Questions about the social mortgage program. What is a social mortgage? Requirements for borrowers

Buying your own home is an extremely difficult task for the vast majority of the country’s citizens, including Muscovites. Not everyone can buy an apartment or pay for housing construction. Some families are prevented from making such a large purchase by their low income, while others are prevented from making such a large purchase by having insufficient accumulated savings. To solve such a complex problem, social mortgage programs were developed in Moscow.

Social mortgage 2019 includes a set of government lending programs, as well as a whole range of special banking products that may partially overlap with government ones. Today, banks provide preferential loans for housing construction in Moscow, as well as social mortgages for secondary housing and primary real estate.

Who can get a preferential mortgage in Moscow?

A significant number of mortgage benefits with different lending conditions determines the existence of several groups of people who can take advantage of this program. In 2019, the following can receive a preferential loan for housing from Moscow banks:

  • people living in premises unsuitable for habitation, who are registered accordingly;
  • families not provided with adequate living space (housing area is less than 18 square meters per family member);
  • young families with one child (parents' age should not exceed 35 years);
  • large families (without restrictions regarding the age of parents);
  • military personnel, as well as combatants (in order to take out a soft loan, you must participate in the funded housing system for military personnel for at least three years);
  • workers in socially significant professions (for example, scientists, officials, healthcare workers, etc.).

Federal and municipal authorities offer social programs to individuals to improve their living conditions. The essence of the programs is to provide preferential mortgage terms with government support.

Who can get this type of loan?

The list of persons who can qualify for preferential lending terms is strictly limited.

The list of citizens who can apply for preferential conditions includes families:

  • Socially unprotected citizens.
  • Budget workers.
  • Military personnel.
  • Law enforcement officials.
  • Young citizens under 35 years of age.
  • Civil servants.

Persons must have a regular income that allows them to repay the debt on a preferential loan.

Persons who do not own residential real estate or who have housing can take advantage of government programs:

  • less than 18 square meters in size for each family member.
  • in disrepair or declared unfit for living (you must have an official opinion from the housing commission).

Consideration of the issue of registering citizens in need of improved housing conditions is carried out at the municipal level.

An application is submitted to the head of the administration with a request for registration. The applicant fills out a form - an application that consolidates all the basic information on the citizen, his family and the occupied space.

The citizen shall attach personal documents to the application and questionnaire:

  • Copies of the passport of the applicant and all family members, birth certificates for minor citizens. It is necessary to copy all completed pages of the passport. Persons liable for military service present a military ID.
  • Certificate of pension insurance - SNILS for all insured persons.
  • Certificate of family composition with current date. Certificate of marriage or divorce.
  • A copy of the work record book, certified by the manager in the generally established manner - with the seal and signature of the manager with a transcript.
  • Certificates of income from all working family members. The form of the certificate is 2 personal income tax, the submission period is set by municipalities individually.
  • Family members receiving benefits, scholarships, and pension amounts submit certificates containing data on payments. Additionally, it is necessary to confirm the status of a student or pensioner.

For entrepreneurs, a different procedure is provided for confirming income with the presentation of declarations for the period, the duration of which must be clarified on the spot.

Persons who received income outside of their main income and confirmed this fact by filing a 3-NDFL declaration, submit a form certified by the Federal Tax Service, along with other documents.

Owned property must also be documented.

The applicant represents:

  • Originals of the financial and personal account of the premises and extracts from the house register indicating the current dates of the documents.
  • Title documents for property.
  • Technical passport for the property, if available.
  • Certificate from BTI.

The list of required documents may be expanded with other documents at the discretion of the municipality.

A special commission is considering the possibility of granting the right to a social mortgage.

During the verification of documents, an analysis of the composition of the data and their compliance with reality is carried out.

The facts are recognized as reliable, and the person is entitled to preferential conditions for housing improvement - are recorded in a separate accounting file.

A unique number is assigned upon registration based on the order of the head of self-government.

In addition to fulfilling the conditions for confirming the status of those in need of improved housing conditions, citizens must fulfill the requirements of the credit institution providing the mortgage.

A package of documents is submitted to the institution depending on the chosen program.

What documents are needed?

The mortgage is issued at a bank that supports social programs and has agreements with municipal authorities.

Depending on the conditions established by local authorities, the following conditions may be supported when registering social programs:

  • Providing a subsidy - part of the amount to pay off the cost of purchasing a home.
  • Allocation of subsidies in the form of repayment of part of the interest, the difference to the standard mortgage lending rate.
  • Providing low-cost public housing for purchase on credit.

In addition to preferential terms, mortgage lending under special programs is carried out as usual.

Mandatory list

The borrower submits an application for a mortgage loan, fills out a form and submits the basic documents required for all types of social programs:

  • Proof of identity – passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. To consider a mortgage under the social program, documents of the spouse and a marriage certificate are presented.
  • Certificate of permanent income in the form of a bank or 2-NDFL for yourself and co-borrowers.
  • A copy of the work record book to confirm your length of service and the presence of a permanent place of work. For military personnel, a certificate from the combat unit from the place of service is sufficient.
  • Certificate of family composition to determine the number of minor dependents.

Similarly, with the list of documents for registration for individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, declarations with tax inspectorate marks are submitted as part of the documents.

The package of documents should be supplemented with a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur.

A social mortgage limits the recipient of the loan to the terms of the property being purchased.

You can buy housing using social programs strictly at the rate of 18 sq.m per person. Exceeding the size limit is allowed by no more than 9 sq.m.

Residential property can only be purchased in buildings that belong to the municipal housing stock.

The houses have a standard room layout and are built using panels.

The property must undergo an independent assessment against the list of companies provided by the bank. The expert opinion is reviewed by bank managers and the housing commission, which will approve the selected object.

List of additional documents

A potential borrower eligible to participate in the social mortgage program must obtain a document from the municipal authorities.

The paperwork is completed after the decision is made to register the citizen and his family.

The certificate issued by the authorities is valid for 2 months.

All registration steps must be completed promptly to avoid repeated procedures for issuing the document.

Additionally, the bank is provided with a certificate stating that the loan applicant has not previously used social benefits provided by government agencies for the purchase of housing.

Nuances of preparing papers

After receiving the bank's consent to enter into a mortgage loan agreement, you must obtain a preliminary loan agreement or a certificate from the institution.

The document is submitted to the municipal authorities - the housing commission. After agreement with the final authority, you can begin concluding a purchase and sale agreement.

A mortgage loan agreement is drawn up with the participation of three parties. The third party is the administration that approved the social program for the borrower.

Transfer of funds to a personal account opened with a bank for the mortgage recipient will be made by the municipality within the framework of the agreement and the selected benefit scheme.

When using a social program, residential real estate becomes the property of the person who took out the mortgage only after full payment of the amounts.

After registration of the mortgage, a property insurance contract is concluded. Payment for the agreement is made at the expense of the mortgage recipient.

Mortgage lending with the participation of social programs is the optimal, and sometimes even the only, opportunity for socially vulnerable individuals to obtain housing.

Minor restrictions imposed by the authorities on area do not prevent thousands of families from taking out social mortgages in the country.

Video: Social mortgage

The state actively supports the poor. First of all, this concerns the provision of housing for privileged categories of citizens. Social mortgage is a program in which participation will help you get housing in a short time and less money.

Social mortgage is government assistance to privileged categories of citizens in purchasing their own housing.

Local governments decide which subsidy program to apply in a particular region, who can participate and under what conditions. The point is that participants are given money to buy their own home.

Cash assistance to beneficiaries is provided in the form of:

  • Compensation for part of the funds spent on purchasing an apartment with a mortgage;
  • Purchasing housing from the state at a favorable interest rate;
  • Reimbursement of part of the interest on the mortgage loan.

In 2019, the subsidy amount will be at least 30% of the price of an apartment purchased with a mortgage. For families with children - 35% of the cost of housing.

The minimum interest rate on social mortgages in 2019 is 9.9% per year. Although, in practice, even when receiving a mortgage with state support, the percentage rarely falls below 11.5%. The minimum down payment, according to the state program, must be at least 10%, but even the most popular bank in Russia on average requires a contribution of 20% of the cost of housing.

The final amount is set by local authorities. The calculation takes into account the region of the country, the cost per square meter, whether there are children and how many there are, etc.

Advantages of social mortgage:

  • The bank reviews the application in a shorter period of time and, often, makes a positive decision to issue a loan;
  • Interest rates on a social mortgage are lower than on a conventional mortgage;
  • Longer loan repayment period;
  • Under the social programs of the Russian Federation, credit organizations take care of completing all the documentation and help the borrower apply for a housing subsidy.

Thus, the advantages of social mortgages are that the state helps quickly solve the housing problem for vulnerable categories of the population.

Differences between ordinary and social mortgages

Depending on the benefits a citizen receives, there are social and ordinary (commercial) mortgages. Commercial is provided to legal entities and individuals who, by law, are not entitled to benefits from the state.

Social mortgages help to improve living conditions or purchase housing for vulnerable segments of the population. The bottom line is that a person has the opportunity to take out a loan for housing, the cost of which, thanks to the government program, is easier to repay.

Thanks to government support for beneficiaries, people have the opportunity to get housing. And because you can pay off over many years, monthly payments are easier to pay off than with a commercial mortgage.

Types of social mortgages

Not all citizens can qualify for a social mortgage, and this point should be taken into account. It is necessary to check whether the applicant complies with legal requirements.

Terms of lending with state support:

  • The citizen does not have his own home. Often, such people live in a communal apartment, dormitory, or rent housing;
  • The family lives in cramped circumstances, namely less than 14 square meters for each family member;
  • Compliance with the requirements set by the bank. Depending on which bank the state cooperates with as part of the social lending program, there may be requirements for citizenship, length of work experience, registration, etc.

Additional requirements for applicants are indicated within each social category of citizens.

For a young family

Before a young family applies for a social mortgage, it is necessary to take into account the most important criterion.

The age of the spouses at the time of receiving a mortgage loan should not exceed 35 years. If this requirement is met, the young family can count on financial assistance in the amount of 30% of the value of the purchased property. If there are small children in the family, the subsidy amount increases to 35% of the cost of housing.

It is important to remember that the family does not receive the money directly. A special certificate is issued, which indicates the right to cover part of the costs. This document is provided to the financial institution when applying for benefits for the purchase of housing.

Additional conditions, which a young family must meet:

  • In a family, one or both spouses must work, and the family income must be at least 2 times the monthly loan payments;
  • It is necessary to have confirmation from local authorities that the family really needs to improve their living conditions;

After researching the family as a candidate for a social mortgage, a special certificate is issued, which will later be required for the package of documents.

Social mortgage for state employees

State employees are employees of government agencies. Often, this category of the population receives a very small salary, and therefore has the right to apply for housing benefits.

State employees include:

  • teachers;
  • young scientists;
  • doctors;
  • military personnel.

State employees have the right to count on the following benefits:

  • the opportunity to purchase housing at cost;
  • partial reimbursement of housing costs from the state budget.

Local authorities may offer another form of social support for public sector employees. Details should be obtained by contacting the authorized authorities.

Doctors, Being employees of budgetary organizations, they can apply for a social mortgage. However, to do this they must meet a number of requirements:

  • Live in cramped circumstances or in a rented apartment;
  • Have a special and higher education in the field of medicine, be a certified specialist;
  • To apply for participation in the state program, an employee must have worked in the medical field for at least 1 year. The period may vary in different regions of the country;
  • The maximum age of a participant does not exceed 35 years, in some regions - 40 years;
  • An employee who receives mortgage benefits must subsequently work in this field for at least 5 years.

Teachers may also qualify for a social mortgage. Conditions:

  • The applicant's age does not exceed 35 years;
  • Absence of any real estate ownership;
  • The applicant is a Russian citizen;
  • The teacher must live in the region in which he works;
  • Work experience - from 1 year;
  • The borrower is solvent. In practice, mortgage payments should not exceed 45% of his official salary;
  • Have a positive reference from the place of work, in particular, there must be no reprimands.

When a special commission reviews candidates, priority support is given to village workers, as well as teachers who have moved from the city to the village to carry out work activities.

U military housing problem is the main one. To solve this problem, the state developed a special program in 2004 to help get housing as profitably as possible.

The essence of the program: a special account is opened for a military man, into which a fixed amount is received monthly. You can use these funds only after 3 years of military service. The maximum amount of savings cannot exceed 2.4 million rubles.

The accumulated funds can be used as a down payment, or to cover an existing mortgage debt.

Procedure for obtaining a social mortgage

Each region has its own procedure for obtaining a mortgage. However, it is not enough to find out the conditions for participation in the program and collect the necessary documents. A citizen who applies for improved housing conditions must stand in a special queue.

The decision to provide a social mortgage is made by executive authorities. A special commission determines those who most need housing. Next, information on a specific participant is transmitted to Rosstroy. Only after this can the family receive a special certificate.

Conditionally procedure for obtaining a social mortgage looks like that:

  1. Applying for a social mortgage. The application is submitted to the city administration or to your superiors. It takes into account which group of beneficiaries you belong to. By submitting your application, you have officially joined the queue.
  2. Familiarization with the nuances of lending. To do this, contact a bank that cooperates with the state under this program. You will be able to find out: the interest rate, features of monthly payments, the maximum period for which the loan is provided, the package of necessary papers, etc.
  3. When it is the applicant’s turn, a social mortgage agreement is drawn up. Treasured housing becomes available.

Social mortgage in Moscow– a government program aimed at providing housing and improving the living conditions of socially vulnerable citizens. Typically, such people are unable to purchase housing through conventional commercial mortgage projects. A social mortgage program gives people the opportunity to purchase housing at a reduced cost per square meter. One of the additional benefits of a preferential mortgage is that bank checks the cleanliness of the apartment, insures life and the collateral itself, and gives an undertaking not to increase the agreed interest rate throughout the entire term of the mortgage loan.

Forms of social mortgage:

Housing lending with a subsidy in the form of a reduced annual loan rate;

Mortgage programs in which part of the funds (subsidy) is allocated to pay part of the cost of housing;

Sale of state housing (apartments) from the social housing fund at a reduced price on credit.

Social mortgage in Moscow is in demand and is actively sold today. The housing issue is of interest to many people, and it needs to be solved with minimal losses for the family budget.

In order to start applying for a social mortgage, you need to contact the local administration (district or city) with a written application to the department that is responsible for housing policy. Experts should provide explanations about what exactly is needed in your case. documents for social mortgage, can you get it, in what amount and under what conditions. Only then collect all the documents and contact financial institutions.

There's a problem in Moscow social mortgage The problem is that not all those on the waiting list who have received an order from the Department of Housing Policy to participate in the program can receive a mortgage loan to pay the mortgage portion required by law. If you are faced with this problem, then do not put it off until next year - contact the specialists of the General Credit company. They, together with the Agency for Housing Subsidies, can help you obtain a social mortgage.

General Credit has developed a special program to assist in obtaining a social mortgage.

Our slogan: - Mortgage – for any person!

Who can get a social mortgage in Moscow?

Four categories of citizens of the Russian Federation can receive such benefits:

  • socially vulnerable families (standing in line to receive or improve their conditions, a mortgage at the expense of maternity capital. Most often in Moscow and the Moscow Region, social mortgages are offered to those “on the waiting list" to improve their living conditions);
  • military (“Military Mortgage”);
  • young families (“Affordable housing for young families”);
  • young specialists (working in public sectors).

Mortgage using maternity capital in Moscow

If a second, third, or next child is born in a family, then the parents can count on repaying part of the debt on the mortgage loan using funds from the allocated maternity capital, which in 2012 amounted to 387,640 rubles. Moreover, you can pay off the mortgage even if the loan was taken out before the birth of the child.

Increasingly, young families are distributing these funds in this way, because the housing issue is now very acute. The three-year period that should have passed since the birth of the child has now been cancelled. Social mortgage in Moscow allows parents to repay the mortgage immediately after receiving a maternity capital certificate. But these funds cannot be used to pay fines, penalties, fees for overdue debt on the loan, but can only repay the principal debt on the loan and interest on it.

Military mortgage in Moscow

The federal Military Mortgage program is designed to make life easier for military personnel and give them the opportunity to live in their own apartment without waiting for the end of their service. The essence of the program is that military personnel who are members of the NIS open a personal savings account to which the subsidy is transferred. After the first three years, it can be used as a down payment on the mortgage, and in the future, used to pay off monthly loan payments. Social mortgage, conditions which meet the requirements of AHML, is offered by many banks, and the conditions of some banks compare favorably for the better.

Mortgage for a young family in Moscow

The federal program “Affordable Housing for Young Families” was introduced for young people under 35 years of age. In this case, the young family must be in line. For two family members, 48 ​​square meters can be allocated, and if there are children, then 18 square meters for each. Approximate figures for the size of subsidies under this program are about 35% of the cost of housing for families without children and about 40% for families with children. A number of banks offer this type of mortgage for young families, and are even making their own adjustments to make social mortgages more accessible to young people in Moscow.

Mortgages for young professionals in Moscow

Young professionals working in government agencies can also receive a social mortgage. These are employees of healthcare institutions, social services, physical education and sports, education, and culture. In this case, continuous work experience must be at least 1 year, and age - less than 35 years. Such a mortgage will be provided at the place of work. For these citizens, the subsidy is provided in the form of reduced interest rates, as well as in the form of special conditions related to the accumulation of down payments. You can find out how to take out this type of mortgage by contacting the local authorities in your region of residence.

Bank– “a credit organization that has the exclusive right to carry out the following banking operations in aggregate: attracting funds from individuals and legal entities as deposits, placing these funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency, opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities" (excerpt from Federal Law No. 395-1 "On Banks and Banking Activities"). For a mortgage holder, it is important who will provide him with a loan and under what conditions ((we often met operators on the market who, not being banks, issued mortgage loans). Therefore, it is not so important where to get a loan, what is important is the conditions on which it is issued (for example, what are the requirements for real estate) and what are the down payment and the final overpayment? At the same time, you should be wary of various kinds of consumer cooperatives and mutual aid funds (practice shows that even the most enslaving mortgage is several times better (cheaper) than these forms of lending, so it is strongly recommended not to We recommend contacting any cooperative companies).

The purpose of the mortgage lending programs operating in Russia is the state’s financial support for Russians in improving their living conditions. A mortgage is a form of collateral of real estate (future or existing for the borrower) to obtain a loan or loan. The received loan can be used in the following areas:

  • for the purchase of ready-made, previously built housing;
  • for the construction of residential premises;
  • for the acquisition of a land plot where a residential building is located or its construction is planned;
  • to repay a previously obtained mortgage loan.

Currently, there are several mortgage programs in Russia, financed both from the federal budget and from regional and local budgets. Along with the classic (standard) mortgage, there is also a social system of mortgage lending to the population.

Features of social mortgage

Social mortgages provide opportunities for socially vulnerable categories of citizens to improve their living conditions. In other words, the state creates such preferential programs to make housing affordable for people with low incomes, for example: for large families, for state employees, for young military personnel, for young families, etc.

The work of all mortgage programs in the country is headed and coordinated by a specially created agency by the Government - AHML - Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. AHML implements the state policy of increasing housing affordability for Russians and serves as a state institution for the development of the mortgage lending market. The agency is designed to maintain a balance of interests of all parties in the real estate sector - the state, borrowers, lenders and investors.

Distinctive features of social mortgage:

  • providing borrowers with preferential loan rates from the bank;
  • provision of targeted one-time subsidies or social payments from the federal or regional budgets;
  • lower cost of purchased residential premises (usually economy class real estate);
  • reduced down payment when purchasing a home;
  • subsidizing the interest rate on a mortgage loan by providing compensation;
  • the possibility of reducing the monthly payment (so-called “payment holidays”).

The main emphasis of social mortgages is on solving the housing problems of that part of the working population that has average and low incomes and is in dire need of housing.

The social mortgage lending system represents the following cost structure for purchased real estate:

  1. the borrower's own funds account for about 30% of the cost;
  2. the share of the state subsidy (depending on the actual category of citizens) is on average from 20% to 50% of the cost;
  3. The mortgage loan covers the remaining cost of the home.

This structure of expenses for purchased housing, on the one hand, increases the availability of mortgage loans for Russians, and on the other hand, actively stimulates the effective demand of the population for residential premises, thereby further investing in the construction industry of the economy and related industries.

The main difference between social and classical or commercial is, ultimately, the preferential price for housing provided to Russians. In addition, it is necessary to take into account additional guarantees that are issued to borrowers by the bank cooperating on social mortgage programs:

  1. checking the “cleanliness” of the living space;
  2. insurance of both housing and life of the borrower;
  3. the bank's obligation to maintain the interest rate established by the agreement until the end of the loan agreement.

Social mortgage participants

Who can qualify for benefits when taking out a mortgage loan? First of all, these are those Russians who, in accordance with the established procedure, are recognized as needing to improve their living conditions, that is, those who are registered in the queue for housing with local authorities. Also, those in need of improvement of the same living conditions include citizens living in premises that are recognized as unsuitable for living; and those who have housing in apartment buildings that are recognized as unsafe and subject to demolition or reconstruction. This condition is the same for all social mortgage participants.

Other conditions required to obtain a mortgage loan vary depending on the type of social program:

  • families with children in which the age of the spouses (or one parent in a single-parent family) does not exceed 35 years;
  • families with 3 or more children;
  • combat veterans;
  • young military personnel who are participants in the funded housing mortgage system;
  • citizens working in state (or municipal) institutions that belong to scientific organizations or scientific service organizations;
  • employees of state educational institutions, as well as institutions of health care, culture, social protection, employment, physical culture and sports;
  • employees of city-forming organizations, including scientific and production complexes of science cities;
  • citizens working at enterprises of the military-industrial complex;
  • employees of state research centers, as well as organizations created by the state. academies of sciences;
  • government employees unitary enterprises on the rights of scientific organizations operating in priority areas of development of science, technology and engineering in Russia.

Anyone applying for a social mortgage must contact the local authority responsible for housing policy in the region.

It should be noted that a potential participant in the social mortgage program will also have to undergo a solvency assessment. The size of the loan provided by the bank will depend on the amount of available savings (down payment), on the size of the borrower’s monthly income, that is, on his solvency. To increase the amount of the mortgage loan, the borrower can additionally attract other solvent borrowers (for example, members of his family, relatives), who will be included in the loan agreement as co-borrowers.

Low-income citizens can also become participants in social housing programs. A low-income family is recognized by a decision of local government authorities if the total income attributable, importantly, to each family member is less than the minimum subsistence level established in a particular region. Social mortgage implies the provision by the state of housing to low-income families at a reduced cost, as well as other additional social guarantees.

Social mortgage news in 2015

Social mortgage lending received the greatest support from regional authorities in Moscow, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Vladimir and Tomsk regions, and St. Petersburg. The leaders of these regions are trying to retain highly qualified personnel at their enterprises, stimulate the work of public sector specialists, primarily doctors and teachers, help increase the number of large families in the regions, and help low-income families improve their living conditions.

Social mortgages in Moscow, for example, are the most affordable and allow a family to significantly (several times) reduce the cost of purchasing housing. The Moscow Government has included in the 2015 budget the amounts of further financing (in the form of subsidies and compensation) for mortgage lending to city residents.

The government of St. Petersburg, as part of the social mortgage, in 2015 will continue to make social payments from the city budget free of charge to the families of St. Petersburg residents.

The authorities of Tatarstan are focusing not only on those residents of the region who have been on a waiting list for several years to improve their living conditions, but also on those whose living conditions fully comply with established standards, but they have the opportunity to invest in the construction of new, improved housing for their family . The government of the republic provides enormous support to public sector workers, distributing to them 45% of residential premises intended for sale on the principles of social mortgages.

It should be noted that within the framework of social mortgage lending, housing in Tatarstan can be purchased in installments for 28.5 years and at a rate of 7% per annum.

There is a long-term target program “Social Mortgage” in the Tomsk region. Municipal support for program participants is provided in the following forms:

  • the down payment is provided on a non-refundable and free basis, social benefits are set at 150,000 rubles;
  • The interest rate on a housing mortgage loan is subsidized from the local budget for the first five years.

In the Vladimir region, participants in the Social Mortgage program also receive significant budget support:

  • free subsidy for an initial payment in the amount of 200,000 rubles;
  • Part of the cost of paying interest on the loan is reimbursed from the regional treasury for 5 years after the registration of the social mortgage.

On November 29, 2014, a decree of the Russian Government was signed on changes to the Housing for Russian Family Program. Before the adoption of this resolution, it was impossible for a developer to submit a project (land plot) if it involved the construction of less than 25 thousand square meters of economy-class housing. The approved changes concern the following construction standards:

  • reducing the minimum volume of economy-class housing construction required to participate in the Program from 25 thousand sq. meters up to 10 thousand “squares”;
  • for developers participating in the Program, experience in the housing construction market has been reduced from 3 years to 2 years;
  • the list of Russians who have the right to purchase residential premises under the Program has been increased; The list includes disabled people, as well as families with disabled children.

It is safe to say that the amendments made will not only increase the number of participants in mortgage lending, but will also ensure the construction of an additional number of square meters of housing in our country.

Conditions of social mortgage in Sberbank of Russia

It is extremely important for each borrower to choose a financial institution (bank) with which he will feel comfortable cooperating for several years. The lowest interest rates on loans are offered by those banks where mortgage lending has become a core area of ​​work.

The most popular and one of the largest banks in Russia, Sberbank, is an active participant in social mortgage lending to the population throughout the entire period of social programs.

Employees of state educational institutions no older than 35 years old have the opportunity to receive a loan at a rate of 8.5% per annum for a period, interestingly, from 3 to 30 (which is quite a lot) years under the “Young Teachers” program. The amount of the mortgage loan provided reaches 11 million rubles, and the down payment must be at least 10% directly from the cost of the purchased property (for example, an apartment).

Highly qualified specialists from state universities, research institutes, research and production enterprises, as well as corporations of the military-industrial complex can take part in the “Young Scientists” program. The borrower's age must also not exceed 35 years, with an exception made for doctors of science, their repayment qualification is 40 years. The loan is issued for a period of 3 to 25 years, the down payment is 10% of the value of the purchased property.

The “Young Teachers” and “Young Scientists” mortgage programs expire after the end of 2014.

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