Tolstoy. Verification work on the work of A.K. Tolstoy c) Nikita and Russia

On our site you can take a test on Tolstoy's biography with answers. The proposed task will help you better prepare for the literature lesson, test your knowledge about the writer. The test includes questions of different levels of complexity, so it will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for graduates who plan to take the unified state exam.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer, a representative of the "golden age" of Russian literature. His work has had a huge impact on modern world and Russian culture, many of his works have been translated into other languages ​​and filmed. At school, the work of L. N. Tolstoy begins to be studied from the 3rd grade.

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Test on the creativity of A.K. Tolstoy and L.N. Tolstoy

1. With which of the emperors of Russia was A.K. Tolstoy:

1) Peter I;

2) Alexander II;

3) Nikolai Pavlovich.

2. In addition to literary activity, what service did A.K. Tolstoy:

1) legal;

2) military;

3) pedagogical.

3. The first work of A.K. Tolstoy had the character:

1) romantic;

2) realistic;

3) classic.

4. Whose views did the writer share:

1) Slavophiles;

2) revolutionary democrats;

3) had his own independent outlook.

5. In what year did his only collection of poems come out:

1) in 1864;

2) in 1867;

3) in 1869.

6. The main feature of the lyrics of A.K. Tolstoy:

1) gloomy tragedy;

2) complicated philosophy;

3) strong simple feelings.

7. What artistic means does the poet use in the poem “If you love, then without reason ...”:

1) metaphor;

2) anaphora;

3) epiphora.

8. What genre does the work "Prince Silver" belong to:

1) story;

2) ballad;

3) novel.

9. Which work has become one of the best Russian romance novels:

1) “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance ...”;

2) "Do not believe me, friend, ...";

3) "A tear trembles in your jealous gaze ...".

10. How is the historical theme presented in the poet's lyrics?

1) severe criticism;

2) satirical parody works;

3) a realistic depiction of reality.

11. When did L.N. Tolstoy:

1) while serving in the Crimea;

2) while studying at the university;

3) after arriving in St. Petersburg.

12. What theme is the basis of all his work:

1) knowledge of the world and its development;

2) clash of views and characters;

3) the story of a developing character.

13. What works brought fame to L.N. Tolstoy:

1) "Sevastopol stories";

2) "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth";

3) "Two hussars", "Morning of the landowner".

14. Because of what work L.N. Tolstoy was excommunicated from the church:

1) "Anna Karenina";

2) "War and Peace";

3) "Sunday".

15. What is the work of L.N. Tolstoy was the beginning of the idea of ​​writing "War and Peace":

1) "Cossacks";

3) "Sevastopol stories".

1. What is the main feature in the character of Nikolenka?

a) arrogance c) arrogance

b) arrogance d) tendency to introspection

2. Why is Nikolenka crying after Natalya Savishna asked him to apologize for her intemperance?

a) he continues to be angry with Natalya Savishna

b) he is ashamed of his thoughts about the "good old woman"

c) he understands that it will not be possible to repay the offense

3. How are the events of the hero's inner and outer life related?

a) they are described in parallel

b) L. N. Tolstoy does not show the inner world of the character

c) the events of external life serve as a means of revealing the internal state

d) the events of inner and outer life are interconnected

4. Why is the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Childhood" called autobiographical?

b) the story depicts the family estate of Count Tolstoy

5. At the first edition, L. N. Tolstoy's story "Childhood" at the behest of N. A. Nekrasov had the title: "The Story of My Childhood", which L. N. Tolstoy was indignant at: "Who cares about the stories of my childhood."

a) Does Tolstoy's angry remark clarify, in your opinion, what his story is about, how it should be understood?

b) Would you be interested in the childhood story of Leo Tolstoy? What would you like to know about this childhood?

6. In Russian literary criticism, there was an opinion that one of the most beloved and sincere thoughts of Leo Tolstoy is connected with the image of Nikolenka Irtenyev - the idea of ​​​​the enormous possibilities of a person born for movement, for moral and spiritual growth.

a) Is it clear from the chapters "Classes" and "Natalya Savishna" that a person is born "to move"? If yes, where did you see it?

b) When reading the story, did you notice the moral and spiritual growth of its protagonist?

7. I.F. Smolnikov asks the following question: “There are 28 chapters in the story“ Childhood ”, and in almost every chapter the hero cries. He cries 18 times. Is it a lot or a little?

a) Didn’t it seem to you that the hero of the story often cries? What would you say to the researcher's question?

b) What caused Nikolenka's tears? Could you name the causes of tears important, fundamental?

8. M. B. Khrapchenko notes that in the story "Childhood" "details of feelings, spiritual life in its inner course come to the fore, pushing aside the interest of events."

a) When reading, did you notice the details of feelings in the story "Childhood"? How does L. N. Tolstoy reveal these details?

b) Does the spiritual life in the work really overshadow the interest of the events? Justify your answer.

Option II

a) boring and joyless c) vain and soulless

b) complete and meaningful d) poetic and spiritual

mutual love

2. What is the reason for Karl Ivanovich's excitement?

a) He must leave the children

b) He may lose his place

c) Believes that they were not sufficiently grateful to him

3. Why did Natalia Savishna give up the “freestyle”?

a) decided that they wanted to get rid of her

b) loved the young lady very much

c) and without "freedom" felt like a mistress in the house

d) understood that it would be difficult for her to live elsewhere

4. For what purpose does L. N. Tolstoy tick describe in detail the everyday side of the life of the characters?

a) it allows you to more deeply reveal the nature of the characters

c) L. N. Tolstoy lovingly describes the life of his native estate

5. L. D. Opulskaya writes about the story “Childhood” that it is “an outwardly uncomplicated story about childhood ... Nikolenka Irteniev, close to the author in origin and moral character.”

a) How do you understand the definition of “outwardly uncomplicated”? Does it fit the chapters "Classes" and "Natalya Savishna"?

b) Is there any inner, deeper meaning in the story?

6. I. F. Smolnikov notes that when reading Childhood, the reader gets the impression of an active and instant reaction of the child to the joy and pain that people cause him, to the grief that he himself sometimes brings to those whom he sincerely loves.

a) Give arguments about the instantaneous reaction of the hero of the story to joy and pain?

b) Do others often hurt the little hero?

c) What grief does Nikolenka bring to others? What are they caused by?

7. K. N. Lomunov notes: “Poeticizing the childhood years of his hero, Tolstoy did not hide their shadow sides.”

a) Does the writer really not hide the shady sides of Nikolenka's childhood? What dark sides are shown in the story?

8. In 1908, L. N. Tolstoy wrote: “When I wrote Childhood, it seemed to me that before me no one had ever felt and portrayed all the charm and poetry of childhood.”

a) Did you feel the "charm and poetry of childhood" in Tolstoy's story?

Test on the life and work of F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, A. Tolstoy (Grade 10)

1. Match dates of birth and poets

Tyutchev 1820-1892

Fet 1817-1875

Tolstoy 1803-1873



3. For which of the poets, according to Aksakov, “to live is to think”

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

6. Which of the poets translated Horace at the age of 12?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Who graduated from an educational institution with a Ph.D. in verbal sciences?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Which of the poets lived abroad for 22 years? Specify the place and reason for this stay.

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Munich, sent by parents because of the girl's love

Which of the poets took Schelling's worldview to reflect it in his work?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Which of the poets lived in Turin for 2 years?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Which of the poets' wife could die in a shipwreck?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Match poets and women in their lives. Emphasize which of the womennot dedicated poems.

Tyutchev Maria Botkina

Fet Eleanor Peterson

Tolstoy Amalia

Elena Deniseva

Maria Lazic

Ekaterina Kruglikova

Sofia Miller

Ernestine Dernberg

Avdotya Panaeva

Which poet was promoted to Privy Councilor?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Which of the poets had "lawless" relationships that led to the tragedy of their joint children?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Which of the poets six months before his death had a stroke that paralyzed half of the body?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

Which of the poets has a philosophical theme in the lyrics was the main one?

TyutchevFet Tolstoy

How many periods can Tyutchev's work be divided into? Specify one number.

During what period did he write almost no poetry? Specify a period.


How did Tyutchev perceive the loneliness of the lyrical hero?

Like a forced state

Hownatural state

Like an inevitable state

Like the desired state

About what poem did Saltykov-Shchedrin write: “Its content is an unclear feeling, that even for its own definition it cannot stop at any single image, but constantly rushes from image to another ...” Who is its author?

Title of the poem __Whisper, timid breath _

His FetTolstoy

Which poet was very fond of roses?


Indicate the main themes of Fet's lyrics.

Love and nature

Which poet has given up love for a career?


Which poet was an illegitimate son?


Which poet had attempted suicide before his death?


Which of the poets can be said: “His poems are imbued with a bright, joyful mood, the happiness of love”


Which of the poets said about himself: "My life is a complicated novel"?


Which of the poets lived an easy, successful life?

Tyutchev FetTolstoy

Which of the poets was a participant in the Crimean War?

Tyutchev FetTolstoy

In the work of which poet, the motif of folk art prevails?

Tyutchev FetTolstoy

Tyutchev "Prince Silver"

"Spring Storm"

Fet "Nature - Sphinx"


Tolstoy "You have suffered, I am still suffering"

"Denisevsky cycle"

"Vasily Shibanov"

"Eat in the original autumn"

"I'm still languishing with longing desires,

I still long for you with my soul ... "

Which of the poets can belong to the lines of poems:

Enter letters:

Tyutchev ___a, c, d, _______

Fet ____d, e_________

Tolstoy __b, ___________

A) When the last hour of nature strikes,

The composition of the parts will collapse earthly:

Everything visible will again be covered by water,

And God's face will be depicted in them!

B) You are something, an evil kruchinushka,

Not completely exhausted me, poor,

Just tore my soulA two?

Don't mix morning and evening

C) A well-deserved punishment is being accomplished

For a grave sin, a thousand-year sin...

Do not turn away, do not avoid the blow -

And the truth of God is visible to all ...

D) Not an easy lot, not encouraging,

Was taken out for you by fate

And early with a merciless life

You entered into an unequal battle.

D) It is still light in front of the window,
In the breaks of the clouds the sun shines,
And the sparrow with its wing,
Bathing in the sand, it trembles.

E) But in a breath of frost
Alone among the dead
Only you alone, queen rose,
Fragrant and opulent.
