Rules for obtaining a mortgage using maternity capital: conditions for using funds and the procedure for repaying the loan. Repaying a mortgage with maternity capital Using maternity capital for a down payment

Only a few young families manage to independently purchase their own housing, which would correspond to their desires, using funds set aside from their salaries. Of course, this could be the help of relatives or their own saved money, but the most common type of funds is mortgage lending. The state is interested in young families receiving separate housing, so it has developed a whole system of supporting young families.

Maternal certificate for improvement of living conditions

Today, maternity capital is a significant help for families with two or more children. The program has been running since 2007. It can be spent on expanding your living space, including paying off part of your mortgage debt, or spending it on paying for the services of a higher educational institution or your mother’s pension. The most common way of using such assistance for Russian families is the first option. After the President signed Federal Law-131 in May 2015. capital as a down payment on a mortgage can be used regardless of the age of birth or adoption of a second child. Since the action of this type of state. support, the rules for using such assistance are increasingly expanding. Previously, without waiting for the child to turn 3 years old, it was possible to take advantage of only the limited capabilities of such a certificate.

Can a mother's certificate be used as the initial year today?

The type of government support under consideration involves receiving a non-cash certificate, which cannot be exchanged and can be used by the family only in certain cases. Since 2016, the right to contribute maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage has been in force. The basis is Federal Law No. 131 dated May 23, 2015 .

If we talk about general rules, then maternity capital can be used both as a down payment and as repayment of the main loan debt. This is a great opportunity for a young family to reduce their financial burden and pay off their mortgage a little faster than the payment schedule would suggest.

Unfortunately, here too it is impossible without difficulties. Not every banking organization easily arranges a mortgage with maternity capital. But there are also banks that arrange similar transactions, providing profitable programs. As a general rule of thumb in many organizations today, the maximum is 14%.

How to apply?

If a family plans to use maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage, borrowers must meet all the requirements of the banking organization. In most cases, the requirements for obtaining such a loan are practically no different from a regular consumer loan:

1. Candidates must have a permanent place of work and work experience of at least six months. Some banks impose as a mandatory requirement - at least one year in the last 5 years.

2. Previously, to calculate the mortgage offer, banking organizations took into account only the legal, confirmed income of the borrower. A “gray” salary could only act as a secondary income, but most often they did not pay attention to it. And large organizations still work according to this scheme. But greater competition among financial institutions can benefit borrowers. Some banks take into account any income of a potential borrower, including unofficial income. It is imperative to learn about the specifics of these conditions from the organization’s employees during the consultation process. Sometimes it is the indication of this amount that becomes decisive when approving a mortgage.

3. Lack of registered real estate ownership. This condition applies only to those who wish to obtain a mortgage under preferential programs subsidized by the state.

4. When repaying a mortgage with maternal capital is used, the allocation of shares to children is mandatory.

5. In order to be able to become the owner of a mortgage under the social program, the borrower must have a positive credit history.

How to get a mortgage with maternity capital?

Before initiating the procedure for transferring funds from a family certificate to repay a housing loan, you must go to the Pension Fund and receive this very certificate, which will be the official confirmation of this right.

When the certificate is in hand, future borrowers must decide which banking organization they will cooperate with and where to submit documents. It is best to visit several banking organizations and calculate a mortgage with maternity capital using all available programs. Only after a thorough analysis of the proposed loan conditions (interest rate, pre-approved amount, additional insurance, etc.) can an application be submitted.

Today there is no need to wait until the child, after whose birth the family received the right to a maternal certificate, turns 3 years old. If it is necessary to use the funds of the certificate, the owner (i.e., the mother of the children) must contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the appropriate application and package of documents.

Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternal capital

In order to use the certificate funds to fulfill your debt obligations, you will need a certain package of documents. Depending on the organization chosen, additional requirements may apply. But, as a rule, most banks ask for the following documents to pay off a mortgage with maternal capital:

  1. Passports of citizens of the Russian Federation and copies of documents. This is: INN, SNILS, a certified copy of the work book from the place of work. It will not be superfluous to provide a foreign passport or driver’s license or PTS.
  2. Certificate confirming the right to receive maternity capital.
  3. A set of documents that officially confirms the borrower’s earnings: a document confirming the absence of debt on mandatory payments, a certificate on the bank’s income form, or the standard 2-NDFL form can be used.
  4. Agreement for the sale and purchase of an apartment or house.
  5. Information about the purchased object: information about the condition of the BTI object, an extract from the house register, and a passport with an assessment of the technical condition are required.
  6. Official confirmation from the Pension Fund that there are indeed funds in the potential borrower’s account.
  7. Application for registration of shared ownership.

What should be included in the pension fund?

It is important to understand that a mortgage using maternity capital is not a quick procedure. Especially if the buyer does not use the services of real estate agencies and completes the transaction independently.

After the bank has been provided with all the documents, statements and other requested documents, you need to go to the Pension Fund and provide them with some papers. Typically this is:

  1. An official document from a bank indicating that the borrower actually intends to enter into an agreement to purchase a mortgage. As a rule, this document is issued by the bank in the usual form.
  2. All general information about the housing property, which will become the subject of mortgage lending.
  3. All documents, as in the case of a bank, belonging to the borrower (passport, SNILS, INN).
  4. It is mandatory to write an application for transfer of funds indicating the bank details.

Mortgage conditions from the most popular banks

Any financial institution is interested in executing as many agreements on large loans as possible. This includes a mortgage for maternity capital. Banks, as practice shows, have different attitudes towards processing a loan that involves taking into account family capital. Therefore, before deciding to use a mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage, it is worth studying the conditions of financial institutions. Experts recommend first turning to large organizations that are very popular among borrowers.

Mortgage with Sberbank

Perhaps this is the same bank that is ready to provide a mortgage for housing, regardless of its category. Thus, each borrower can draw up an agreement for the purchase of secondary housing, a private house or an apartment in a new building. A mortgage against maternity capital is also possible here. The main requirement of the bank is the mandatory transfer of funds from the certificate within six months after the conclusion of the transaction.

Official Terms:

  1. The loan is provided only in national currency.
  2. The mortgage lending rate is 14.5%.
  3. The maximum loan term is thirty years.
  4. The down payment amount must be at least 20 percent.
  5. The transaction cost is no more than 40,000,000 rubles.

"VTB 24"

The second most popular bank with which borrowers cooperate when applying for a mortgage. The contract can be concluded for absolutely any housing, regardless of its category. That is, it could be private property, secondary housing, or a new building. This factor is not decisive for the bank. A mortgage for maternity capital is also available here. Basic conditions for concluding an agreement with VTB 24:

  1. Operations for the purchase of mortgaged housing are carried out only in national currency;
  2. The average interest rate is 15.95%;
  3. The maximum term for concluding a mortgage is 30 years;
  4. The minimum contribution for the transaction is 20%;
  5. The cost of housing should not exceed 30,000,000 rubles.


If you want to apply for a mortgage at Delta Credit Bank, you need to remember that registration is possible only for primary and secondary housing. Transfer of funds from the date of conclusion of the contract is possible within a year from the date of signing.

Conditions under which you can obtain a mortgage using family capital:

  1. All transactions and transfers are possible only in the national currency - rubles.
  2. The average lending rate is 15.25%.
  3. Entry fee 30%.
  4. The maximum possible loan term should not exceed 25 years.

Down payment calculation

As a rule, not every bank provides information about what the amount of the down payment will be. Each family wants to know what conditions it can meet, and therefore wants to calculate the amount of the down payment independently. In reality it turns out not to be that difficult. To do this, you need to know the exact cost of housing and the part, expressed as a percentage, that the bank requires as a down payment. So, for example, if an apartment or house costs 3,000,000 rubles, and the bank requires you to deposit at least 20%, the result is 600,000 rubles. In the event that the family plans to use the mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage, it is quite logical that in any case it is necessary to pay an additional amount in cash.

If a family relies solely on the help of a certificate, then you can calculate the cost of housing for which it can qualify. The formula is simple: size mat. capital x 100 / down payment indicator.

It is important to understand that maternity capital is a type of state support, therefore the amount that is issued can only be used for specific needs. It is impossible to go and spend it whenever you want. If you plan to use the mat. capital as an initial payment on a mortgage or in the form of a payment to repay the principal debt, then it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund about this six months before concluding the transaction. The state budget and payments are planned every six months.

If part of the maternity capital has already been used, then the remainder cannot be used as a down payment. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the debt under the existing mortgage agreement.


Before contacting the bank, you need to decide for yourself which construction program to give preference to. And although when participating in shared construction the risk is several times greater, the family can win a considerable number of meters, as well as get a mortgage at a more favorable price in terms of monthly payments.

Social is a common practice that allows families with children to become owners of personal property. In this way, the borrower pays part of the loan amount with money from the Certificate, the amount of which in the current year is up to 450 thousand rubles. Considering the average market price of housing in Russia, this is a significant contribution to improving the well-being of the population.

Maternity capital for a mortgage: conditions

Signing a mortgage loan agreement implies the emergence of a bilateral legal relationship in which the financial institution provides the client with an amount of funds for personal use, receiving a loan from the property. At the same time, the borrower guarantees to repay the mortgage on time and regularly, avoiding debt.

Table No. 1 “Legal regulation of the issue”

Investing money in a mortgage occurs under the following conditions:

  • target payment that can be used to pay off the loan;
  • the purchased apartment is pledged to the bank, and in case of delays on the mortgage, it can be sold by a financial institution;
  • Registration of housing ownership occurs only after full payment of the loan;
  • registration of ownership of housing is carried out with the provision of equal shares to all members of the borrower’s family.

Options for using maternity capital for a mortgage

According to statistical information, more than half of the families who received a cash Certificate used it for, namely, the purchase of apartments or houses. It is possible to purchase real estate in full immediately or by taking out a mortgage loan.

The current legislation limits the list of purposes for which maternity capital funds can be used. These include:

  • payment of the entry fee;
  • repayment of the main body of the loan;
  • compensation for interest costs on the loan.

When submitting an application for the intended use of funds, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • you will be able to spend your finances only on paying for real estate purchases;
  • Not only the holders of the maternal certificate, but also other family members can also be a party to the lending agreement;
  • assistance applies to mortgages issued both before and after receiving maternal capital.

Important! Mortgage payment arrears, fines and arrears cannot be repaid from the balance of maternity capital.

Repayment of the down payment

This is one of the most common ways to use funds, but in practice a number of difficulties arise. Thus, maternity capital, as a down payment on a mortgage, must be issued before the first amount of money is paid on the loan. This is a long-term and complex procedure that involves multiple applications by the certificate owner to the Pension Fund and the bank. But not all banks are ready to wait for such a procedure.

On the other hand, this method allows you to avoid having to contribute personal funds to compensate for the loan amount. In particular, the following conditions must be taken into account on how to repay the first installment of a mortgage with maternity capital. These include:

  • the calculated amount of the initial payment must be less than or equal to the amount of money on the Certificate balance;
  • the loan must fully cover the cost of the property.

Repayment of principal

Many borrowers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to repay the main part of the mortgage with maternity capital. There are no problems with this. It should be taken into account that further repayment of the debt amount after paying for the mortgage will occur as follows:

  • reducing the mortgage repayment period while maintaining a fixed amount of monthly payments;
  • reducing the volume of regular payments while maintaining the original loan term.

How repayment will occur depends on the terms of the signed agreement with the bank and the type of mortgage. The nuances of the mortgage agreement also depend on who the borrower is: a young family, large families or military personnel.

How to get a mortgage using maternity capital

According to the general rule, money from maternity capital can be used only after the child reaches the age of three. The legislator provides an exception to this rule. In particular, if spouses become parents for the third time, then finances can be realized ahead of schedule.

Repayment of a mortgage using maternity capital in 2019 will occur in the following sequence:

  • searching for the desired property, as well as drawing up a purchase and sale agreement;
  • signing a lending agreement with the bank;
  • registration of the purchased property in the state register, which indicates that the purchased apartment is pledged to a financial institution as part of a mortgage lending;
  • a handwritten application to the local branch of the Pension Fund with an application for payments;
  • consideration of the appeal by Pension Fund employees and making a decision on the appeal.

Once the mortgage is fully repaid, the loan encumbrance is removed from the apartment.

Collection of necessary documents

In order for the Pension Fund to satisfy the application for the sale of funds under the loan, the following package of documents must be submitted:

  • application for the use of funds;
  • passport (which should indicate citizenship, as well as the citizen’s registration address);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • personal document of the second spouse;
  • agreement to provide a targeted loan for the purchase of real estate;
  • a “fresh” statement from the financial institution about the balance of the mortgage debt, as well as the amount of the principal loan and the interest rate;
  • a notarial agreement in which the borrower undertakes, after repaying the loan, to register ownership of a share of the apartment in relation to each family member.

All papers are submitted in originals and copies.

Submitting an application to the Pension Fund

You also cannot do without filing an application with the Pension Fund. At this stage, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • filing an application is the prerogative of only the owner of the Certificate, that is, the parent in whose favor the money is issued;
  • the document is prepared in two copies, one of which remains with the applicant;
  • the text of the appeal must contain a description of the purposes for which the funds will be spent.

The application will be invalid without providing a full package of supporting documents.

Which banks issue mortgages against maternity capital?

Table No. 2 “How loans will be processed in different financial institutions”

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The housing issue is an acute problem in our country. The era of economic crisis has been flourishing for several years. Most young families are forced to rent an apartment, giving half their monthly salary to a stranger. In order to resolve problems with real estate, the state provided the opportunity using maternity capital as a down payment when applying for a mortgage.

Basic Concepts

At the end of May 2015, the president adopted Federal Law-131, according to which the opportunity arose.

For a young family the opportunity is provided:

  • Use a fixed amount as a down payment when applying for a loan to purchase real estate.
  • Partially repay a previously taken out mortgage.

Requirements for a potential borrower

A loan for the purchase of real estate, in which the down payment is maternity capital, will be approved if the client meets certain requirements.

Requirements for the borrower Peculiarities
Age At the time of repayment of the entire debt, the borrower or co-borrower must not have reached the age of 65 years
experience There is a high probability of a positive result if more than 6 months have passed since official employment at the last enterprise. The total work experience must be more than 1 year
Income Each bank has different requirements for monthly net profit. The minimum income for a family is 45,000 rubles
No debt obligations It is necessary that the bank client has a positive credit history. People blacklisted are denied loans even with high salaries
Maximum amount The client can purchase real estate on credit, the amount of which does not exceed 3,000,000 rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg this value is higher - up to 8,000,000 rubles
Maximum term The total loan term should not exceed 30 years or 362 months

Co-borrower is an individual acting as a guarantor. If the main payer fails to pay the debt, all obligations are transferred to him.

Any family member or other person who has reached the age of 25 years.

Step-by-step instructions for purchasing real estate

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan is divided into several main steps:

  1. , confirming the right to use funds. Issued by the MFC, pension fund, social protection department or city administration at the place of official residence. This requires:
    1. Submit an application by providing a list of required documents (passports and birth certificates of all family members, an application drawn up in the organization)
    2. Wait for the application to be reviewed. Maximum period – 31 calendar days.
    3. Receive a personalized certificate.
  2. Applying for a mortgage.
  3. Waiting for a decision. The review period is from 1 day to 1 month.
  4. If the answer is positive, the next step will be to search for housing and draw up a purchase and sale agreement.
  5. Writing an application for the transfer of state support funds to the current account of a banking organization. This step is performed in the same place where the certificate was received. To make a transfer you must provide:
    1. Passport of the child's legal representative.
    2. Agreement for the purchase and sale of the selected real estate.
    3. A certificate confirming the right to his property.
    4. Personalized certificate.

All transactions related to the use of maternity capital funds are carried out only by non-cash method. Their transfer in the form of cash is not possible.

Documents to be provided to the bank

If the applicant has decided that he wants to buy the property through mortgage lending, then he needs to provide the banking organization with a considerable list of documents:

  • Documents that prove the identity of the applicant and his co-borrower. Mandatory condition for all banks - having a Russian citizen passport. Some organizations require additional provision of a driver's license, tax identification number or international passport.
  • SNILS all family members, including those who have not reached the age of majority.
  • Certificate, confirming that the applicant has the right to use maternity capital funds.
  • Documents confirming official income. Almost all banking organizations request a certificate in the form of 2NDFL for the last year of operation. When applying for mortgage lending, the total average clean wages of the borrower and co-borrower.
  • Documents confirming ownership any immovable or movable object.
  • Statement about the intention of the legal representative to allocate shared property for each child.

If a personal certificate was lost before the time of lending, its owner has the right to issue a duplicate.

Comparative analysis of bank proposals in 2018

Name of banking organization Interest rate (%) Features of lending
Sberbank From 10.9 to 13 The maximum loan term is up to 30 years. The bank has a condition - the larger the down payment, the lower the mortgage interest rate
VTB 24 From 11.9 to 14.4 The maximum loan term is up to 50 years. The minimum loan amount is 900,000 rubles. The bank requires a down payment of 10% of the total cost of the property, regardless of the availability of maternity capital
Promsvyazbank From 9.5 to 13.5 The maximum loan amount is 15,000,000 rubles. The minimum period is 36 months. The maximum period is 300 months. This financial corporation provides the opportunity to obtain a loan without a down payment
Rosselkhozbank From 9.05 The maximum loan amount is 20,000,000 rubles. The maximum term is up to 30 years. It is possible to obtain a loan using two documents
UniCredit From 10.4 The maximum loan amount is 9,000,000 rubles. The maximum term is 25 years. A prerequisite is the presence of a down payment - 20% of the total cost of the property

The interest rate may vary depending on:

  • Loan programs.
  • Loan term.
  • Down payment amounts.
  • Type of object.

It is worth considering that for some categories of citizens mortgages are provided on favorable terms: military personnel, teachers, young families.

About insurance

Providing funds for the purchase of real estate is a huge risk for any financial organization. For this reason insurance is an integral part when applying for a loan.

Insurance is required for the following purposes:

  • If the borrower suffers a serious injury or loses his job, the insurance company will reimburse a certain amount for him from the bank.
  • If the borrower dies, the apartment will not become the property of the bank, but will go to the co-borrower or will be inherited by a relative.

Insurance is about ensuring reliability and confidence, both for the bank and for the applicant himself.

Many banks offer this type of service optional, but having insurance can significantly increase your chances of acquiring a loan.

Insurance is paid as follows:

  1. It is included in the principal amount. Full payment is made in the first year. After its repayment, the bank client will pay the remaining amount borrowed for the purchase of real estate.
  2. It is included in the principal amount. Paid by increasing the monthly payment amount.
  3. The client purchases insurance at his own expense.
  4. The client refuses to purchase insurance.

In some organizations, no interest rate is charged on the amount of insurance payment.

Possible nuances

  • The Pension Fund plans all expenses in advance. If you plan to use government financial support as a down payment, you must notify him of your intentions no later than six months before the transaction.
  • To obtain a loan, you can only use maternity capital in full. Partial deposits are strictly prohibited. If the certificate owner has already spent the funds for other purposes, then it will not be possible to use them for this transaction.
  • If maternity capital is involved in the process of acquiring real estate, then it cannot be intended for one person. The residential property is registered in the name of all family members in equal shares.
  • After a successful transaction, the purchased the property will be encumbered. This means that any manipulations with it (exchange, sale, division into shares) will only be possible with the permission of the bank.
  • If the object is secured by the bank, then It is not possible for a minor to register there. In the event of bankruptcy of the borrower of the financial institution, it will be much more difficult to regain its rights to the property.
  • Employees of the Pension Fund have the right to refuse a client to transfer funds to a bank account if he has compelling reasons for this. He, in turn, can appeal the decision.
  • The minimum down payment in almost all banks is 10%. If the amount of maternity capital does not cover this amount, then you will have to pay the difference yourself.

Important points

It is cheaper to buy an apartment with shared construction. The amount per square meter will be noticeably lower than in an already built house. The owner will have the opportunity to live in a new building with good repairs, installed double-glazed windows and new pipes. There are risks in this transaction. For example, the construction of a building may be stopped or the residential property will not meet the specified parameters.

By law, the borrower can refuse to purchase insurance. After such a decision, the client’s chances of a positive decision will noticeably decrease. Without this service, issuing a large amount for a financial institution is a big risk. The consumer also cannot be absolutely sure that he will always have the opportunity to make a payment.

Not all banks are ready to accept maternity capital as a down payment. Many organizations require the consumer to make a down payment of a specified amount. The process of obtaining a mortgage in this case will last significantly longer (from 1 month to six months).

"Black list"

The most common reason for refusal of any loan is a bad credit history. If the consumer’s karma is already damaged, then to receive a positive decision he needs:

  1. Correct this defect. Fully cover your debt obligations and try to negotiate with a bank representative about removal from the blacklist.
  2. Try to take out a loan from a small commercial organization. Many of them do not sign a contract to receive this information, since any client is important to them. It is worth considering that in such organizations the lending conditions are noticeably worse than those of government organizations.
  3. Use a mortgage broker or financial advisor.
  4. Purchase real estate in installments from the developer.

Applying for a loan to purchase a home using maternity capital is the most popular type of transaction. Thanks to him, many families were able to acquire their own corner.

The birth of a second child in a family often requires moving to a new house with larger living space. It can be purchased using a mortgage loan and taking advantage of financial assistance from the state.

We'll tell you how you could use maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage in 2018, and what procedure you need to go through.

You will find out which banks offer loans for residential real estate using maternity capital, and under what conditions you can use maternity capital to pay for a mortgage.

Maternity capital is allocated to a Russian family that has a second child, according to the law from December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ.

Maternity assistance is not issued in cash - from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which acts as the manager of the funds, you can only receive a certificate for maternity capital. State aid was indexed annually and in 2017 reached the amount of 453 thousand rubles.

The above-mentioned law allows this money to be used for one or more of 4 purposes:

  1. payment of fees for the child’s education;
  2. social adaptation of disabled children;
  3. the funded part of the mother's future pension;
  4. improving the living conditions of children.

Changes made by law dated May 23, 2015 No. 131-FZ, allow families with two or more children to spend maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage. Previously, only repayment of part of the debt on an already received mortgage loan with maternal capital was allowed.

Important: Cashing out maternity capital is illegal. A person planning to apply to a bank for a loan to purchase a home should notify the Pension Fund six months in advance, since the department plans to make payments only twice a year.

Both for the creditor bank and for the manager of the PF funds, the borrower will have to collect numerous documents to repay the mortgage with maternity capital.

Requirements for using maternity capital

To take out a mortgage with maternity capital payment, the borrower and his family must meet the following requirements:

  • a stable income that allows you to make monthly payments, which is easy to document;
  • as a rule, work experience of at least 6 months at the current place of work and at least one year of work experience over the past 5 years;
  • positive credit history;
  • availability of the full amount of maternity capital - if it is partially used, the remaining money cannot be used for the down payment;
  • certificate for maternal capital “in hand”;
  • lack of other housing in the family's possession.

Please note: in order to increase the amount of confirmed income, the person taking out a mortgage loan has the right to attract co-borrowers, regardless of the source of funds for the initial payment.

Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternal capital

Let's move on to documenting how you can count maternity capital into a mortgage. The documents that will be required to repay the mortgage with maternity capital and are used for transfer to the creditor bank and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation consist of the following standard list:

  • 1 or 2 identification documents;
  • marriage certificate (in case the spouse of the owner of maternal capital receives a loan);
  • documents proving solvency;
  • certificate for maternal capital;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the maternity capital funds in the person’s account;
  • documents about the acquired real estate (lists of papers differ depending on the type of acquisition - square meters in a new building, a secondary apartment, a private house, etc.).

Important: If a private house is purchased with a mortgage, a document for the plot is required, indicating that the land is allocated for individual housing construction. Attracting maternal capital when purchasing a summer house or other building that is not recognized as a residential premises is not allowed.

The exact list of documents should be clarified with a bank specialist. Moreover, any credit institution reserves the right to ask the client for additional papers.

You must submit to the RF Pension Fund branch:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • letter of confirmation of intention to spend maternity capital on the purchase of housing (must be obtained from the bank);
  • marriage certificate (in the above case);
  • papers on the acquired property.

Pension Fund specialists may also require additional paperwork.

The procedure for taking out a mortgage using capital

  1. Obtaining a mortgage loan with maternity capital as an initial contribution begins with choosing a banking organization that offers such a loan program.
  2. Having examined the documents identifying the client (identities of co-borrowers) and the composition of his family and confirming income, the credit institution approves the loan and gives the client a corresponding confirmation letter.
  3. With this letter, you must immediately come to the Pension Fund office and submit an application.
  4. Having received the written consent of the Pension Fund to use the capital, you need to go to the bank again. There the client signs a loan agreement and receives borrowed funds.
  5. The borrower enters into a purchase and sale transaction or an equity participation agreement.
  6. The borrower again goes to the Pension Fund and submits the documents specified above for maternity capital for a mortgage.
  7. The fund pays the funds to the bank within three months.

Important: When receiving a mortgage loan, the client faces pitfalls related to the fact that the capital is not transferred to the lender at the time the loan is issued.

In order not to give a mortgage without a down payment, banks provide the borrower with two loans:

  1. mortgage;
  2. for the amount of the initial payment for a period of 3 months.

And until the mortgage is repaid with maternity capital transferred from the Pension Fund, the client is forced to service the second loan at his own expense.

The terms of this loan, including the main thing - the interest rate - should be found out directly from the banking organization.

Which banks accept mortgage payments with maternity capital?

The undoubted advantage of lending against maternity capital is that the interest on the mortgage is no higher than when paying the down payment with other funds.

The disadvantages include the fact that only a few credit institutions agree to accept maternity capital as a down payment. But among these few are the largest banks in Russia, including those represented in all regions and even regional centers, offering mortgages at low rates.


The country's largest lender allows the payment of the first mortgage installment with maternal capital both when purchasing finished housing and those under construction.

Sberbank offers mortgage loans with the following advantages:

  • special conditions for “salary” clients;
  • reduced rate for young families (during the promotion period);
  • no commissions (for issuing a loan and others).

Please note: the bank recently introduced a new option - electronic transaction registration, which gives a 0.5% discount on the interest rate.

For a young family registering electronically, the mortgage rate for secondary housing will be only 10.25%.

The single base mortgage rate for an apartment in an accredited new building is 10.9%, with electronic registration – 10.4%.

The loan term is up to 30 years.

The minimum initial contribution is 20%.

VTB 24

A mortgage for maternity capital at VTB 24 is available when purchasing a home on the primary market or used housing.

Basic conditions:

  • base rate – 10.9-11.25%;
  • loan amount – 0.6-60 million rubles;
  • term – up to 30 years;
  • min. down payment – ​​10%;
  • Comprehensive insurance (property, title, life and health of the borrower) is required.

The rate is reduced by 1% when purchasing an apartment with an area of ​​65 sq. m. m.

VTB Bank of Moscow

Another large organization from the VTB group provides mortgages with a down payment of 10%.

Please note: VTB Bank of Moscow requires you to contribute at least 5% of the cost of the purchased property with your own money.

Loan rate – from 10.4%. Duration – up to 25 years.

The lender attracts with a whole range of promotions and discounts on apartments in new buildings from partner developers, offering living space in “thousands of accredited new buildings.”


DeltaCredit provides loans against maternity capital for the purchase of:

  • own separate home;
  • apartments;
  • rooms;
  • shares in the apartment.

When paying with maternity capital, the initial contribution is reduced by 10% compared to the standard rules.

The bank practices a number of special programs that allow you to get a reduced interest rate.

The maximum mortgage term is 25 years.

UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank provides mortgages for up to 30 years with a down payment of at least 15% for both secondary housing and housing from a developer, and for individual construction of your own home.

The maximum loan amount depends on the size of the down payment and the region - Moscow and St. Petersburg or another.

The minimum interest rate is 10.9%.

Important nuances

A bank client taking out a mortgage loan against maternity capital has the right to expect an increase in the loan amount. The lender will add the amount of maternity capital to the amount calculated based on the confirmed average income. But if it is not enough for the down payment, you will have to either find additional funds or take an amount less than the maximum.

When comparing the conditions of banks, you should pay attention to promotions and special offers. Thus, the lender and the developer sometimes even offer to “double maternity capital.”

When registering a mortgaged home, the borrower is obliged to register all family members and persons equivalent to such as owners who own the property in equal shares.

When you first contact a bank office, you need to ask again whether the organization will agree to lend against capital for the purchase of exactly the type of real estate that the family plans to buy. For example, if you decide to purchase an apartment in a specific new building, clarify whether only “resales” or only accredited new buildings are financed for capital.

In our next article you will learn about the possibility of a mortgage with the help of the state with the lowest interest rate: the AHML program.


Applying for a mortgage loan with a down payment using maternity capital is a long and complex procedure that requires collecting a large number of papers and considerable patience, while at the same time not making the bank’s verification of the borrower more loyal.

But the best use of government assistance in the amount of 453 thousand rubles, obtaining a loan for housing without spending your own money on a down payment at a low interest rate, and most importantly, purchasing your own home justifies all the efforts, moral costs and even waste of time.

Mortgage lending for families with two or more children is one of the main opportunities to use funds secured by a maternity capital certificate. By using money from maternity capital for housing loans or borrowings, a family that needs to improve their living conditions can count on a payment from the state in 2019 in the amount of up to 453 thousand rubles without waiting 3 years.

In general, according to Russian legislation, a mortgage means real estate pledge(apartment, house, room or share in property), which is received by a financial organization (mortgagee) until full settlement of the issued loan funds.

That is, the borrower:

  • takes out a home loan or a targeted loan for a mortgage;
  • The bank receives housing purchased or under construction as collateral until the debt and interest on the loan are fully repaid;
  • In order to be able to fully dispose of the property, final ownership is formalized after the mortgage is removed from the living space (that is, after full payment of the borrowed funds, interest, commissions and late fees).

At the legal level, mortgages are regulated by Federal Law No. 102-FZ of July 16, 1998 “ About mortgage (real estate pledge)" Not only housing, but also a plot of land, an enterprise or other property can be provided as collateral.

A mortgage loan secured by maternity capital most often requires an apartment as collateral. Financial institutions are not as willing to lend for the construction or purchase of a house as they are for square meters in apartment buildings.

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Property Rights for the purchased property (if an already completed apartment was purchased or the construction of the housing for which the loan was issued was completed);
  • agreement for participation in shared construction(if the owner of the certificate or his spouse purchases an apartment in an apartment building under construction);
  • statement of membership in a housing cooperative(if the loan was issued to make an initial or share contribution to a residential complex, housing cooperative or housing cooperative);
  • permission to build an individual residential building(if the bank agreed to issue a loan for such a case, and the house has not yet been put into operation).

Maternity capital for down payment

Until 2015, the opportunity to use funds for a down payment on a mortgage loan was provided to certificate holders only after three years from the moment of birth or adoption of a child.

The legislative opportunity to direct funds to the following appeared after the entry into force of:

  • Federal Law No. 131-FZ of May 23, 2015 on amendments to Art. 7 and 10 of the Basic Law on Maternity Capital;
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 950 of September 09, 2015 on amendments to the “Rules for allocating maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions.”

After making this decision, the Government predicted the growth of the mortgage lending market by 5-30%, but there was no significant increase. In practice, certificate holders wishing to exercise this right have encountered technical difficulties.


According to current legislation, the holder of a maternity capital certificate can take a target housing credit or loan for the purchase or construction of housing. According to the application to the Pension Fund, the funds secured by the certificate are used to pay off the borrowed money.

The undeniable advantage of such a targeted investment is that the money can be used immediately after receiving the right to maternity capital, that is. In fact, this rule currently only applies to paying off mortgage loans already taken out. In practice, maternity capital is still used for the first loan installment, but usually after the child turns 3 years old.

In addition, some Russian banks offer special mortgage lending programs involving maternal capital at a reduced interest rate.
