Images of landlords in the poem "Dead Souls" by Gogol. Images of landowners in the poem dead souls Detailed description of landlords in dead souls

In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol created a picture of contemporary Russia, extraordinary in scope and breadth, depicting it in all its grandeur, but at the same time with all its vices. He managed to immerse the reader into the depths of the souls of his heroes with such force that the work has not ceased to make an amazing impression on readers for many years. In the center of the narrative of the poem is feudal Rus', a country in which all the land with its riches, its people belonged to the ruling noble class. The nobility occupied a privileged position and was responsible for the economic and cultural development of the state. Representatives of this estate are landowners, "masters" of life, owners of serf souls.

The gallery of images of landowners is opened by Manilov, whose estate is called the front facade of landlord Russia. At the first meeting, this hero makes a pleasant impression of a cultured, delicate person. But even in this cursory description of the author, one cannot fail to notice the irony. In the appearance of this hero, sugary sweetness clearly appears, as evidenced by the comparison of his eyes with sugar. Further, it becomes clear that an empty soul is hidden under a pleasantly courteous treatment of people. In the image of Manilov, many people are represented, about whom, according to Gogol, one can say: "people are so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan nor in the village of Selifan." They live in the country, have a penchant for refined, ornate turns of speech, because they want to appear enlightened and highly educated people, look at everything with a calm look, and, smoking a pipe, dream of doing something good, for example, building a stone bridge over a pond and starting benches on it. But all their dreams are meaningless and unrealizable. This is also evidenced by the description of the Manilov estate, which is Gogol's most important method of characterizing the landowners: one can judge the character of the owner by the state of the estate. Manilov does not take care of the household: everything “went somehow by itself” with him; and his dreamy inaction is reflected in everything, in the description of the landscape an indefinite, light gray color prevails. Manilov attends social events because other landowners attend them. The same is true in family life and at home. Spouses love to kiss, give toothpick cases, and do not show much concern for landscaping: there is always some drawback in their house, for example, if all the furniture is upholstered in smart fabric, there are sure to be two armchairs covered with canvas.

The character of Manilov is expressed in his speech and in the way he behaves during the deal with Chichikov. When Chichikov suggested that Manilov sell him dead souls, he was taken aback. But, even realizing that the guest’s proposal was clearly contrary to the law, he could not refuse such a most pleasant person, and only set off to think about “won’t this negotiation be inconsistent with civil decrees and further views of Russia?” The author does not hide the irony: a person who does not know how many peasants have died, who does not know how to organize his own economy, shows concern for politics. The surname Manilov corresponds to his character and was formed by the author from the dialect word "manila" - the one who beckons, promises and deceives, a flattering saint.

Another type of landowner appears before us in the image of the Box. Unlike Manilov, she is economic and practical, knows the price of a "penny". The description of her village suggests that she taught everyone to order. The net on the fruit trees and the bonnet on the scarecrow confirm that the mistress's hands reach everything and nothing is wasted in her household. Looking around Korobochka's house, Chichikov notices that the wallpaper in the room is old, the mirrors are old. But with all the individual characteristics, she is distinguished by the same vulgarity and "dead spirit" as Manilov. Selling Chichikov an unusual product, she is afraid to sell too cheap. After bargaining with Korobochka, Chichikov "was covered in sweat, like in a river: everything that was on him, from shirt to stockings, was all wet." The hostess killed him with her clubhead, stupidity, stinginess and desire to delay the sale of unusual goods. “Perhaps merchants will come in large numbers, and I will apply to prices,” she says to Chichikov. She looks at dead souls the same way she looks at lard, hemp or honey, thinking that they may also be needed in the household.

On the high road, in a wooden tavern, I met Chichikov Nozdrev, a “historical man”, whom he met back in the city. And it is in the tavern that one can most often meet such people, who, according to the author, are many in Rus'. Speaking about one hero, the author at the same time gives a description of people like him. The irony of the author lies in the fact that in the first part of the phrase he characterizes the nostrils as "good and faithful comrades", and then adds: "... and for all that, they are very painfully beaten." This type of people is known in Rus' under the name of "broken fellow." From the third time they say “you” to a friend, at fairs they buy everything that comes into their heads: collars, smoking candles, a stallion, a dress for a nanny, tobacco, pistols, etc., thoughtlessly and easily spend money on revelry and card games. games, they like to lie and for no reason to "piss off" a person. The source of his income, like that of other landowners, is the serfs. Such qualities of Nozdryov as impudent lies, boorish attitude towards people, dishonesty, thoughtlessness, are reflected in his fragmentary, quick speech, in the fact that he constantly jumps from one subject to another, in his insulting, abusive, cynical expressions: ”,“ you are a pig for this ”,“ such rubbish ”. He is constantly looking for adventure and does not do housework at all. This is evidenced by the unfinished repairs in the house, empty stalls, a faulty hurdy-gurdy, a lost chaise and the miserable position of his serfs, from whom he knocks out everything that is possible.

Nozdryov gives way to Sobakevich. This hero represents the type of landlords, in whom everything is distinguished by good quality and durability. The character of Sobakevich helps to understand the description of his estate: an awkward house, full-weight and thick logs from which the stable, barn and kitchen are built, dense huts of peasants, portraits in rooms that depict "heroes with thick thighs and unheard-of mustaches", a walnut bureau on ridiculous four legs. In a word, everything looks like its owner, whom the author compares with a "medium-sized bear", emphasizing his animal nature. When describing the image of Sobakevich, the writer widely uses the technique of hyperbolization, it is enough to recall his monstrous appetite. Landlords like Sobakevich are vicious and cruel feudal lords who never miss their advantage. “Sobakevich’s soul seemed to be covered with such a thick shell that everything that tossed and turned at the bottom of it did not produce any shock on the surface,” says the author. His body became incapable of expressing spiritual movements. In bargaining with Chichikov, the main character trait of Sobakevich is revealed - his irrepressible desire for profit.

Completes the gallery of persons with whom Chichikov makes deals, the landowner Plyushkin - "a hole in humanity." Gogol notes that such a phenomenon is rare in Rus', where everything likes to turn around rather than shrink. Acquaintance with this hero is preceded by a landscape, the details of which reveal the soul of the hero. Dilapidated wooden buildings, dark old logs on the huts, roofs resembling a sieve, windows without glass, stuffed with rags, reveal Plyushkin as a bad owner with a dead soul. But the picture of the garden, although dead and deaf, creates a different impression. When describing it, Gogol used more joyful and lighter tones - trees, “a regular marble sparkling column”, “air”, “cleanliness”, “tidiness” ... And through all this, the life of the owner himself peeps, whose soul has faded, like nature in the wilderness this garden.

In Plyushkin's house, too, everything speaks of the spiritual decay of his personality: piled up furniture, a broken chair, a dried lemon, a piece of rag, a toothpick ... And he himself looks like an old housekeeper, only gray eyes, like mice, run from under high eyebrows. Everything dies, rots and collapses around Plyushkin. The story of the transformation of an intelligent person into a “hole in humanity”, which the author introduces us to, leaves an indelible impression. Chichikov quickly finds a common language with Plyushkin. Only one thing worries the "patched" gentleman: how not to incur losses when making a purchase of a fortress.

However, in the chapter devoted to the disclosure of Plyushkin's character, there are many details that have a positive meaning. The chapter begins with a digression about youth; the author tells the story of the hero's life, light colors predominate in the description of the garden; Plyushkin's eyes had not yet faded. On the wooden face of the hero, one can still see a “glimpsed joy” and a “warm beam”. All this suggests that Plyushkin, unlike other landowners, still has the possibility of a moral rebirth. Plyushkin's soul was once pure, which means it can still be reborn. It is no coincidence that the “patched” gentleman completes the gallery of images of “old-world” landowners. The author sought not only to tell about the history of Plyushkin, but also to warn readers that anyone can follow the path of this landowner. Gogol believed in the spiritual rebirth of Plyushkin, just as he believed in the strength of Russia and its people. This is confirmed by numerous lyrical digressions filled with deep lyricism and poetry.

landowner Appearance manor Characteristic Attitude to Chichikov's request
Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are sweet as sugar. But this sugar was too much. In the first minute of a conversation with him you will say what a nice person, after a minute you will not say anything, and in the third minute you will think: “The devil knows what it is!” The master's house stands on a hill, open to all winds. The economy is in complete decline. The housekeeper steals, something is always missing in the house. The kitchen is preparing stupidly. The servants are drunkards. Against the backdrop of all this decline, the gazebo with the name “Temple of Solitary Reflection” looks strange. The Manilovs love to kiss, give each other cute trinkets (a toothpick in a case), but at the same time they absolutely do not care about the improvement of the house. About people like Manilov, Gogol says: "A man is so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan." The man is empty and vulgar. For two years now, a book with a bookmark on page 14 has been in the office, which he constantly reads. Dreams are fruitless. Speech is cloying and sugary (name day of the heart) Surprised. He understands that this request is illegal, but he cannot refuse such a pleasant person. Agrees to give the peasants free. He does not even know how many souls he has died.
box An elderly woman, in a cap, with a flannel around her neck. A small house, the wallpaper in the house is old, the mirrors are old. Nothing is wasted on the farm, this is evidenced by the net on the fruit trees and the cap on the scarecrow. She taught everyone to order. The yard is full of birds, the garden is well maintained. Peasant huts, although built scattered, show the contentment of the inhabitants, they are properly maintained. Korobochka knows everything about her peasants, does not keep any notes and remembers the names of the dead by heart. Economical and practical, knows the price of a penny. Cudgel-headed, stupid, stingy. This is the image of a landowner-accumulator. He wonders why Chichikov is doing this. Afraid to sell cheap. Knows exactly how many peasants died (18 souls). He looks at dead souls in the same way as he looks at bacon or hemp: suddenly they will come in handy in the household.
Nozdryov Fresh, "like blood with milk", full of health. Medium height, well built. At thirty-five, he looks the same as at eighteen. A stable with two horses. The kennel is in excellent condition, where Nozdryov feels like the father of a family. There are no usual things in the office: books, papers. And hanging a saber, two guns, a hurdy-gurdy, pipes, daggers. The lands are unkempt. The economy went by itself, since the main concern of the hero was hunting and fairs - not up to the economy. The repair in the house has not been completed, the stalls are empty, the hurdy-gurdy is out of order, the chaise is lost. The situation of the serfs, from whom he draws everything he can, is deplorable. Gogol calls Nozdryov a "historical" person, because not a single meeting at which Nozdryov appeared was complete without "history". Reputed to be a good friend, but always ready to play a dirty trick on his friend. "Broken fellow", reckless reveler, card player, likes to lie, spends money thoughtlessly. Rudeness, impudent lies, recklessness are reflected in his fragmentary speech. When talking, he constantly jumps from one subject to another, uses abusive expressions: “you are a pig for this”, “such rubbish”. It seemed that it was easiest to get dead souls from him, a reckless reveler, and yet he was the only one who left Chichikov with nothing.
Sobakevich Looks like a bear. Tailcoat bear color. The complexion is red-hot, hot. Big village, awkward house. The stable, barn, kitchen are built from massive logs. The portraits that hang in the rooms depict heroes with "thick thighs and unheard-of mustaches." A walnut bureau on four legs looks ridiculous. The economy of Sobakevich developed according to the principle of "badly tailored, but tightly sewn", solid, strong. And he does not ruin his peasants: his muzhiks live in huts that are wonderfully cut down, in which everything was fitted tightly and properly. He perfectly knows the business and human qualities of his peasants. Fist, rude, clumsy, uncouth, incapable of expressing emotional experiences. An evil, tough serf-owner, he will never miss his advantage. Of all the landowners with whom Chichikov dealt, Sobakevich was the smartest. He immediately understood what dead souls were for, quickly figured out the intentions of the guest and made a deal to his advantage.
Plushkin It was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman. Looks like an old keychain. Gray eyes quickly ran from under the fused eyebrows. Cap on the head. His face is wrinkled like an old man's. The chin protrudes far forward, there were no teeth. On the neck is either a scarf or a stocking. The men call Plyushkin "Patched". Dilapidated buildings, old dark logs on the huts of peasants, holes on the roofs, windows without glass. He walked the streets, and everything that came across, he picked up and dragged into the house. The house is full of furniture and rubbish. The once prosperous economy became unprofitable due to pathological stinginess, brought to waste (hay and bread rotted, flour in the basement turned into stone). Once Plyushkin was just a thrifty owner, he had a family, children. The hero also met with neighbors. The turning point in the transformation of a cultural landowner into a miser was the death of the mistress. Plyushkin, like all widowers, became suspicious and stingy. And it turns, as Gogol says, into "a hole in humanity." The proposal surprised and delighted, because there will be income. He agreed to sell 78 souls for 30 kopecks.
  • Landowner Portrait Characteristic Manor Attitude towards housekeeping Lifestyle Outcome Manilov Handsome blond with blue eyes. At the same time, in his appearance "it seemed too sugar was transferred." Too ingratiating look and behavior Too enthusiastic and refined dreamer who does not feel any curiosity about his household or anything earthly (he does not even know if his peasants died after the last revision). At the same time, his daydreaming is absolutely […]
  • Compositionally, the poem "Dead Souls" consists of three externally closed, but internally interconnected circles. landowners, the city, Chichikov's biography, united by the image of the road, plot-related by the main character's scam. But the middle link - the life of the city - itself consists, as it were, of narrowing circles, gravitating towards the center; this is a graphic representation of the provincial hierarchy. Interestingly, in this hierarchical pyramid, the governor, embroidering on tulle, looks like a puppet figure. True life boils in civilian […]
  • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is one of the most brilliant authors of our vast Motherland. In his works, he always spoke about the sore, about what His Rus' lived in His time. And he does it so well! This man really loved Russia, seeing what our country really is - unhappy, deceitful, lost, but at the same time - dear. Nikolai Vasilievich in the poem "Dead Souls" gives a social profile of the then Rus'. Describes landlordism in all colors, reveals all the nuances, characters. Among […]
  • The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol fell on the dark era of Nicholas I. These were the 30s. XIX century, when in Russia, after the suppression of the uprising of the Decembrists, reaction reigned, all dissidents were persecuted, the best people were persecuted. Describing the reality of his day, N.V. Gogol creates the poem “Dead Souls”, brilliant in depth of reflection of life. The basis of "Dead Souls" is that the book is a reflection not of individual features of reality and characters, but of the reality of Russia as a whole. Myself […]
  • In Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" the way of life and customs of the feudal landowners is very correctly noticed and described. Drawing images of the landlords: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality underwent moral degradation. After writing and publishing the poem, Gogol said: “‘Dead Souls’ made a lot of noise, a lot of murmuring, touched the nerves of many with mockery, and truth, and caricature, touched […]
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of "Dead Souls" was contemporary Russia. The author believed that "it is impossible otherwise to direct society or even the whole generation towards the beautiful, until you show the full depth of its real abomination." That is why the poem presents a satire on the local nobility, bureaucracy and other social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated to this task of the author. The image of Chichikov, traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth, allows N. V. Gogol […]
  • Chichikov, having met the landowners in the city, received an invitation from each of them to visit the estate. The gallery of the owners of "dead souls" is opened by Manilov. The author at the very beginning of the chapter gives a description of this character. His appearance initially made a very pleasant impression, then bewilderment, and in the third minute “... you say:“ The devil knows what it is! and move away…” Sweetness and sentimentality, highlighted in the portrait of Manilov, are the essence of his idle lifestyle. He is constantly talking about […]
  • French traveler, author of the famous book "Russia in 1839" Marquis de Questine wrote: “Russia is ruled by a class of officials who occupy administrative positions right from the school bench ... each of these gentlemen becomes a nobleman, having received a cross in his buttonhole ... Upstarts in the circle of those in power, they use their power, as befits upstarts. " The tsar himself admitted with bewilderment that it was not he, the autocrat of all Russia, who governed his empire, but the clerk appointed by him. The provincial city […]
  • In his famous address to the "bird-troika", Gogol did not forget the master to whom the troika owes its existence: cheeky man." There is one more hero in the poem about swindlers, parasites, owners of living and dead souls. Gogol's unnamed hero is serf slaves. In "Dead Souls" Gogol composed such a dithyramb to the Russian serfs, with such direct […]
  • N.V. Gogol conceived the first part of the poem "Dead Souls" as a work that reveals the social vices of society. In this regard, he was looking for a plot not a simple life fact, but one that would make it possible to expose the hidden phenomena of reality. In this sense, the plot proposed by A. S. Pushkin was the best fit for Gogol. The idea to “travel all over Rus' with the hero” gave the author the opportunity to show the life of the whole country. And since Gogol described it in such a way, “so that all the little things that elude […]
  • In the autumn of 1835, Gogol set to work on Dead Souls, the plot of which, like the plot of The Inspector General, was suggested to him by Pushkin. “I want to show in this novel, although from one side, all of Rus',” he writes to Pushkin. Explaining the idea of ​​"Dead Souls", Gogol wrote that the images of the poem are "not at all portraits of insignificant people, on the contrary, they contain the features of those who consider themselves better than others." Explaining the choice of the hero, the author says: "Because it is time, finally, give rest to a poor virtuous man, because […]
  • It should be noted that the episode of the collision of the crews is divided into two micro-themes. One of them is the appearance of a crowd of onlookers and "helpers" from a neighboring village, the other is Chichikov's thoughts caused by a meeting with a young stranger. Both of these themes have both an external, superficial layer, directly related to the characters of the poem, and a deep layer, bringing to the scale of the author's thoughts about Russia and its people. So, the collision occurs suddenly, when Chichikov silently sends curses to Nozdryov, thinking that […]
  • Chichikov met Nozdryov earlier, at one of the receptions in the city of NN, but the meeting in the tavern is the first serious acquaintance with him for both Chichikov and the reader. We understand what type of people Nozdryov belongs to, first by seeing his behavior in the tavern, his story about the fair, and then by reading the author’s direct description of this “broken fellow”, “historical man”, who has “a passion to spoil his neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all ". We know Chichikov as a completely different person - […]
  • Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is one of the greatest and at the same time mysterious works of the 19th century. The genre definition of "poem", which at that time unambiguously meant a lyric-epic work written in poetic form and predominantly romantic, was perceived by Gogol's contemporaries in different ways. Some found it mocking, while others saw hidden irony in this definition. Shevyrev wrote that “the meaning of the word ‘poem’ seems to us to be twofold… because of the word ‘poem’ a deep, significant […]
  • At the lesson of literature, we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem has become very popular. The work was repeatedly filmed both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters became symbolic: Plyushkin - a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich - an uncouth person, Manilovism - immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases. The main character of the poem is Chichikov. […]
  • What is the image of a literary hero? Chichikov is the hero of a great, classic work created by a genius, a hero who embodied the result of the author's observations and reflections on life, people, and their actions. An image that has absorbed typical features, and therefore has long gone beyond the framework of the work itself. His name has become a household name for people - crafty careerists, sycophants, money-grubbers, outwardly "pretty", "decent and worthy". Moreover, other readers' assessment of Chichikov is not so unambiguous. Comprehension […]
  • Gogol was always attracted by everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with Dante's "Divine Comedy", he decides to create a work in three volumes, where it would be possible to show the past, present and future of Russia. Even the author designates the genre of the work in an unusual way - a poem, since different fragments of life are collected in one artistic whole. The composition of the poem, which is built on the principle of concentric circles, allows Gogol to trace the movement of Chichikov through the provincial town of N, the estates of landowners and all of Russia. Already with […]
  • “A rather beautiful spring chaise drove through the gates of the hotel in the provincial city of NN ... In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but it is not so that he is too young either. His entry made absolutely no noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special. So our hero appears in the city - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Let us, following the author, get acquainted with the city. Everything tells us that this is a typical provincial […]
  • Plyushkin is an image of a moldy cracker left over from the Easter cake. Only he has a life story, Gogol depicts all the other landowners statically. These heroes, as it were, have no past that would at least somehow differ from their present and explain something in it. Plyushkin's character is much more complicated than the characters of other landowners represented in Dead Souls. Features of manic stinginess are combined in Plyushkin with painful suspicion and distrust of people. Saving the old sole, a clay shard, […]
  • The poem "Dead Souls" reflects the social phenomena and conflicts that characterized Russian life in the 30s - early 40s. 19th century It very correctly noticed and described the way of life and customs of that time. Drawing images of the landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the personality underwent moral degradation, regardless of whether it was the personality of a slave owner or [... ]

Show skill N.V. Gogol in the description of the characters of the landlords in the poem "Dead Souls".

  • To form the ability to read, think about the text, find key words, significant details in a literary text, draw conclusions.
  • To cultivate love for Russian literature, interest in studying the work of N.V. Gogol.
  • Decor:

    1. Portraits of Chichikov and landowners.
    2. The text of the poem "Dead Souls".
    3. Presentation “Images of landowners in the poem by N.V. Gogol's Dead Souls. (Annex 1)
    4. Fragments of the video film "Dead Souls". (DVD series “Russian Classics”)


    I. Organizing moment (greeting).

    The message of the topic of the lesson, goal setting.

    II. Introduction by the teacher.

    In the poem Dead Souls, images of landlords, these “masters of life”, who are responsible for its economic and cultural state, for the fate of the people, are drawn close-up.

    What are they, the masters of life? A plan is proposed to analyze the images of the landlords. slide 2

    III. Analysis of the image of Manilov.

    Which of the landowners does Chichikov visit first? slide 3

    When does the first meeting between Chichikov and Manilov take place? View V ideofragment “Chichikov at Manilov”

    Task: using the plan-reminder, tell about Manilov. Performance of the 1st group of students.

    What detail in the description of the hero is predominant?

    What is hidden behind Manilov's smile? How does the author characterize the hero? ?

    A pleasant Manilov smile for everyone is a sign of deep indifference to everything around; such people are not capable of experiencing anger, sorrow, joy.

    With the help of what details does Gogol give a comic coloring to the images of his characters?

    An integral part of Gogol's portrait drawing are poses, clothes, movements, gestures, facial expressions. With their help, the writer enhances the comic coloring of the images, reveals the true essence of the hero. Manilov's gestures testify to mental impotence, the inability to comprehend what goes beyond the limits of his miserable little world.

    What is the distinguishing feature of Manilov?

    His main psychological trait is the desire to please everyone and always.

    Manilov is a calm observer of everything that happens; bribe-takers, thieves, embezzlers of public funds - all the most respectable people for him. Manilov is an indefinite person, there are no living human desires in him. This is a dead soul, a “so-so, neither this nor that” person.

    Conclusion. slide 4

    Instead of a real feeling, Manilov has a “pleasant smile”, sugary courtesy and a sensitive phrase; instead of thought - some kind of incoherent, stupid reflections, instead of activity - either empty dreams, or such results of "labor", as "hills of ash knocked out of a pipe, placed not without diligence in very beautiful rows."

    IV. Analysis of the image of the Box.

    Give a brief summary of Chapter 3.

    What can you learn about Korobochka's main character trait from a direct author's description?

    Gogol does not hide the irony regarding her mental abilities: she thought, opened her mouth, looked almost with fear. “Well, the woman seems to be strong-browed!”

    The essence of Korobochka's character is especially visible through the dialogic speech of the characters. The dialogue between Korobochka and Chichikov is a masterpiece of comedy art. This conversation can be called a dialogue of the deaf.

    Watching the video fragment “Dialogue between Korobochka and Chichikov”

    What character traits of Korobochka came to light in the bargaining scene?

    She was not embarrassed by the trade in dead souls, she is ready to trade in the dead, only she is afraid to sell too cheap. It is characterized by tedious slowness and caution. She went to the city to find out how much "dead souls" are being sold these days.

    What is the position of the peasants near Korobochka?

    The village is a source of honey, bacon, hemp, which Korobochka sells. She also trades with peasants.

    Draw a conclusion about the meaning of housekeeping Boxes .

    It turns out that landlord thrift can have the same vile, inhuman meaning as mismanagement.

    What made the Box like this?

    Traditions in the conditions of patriarchal life suppressed Korobochka's personality, stopped her intellectual development at a very low level; all aspects of life not connected with hoarding remained inaccessible to her.

    Task: using the plan-reminder, tell about the Box. Performance of the 2nd group of students

    Conclusion : slide 6

    The "Cudgel-Headed" Box is the embodiment of those traditions that have developed among provincial small landowners who are engaged in subsistence farming.

    She is a representative of the outgoing, dying Russia, and there is no life in her, since she is turned not to the future, but to the past.

    V. Analysis of the image of Nozdryov.

    It consists of separate fragments that tell about the habits of the hero, episodes from his life, manners and behavior in society. Each of these sketches is a concise story that reveals one or another trait of his character: drunken revelry, a passion for changing everything, an addiction to playing cards, empty vulgar talk, sheer lies.

    How is Nozdryov's desire to lie revealed?

    Turkish daggers are shown in Nozdryov's office, one of which was carved: master Savely Sibiryakov.

    What is the character's speech ?

    Swearing speech: fetyuk, piggy, scoundrel, rubbish. And this reveals not only a personal, but also a social trait. He is sure that he is allowed to offend and deceive with impunity - after all, he is a landowner, a nobleman, the master of life.

    What are the life goals of Nozdrev ?

    Profit is not dear to Nozdryov: this tavern hero is in no way suitable for the role of an acquirer. He is possessed by a thirst for pleasures - those that are available to his dirty soul. And Nozdryov harms his neighbor with pleasure, without any malicious intentions, even good-naturedly, since his neighbor is only a means or source of pleasure for him. Pleasure denied or it did not take place: “fetyuk”, “scoundrel”, “rubbish”

    Assignment: using the plan-memo, tell about Nozdryov Presentation of the 3rd group of students

    Conclusion. Slide 8

    In general, Nozdryov is an unpleasant person, since he completely lacks the concepts of honor, conscience, and human dignity.

    Nozdryov's energy turned into a scandalous fuss, aimless and destructive.

    VI. Analysis of Sobakevich's image.

    What details-things does Gogol use when characterizing Sobakevich ?

    Description of the manor house: “…a wooden house with a mezzanine was seen…”…In a word, everything he looked at was stubbornly, without shaking, in some kind of strong and clumsy order.

    The Greek heroes in the pictures in his living room were sturdy, with thick sunbeds unheard of mustache.

    Is there a difference in the characterization of Sobakevich in the 1st and 5th chapters?

    In the 1st chapter, Sobakevich is characterized as a person "clumsy in appearance." This quality is emphasized and deepened in chapter 5: he is like "a medium-sized bear." The author persistently plays with the word “bear”: a bear-colored tailcoat, his name was Mikhail Semyonovich.

    What strikes in the portrait of Sobakevich?

    In the portrait, first of all, the complexion is striking: “..stone, hot, which happens on a copper penny”;

    “It is known that there are many such persons in the world, over the decoration of which nature did not think long, did not use any small tools, such as files, gimlets and other things, but simply chopped from the whole shoulder: she grabbed with an ax once - her nose came out, she had enough in the other - her lips came out, she poked her eyes with a large drill ... "

    “Chichikov glanced sideways at him once more as they passed into the dining room: a bear! Perfect bear!”

    Why is Chichikov careful in his conversation with Sobakevich: he did not call the souls dead, but only non-existent?

    Sobakevich immediately “felt” that the proposed deal was a scam. But he didn't even blink.

    “Do you need dead souls? Sobakevich asked very simply, without the slightest surprise, as if they were talking about bread.

    Assignment: using the memo plan, tell about SobakevichSpeech of the 4th group of students

    Chichikov is right when he thinks that Sobakevich would have remained a kulak even in St. Petersburg, although he was brought up in fashion. Yes, it would have turned out even worse: “if he tried a little the tops of some science, he would let you know later, taking a more visible place. To all those who actually learned some kind of science.

    Sobakevich, like Korobochka, is smart and practical in a businesslike way: they do not ruin the peasants, because it is unprofitable for them. They know that in this world everything is bought and sold.

    VII. Analysis of the image of Plushkin.

    The theme of moral decline, the spiritual death of the "masters of life" ends with a chapter dedicated to Plyushkin.

    Plyushkin is the last portrait in the gallery of landowners. Before us is the complete collapse of the human in man.

    How and why a hard-working owner turned into a “hole in humanity” ?

    Why does the chapter on Plyushkin begin with a digression about youth?

    Why Gogol details the story of Plyushkin's life ?

    Gogol refers to the past of the hero, since the moral ugliness is the same as that of other landlords: soul ownership, which gives rise to soullessness, loss of ideas about the meaning of life, about moral duty, about responsibility for everything that happens around. The tragedy of Plyushkin is that he lost touch with people. He sees in everyone, even in his own children and grandchildren, enemies who are ready to plunder good.

    The image of Plyushkin is the embodiment of extreme dilapidation and moldiness, and in the description of objects associated with him, Gogol reflected these qualities.

    Find in the text the artistic means by which the author reveals the essence of the image of Plyushkin .

    Dilapidation on all the buildings, the log on the huts was dark and old, the roofs pierced through like a sieve, the fence was broken ...

    Assignment: using the memo plan, tell about Plyushkin. Performance of the 5th group of students

    Conclusion. slide 12

    Mold, dust, rot, death just wafts from the Plyushkin estate. Other details also chill the heart: the old man did not give a penny to either his daughter or his son.

    So, for what purpose is the image of Plyushkin displayed in the poem ?

    Consistently, from hero to hero, Gogol exposes the worthless life of the landowners.

    The images of the landlords are given in proportion to their spiritual impoverishment and moral decline.

    It is shown how the disintegration of the human personality gradually took place.

    Once Plyushkin was only a thrifty owner. The thirst for enrichment turned him into a miser, isolated him from society.

    In his image, one of the varieties of spiritual death is revealed. Plyushkin's image is typical.

    Gogol exclaimed bitterly: “And a person could descend to such insignificance, pettiness, vileness! Could have changed! And does it look like it's true? Everything looks like the truth, everything can happen to a person.

    VIII. Similarities between Chichikov and the landowners.

    The landowner, his distinguishing feature

    How does this trait manifest itself in Chichikov

    Manilov - sweetness, cloying, uncertainty All residents of the city recognized Chichikov as a pleasant man in every way.
    Box - petty stinginess Everything in the box is laid out with the same diligent pedantry as in Nastasya Petrovna's chest of drawers.
    Nozdryov - narcissism Desire and ability to please everyone
    Sobakevich - rude stinginess and cynicism No “…no straightforwardness, no sincerity! Perfect Sobakevich”
    Plushkin - collecting unnecessary things and storing them carefully During the inspection of the city, he tore off the poster, read it, folded it and put it in a chest

    The character of Chichikov is multifaceted, the hero turns out to be a mirror of the landowner he meets, because he has the same qualities that form the basis of the characters of the landowners.

    IX. Crossword . Slides 15 to 24

    X. Summing up.

    XI. Homework.

    1. Fill in the table according to the plan:

    • brief description of the landowner;
    • description of the estate of the landowner;
    • description of a joint meal;
    • how the landowners react to Chichikov's proposal;
    • further actions of the landowners.

    2. Write an essay - a miniature “Why did Chichikov visit the landowners in such a sequence?”

    The so-called gallery of landowners Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol begins with the landowner Manilov. It is to him that the main character goes in the first place. The reader immediately notes the pretentiousness of manners and sugary speech of this man, although outwardly he is quite attractive. The meaning of Manilov's whole life is fantastic dreams. He likes to lie on the sofa or sit in a rickety gazebo, dreaming of an underground passage. He does not care at all about the peasants, who suffer from the carelessness of this landowner. Manilov is a flatterer, in his words everyone in the city is "most amiable." As it turned out, the image of Manilov is so typical of that time that the concept of Manilovism arose.

    Korobochka appears next in the gallery before the reader. Her life is an eternal accumulation. She is stingy and even stupid, since Chichikov has to spend both time and nerves to get her to sell the dead peasants. This image also turned out to be typical for Russian landowners of those times.

    Nozdryov - an avid gambler and drunkard, brawler and reveler - calls himself a friend of Chichikov. Hot-tempered, boastful, this landowner is disorderly in character, which even reflects his dwelling. Some kind of chaos is going on in the house, the owner himself keeps a real wolf cub, and a goat in the stable. Nozdryov at first refuses to sell peasants to Chichikov, and then plays checkers with him for dead souls. Of course, it is not complete without fraud on the part of the owner. Chichikov, who is indignant at this, is saved from reprisal by Nozdryov only by the visit of the police captain.

    Sobakevich appears to readers as a huge, clumsy landowner, rude and uncouth. The drive is also visible in it, as in the Box. He speaks extremely unflatteringly about the townspeople, but praises his peasants. He is surprisingly calm about Chichikov's request to buy peasants from him. Sobakevich himself is shown as a kind of ruler over the peasants.

    The last landowner is Plyushkin. If in the person of Manilov the reader sees the process of an idle life, then Plyushkin is its result. This landowner is extremely rich, he has more than a thousand souls, but he lives in a dilapidated dwelling, dressed like a beggar. In his soul, he is also a hoarder, and this trait led him to the loss of a real perception of things. He is ready to save (and thereby spoil) the products, just not to waste them. And the reader, studying the description of his dirty room, sees the spiritual death of a person in front of him - something that the rest of the landowners are slowly but surely moving towards.

    Images of landlords in the poem Dead Souls

    Gogol, this excellent writer, very well described and showed the whole real essence of all rich people, mostly landowners. This is especially pronounced in his poem Dead Souls. It is in this work of Gogol that it is clearly seen what people are just not capable of, for the sake of easy wealth. The landlords at that time of the nineteenth century in Russia played a very important role in the life of the peasants and society in general. How many people have suffered because of the unimportant whims of these, oddly enough, illiterate people.

    The landlords in Gogol's poem are shown with all the nakedness of their morals - real, not hypocritical. Landlords are people who profited from ordinary and poor people for their own benefit. For the peasants, it was like slavery, because they received neither money nor land, only kicks and reproaches, if not worse. The landlords were the head of the fortress, so they become even worse from this.

    Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" shows how one landowner decided to make his wealth even greater, and therefore began to use even dead people, or rather, their name and age, supposedly they actually exist, and are in his fortress, then is in the service of his estate. None of the auditors, and in general, could have known whether those people were alive or not - but on the other hand, the landowner received incredible benefits for this.

    Gogol shows how insignificant people can be, and it does not matter whether they are landowners or not. In this work, the landowners decided to cash in even on the dead souls of people who had already left this world. But even they were not left alone, even here they decided to draw some benefit for themselves.

    That is why Gogol could not sleep peacefully until he showed the real essence of all landowners, who are not real rich people, but those who profit from everything they can.

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    A short essay-reasoning on the theme of Artistic Rus' in the poem "Dead Souls", the image of Russia, "Russia of Dead Souls", images of landowners and officials

    The poem "Dead Souls" is one of the most significant works of Russian literature. Gogol masterfully reflected the problems of Russia, its vices and shortcomings. He singled out the types of people who are unique in their completeness and have a special national flavor. The writer's goal was to "illuminate a picture taken from a despicable life", and he coped with it. Therefore, Russia, the birthplace of dead souls, became the most vivid and realistic image in the work.

    The author decided to show the degradation of Russia on the example of the nobility - the main supporting class of the state. Even if the nobles are dead souls, what can we say about the other, lower strata of society, who look to the courtiers and landowners as an example to follow? The description of the vices of the "best people of the fatherland" the writer begins with the hypocritical and lazy dreamer Manilov. This inactive person "sits out" his fortune and does not justify his privileged position. Such people can only talk, but they are not going to do anything for the good of their homeland, so they only take from Russia, but do not give anything in return.

    After Manilov, Gogol presents us with a thrifty Korobochka. It would seem, what is the vice? A woman runs the household, she works for the envy of everyone. However, a very strong vice is obvious in it - greed. Profit has become for her the only meaning of life. For the sake of profit or out of greed, she leaves more than one peasant to death, therefore her activity is worse than Manilov's inactivity. She also kills the future of Russia, because Korobochki are desperate enemies of progress.

    The ruined Nozdryov is the antithesis of Korobochka. This man has undermined the confidence in his class, because he has sunk to an extreme degree of dishonor. He wanders in the status of "a guest worse than a Tatar" and is forced to live at the mercy of other nobles. He squandered the property of his ancestors, left his descendants poor and disgraced. It is precisely because of such frivolous and vicious people that Russia gradually became merchant rather than noble. The privileged class began to humiliate themselves before uneducated and greedy merchants.

    Then the author depicted the type of economic landowner Sobakevich. However, he did not become positive. He turned out to be so narrow-minded and limited that after meeting his club-headed person, it became clear: with such people, Russia will not go forward and will not become better. They look into the past and are ready to stay in it forever.

    The gallery of images of landlords in the poem “Dead Souls” is closed by the miser Plyushkin (), who embodies the extreme degradation of a human being: “A person could descend to such insignificance, pettiness, filth!” - the author writes. Gogol. The landowner ruined all the wealth he had earned, drove away the children and starved the peasants to death and poverty. With such people, Russia is in danger of falling into the abyss.

    In the poem, Gogol also reveals the vices of the city, as well as the bureaucratic class, which represents the state and, in this case, denigrates it. The county officials of city N thought only about how to fill their pockets and deceive the townspeople. All of them are connected by a single criminal network that encircled the city. Patriotism is alien to them, like other moral concepts. Depicting this, the author does not mean one city, he means the whole of autocratic Russia.

    The new type of person that Chichikov () represents in the poem is hardly better than the old ones. As a ruined nobleman, he is forced to make a living by fraud. “The fairest thing,” writes Gogol, “is to name its owner-purchaser.” Chichikov's life credo is to save a penny. Therefore, the hero earns in all possible ways, not disdaining crime. Gogol just as mercilessly ridicules the vices of this new type in order to prove that Russia is not on the same path with him.

    Thus, Gogol described the gallery of images of the landlords, revealing the burning problems of the country. Thus, the image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls" was formed from the fragments, a long-suffering and deep image that needs to be changed. And all the author hopes for a good future. The extraordinary potential of the Russian is manifested in the images of the “efficient Yaroslavl peasant”, the heroic carpenter Stepan Cork, the miracle shoemaker Makeich Telyatin, and the coachman Mezheev. The love of freedom of the people, their spiritual wealth, "lively and lively" mind give Gogol incentives to believe in his country and love it no matter what. Therefore, he compares Rus' with a flying "unbeatable troika", which is shunned by "other peoples and states."

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