Laughter for no reason is not a sign of foolishness, but of illness. Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool: meaning, interpretation and features of use Without a reason, a sign of a fool

December 5, 2017

Have you ever heard such a funny proverb “laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool”? What do you think it means?

After all, people very often pronounce it, almost without thinking about the meaning. But what if this is not a funny expression with meaning, but really a symptom of some kind of mental illness? Maybe the person about whom this proverb was said should make an appointment with a psychotherapist to check his well-being?

Do you want to know the truth about yourself and your loved ones? Then rather start reading the article. Discover the secrets that hides your psyche!

Joylessness - a character trait of Russian people?

Russian people really believe that laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness. And foreigners, watching the inhabitants of Russia, often note that Russian people are much more stingy with emotions expressing joy and happiness than representatives of other countries.

In order to figure out whether Russian people really do not know how to rejoice, we will comparative analysis between them and foreigners.

Russians focus on their work

Since a smile is considered a sign of good manners among foreigners, they must smile when meeting, greeting acquaintances and strangers in a store, at work, when doing serious work. For Russians, such behavior is irresponsibility and frivolity in relation to their work or service. Therefore, for them, laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.

In addition, a Russian person was brought up in such a way that rolling laughter is creepy, it comes from dark forces because only the devil and his minions laugh like that. Orthodox person so not laughing. And among foreigners, on the contrary, a good, loud laugh distinguishes a cheerful and positive person.

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Russians against "duty" smiles

It is natural for foreigners to smile when greeting a person. This is just a polite expression that becomes more pronounced and stronger if the smile widens. A Russian person believes that a smile should be a sincere expression of sympathy. And the constant that foreigners use is "on duty", and she, on the contrary, is impolite.

Also, foreigners are used to smiling at strangers. This is a kind of greeting, an opportunity to share your joy with someone else. And for Russian people, such a smile is bad manners. After all, they are firmly convinced that smiling should only be known to people, and not to everyone in a row.

That is why foreigners, meeting an unfamiliar smiling person on their way, will certainly answer him with the same welcoming gesture. A Russian person, on the other hand, will consider such a “character” abnormal and in best case just pass by. If the person who was walking towards the smiling person regards the smile as a mockery, the situation can reach its climax - assault.

When should you start worrying about your mental health?

Remember, children sometimes have fun with each other by showing forefinger and laughing at it. Then parents like to say: "Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness." But this laughter is quite natural, because this is how babies seek to attract the attention of adults.

If there is a reason for such a manifestation of joyful emotions, and it doesn’t matter at all whether others know about it or not, laughter is quite normal, and the proverb analyzed in this article is just a funny saying designed to reason a little, calm and shame the kids. But causeless laughter is a sign of a serious mental disorder. Do you want to know which one?

Laughter for no reason is not a sign of foolishness, but of illness?

In order to answer the question, we must first determine what kind of laughter is unreasonable.

To understand this, imagine the following picture: for example, your friend told you funny joke, and you laugh together at him.

You have a reason for fun - this is a joke, but from the outside, a person who does not know the situation can easily think that your laughter "for no reason" is a sign of a fool. After all, he has no idea about any anecdote, and therefore he can interpret the ongoing action in his own way.

Another scenario: you stopped sleeping, but continue to feel alert and full of energy. You are confident in your abilities, a feeling of euphoria covers you, it seems that you are capable of anything. Any situation amuses you, even if it can be fatal. And even on the edge of the abyss (as in figuratively, and in the direct) you don’t care, you continue to laugh.

Have you read? Great. Then answer now, which of the above situations looks more strange and abnormal?

symptom of bipolar disorder

Unreasonable laughter is a symptom of a serious mental illness. When people begin to show positive emotions, laugh in inappropriate situations, others should consider whether to stay away from such people. And close people of this person need to insist that he consult a doctor.

After all, unreasonable and uncontrollable laughter is the first alarming sign that does not bode well. Bipolar mental disorder is dangerous for both the patient and those around him. Because during periods of exacerbation, called mania, the patient becomes too impulsive, is not responsible for his actions and deeds, and therefore can harm not only himself, but also his loved ones.

I'm talking to myself

So, you already know that an inappropriate and causeless manifestation positive emotions is a symptom of a mental disorder. Whereas friendly laughter in the company of friends, acquaintances or relatives is quite normal and is not considered a sign of foolishness.

But then another question arises, which the following situation will help to formulate: you are walking down the street, listening to music on the radio. Then an entertainment program began, and suddenly the radio host said some phrase that made you laugh. You smiled. A person passing by noticed this and considered you crazy because you walk and smile to yourself. And it seemed strange to him.

Is such laughter a sign of mental illness?

"Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness." Meaning

Such a statement is used only in Russia, it is not translated into other languages ​​due to the fact that foreigners simply do not understand it.

A similar experiment has already been carried out, and this is what came of it. Once a German student who came to study at a well-known Russian university was reprimanded by a teacher by saying exactly this phrase. The young man spoke Russian quite well and understood the expression literally. And then he pestered his classmates, why laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool, and from which this conclusion follows.

Thus, this proverb is not a diagnosis, but only parting words, a decree to behave more restrained, observing order and decency in the place where you are.

Laughter is a sign of having a sense of humor

Yuri Nikulin argued that making a person cry is much easier than making him laugh. And indeed it is. Don't believe? And you remember how you watched some funny movie with your friends, relatives, acquaintances.

Did you have to laugh, not because it was actually funny, but as if for company, so as not to seem like a "black sheep" who did not understand the joke? Perhaps you did it unconsciously, or perhaps on purpose.

It has been like this for centuries, but a herd mentality is characteristic of man. And this is not an insult, but only a statement of fact. There is nothing shameful in this, because all people are a little bit alike, they have common features character, appearance, and therefore, at some subconscious level, they do not want to stand out from the crowd.

Cheerful, bursting laughter is considered a sign of a good sense of humor, but only when others see a real reason for it. If you (albeit for a good reason) smile to yourself, you can easily be considered a little strange. Therefore, learn to control your emotions, observing the rules of decency.

Thus, laughter can be a sign of a dangerous mental disorder. But in this case, it must manifest itself in an inappropriate place or situation. If laughter has a reason, even if it is incomprehensible to other people, it does not cause concern and is considered quite normal.

Therefore, the meaning of the proverb “laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool” should not be taken literally and feverishly run to a psychiatrist as soon as such a remark was made to you. Perhaps people are just jealous of your sense of humor, that's all.

The first time I heard this question was from my friend Ann, whom I met in Buffalo, NY many years ago.

Imagine, this question has stumped me.

It was only later that Zhvanetsky wrote that the Americans were smiling, as if they were included in the network. And then I began to painfully ponder why I belong to the most unsmiling nation in the world.

Shop assistants, train controllers, flight attendants will never smile just like that. A smile is part of the image of any other country. Not ours.

Moreover, if you suddenly smile at a stranger, he will think that you are flirting with him (man), or you are not friends with your head (woman). We are used to smiling only at acquaintances, only at a funny remark, only in the company of friends. Why?

In the West, a smile is part of the service, part of communication, part of the mentality. We have the opposite: if the seller smiles, it means that he is hiding something. So I want to tell him "What are you smiling at?"

There is a unique saying in Russian that is not found in other languages: “ Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool". The logic of this saying cannot be understood by people with Western thinking. One German teacher, who was explained the meaning of this saying, ( “If a person laughs for no reason, he is not all right with his head”) could not understand at all and kept asking: “And why does it follow from this?”

Even now, when Russian people often travel to the West and learn a lot from the inhabitants of civilized countries, a smile is not an object of imitation for us.

and promotes weight loss, it became known for certain relatively recently, although ancient people knew about it. And only the Russian people did not believe this, since laughter for no reason means - you know what. The harsh Russian temper is usually blamed on bad roads and adverse weather conditions, as well as on Orthodox priests who have been telling generations that stupid giggles and booming laughter are the tools of the devil. However, today laughter therapy (gelotology) is a method recognized by evidence-based medicine, with the help of which they alleviate the condition of patients not only with mental illnesses, but also with oncological diseases. Why does she help?

Hormonal explosion

Ten years ago, California scientists conducted an experiment that proved that in the blood of a laughing person, the level of beta-endorphins (hormones of joy and happiness) increases by 30% compared to a calm state, and growth hormone, which affects immunity, by 87%. Thus, a positive attitude reduces the likelihood of getting sick and makes it easier for those who are already sick, because endorphins increase the pain threshold and speed up recovery.

Calm, only calm

The work of facial muscles during laughter allows you to look young.

A sense of humor is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Cheerful people recover faster and generally get sick less often.

Laughter helps in any situation, even the most incomprehensible.

"Never stop smiling, even when you're sad - someone might fall in love with your smile" is one of the most famous quotes from Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

April Fool's Day, or April Fool's Day, which is traditionally celebrated in many countries, usually activates people who get the most pleasure from jokes. Nevertheless, they argue that such a constant craving is far from always evidence of a good state of the human body. It is likely that a real disease forces people to joke.

Periodic manifestations of a sense of humor lead exclusively to positive feelings and a good mood, but the unceasing flight of fantasy of a particular person automatically begins to unnerve his interlocutors, relatives and friends. This is largely due to the fact that gradually the jokes become absolutely not funny, and even acquire a shade of rudeness. Representatives of the authoritative publication "BBC" believe that this problem today is inherent in many people around the world. Even after realizing this problem and contacting specialists, they cannot communicate normally with their patient. Because of the desire to constantly joke, they completely lack a sense of reality and the ability to turn the conversation into a serious channel. This state of affairs clearly complicates the process of determining the diagnosis.

In medicine, the concept of Moria already exists. This usually means a pathologically elevated mood, which is observed along with excitement, foolishness, and even a penchant for the most stupid jokes. Such a disease occurs in a person far from just like that. Scientists and physicians after the conducted studies came to the conclusion that this may be the result of two strokes in a period of only 5 years.

This disorder requires the most serious and prolonged treatment under the constant supervision of authorized specialists. One of the very first such incident occurred in 1929. Since then, manifestations of moria began to appear regularly throughout. One of the main features of patients is that they themselves almost never get pleasure from other people's jokes. They are only amused by their own witticisms, which, moreover, are far from always correct and funny. Doctors associate this type of behavior with a fairly specific damage to the frontal lobes of the brain.

To determine exactly how and why the human brain, after suffering illnesses, gives rise to flat jokes, doctors have to understand how the same brain is adapted to processing humor. While listening to a joke, usually the thought processes are designed to process the information received and prepare for the traditional funny ending. Only after the human brain makes certain inferences is it able to perceive jokes, as a result of which a person manifests laughter.

Apparently, in people suffering from the above very complex, a logical chain is not built, because of which the brain pleasure centers are simply not able to be irritated for the appearance of laughter. In fact, one can compare with each other the moment when the main essence of the anecdote becomes clear with the feeling of a real insight. With the aggravation of the disease, the person becomes unable to form these thoughts and subsequent conclusions.

Illness causes laughter for no reason.

The business publication "Market Leader" notes that one of the most important signs of moria is an excessive tendency to laugh. If such a result appears even without the presence of good reasons, then it is already necessary to think about it without fail. In this case, the personal feelings and thoughts of patients lead to an additional release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which as a result may be completely unrelated to the joke that was made before. Physicians have good reasons to continue to closely study the main details of this disease. The trouble is that quite serious problems with frontotemporal dementia arise in people not in old age, but in the prime of life. After that, a person with great difficulty feels the motivation and feelings of the people around him, and this already leads to a negative adaptation to society. Due to the fact that patients do not understand complex and elaborate jokes, they are more interested in being rude.

Representatives of the scientific field of activity advises to look closely at their relatives and friends, because the main signs of moria can be ambiguous. In practice, there have already been cases when years passed from the moment of the disease to the time the diagnosis was made. Naturally, over such an impressive period of time, the disease progresses, which complicates the subsequent treatment process. Doctors, for their part, will make every possible effort to determine the diagnosis as soon as possible. To do this, they need a special test to determine the sense of humor. Due to its implementation, it will be possible to find out the changes that have taken place in terms of the social abilities of a person. In no case should we forget that humor is still a rather complex phenomenon, which in no case should be taken exclusively as a given.

An article with a claim to scientificity caught my eye, in the opposition-liberal Russophobic Elephant, where , among other marvelous, the following is asserted, miraculous -
In addition, the Polish scientist compared the results with the "corruption" ratings of Transparency International and the Heritage Foundation. According to the researcher, he found a “significant” correlation: people living in corrupt states consider a stupid and deceptive smile. Corruption probably even "weakens the importance of such an evolutionary tool as a smile," the scientist notes in his article ...

If someone didn’t understand, these are Russians, little smiling, but highly corrupt people think so, well, they didn’t manage to climb the upper steps of evolution, alas, untermenschi after all ...
I got acquainted with the links and graphs, laughed, thought. No, I understand everything, of course, the information war and "that's all," but you need to maintain at least a semblance of decency, if you already call yourself a researcher?

In general, our answer to Chamberlain is not academic, but popular, because the LJ format does not imply academicism, but it is accessible even to British Polish scientists-Russophobes...
Here, for example, from a dissertation in cultural studies -
...Smile as a sign non-verbal communication in a situation of communication between strangers has different meanings in Russian and Western (for example, English and American) cultures. So, in English and American culture, a smile means the absence of aggressiveness, belonging to a given society, interest in communication, willingness to cooperate, willingness to provide a service, respect and helpfulness, social prosperity and luck, a decent level of well-being. In Russian culture, a smile means frivolity, frivolity, as well as a sincere expression of a very Have a good mood, a special disposition to the interlocutor, flirting, the transition to a more personal relationship, ridicule and criticism, sometimes cunning (deceit), a sign of respect for a person of a higher social status.
Analyzing historical rootsformation of the national face of the studied cultures, it can be seen that the smile has always been more popular in Western culture than in Russian, despite the fact that in both Christian traditions it is considered to be a symbol of quiet spiritual joy, in contrast to laughter, which was traditionally attributed to the attributes of the devil. In Russian culture, more importance is attached to suffering as a way of forming and purifying the soul. Therefore, the central place in the face of Russia is occupied by the eyes, and the smile turns out to be a peripheral, atypical facial expression of the Russian face. Thus, we can talk about two faces that are different in expression and mood: a smiling Western and a mournful Russian...
But I promised popularly, so let's just say...

Remember, Raikin's: "You have to laugh in places specially designated for this"? How many times have we been blamed by local anti-Soviet Russophobes for this playful imperative from a satirical miniature?

Now, when the Russians, within the framework of a hybrid information war, are intensively molding the image of an enemy - an aggressor, a wild, uncivilized person, intimidated by power, afraid of his own shadow, but embittered at the whole world, it is interesting to consider the details of which it consists, this image.
For example, one of the stereotypes of external appearance and the communicative style of a Russian person, a Russian - gloominess, isolation, gloom, coldness, unsmiling. The latter is what catches the eye of a foreigner first of all, because, in his opinion, we smile too little and rarely smile.

At the same time, f The phenomenon of everyday non-smiling of a Russian person acts as one of the most striking and nationally specific features of Russian non-verbal behavior and Russian communication in general.
Is it really? Or is there a specificity of non-verbal communication in different cultures associated with ethnopsychological features? Of course, yes, it simply cannot be absent in this, as in everything else ...
In this case, the features of the Russian who have smiles - what are they why she has b great national identity ?
Let's begin with she practically ki performs completely different, if not to say, opposite functions ii, rather than a smile in Western (and not only) countries.
For example, Gorky noted that Americans first of all see teeth on their faces, Zadornov called the American smile chronic, and Zhvanetsky gave out that Americans smile as if they are included in the network.
The Chinese have a saying "who cannot smile, he will not be able to open a shop."
In Japanese, a smile means - "I dare not burden you with my problems", etc.
In American, English, German communicative behavior, a smile is primarily a signal of politeness, therefore it is obligatory when greeting and in ho
de polite conversation. famous announcement A statement in an American bank: "If our operator does not smile at you, tell the doorman about it, he will give you a dollar" - until recently it was unthinkable in Russia.
Everything is different with us.
At the beginning of perestroika, a certain American somehow pi sal: "Somehow, when we look at the customs officers checking our passports and smile at them, we never get a smile back. When we make eye contact on the street with Russian people and smile at them, we never get a smile back" . And it was true...

What are the specific national characteristics Russian smile? (for brevity, we denote - RU))
1. RU is performed only with lips, occasionally the upper row of teeth is exposed, it is NOT a horse.
2. RU communication is NOT a signal of courtesy, it is NOT on duty.
3. In Russian communication, it is NOT customary to smile at strangers, it is NOT service.
It is not customary for us to automatically respond to a smile with a smile, it is NOT automatic.
5.We have
it is not customary to smile at a person, just meeting his gaze, she is NOT random.
6. A smile among Russians is a signal of disposition towards specific person She is NOT impersonal.
7. It is not customary for us to smile "during performance" official duties, it is NOT official.
8. RU is always a sincere expression of a good mood or disposition to a counterpart, it is NOT formal.
9. RU must have a good reason known to others, it is NOT unreasonable.
The reason for a person's smile should be naturally conditioned, it is NOT self-affirming.
11. RU, as it were, requires a certain time for its "implementation", it is NOT spontaneous.

And some more features and conclusions:
- In our communicative culture, it is not customary to smile just to cheer up the interlocutor, to please him, to support him.
- In Russia, it is also not customary to smile for the purpose of self-presentation / self-encouragement - the Russian smile practically does not have all the listed functions.

- A smile should be absolutely appropriate from the point of view of others, correspond to the communicative situation, from their point of view.
- A smile in an official setting and in a company demonstrates a truly good mood and sincere friendliness of the people gathered.
Russians do not have a clear distinction between a smile and laughter, in practice they are often identified, likened to one another.

That is, most of the standard communicative situations of Russian communication do not sanction a smile. It is not customary to smile in a tense situation - "no time for smiles."
Here it is, purely Russian - "Why are you smiling?", “She has seven on the benches, and she walks smiling”, “What kind of laugh? I didn’t say anything funny!”. In general, smiling people in Russia are often told: "I don't understand what's funny here!" or "What did I say that was funny?", "Then you will smile, work."
And, as a crown, a unique saying that has no analogues in other cultures: "Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool" and sacramental - "time for business, hour for fun."

Thus, the Russian smile is considered as a kind of independent communicative act, which, as such, is in most cases redundant.
There is an imperative in the Russian communicative consciousness: a smile should be a sincere reflection of a good mood and good relationship. To have the right to smile, one must really treat the interlocutor well or have this moment wonderful mood.
That is, Russian national consciousness in fact, does not perceive a smile as addressed to someone unknown and for unknown reasons. It rejects such a smile, not seeing a communicative meaning in it, perceiving it solely as a reflective, symptomatic signal of a good mood, due to well-being in the material plane.

And, in conclusion, a reference to literature, sounds like an anecdote, or a parable and explains a lot -
In the book by A. Perry "Twelve stories of Russia" (Twelve stories about Russia), throughout the story, with light humor, it is described how hard it was for an American teacher who came to Moscow to follow the advice on how not to attract the attention of others contained in the booklet his company, which emphasized: "The main thing is not to smile." Six and a half years passed before a Russian friend asked him about the opposite - why he never smiles. The answer sounded very Russian: “Idon "t know. I mean I" ve never thought about it. I just smile when I want to, I mean when I have something to smile about"(I don’t know. I never thought about it. I just smile when I want to, when there is something to smile at).

These are the main features of the Russian national smile, due to our sociocultural characteristics and traditions, whether someone likes it or not.
And not what respected partners thought ...

And this is all, or almost all, that I wanted to say on this topic, on the eve of the weekend. Smile, friends, I hope in the coming days you will have good reasons and reasons for this)))))))))
