How an American journalist turned out to be a Russian swindler. Greg Weiner aka Grigory Vinnikov

Biography of Greg Weiner - the story of an impostor swindler from St. Petersburg.

Now, probably, you will not surprise anyone with characters with extremely intricate biographies, whose faces often flash on federal channels. So, for example, in the biography of the US journalist Greg Weiner, you can find many entertaining stories. Some of them have recently become public. Now in Russia, many viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of Greg Weiner. But why is this person so popular right now? And what is really behind the biography of US journalist Greg Weiner?

Not so long ago, the named person was introduced to a large audience as an American journalist and began to appear on Russian TV channels.
One of the acquaintances of the American, seeing his face on one of the talk shows, was very surprised and even discouraged.
After all, the man saw in front of him a man who was engaged in a completely different activity and, moreover, had a different name.
Greg's friends and neighbors were embarrassed by the fact that the man simply changed his last name and first name. And so, when the truth began to seep out, many Russian residents became really interested in the biography of US journalist Greg Weiner.

In fact, today's famous Greg Weiner is a Russian businessman. He once managed a branch of his travel agency in the United States and at birth received the name and surname Grigory Vinnikov.
Due to huge debts and difficulties in business, Grigory had to close his own business and return to his homeland - to Russia.

In America, Vinnikov developed a rather stormy activity.
In the 90s, he opened his own business - a travel company specializing in the sale of air tickets and assistance in obtaining all necessary documents for the Russian diaspora.
Grigory's business developed successfully until 2012 - by this time he had accumulated impressive debts for renting expensive premises in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Shortly before the ruin of the travel agency, Vinnikov founded another firm that provided legal assistance to the Americans.
Gregory still owes rather large sums of money to the clients of this company. In addition, many of his clients complain that the swindler stole from them not only funds under the pretext of obtaining visas and passports, but also very valuable documents.
After an unexpected ruin, Vinnikov had to close offices, leave the United States and return to Russia.
Already at home, he learned about the presence of a serious disease - cancer. Here, the failed businessman underwent a course of therapy and stayed to live.
Contacting his comrades in America, Vinnikov announced that he would pay off all debts as soon as his property in New Jersey was sold. A collective civil lawsuit was organized against Grigory, but after it turned out that the businessman had fled, the case was suspended due to the difficult Russian-American relations.

In fact, the biography of Greg Weiner originates from the first appearance on the Russian public.
Once on the Russian TV channel, Grigory decided to acquire an American pseudonym. And so the famous Greg was born today. On one of the projects of Channel One, a newly minted American journalist was invited as an expert.
On the program, the presenter did not tell the audience the type of activity of Weiner and the place of his work - the specific name of the publication was withheld. In addition, one feature could not escape the attention of the audience: the American spoke Russian with surprising clarity and absolutely no accent. The truth about the impostor journalist was told by an acquaintance of Vinnikov on a social network. It was here that the veil of secrecy over the biography of Greg Weiner was lifted: it turned out that the former businessman simply stole the money of his clients and fled to St. Petersburg.
Taken from September 2017. By Catrin Glamur.

Grisha's impudent physiognomy is familiar to everyone. He lives in Ostankino. He runs from Channel 1 to NTV, then to Russia.
Apparently, the tribesmen decided to help Grisha repay the debts to the fooled Americans. The price for appearing on the air is hidden, of course!
Well, we're taking...

Human life is unpredictable. We never have an idea of ​​what tomorrow has in store for us. Often on federal channels, viewers notice characters with a confusing biography, those who are hiding behind someone else's image. What is behind these mysterious stories? American journalist Greg Weiner has many life situations behind him. Some of them have recently become known to the public. Now the biography of US journalist Greg Weiner is especially relevant.


Recently, Greg Weiner, the hero of the article, presented on television political programs as a journalist, began to appear on Russian television screens. An acquaintance of Greg, having once seen a political talk show where a man was announced as an American journalist, was surprised. Some viewers recognized him as a completely different person engaged in a different activity. It is also worth noting that Greg Weiner, a journalist, changed his first and last name, which surprised his neighbors and acquaintances even more. At the moment, the biography of US journalist Greg Weiner has become interesting to many.

Who is Grigory Vinnikov really?

Who is Greg Weiner? Greg Weiner is a Russian businessman with a former travel company in the United States of America. Real name and surname - Grigory Vinnikov. When the entrepreneur acquired a lot of debt, he was forced to close his business and return back to Russia, to his homeland. Currently lives in St. Petersburg. He also did legal services. Many former clients of Grigory Vinnikov are unhappy that he owes them large sums of money. Greg himself replied that he would return the debts only when he sold the property in New Jersey, but the buyer had not yet been found. Now Grigory Vinnikov is known as a participant in political television programs, where he advocates liberalism.

Life in America

Life in the United States Grigory Vinnikov proceeded quite actively. In the 90s, he opened his own travel company selling air tickets, as well as assisting in obtaining visas. Shortly before the bankruptcy of the company, Grigory opened a firm providing legal assistance, whose clients still owe considerable sums. After failures in his career, Grigory Vinnikov was in a depressed moral state. Soon Grigory Vinnikov left New York. It was decided to return to Russia, now the businessman lives in St. Petersburg. Also at home, he learned about the disease: Gregory was diagnosed with cancer. He underwent treatment in Russia, after which he stayed here.

Occupation Gregory

The biography of US journalist Greg Weiner includes such an activity as the creation and development of his own business. He was also engaged in the provision of legal services, remaining in debt to the clients of his organization, which caused a lot of indignation in his address. Now he is being proclaimed a journalist, with which Grigory agrees, since he claims that he received the education necessary for this, having graduated from the faculty of journalism. At the moment, Grigory visits Russian TV shows as an American journalist, speaking for liberalism. According to rumors, Grigory Vinnikov receives 5 thousand for one broadcast. True or not, we can only speculate and guess. A man in the 2000s was quite often invited to television broadcasts of famous TV shows, but he did not always respond positively to offers. Grigory Vinnikov was supposed to become the host of one of the programs, but was forced to refuse, realizing that he could not withstand the busy schedule of this profession. The businessman's acquaintances claim that he is well versed in such a field as journalism, therefore he has every reason to be called an American journalist.

Reason for returning home

Failures in running his own business in the United States of America caused a lot of problems for Grigory Vinnikov. The businessman began to experience mental discomfort, sometimes it came to the point that the man wanted to end his life. Also, for several years, while living in America, he suffered from cancer. Grigory Vinnikov was diagnosed later, in Russia. The man stayed in St. Petersburg in order to restore his health and undergo treatment for the disease. After the problems were over, Grigory Vinnikov decided to stay in Russia, in the city of St. Petersburg. At the moment, the man still lives in his homeland, where he became known among viewers of television shows on federal channels as Greg Weiner, an American journalist.

Drawing conclusions

The biography of US journalist Greg Weiner is rich not only in ups and downs, but also in downfalls. The man received the specialty of a journalist, therefore, according to his statements and according to his acquaintances, he has the right to be called such. In the 80s, Grigory Vinnikov changed the country in which he lived to the United States of America. He opened his own travel company, which was successful, but eventually failed and had to be closed down.

Attempts to create a legal aid company also ended unsuccessfully, and the owner himself remained indebted to the clients of the organization. Returning to Russia due to health problems and poor mental state, Grigory Vinnikov decided to try himself as a journalist, as he has the education necessary for this. The man introduces himself as Greg Weiner in an American manner. He visits popular Russian television programs that are released on federal channels.

Human life is unpredictable. We never have an idea of ​​what tomorrow has in store for us. Often, viewers notice characters with a confusing biography, those who are hiding behind someone else's image. What is behind these mysterious stories? American journalist Greg Weiner has many life situations behind him. Some of them have recently become known to the public. Now the biography of US journalist Greg Weiner is especially relevant.


Recently, Greg Weiner, the hero of the article, presented on television political programs as a journalist, began to appear on Russian television screens. An acquaintance of Greg, having once seen a political talk show where a man was announced as an American journalist, was surprised. Some viewers recognized him as a completely different person engaged in a different activity. It is also worth noting that Greg Weiner, a journalist, changed his first and last name, which surprised his neighbors and acquaintances even more. At the moment, the biography of US journalist Greg Weiner has become interesting to many.

Who is Grigory Vinnikov really?

Who is Greg Weiner? Greg Weiner is a Russian businessman with a former travel company in the United States of America. Real name and surname - Grigory Vinnikov. When the entrepreneur acquired a lot of debt, he was forced to close his business and return back to Russia, to his homeland. Currently lives in St. Petersburg. He also did legal services. Many former clients of Grigory Vinnikov are unhappy that he owes them large sums of money. Greg himself replied that he would return the debts only when he sold the property in New Jersey, but the buyer had not yet been found. Now Grigory Vinnikov is known as a participant in political television programs, where he advocates liberalism.

Life in America

Life in the United States Grigory Vinnikov proceeded quite actively. In the 90s, he opened his own travel company selling air tickets, as well as assisting in obtaining visas. Shortly before the bankruptcy of the company, Grigory opened a firm providing legal assistance, whose clients still owe considerable sums. After failures in his career, Grigory Vinnikov was in a depressed moral state. Soon Grigory Vinnikov left New York. It was decided to return to Russia, now the businessman lives in St. Petersburg. Also at home, he learned about the disease: Gregory was diagnosed with cancer. He underwent treatment in Russia, after which he stayed here.

Occupation Gregory

The biography of US journalist Greg Weiner includes such an activity as the creation and development of his own business. He was also engaged in the provision of legal services, remaining in debt to the clients of his organization, which caused a lot of indignation in his address. Now he is being proclaimed a journalist, with which Grigory agrees, since he claims that he received the education necessary for this, having graduated from the faculty of journalism. At the moment, Grigory visits Russian TV shows as an American journalist, speaking for liberalism. According to rumors, Grigory Vinnikov receives 5 thousand for one broadcast. or not, we can only speculate and guess. A man in the 2000s was quite often invited to television broadcasts of famous TV shows, but he did not always respond positively to offers. Grigory Vinnikov was supposed to become the host of one of the programs, but was forced to refuse, realizing that he could not withstand the busy schedule of this profession. The businessman's acquaintances claim that he is well versed in such a field as journalism, therefore he has every reason to be called an American journalist.

Reason for returning home

Failures in running his own business caused a lot of problems for Grigory Vinnikov. The businessman began to experience mental discomfort, sometimes it came to the point that the man wanted to end his life. Also, for several years, while living in America, he suffered from cancer. Grigory Vinnikov was diagnosed later, in Russia. The man stayed in St. Petersburg in order to restore his health and undergo treatment for the disease. After the problems were over, Grigory Vinnikov decided to stay in Russia, in the city of St. Petersburg. At the moment, the man still lives in his homeland, where he became known among viewers of television shows on federal channels as Greg Weiner, an American journalist.

Drawing conclusions

The biography of US journalist Greg Weiner is rich not only in ups and downs, but also in downfalls. The man received the specialty of a journalist, therefore, according to his statements and according to his acquaintances, he has the right to be called such. In the 80s, Grigory Vinnikov changed the country in which he lived to the United States of America. He opened his own travel company, which was successful, but eventually failed and had to be closed down.

Attempts to create a legal aid company also ended unsuccessfully, and the owner himself remained indebted to the clients of the organization. Returning to Russia due to health problems and poor mental state, Grigory Vinnikov decided to try himself as a journalist, as he has the education necessary for this. The man introduces himself as Greg Weiner in an American manner. He visits popular Russian television programs that are released on federal channels.

For several years now, Russian television has been broadcasting programs with a political and entertainment bias. Their popularity is quite high. And last but not least thanks to the characters involved in them. Some have become practically family, although you can hardly expect anything from them except for tubs of mud poured on our country. But such is their role as "bad boys". Remove now from the TV screens such odious personalities as or, and immediately it will not be right. Nevertheless, the scriptwriters of these programs are trying to “pour fresh blood” into their projects so that the viewer is not tired of the same faces of experts and political scientists. Periodically, new artists are introduced into the frame. Among these still not very familiar faces is the one that belongs to the American journalist Greg Weiner. At the same time, the American speaks the purest Russian, which clearly betrays our former compatriot in him. Russian viewers have already dubbed him "new".

Who are you, Mr. Weiner?

They say that one of the American tourists, TV presenter Alexander Grant, wanting to find out how his Russian colleagues work, while watching Russian television, accidentally stumbled upon a certain talk show. Where I was surprised to see my old friend. For some reason, the acquaintance was introduced as Greg Weiner, although in the USA he is known under a different name and surname, and not at all as an international journalist ...

It turned out that the real name of the talkative expert and the new "asterisk" of programs like "Time Will Show" is Grigory Vinnikov. He is a Russian businessman. For some time he lived in the States and turned over in the tourism sector, or rather, he scammed in relation to Russian-speaking American citizens. According to the testimony of the one who identified him, Grisha launched commercial activities overseas on a grand scale. Back in the 90s, Vinnikov-Weiner opened the Eastern Tours Consolidated company, which deals with issuing visas and selling air tickets. The business prospered, but the unfortunate businessman went bankrupt renting commercial space in Brooklyn and Manhattan. In parallel, he founded a firm to provide legal assistance to everyone and borrowed considerable amounts for this business. When there were too many debts, Vinnikov declared bankruptcy, closed his shop and hit the road back to the Russian Federation. Here he was diagnosed with cancer, which became a formal reason to stay. By the way, the former businessman promises to pay off his existing debts to US clients by selling his American real estate. According to another version, he was going to make money in Russia and pay off creditors.

Now Grigory lives in St. Petersburg, but from now on he literally settled in Moscow in connection with a new turn in his fate. Now he's Greg Weiner, a US journalist who champions liberal ideas in Putin's Russia.

Weiner's biography is shrouded in darkness. What we managed to find in the depths of the Internet comes down to only one thing - that this is a scammer who escaped from the "kingdom of democracy" to "terrible Mordor". He is married, not married, who he worked before leaving abroad - nothing is known. It is certain that he first emigrated to Canada in the 70s. Then, two years later, he moved to the United States. He probably graduated from the Soviet journalism faculty before emigrating, which gives him the moral right to call himself a representative of the journalistic guild. Rumor has it that Greg in the States was offered to become the host of one of the TV shows, but he refused due to the tight work schedule.

Prone to depression and suicide. After failing in business, he nearly committed suicide by throwing himself off a balcony.

The producers of those programs where Gregory is called as an expert asked him to Americanize his name and surname.

According to those who know Vinnikov well, he really could become a great journalist, he has everything for this: a talent for analytics, the ability to clearly express thoughts, and a wealth of information on various issues.

Quotes by Greg Weiner

About myself: “I didn’t run away or hide anywhere. I don’t look like an idiot who thinks that he won’t be noticed on federal channels.”

On President Trump: "He reacts to everything emotionally, like a person, not like a political mummy, a product of the political system."

About the USA: "The whole world is chasing America, but America is still ahead."

About Americans: "A country without saliva, and its inhabitants are not sentimental."

Quote about Greg Weiner

Andrey Norkin: “It was here that Greg was a Jew, and when he moved to the USA, he immediately became Russian.”

Russian-American businessman, owner of the travel agency "Eastern Tours Consolidated".

Grigory Vinnikov took up the tourism business in the late 80s of the 20th century. It is known that even before the sale of air tickets, Vinnikov sold spectacle frames by mail and was quite active in journalism, both on radio and on television. There is reason to believe that Vinnikov managed to light up in political circles - at a certain stage he called himself an economic adviser to the governor of the Leningrad Region.

Over time, the range of services provided by Vinnikov's company grew - if at first he provided only air tickets and visas, then later more complex combinations were added to them; for example, Grigory helped arrange Russian pensions and provided all sorts of property and legal services. Unfortunately, now some of Vinnikov's clients have begun to regret that they contacted him at all. TV presenter Valentina Pechorina, who gave Vinnikov her Russian passport for renewal (and $600 in addition), the former owner of the New Russian Word, Valery Weinberg, who had an urgent visa to Russia for $650, all had to face the same problem. A week ago, all the offices of the agency "Eastern Tours Consolidated" - both in Brooklyn and in Manhattan - simultaneously and completely suddenly closed; Vinnikov himself disappeared in an unknown direction.

For some time, Vinnikov's disappearance was discussed by much of the immigrant community; versions were put forward very different, but on the whole mostly unflattering. Interestingly, despite all this, no formal accusation against Gregory has yet been made, and the American police had no claims against him. Two days ago, however, Vinnikov himself made himself felt - by contacting Gennady Katsov, the editor-in-chief of the project, he explained his disappearance and told his future plans. As it turned out, Gregory's business is going through hard times; according to Vinnikov himself, extremely serious financial difficulties forced him to flee the States. Grigory made it clear that he is now actively solving the problems facing him - for example, he is going to pay off numerous creditors (including unwitting ones) by selling his apartment. It is difficult to say at the moment how true these statements are.
