Summary of the tour for the first time in a museum for children. Excursions for preschoolers to the local history museum



"SCHOOL No. 814"


Summary of consultations for educators and parents

Subject: " Excursion to the museum with children of preschool age"

Educator: Dudnikova N.V.

Moscow 2015

Consultation for educators and parents "Excursion to the museum with children of preschool age"

Preschool age is the most important period of personality formation, favorable for the formation of high moral feelings and civic qualities, which include a sense of patriotism. What we lay in the soul of a child now will manifest itself later, will become his life and ours. The basic stage in the formation of love for the motherland in children should be considered the accumulation of social experience of life in their region, the assimilation of accepted norms of behavior, relationships, familiarization with the world of culture. It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and affection for the natural and cultural values ​​of their native land, since it is on this basis that patriotism is brought up.

One of the forms of work with children on the formation of love for their native land is excursions to the museum.

All types of excursions develop the attention of preschoolers, because. their mental activity is directed and focused on some specific object or phenomenon. They can give the younger generation the opportunity to improve their intellectual level, develop observation, the ability to perceive the beauty of the world, i.e. contribute to the multilateral development of the individual.

Excursions for preschoolers, as one of the ways to organize direct educational activities with children, are not practiced so often now. First of all, this is due to the difficulties of organizing such work. However, we must understand that excursion activities are the best way to acquaint children with the objects and phenomena of nature, with the peculiarities of the organization of human life in a natural setting ...

Excursions to museums help to take a fresh look at the world. Acquaintance with the exhibits of museums helps to introduce children to the beautiful.

Finding themselves in an unusual solemn atmosphere, little sightseers begin to understand that you can learn and see a lot of interesting things not only while sitting at the TV, computer or reading a book, but also looking at sculptures, paintings, talking with the guide.

Target : creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of pupils.


Form an idea about the museum; expand and deepen the knowledge of pupils about the history of their native land;

Develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct a comparative analysis;

To cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the inhabitants of the region or city

Visiting a museum with preschoolers is not an easy task, requiring thoughtful preparation and clear organization.

To make the excursions interesting and productive, you need:

Establish contact with the tour desk or museum administration ( a representative of the museum may recommend contacting a guide who works with children of preschool age: he knows how to simply, but at the same time entertainingly and excitingly tell the kids about many of the museum's exhibits and about the museum itself).

Carry out work with parents (notify parents about going to the museum, tell the topic of the excursion, invite them to visit the museum with their children).

Prepare children for visiting the museum.

Give an idea of ​​what a museum is. Conduct discussions on the topic “Why do we need museums”.

Which one of you has been to the museum? What does the word "museum" mean?

(The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.)

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums are there?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

(Local history is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements.)

Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in the museum

The rules of behavior in a museum are not much different from the rules in other places of culture - at exhibitions, in a theater or a library. However, even here there are significant features. -Do not make noise, do not run around the halls, do not push visitors, do not touch exhibits - everyone knows these rules, but the norms of behavior in the museum are not limited to them. All the museums of the world open their doors to visitors in the hope that in return they will receive respect and admiration for the treasures of the nation.

A visit to a museum is always a small holiday. The visitor enters this cultural institution in a special state of mind and soul, anticipating a meeting with beautiful and eternal art, wishing to receive inspiration and delight.

- Therefore, from the very first step in the museum, you need to hand over all outerwear and bulky things to the wardrobe.

The task is specific - to get as much information about the exhibits as possible or to see the paintings and sculptures dearest to the heart.

After visiting the museum, the children who were on the excursion tell their friends about this event and share their impressions.

Synopsis of the excursion to the Pushkin Museum of Local Lore

for children 6 - 7 years old

Target: to give knowledge that the museum of local lore is the custodian of authentic monuments; material and spiritual culture of our city. To cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, love for it, the desire to preserve and increase its history.



To acquaint children with the life of the indigenous peoples inhabiting our city;

To form an idea about the local history museum.


Develop logical thinking, curiosity.


To cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the inhabitants of the city.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech, cognitive, social and communicative development.

Vocabulary work:

Dictionary activation: merchants.

Vocabulary Enrichment: exhibits, exposition.

preliminary work:

Reviewing the album "The Land in which we live";

A conversation about the value of a museum;

The teacher's story about the merchants of Cherdyn, about what contribution they made to our city.

Conduct form: excursion.

Tour object: museum exhibits.

The course of the tour.

Educator: Children, tell me, where did we come to? That's right, we came on an excursion to the local history museum named after A.S. Pushkin. Here exhibits are collected - real objects that existed in those distant times.

caregiver: But before we enter the building, let's remember the rules of behavior in the museum (children's answers)

Educator: You're right, you can't talk loudly in the museum. And, of course, you can not touch anything with your hands.

The teacher and children go into the building, undress in the lobby

Educator: The museum was founded in the year of celebration of the centennial anniversary of the birth of the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1899. The museum has one of the oldest and most interesting museum expositions in the Perm region, i.е. exhibitions on specific topics. It tells about the history of Cherdyn and the peoples who inhabited these lands.

Educator: Today, more than 120 thousand of the most valuable exhibits have been collected in the halls and storages. The most valuable collections of materials about ancient settlements are stored here. The museum contains materials about the urban life of the past centuries, merchant dynasties. Do you know who these merchants are? (children's guesses). True, merchants were called those people who were engaged in trade. What are the most famous merchants of our city do you know? (children's answers). You are right, such dynasties of merchants as Alins, Uglitskys, Rzhevins, Lunegovs, Chernykhs, Gusevs, Nadymovs, Remyannikovs made a great contribution to our city.

Educator: Here, in the museum, some of the first receipts of the museum are exhibited. They are in front of you. These are stuffed rare animals - albino foxes and squirrels from the collection of the merchant N.P. Alina; Nile crocodile, sent by the teacher V. G. Bortnovsky in 1914 from Odessa, along with two ostrich eggs and a coconut. Attracts attention with its size and quartz crystal (rock crystal). You can look around.

All-Russian competition of pedagogical skills "Methodical piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 78"

Engels municipal district of the Saratov region

Summary of the excursion


educator of higher

Gubanova Svetlana Vasilievna

Age group senior (5-6 years)

Subject: " Local Lore Museum»

Target: introduce children to the history of the local history museum

Course of the tour:

1 introductory part (motivation)

Guys, where do you think you can store old things?

Right in the museum. Which one of you has been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

There are many different museums in the world.

What types of museums do you know?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

Local lore is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements. Today we will make an excursion to the local history museum.

Before we go to the museum, let's remember the rules of behavior in the museum. (We must be quiet in the museum, because other sightseers come there, and we must not interfere with them. You cannot touch anything in the museum with your hands without the permission of the museum staff). We know the rules of conduct and can begin our acquaintance with the museum.

Main part

Today we will get acquainted not only with the history of the founding of the local history museum, but also with the history of the founding of our city.

An official decision was made to establish the Central Museum of the Republic of Volga Germans. In the first years, an interesting collection of clothes, household items of the German and Ukrainian population of the republic, old manuscripts on the history of foreign colonies, materials on ethnography and archeology were collected. Intensive research activities were carried out. After the liquidation of the Volga German Republic, the museum was closed. Most of its exhibits were distributed to various organizations for storage and, of course, irretrievably lost.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the museum was revived, but already in the status of a city museum of local lore. However, to fully return to the classical museum work and the full-fledged construction of a museum of historical profile, as it was before. It became possible only in our years. When the museum moved to a new beautiful rebuilt building.

Today, the Engels Museum of Local Lore is one of the most prominent and sought-after cultural institutions in the city of Engels. It is located in the very center of the city on the banks of the Volga near the city square, the park and the embankment, which makes visiting the museum attractive for visitors.

The guide introduced us to the "History of the Pokrovskaya Sloboda".

You all know very well that our city is called Engels. And earlier, a long time ago, when your grandparents were gone, Pokrovskaya Sloboda was formed on the site of the existing city. The settlement was founded on the left bank of the Volga, opposite Saratov.

This concludes our tour. Summarizing.

  • In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)
  • Who took us to the museum? (guide)
  • What did the tour guide say?

Guys, what do you like most about music?

Alla Sarsania
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Excursion to the museum"

Abstract GCD for Cognitive Development

V preparatory group« Excursion to the museum» .

Prepared by the teacher

Sarsania A. E.


Get to know the concept « museum» and his purpose.


Familiarize yourself with the interior design and purpose of the premises museum. Continue to form an interest in the history and culture of your people, the people of your native city. Demonstrate basic skills in using the map.

Refine knowledge museum terms, develop monologue speech, the ability to prove and draw conclusions, introduce children to the rules of behavior in museum.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia, to form patriotic feelings and feelings of citizenship.

Integration of educational regions:

Cognitive development, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic.

Material and equipment:

Title cards museums(ethnographic, local lore…, map, photographs of children in museums, presentation "We go to museum» , materials and exhibits mini- group museum"Bells", video film about the art gallery, images of national costumes.

Dictionary work:

museum, exhibit, excursion, guide, sightseers, map.

preliminary work:

Cooperative activity:

Museum tours Petrodvorets district and Strelna;

Guided tour of the Kindergarten Museum: V group"Grasshoppers";

Looking at photos after visiting museums;

Watching videos;

Visual activity "I was in museum";

Reading fiction and children's encyclopedias;

Memorizing poems about your hometown;

Acquaintance with national costumes and life of the peoples of Russia.

Interaction with family:

Excursions in the museum of the city with the whole family

Conversation "Why are we going to museum?" (questions: What's happened museum? What is there to be? Who works there? (professions) What is their job? What are they doing? Who goes there? Why should you go there? etc.);

Examination of old things at home and a story about how they appeared at home;

Involvement of parents in replenishment museum exhibits.

Lesson progress:

Guys, you and I live in the city of St. Petersburg - this is our small Motherland, but do you love your Motherland?

What does it mean to love your country?

(Children's answers: love your family, your home, protect and protect everything that surrounds us, know the history of your people and your land).

Would you like to look into the past and see how our ancestors lived on our land many, many years ago? Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a time machine,

Do you know how to return to the past?


Today is a special day for us

I invite you friends

Are you ready to go with me?

I invite you to a wonderful world!

I suggest watching the presentation "We go to museum» .


guess a riddle:

Us tour guide said:

Come into this room.

We looked at the mummy, saw the exhibits.

Even the mammoth lies here, his eye closed as if he were sleeping...

Do you want to see too?

Do not be shy, go quickly to a wonderful (museum) .

Slide 2:

Museum - collects, studies, stores and displays objects (history and culture).

Slide 3:

IN museums you can learn a lot, see a lot of new and interesting things (Russian museum) .

Slide 4: The very first in the world museum founded by Ptolemy.

And we have the first in Russia the museum was created by Tsar Peter-1(Kunstkamera or cabinet of curiosities).

Slide 5-6:

And this is the largest Alexander Library in the world.

There were statues, paintings and other works of art. They were dedicated to the gods.


In the 18th century, the first public museums with spectators.


Currently, there are a variety of museums:

local history museum talks about the history and culture of his region.

Artistic museums- keeps collections of works of painting, sculpture, jewelry art.

Museums- nature reserves preserve for us the nature, the architecture of memorable places.

There are also palace and park museums, historical, theatrical, musical.

Slide 9:

And museums dedicated to certain topics:

-"Universe Water"- water museum, « Cat Museum» , « Puppet Museum» , « Lego Museum» , « Weapons museum» and many others.


There are even museums Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga.

Guys, what do you think museum to people?

(Children's statements).


- Museum is useful!

- Museum is interesting!

Dynamic pause "In zoo":

Children imitate habits animals:

Yesterday was a very hot day

We walked in the zoo.

We saw animals and birds

And deer and foxes.

We learned that the bear

They call him Uncle Fedya.

We fed ducks in the pond,

Bought a bunch of balloons.

They drank juice, hiding in the shade.

You will remember this day.

Search situation "In which museums would you place these items?"

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the table set napkin:

Guys, under this napkin are things that can tell us a lot. What do you think is there?

Didactic game "Yes-no":

The teacher invites the children to guess what is on the napkin with the help of leading questions.

All these things can be summed up in one word - museum exhibits and they must be (V museum) .

In which museum you put them?

Problem situation:

The teacher invites the children to reason in what museum exhibits can be identified.

Didactic game "Place correctly":

The teacher offers the children to lay out the exhibits on different tables and name which museums they may belong.

Working with the map:

The teacher suggests using the city map to determine the location of these museums. He asks what else museums kids know(children's answers).

Work with a photo exhibition:

The teacher offers to look at the photos museums where the children have been before. Asks you to remember the names of these museums name the most memorable exhibit.

situational conversation:

What to remember when visiting museum?

(Children conduct a situational conversation and develop rules of behavior for themselves).

Rules of conduct in museum:

IN museum do not speak loudly so as not to disturb other visitors and tour guide to guide.

Listen attentively tour guide and do not interrupt him.

Can't touch with hands museum exhibits.

You can't make noise, run around museum talking on the phone.

If you want to take pictures, ask permission.

Our kindergarten also has its own mini- museums and some of them we have already visited.

(Children remember the name group museum"Grasshoppers", discuss what they saw, what they liked and what they remember the most).

Game situation "We are in museum of our group":

Guys, we have the group also has a mini-museum? What is it called? ( "Merry Call".)

Let's remember why our the museum is called, about exhibits museum. (Children's stories about their exhibits).


Guys, today in our museum there is another exhibit. This exhibit for our mini the museum was handed over by the guys of the group"Grasshoppers". Let's hear how it sounds (melodic, gentle). And now I propose to remember the melodies of your bells, let's arrange an orchestra. (Children choose their own bells and play along with the sounding melody).

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech and artistic - aesthetic development.


  • familiarization with the origins of the spiritual culture of the Russian people;
  • acquaintance with the history of the origin of the doll, evoke an emotional response;
  • careful attitude to the surrounding objective world, the desire to make a toy with your own hands.

1st part. introductory

Educator. Guys, have you ever been to a museum? How can you explain the word "museum"?

The museum is a collection of rare and wonderful items. Would you like to go on an amazing journey together and learn a lot of interesting things about the origin of, probably, the most favorite children's toy?

2nd part. Informational(Goes into the museum.)

Guide. Guys, I think you have a lot of toys at home. Do you have dolls? Would you like to know how the very first dolls appeared, and what they were like?

The doll is the first among toys. It has been known since ancient times, remaining forever young. She is not affected by time, she still finds her way to the hearts of children and adults.

Everywhere where a person settles and lives, from the harsh snowy Arctic expanses to the hot, waterless sands of the desert, the doll is his constant companion. It is simple, but in this simplicity lies a great mystery.

The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. The very first dolls were made from pieces of cloth - shreds. Making these dolls does not require sewing with a needle, so they can be made even with very young children. So it was in ancient times - the kids played with patchwork toys: dolls, bunnies and even horses. Mom will sit down in the evening, or maybe a grandmother with a little girl and make a doll - the details are not sewn, but tied with threads. Fearing that an evil spirit would move into the doll, no faces were marked on it, thus protecting the child from evil forces. The custom of not painting the face of a doll was preserved for a long time among many peoples, and was common in ancient times in Rus'.

3rd part. problematic

Educator. Guys, what do you think it takes to make such a doll?

Children. White fabric for the face, patches of colored fabric for a scarf and sundress, multi-colored threads, ribbons and ribbons.

Educator. Are all the dolls made in the same way, because they are so different? Indeed, there are many ways to make dolls. And the dolls are called in their own way. Would you like to learn more about them and learn how to make such dolls?

4th part. Stimulating children's questions

Children walk through the exhibition hall, examine the presented exhibits and ask questions to the guide about the names of dolls and the technique of their manufacture.

Techniques for making dolls are very diverse. A doll - a kuvadka and lovebirds are made from only shreds tied with a thread, a Vezha doll consists of three "balls" - lumps of wool wrapped in a rag, and at the base of various columns - a column twisted from fabric. If you dress up two sticks connected crosswise, you get a doll - a cross, if a bag of grain is a grain.

The guide draws the attention of the children to the doll in the hut on chicken legs and offers to close their eyes.

Music sounds. Baba Yaga appears and invites children to solve riddles about forest dwellers:

What kind of forest animal

Got up like a post under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass

Ears above the head? (Hare.)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself.

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog.)

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel.)

Look at what -

Everything burns like gold

Walks in an expensive fur coat.

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox.)

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

water masters

Building a house without an ax

House of brushwood and mud,

called a dam. (Beavers.)

Then Baba Yaga offers the game "Who will fly around the Christmas tree faster on a broom", and treats the children with sweets.

Statement of a new problem

Educator. Guys, would you like to make a doll yourself? At home, together with adults, select shreds of fabric, multi-colored threads and ribbons, and then in a group, we will make swaddling dolls. Think about who this doll will be for: for yourself or maybe it will be a gift?

5th part. Symbolization

productive activity. Artistic and manual labor: "Doll - diaper".
