, for more than one decade. Yes, and it should be remembered that the Institute for Nuclear Research with a permanent reactor, where experiments on the splitting of the atom, popular at that time, were carried out, was in close proximity to the Goloseevsky Forest and it is unlikely that mother remained unaware of its harmful activities.

She began to talk about the fact that “woe is coming,” even in the winter, long before the tragedy of April 26. In a subtle dream, she saw how people were thrown into buses and taken out, how dumb cattle were dying, how the fields were covered with deadly dust. It is known that in the early spring of the ever-memorable year, she did not give her blessing to her children for planting potatoes and vegetables in household plots. And the day before the accident, she walked down the street and cried prayerfully: “Lord! Have pity on the babies, have mercy on the people!”

Then, when it was impossible to change anything, she took her knapsack and walked around Kyiv in a religious procession, thus begging for its inhabitants and protecting them from the destructive effects of radiation. To everyone who came to her in a state of great anxiety that day, she strongly advised: "Close the doors and windows tightly, there will be a lot of gas."

After the Chernobyl disaster, many in extreme excitement asked my mother if it was necessary to leave Kiev, to which she categorically answered: “No, by no means.” Servant of God Raisa, who met with nun Alipia at that time, recalled: “When Chernobyl exploded, we came to her to ask for a blessing: we wanted to leave for Russia. But she did not bless. “No, you don’t have to leave, they’ll give you a piece of bread here. They will go here."

When asked how to deal with vegetables and fruits exposed to the harmful effects of radiation, she admonished: “Wash well, read Our Father and Mother of God, cross and eat.” And indeed, those who, with faith and prayer, ate food contaminated with radiation, turned out to be immune to the harmful effects of radiation. Even in the Fright Forest people live and pray, over whom the Lord Himself has stretched out His Right Hand.

Terrible predictions of the blessed one about the coming war are also passed from mouth to mouth. At the time when they were made, even the most devoted children of the mother could hardly imagine even the hypothetical possibility of such a thing. But everything is changing. Modern reality is so harsh and unpredictable that people have ceased to be surprised at anything. Now it is already so obvious that everything that mother spoke about and that it was impossible even to believe in is coming true in our time.

Without using tricky phrases, she warned us about globalism, as a result of which “people will run from place to place”, and that “states will differ in money”. And especially mysterious were her statements about the war, the inevitability of which she associated with a widespread decline in morals.

“This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains, hills will disintegrate, will be razed to the ground. One involuntarily recalls the words uttered immediately after the Great Patriotic War by St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, with whom the blessed one had communion, that the coming war would be much more terrible and bloody than the one experienced.
Speaking about the greed and acquisitiveness that have taken possession of humanity, mother repeatedly emphasized: “Here you quarrel, swear for an apartment, disperse ... And there will come a time when there will be a lot of empty apartments, but there will be no one to live in them.” It was amazing to hear such revelations from the lips of a homeless wanderer who had not had her own home all her life.

She also predicted the coming persecution of the Church: "There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox Faith." And everything that was unimaginable a few years ago came true before our eyes, when schismatics seized Orthodox churches, expelled priests, and beat parishioners. But this shameful phenomenon has acquired a special scope now.

The blessed one also specified the dates, linking them with one of the great church holidays: “The war will begin against the apostles Peter and Paul,” she said. True, the chronology of the mother according to her calendar, which she called Jerusalem. Sometimes a phrase was added that this would happen when the corpse was taken out, ”which, obviously, meant burial in the Mausoleum on Red Square.

She also warned about the cruelty and senselessness of this bloody war with her characteristic allegoricalness: "You will lie: there is an arm, there is a leg." How many dead are now scattered in the Donetsk steppes! And the end of the war is still in sight...
Mother repeatedly warned: "When you go to Kyiv along Khreshchatyk, pray, because it will fail." Is it necessary to say that after the Maidan this prediction acquired a special, poignant meaning? And if you remember that there is no land under Khreshchatyk for a long time (it was raked out during the reconstruction of the square, setting up many fashionable boutiques, hot spots, bank branches underground), then the feeling of proximity to the underworld is aggravated ...

Mother predicted the coming famine, when the earth would not give its fruits. But she encouraged people: “Don’t leave Kyiv - there will be hunger everywhere, but there is bread in Kyiv.”

Mother especially emphasized how important it would be during the years of persecution to have at least a tiny piece of land, and for those who had houses, land, livestock was forbidden to sell, indicating that the farm could still come in handy in conditions of survival.
Almost constantly, and a few years before her death, the blessed one predicted with particular insistence the coming revival of the Goloseevsky monastery. The sisters of the Florovsky Monastery clearly remember how she repeatedly said: “Girls, look: there will still be a monastery and a service ...”

It was extremely hard to believe, but already in 1993, in the devastated Goloseevskaya Hermitage, where no stone was left of its former greatness, services began. At first they took place on the street, then, when the house church was restored, in the temple. Despite enormous difficulties and labor obediences, night services were held in the monastery, to which we repeatedly came. They served by candlelight, and the grace was indescribable. And in the morning, after a short sleep, the brethren dispersed for obedience. In the same year, on the feast day of the Great Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the Monk Alexy Goloseevsky was glorified as a saint, to whom the blessed old woman prayed unceasingly.

She sent many of her children to the Florovsky Monastery, blessing to order a prayer service for the ascetic of piety, nun Elena, who was not yet glorified in those years. “There is a holy nun there,” she said, “she is buried on the territory of the monastery, pray to her.
So mother Alipia predicted back in that now distant time that the nun Elena would be canonized as a saint. And, of course, in this way Mother wanted to hide the power of her own prayers and glorify God's nun Elena.

The mother did not leave her children in the dark about the day of her death, about which she knew and warned everyone in advance. There are many memories of this. Here is one of them, owned by nun F.: “In April 1988, I brought Matushka the Church calendar, and she asks: “Look what day October 30 will be.” I looked and said: "Sunday." She somehow pointedly repeated: "Sunday." After her death, we realized that then, in April, Matushka revealed to us the day of her death – more than six months before her.” She was buried at the Kiev Forest Cemetery, on the site of the Florovsky Monastery. Without a passport and residence permit - it also seemed a miracle ...

But the most amazing thing began after the death of the blessed one. There are many documented cases of healing through prayers to her. Repeatedly people saw in the evening an unusual radiance around her cross. One of the inhabitants of the Pochaev Lavra, who wished to remain anonymous, told how he began to tear at the grave, and many tangled tufts of hair, dried insects and reptiles came out of him, after which he was healed and soon left for Pochaev.

Mother's honest remains were raised and transported to Goloseevo on May 18, 2006, where they rest to this day, being hidden in the lower limit of the Life-Giving Spring temple.

And where the old woman's house once stood, near the symbolic grave with a cross, a slender chapel shot up.
Repeatedly on the day of remembrance of the blessed one, people who came to worship witness amazing phenomena: the sun “played”, stretching its rays around, a multicolored rainbow appeared, a pillar of fire ascended to heaven, the sky was surrounded by a thin solar ring, called “halo” by scientists. In the morning, when the first memorial service was served in the Life-Giving Spring, people saw a luminous cross in the sky...

All this is vivid evidence of the posthumous glory of the blessed old woman.

The flow of evidence of the indisputable spiritual giftedness of the blessed one is inexhaustible, just as the love of grateful children for her is inexhaustible. Her desire to pour out this love on those around her, to give it entirely, without a trace, to everyone who needs it, attracted people “toiling and burdened” to him. And since “having lit a candle, they do not put it under vessels, but on a candlestick” (Matthew 5:15), the all-merciful Lord revealed a significant number of posthumous testimonies so that his light would shine before all people, and, looking at his good deeds, they tirelessly “Glorified our Father in Heaven” (Matt. 5:16).

Her faithful admirers, who knew mother during her lifetime, often say: “Sometimes it seems that mother did not die at all, that she simply went on one of her wanderings and will definitely return.”

These words reflect the thoughts and feelings of mother's children so faithfully that you can't imagine better. In their hearts and souls, for the rest of their lives, the bright image of an unforgettable old woman was imprinted. And, remembering to the smallest detail her maternal kindness, which could not be hidden even behind external severity, you realize that it is in such people that the grace of God is fully manifested, which warms the people flowing to them.

Everything looks different now:
And Faith rises from childhood dreams,
And the heart cries sweetly in repentance,
And love awakens to life.
The dawn will rise in the pasture of Hope
And the veil of darkness will dissolve.
Awaken life force in the souls of sinners
Ascetics holy names.

Blessed Alipia was born presumably in 1910 in the Penza region in the pious family of Tikhon and Vassa Avdeev. The blessed old woman said that her father was strict, and her mother was very kind, hardworking and very neat. It used to be that she would put all sorts of treats in her apron and tell her to take them to the poor in their village, especially mother gave out a lot of goodies on holidays. When it was time to study, Agapia was sent to school. Alive, quick, quick-witted, she could not resist and prompted everyone. The girl was transferred to another class, and among the children a year older than her, Agapia was distinguished by intelligence and quick wits. In 1918, Agapia's parents were shot. All night, an eight-year-old girl herself read the Psalter for the dead. For some time, Agapia lived with her uncle, after studying at school for only two years, she went to “wander” around the holy places ...

During the years of unbelief, she spent 10 years in prison, despite the difficult conditions of detention, she tried to keep the fast, prayed unceasingly.

From Mary's memoirs:

– Matushka experienced a lot during the period of persecution of the Orthodox: she was arrested and put in a common cell... There were many priests in the prison where she was kept. Every night 5-6 people were taken away irretrievably. Finally, only three remained in the cell: one priest, his son, and Matushka. The priest said to his son: "Let's serve a memorial service for ourselves, today they will pick us up by dawn" ... And Matushka said: "Today you will leave here alive." They served a memorial service, the father and son buried themselves, and at night they were taken away forever. Matushka was left alone: ​​the door in the cell silently opened, the Apostle Peter came in and led Matushka out to the sea through the back door. She walked without food and water for 11 days. She climbed steep cliffs, broke off, fell, rose, crawled again, tearing her elbows to the bone. But the Lord kept her. She had deep scars on her arms, which she showed me. Perhaps then Matushka visited the Great Jerusalem Elder Hieroschemamonk Theodosius, who lived near Novorossiysk in the village of Gorny (the former village of Krymskaya). Mother herself said about this: “I was with Theodosius, I saw Theodosius, I know Theodosius.” It is possible that the elder blessed Mother for the great feat of foolishness...

The old woman often recalled her miraculous deliverance, honored the day of memory of the Apostles Peter and Paul, often prayed at the icon of the Apostles...

During the war Agapia got to forced labor in Germany...

From the memoirs of Martha:

- Mother told me that when she was at work in Germany, she read the Psalter at night for women who had children or sick old people at home and led them behind the barbed wire and they safely went home. Even before the end of the war, Matushka herself left, crossed the front line and went on foot to Kyiv ... One day several men overtook her on the road ... She began to earnestly pray to the Mother of God to protect her. Not far away she saw a stack of straw and ran to it to hide from the bandits ... She ran to the stack, pressed her back against it, and the Mother of God with tears and asked not to leave her.

The bandits ran around the haystack, cursing: “But where did she go, she has nowhere to hide!” They stood and left, and Mother looked at herself and saw that she was all bright, all her clothes were white, her hands were white ... The Mother of God protected, hid from the bandits, dressed her with heavenly light, so they did not see her.

Mother was literate, she read and wrote well, she knew the entire Psalter by heart.

She once asked me: “What year are you born?”

“1916,” I answered.

And I'm 6 years older than you.

By the providence of God for the sake of Christ, the holy fool Agapia was admitted to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where she lived until its closure. Archimandrite Kronid, during his tonsure as a monk, gave Agapia a new name - Alipia, blessed her for the feat of pilgrimage. The ascetic spent three years in the hollow of an old tree.

“When it was very cold, I went into the corridor to the monks to warm up. One will pass, give bread, and another will drive away ... But I did not take offense at them, ”the blessed old woman later recalled.

Voluntarily bearing the cross of Christ's foolishness, humbly accepting humiliation and insults, courageously enduring hardships, the ascetic acquired humility and meekness, for which she was rewarded with great gifts from the Lord: insight and the gift of healing through prayer.

From the memoirs of Inna Alexandrovna:

- My mother and I returned from evacuation to Kyiv. It was in 1947, and they began to go to Father Damian in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra for advice, instructions ... At the same time, my mother pointed out to me a thin, slender woman with neatly combed hair ... My mother said that her name was Lipa, she lives in a ravine behind the Lavra fence right under the open sky, spends sleepless nights in unceasing prayer... Lipa had an unusually deep, pure, warm, affectionate, loving look of light gray eyes... Lipa's spiritual father was the Lavra's abbot, Archimandrite Kronid. According to the recollections of Mother Alipia herself: when the service in the church ended, he approached her, gave her crackers and said: “Well, warm up, eat and go save yourself.” She, obedient to her spiritual father, obediently retired to a large tree, climbed into a hollow, in which it was possible only to stand half-bent. When in winter the snow swept up so that it was impossible to get out of the hollow and she did not go to church, Father Kronid himself made his way to her, brought crackers in his robes, called out: “Are you not cold?” He left the offering and his unchanging word "be saved" and went to the Lavra, leaving the ascetic in the care of the long, winter night. It was terrible in the deep ravine, under the very hollow, hungry stray dogs would come and howl, frost fettered the half-bent motionless body. And only the incessant Jesus consoled, strengthened and warmed.

This continued until 1954, when Lipa's spiritual father and mentor, Archimandrite Kronid, died...

She loved everyone, felt sorry for, did not take offense at anyone, although many offended her with their lack of understanding of the heavy cross that she took on her fragile shoulders.

In simple, modest clothes, she was always neat, clean ... It still remains a mystery to me: how Lipa managed to maintain her outward purity, beauty and attractiveness, without having a roof over her head ... Spending three years nights in the hollow of a large tree, having no food, she never grumbled, did not ask for alms, eating what people themselves gave her ...

Father Damian also saw her: “Well, why are you sitting here under the steps, it’s cold for you, go sleep under Father Andrei’s door” ... Both elders lived in the same corridor and the doors of their cells were never closed from visitors ... Father Andrei received everyone: he scolded the possessed, healed the sick, helped the poor, fed everyone from the Lavra meal... It was to this very threshold that Father Damian sent the orphaned child of Father Kronid...

Many years later, I understood the meaning of this blessing: Lipa should have already approached the threshold of the miraculous old man. Everything was yet to come: the resurrection of a child who died of intoxication, healing from deadly diseases, the exorcism of demons, extraordinary insight, the action of the grace of the Holy Spirit such that the forces of nature obeyed it, boundless, all-encompassing love for people, both good and evil, selfless generosity .. .

What else I noticed was that Father Damian treated Lipa very warmly and caringly, spoke to her as an equal with an equal, as with his collaborator, apparently, he saw in her a servant of God and his follower.

Time passed, human sins multiplied, black clouds gathered over the Lavra: rumors spread about its closure. Lipa's behavior became strange - she raised her hands to the sky, shouted loudly in her Mordovian language, fell to her knees and cried ... (Mother mourned, foreseeing the imminent closure of the shrine)

The storm broke in March 1961: the brightly shone star of the great shrine set immediately. The bells have ceased. The marvelous choir of monks fell silent, no more prayers were heard in the churches, the doors of the cells were closed, the corridors were empty, the lamps went out. The elders dispersed - some for eternity, others persecuted by the authorities ...

After the closure of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Blessed Alipia settled in a small house near the Goloseevskaya Hermitage. Local residents, who knew about the miracles of healing through the prayers of the righteous, came to her in an endless stream for prayer help, advice, and healing.

From the memoirs of Martha:

– Matushka Alipia observed the fasts very strictly – during the First and Holy Weeks of Great Lent, Wednesday and Friday of each week, she did not eat anything. I didn't go to sleep, I prayed all night. Around her neck on a cord she wore a large bunch of keys - a kind of chains.

Their story is interesting: she said that during the war, while in a German camp, she worked at some factory, she said: “I’ll go to the grid at night, cut it and let everyone out, everyone will leave and be alive, they will remain and no one knew where they were.” gone." And for each person saved by her, a small and large key, white and yellow, was added around the neck. Mother wore this heavy bundle around her neck until her death. A thin, strong lace dug into the body, leaving a deep blue scar.

From all sides of our great Motherland, people went to this fragile blessed lamp: archimandrites and abbots of monasteries, monks and laymen, high bosses and ordinary workers, old and young, young and children, sick, mournful and persecuted. During the day, it used to be that 50-60 people came to my mother. And mother Alipia received everyone with love, although she perfectly saw each one of what he brought in himself: faith, love, curiosity or evil. But everything fit in her heart, she knew to everyone what and how to say, whom to heal with compote or porridge, and who with ointment or wine. She did not bless anyone of her spiritual children to perform operations, especially abdominal ones.

Mother began to tell me a parable: “Two people are going to church, and a poor man is carrying firewood on a cart towards him. After the rain, the road is washed out, the pits are filled with mud, the donkey stumbled, fell, and the cart with firewood turned over and fell into the mud. The poor man is busy, but he can do nothing himself. One says: “Let's help him,” and the other answers: “Let's help get our clothes and shoes dirty, and how we will come to church in dirty clothes, and we will be late for the service,” and walked past. And the first one went into the mud, helped the colt to get up, lifted the cart with firewood, helped pull it out of the mud, got himself all dirty and when he managed he went after his friend. He comes to church just in time for the service. A friend saw him and asked: “Did you help?”

- Yes, I helped.

Why are your clothes clean?

The helper looked at his clothes and shoes, and they were clean.

Mother tells me: “Come tomorrow morning, we will prepare firewood for the winter.” It rained heavily at night, it was cold, I began to get ready for my mother, put on clean clothes, new suede boots. I thought that for work I would find at her place what to change into and change into. I came early, but Mother is not at home, the hut and the shed are locked ... And it’s wet, dirty in the forest, I carry branches in my new boots and in clean clothes, put them at the hut ... And only at 5 o’clock in the evening she goes tired , carries a basket on his shoulders and a bag over his shoulders. Mother asks me: “Did you go to the forest?”

Why are your boots and clothes clean?

I looked at my feet, my boots and clothes were completely clean. As if I hadn't been walking all day in the mud and wearing big wet tree branches on my shoulders...

From the memoirs of Anna K.:

- It was an inexhaustible source of miracles and healings, which neither life, nor years, nor death can destroy. In the bent, glorious, miraculous creation of God, an inexhaustible miraculous power was manifested, poured out on all those who came to her with their sorrows and ailments. No one is inconsolable, did not leave her, having also received spiritual healing. For the first time, a terrible illness brought me to Mother's house. I could not eat anything ... I was all dried up and turned black, then there were two more small children in my arms. Lacking strength, I nevertheless with great difficulty reached Mother’s house, knocked, and immediately she opened the door for me, saying with a smile: “Oh, come in, come in, you will eat now” ... I remember how penetratingly she looked inside me... She put a frying pan in front of Maria and me, crossed the food and made me eat... I ate with Maria. And this was the first miracle performed by Mother on me. I ate everything and did not feel that I was full. Since then, the blackness from my face began to disappear, I began to eat and got better ... Mommy invited me to come to her more often and, thank God, I had somewhere to come. You go to the great old woman sick, broken, barely alive, and you run back like a newborn person. And sorrows, and troubles - everything went by. Truly marvelous in His saints! Many times, with her prayers, Mother prevented the trouble that hung over me and my family ... Everyone knows that Mommy treated with an ointment that she prepared herself. Before cooking, she fasted and prayed a lot. She cooked the ointment all night and prayed with the rosary. Leaning towards me, she once said in my ear: “You know, the ointment eats all the cancer cells.” It was whispered and serious. I thought: “So this has already been tested, you won’t get lost with the ointment.”

How great was the power of the action not of the ointment itself, but of Mother's prayer, acting through the ointment. In her modesty, she did not want people to exalt her actions in miraculous healings, and transferred all her strength to the action of the ointment, and with a blessing from above, of course, the ointment was healing. When people complained about some kind of pain, she said: "Anoint with ointments and it will pass." And it passed ... Those who often visited Matushka said that she predicted Chernobyl 5 years before. I visited her 2 weeks before the accident, she looked at the icons and said: “Look how they shine, what a fire!” But what could I see? Two weeks later, an accident. On this day, Mother was dressed in all black and repeated several times: “We live in the pains of others!”

Once I brought Mommy two icons of the Holy Trinity and St. Nicholas of Japan, and she said: “I know him, help, dear, don’t, help the ELEVENTH, no, don’t.” Tears flooded Mommy's face. My presentiment predicted something bad that was waiting for me on the 11th. She prayed for a long time, asked him and added: "This is a great saint." And then she added the number 8... On the 11th, the winter was coming to an end, a thaw had set in, huge blocks of heavy ice lay on the roofs. My husband was going to work, suddenly, a huge block breaks off the roof of a huge house and falls in front of my husband at a distance of one step. Only one moment separated him from a terrible death.

I visited my sick father in the hospital, and it was already late when I returned home. At my very house, someone from the top floor dropped an empty bottle, and it shattered to smithereens in front of my very nose, a few centimeters away - just a moment and it's hard to imagine what happened - it happened on the 8th.

From the memoirs of the spiritual daughter of the blessed old woman Alipia Nina:

“I have a tumor the size of a chicken egg on my chest. I went to the doctor, they did all the necessary tests, which showed that the tumor needs to be removed urgently ... We are going to Matushka with Maria. They just went to her, and Mother shouts: “Do not give it to death!” And she didn't bless me to go to the hospital... My mother prepared an ointment for me. I smeared this ointment on my tumor 2 or 3 times and the tumor completely disappeared. More than 10 years have passed since then. I have preserved certificates and tests confirming that the tumor was malignant.

When I happened to be alone with Mother, especially in the morning, my soul melted from the warmth, care, affection, love with which she warmed us. How much tenderness, kindness was in her, it is difficult to put into words, only those who felt it themselves can understand it. Mother said: “The Lord will not leave my people, somewhere for them there is a piece of bread.”

One day Mother was sitting next to me. The wise old cat, Okhrim, went out into the garden and walked around the garden along the edge, stopping and sniffing the ground. Mother turned to me: “Do you understand what the cat is saying?”

“No, I don’t understand, I don’t get it.

- And I understand the cat, and the chicken, and every bird and animal, here is Ohrim, he came and said that the garden was well planted.

This year, mother's potatoes were well disfigured.

Valentina S.E. - the spiritual daughter of blessed Alipia, more than once witnessed the miracles revealed by the Lord through the prayers of the old woman:

“A very pleasant-looking woman came to Mother in my presence ... It was a windy day, trees were bent by strong gusts, the forest hummed and groaned, swaying and bowing under strong gusts of wind. The woman asked: “Mother, where are my parents?” Mother stood silently, fixing her gaze somewhere upwards. The gusts of wind weakened, the trees straightened, and somehow there was complete silence in the forest. Mother continued to stand with her eyes fixed on the sky, and I thought: “What power is in her prayers if she begged the Creator to forbid the wind in order to calm and encourage one Christian soul.” The woman understood where her parents are, where there is peace and quiet.

Mother understood the language of birds, chickens, cats. We sat a few people in the garden, and many birds gathered on the trees and on the roof. They chirped, whistled and chirped. Mother spoke to them in a Mordovian language that I did not understand. By the behavior of the birds, it was clear that they understood the words of the mother. Sitting next to him was the cat Ohrim. Mother in Russian turned to the birds: “Here he is sitting, but I don’t answer, if you fall into his paws, fly away.” The birds got up and flew away... for 47 years Mother didn't eat meat...

Mother cooked borscht. People came, I was sitting on the edge. Mother tells me: "Pour borscht." I poured 11 bowls. 4 more people came, Mother again says to me: “Pour borscht”, and I thought to myself: “Will there be enough borscht?” I looked into the pot, and there was half a pot of borscht. I thought that I did not notice how Matushka got up and topped up the borscht. I poured 4 plates and I think if more people come, then there will not be enough borscht. Three people came again, again Mother turns to me: “Pour borscht.” This time I already saw for sure that Matushka did not get up from her seat and did not top up the borscht. I go up to pour, open the cauldron, and there is exactly half of the borscht, as if I had not poured from it - all half. Then I realized that by the Grace of God, Mother's food multiplied.

I once asked her: “How to be saved?” She replied, "Lord, have mercy!"

From the memoirs of the nun F.

– I met Mother in 1981. I came to enter the Florovsky Monastery.

21 weeks, autumn and winter, mother was seriously ill. She did not eat, but only drank some water. After Easter I ate some milk porridge. Before her illness, Mother fed people with what the people themselves brought. And after the illness, until her death, she began to cook and feed people herself. When cooking, she was not allowed to talk, so as not to defile the food. I cooked borscht and porridge every day. She always prepared food with prayer.

During my next visit, Mother looked at the icons and asked: “A finger on a hand or a toe? Target or not? Then he says: "Goal." And when my brother arrived, it turned out that he was sawing firewood and touched his finger, but did not touch the bone.

Mother could hear from a distance the one who called her. I became very ill and began to call on Mother for help. Matushka said to those gathered: “The doctor in Podil is dying,” and she began to pray for me and prayed all night. In the morning I felt better.

She understood the language of animals and birds. A calf came to her, she fed him. One day he came and stood, and mother said: “Head hurts, eat bread, and it will stop hurting.” The calf ate the bread and went into the forest.

According to eyewitnesses, in the dry summer of 1986, the righteous woman fasted and prayed for eleven days, and then told her spiritual children that she “begged for rain.” After this conversation, on the same day, it rained torrentially.

For her kindness, many loved the blessed old woman, but there were also ill-wishers whom she and her many visitors irritated. A man who lived in the neighborhood repeatedly threatened to destroy the dwelling of the old woman Alipia. Once he persuaded a tractor driver to come and pick up the logs supporting the wall of a dilapidated house with a bucket. With hands raised to heaven, the old woman prayed, asking for intercession from St. Nicholas and help. Here is what the spiritual daughter of blessed Alipia told about this event:

- The tractor driver hooked the cable on a log under the roof and has already begun to drag the tractor to destroy the roof. Mother began to pray, all those present began to shout at the tractor driver, admonishing him not to harm Mother. At this time, it began to rain, so much so that it became dark (it is surprising that there was not a cloud in the sky that day). The tractor driver sat in the tractor cab, waiting out the rain. But the rain didn't stop. So, without destroying anything, the tractor driver left. But the house remained unscathed. Then, by joint efforts, people repaired what had collapsed from dilapidation, and Matushka continued to live in her cell. “As long as I am alive, the house will not be destroyed, the Reverend Pechersks will not allow it, and after death they will demolish it, and there will be nothing left,” Matushka said (and so it happened).

She impressed everyone who knew Matushka with the gift of healing, the effective power of prayer, and sheer insight... I suffered from severe headaches. Mother gave me compote to drink and said: “It will pass after Ascension.” And so it was. After Ascension, I stopped suffering from headaches... My father suffered from stone and kidney disease, he was in the hospital, they wanted to do an operation on him, but he did not agree and left the hospital. When my father and I came to Matushka, she saw him and said: “Well done for leaving, otherwise they would have been stabbed.” I gave him compote to drink, and his pains stopped ...

Archpriest Vitaly Medved recalls:

- Before the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' in Demievsky Church, Mother comes up to me and says loudly: “Christ is Risen! Now they won't hurt you."

Then I was not registered in Kyiv, I went to her. She looked at me and said: "Don't be afraid, go, they will register." And indeed, soon I was registered.

Mother helped a lot in court cases: through her prayers, the terms of imprisonment were reduced; wrongly convicted were released. Mother helped a lot in various most confusing and incorrectly executed cash accounts. Through her prayers, everything was arranged, settled and safely resolved.

She treated people with food prepared by herself and strawberries, from which she prepared an ointment. Before the explosion in Chernobyl, she predicted: "They will poison people with gas."

From the memoirs of Archpriest Anatoly Gorodinsky:

– We met Matushka Alipia for the first time in 1974 in the Church of the Ascension on Demievka. It was impossible not to notice her. On her way to church, she always stopped by the store and bought a lot of bread and rolls. She laid all this on the memorial table. And she taught us: "Always have a piece of bread with you." She lived in a small house, in which there was one room and a small corridor where her hens and cats were placed, which she always kept ... People came to Matushka for prayer, advice, blessings. We needed all of this. She often blessed us, gave us a lot of sweets. We objected why we need so many sweets, and she insisted: "These are for the kids." But we did not have children for a long 10 years. We believed Matushkin's words, now we are a large family. The Lord sent us joy through Matushka's prayers and our requests. Before Chernobyl, Mother was very restless, sending everyone home, she said: “Close the doors and windows tightly, there will be a lot of gas.” Many asked what to do to leave or stay in Kyiv. Mother did not bless anyone to leave, and who did not obey, then regretted it, it was even worse there. When asked how to deal with food, she said: “Wash, read the Mother of God, cross and eat and you will be healthy.”

From Mary's memoirs:

- The last Sunday before Easter - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem for his suffering. Early in the morning, Chernobyl broke out, which mother saw in the winter. From that day on, she began to give Cahors to everyone who came, but she warned: “So that after my death they don’t take wine in my mouth.”

Two months before her death, she no longer blessed anyone to stay overnight ...

On Saturday (October 29) she sent for me. She told me: “Go to our church, put candles, but do not light them, let them be in the morning. Take a memorial service and run to the Lavra, don't come to me again."

On Sunday, October 30, after mass, I came. Mother was very weak. She blessed everyone to go to Kitaevo together: “Pray to the saints and pray for me”, predicting the canonization of 5 saints of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Before the old woman asked forgiveness from everyone who came to her, asked them to come to her grave and talk about their troubles and illnesses.

From the memoirs of the spiritual daughter of the old woman:

- Shortly before her death, Mother had a lot of people. Suddenly, she ordered everyone to kneel down and be silent. The doors opened inaudibly and, turning to those who entered, Matushka asked: “Why did you come to visit me?” Everyone knelt in reverent silence while Matushka spoke quietly with the visitors. Who they were and what message they brought to her remained a mystery. She did not open it, but after this visit she began to talk about death more often: “I will die when the first frost comes and the first snow falls. They will take me in a car and bury me in the forest.” On October 29, I was at Mother’s and cried a lot: “Don’t stand and don’t cry, but go and give to all churches.” And letters flew to all the monasteries with a request to pray for our Mother. Spiritual children even went to old man N. far to Russia: “... the apple is ripe, it can no longer remain on the tree and must fall,” answered the perspicacious old man, who knew mother only in spirit.

On October 30, there was the first strong frost, and in the evening large fluffy snow fell. When they handed out Matushka's things, they gave me a pillow. And now, when my headache starts, I lie down on this pillow, and the pain stops.

The kingdom of heaven and eternal memory, our dear mother Alipia, for all your labors that you have endured in your earthly life for all of us sinners.

From the memoirs of Ekaterina Ivanovna Ermolenko:

- During the funeral service, a strong fragrance emanated from Mother's body, her hands were warm, and when they were applied to them, a pleasant fragrance remained on her lips for a long time.

A lot of evidence has already been collected about the healing of believers through the prayers of the old woman.

Ludmila testifies:

“I baked a biscuit to take to the grave and burned my hand. A large blister formed, the arm hurt a lot. We prayed at the grave, had a bite to eat, and when I arrived home, there was nothing on my arm: I didn’t feel any blister, burn marks or pain. When the healing happened, I did not notice, but only saw the result.

A year later, already in the year 2000, a dense growth, the size of a bean, formed on the first phalanx of the index finger. This growth made it very difficult to bend my finger. Already having the experience of healing from a burn, kissing the cross on the grave, I asked: “Mother, my finger hurts!” and with this growth touched the cross.

We prayed... Half an hour later I saw that the growth was gone. Only a reddened trace remained - for memory!

“A bump the size of a hazelnut formed on the bridge of my nose. She constantly increased and hardened, interfered with wearing glasses. Mother Dionisia, leaving, gave me a flower from the grave of Mother Alipia. I began to pray to her and apply this flower. Soon the bump disappeared imperceptibly. God bless."

Blessed old woman Alipia, pray to God for us!

Blessed old woman Alipia (Avdeeva) is one of the saints who appeared in the 20th century, who supported the believers with their prayer in a difficult godless period. St. Alipia was born (in the world she was called Agathia) in 1905 in the Penza province. Her parents were extremely pious, and raised their daughter in love for God. From childhood, Agathia's favorite pastimes were prayer and reading the Psalter. The girl was very laconic and loved solitude. The revolution of 1917 turned the life of Agafia upside down - in 1917, the Red Army soldiers shot her parents, and she was left an orphan. She herself miraculously survived, because at that time she was absent from home. A huge number of sorrows and trials were endured by Blessed Mother Alipia. At the age of 30, she was in prison for being a believer, during the war she ended up in a German concentration camp. Despite many trials, the prayer of Saint Alipia and her love and gratitude to God only intensified.

Orthodox Prayers of Alipia performed miracles during their lifetime

The saint accepted monasticism at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. There she undertook the feat of pilgrimage: in a huge hollow of a linden that grew on the territory of the Lavra, she stood day and night, in frost and heat, leaving only in cases of emergency. After the closure of the Lavra in 1961, St. Alipia again became homeless. After long wanderings, she came to the territory of the destroyed Goloseevsky monastery in Kyiv, where she settled for the rest of her life. Alipia's prayers became miraculous during her lifetime. Having heard about mother, visitors were drawn to her in an endless succession, and she accepted everyone, despite her extreme old age. Through the prayers of Alipia, the Lord performed many healings and other miracles. The blessed mother died on October 30, 1988. The relics of St. Alipia rest in the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Spring in the Goloseevsky Monastery.

Prayer to mother Alipia Goloseevskaya relieves sorrows, helps in everyday needs

With what only sorrows people did not come to the blessed mother! Alipia prayed for everyone, and the Lord helped everyone through her prayers. Today, as in the life of Alipia, her prayers help to heal from oncology, infertility, hernias, bone diseases, and other serious diseases.

Mother helps in finding work, finding housing, paying off debts and loans, although she herself has been a wanderer and unmercenary all her life. A huge number of healings take place near the shrine with its relics, and all of them are recorded in the temple book. Among other things, Alipia's prayers lead people to faith, increase their love for God and each other, and find a quick marriage.

Listen to the powerful prayer of St. Alipia on video

The text of a short prayer to mother Alipia for health and healing from diseases

Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

Pour out on us poor, weak and humiliated, by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and severe diseases of freedom, ask forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, relaxed, with your prayers , do not allow us to die to the end, unworthy slaves (names), be a refuge for us, do not leave us inconsolable, may we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The text of a long prayer to the holy mother Alipia Goloseevskaya for a happy marriage

Oh, great praise to the Church of Christ, the city of Kyiv is walled and comforted, Reverend Mati Alipie!

We fall to you and pray to you - be our intercessor to Christ God, vigilant, as we believe, if you will beg the Humanity God, everything will be given to you from the sea of ​​His goodness. And just as God is philanthropic, so you, imploring us sinners, will not despise our petition, for we ourselves, due to the multitude of our sins, do not have boldness.

Your work, saint, is to intercede for sinners, it is God's work to have mercy on the desperate. Ask, reverend, to anyone according to his needs:

In the illnesses of the existing, soon comfort and heal, as now you are doing a lot of healing - as if speaking dumb, seeing the blind, restoring those injured from the bed of sickness with bones. You can ask the Lord for everything, reverend, if you pray to Him for us.

Tumors fierce do not exist. Give a quick healing to those suffering from burns, as if you appeared to a sick boy at night, listening to his mother’s prayer. Thou didst show the great miracle of healing to the whole world.

In these difficult days of the triumph of lawlessness and unrighteousness, offended and unjustly condemned, imprisoned in prison, envy, lies and self-interest for the sake of the persecuted, intercede for deliverance from slander and misfortune, as if the grace to intercede for them has been purely given to you from the Lord.

Good marriages bless and unite. Give safe permission to mothers who give birth, keeping their children from any harm. Hear the warm prayer of the parents, the sorrow for the weary children, so that their children will pass into the consciousness of the truth, avoiding the networks of the evil one, they will find eternal salvation. Accept prayers for the parents of their grieving children, so that through your prayers they will know the light of Christ's Gospel. So comfort the childless and give them the fruit of the womb, so that the new true Christians will present to the Lord with your blessing and maternal upbringing. To those who require your help in consummating a Christian marriage, send a companion of their lives blessed by the Lord, and by your care Christ God will bring the service of a small church in a family union. Above all, grant peace, silence and unfeigned love, may we be true disciples of Christ.

To those who have surrendered to the ailments of drunkenness and drug addiction and those who do not have the strength of the spirit, leave this soul-destroying iniquity, give strength of spirit and enlightenment of the mind, as if you appeared to a person, accepting death from drunkenness to those who have it and your blessing healed from this ailment.

Send down through your prayers the lonely and helpless consolation invisible from the Lord and the knowledge of the true love of Christ, let them lead away, as our friends - saints and angels, invisibly observe us.

Accept the petitions of the poor and the afflicted, and give them with your prayers unexpected care, as if they had thee benefactor in their earthly life.

Cowardly, despairing in your life, be an ambulance comforter, as if you had saved your wife, in sorrow, who intended to destroy herself and the maiden, who was saved from harm in a fall from a height. Thou didst deliver the souls of their perilous abyss.

So, we pray to you, reverend, save from sudden death, as if you had preserved the youth unscathed, having received a terrible blow on the road.

Pour out motherly help in the teaching to those who arrive and give an increase in the mind, so that they remain without sorrow in the out-of-the-easy course of their teaching.

In various everyday affairs, troubles and difficulties, give a speedy arrangement and a good end to this.

Hear the prayers of those who mourn for those who are astray, who are outside the saving ark of the Orthodox Church, may the All-Good Lord save them by fate and bring them to the knowledge of His truth.

Send down strength and fortitude to the soldiers in the performance of their godly service, may the Lord save them from all evil.

Teach those who are monks the right to walk in the way of the Lord, strengthening them in ascetic labors and in the moderate bearing of your cross, as you also labored for salvation in love for the Lord and His people.

Give true standing in the Orthodox faith as a bishop and priest, so that the flock of Christ is shepherded faithfully and without hypocrisy, rightly ruling and walking without stumbling before the Lord.

The head and authority of the wise people of our government, but in union with the Church, our country is in peace and silence.

Open for us with your prayers the doors of God's mercy and deliver us from all evil. Grant us to escape the snares of the evil one. Pray, reverend, to the Merciful Lord for us penitents, may He forgive us our faults according to the multitude of His goodness. And even to the end, by your prayers, keep us uncondemned, but saved by your intercession and help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the One in the Trinity God, the Creator of all. Amen.

yes, October 30th. . source of light and heat! . . Mother Alipia is an ambulance to us sinners! . .

Blessed Mother Alipia, help us sinful servants of God Alexander, Tatyana and Anna. Do not leave us without your prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ, ask him for sinful mercy for us. We are in a difficult situation and see no way out. We were left homeless, and our life now passes in constant fear and bustle. If we don't pay on time, we'll end up on the street. Nobody wants to help us. Only the Lord alone can help us. Pray Mother, pray dear, that the Lord will show us the way, help us find a way out and find our home. We thank you, Mother Alipia, for your merciful intercession before the Lord, for your prayers for us sinners. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mother help my daughter Daria give birth to a healthy baby

Blessed mother Alipia, please ask our Lord Jesus Christ to find me a job and end the war in Donbass. Andrey

Mother Alipia! Please pray before the throne of God for my daughter Christina


Mother Alipia! Help me and my loved ones to get out of a difficult financial situation. Lots of debt. Mother Alipia pray to God for us, forgiveness of our sins. Save me, God!

Mother Alipia, hear me a sinner, do not refuse, help, help, to my son Artemy, to me John, God save us sinners

Holy mother Alipia! I ask for your mercy and prayer before the throne of the Lord! Save my sinful soul, I pray you for help to get out of the circle of loans and lack of money. I ask you to let me be hired tomorrow, I pray you for this, and I ask you to pray for the servants of God Elena, Diana, Yaroslav and Sergey! We thank you for your merciful intercession before the Lord for prayers and for us sinners. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen!

please save me at any time and always from torture, from bad diseases, from poverty, from trouble, from torment, improve my life, please leave me a lot of paradise.

Holy Mother Alipia. I ask for your mercy and prayer before the throne of the Lord. Send me an honest, kind, intelligent, strong in spirit and body, brave, loving, caring and beloved husband. May the Almighty send me a person who will accept me as I am, offer me a hand and a heart, and my daughter also accepts and loves him, and he loves her as his own daughter. And we will go hand in hand through life together in love and harmony, taking care of each other, sharing joys and hardships. Thank you for sending health. For true friends and generous clients and my work. God bless them. Your will will be for me to live on the other side of the sea, beyond the big water, with the captain and paint pictures and give love and joy around. Yes, send me Mother Alipia to experience the joy of motherhood as next to me is my only and real man who helps and protects me with his love and strength. Love is what is ao to me and around in life. Only love. Genuine love. This is true. Thank you. Amen

Holy mother Alipia! I ask you to hear me a sinner, your mercy and prayer before the throne of the Lord! Do not leave us without your prayers to our Lord Jesus Christ, ask him for the salvation of the soul of my sinful son Artemy. Pray Mother, pray dear, that the Lord would show him the way, help him find a way out and get out of the circle of loans and lack of money, and protect him from the temptations of the evil one. We thank you mother Alipia for your merciful intercession before the Lord for prayers for us sinners. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen!

Dear mother Alipia, pray to God for my daughter Olga to save her from her illness, beg God to find a permanent job and create an Orthodox family with unfeigned love and fidelity. healthy children born in a married marriage, I thank you for your standing before the Lord for us sinners Amen

Holy Mother Alipia, pray to God for my family. So that God forgives and has mercy on me, a sinner...

Pray to God for my titmouse Yaroslav, so that he hears the world ..

I thank you for your merciful intercession before the Lord for prayers and for us sinners. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen!

Blessed Mother Alipia, please help me heal from ailments and illnesses, forgive me for my sins. Help me to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. Thank you dear Alipia.

Blessed Mother Alipia! Pray to God for my son Maxim, so that his teeth erupt without pain. Thank you dear Alicia.

Mother Alipia. I ask you to pray to God that we and a man could conceive a child.

Prisvjataja Matushka Alipija. Izbavj menja greshnuju ot bolezni.4j god boleju.

Mother Alipia! I beg you, dear. Before the throne of God, pray for me, the servant of God, Tamara. Ask our Lord to take pity on me, a sinful servant of God! Lord forgive me, God's servant Tamara, all my sins, voluntary and involuntary. I suffer and suffer so much. The soul is simply torn from longing, sadness and hopelessness! Help me dear mother, Alipia! Take the trouble away from my house from my family and friends. Intercede for me, mother Alipiya! May happy dawns rise above my roof, may my relatives and friends live in happiness, health and well-being. Hear me, maaaaaaaatushka. Help. Amen.

Holy mother Alipia! Help me and my husband to get healthy. Before the Throne of God, pray for God's servant Alla and God's servant Igor. Help my husband cope with alcoholism, find a job. Take trouble away from our home. Pray for our family for their health. On my knees, please help us. Thank you, dear mother Alipia. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Mother Alipia! I ask you, dear, pray to the Lord our God for the forgiveness of the sins of my free and dissatisfied. I ask you, Mother Alipia, pray to our Lord for my easy pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Mother Alipia I beg your pardon, I am a big sinner, but my son suffers from the disease of drunkenness. Dear Mother Alipia, ask our Lord to help my son get a job. I beg you help. Lord, forgive us sinners Mother Alipia, help me come to the monastery. Pray for my son. Amen.

Blessed Mother Alipia! Pray to God for the healing of the servant of God Anna, for the cure of her deafness, for the non-surgical cure of cysts, adhesions. Pray to God for the natural conception of a daughter by God's arba Anna and God's servant Andrey! Help to conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy daughter! Pray to God for the forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary. Ask God that the servant of God, Eugene, complete his studies without any problems, send sessions so that he is not expelled. To find a good job, become a good sailor and captain. Help mother! I beg you.

Forgive me, mother, for the wrong signs at the end of the prayer, it happened by accident. Help us, God's servants Anna, Andrei, Eugene.

Mother Alipia, have mercy on me, a sinner, save me from shame and save my family and forget everything bad, like a dream, I pray for the health and well-being of my entire family. I apologize for everything, I pray help

Mother Alipia - how to ask for help

The Kiev nun Matushka Alypia helped people during her lifetime, some just with advice, some with prayer, some needed shelter and food, some needed spiritual support. With any problem, one could come to the old woman, the doors of her cell were always open for those in need. After her death, and to this day, believers go to the grave of mother Alipia to ask for help and pray to the saint. They honor the old woman as an assistant in business, a mentor on the right path, a deliverer from death, etc. People believe that if you sincerely ask for help from Mother Alipia in your prayer, she will definitely help.

How to ask for help from mother Alipia?

People turn to mother Alipia with various requests, hoping to be heard, and according to numerous reviews, prayers help. They ask her for healing from serious illnesses, for finding housing, financial well-being, etc. Many are interested in exactly how to ask for help from Mother Alipia, if there are special prayers, or you can ask for help in your own words. There are several unspoken rules:

  1. During prayer, one should not be distracted, “hammer” one’s head with other thoughts.
  2. Before you start reading the prayer, ask for forgiveness for all your sins.
  3. You need to think about the person you are asking for help for.
  4. When saying a prayer, take your time, say it out loud or in a whisper.
  5. Your words for help must be heard, so read the prayer with "feeling", you should not pronounce the words in a monotone.
  6. Prayer should be read several times a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to bed.
  7. After the prayer, thank mother Alipia.

Of course, you can pray in different ways, the main thing is that your words be sincere, but there are also special prayers. For example, there is a short prayer to Mother Alipia, which helps to cope with serious illnesses:

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Collection of answers to your questions

Alipia Goloseevskaya performed many miracles, which people still tell each other about. The gift of her insight is so powerful that it is unlikely to be able to find similar examples. Many believers have recently been interested in Mother Alipia, how to ask for help from her and why do those in need turn to her? We will tell you about it in this article.

Blessed Alipia: biography

The exact date of Alipia's birth is unknown, it is only said that she was born around 1905. It happened in the Penza region, the God-abiding Avdeev family. In Orthodox baptism, the girl was given name Agafya.

Her mother was a kind person and constantly helped those in need. The father declared himself a faster and ate only crackers and a decoction of straw. These traditions were passed on to little Agafya. Until the end of her life, she observed a strict fast and consoled the burdened, the sick.

During the revolution of 1917, the parents were killed. The girl became a wanderer, having nothing but a cross, she went around many monasteries and only prayed for the salvation of the suffering. I spent the night on the street, ate what I found.

During the mass repressions, believers Agafya was imprisoned, where she spent 10 years. But even this did not break her faith in people, and here she constantly prayed for the salvation of her allies. She was miraculously released and returned to her wandering life.

During the Patriotic War, she was captured, from where she fled. By the will of fate, she was sheltered by a strange family. In the 1920s, Agafya took the veil as a nun at the mentor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and adopted pilgrimage . Every day she climbed into the hollow of a large tree and prayed there, eating only breadcrumbs. So she lived for 15 years, until the closing of the temple.

And again the nun lived here and there until she rented a room on Goloseevskaya Street. Already here people came to her with petitions for help. They also came to her in the Ascension Church, of which she became a parishioner. Here mother spent her last 9 years of her life. The old woman prepared healing ointments, they treated the sick with them. Despite such kindness and philanthropy, local authorities constantly pursued her and tried to demolish her cell.

Miracles of Mother Alipia

Alipia's miraculous gift manifested itself early. Here are some unexplained events archives and records testify:

  • Her release from prison was not planned by anyone, but she herself said that the Apostle Peter appeared and led her through the back door to the sea. She climbed the coastal rocks for 10 days, fell, got up and walked again. Thus, getting out under Novorossiysk.
  • Once, several people caught up with her on the road and told her that they were being pursued by bandits. Mother ordered them to hide in a haystack, and she herself began to pray for their protection. The bandits walked around the haystack, cursing and cursing, but found no one.
  • One woman told how she came to her stricken with an unknown ailment. Mother kneaded her ointment with prayers, and sentenced that she overeats all cancer cells. And so it happened. The woman was healed and lived a long life.
  • The most striking thing is Alipy's prediction of the Chernobyl disaster. Even 5 years before her, the old woman spoke about the huge collapse of the nuclear power plant.

According to numerous eyewitness accounts the nun amazed with the gift of healing and the effective power of prayer. Even in court cases, her prayer reduced the terms of unjustly convicted people.

Who really helped Alipiya Kyiv: reviews

  • Irina, 43 years old, Izhevsk:“I was diagnosed with a tumor of the uterus and the operation was denied to me because of a bad heart. After visiting the grave, Alipia appeared to me in a dream. A week later, my oncologist said that the tumor had shrunk, and a year later they were removed from disability.”
  • Olga, 34 years old, Krasnodar: “My legs hurt, and knots tied in my veins. Once I was doing a dressing and touched the knot, blood poured out of it. I sat on the floor and tried to stop the bleeding with a cotton swab, praying to Blessed Alipia. After praying, I removed the swab from the wound, but there was no more blood. An ambulance rang at the door, the doctors were surprised that such a strong venous bleeding passed by itself.
  • Elena, 52 years old, Rostov:“My husband could not find a job for a long time. Once a friend called me with her to the Forest Cemetery. I asked Svetlana to leave me alone at Alipiya's grave and prayed for her husband and his work. After 3 days, he found a job and got promoted almost immediately.”

Mother Alipia: how to ask her for help?

Various requests are made to a Kyiv nun: for medical treatment, for financial solvency, for helping orphans or those who cannot have them. The main thing in any prayer is to keep pure thoughts and faith. There are only a few unspoken rules of treatment:

  1. When addressing, you do not need to pronounce the words out loud, read the prayer in a whisper or to yourself.
  2. Ask for forgiveness.
  3. It is necessary to pray, if possible, three times a day. But if you came to Mother's grave, then this will be enough. You can repeat it at home before the image.
  4. If you are asking for someone, think of that person, say their name.
  5. Don't forget to say thank you after asking.

Mother Alipia: how to get to her?

  • A special bus runs from the Goloseevskaya metro station to the monastery.
  • From the Kyiv Railway Station, the metro station "Vokzalnaya" we go to "Khreschatyk". We pass to the station "Maidan Nezalezhnosti" and get to the stop "GolosiÏvska".
  • On your car, you need to move along the avenue of the 40th anniversary of October to the hotel Goloseevskaya, where we turn onto the street of Heroes of Defense. We keep going until the turn onto General Radymtsev Street. There you will see signs to the monastery.
  • Also from the Railway Station there are minibuses No. 507 and No. 726 to the GolosiÏvska metro station.

On the territory of the monastery stands the Chapel of Mother Alipia, while the relics are located a little further near the Church of the Life-Giving Spring. To the right of him are the steps down, which will lead to the remains of the nun. People bring food, treats and everything they can with them. They leave all this on a table at the entrance - gifts for a Kyiv nun.

Many books have been written about her life, but there was no place in them to describe all the miraculous works of the old woman. She helped thousands of people get rid of various ailments and troubles. Now you know that Blessed Mother Alipia lived on earth, how to ask for help from an old woman, if sometimes there is no other way out.

Video on how to pray to Alipia

In this video, Father Saveliy will tell you how to pray to this saint, how to ask for help from Mother Alipia:

  • Collection of answers to your questions

    ... Many could not understand her strange, fragmentary phrases warning of a great disaster: “It is burning underground, grief is coming”, believing that mother did not know such words as “reactor”, “radiation”, “radiation”. It seems, however, that she knew everything perfectly ..

    Very few earthly inhabitants reach the narrow gates of a cramped life, where they leave everything earthly and cross the mysterious threshold of Eternity, knowing the true spiritual life, comprehending the innermost mysteries of being, for, as the Gospel says, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matt. 20 , 16).
    Knowing this, nun Alipia worked humbly and patiently all her life, in sorrow and self-abasement. The Lord granted her to know the hidden secret of prayer pleasing to Him, and mother learned this generous gift by experience. Living in the flesh on sinful earth, she dwelt in spirit in Heaven, already here she carried within herself the enlightened image of God. Feeling this special grace, everyone who looked for healing and enlightenment flowed to her with faith in prayerful help. Therefore, despite the desire for solitude, the old woman selflessly took upon herself the difficult feat of fatherly nourishment, understanding how these helpless sheep of the flock of Christ need unfailing spiritual support so as not to stray from the true path leading to salvation. She always had to be in public, admonishing and instructing them.
    The blessed gift that the Lord endowed the nun Alipia was also the gift of foreseeing future events. Mother left many predictions that are carefully kept by her children, passed from mouth to mouth. Many of them have already been fulfilled, some will come true.

    One of the most important predictions of the blessed one concerned a great calamity that directly affected the Church: the soul-destroying Filaret schism that occurred in 1992. Matushka repeatedly publicly denounced the former Primate of our Church Filaret (Denisenko), who at that time was still the Metropolitan of Kyiv and whose power seemed unshakable. With an iron hand he led the Church to destruction, but even the pious clergymen, for whom the grossest violations of the Rules they allowed were no secret, did not dare to think about public condemnation and meekly endured widespread personnel abuses, the all-powerful Yevgeny Rodionov and much more.

    Mother, for her impartial statements, was severely persecuted, but she still did not stop denouncing. Thus, the recollections of many children contain evidence of how the perspicacious old woman reacted to the photograph of Filaret she saw, about which she immediately categorically said: “He is not ours.” The people who were next to her, thinking that matushka simply did not know the Primate by sight, began to persistently explain to her that this was the Metropolitan, but she repeated again: “He is not ours.” It was useless to argue, and many resigned themselves, not understanding the meaning of her words and perceiving them as one of the mother's oddities. When, four years after her death, the Church was shaken by a crushing schism, everything fell into place. It was clear that Mother foresaw this mournful event in advance and warned the faithful about it, and in order to reach their hearts, she clothed her protest against the unworthy bishop in a peculiar, sometimes very outrageous form.

    She repeated her denunciations repeatedly. For a long time, the parishioners of the Demievsky Church of the Ascension of the Lord remembered how once, during a magnificent episcopal service in the temple, she loudly exclaimed: “Glorious, glorious, but you will die a peasant.” Of course, for her insolence, she was immediately expelled. But this did not in the least frighten the ascetic, and she continued to denounce the unworthy bishop.

    So, according to the recollections of the children who asked not to indicate their names, when she was shown a magazine in which there was a large photograph of Denisenko, mother grabbed this magazine, jabbed two fingers into the eyes of the photograph and raised her voice: “Oooo enemy, how many grief to people you will bring, how much evil you will do! A wolf in sheep's clothing! Into his oven, into the oven! Then I crumpled up the magazine and really sent it to the oven. The audience was silent in confusion, not knowing how to react to such a thing. Only one of the women nearby, plucking up courage, timidly asked: “What will happen?” Mother smiled affably and said with indescribable childish joy: “Vladimir will be, Vladimir!”

    Remembering this momentous event during the schism, mother's children, without the slightest doubt or hesitation, followed His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir, whom mother pointed out one and a half before her death. Their trust in the blessed old woman was not put to shame. And the defrocked Filaret covered himself with indelible shame.

    Mother predicted the coming Chernobyl disaster. Many could not understand her strange, fragmentary phrases warning of a great disaster: “It’s burning underground, grief is coming,” believing that mother didn’t know such words as “reactor”, “radiation”, “radiation”. It seems, however, that she knew everything perfectly, for such heavenly heights, such infernal depths were revealed to her by the spirit, that we will be comprehending her words, comprehending their innermost meaning, for more than one decade. Yes, and it should be remembered that the Institute for Nuclear Research with a permanent reactor, where experiments on the splitting of the atom, popular at that time, were carried out, was in close proximity to the Goloseevsky Forest and it is unlikely that mother remained unaware of its harmful activities.
    She began to talk about the fact that “woe is coming,” even in the winter, long before the tragedy of April 26. In a subtle dream, she saw how people were thrown into buses and taken out, how dumb cattle were dying, how the fields were covered with deadly dust. It is known that in the early spring of the ever-memorable year, she did not give her blessing to her children for planting potatoes and vegetables in household plots. And the day before the accident, she walked down the street and cried prayerfully: “Lord! Have pity on the babies, have mercy on the people!”

    Then, when it was impossible to change anything, she took her knapsack and walked around Kyiv in a religious procession, thus begging for its inhabitants and protecting them from the destructive effects of radiation. To everyone who came to her in a state of great anxiety that day, she strongly advised: "Close the doors and windows tightly, there will be a lot of gas."

    After the Chernobyl disaster, many in extreme excitement asked my mother if it was necessary to leave Kiev, to which she categorically answered: “No, by no means.” Servant of God Raisa, who met with nun Alipia at that time, recalled: “When Chernobyl exploded, we came to her to ask for a blessing: we wanted to leave for Russia. But she did not bless. “No, you don’t have to leave, they’ll give you a piece of bread here. They will go here."
    When asked how to deal with vegetables and fruits exposed to the harmful effects of radiation, she admonished: “Wash well, read Our Father and Mother of God, cross and eat.” And indeed, those who, with faith and prayer, ate food contaminated with radiation, turned out to be immune to the harmful effects of radiation. Even in the Fright Forest people live and pray, over whom the Lord Himself has stretched out His Right Hand.

    Terrible predictions of the blessed one about the coming war are also passed from mouth to mouth. At the time when they were made, even the most devoted children of the mother could hardly imagine even the hypothetical possibility of such a thing. But everything is changing. Modern reality is so harsh and unpredictable that people have ceased to be surprised at anything. Now it is already so obvious that everything that mother spoke about and that it was impossible even to believe in is coming true in our time.

    Without using tricky phrases, she warned us about globalism, as a result of which “people will run from place to place”, and that “states will differ in money”. And especially mysterious were her statements about the war, the inevitability of which she associated with a widespread decline in morals.

    “This will not be a war, but the execution of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains, hills will disintegrate, will be razed to the ground. One involuntarily recalls the words uttered immediately after the Great Patriotic War by St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, with whom the blessed one had communion, that the coming war would be much more terrible and bloody than the one experienced.
    Speaking about the greed and acquisitiveness that have taken possession of humanity, mother repeatedly emphasized: “Here you quarrel, swear for an apartment, disperse ... And there will come a time when there will be a lot of empty apartments, but there will be no one to live in them.” It was amazing to hear such revelations from the lips of a homeless wanderer who had not had her own home all her life.
    She also predicted the coming persecution of the Church: "There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox Faith." And everything that was unimaginable a few years ago came true before our eyes, when schismatics seized Orthodox churches, expelled priests, and beat parishioners. But this shameful phenomenon has acquired a special scope now.
    The blessed one also specified the dates, linking them with one of the great church holidays: “The war will begin against the apostles Peter and Paul,” she said. True, the chronology of the mother according to her calendar, which she called Jerusalem. Sometimes a phrase was added that this would happen when the corpse was taken out, ”which, obviously, meant burial in the Mausoleum on Red Square.

    She also warned about the cruelty and senselessness of this bloody war with her characteristic allegoricalness: "You will lie: there is an arm, there is a leg." How many dead are now scattered in the Donetsk steppes! And the end of the war is still in sight...
    Mother repeatedly warned: "When you go to Kyiv along Khreshchatyk, pray, because it will fail." Is it necessary to say that after the Maidan this prediction acquired a special, poignant meaning? And if you remember that there is no land under Khreshchatyk for a long time (it was raked out during the reconstruction of the square, setting up many fashionable boutiques, hot spots, bank branches underground), then the feeling of proximity to the underworld is aggravated ...

    Mother predicted the coming famine, when the earth would not give its fruits. But she encouraged people: “Don’t leave Kyiv - there will be hunger everywhere, but there is bread in Kyiv.”

    Mother especially emphasized how important it would be during the years of persecution to have at least a tiny piece of land, and for those who had houses, land, livestock was forbidden to sell, indicating that the farm could still come in handy in conditions of survival.
    Almost constantly, and a few years before her death, the blessed one predicted with particular insistence the coming revival of the Goloseevsky monastery. The sisters of the Florovsky Monastery clearly remember how she repeatedly said: “Girls, look: there will still be a monastery and a service ...”

    It was extremely hard to believe, but already in 1993, in the devastated Goloseevskaya Hermitage, where no stone was left of its former greatness, services began. At first they took place on the street, then, when the house church was restored, in the temple. Despite enormous difficulties and labor obediences, night services were held in the monastery, to which we repeatedly came. They served by candlelight, and the grace was indescribable. And in the morning, after a short sleep, the brethren dispersed for obedience. In the same year, on the feast day of the Great Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the Monk Alexy Goloseevsky was glorified as a saint, to whom the blessed old woman prayed unceasingly.

    She sent many of her children to the Florovsky Monastery, blessing to order a prayer service for the ascetic of piety, nun Elena, who was not yet glorified in those years. “There is a holy nun there,” she said, “she is buried on the territory of the monastery, pray to her.
    So mother Alipia predicted back in that now distant time that the nun Elena would be canonized as a saint. And, of course, in this way Mother wanted to hide the power of her own prayers and glorify God's nun Elena.

    The mother did not leave her children in the dark about the day of her death, about which she knew and warned everyone in advance. There are many memories of this. Here is one of them, owned by nun F.: “In April 1988, I brought Matushka the Church calendar, and she asks: “Look what day October 30 will be.” I looked and said: "Sunday." She somehow pointedly repeated: "Sunday." After her death, we realized that then, in April, Matushka revealed to us the day of her death – more than six months before her.” She was buried at the Kiev Forest Cemetery, on the site of the Florovsky Monastery. Without a passport and residence permit - it also seemed a miracle ...

    But the most amazing thing began after the death of the blessed one. There are many documented cases of healing through prayers to her. Repeatedly people saw in the evening an unusual radiance around her cross. One of the inhabitants of the Pochaev Lavra, who wished to remain anonymous, told how he began to tear at the grave, and many tangled tufts of hair, dried insects and reptiles came out of him, after which he was healed and soon left for Pochaev.

    Mother's honest remains were raised and transported to Goloseevo on May 18, 2006, where they rest to this day, being hidden in the lower limit of the Life-Giving Spring temple.
    And where the old woman's house once stood, near the symbolic grave with a cross, a slender chapel shot up. Repeatedly on the day of remembrance of the blessed one, people who came to worship witness amazing phenomena: the sun “played”, stretching its rays around, a multicolored rainbow appeared, a pillar of fire ascended to heaven, the sky was surrounded by a thin solar ring, called “halo” by scientists. In the morning, when the first memorial service was served in the Life-Giving Spring, people saw a luminous cross in the sky...

    All this is vivid evidence of the posthumous glory of the blessed old woman.

    The flow of evidence of the indisputable spiritual giftedness of the blessed one is inexhaustible, just as the love of grateful children for her is inexhaustible. Her desire to pour out this love on those around her, to give it entirely, without a trace, to everyone who needs it, attracted people “toiling and burdened” to him. And since “having lit a candle, they do not put it under vessels, but on a candlestick” (Matthew 5:15), the all-merciful Lord revealed a significant number of posthumous testimonies so that his light would shine before all people, and, looking at his good deeds, they tirelessly “Glorified our Father in Heaven” (Matt. 5:16).

    Her faithful admirers, who knew mother during her lifetime, often say: “Sometimes it seems that mother did not die at all, that she simply went on one of her wanderings and will definitely return.”

    These words reflect the thoughts and feelings of mother's children so faithfully that you can't imagine better. In their hearts and souls, for the rest of their lives, the bright image of an unforgettable old woman was imprinted. And, remembering to the smallest detail her maternal kindness, which could not be hidden even behind external severity, you realize that it is in such people that the grace of God is fully manifested, which warms the people flowing to them.

    Everything looks different now:
    And Faith rises from childhood dreams,
    And the heart cries sweetly in repentance,
    And love awakens to life.
    The dawn will rise in the pasture of Hope
    And the veil of darkness will dissolve.
    Awaken life force in the souls of sinners
    Ascetics holy names.

    Collection of answers to your questions

    Alipia Goloseevskaya performed many miracles, which people still tell each other about. The gift of her insight is so powerful that it is unlikely to be able to find similar examples. Many believers have recently been interested in Mother Alipia, how to ask for help from her and why do those in need turn to her? We will tell you about it in this article.

    Blessed Alipia: biography

    The exact date of Alipia's birth is unknown, it is only said that she was born around 1905. It happened in the Penza region, the God-abiding Avdeev family. In Orthodox baptism, the girl was given name Agafya.

    Her mother was a kind person and constantly helped those in need. The father declared himself a faster and ate only crackers and a decoction of straw. These traditions were passed on to little Agafya. Until the end of her life, she observed a strict fast and consoled the burdened, the sick.

    During the revolution of 1917, the parents were killed. The girl became a wanderer, having nothing but a cross, she went around many monasteries and only prayed for the salvation of the suffering. I spent the night on the street, ate what I found.

    During the mass repressions, believers Agafya was imprisoned, where she spent 10 years. But even this did not break her faith in people, and here she constantly prayed for the salvation of her allies. She was miraculously released and returned to her wandering life.

    During the Patriotic War, she was captured, from where she fled. By the will of fate, she was sheltered by a strange family. In the 1920s, Agafya took the veil as a nun at the mentor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and adopted pilgrimage . Every day she climbed into the hollow of a large tree and prayed there, eating only breadcrumbs. So she lived for 15 years, until the closing of the temple.

    And again the nun lived here and there until she rented a room on Goloseevskaya Street. Already here people came to her with petitions for help. They also came to her in the Ascension Church, of which she became a parishioner. Here mother spent her last 9 years of her life. The old woman prepared healing ointments, they treated the sick with them. Despite such kindness and philanthropy, local authorities constantly pursued her and tried to demolish her cell.

    Miracles of Mother Alipia

    Alipia's miraculous gift manifested itself early. Here are some unexplained events archives and records testify:

    • Her release from prison was not planned by anyone, but she herself said that the Apostle Peter appeared and led her through the back door to the sea. She climbed the coastal rocks for 10 days, fell, got up and walked again. Thus, getting out under Novorossiysk.
    • Once, several people caught up with her on the road and told her that they were being pursued by bandits. Mother ordered them to hide in a haystack, and she herself began to pray for their protection. The bandits walked around the haystack, cursing and cursing, but found no one.
    • One woman told how she came to her stricken with an unknown ailment. Mother kneaded her ointment with prayers, and sentenced that she overeats all cancer cells. And so it happened. The woman was healed and lived a long life.
    • The most striking thing is Alipy's prediction of the Chernobyl disaster. Even 5 years before her, the old woman spoke about the huge collapse of the nuclear power plant.

    According to numerous eyewitness accounts the nun amazed with the gift of healing and the effective power of prayer. Even in court cases, her prayer reduced the terms of unjustly convicted people.

    Who really helped Alipiya Kyiv: reviews

    • Irina, 43 years old, Izhevsk:“I was diagnosed with a tumor of the uterus and the operation was denied to me because of a bad heart. After visiting the grave, Alipia appeared to me in a dream. A week later, my oncologist said that the tumor had shrunk, and a year later they were removed from disability.”
    • Olga, 34 years old, Krasnodar: “My legs hurt, and knots tied in my veins. Once I was doing a dressing and touched the knot, blood poured out of it. I sat on the floor and tried to stop the bleeding with a cotton swab, praying to Blessed Alipia. After praying, I removed the swab from the wound, but there was no more blood. An ambulance rang at the door, the doctors were surprised that such a strong venous bleeding passed by itself.
    • Elena, 52 years old, Rostov:“My husband could not find a job for a long time. Once a friend called me with her to the Forest Cemetery. I asked Svetlana to leave me alone at Alipiya's grave and prayed for her husband and his work. After 3 days, he found a job and got promoted almost immediately.”

    Mother Alipia: how to ask her for help?

    Various requests are made to a Kyiv nun: for medical treatment, for financial solvency, for helping orphans or those who cannot have them. The main thing in any prayer is to keep pure thoughts and faith. There are only a few unspoken rules of treatment:

    1. When addressing, you do not need to pronounce the words out loud, read the prayer in a whisper or to yourself.
    2. Ask for forgiveness.
    3. It is necessary to pray, if possible, three times a day. But if you came to Mother's grave, then this will be enough. You can repeat it at home before the image.
    4. If you are asking for someone, think of that person, say their name.
    5. Don't forget to say thank you after asking.

    Mother Alipia: how to get to her?

    • A special bus runs from the Goloseevskaya metro station to the monastery.
    • From the Kyiv Railway Station, the metro station "Vokzalnaya" we go to "Khreschatyk". We pass to the station "Maidan Nezalezhnosti" and get to the stop "GolosiÏvska".
    • On your car, you need to move along the avenue of the 40th anniversary of October to the hotel Goloseevskaya, where we turn onto the street of Heroes of Defense. We keep going until the turn onto General Radymtsev Street. There you will see signs to the monastery.
    • Also from the Railway Station there are minibuses No. 507 and No. 726 to the GolosiÏvska metro station.

    On the territory of the monastery stands the Chapel of Mother Alipia, while the relics are located a little further near the Church of the Life-Giving Spring. To the right of him are the steps down, which will lead to the remains of the nun. People bring food, treats and everything they can with them. They leave all this on a table at the entrance - gifts for a Kyiv nun.

    Many books have been written about her life, but there was no place in them to describe all the miraculous works of the old woman. She helped thousands of people get rid of various ailments and troubles. Now you know that Blessed Mother Alipia lived on earth, how to ask for help from an old woman, if sometimes there is no other way out.

    Video on how to pray to Alipia

    In this video, Father Saveliy will tell you how to pray to this saint, how to ask for help from Mother Alipia:

  • Collection of answers to your questions

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    Mother Alicia Prayer

    September 28th 2013 –

    Blessed is private reading!

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie! Pour out on us poor, weak and humiliated, by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and severe diseases of freedom, ask forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, relaxed, with your prayers , do not allow us to die to the end, unworthy slaves (names), be a refuge for us, do not leave us inconsolable, may we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Oh, great praise to the Church of Christ, the city of Kyiv is walled and comforted, reverend mother Alipie! We fall down to you and pray to you - be our intercessor to Christ God, vigilant, as we believe, if you beg the Humanity God, everything will be given to you from the sea of ​​His goodness. And just as God is philanthropic, so you, imploring us sinners, will not despise our petition, for we ourselves, due to the multitude of our sins, do not have boldness.

    Your work, saint, is to intercede for sinners, it is God's work to have mercy on the desperate. Ask, reverend, to anyone according to his needs:

    Consol and heal soon in existing illnesses, as now you are doing healing in abundance - as if speaking dumb, seeing the blind, restoring bones damaged from the bed of sickness. You can ask the Lord for everything, reverend, if you pray to Him for us.

    Tumors do not be fierce. Give a quick healing to those suffering from burns, as if you appeared to a sick boy at night, listening to his mother’s prayer. Thou didst show the great miracle of healing to the whole world.

    In these difficult days of the triumph of lawlessness and unrighteousness, offended and unjustly condemned, imprisoned in prison, envy, lies and self-interest for the sake of the persecuted, intercede for deliverance from slander and misfortune, as if the grace to intercede for them has been purely given to you from the Lord.

    Good marriages bless and unite. Give safe permission to mothers who give birth, keeping them and their children from any harm. Hear the warm prayer of the parents, the sorrow for the weary children, so that their children will pass into the consciousness of the truth, avoiding the snares of the evil one, they will find eternal salvation. Accept prayers for the parents of their grieving children, so that by your prayers they will know the light of Christ's Gospel. So comfort the childless and give them the fruit of the womb, so that the new true Christians will present to the Lord with your blessing and maternal upbringing. To those who require your help in consummating a Christian marriage, send a companion of their lives blessed by the Lord, so that by your care Christ God will bring the service of a small church in a family union. Above all, grant peace, silence and unfeigned love, may we be true disciples of Christ.

    To those who have surrendered to the ailments of drunkenness and drug addiction and those who do not have the strength of the spirit, leave this soul-destroying iniquity, give strength of spirit and enlightenment of the mind, as if you appeared to a person, accept death from drunkenness to those who have it and your blessing healed from this ailment.

    Send down with your prayers the invisible consolation from the Lord and the knowledge of the true love of Christ to the lonely and helpless, let them lead away, as our friends - saints and angels, invisibly observe us.

    Accept the petitions of the poor and the afflicted, and give them with your prayers unexpected care, as if they had thee benefactor in their earthly life.

    Cowardly, despairing in your life, be an ambulance comforter, as if you had saved your wife, in sorrow, who intended to destroy herself and the maiden, who was saved from harm in a fall from a height. Thou hast delivered their souls from the abyss of death.

    So, we pray to you, reverend, save from sudden death, as if you had preserved the youth unscathed, having received a terrible blow on the road.

    In teaching, pour out maternal help to those who are staying and give an increase in the mind, but in the difficult course of their teaching they remain without sorrow.

    In various everyday affairs, troubles and difficulties, give a speedy arrangement and a good end to this.

    Hear the prayers of those who mourn for those who are astray, who are outside the saving ark of the Orthodox Church, may the All-Good Lord save them by fate and bring them to the knowledge of His truth.

    Send down strength and fortitude to the soldiers in the performance of their godly service, may the Lord save them from all evil.

    Instruct those who are monastics the right to walk in the way of the Lord, strengthening them in ascetic labors and humbly carrying your cross, as you also labored for salvation in love for the Lord and His people.

    Give a true standing in the Orthodox faith as a bishop and priest, so that the flock of Christ is shepherded faithfully and without hypocrisy, rightly ruling and walking without stumbling before the Lord.

    The head and authority of the wise people of our government, but in union with the Church, our country is in peace and silence.

    Open for us with your prayers the doors of God's mercy and deliver us from all evil. Grant us to escape the snares of the evil one. Pray, reverend, to the Merciful Lord for us penitents, may He forgive us our faults according to the multitude of His goodness. And even to the end, by your prayers, keep us uncondemned, but saved by your intercession and help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the One in the Trinity God, the Creator of all. Amen.

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

    Be an intercessor for the departed servants of God, who have departed from this shore of temporary life and have not reached a quiet haven, as if you loved prayer for them, working during your holy life, every day - with the feat of offering alms for them. Your sacrifice has been offered, like fragrant incense before the Lord, and the Lord is your alms, and brought many of the dead from hell, delivered by your good deeds and prayer. We believe, because your love for the dead has not faded even now, therefore we fall down and ask you: help our departed, give them your helping hand, see our tears and prayers, and faith, as you now stand before the throne of God Almighty, and pray for His reposed servants, who have fallen away from the love of the Father, but who are contrite in heart and unable to draw near to His light. Bring out their souls, filled with darkness, and warm with the light of the glory of God, which you shine like the most bright sun, may they not perish forever, but with your prayers they will pass from death to the stomach and reach a quiet haven in Heavenly Jerusalem, shamelessly appear at the Terrible Coming of the Heavenly King , as it is good and pleasing to God to pray for the souls of those who have departed, their names are not forgotten by the Lord, He hears His saints crying out to Him. Therefore, I sent you, mother Alipie, a fervent prayer book. We also pray to you: give to us during our departure, and also to the souls of the departed servants of God from the great wealth of your virtues, may we all glorify our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, marvelous in His saints. Amen.

    Mother Alipia, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved!

    Prayer to Mother Alipia (short)

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

    Pour out on us poor, weak and humiliated, by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and severe diseases of freedom, ask forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, relaxed, with your prayers , do not allow us to die to the end, unworthy slaves (names), be a refuge for us, do not leave us inconsolable, may we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

    Mother Alipia - how to ask for help

    The Kiev nun Matushka Alypia helped people during her lifetime, some just with advice, some with prayer, some needed shelter and food, some needed spiritual support. With any problem, one could come to the old woman, the doors of her cell were always open for those in need. After her death, and to this day, believers go to the grave of mother Alipia to ask for help and pray to the saint. They honor the old woman as an assistant in business, a mentor on the right path, a deliverer from death, etc. People believe that if you sincerely ask for help from Mother Alipia in your prayer, she will definitely help.

    How to ask for help from mother Alipia?

    People turn to mother Alipia with various requests, hoping to be heard, and according to numerous reviews, prayers help. They ask her for healing from serious illnesses, for finding housing, financial well-being, etc. Many are interested in exactly how to ask for help from Mother Alipia, if there are special prayers, or you can ask for help in your own words. There are several unspoken rules:

    1. During prayer, one should not be distracted, “hammer” one’s head with other thoughts.
    2. Before you start reading the prayer, ask for forgiveness for all your sins.
    3. You need to think about the person you are asking for help for.
    4. When saying a prayer, take your time, say it out loud or in a whisper.
    5. Your words for help must be heard, so read the prayer with "feeling", you should not pronounce the words in a monotone.
    6. Prayer should be read several times a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to bed.
    7. After the prayer, thank mother Alipia.

    Of course, you can pray in different ways, the main thing is that your words be sincere, but there are also special prayers. For example, there is a short prayer to Mother Alipia, which helps to cope with serious illnesses:

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