Regulations on holding the city theater festival-competition “Theatrical Olympus. VI federal festival "Theatrical Olympus" (position-concept) Theater Olympus

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation approves the procedure for organizing and conducting City theater festival-competition "Theatrical Olympus - 2018"(hereinafter referred to as the Festival-competition).

1.2. The festival-competition among creative associations of students of educational organizations of the city of Moscow in the 2017-2018 academic year is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, one of the greatest classics of Russian literature of the 19th century, and the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, prose writer and playwright of the 20th century Alexei Maksimovich Gorky.

The festival-competition is held on the following topics:

- "The bright, healthy and creative victoriously sprouts" (M. Gorky) - "People and events in the history of the Russian State";

- "Performance based on the works of Russian or foreign authors";

- "On the stage of the musical theater."

1.3. General management and holding of the Festival-Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee.

2. Goals and objectives of the Festival-Competition

2.1.Goals: promoting the development of creative abilities of children and adolescents; the formation of spiritual culture in children and a careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage of their people by means of theatrical art.


Development of the creative potential of students in theatrical groups of educational organizations of the city;

Promoting patriotic, artistic, aesthetic and moral education of children and youth;

Preservation and development of cultural potential, familiarizing students with theatrical art;

Creation of a unified aesthetically organized environment of the city.

3. Participants of the Festival-competition

3.1. Participants of the Festival-competition are students - members of theatrical groups of educational organizations, institutions of additional education and institutions of vocational education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow at the age of 7 to 18 years.

– junior group (students of grades 1–4);

– middle group (students of 5–8 grades);

– senior group (students of 9-11 grades).

4. Dates and procedure for holding the Festival-Competition

4.1. Festival-competition is held October 2017 to April 2018:

Stage I: October 2017 - January 2018;

Stage II: February-March 2018;

Stage III: March-April 2018.

4.2.I stage. It is held in educational organizations, provides for viewing theatrical performances and selection of the best for the II stage of the Festival-Competition.

To participate in the II stage of the Festival-competition, educational organizations need to from December 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018 register an application on the website of the City Methodological Center - "Theatrical Olympus - 2018". When registering an application, it is necessary to place a link to a full-length video recording of the theatrical performance, uploaded to the YouTube video server in private access. The head of the theater group is responsible for the accuracy of the information in the personal account.

Registration of an application for participation in the Festival-Competition is a confirmation of the full and unconditional acceptance of these Regulations.

By participating in the competition, teachers agree to the processing of personal data.

4.3. II stage. The jury of the II stage of the Festival-competition sums up the results taking into account the evaluation criteria specified in clause 4.4 of this Regulation. Until March 10, 2018 determines the 4 best performances and provides materials for the III stage of the Festival-competition.

4.4. Evaluation of the performances of creative teams is carried out according to the following criteria:

director's work;

Musical arrangement of the performance;

The plastic solution of the performance;

Word work;

acting ensemble;

Scenery and costumes;

Compliance of the selected repertoire with the age of the performers.

4.5. The determination of laureates and diploma winners of the II stage of the Festival-competition is carried out on the basis of the points given in each age group and genre affiliation based on the results of the work of the Jury:

Laureate - from 50 to 70 points;

Diploma winner - from 31 to 49 points;

Participant - less than 30 points.

4.6. The awarding of creative teams - participants of the II stage of the Festival-competition - is carried out through a personal account of electronic registration.

4.7. III stage. The professional Jury determines the laureates and diploma winners in each age group and marks the finalists in the following nominations:

- "Best performance";

- "Interesting director's decision";

- "Best musical arrangement";

- "Best stage design of the play."

The solemn award ceremony takes place on the stage of the Moscow theater. Fragments of 3-5 best theatrical productions of the Festival-competition will be presented at the award ceremony.

Photo and video filming is allowed during the awards ceremony. Materials of photo and video filming can be placed in mass media and on the Internet. Mention of the source (City Theater Festival-Competition "Theatrical Olympus - 2018") is mandatory.

5. Requirements for performances

5.1. Performances in Russian are accepted for participation in the Festival-competition only.

5.2. For the Festival-competition, participants submit a video recording (Appendix 2) of the finished work and a program (Appendix 3) for this performance.

5.3. Theatrical productions must be staged not earlier than January 2017.

5.4. Participants in a theatrical production are students of one educational organization (general educational organization or institution of additional education).

5.5. Types of performances accepted for the Festival-competition:

- a dramatic, comedy or musical performance (small opera, vaudeville, operetta, musical, as well as a choreographic or dance-plastic performance) on one of the selected topics;

- literary-musical or musical-dramatic composition on the chosen topic.

5.6. The duration of the theatrical performance must be at least 20 minutes and not more than 1.5 hours. The duration of a literary and musical composition must be at least 15 minutes and not more than 40 minutes. The duration of the dance-plastic performance is not less than 10 minutes and not more than 40 minutes.

5.7. During the presentation of the performance, it is not allowed to use previously recorded phonograms of the text for the dubbing of the characters.

6. Work of the Jury

6.1. The jury of the Festival-competition evaluates the work of directors in the following categories:

- "Professionals" - a certified director, theater actor;

- "Non-professionals" - students of higher educational institutions (theater), subject teachers, social educators, psychologists, librarians, high school students.

6.2. Concerts and New Year's holidays are not accepted for viewing.

6.3. The jury does not consider performances with the participation of adults.

6.4. The jury of the II stage submits to the Organizing Committee the protocols of the Festival-competition and recommendations for the participation of theater groups in the III stage.

6.5. Jury members have the right to refuse to comment on their decision without giving reasons.

7. Organizing Committee of the Festival-Competition

7.1. For the organization and holding of the Festival-competition, the city Organizing Committee of the Festival-competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is created.

7.2. The Organizing Committee of the Festival-Competition consists of methodologists of the GBOU City Methodological Center of the DogM (Appendix 1) and performs the following functions:

Forms the composition of the professional jury and organizes its work;

Brings information to the teachers of educational organizations regarding the issues of holding the Festival-competition;

Determines the system of encouragement, rewarding participants.

7.3. The work of the Organizing Committee is built on the basis of this Regulation and corresponds to the terms of the Festival-competition.

7.4. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to establish additional nominations.

7.5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the timing of the stages of the Festival-Competition.

7.6. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to post the intermediate and final results of the Festival-Competition on the website of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

Project organizers:

  • Autonomous non-profit organization of culture "Creative and Coordinating Center" THEATER-INFORM "(Moscow) - initiator, program organizer and coordinator of the project.
  • Municipal Autonomous Institution of Culture "Sochi Concert and Philharmonic Association" (NCFD) (Sochi) - organizational support of the project.

The main partners of the project:

  • Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
  • Union of Theater Workers of Russia
  • Administration and department of culture of Sochi. The festival is taking place under the patronage of the head of the resort city of Sochi
  • Higher School of Performing Arts n / r G.G. Dadamyan (Moscow)
  • Media project "ARTIST" (Moscow)
  • ROSINEX (Moscow)

Federal Program Council of the Festival:

St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts,

Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia,

Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after Evg. Vakhtangov,

State Central Theater Museum named after A.A. Bakhrushin.

Location of the project: Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Winter Theater and Hall of Organ and Chamber Music named after A.F. Debolskaya.

Project implementation dates in 2016.

The festival has been held annually since 2011 as systemic (permanent) cultural event of the resort city of Sochi.

Dates of the VI Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" in Sochi in 2016 - from 5 to 12 October.

In Sochi, this is the period of the “velvet” holiday season, the traditional boundaries of which, thanks to the festival, are being strengthened.

Brief description of the problem and project.

From the Message of President V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2012 : "At firstXXIcentury, we are faced with a real /…/ value catastrophe. /…/ We must fully support institutions that are carriers of traditional values, historically proven to be able to pass them on from generation to generation.”

In the theatrical sphere, such institutions are repertory theaters- the main guardians of the national professional school and bearers of traditional universal spiritual and moral values.

However, it so happened that at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, repertory theaters with their troupes, workshops, buildings, full-length creative projects entered, like the state as a whole, into a zone of economic “turbulence”. The time of the market presented them with its challenge and demanded an adequate response. New theater management was needed to help the teams maintain their high professional dignity and adapt to harsh socio-economic realities. And the Russian repertory theater, relying on effective world and domestic experience, created and develops it. The process is still uneven, the more valuable it is to widely disseminate the experience of the national flagship theaters, which is represented by the "Theatrical Olympus".

The renewed repertory theater of Russia today relies on high artistic traditions and advanced management technologies, searches for innovative forms of interaction with the audience. As a focus of the lens, the Theater Olympus festival in Sochi enlarges and fixes attention on eventful creative and organizational aspects of the country's theatrical life, presents the promising experience of domestic and foreign theater. The festival can be called both an indicator and a moderator of the modern theatrical process in Russia. In the course of it, the state and main strategic guidelines for the theatrical business of the country are determined.

"Theatrical Olympus" is the only panorama festival in Russia and has no analogues in the world, a panoramic festival of the country's leading repertory theaters, presenting not only their creative achievements, but also successes in the field of theater management and social and cultural partnership. Its main difference from all other festival projects is that "Theatrical Olympus" is a festival not only performances, A theaters as a whole as institutional subjects of the modern market.

The main program of the festival is:

  • "Olympus poster"- stage performances by successful Russian theaters of event performances - "visiting cards" (received state awards or other high public recognition marks, found themselves in the center of positive attention of the theatrical community and spectators). In Olymp-Afisha, each participating theater presents two performances: a daytime performance for children, and an evening performance for an adult audience.
  • "Olympus Marathon" (see Appendix No. 1)- competition in theatrical management for theaters-participants "Olymp-Afisha".

"Olymp-marathon" includes several competitive positions. This:

"Olymp Pack" - the business package of the theatre, reflecting its creative, financial, economic and socio-cultural activities ,

"Olympus presentation" - open public presentation of the theater activities,

"Olymp-project" - open competition of theatrical projects,

"Olympus -media" - open competition of information resources of the theater (website, work with the media, video).

"Olympus Culture" - a competition on the culture of work at the festival and in the period of its preparation for the production parts of theaters.

  • "Olympus Experience"- informational presentations of advanced creative, managerial and partnership experience of Russian and foreign theaters, round tables, seminars, discussions, master classes, consultations of leading experts on topical professional topics aimed at developing and improving the theatrical process in Russia.
  • "Olympus Lectures"- public lectures by well-known theater figures, scientists, teachers, theater critics, as well as representatives of other fields of activity - carriers of humanitarian knowledge about a person.

Off - the program of the festival in 2016 includes:

  • "Olympus-Gathering of Amateur Theaters of Russia and Abroad implies their presence at all events of the main program of the festival. Master classes by leading figures of the Russian theater are held for the leaders and creative staff of amateur theaters.

Participation in the "Olymp-rally" is carried out on an accreditation basis (see Appendix No. 3).

  • IVInterregional scientific and practical conference "Modern theater - equipment, content, development"(ROSINEKS).

Selection of theaters participating in the festival and performances for "Olympus posters" is carried out by the TEATR-INFORM shopping and entertainment center on the basis of requests from professional theaters and consultations with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, other authoritative state and public organizations, specialized theater publications, and leading theater experts.

Main selection criteria- artistic merit, eventfulness and significance of performances for the development of the theatrical process in a particular city, region, country as a whole, successful theater management in all market segments.

Festival awards.

The main award of the festival (Grand Prix) - Golden Prize "Theatrical Olympus" - is awarded to the theater-participant of the Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" in Sochi, which scored the best number of points based on the results of the show in the "Olymp-Afisha" and participation in the "Olymp-Marathon". Theaters that take 2nd and 3rd places are awarded respectively Silver and Bronze diplomas "Theatrical Olympus". All awards are awarded on the basis of the final calculation of the sum of points given by the creative jury and the theatrical management jury based on the regulations on the Theater Olympus Prize (see Appendix No. 2).

The winners in the following categories will be awarded diplomas of laureates festival:

"Best Performance for an Adult Audience",

"Best Performance for Children"

in the nomination "Olympus Package",

in the nomination "Olympus-presentation",

in the nomination "Olympus project",

in the Olymp Media nomination,

in the nomination "Olympus-Culture".

The performance recognized as the best according to the results of a free closed voting of the audience is awarded Audience Award - Diploma "Olympus Bravo!".

All theaters participating in the Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" in Sochi are awarded Honorary diplomas of the participant and memorial signs of the festival.

As part of the festival, outstanding theater figures can be awarded Special diploma "Theatrical Olympus" in nomination "For service to the theater of Russia".

The Union of Theater Workers of Russia awards artists and directors who are members of the STD - participants in festival screenings creative business trips to Moscow or St. Petersburg. The decision on the candidates is made by the creative jury of the festival.

The ARTIST media project gives the winning theaters (of their choice) certificates for a three-time free screening of the festival performances on the THEATER TV channel.

The Sochi Concert and Philharmonic Association traditionally awards to the theater-participant chosen by it, its individual representative or member of the jury, festival management "Prize of the Winter Theater".

TCC "TEATR-INFORM" celebrates its prize - certificate forVIP- accreditation for the next FF "Theatrical Olympus" - one of the leaders of the participating theaters or other persons elected by him.

The “Council of Ministers” of the festival, consisting of the heads of the cultural authorities of the regions of Russia invited to the event, the board of trustees, the creative jury and the jury for theatrical management have the right to award performances, their individual participants or theaters as a whole special diplomas of the festival or special prizes with free wording of motivation for the award.

Organizations included in the partnership circle of the festival may, in agreement with its management, declare exclusive nominations and use other ways to encourage participants.

Substantiation of the base of the project.

The base of the project is the resort city of Sochi, which does not have its own professional theater, but where during the high holiday season a unique audience market is formed, representing all regions of Russia and various groups of spectators - from theatergoers to those who discover the theater for the first time during recreation*.

MAUK "Sochi Concert and Philharmonic Association" (Winter Theater **, Hall of Organ and Chamber Music named after A.F. Debolskaya) is one of the leading modern theater and concert centers in the country, whose professional efforts largely create a favorable image and cultural environment of the city - the resort of Sochi as the southern residence of the President of the Russian Federation, the summer cultural capital of Russia, the city of the country's Olympic glory.

* According to recent studies, 35% of the Russian population does not attend theaters due to their absence at the place of residence.

**The building of the Winter Theater in Sochi is an architectural monument of federal significance. By the decision of the International Academy of Culture and Arts (MAKI) in 2010, the Winter Theater in Sochi was awarded the status of "National Treasure" for its high humanitarian and educational mission.

Project mission.

The highest mission of the Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" is to purposefully promote the support, development and strengthening of the repertory theater of Russia as the main structure of the domestic theatrical process, ensuring the formation, preservation and dissemination of universal human values ​​in Russian society, the development of the national theater school.

Project goals.

The main goals of the project directly correspond to the goals Federal target program “Culture of Russia. 2012-2018" and guidelines Concepts for the long-term development of theatrical business in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. This:

  • formation and strengthening of the unity of the Russian theater space through the formation of creative, production and other partnerships between the subjects of the theater market;
  • advanced training and consolidation of the theatrical community of Russia through the formation of a multi-level environment for effective professional training, communication and exchange of experience within the framework of the festival;
  • promotion of the best stage works of leading domestic repertory theaters to the audience market in Russia and abroad;
  • promoting adaptation of the theatrical sector to market conditions through an open presentation and introduction into theatrical practice of various forms of successful management of theatrical business, effective business trends, new management tools and innovative technologies;
  • promoting the strengthening and development of systemic interaction between theater science and theater practice;
  • formation of a documentary base for monitoring, in-depth study and analysis of modern theater practice in the country;
  • providing wide access to the values ​​of theatrical art to residents of regions where there are no theaters or there is no possibility of visiting them regularly (taking into account the complex structure of the audience market of the resort city of Sochi during the high holiday season);
  • promoting the creation of a positive cultural image of Russia and the development of international cooperation between the leading repertory theaters of Russia through the organization of foreign representation at the festival.

Federal significance of the project.

It consists in the fact that the Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" contributes to the transmission of traditional spiritual values ​​to a wide audience, strengthening the unity of the country's theatrical space, consolidating the theatrical community of Russia, large-scale exchange of experience in a professional environment, developing promising interaction between theater science and theater practice, defining effective ways of developing the domestic repertory theater, successful adaptation of theater groups to market conditions and the introduction of innovative technologies for organizing theatrical business into the practice of Russian theaters, as well as the growth of the cultural potential of the territories of the Russian Federation by improving the activities of professional theaters of various types and forms of ownership and indirect formation for the regions active theater audience.

The festival contributes to the organization of effective business and information interaction between various state and public structures of the federal level, civil society institutions with theaters and theater organizations of the country.

The federal festival "Theatrical Olympus" is the base for professional creative business trips for artists, directors, managers and other specialists of all Russian theaters.

The program events of the project can be visited by employees of theaters and theater organizations not only in Russia, but also near and far abroad, which will contribute to the growth of the authority of the domestic theater throughout the world, strengthening its position in the global cultural community.

The project has a large-scale range of influence on the formation and development of the need for performing arts among the broadest segments of the Russian population (taking into account the multi-level nature of the audience of the resort city of Sochi in the summer) through educational activities within the framework of the festival, promotion of the best achievements of Russian theater and the use of interactive forms of work with the audience.

Regional significance of the project.

Local residents, who, according to a survey of the Sochi Philharmonic Association, make up to 40% of its audience, the Theater Olympus federal festival, within the framework of the leading local concepts "I love Sochi" and Russian repertory theaters that received wide professional and public recognition in the country and / or / abroad in the past season.

The project has a large resource of complex aesthetic and educational impact on the audience of the resort region. The festival stimulates the needs of the population of the resort city of Sochi in the best examples of performing arts, helps to expand the audience, cultivate its artistic taste, and develop its spiritual and intellectual potential. This is especially important in connection with the transformation of the post-Olympic Sochi into a world center of sports and health, when the culture of the city's inhabitants becomes a factor in the formation of a favorable image of the resort and its social and tourist attractiveness.

The main expected results and indicators of socio-economic efficiency from the implementation of the project.

As a result of the Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" the following indicators can be achieved:

  • In Russia, an innovative type of panoramic multi-format theater festival is being developed, aimed at large-scale and comprehensive disclosure of the creative, business and social potential of the national repertory theater as the main structure of the domestic theatrical process;
  • In all professional theaters in Russia (more than 600), regardless of their type and organizational-legal form and territorial affiliation, it is predicted to intensify work on a comprehensive analysis of their creative, financial, economic and missionary activities as subjects of the modern socio-cultural market;
  • Round tables, seminars, consultations of leading experts on topical professional topics will enable at least 100 managers and representatives of professional and amateur theaters, educational institutions and theater organizations to improve their skills with the help of leaders of the modern theater process, teachers and highly qualified specialists;
  • In the course of professional discussions and the exchange of best practices within the framework of the festival, priority areas for development and effective ways of adapting theaters and theater organizations to market conditions are annually determined. Information about the final conclusions becomes the property of all theaters in Russia, which should have a positive impact on the development of the theatrical process in the country and the development of the cultural potential of the regions of Russia;
  • At least five thousand spectators of Russia - residents and guests of the resort city of Sochi, including those from regions where there are no theaters of their own, will be able to attend the performances of the festival program and participate in open events and spectator interactive programs of the Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus";
  • The Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" gives every theater professional motivation for professional growth, a sense of belonging to the theatrical community that forms the theatrical face of modern Russia.



professional competition

successful repertory theaters of the country,

information forum of all theatrical Russia!



Annex No. 1 - Regulations on the "Olympus Marathon".

Appendix No. 2 - Regulations on the Prize "Theatrical Olympus".

Annex No. 3 - Terms of participation in the VI Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus".

Appendix No. 4 - Application form for the participation of the theater in the competition program of the festival.

Appendix No. 5 - Application form for accreditation of individuals.

Annex No. 6 - Application form for a package of services for partner organizations.

Appendix No. 7 - Offers for sponsors.

General producer

Federal Festival "Theatrical Olympus" (Sochi) -

Senatorova Olga Valentinovna,

General Director of TCC "THEATR-INFORM",

member of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, theater critic,

conceptual analyst, top manager of the highest qualification in the field of culture,

laureate of the All-Russian project "Professional team of the country",

twice winner of the S. Diaghilev Prize, holder of the Badge of Honor “Thank you” from the Governor of the Moscow Region (Moscow),

Festival of festivals "At the Golden Gate" (Vladimir) and

All-Russian Theater Festival “History of the Russian State. Fatherland and fate "(Ulyanovsk),

Program Director of the International Theater Festival "Days of A.N. Ostrovsky in Kostroma,

International Theater Festival


Russia, Moscow


Diplomas were sent to the e-mail addresses indicated in the applications. Check all mail folders, including Spam.

“All actors get ready! I give the third call! - you hear the voice of the assistant director on the broadcast and the excitement inside you responds with a mischievous tickle ball. Third call! Now the curtain will open and from a student who repeated his lines for the hundredth time the day before, you will turn into the hero of the play and the entire auditorium will be fascinated by your story!

The third call means… The festival starts!

Festival Format:

International Theater Festival "THIRD CALL!" represents remote competition theater groups and individual performers (hereinafter: "soloists") and public events with the participation of the winners of the competition.

Contest passes in one round by video recordings from 09/01/2017 to 01/31/2018

Events festivals are held publicly in Moscow and the Moscow region from March to June 2018 (the exact dates of the events will be specified later).


  • Information agency and newspaper "Musical Klondike"


  • State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina
  • Methodological center of theatrical art of the DO system of the Department of Culture of Moscow
  • Institution "Sanatorium "Lesnoye" of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus"

Goals and objectives of the festival

The festival is held to support and stimulate artistic growth of artistically gifted children and youth of all social categories, to identify and encourage talented authors, stage directors and teachers, to preserve and develop the traditions of the Russian theater.

Amateur, educational theaters and studio theaters operating in different theatrical genres are allowed to participate in the festival. The festival is open to theater groups and performers from all over the world.

The target orientation of the festival provides the solution of the following tasks:

  • development of children's and youth and youth theatrical creativity,
  • promoting the growth of the audience's interest in the theater,
  • strengthening friendly ties, creative contacts between children and youth in Russia and other countries,
  • involvement in the creative adaptation process of children from orphanages and children with disabilities,
  • expansion of cultural exchange and cooperation between teams and teachers,
  • improving the professional skills of teachers of theater studios, schools and children's institutions of additional education, as well as heads of creative teams.


  • Performances or excerpts from them, solo performances, variety miniatures and other stage performances are allowed to the festival. Plays by domestic and foreign playwrights, author's staging of folk tales, folklore performances, classical and modern works, as well as author's plays or texts can be used. The plots and interpretation of the performed works must correspond to the age of the performers. The use of profanity and texts that offend the religious beliefs and feelings of spectators and participants is prohibited.
  • To participate in the festival-competition, you must submit an application. All applications are accepted only in electronic form from the competition page (green button "Submit application"). The application form on our website is the same for full-time and correspondence competitions, so fill out the paragraph 17. Estimated date and time of arrival and departure and indicate the number of teachers / escorts in paragraph 19 no need.
  • For each group or individual soloist, as well as each nomination, a separate application is submitted. Contestants indicate in the application, in the column "Performance program and duration of the numbers", in addition to the name and duration, link to video competitive program. Please do not send video files as an attachment in a letter, send only links! Options for providing a competitive program: a link to a file hosted on the Internet services,; link to a video posted on the Internet (Youtube,
  • High-quality amateur filming of the performance program is allowed. Please note that a low-quality video complicates the formation of an assessment by the jury members!
  • Changes in the program of the festival performance are allowed no later than January 12, 2018 Changes will not be accepted after this date!
  • A current video recording made no earlier than September 2016 is accepted for the competition.
  • If the contestant took part (in person or in absentia) in the competition of the 2016-2017 season. then at the present competition he must present a new program.
  • Participation in several categories is allowed. Soloists can participate in a collective performance.
  • The age category of the team is determined by the average age of the participants (determined Organizing Committee, the number of participants of each age should be indicated in the application). Please do not determine the category of the team yourself and do not indicate the arithmetic mean of ages!
  • The organizing committee may request a copy of the passport or birth certificate of the participant after his registration for the competition.
  • The organizing committee has the right to limit the number of participants.
  • The organizing committee has the right to use for advertising purposes to promote the competition video and photo materials provided by the participants for competitive viewing. All rights to audio and video recordings made during the Gala Concert and other in-person events of the festival belong to the Organizing Committee.
  • The video recordings will be viewed by the jury members from January 15 to January 31, 2018. The results (scores) will be published after February 05, 2018 on the contest page in the section .


1. Nomination "Bravo, Harlequin!"

  • Artistic word, theatrical miniature
  • Variety miniature
  • buffoonery, clowning

Nomination requirements:

An excerpt from a work (prose, poetry), sketch, parody, reprise and other forms at the intersection of the colloquial genre, music, pantomime and eccentrics

  • 1 (one) miniature/number - duration up to 10 minutes.

2. Nomination "Your exit, Pierrot!"

  • Drama theater (including solo performances)
  • Musical theater (vaudeville, musical, opera, operetta)
  • Plastic theater (pantomime)

nomination requirements:

Variants of the competitive program (at the choice of participants):

3. Nomination "Ah yes Petrushka!"

  • Puppet show
  • folklore theater

Nomination requirements:

Variants of the competitive program (at the choice of participants):

  • 1 (one) performance / excerpt from the performance - duration up to 20 minutes;
  • 1 (one) performance / excerpt from the performance - duration from 21 to 40 minutes;
  • 1 (one) performance - duration from 41 to 90 minutes;
  • 1 (one) performance - duration over 91 minutes.

The age of the participant is determined at the beginning of the festival.


* Pupils, students and graduates are considered professionals special theater educational institutions (colleges, technical schools, institutes, universities, etc.).


LASHCHENKO ELENA VILENOVNA- Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Laureate of the international grant program "New Day" UNICEF. Member of the Russian and International Union of Journalists. General Director of the Information Agency "Musical Klondike". Founder and publisher of the newspaper "Musical Klondike".


Head Department of the House-Museum of A.N. Ostrovsky (GTsTM named after A.A. Bakhrushin). Ph.D. in History of Arts.


Honored Artist of Russia. Actor of the theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors" n/r N.N. Gubenko. Film actor.


Honored Artist of Ukraine. Theater and film actress. Stage teacher.


Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tyva. Director of the Moscow Puppet Theatre. Teacher.

The jury holds a closed discussion. The decisions of the Jury are final and not subject to revision.


The maximum number of points is 100. According to the number of points scored, the contestants are awarded the following titles:

  • Grand Prix Winner- awarded by the decision of the jury
  • Laureate of the 1st degree- awarded to one contestant who scores 90-99 points
  • Laureate II degree- awarded to one or two contestants who score 80-89 points
  • Laureate III degree- awarded to one, two or three contestants who score 70-79 points
  • Diploma student- awarded to contestants who score 60-69 points
  • Participant- awarded to contestants who scored 59 points or less


  • Winners in the nomination "Bravo, Harlequin!" according to the decision of the jury, they will be invited to participate in the Gala Concert (Moscow, March 2018).
  • Winners in the nomination "Your exit, Pierrot!" by decision of the jury will be invited to participate in the annual Bakhrushinsky Theater Festival, held by the State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina (Moscow - Moscow region, Zaraysk, May 2018)
  • Winners in the nomination "Ah yes Petrushka!" by decision of the jury will be invited to participate in the concert and theatrical events of the Organizing Committee (Moscow, June 2018)

The exact dates and locations of the events will be announced later.

Attention! Travel and accommodation in Moscow are organized and paid for by the participants themselves. At your request, we can issue an official invitation for funding organizations and sponsors, for this, please tell us the full name of the organization and the full name of its director.

  • All participants are awarded with Diplomas, according to the received competitive estimates. Teachers of the contestants are awarded with Gratitude.
  • By decision of the Organizing Committee, special diplomas can be awarded to the best director, choreographer, accompanist, screenwriter, artistic director of the group.

All Diplomas and Acknowledgments of the competition are sent by email after the end of the contest and posting the results on the contest page.

Special diplomas and prizes from the Information Agency "Musical Klondike".

On vacation from the partner of the competition "Sanatorium" Lesnoe "

Partners of the competition can establish special prizes for participants and teachers.

Individuals and organizations have the right to establish their own prizes in agreement with the Organizing Committee.


All participants pay the registration fee:

Nomination "Bravo, Harlequin!"

  • 1500 rubles from the application

Nominations "Your way out, Pierrot!", "Ah yes Petrushka!"

  • performance / excerpt from the performance (up to 20 min.) - 1500 rubles from the application
  • performance / excerpt from the performance (21-40 min.) - 2000 rubles from the application
  • performance (41-90 min.) - 2500 rubles from the application
  • performance (more than 91 min.) - 3000 rubles from the application

Contestants can compete in two or more categories. The cost of an additional nomination is equal to the cost of the main one.

The cost of the registration fee includes:

  • Participation in one category
  • Diploma

A receipt for payment of participation is sent to the participant after receiving an application from him.

All payments must be made by January 15, 2018 (inclusive). Consider banking non-working days and apply early to ensure payment is made on time.

Participants who submitted an application and did not pay the registration fee on time will not be allowed to participate in the competition!

Payment of organizational fees is made through the bank. Fees must be paid to the Organizing Committee in full, taxes and bank charges are paid by the applicant. Paid fees are non-refundable.
