Proverbs, sayings, winged words in which there are numbers. Riddles in the text of which there are numbers and proverbs with numbers Proverbs and riddles with 1

"How many times do I have to tell you!" the mother scolds the child, who cannot remember the score. But you can not scold the child, but put him next to you, and read the proverbs where numbers are mentioned. And believe me, the baby will immediately stop being naughty, and at the same time she will repeat the count and learn something new from the proverbs. 🙂

Help is needed? Yes please! Especially for you, we have made this page, where we have collected the best and most interesting proverbs with numbers. Read and develop! 🙂

Proverbs with number and number 1

One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.

One is about Foma, the other is about Yeryoma.

One cuts, and the other blows a pipe.

One today is better than two tomorrow.

Break one pancake in half.

One wolf drives a regiment of sheep.

One in the harrow, and all on the sidelines.

One mind is good, but two is better.

One goose will not trample the grass.

One thief - ruin for the whole world.

One grain gives a handful.

Going alone and drowning is boring.

One bee does not bring much honey.

One hand in honey, the other in molasses.

One trouble comes - another leads.

You cut down one tree, plant ten.

One eye to see far.

One wise head is worth a hundred heads.

One spoonful of tar spoils a barrel of honey.

One for all and all for one.

One swallow does not make spring.

One in sin, and all in the answer.

One madman threw a stone into the well, but a hundred wise men could not get it.

Sets fire with one hand and extinguishes with the other.

You can't build a house out of one tree.

You can’t cook porridge from one prosinka.

One horse will not kick up dust, and if it does kick up dust, it will not get glory.

You bite one finger - everyone hurts.

Once protect yourself from fire, another time from water.

Once you fail, the second time you learn.

Once you look - flowers and roses, another time you look - wind and snowstorm.

Proverbs with number and number 2

Two of a Kind.

Two dogs are fighting - do not pester the third.

You won't live two centuries, you won't cross two youths.

Two brothers for a bear, and two brothers-in-law for jelly.

Don't be young twice.

Two bears in one lair will not settle down.

Two sorrows together, the third in half.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

You can't fit two watermelons under your armpit.

Listen twice, say once.

Two falcons quarrel - the crow will feed.

Two ears, one mouth: listen forty-two times, say once.

Two halves are one whole.

Proverbs with number and number 3

Do not recognize a friend in three days, but recognize in three years.

He had three wives, suffered from all of them.

Three money a day, wherever you want, there and day.

Three sons, and he is strong.

He ground for three days, and ate it in a day and a half.

A braggart costs three kopecks.

It takes three years to learn to be industrious, and three days to learn to be lazy.

The dog was frightened once - it barks for three days.

Proverbs with number and number 4

Without four corners, the hut is not cut.

Live within four walls.

A horse with four legs and then stumbles.

On all four sides.

Four floors, and the sides are bare.

Proverbs with number and number 5

He has five tricks and six deceptions.

The fifth wheel in the cart.

Like the back of my hand.

Proverbs with number and number 6

Sixth Sense.

If six people argue, they will even miss what is in their mouth; if four agree, they will even topple what is on the roof.

The traitor - six blows with sticks.

Whoever has six children has wealth in six places.

A good deal ends in six months.

Here, in theory, there should have been proverbs with a seven, but there were so many of them that I had to make a separate page for them:. Come, read and choose any!

Proverbs with number and number 8

Spring and autumn - eight weather per day.

Two friends and eight enemies.

Do not slaughter eight sheep - slaughter one, but well-fed.

Like - eight, desired - one.

Proverbs with number and number 9

Nine people is the same as ten.

Nine mice were pulled together, the lid was pulled off the tub.

Having lost once, you will win nine times.

Proverbs with the number 10

Ten people who know are not worth one who does the work.

Get rid of one vice, ten virtues will grow.

Until you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times.

A brave man has ten virtues: one courage, and nine dexterity.

A wise man hears once, but guesses ten times.

Think ten times - cut once.

Proverbs with numbers 50, 100 and 1000

A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

One fool will say - a hundred wise men will not understand.

A coward dies a hundred times, a hero only once.

You can give a hundred cowards for one brave man.

Evil will be revealed even in fifty years.

The mind of a horseman is like gold, the mind of a country is like a thousand gold pieces.

A thousand strokes of a tailor is one stroke of a blacksmith.

It is better to be familiar with a thousand than to know only one.

Than a thousand words, one is better, but true.

Well, that's probably all for today! Look how many, it turns out, proverbs with numbers and numbers came up with the people! It is not surprising that we have prepared another page on which we have collected . And after all, in such simple proverbs the essence of human relationships is revealed, some of which are condemned, while others are set as an example. However, all other proverbs and sayings also reflect folk wisdom.

To be convinced of this once again, it is enough, perhaps, just to read or.

The language of communication is a living organism. It develops, comes to its heyday, is going through difficult times of deprivation, when it is forced to use allegory.

Sometimes languages ​​die. Then they become dead. No human attempt to create an artificial language has led to long-term results. The highest form of language is proverbs, jokes, proverbs and sayings, passed from mouth to mouth. They constitute the folklore, the cultural cross-section of the nation.

folk wisdom

Let's take, for example, folk proverbs and sayings about the number 1. One African wisdom says: "To go fast - you have to go alone, to go far - you have to go together." Indeed, walking along the path of life, a person makes a career alone, and grows old together with his spouse.

In folk wisdom, the voice of morality is heard: “One rotten pear will spoil the whole basket,” they say in China. “One mangy sheep will spoil the whole flock,” says the Briton. In Russian, it will be: "Who you lead, from that you will get."

Sometimes people's observations result in proverbs and sayings about numbers, numerals, their opposition to each other and comparisons of the singular and the plural.

The Chinese will say: "One joy will drive away a hundred troubles." And he will add: “When only two copper coins remain in your wallet, buy bread for the first one, and a flower for the second one.” “One flower does not bring spring,” the Azerbaijani will object. You can immediately see a solid and thrifty person. In his worldview, one is the same as nothing. The Chechen elder will not agree. “One single spark can burn an entire village,” he remarks. And, after a pause, he will add: “One summer day feeds the whole month in winter.” The harsh conditions of the mountains gave the old man such a life experience.

For generations, wise thoughts were composed, polished, tested. Sayings about the number 1 became their expression:

  • From the same flower, a bee makes honey, and a snake - poison (Armenian).
  • The icon and the shovel (Russian) are made from the same wood.
  • There are two ears, but no one listens to two speeches at once (African).

What does one mean, and what does it mean for different peoples

If we consider only sayings about the number 10 or more, we can make an instructive, and sometimes ironic selection.

Here is what different nations say about the top ten:

  • Ten people - ten shades of color (Japanese).
  • One book can teach a thousand people (Russian).
  • Ten experts are not worth one doing business (Russian).
  • It is better to live one day as a man than a thousand days to live as a shadow (Chinese).
  • A smart man will hear once, and guess ten times (Russian).
  • From word to deed - a hundred hauls (Slavic).
  • Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow (Chinese).
  • One fool will ask so many questions that ten smart people cannot answer (Chinese).
  • The strong will defeat one, who knows a thousand (Bashkir).
  • Better to live a day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep (Italian).

Aphorisms about family, friendship, poverty and wealth

Proverbs and sayings about numbers aptly reflect the essence of things. Here are some interesting thoughts about the family:

  • Adam is the first lucky person on earth, because he did not have a mother-in-law (Jewish).
  • Three couples will never agree: two women in the same kitchen, two cats with one mouse, and two men who care for one woman (Irish).

Friendship - loyalty and betrayal, help and avoidance of it - are reflected in the following words:

  • One friend - good, two - a lot, three - hardly possible (American).
  • One unfaithful friend is worse than a thousand enemies (Armenian).
  • Of all the people on earth, only one (Russian) is needed for happiness.

The common people have always had a hard time. Hard work does not always save from poverty. Time and chance can lead to need. That is why the following sayings were made:

  • One is blind from hunger, the other is blind from gold (Eastern).
  • Some live below the poverty line, while others live abroad (Russian).
  • You give five - it seems a lot, you take six - it seems a little (Uzbek).

Modern Russian sayings

  • One head is good, but two is a lot.
  • Miser pays twice.
  • There is nothing to choose from two evils.
  • One small lie leads to a big mistrust.
  • Whether parachuting will become your vocation, you will know the first time.


Folklore contains not only sayings about numbers, but also riddles. Using them, you can quickly teach children to count. Finnish riddles are interesting in this regard:

  • How many boiled eggs can a person eat with hunger? ( Answer:“One. The second will no longer be on an empty stomach.")
  • Thirty-two soldiers have one commander. ( Answer:"Tongue and Teeth"
  • Thrushes flew into the garden and perched two per tree. Nobody sat on one tree. Then they moved one by one to a tree, but now one bird was missing a tree. How many birds and trees were there? ( Answer: 4 thrushes, 3 trees.)

For first graders

Now the school is widely used a creative approach to the learning process. Didactic materials include folklore.

Many parents, dealing with children, show literary talents. This is how modern riddles-sayings about numbers for grade 1 appear:

  • Whether you are a Chukchi or a Georgian, Everyone has a nose ... ( one).
  • On a long neck is a head, floating like a swan, a figure ... ( two)
  • Repeat this figure, erase the mistake with an eraser. You can, if you sweat, even wipe a hole ( number three).
  • North, west, south, east - these are the sides, my friend. This is how they think all over the world. You remember - them ... ( four).
  • How many fingers are on the hand? How many fingers are in a fist? All of them must be counted: one, two, three, four ... ( five).

  • Grandmother and grandfather are pulling a turnip, they cannot eat it at the age of five.
    granddaughter with a bug, a cat with a mouse, how long does it take to pull a turnip? ( Six.)
  • How many stripes in the rainbow disperse the clouds shadow?
    It’s easier not to find a question, because the stripes are exactly ... ( seven).
  • How many shoes does an octopus need to take on the road?
  • Six suddenly fell and stood on his head.
    And, if you believe her, now it is called ... ( nine).

  • They grow in their hands, they love work very much.
    Wash, hang clothes. And on their two hands ... ( ten).

Entertaining tasks for children

To teach children, adapt new concepts, teachers use not only proverbs, sayings, riddles about numbers. Simple tasks for ingenuity and mental calculation are also very popular. It should be noted that the national character is also manifested in this work.


The farmer purchased the horse for $10 and resold it for $20. He later bought the horse for $30 and resold it for $40. How many dollars did he get from these transactions? ( Answer: 20 dollars.)


Alena did not have enough for a chocolate bar 10 rubles, and Anton - one ruble. Then they decided to buy it and divide it in half. But they still lacked one ruble. How much did the chocolate cost? ( Answer: 10 rubles, Alena has no money at all.)


The girl bought felt-tip pens in a case for 11 hryvnias. She paid 10 hryvnia more for felt-tip pens than for a case. How much do markers and case cost separately? ( Answer: Felt pens cost 10.5 hryvnia, and a case costs 0.5 hryvnia.)

No matter how long people live on earth, folklore will always reflect the historical cross-section of the development of society. In particular, proverbs, sayings, riddles about numbers. One person or a family, one people or a family of peoples on the planet can say all the most important things in just one saying about the number 1: "Without me, the people are not complete."

Proverbs sayings with numbers for schoolchildren, proverbs and sayings about numbers, Russian folk proverbs for children with numbers. Proverbs about numbers from 1 to 10 are short.

Folk wisdom (sayings proverbs with numbers).

Sayings with a number

One wolf drives a regiment of sheep. All for one, one for all. One is not a warrior in the field One man has a mother, he has one Motherland. One spoiled apple will rot the whole box. Everything is one field of berries. Seven do not wait for one.

One swallow does not make spring.

One bee will not bring much honey. You can't cut down a tree at once Trouble does not come alone From love to hate, one step. It went in one ear and out the other. The goat competed with the wolf - one skin remained. One fool will say, a hundred wise men will not understand. Once a year and the stick shoots.

One head it's good, but two better.

Sayings with number - 2

Proverbs with the number 2 (two) Two bears in one lair will not settle down. I got a deuce, but at least I was at school. Someone else's grief is a double joy. Two fight, two laugh. A lazy student - does it twice. Miser pays twice. Giving a penny for him is not enough, but two is a lot. Two of a Kind. Audacity second happiness. One head is good, but 2 is better.

Double-edged sword.

Sayings with number - 3

Proverbs with the number 3 (three) Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years. God loves trinity. Where two stand, the third does not care. Even if you don’t eat for three days, you can’t get off the stove. Two, three - not one. He spoke from three boxes For one slave, three foremen. The promised three years are waiting. The price of a braggart is three kopecks A penny and three money set aside.

Proverbs with number - 4

Proverbs with the number 4 (four) Without four corners, the hut is not cut. House with four corners. Village - four yards, eight streets. Four countries of the world on four seas are laid. The cat always falls on all fours. Four oak trees stand by the river. A four was a good score.

Borrowed three years are waiting, the fourth is forgotten.

Proverbs with number - 5

Sayings with the number 5 (five) Do not stick your penny in someone else's business. Lost five and found seven. What a marvel - the pig snouted with a snout. Your nickel, someone else's ruble is more expensive. Of the five fingers, the cunning little finger. Give me a nickel if you're not a fool. You need a fifth leg like a hare. Fifth wheel in the car.

Mad dog and five kilometers is not a circle.

Sayings with the number - 6

Proverbs with the number 6 (six) You are the sixth, wait at the gate! The six of us will go, we will go far. There are six of us. 6 is an inverted nine. Three sixes is a damn dozen. Three hairs arranged in six rows.

Number six - door lock: Hook at the top, circle at the bottom.

Sayings with the number - 7

Proverbs with the number 7 (seven) The fox will lead the seven wolves. Seven with a spoon, one with a bipod. Seven times measure cut once. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. I can hear you for seven miles. Seven do not wait for one. A lazy man has seven holidays a week. Behind seven locks. Three plow, and seven wave their hands. Seven skins are not pulled from one goat. Seven spans in the forehead.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Sayings number - 8

Proverbs with the number 8 (eight) The holy horse has eight legs. Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough.

Autumn - eight changes.

If you fall on the seventh, get up on the eighth.

Sayings number - 9

Proverbs with the number 9 (nine) Nine is a good riddle. Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub. Nine people is the same as ten. The miracle lasts only nine days.

9 months until next summer.

Sayings number - 10

Proverbs with the number 10 (ten) It is better to justify ten guilty than to condemn one innocent. Ten beaten ones - one not beaten is carried.

The man is not a timid one.

Sayings number is 100

Proverbs with the number 100 (one hundred) Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

If you have a hundred rubles, you will have many friends.

There are a hundred rubles, and the truth is yours. A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. There is a weave - the weather is good in the yard.

5 times a hundred grams - a bottle.

Sayings and proverbs with numbers.

1 One wolf drives sheep regiment.

Two bears in one lair will not settle down.

Chasing two hares, you won't catch either

All for one, one for all.

One in sin, and all in the answer.

There is safety in numbers

A man has one mother, he has one Motherland.

From one spoiled apple the whole cart rots.

You can't grab everything in one paw.

Seven times measure cut once.

They are the same field of berries.

For one beaten they give two unbeaten.

Seven do not wait for one.

The first pancake is lumpy.

One swallow does not make spring

One bee will not bring much honey.

Alone you will not overcome even a bump; artel and through the mountain just right.

One hand does not clap.

Anyone who knows at least one craft will not know the need.

You can't cut down a tree at once

First for a spoon, last for work

Misfortune never comes alone

You can't barter one rich man for a gang of beggars.

Don't put all your money in one pocket.

From love to hate one step.

Twice and God does not punish for one fault.

Some do it for themselves, others do it for themselves.

You can't go to Heaven of one religion without going to Hell of all others.

It went in one ear and out the other.

Two, three - not one.

Every man for himself, one god for all.

The goat competed with the wolf - one skin remained.

It is better to acquit ten guilty than to condemn one innocent.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

There are three foremen for one slave.

At one veche - yes, not just speeches.

In one place, even a pebble is overgrown with moss.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

No good deed goes unpunished.

One fool will say - a hundred wise men will not understand.

Once a year and the stick shoots.

We live once.

From the great to the ridiculous - one step.

The brave die once, but the coward many.

The wolf has one song.

2 Two bears in one lair will not settle down.

Chasing two hares, you won't catch either

Two hours of gathering, Two hours of washing, An hour of wiping,

Dressed for days.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

The guys and the hares have two teeth

Don't die twice.

For one beaten they give two unbeaten.

Someone else's grief is a double joy.

Two are fighting, the third - do not interfere!

Half shoulder work is hard, two substitutes - it's easier to do it

The negligent does twice

Miser pays twice

The mother has two young daughters, and there is no water in the bucket.

One "today" is better than two "tomorrows".

Grief - money, and twice - no money.

Giving a penny for him is not enough, but two is a lot.

For a ruble of work, for two boasts.

Two peas per spoon.

Two of a Kind.

Two nightingales on the same branch do not sing.

Two plow, and seven wave their hands.

Two, three - not one.

Audacity second happiness.

One head it's good, but two better.

Double-edged sword.

Writing is not an easy task: two fingers write, but the whole body hurts.

Drunk and smart - two lands in it.

3 Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years.

God loves trinity.

Even if you don’t eat for three days, you can’t get off the stove.

Three money a day - wherever you want, there and day

Two, three - not one.

There are three foremen for one slave.

The promised three years are waiting.

A penny and three money set aside.

4 Without four corners, the hut is not cut. House with four corners.

Four countries of the world on four seas are laid.

5 Lost five and found seven

Your nickel, someone else's ruble is more expensive.

There are five kopecks - and the grandmother is in the market.

Need, like a dog - the fifth leg.

The fifth wheel in the cart.

7 The fox will lead the seven wolves.

Seven with a spoon, one with a bipod

Seven times measure cut once.

Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

For seven miles of jelly slurp.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven raise one straw.

Seven miles to heaven and all the forest.

Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart.

A lazy man has seven holidays a week.

Lost five and found seven

Behind seven seals

Uphill seven barely pull, and downhill and one will push.

Two plow, and seven wave their hands.

Seven skins are not pulled from one cow.

Seventh water on jelly.

Seven are sitting on benches.

Seven spans in the forehead.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven miles to heaven - yes, all through the forest.

8 The holy horse has eight legs.

Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough.

Autumn - eight changes.

9 Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub.

10 It is better to acquit ten guilty than to condemn one innocent.

Not a timid ten.

11 The eleventh commandment - do not get caught.

Eleven for odd.

20, 30, 40 At 20 there is no strength - and there won't be; at 30 there is no mind - and will not be, at 40 there is no prosperity - and there will not be.

100 Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Argue as you like, but a hundred rubles is money

There are no hundred rubles, and the ruble is not money

There are a hundred rubles, and the truth is yours.

A neck is a penny, altyn is a head, one hundred rubles is a beard

A true friend is better than a hundred servants

Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

One fool can ask more questions than a hundred smart ones can answer.

One fool will say - a hundred wise men will not understand.

1000 Friends are a thousand, but one friend.

A thousand vanities are of no use to the cause.

The rich have a thousand worries, and the poor have one worries.

200,000 Whoever steals a ruble is put on trial, and whoever steals two hundred thousand is held in honor.

Proverbs about numbers | - all proverbs in one place.

Two bears can't get along in the same den.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times.

One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.

One bee will bring some honey

Cut down one tree, plant ten

Spring and autumn - eight weathers a day.

I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

In one fell swoop, seven kills.

Over the seven seas.

Zero without a wand.

Zero attention.

Once doesn't count.

There is only one truth in the world.

One today is better than two tomorrow.

It is better to forgive ten guilty people than to punish one innocent.

It is better to turn ten times than run aground once.

Nine mice were pulled together, the lid was pulled off the tub.

Nine people is the same as ten.

If you stand on your head, nine will become the number six.

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness

The figure eight has two rings without beginning or end.

Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

Everyone is seven, and I am eight.

One gained experience is more important than seven teachings.

One blind man is better than seven brothers-in-law.

In one fell swoop, seven kills.

About - four, and directly - six.

Turukhtan in a taratayka: dusting with gears, from the gate to the garden.

You are the sixth, stay at the gate!

Needed like a fifth wheel on a cart.

You can't buy friendship for a penny.

Sharp-witted and cunning - he lost his nose to five.

A cat with a paw, a bear with five.

Without four corners, the hut is not cut.

Live within four walls

A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles

On all four sides

Where I pass like a fox, there are no chickens for three years.

Three friends: father, mother, and faithful wife.

Baba walked in the forest, wore out three bast shoes.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Two of a Kind.

Not two months shine, not two suns warm.

Where there are two, there is not one

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided

For one beaten two unbeaten give

Absolute zero, round zero.

Zero without a wand.

Zero attention.

Reduce to zero, reduce to zero.

Proverbs and sayings with numbers - Mila's Blog

I made such a selection - proverbs and sayings with numbers. Such proverbs and sayings turned out to be just an incredible amount! I think it will be useful for my daughter at school soon.


Nothing is given as a gift

Zero without a wand. Zero attention. Absolute zero, round zero. Reduce to zero, reduce to zero. Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing new under the sun.

Nothing is given as a gift


The hedgehog has one strength - thorns

There is safety in numbers. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. One plows, and seven wave their hands. One in the harrow, and all on the sidelines. One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. One bee will bring some honey. Alone in the sea is not a fisherman. One swallow does not make spring. Cut down one tree, plant ten. Don't clap with one hand. One hand does not knit a knot. There is only one truth in the world. Once doesn't count. One head on the shoulders. One leg here, the other there. One wise head is worth a hundred heads. One bee is better than a swarm of flies. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss. One today is better than two tomorrow. From one word to forever a quarrel. The hedgehog has one strength - thorns. One to go - and the road is long. Going alone and drowning is boring. Once he lied, he became a liar forever. Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand. A coward dies a hundred times, a hero only once One warrior leads a thousand. Break one pancake in half. One wolf drives a regiment of sheep. One goose will not trample the grass. One eye is on us, and the other is on Arzamas. One thief - ruin for the whole world. One for all and all for one. One is like a stump, and the other is like a deck. Alone, like a month in the sky. One mouth and that fights. One is about Foma, the other is about Yeryoma. One cuts, and the other blows a pipe. Miron has one son, and that Mironovich. One mind is good, but two is better. One head it's good, but two better. Lonely home everywhere. One trouble comes, another leads. One luck goes, another leads. One misfortune does not go: misfortune will give birth to misfortune. One fox will lead seven wolves. One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey. One clothes - and in the world, and in a feast, and in the backyard. One hand in honey, the other in molasses. Sleep with one eye and watch with the other. One grain gives a handful. One eye to see far. One ear is deaf. Birds of a feather. To live alone is to chill the heart, and in public even death is red. One succeeded and the other failed. First in Council and First in Response

The first pancake is lumpy


Two of a Kind

Woe for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys. Two of a Kind. I got ready for two hours, washed for two hours, dried myself for an hour, dressed for a day. As two drops of water. Who soon helped, he helped twice. Lazy man works twice. Between two fires. For two words. On two fronts. Can't connect two words. Not two, not one and a half. One head it's good, but two better. Two inches from the pot. Double-edged sword. Sit between two chairs. Miser pays twice. Kill two birds with one stone. To gobble up both cheeks. Lame on both legs. Grandma said in two. Second wind. Two-faced Janus. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. Chasing two birds with one stone - you won't catch a single one. For one beaten they give two unbeaten. Choose the lesser of two evils. An old friend is better than two new ones. Mind is good, but two is better. Two bears in one lair do not get along Two pairs of sandals cannot be put on at once Two truths do not exist For two you work - for three you eat. Where there are more than two, they speak aloud Old brother like a second father Where two scold, here the third do not poke your head Where two stand, here the third does not care Two centuries do not live, and a century - do not grieve. Two brothers - for a bear, and two brothers-in-law - for jelly. You won't live two centuries, you won't cross two youths. Two fools, but each has two fists. Two Demids, but both do not see. Two fools about one mind. Two pennies - a lot of good. Don't die twice. Two boots - a pair, and both on the left foot. You can't be young twice. There is no summer twice a year. Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third one. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home.


Bouncer price three kopecks

Bouncer price - three kopecks. Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years. It takes three years to learn to be industrious; to learn to be lazy, it takes only three days. Get lost in the three pines. From the third mouth, from the third hands. Three inches from the pot. With three boxes. Third day. Day before yesterday. The promised three years are waiting. Cry in three streams. Three women are a bazaar, and seven are a fair To bend into three deaths, Three will condemn, ten will judge, A friend near is better than three far away Three whales One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son Walks, as if three days are not ate One day will replace three, if everything is done on time If three cooks jostle at the same stove - dinner burns God loves a trinity. Holy count that trinity. Three fingers lay a cross. There are three cows, calving - there will be six. You work for two, you eat for three. Forgive me three times, and on the fourth henchman Three days of grinding and a day and a half I ate Three troubles, seven troubles, and all there is no help Where two stand, here the third does not care. Jump for three years, you will not reach any state. (These words, which have become winged, belong to the mayor from N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". It is a question of a deaf, forgotten, abandoned place). Three nickels a day, wherever you want there and day.

A penny and three money set aside.


Without four corners, the hut is not cut. Without a trinity, a house is not built; without four corners, a hut does not become. A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles. On all four sides. Live within four walls. Makei had four lackeys, and now Makei himself is Chelom's lackey - four, and God help the fifth. Four floors, and the sides are bare. Four countries of the world on four seas are laid.

Four corners of the house to build, four seasons to complete


Like the back of my hand. The fifth wheel in the cart. Expensive - five, and directly ten Five oxen plow one plow He has six tricks and five deceptions Without five prosvir, there is no mass, and the sixth is in stock. One hive is a beehive, and five is an apiary. Fifth to tenth. (An expression used instead of a detailed enumeration, the name of something). Five are spacious, and two are cramped. Who gives, and 5 is a lot; whoever takes, 6 is not enough for him (Karakalpak).

Bast shoes were lost, they searched the yards: there were 5, but there were 6 (Russian)


Three hairs in six rows laid

The sixth sense "Six" Three hairs in 6 rows are stacked. I had 6, there were seven left (jokingly they say to the one who made a mistake when counting, a gypsy saying). Giving, taking, sharing a secret, asking, treating, accepting a treat - these are 6 signs of friendship (ancient Indian). When 6 women go to mourn, each one cries about her own (Kyrgyz). He has 6 tricks and five deceptions (Tuvian). There is no mass without five prosvirs, and the sixth is in reserve. You can not be six spans in the forehead. The six of us will go - we will go far. It is better to forgive six guilty people than to execute one innocent. Who gives, and 5 is a lot; whoever takes, 6 is not enough for him (Karakalpak). Bast shoes were lost, they searched the yards: there were 5, but there were 6 (Russian)

Gear - foreman riding.


Seven Fridays in a week. Seven deaths - do not happen, but one cannot be avoided. Seven on benches Seven miles to heaven and all the forest. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. We ate seven times, but did not sit at the table For seven miles of jelly to slurp. Seven do not wait for one Seven gates and all in the garden. Behind seven seals Seven wise men are cheaper than one experienced person Seven feet under the keel One sheep has seven shepherds Bow - from seven ailments One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon Seventh water on jelly. Seven troubles - one answer Seven spans in the forehead Measure 7 times - cut 1 time. Seven without four and three flew away. The nose grew for seven - and one got For a beloved friend, seven miles is not the outskirts of the Secret behind seven seals. For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle. Not a big town, but seven governors. Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten officers. Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides. Seven sweats gone. I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven. And you, the seventh, stand at the gate. Seven brothers have one sister each, are there many of them all? (One.) . Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart. For seven miles of jelly slurp. Three women - a market, and seven - a fair Martok put on seven trousers of Houses 7, and elders 8 (Tatar). He sees 7 flaws in another, but does not notice 10 in himself (Japanese). Seven villages, and one horse. Seven for hares, but no skins. Seven raise one straw. For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out. Poppy did not give birth for seven years, and there was no hunger. Seven cases in one hand do not take. We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together - and there’s nothing to say. She drained seven rivers, she did not moisten the canvas. Seven Thursdays, and all on Friday. Up to the seventh generation.

On the seventh sky.


Spring and autumn - on the day of weather eight

Spring and autumn - eight days of weather Autumn - eight changes. There are 7 houses, and 8 elders (Tatar). The eighth wonder of the world. (It is used in the sense of something extraordinary, grandiose, but sometimes in an ironic sense). Everyone is seven, and I am eight. For next autumn, in eight years. Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough. For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out.

Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the mistress is nine, which evenly divides.


9 lives in a cat The ninth death pesters a cat. Number nine, or nine, circus acrobat. If you stand on your head, nine will become the number six. Seven years - trouble, nine years - misfortune Nine people - it's like a dozen A brave man has ten virtues: one - courage, nine - dexterity. Having lost once, you will win nine times. A bull costs ninety rubles, a haughty man is not worth nine kopecks. Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the mistress is nine, which evenly divides. Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub. Out of ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind. Nine circles of hell (pass) - "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. The ninth month gives birth. The ninth wave is fatal. (A stormy, strong manifestation of something formidable: the highest rise, takeoff). If you want to live 9 days - stock up on food for 10 (Turkish). If beauty is 10, then 9 out of 10 are clothes (Azerbaijani).

For distant lands, in the distant (thirtieth) kingdom. (Expressions often found in Russian folk tales. Far away \u003d 27 (3 * 9). In the old days, counting was carried out in nines. Then they came to another system - counting in tens; therefore, next to the first expression, the second is placed, with the word "thirty" (t i.e. three times ten).


In the top ten For one shooter, ten beaters Ten who know are not worth one who does the job. A wise man hears once, but guesses ten times. Expensive - five, and directly ten. One year ate ten years. One smart man drives ten crazy people. What you can't do alone, ten will do. Tenth water is sour. Whoever eavesdrops, under that land settles for ten suns (Japanese). On the marriage of your son, consult with ten, on divorce - with a hundred (Avar) You cut down one tree - plant ten. On the hands, on the feet, ten fingers. No tens and no counting. Until you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times. Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow. If you want to live 9 days - stock up on food for 10 (Turkish). It is better to forgive 10 guilty than to punish one innocent (Russian). If beauty is 10, then 9 out of 10 are clothes (Azerbaijani). He sees 7 flaws in another, but does not notice 10 in himself (Japanese). Think 10 times, say 1 (Uyghur). Better 10 envious people than 1 compassionate person (German). In a house with 10 maids, the floor is not swept (Tatar). Accept 10 wounds, but stop (Russian). Even though you say the word honey 10 times, it will not become sweet on our lips (Turkmen). Where you need to say 10 words, 1 is not enough (Japanese). A dexterous person will live 10 days without food (Mongolian). You touch 1 branch - 10 will be downloaded (Chinese). It is better to turn 10 times than to run aground once (Russian). Say 10 times, up to at least 1 about a friend (Kurdish). Be able to see what is ahead: cut down a plane tree - plant 10 (Uzbek). Case ten. (Not that important; not important at all.) Not a cowardly ten. (Brave, not fearful). Fifth to tenth. (Incoherently, inconsistently, skipping details (to tell, report, speak, etc.). The bear has ten songs and all about honey.

Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten officers


Eleven for odd.


The bad ones are thirteen to a dozen (and even then they don’t take them). There are twelve months in a year, and each has its own berries. The twelve apostles and the tribes of Israel.

The truth will break 12 chains (Russian).


The bad ones are thirteen to a dozen (and even then they don’t take them). Thirteenth under the table.

Thirteen is an unlucky number (from Judas the traitor).


A good person, even at 15 years old, does not refer to youth, and at 100 years old does not complain about old age (Kyrgyz). The one from whom the good will come out becomes a man already at the age of 15, while the unfit one remains a child even at the age of 40 (Uzbek).


A girl at 16 hashi [chopstick] drops - and is already laughing (Japanese).


Where are my 17 years!? (Russian). How nice it would be if the whole year continued in April, there would always be a full moon, my wife would be 17 and I would be 20 years old, there would be no debts and there would be three children (Japanese).


And the devil is 18 years old, and bad tea has its first infusion (Japanese).


Who at 20 is a child, at 21 is an ass (Jewish). At the age of 20, guys do not chase dogs (Karelian).

How nice it would be if the whole year continued in April, there would always be a full moon, my wife would be 17 and I would be 20 years old, there would be no debts and there would be three children (Japanese).


Again twenty-five (Again the same, all the time the same). Twenty-five years is a soldier's age.


30 years, as I saw a cow's footprint, and everything burps with milk (Russian). What passes through 30 teeth - the whole world will bypass (Tatar).


There are forty forty churches in Moscow

Forty years is a woman's age. Forty years is not forty rap. The one from whom the good will come out becomes a man already at the age of 15, while the unfit one remains a child even at the age of 40 (Uzbek). There are forty forty churches in Moscow.

He is looking for where for forty years is Shrovetide and for three years there are small holidays.


At forty-five Baba berry again


Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends (Real friends will always help, help out). Where it is simple - there are a hundred angels, and where it is tricky - there is not a single one. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. One wise head of a hundred heads is worth One spring in the homeland is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land A hundred people will get, and one will squander They feed one day, but reproach for a hundred years Whoever a hundred people scold is worth a hundred people A hundred diseases begin with a cold Strike a hundred times, but listen at least once A hundred arts are not worth perfection in one art A hundred paths - a thousand mistakes A hundred roads - a hundred difficulties A hundred people - plow, and one waving grandmas There are a hundred rubles, and your truth A hundred fireflies will not replace one torch A hundred heads - a hundred minds . A coward dies a hundred times, a hero only once. In one fell swoop, a hundred beatings, and not counting the rest. A good person, even at 15 years old, does not refer to youth, and at 100 years old does not complain about old age (Kyrgyz). For a mother, a child up to a hundred years old is a child. A smart head has a hundred hands. A smart head feeds a hundred heads, but a thin head will not feed its own. A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.


The one who is learned is protected from 1000 troubles (Tatar). There is no use for 1000 vanities (Turkmen). It is better to see once than to hear 1000 times (Chinese). One fool will throw a diamond into the sea - 1000 smart ones will not get it (Georgian). One night is not 1000 nights (Persian). If not one is taken, but 1000, then the heaviest log will become light (Ethiopian). Didn’t live even a hundred years, but got tired of 1000 (Chinese). Without counting, do not say "1000" (Turkmen). A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step ("Daodejing") A mountain of a thousand miles begins with one grain of sand ("Daodejing"). Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand. The strong will win 1 knowing 1000 One warrior leads a thousand. One brave man and a thousand cowards will not replace. A thousand friends are few, one enemy is many (Turkish). And a thousand rumors are not yet true (Mongolian). A thousand talents, but no heart (Japanese). The pacer has a thousand ways, the cunning one has a thousand words (Russian). And a thousand painted lamps will not replace one real (Japanese). And through a thousand barriers, water still flows into the sea (Chinese). And a journey in a thousand countries begins with the first step (Mongolian).

One act can judge 1000 others (Vietnamese).

For childrendeveloperspoems for children

Riddles in the text of which there are numbers and Proverbs with numbers


  1. Antoshka stands on one leg; they are looking for him, but he does not respond (mushroom).
  2. He stands on one leg, turns his head. It shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans (globe).
  3. On a long leg, frozen for the time being, the stick rests after the game (one).
  4. Who has one foot, and that one without a shoe? (mushroom).
  5. Many arms, one leg (tree).
  6. Sharp fingers stand in one row - tsap - scratches: pick up armfuls! (rake).
  7. Spinning on one leg, carefree, cheerful. In a colorful skirt, a dancer, musical ... (yula).
  8. Standing on one leg, staring into the water. He pokes at random with his beak, looking for frogs in the river. A drop hung on the nose. Do you recognize? This is ... (heron).
  9. In the forest, a cake (mushroom) grew on one leg.


  1. Two brothers went to the river to bathe (buckets).
  2. Two rings, two ends, in the middle - carnations (scissors).
  3. Two houses - warm houses were presented to Tanya (mittens).
  4. The neck is so long, the tail is crocheted ... And it's no secret that she loves all lazy people, but her lazy ones do not! (two).
  5. There is a completely different bird: if it sits on the page, then with a bowed head, I return home (deuce).
  6. Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles (compass).
  7. At night, two windows close by themselves, and at sunrise they open (the eyes).
  8. Each face has two beautiful lakes. There is a mountain between them. Name them kids. (eyes).
  9. Between two luminaries, in the middle - one (nose).
  10. Not a moth, not a bird, but holding two pigtails (bow).
  11. Two sisters, two braids of fine sheep's wool. How to walk, how to put on, so that five and five do not freeze! (mittens).
  12. Two slender sisters in the hands of a craftswoman. All day we dived into the loops ... And here it is a scarf for Petenka (knitting needles).
  13. Two sisters run circle after circle one after another: the short one only once, the one above - every hour! (clock hands).
  14. He runs and buzzes, looks into two eyes, and when he becomes - a bright red eye looks! (automobile).
  15. This horse does not eat oats. Instead of legs - two wheels. Sit on horseback and rush on it, only better to drive (bicycle).
  16. It has two wheels and a saddle on the frame, there are two pedals at the bottom, they turn them with their feet (bike).
  17. I have two horses, two horses. On the water they carry me, and the water is as hard as stone! (skates).
  18. I leave two strips in the snow on the run. I fly from them with an arrow, and they again follow me (skiing).
  19. Two new maple soles are two meters high: I put two feet on them - and run (skis) over the big snows.
  20. Two brothers through their mother, looking at each other (shores).
  21. Two sables lie with their tails to each other (eyebrows).
  22. Two look and two listen (eyes and ears).
  23. Two siblings: everyone sees one, but does not hear; everyone hears the other, but does not see (lightning and thunder).
  24. Here is a mountain, and near the mountain there are two deep holes. In these holes, air wanders, then enters, then exits (nose).
  25. Two twins, two brothers sit on top of us (glasses and nose).
  26. Two in the sky walk around, but do not see each other (sun and moon).
  27. He rides on two wheels, does not skid on the slopes. And there is no gas in the tank. This is my ... (bike).
  28. He is always at the station, trains approach him. Double P contains it and is called ... (platform).
  29. For long distances, he rushes without delay. It is written at the end with two Cs, called ... (express).
  30. This riddle is not easy: I always write in two K. Hit the ball and the puck with a stick, and I am called ... (hockey).
  31. At the end, write two L's. And decide what my name is: without a master, a brilliant correct ... (crystal) became faceted.
  32. Two sisters: one light, the other dark (day and night).


  1. There is a back, but never lies. There are four legs, but three do not walk. He himself always stands, and tells everyone to sit (chair).
  2. I stand on three legs, my feet are in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What is my name? (piano).
  3. You enter through one door and exit through three. You think that you went out, but in fact you went in (shirt).
  4. A triangular board with three hairs on it. The hair is thin, the voice is sonorous (balalaika).
  5. Three brothers went to the river to swim. Two are swimming, the third is lying on the shore. Bathed - went out, hung on the third (buckets and rocker).
  6. Near the forest at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Guess without a clue who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Mashenka and three bears).
  7. Three plow one meadow (fingers write).
  8. He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights, he looks at me from above in turn (traffic light).
  9. Here he is standing on the street, in a long boot, a three-eyed monster on one leg. The emerald eye flared up at the monster - which means you can cross the street now (traffic light).


  1. Four brothers stand under one roof (table).
  2. Although we have 4 legs, we are not mice or cats. Although we all have backs, we are not sheep or pigs. We are not horses, even though you sat on us hundreds of times (chairs).
  3. There are 4 legs under the roof, and soup and spoons (table) on the roof.
  4. I stand on 4 legs, I can't walk at all. When you get tired of walking, you can sit down and rest (chair).
  5. Boots were worn on 4 legs. Before putting on, they began to inflate shoes (tires).
  6. All four petals moved at the flower. I wanted to pluck it, it fluttered and flew away (butterfly).
  7. Every year they come to visit us: one is gray-haired, the other is young, the third jumps, and the fourth cries (seasons).
  8. Four wings, not a bird; flaps its wings, and not from a place (mill).
  9. She will fluff up her sides, her four corners. And you, as the night falls, will still be attracted to you (pillow).
  10. Four dirty hooves climbed right into the trough (piglet).
  11. Lives between stones head with four legs (tortoise).
  12. Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)
  13. In a year, grandfather has four names (winter, spring, summer, autumn).
  14. She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly. You talk more often with her - you will become four times smarter (book).
  15. Four legs, but not a beast. There are feathers, but not a bird (a bed with a pillow).
  16. Two bellies, four horns (pillow).
  17. Four ears, but feathers cannot be counted (pillow).


  1. There is, friends, such a bird: if it sits on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family is with me (five).
  2. The five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, an ax (fingers).
  3. Five brothers have one job (fingers).
  4. Two mothers have five sons, one name for all (fingers).
  5. As soon as she goes for a walk in the winter, the tenants of the house move in, and exactly five in each! (gloves).
  6. 5 fingers, like humans, but her fingers are without nails (gloves).
  7. 5 woolen bags - brothers are heated in them (gloves).
  8. A flock of birds is resting on five wires (notes)
  9. In order not to freeze, five guys are sitting in a knitted stove (fingers in mittens).
  10. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song (notes).


  1. If it stands on its head, it will become exactly three more (six).
  2. Cheren, but not a raven. Horned, but not a bull. Six legs without hooves. It flies, buzzes, falls - digs the ground (beetle).
  3. There is a commotion in the yard, peas are falling from the sky. Nina ate 6 peas, she now has a sore throat (hail).
  4. 6 for legs, 2 heads, one tail. Who is this? (rider on a horse).


  1. Every day at 7 am, I'm cracking: it's time to get up! (alarm).
  2. There are 7 brothers: equal for years, different names (days of the week).
  3. These brothers are exactly 7. You know them all. Every week the brothers walk around one after another. The last one says goodbye - the front one appears (days of the week).
  4. All my life I carry two humps, I have two stomachs! But every hump is not a hump, a barn! Food in them for seven days! (camel)
  5. Five puppies, yes mom-like. You try and count! (6)
  6. The sun ordered: “Stop, the seven-colored bridge is an arc!” (rainbow)
  7. We are a flock, 7 sheep, we protect from snowstorms (fur coat).
  8. One seven polonil (spider).


  1. Wonderful House - a runner on his eight legs. Day-to-day on the road: running along an alley along two steel snakes (tram).
  2. I'm so sweet, I'm so round, I'm made of two circles. How glad I am that I found friends like you (8).
  3. Are you not familiar with me? I live at the bottom of the sea. Head and 8 legs, that's all I am .... (octopus).
  4. 8 legs, like 8 arms, embroider a circle with silk. The master in silk knows a lot. Buy, flies, silk! (spider).


  1. Guess, guys, what is the figure of an acrobat? If it stands on its head, it will be exactly three less (9).


  1. Your assistants - look - a dozen friendly brothers. How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work (fingers).
  2. The hedgehog has grown ten times, it turned out ... (porcupine).
  3. Cunning little brothers live in a smart book. 10 of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world (numbers).
  4. I have workers, hunters help in everything. They do not live behind the wall - day and night with me: a dozen, faithful guys! (fingers).
  5. For dozens of miles - a multi-colored bridge. Only now, no one should walk on it (rainbow).

Numbers greater than ten

  1. 70 clothes, and all without fasteners (cabbage).
  2. There are 33 heroes on the page of the primer. The wise men of the heroes know every literate (letters).
  3. Sat on page 33 sisters. They sat next to each other - they are not silent, they tell us riddles (letters).
  4. Kulik is not great, he orders a whole hundred: then sit down and study; then get up, disperse (school bell).
  5. My friends are dark. I can’t count them myself, because whoever passes will shake my hand (the door).
  6. Hundreds of eyes look in all directions (thimble).
  7. There are two rows of houses - 10, 20, 100 in a row. And they look at each other with square eyes (street).
  8. 12 brothers are equally and are called different things, they are engaged in (months of the year).
  9. Peas scattered on seventy roads: no one will pick it up (hail).
  10. He is golden and mustachioed. In a hundred pockets - 100 guys (ear).
  11. I tried for the whole summer - dressed, dressed ... And when autumn approached, she gave us clothes. We put a hundred clothes in a barrel (cabbage).
  12. A thousand brothers are girded with one belt (ears in a sheaf).
  13. One shepherd grazes 1000 sheep (month and stars).
  14. The golden sieve of black houses is full. How many little black houses, so many white tenants (sunflower).
  15. One hundred birch soldiers stand holding hands. Day and night, all year round: they guard the garden (fence).

Math homework requires creativity. Choose a riddle that is easy to draw an illustration for, then your book about numbers will receive special praise!

Zero without a wand.
Zero attention.
Reduce to zero.

Don't clap with one hand.
One bee will bring some honey.
Alone in the sea is not a fisherman.
One head on the shoulders.
One wise head is worth a hundred heads.
One plows, and seven wave their hands.
Once doesn't count.
There is only one truth in the world.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
One to go - and the road is long.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
One beaten is worth two unbeaten.
There is safety in numbers.
One warrior leads a thousand.
Break one pancake in half.
One wolf drives a regiment of sheep.
One warrior leads a thousand.
One in the harrow, and all on the sidelines.
One goose will not trample the grass.
One eye is on us, and the other is on Arzamas.
One thief - ruin for the whole world.
One for all and all for one.
One is like a stump, and the other is like a deck.
Alone, like a month in the sky.
One mouth and that fights.
One is about Foma, the other is about Yerema.
One cuts, and the other blows a pipe.
Miron has one son, and that Mironovich.
One mind is good, but two is better.
Lonely home everywhere.
One trouble comes, another leads.
One misfortune does not go: misfortune will give birth to misfortune.
One head it's good, but two better.
One swallow does not make spring.
One fox will lead seven wolves.
One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.
One clothes - and in the world, and in a feast, and in the backyard.
One hand in honey, the other in molasses.
One luck goes, another leads.
Sleep with one eye and watch with the other.
One grain gives a handful.
One eye to see far.
One ear is deaf.
Birds of a feather.
To live alone is to chill the heart, and in public even death is red.
Going alone and drowning is boring.
One succeeded and the other failed.

Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home.
Chasing two birds with one stone - not catching a single one.
I got ready for two hours, washed for two hours, dried myself for an hour, dressed for a day.
Two of a Kind.
Two centuries do not live, and a century - do not grieve.
Two brothers - for a bear, and two brothers-in-law - for jelly.
You won't live two centuries, you won't cross two youths.
Two fools, but each has two fists.
Two Demids, but both do not see.
Two fools about one mind.
Two pennies is a good bunch.
Don't die twice.
Two boots - a pair, and both on the left foot.
Two of a Kind.
You can't be young twice.
There is no summer twice a year.
Two dogs are fighting - don't pester the third one.
Two fight - the third do not poke your head.
Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

He had three wives, but suffered from all of them.
Three sons, and he is strong.
Three times forgive, and the fourth sickness.
Three money a day - wherever you want, there and day.
Bouncer price - three kopecks.
It takes three years to learn to be industrious; to learn to be lazy, it takes only three days.
He ground for three days, and ate it in a day and a half.
Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years.
One is a mystery, two is half a mystery, three is no mystery.
One wears, the other asks, the third is waiting.

Forehead - four, and the fifth - God help.
On all four sides.
A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles.
Four floors, and the sides are bare.
Without four corners, the hut is not cut.
Live within four walls.

The fifth wheel in the cart.
Like the back of my hand.

Sixth Sense.

Seven do not wait for one.
Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.
Seven are not alone, we will not give offense.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven villages, and one horse.
Seven for hares, but no skins.
I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.
Seven miles to heaven, and all the forest.
Seven raise one straw.

Poppy did not give birth for seven years, and there was no hunger.
Seven cases in one hand do not take.
We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together - and there’s nothing to say.
Measure seven times, cut once.
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels - apart.
She drained seven rivers, she did not moisten the canvas.
Seven Thursdays, and all on Friday.
Up to the seventh generation.
On the seventh sky.

Two friends, eight enemies.
For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out.
Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough.
Do not count, do not say "eight".
Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the mistress is nine, which evenly divides.
Spring and autumn - eight weathers a day.

Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub.
Having lost once, you will win nine times.
Nine people is the same as ten.
A bull costs ninety rubles, a haughty man is not worth nine kopecks.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.

Ten people who know are not worth one who does the work.
A wise man hears once, but guesses ten times.
One year ate ten years.
Until you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times.
One speaks, ten listen.
Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow.
Cut down one tree, plant ten.
Tenth water on jelly.


(about numbers)

Proverbs- short folk sayings with instructive content, folk aphorisms.

sayings- short stable expressions, mostly figurative, not constituting, unlike proverbs, complete statements.

Winged words- figurative, well-aimed expressions, sayings that are in common use.

The Russian people, like any other, have countless proverbs and sayings. It is difficult to say from what time proverbs and sayings began to circulate among the people. These little wise sayings were created and accumulated by the people over the course of centuries of history. They reflect his life, working conditions, culture. A proverb is always instructive. It always has a conclusion that is useful for everyone to remember.

Proverbs and sayings are firmly embedded in the memory, their memorization is facilitated by various consonances, rhymes. They are short, there are no superfluous words in them, each word is weighty, meaningful and accurate:

The proverb does not say in vain.

Silly speech is not a proverb.

Proverb - an assistant to all matters.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, the compiler of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, wrote that the proverb "is the color of the people's mind, this is the everyday folk truth." Mikhail Sholokhov called the proverb "clumps of reason", "winged wisdom".

In our speech, we use not only proverbs and sayings, but also winged expressions very similar to them: brief quotations, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures that have entered our speech from literary sources.

Winged expressions are, as it were, halfway to proverbs: like proverbs, they are widely used in speech, but, in contrast to proverbs, they usually belong to an author who is known.

How many proverbs, sayings, popular expressions do you know? There are countless of them, so let's remember only those in which there are numbers.

Zero without a stick(simple). A worthless, meaningless person.

Zero Attention (simple). Complete indifference, indifference on the part of someone to someone or something.

Absolute zero, round zero. An insignificant person, completely useless in any business.

Reduce to zero, reduce to zero. Deprive of any meaning, meaning. (compare "neglect").

Nothing comes from nothing. This expression belongs to the Greek philosopher Melissa, was often quoted by ancient philosophers and writers.

Nothing new under the sun. This expression, which has become winged, is taken from a poem by the Russian writer N.M. Karamzin (inspired by biblical writing).

Nothing is given as a gift. Quote from a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "In the hospital".

One is a bully, the other is unyielding.
One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.
One bee will bring some honey.
Cut down one tree, plant ten.
Don't clap with one hand.
There is only one truth in the world.
Once doesn't count.
There is safety in numbers.
Alone in the sea is not a fisherman.
One hand does not knit a knot.
One plows, and seven wave their hands.
One head on the shoulders.
One leg here, the other there.
One wise head is worth a hundred heads.
One bee is better than a swarm of flies.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
From one word to forever a quarrel.
The hedgehog has one strength - thorns.
One to go - and the road is long.
Once he lied, he became a liar forever.
Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand.
A coward dies a hundred times, a hero only once.

Break one pancake in half.
One in the harrow, and all on the sidelines.
One in sin, and all in the answer.
One in action - one in a twist.
Alone in the sea is not a fisherman, and without an artel is not a sailor.
One in Moscow, the other in Vologda, and both are hungry.
One in the field is not a warrior (... not a warrior).
One warrior leads a thousand.
One wolf drives a regiment of sheep.
One wolf, and even that one howls hungry in the bush.
One thief - ruin for the whole world.
One eye is on us, and the other is on Arzamas.
One talks about peas, and the other about pods.
One speaks about Taras, and the other: a hundred and fifty devils.
One is grieving, and the artel is fighting.
One goose will not trample the grass.
One to another is not an order.
One is a fool and the other is not intelligent.

One fool said, another listened (... repeated).
One brush - fish soup pot.
One for all and all for one.
One is a bully, the other is unyielding.
One and you will perish at the porridge.
Alone, like a month in the sky.
One is like a stump, and the other is like a deck.
You can't go up the wall alone.

One finger is not a fist.

You can’t eat one pie, it’s not a problem with porridge alone.
One is about Foma, the other is about Yerema.

Once a candle, another time a candle, perhaps, and a fur coat from the shoulder.
You lie once, they won't believe you again.
One mouth and that fights.
One cuts, and the other blows a pipe.

One boot is stolen, the other is thieves'.
One collects, the other yawns.
One goes blind from hunger, the other from gold.
One died of fear, the other came to life.

Miron has one son, and that Mironovich.

One bread is fastidious.
One walks in cloth and silk, and the other has teeth on a shelf.
The same torture, but the handles are not the same.
Lonely lay down - curled up, got up - startled.
Lonely home everywhere.
Lonely where there is bread, there is a corner.
One trouble comes, another leads.
One trouble rolls, the other looks into the gateway.
One misfortune is not a misfortune, only it would not come again.
One trouble did not go out, another caught fire.
One misfortune does not go: misfortune will give birth to misfortune.
One head is not poor, but poor, so alone.

One firebrand does not burn in the oven, but two - and flare up in the field.
One smut goes out in the oven, and two - and smoke in the field.
One door is locked and the other is wide open.

One penny - and that edge.
One swallow does not make spring.

One fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.
One May dew is better for horses than oats.
One fly will not eat even the belly.
One flour, but not only pens baked.
One foot in a bast shoe, the other in a boot.

One clothes - and in the world, and in a feast, and in the backyard.
One piece of clothing - and in a goal, and in a moth, and in a good feast.
One black sheep ruins the whole flock.
One bee does not bring much honey.
One shirt - and that wash.
One hand in honey, the other in molasses.
One side is always wrong.
The crane has one road - to warm waters.
One luck goes, another leads.
One gate: either into the yard or out of the yard.
One eye and cry and laugh.
Some cry, while others jump.

Sleep with one eye and watch with the other.
You can break many pots with one stone.
You can't travel the whole field with one horse.
You can't skip the whole path in one fell swoop.
You can't go around the field in one fell swoop.
In one fell swoop, a hundred beatings, and not counting the rest.
One veche, but different speeches.

Do one thing, and do not spoil the other.
One grain gives a handful.
One grain of a pood brings.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
One eye to see far.
One word breaks the bone, the other splices.
One ear is deaf.
One is beaten, and the other is slandered.
One sparrow cannot be divided into twelve dishes.
Birds of a feather.
Death paints one cancer.
One brave man and a thousand cowards will not replace.
Do not rejoice in one swallow.
Live with one hand and this with the other.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
Blink one eye, push the other with a baton.
One to go - and the road is long.
One cannot go alone: ​​the road is far.
To live alone is to chill the heart, and in public even death is red.
Going alone and drowning is boring.
One and porridge is not a problem.
He nodded to one, blinked to another, and the third guessed.
One beginning does not have two ends.
One is not scary, but two are more fun.
To submit to one, to give in to another.
One is fun, the other is not funny.

Joy to one with his wife, grief to the other.
One succeeded and the other failed.

Business before pleasure. Handwritten postscript of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676) to the collection of rules for falconry, a favorite pastime of that time. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the matter.

The first pancake is lumpy. It often happens that the hostess does not succeed with the first pancake (it is poorly removed from the pan, burns), but the hostess determines from it whether the dough is well mixed, whether the pan has warmed up, whether it is necessary to add oil. It is said to justify the unsuccessful start of a new, difficult business.

Woe for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys.
Two of a Kind.
I got ready for two hours, washed for two hours, dried myself for an hour, dressed for a day.
As two drops of water.
Who soon helped, he helped twice.
Lazy man works twice.
Between two fires.
For two words.
On two fronts.
Can't connect two words.
Not two, not one and a half.
One head it's good, but two better.
Two inches from the pot.
Double-edged sword.
Sit between two chairs.
Miser pays twice.
Kill two birds with one stone.
To gobble up both cheeks.
Lame on both legs.
Give the fool free rein, and he will take two.
Two brothers - for a bear, and two brothers-in-law - for jelly.
Two centuries do not live, and a century - do not grieve.
You won't live two centuries, you won't cross two youths.

Two pennies - a lot of good.
Two Demids, but both do not see.
Two friends - frost and blizzard.
Two fools, but each has two fists.
Two fools about one mind.
Two cats cannot fit in one bag.
Two bears do not live in the same den.
Two to one is an army.
Don't die twice.
Two of a Kind.
Two boots - a pair, and both on the left foot.
Two lanterns on an empty tower (beautiful eyes, but an empty head).
Two devils don't live in a swamp.
Two chiryonka - the same duckling.
There is no summer twice a year.
You can't be young twice.
Two sheep's heads do not fit into one pot.
Two smuts smoke in the field, and one goes out in the oven.
Two small dogs eat the big one.
Two shirts get wet in the tub, and two trousers dry on the grip.

Two yarovka - the same sheep.
Two are fighting in the field, and one is grieving at home.

Two plow, and seven wave their hands.
Two baldheads are fighting over a comb.

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Chasing two birds with one stone - you won't catch a single one.
Woe to one with his wife, twice to the other.
One beginning does not have two ends.
One grief is not grief, no matter how it was with two.
Kill two birds with one stone.
One woman is a woman, two women are a market, and three are a fair.
One head it's good, but two better.
One mind is good, but two is better.
One is a mystery, two is half a mystery, three is no mystery.
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
One ruble - one mind, two rubles - two minds.
One beaten is worth two unbeaten.

Grandma said in two. in two ( simple.) - indefinitely, with the possibility of understanding one way or another. It is not known whether what is supposed to come true; It is still unknown how it will be: one way or another. They say when they doubt the implementation of what they assume.

Second wind. Sometimes, at long distances, unbearable fatigue comes to the athlete: the legs refuse to run, there is not enough breath. The inexperienced one stops, and the master continues to run through force, and - lo and behold! - after a few seconds, fatigue disappears, strength is restored, the chest breathes easily again. It's a second wind.

Two-faced Janus. In Roman mythology, the god of time, depicted with two faces facing in opposite directions: the past and the future. This is where the expression "two-faced person" came from.

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. The inevitable will happen anyway, whether you risk it or not. It speaks of the determination to do something associated with risk, danger, and at the same time with the hope that the danger can still be avoided.

(Compare: Where ours did not disappear.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Which have not be avoided.)

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either. It is said when someone takes on several (usually profitable) cases at once and therefore cannot do a single one well or bring it to the end.

For one beaten two unbeaten give. For one scientist, two non-scientists are given. They say when they understand that the punishment for the mistakes made is for the benefit of a person, because in this way he gains experience.

Of two evils (choose) the lesser. This expression, which has become winged, belongs to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. It is found in Cicero, many famous philosophers, writers of antiquity and modernity.

an old friend is better than two new ones. It is said when they want to emphasize the loyalty, devotion and indispensability of an old friend.

Mind is good but two is better. It is said when, when solving an issue, they turn to someone for advice, when they solve a case together


Bouncer price - three kopecks.

Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years.

It takes three years to learn to be industrious; to learn to be lazy, it takes only three days.

Three money a day - wherever you want, there and day.
He ground for three days, and ate it in a day and a half.
He had three wives, but suffered from all of them.

Three sons, and he is strong.
The priest sings three times, and on the fourth amen gives.
Two - it's fun, the third don't poke your head.
Two fight - the third do not poke your head.
Two dogs are fighting - don't bother the third one.
Two sorrows together, the third in half.
One leg is shod, the other is bare, and if there was a third, I don’t know how I would go.
One woman is a woman, two women are a market, and three are a fair.
One is a mystery, two is half a mystery, three is no mystery.
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
One wears, the other asks, the third is waiting.

Get lost in the three pines. Not being able to figure out something simple, uncomplicated, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

Third party, from third parties. Through intermediaries, not from eyewitnesses, not directly (learn, receive, hear).

Three inches from the pot. Very short, short, small.

With three boxes. A lot (say, promise, lie, etc.).

third day. Day before yesterday.

Promised three years waiting. They speak jokingly when they do not believe in the speedy fulfillment of promises made by someone or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed for an indefinite time.

Cry in three streams. That is very bitter to cry.

Three Graces. The ancient Romans had three goddesses, personifying youth, charm, fun. Depicted as three beautiful women. Sometimes used with irony.

Three whales. Previously, the ancients believed that the Earth stands on three pillars. The expression is used in the meaning of the basis of the foundations.

Three years of galloping - you won’t jump to any state. These words, which have become winged, belong to the mayor from the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector". It is a question of a deaf, forgotten, abandoned place.

Without four corners, the hut is not cut.

A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles.

Three times forgive, and the fourth sickness.
Forehead - four, and the fifth - God help.
Four floors, and the sides are bare.

On all four sides. Anywhere you want (go, get out, drive away, let go).

Live within four walls. Not communicating with anyone, being alone. Without leaving home.

Like the back of my hand. To know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

Fifth wheel in the cart. Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business.
Mad dog and five kilometers is not a circle.
Look forward once, look back five times.
Have at one's fingertips. (popular expression)
Like a dog's fifth leg. (popular expression)
Bargaining for three altyns, and debt for five.

One hive is a beehive and five is an apiary.
Five wolves are not as scary as a flattering villain.
Forehead - four, and the fifth - God help!
Two walked - they found five rubles, seven will go - how many will they find.
God is not a fool, he loves a penny.

Sixth Sense.


Living house, and died - six boards.
Bast shoes were lost, they searched the yards: there were six, they found seven.
The spoon is narrow, it carries three pieces: you need to spread it so that it can carry six.
What a wise man needs six days to do, a cunning one will do in five.
Than to be a gelding for six days, it is better to be a stallion for one day.
Six boards and a canvas scarf.

Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

Bow from seven ailments.

Over the seven seas.

In one fell swoop, seven kills.

I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

Seven corporals, and one private.
Seven are not alone, we will not give offense.
Seven do not wait for one.
Seven raise one straw.
Seven for hares, but no skins.
Seven with a spoon, and one with a bipod.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven miles to heaven, and all the forest.
Seven miles of jelly slurp.
Seven miles is not a detour (... not a suburb).
Seven cases in one hand do not take.
Seven villages, and one horse.
Poppy did not give birth for seven years, and there was no hunger.

We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together - and there’s nothing to say.
Seven changes, and all radish: radish trikha, radish slice, radish with kvass, radish with butter, radish in pieces, radish in sticks and whole radish.
Measure seven times - cut one.
Seven times in your opinion, but at least once in my opinion.
She drained seven rivers, she did not moisten the canvas.
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels - apart.
Seven Thursdays, and all on Friday.
One fox will lead seven wolves.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
One drinks - seven vomits.
One plows, and seven wave their hands.

Up to the seventh generation. to the most remote generations.

On the seventh sky. An expression that came to us from the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It means at the present time the highest degree of joy, happiness.

Seven deadly sins. Biblical expression. Over time, it acquired the meaning of any bad, unforgivable offenses.

Seven do not wait for one. So they say when they start some business without someone who was late, or with a reproach to someone who makes many (not necessarily seven) wait for themselves.

Seven troubles - one answer. Let's risk it again, and if we have to answer, then for everything at once, at the same time. It speaks of the determination to do something else risky, dangerous in addition to what has already been done.

Try on seven times (measure), cut once. Before you do anything serious, think carefully about everything, foresee everything. It is said as advice to consider all possible options for action before starting any business.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Without an eye(obsolete) - without supervision, without supervision. The work is done poorly, unsatisfactorily, when several people are responsible for it at once. It is said when several people (or even organizations) responsible for a case rely on each other and each individually treats his duties in bad faith.

Seven Wonders of the World. In ancient times, the seven wonders of the world were called seven structures that struck with their grandiosity. In figurative (colloquial) speech, one of the seven wonders of the world is called something wonderful, magnificent.

Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough.
For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out.

All seven, master eight, the hostess - nine, which exactly divides.
Spring and autumn - on the day of the weather eight.
Two friends, two enemies eight.
Don't count, don't say eight".


A bull costs ninety rubles, a haughty man is not worth nine kopecks.
Everyone is seven, the owner is eight, the hostess is nine, which evenly divides.
Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub.
Nine people is the same as ten.
Out of ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.
Having lost once, you will win nine times.

Nine circles of hell (pass) - "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri.
9 kingdoms - according to the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato, about Atlantis.
Nine-candlestick for the celebration of Hanukkah
Nine orders of angels- Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions (angelic rank), Forces, Authorities, Principles, Archangels and Angels.
Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit- “To one is given by the Spirit a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge…; faith to another ...; gifts of healings to others…; to another miracles, to another prophecy, to another discernment of spirits, to another different tongues, to another interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:8-10).
Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit- “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal. 5:22-23).
Nine Gospel Beatitudes- Sermon on the Mount
Nine Promises to the "Overcomer" from the Revelation of John the Theologian (Rev. 2-3).
With the Roman numeral IX, the Templars denoted Jesus (I) the King (X).
The number 9 corresponds to the Sephira Yesod on the Tree of Life - Kabbalah


Tenth water on jelly.
Measure ten times, cut once.
A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart ones will not be taken out.
Cut down one tree, plant ten.
One smart man drives ten crazy people.
One fool will throw a stone into the water - ten smart ones will not get it.

A fool will throw a stone into the water, but ten smart ones will not be taken out.
Get rid of one vice - ten virtues will grow.
One speaks, ten listen.
One smart man drives ten crazy people.
Until you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times.
Nine people is like a dozen.
Ten people who know are not worth one who does the work.
Dear - five, but straight ten.
For one shooter, ten beaters.
One year ate ten years.
Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten officers.
A wise man hears once, but guesses ten times.
What you can't do alone, ten will do.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.
Out of ten nuns, nine are harlots, and one is out of her mind.
friends - few, one enemy - many (Turkish).
And a thousand rumors are not yet true (Mongolian).
A thousand talents, but no heart (Japanese).
The pacer has a thousand ways, the cunning one has a thousand words (Russian).
And a thousand painted lamps will not replace one real (Japanese).
And through a thousand barriers, water still flows into the sea (Chinese).
The one who is learned is protected from a thousand troubles (Tatar).
There is no use for a thousand vanities (Turkmen).
It is better to see once than to hear 1000 times (Chinese).
One fool will throw a diamond into the sea - a thousand smart ones will not get it (Georgian).
And a journey in a thousand countries begins with the first step (Mongolian).
If not one is taken, but a thousand, then the heaviest log will become light (Ethiopian).
One act can judge 1000 others (Vietnamese).
