Borodyansky 8 color psychotypes. “8 colored psychotypes: who are you?” Mikhail Borodyansky

Mikhail Borodyansky

8 colored psychotypes: who are you?

© Borodyansky M.

© AST Publishing House LLC, design

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Dedicated to Viktor Tolkachev

Preface to the second edition

Dear reader!

More than five years have already passed since the release of the first edition of my book in Russian. During this time, vector psychology has taken a stable place among practical methods available not only to specialists, but to any person who wants to better understand themselves and the people around them.

I received hundreds of responses from readers: doctors and teachers, actors and entrepreneurs, representatives of many other professions - all of them were able to take new heights in their activities and in their relationships with people.

In the last few years, many articles and trainings on this technique have appeared on the Internet. And the more of them there are, the louder the debate about vector psychology sounds: is it a means to solve all problems or a simplified description of a person that has no practical meaning? In fact, neither one nor the other. Vector psychology is a simple and accessible guide to the secrets of the human soul, which answers two important questions: “How to understand?” and “What to do?”

You can start reading the book from anywhere: on every page you will find something interesting about yourself or someone close to you. And numerous examples and stories from life will amuse you with all your heart.

I wish you joy from reading this book and ease in communicating with people!

Mikhail BorodyanskySt. Petersburg, 2017

In 1994, I attended a strange seminar. It was not curiosity that brought me there, but rather a longing for something new. This was not the most fun period of my life: I did not have the personal and sexual relationships that I dreamed of, I earned much less than I wanted, and, as it seemed, I was not doing at all what God gave me Life for.

The host of the seminar, an energetic guy named Viktor Tolkachev, promised to teach everyone present to understand themselves and others, live in harmony with themselves and others, achieve success in their careers and get all the joys from life in 12 lessons. When sexual harmony and a happy family life were added to this list, I, like a “normal” person, stood up and headed for the exit. At that moment it became absolutely clear to me that all this was complete nonsense.

At the door I turned around. The presenter looked at me and without any emotion said: “Stay until the third lesson.” Why did I stay? I just wanted to go up to him later and defiantly ask: “Well? Why the hell did I lose three evenings here?”

And indeed, a week later I approached Tolkachev, but for something completely different. I told him that I also want to conduct such training. “You can do it,” Victor answered after thinking a little (he loved being called that way - with the emphasis on the last syllable). And two weeks later he gave me his first book - “The Luxury of Systems Thinking” - with a dedicatory inscription:

I understood perfectly well what it was about, and even then I thought about the book that you are now holding in your hands.

Many years have passed since then. Now I feel fulfilled in my profession and in my personal life. The understanding of myself that Viktor Tolkachev once gave me has become more holistic, every day it helps me to reveal my potential: I publish a psychological magazine, create large-scale Internet projects, conduct live trainings, build a successful company and make money in those ways. which bring me pleasure.

Thanks to our deep understanding of each other, my wife and I have been able to maintain our senses for many years and successfully overcome the natural difficulties of family life. Accepting our children's natural characteristics helps us provide them with support and the conditions for their development so that they grow up free, responsible and happy. Plus, I feel healthier and stronger than I did 20 years ago.

Therefore, I have a great desire to pass on my knowledge and experience further: over the years, in St. Petersburg and other cities, I have conducted more than four hundred trainings, which have trained more than six thousand people. They successfully apply the acquired knowledge in work and in personal relationships, and some already conduct training in vector psychology themselves.

Our relationship with Victor was not always smooth: we argued, proved something to each other, and each moved on - in our own direction. Sometimes we disagreed so much that we might not communicate for several months. When all the disagreements were behind us, Victor gave me a collection of articles, one of the authors of which he was. This happened shortly before his death, and the inscription on this book to this day gives me strength to continue our common cause:

Mikhail BorodyanskySt. Petersburg, 2012

From the publisher of the first edition: about vector psychology

In 1908, Sigmund Freud published the article “Character and Anal Eroticism,” which became the beginning of the psychoanalytic teaching on character. Having briefly described in this article the psychological characteristics of people with high sensitivity of the anus, Freud set a task for his followers:

"You should pay attention

and on other types of characters and find out

Is there any connection in other cases?

with certain erogenous zones."

And the followers did not have to wait long. Soon new articles on this topic appeared: Ernest Jones - “On anal-erotic character traits”, Hans von Hallingberg - “Anal eroticism, love of fear and stubbornness”, as well as two articles about other erogenous zones (holes on the body) and related with them characters: Isidor Zadger - “Urethral Erotica” and “Erotics of the Skin and Muscular System”. Thus, at the beginning of the last century, the character types associated with the openings on the torso were briefly described: anal, urethral, ​​cutaneous and muscular.

At the end of the twentieth century, St. Petersburg psychologist Viktor Konstantinovich Tolkachev (1947–2011), inspired by the work of Freud and his colleagues, described character types associated with openings on the head (eyes, ears, nose and mouth). As Tolkachev himself said, this became possible thanks to his teacher, Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ganzen (1909–1996), whose book “System Descriptions in Psychology” served as the basis for a systematic view of sensitive openings.

Thus, Viktor Tolkachev created a holistic system that includes eight human characters. He introduced the concept of “vector” and called his theory “system-vector psychoanalysis.” A vector is understood as a set of psychological and physiological qualities (character, habits, health, etc.) associated with one of the sensitive openings on the human body. Unlike the usual concept of “personality type” (which is usually one), there are several vectors in a person, and all of them can have different potential: from 0 to 100%. This system became the basis of Viktor Tolkachev’s training, which he conducted for thirty years in Russia, Germany and the USA: during this time, more than six thousand people became his students.

Mikhail Borodyansky, one of the first students of Viktor Tolkachev, turned the vector theory from cognitive-descriptive into practical and called it a “system of psychological vectors.” His main contribution was the introduction of a new concept "vector acceptance", which turned out to be key for the practical application of this knowledge. Acceptance is an attitude towards the manifestations of our own or someone else’s vector when we perceive them without judgment, that is, without dividing them into good and bad, necessary and unnecessary. In addition, acceptance is the recognition that any manifestation of a vector serves something, even if we cannot understand it now. Mikhail Borodyansky created a formula for calculating the acceptance of a vector and co-authored a test that allows one to assess the innate potential of each vector and the degree of its acceptance. Anyone can take the Tolkachev-Borodyansky test on the Internet at

In addition to Mikhail Borodyansky, several students of Viktor Tolkachev are developing vector theory in various directions, conducting trainings, writing articles and books. Among them are Lyudmila Perelshtein (the book “Beware: Children! Or a manual for parents who can be surprised”), Elena Kudryavtseva (trainings and articles on the use of the vector system in consulting), Yuri Burlan (portal “System-vector psychology”), Alexander and Tatyana Prel (book “Why did we grow up like this?”) and others.

A personality's psychotype is a set of character traits from a psychological point of view. The correct definition of a psychotype will help not only to better understand the person himself, but also to find the necessary approach to him.

Basic theory

There is no unified system of criteria and assessments with which one can derive one current classification of psychotypes. The most popular is the theory of Carl Jung, which is based on mental functions and attitudes. First of all, he identified the scale of introversion and extraversion.

Introverts' energy is directed inward. Such a person will prefer to develop himself and spend time with himself over active communication with the outside world. An introvert is active and happily “wastes” his own energy on the people around him.

Also, K. Jung used the concept of “personality function” in his works. He included sensation and thinking, intuition and feeling among them.

Depending on the predominance of a particular function, their combination and psychological attitude, he identified 8 personality psychotypes. They are needed not only for researching and organizing a huge variety of psychological characteristics, but also are an excellent help for a practicing psychologist.

Extraversion Based Types

Based on introversion

Personality accentuation

Psychologists distinguish several personality types or types of accentuation. Personality type is a set of character traits that determine not only the behavior of an individual, but his lifestyle and behavior in society. In practical psychology and psychotherapy, types are used that were derived and systematized by Andrei Lichko. In its pure form, each type is quite rare, but if you have the necessary skills, you can determine the leading type of accentuation in a person.

personality typeDescription
Hyperthymic typeSuch people are highly active, excitable, and cheerful. They are active, lead a fairly successful and varied lifestyle, easily get along with people and take on the role of leader. Their unquenchable thirst for activity and ebullient energy attracts others and makes such people the soul of the company.

However, they often give up what they started and quickly lose interest in everything. Often their actions are dictated not by principles or morals, but by momentary desires and a thirst for new experiences. They are not able to take their responsibilities seriously, and are not adapted to long, monotonous work.

Cycloid typeSuch people are often subject to mood swings. The phase of cheerfulness and vigor after a short time (1-2 weeks) is replaced by lethargy and passive behavior. During periods of high mood, they can easily be mistaken for a hyperthymic personality type; during a low mood, traits of a dysthymic type of accentuation appear.
Dysthymic typeSuch people are usually called pessimists. They are serious, withdrawn, often in a depressed mood, and taciturn. People of the dysthymic type prefer to avoid noisy companies and do not enter into conflicts. Their social circle is small, they have strong morals and are guided by their principles.

Professions that require activity and vigorous activity are not suitable for them. People of the dysthymic type value a calm, measured life and choose the same type of work.

Epileptoid typePeople of this type of accentuation are driven by emotions. They have poor control over their own impulses, tend to fly into rage, are impulsive, and lack self-restraint. In conflict situations, they feel like fish in water, often starting squabbles and scandals themselves.

They do not get along well with other people and are unable to maintain a healthy working atmosphere in the team. They subconsciously destroy all relationships, often oppress and suppress weaker individuals.

Stuck typePersonalities of this type literally get “stuck” in their own thoughts, experiences, and situations. It is quite difficult for them to switch, they are difficult to forget grievances and acutely feel injustice towards themselves. Vengeful, vindictive, prone to protracted conflicts.

At the same time, such people like to dominate and clearly define friends and enemies for themselves. Their character is dominated by selfish affect, to which all his actions are subordinated.

Labile typePeople of this type are subject to frequent mood swings and react sharply to attention from others. Due to their heightened sensitivity, they often become emotionally distant from their loved ones as a result of some kind of trauma.
Astheno-neurotic typeA striking example of this type of personality are hypochondriacs. They get tired quickly, irritable, and prone to emotional breakdowns. Professionally, they try to do their work carefully and are very zealous about their responsibilities.
Sensitive typePersonalities of this type are sensitive and very impressionable. They often suffer from complexes and feelings of inferiority, and often become the object of ridicule. With proper relationships with society, they show kindness and try to help loved ones.
Psychasthenic typeSuch people are prone to self-examination and excessive reflection. It is difficult for them to make decisions; they weigh all options for a long time. Their distinctive feature is a high level of self-criticism and reliability; they are not prone to frequent mood changes.
Schizoid typeSuch people are characterized by isolation and an absolute inability to find a common language with other people. They are characterized by emotional dullness and an almost complete lack of intuition. People of the schizoid type are stable and have a rich inner world.
Hysterical typeSuch people love to be the center of attention, they are quite selfish, but at the same time they are not confident in themselves. They do not tolerate blows to their own pride and are prone to demonstrative behavior.
Unstable typeThe main character trait of such people is laziness and reluctance to work. It is difficult for them to concentrate, the ability to self-learn is almost zero. People with unstable personality types are prone to empty entertainment for the sake of having fun. They strive for a lack of control over themselves and rarely recognize other people's authorities.
Conformal typeThe main feature is the desire not to stand out. These people love to be in the crowd and obey its laws. Conformism and blind faith in public opinion make them ideal performers and members of society.

© Borodyansky M.

© AST Publishing House LLC, design

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Dedicated to Viktor Tolkachev

Preface to the second edition

Dear reader!

More than five years have already passed since the release of the first edition of my book in Russian. During this time, vector psychology has taken a stable place among practical methods available not only to specialists, but to any person who wants to better understand themselves and the people around them.

I received hundreds of responses from readers: doctors and teachers, actors and entrepreneurs, representatives of many other professions - all of them were able to take new heights in their activities and in their relationships with people.

In the last few years, many articles and trainings on this technique have appeared on the Internet. And the more of them there are, the louder the debate about vector psychology sounds: is it a means to solve all problems or a simplified description of a person that has no practical meaning? In fact, neither one nor the other. Vector psychology is a simple and accessible guide to the secrets of the human soul, which answers two important questions: “How to understand?” and “What to do?”

You can start reading the book from anywhere: on every page you will find something interesting about yourself or someone close to you. And numerous examples and stories from life will amuse you with all your heart.

I wish you joy from reading this book and ease in communicating with people!

Mikhail Borodyansky

St. Petersburg, 2017

From the author

In 1994, I attended a strange seminar. It was not curiosity that brought me there, but rather a longing for something new. This was not the most fun period of my life: I did not have the personal and sexual relationships that I dreamed of, I earned much less than I wanted, and, as it seemed, I was not doing at all what God gave me Life for.

The host of the seminar, an energetic guy named Viktor Tolkachev, promised to teach everyone present to understand themselves and others, live in harmony with themselves and others, achieve success in their careers and get all the joys from life in 12 lessons. When sexual harmony and a happy family life were added to this list, I, like a “normal” person, stood up and headed for the exit. At that moment it became absolutely clear to me that all this was complete nonsense.

At the door I turned around. The presenter looked at me and without any emotion said: “Stay until the third lesson.”

Why did I stay? I just wanted to go up to him later and defiantly ask: “Well? Why the hell did I lose three evenings here?”

And indeed, a week later I approached Tolkachev, but for something completely different. I told him that I also want to conduct such training. “You can do it,” Victor answered after thinking a little (he loved being called that way - with the emphasis on the last syllable). And two weeks later he gave me his first book - “The Luxury of Systems Thinking” - with a dedicatory inscription:

I understood perfectly well what it was about, and even then I thought about the book that you are now holding in your hands.

Many years have passed since then. Now I feel fulfilled in my profession and in my personal life. The understanding of myself that Viktor Tolkachev once gave me has become more holistic, every day it helps me to reveal my potential: I publish a psychological magazine, create large-scale Internet projects, conduct live trainings, build a successful company and make money in those ways. which bring me pleasure.

Thanks to our deep understanding of each other, my wife and I have been able to maintain our senses for many years and successfully overcome the natural difficulties of family life. Accepting our children's natural characteristics helps us provide them with support and the conditions for their development so that they grow up free, responsible and happy. Plus, I feel healthier and stronger than I did 20 years ago.

Therefore, I have a great desire to pass on my knowledge and experience further: over the years, in St. Petersburg and other cities, I have conducted more than four hundred trainings, which have trained more than six thousand people. They successfully apply the acquired knowledge in work and in personal relationships, and some already conduct training in vector psychology themselves.

Our relationship with Victor was not always smooth: we argued, proved something to each other, and each moved on - in our own direction. Sometimes we disagreed so much that we might not communicate for several months. When all the disagreements were behind us, Victor gave me a collection of articles, one of the authors of which he was. This happened shortly before his death, and the inscription on this book to this day gives me strength to continue our common cause:

Mikhail Borodyansky

St. Petersburg, 2012

From the publisher of the first edition: about vector psychology

In 1908, Sigmund Freud published the article “Character and Anal Eroticism,” which became the beginning of the psychoanalytic teaching on character. Having briefly described in this article the psychological characteristics of people with high sensitivity of the anus, Freud set a task for his followers:

"You should pay attention

and on other types of characters and find out

Is there any connection in other cases?

with certain erogenous zones."

And the followers did not have to wait long. Soon new articles on this topic appeared: Ernest Jones - “On anal-erotic character traits”, Hans von Hallingberg - “Anal eroticism, love of fear and stubbornness”, as well as two articles about other erogenous zones (holes on the body) and related with them characters: Isidor Zadger - “Urethral Erotica” and “Erotics of the Skin and Muscular System”. Thus, at the beginning of the last century, the character types associated with the openings on the torso were briefly described: anal, urethral, ​​cutaneous and muscular.

At the end of the twentieth century, St. Petersburg psychologist Viktor Konstantinovich Tolkachev (1947–2011), inspired by the work of Freud and his colleagues, described character types associated with openings on the head (eyes, ears, nose and mouth). As Tolkachev himself said, this became possible thanks to his teacher, Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ganzen (1909–1996), whose book “System Descriptions in Psychology” served as the basis for a systematic view of sensitive openings.

Thus, Viktor Tolkachev created a holistic system that includes eight human characters. He introduced the concept of “vector” and called his theory “system-vector psychoanalysis.” A vector is understood as a set of psychological and physiological qualities (character, habits, health, etc.) associated with one of the sensitive openings on the human body. Unlike the usual concept of “personality type” (which is usually one), there are several vectors in a person, and all of them can have different potential: from 0 to 100%. This system became the basis of Viktor Tolkachev’s training, which he conducted for thirty years in Russia, Germany and the USA: during this time, more than six thousand people became his students.

Mikhail Borodyansky, one of the first students of Viktor Tolkachev, turned the vector theory from cognitive-descriptive into practical and called it a “system of psychological vectors.” His main contribution was the introduction of a new concept "vector acceptance", which turned out to be key for the practical application of this knowledge. Acceptance is an attitude towards the manifestations of our own or someone else’s vector when we perceive them without judgment, that is, without dividing them into good and bad, necessary and unnecessary. In addition, acceptance is the recognition that any manifestation of a vector serves something, even if we cannot understand it now. Mikhail Borodyansky created a formula for calculating the acceptance of a vector and co-authored a test that allows one to assess the innate potential of each vector and the degree of its acceptance. Anyone can take the Tolkachev-Borodyansky test on the Internet at

In addition to Mikhail Borodyansky, several students of Viktor Tolkachev are developing vector theory in various directions, conducting trainings, writing articles and books. Among them are Lyudmila Perelshtein (the book “Beware: Children! Or a manual for parents who can be surprised”), Elena Kudryavtseva (trainings and articles on the use of the vector system in consulting), Yuri Burlan (portal “System-vector psychology”), Alexander and Tatyana Prel (book “Why did we grow up like this?”) and others.

The book you are holding in your hands combines knowledge and experience accumulated over several decades. It describes in detail eight types of character, provides an algorithm for accepting and implementing vectors in oneself and in other people, and uses many practical examples to show how to use this knowledge in a variety of situations.

Getting to know vectors and accepting them will help the reader build harmonious relationships with himself and others, feel whole, find his own path in life and follow it harmoniously and with pleasure.

I wish you a fascinating read and success in learning about yourself.

Anatoly Sekerin

Director of the publishing house "Lomonosov"

Moscow, 2012


Some ideas and examples given in this book are taken from the seminars of V.K. Tolkachev, others - from the author’s own experience and his colleagues. In case of any coincidences or analogies in the text, it would be correct to recognize the authorship of such fragments as V.K. Tolkachev.

Chapter 1. Brown vector - anus

Where it all started

Vector psychology originates from a short article by Sigmund Freud written in 1908. In a work entitled “Character and Anal Eroticism,” Freud describes a special type of person who has a stable combination of several character traits (you will learn about them soon).

In childhood, these people had certain problems with one physiological function, as well as with the organ in charge of this function.

And so Freud concludes that this character organically associated with the functioning of a specific organ in our body.

What's interesting about this unusual discovery?

In essence, Freud is saying here that a person’s character is not related to upbringing, living conditions or other external factors, but to the function of some organs. This is a rather bold statement for the beginning of the 20th century.

It is no secret that many scientists (for example, Hippocrates) have long associated human character with the activity of the heart, liver and other internal organs. But Freud in his research spoke about something completely different. He proceeded from the fact that our body is a closed system that connects (communicates) with the external environment through several “holes.” It’s easy to calculate the hole options if you take into account the places on our body where the continuous skin is interrupted:

6. Urethra (that is, the urethra); This also includes the vagina.

7. Skin (more precisely, the “own” openings of the skin: pores, sebaceous and sweat glands).

8. Navel* (let’s mark it with an asterisk, since after birth it ceases to be an opening. But don’t think that our character is formed only after birth!).

So, Freud’s main idea was that it is these holes, or more precisely, the sensitivity of these zones that have the strongest influence on our character. A hundred years ago, Freud did not yet know (or was not ready to openly declare) that the sensitivity of our holes determines all areas of human life: from health to sexual preferences, from the choice of profession to the style of doing business.

Neatness here means not only physical cleanliness, but also conscientiousness in fulfilling obligations: people who are “neat” in this sense can be relied upon...”

Do you know such people? If among your relatives or friends there are those whose main traits are neatness, thrift or stubbornness, then you have a good idea of ​​who will be discussed in this chapter. Or maybe you even know entire nations, about whose neatness and thrift there are legends?

Freud then continues: “Apparently, they belonged to that category of babies who prefer not to have a bowel movement when they are put on the potty, since the act of defecation gives them pleasure...”

Many will think: “What nonsense?! How can defecation be enjoyable? And what does this have to do with human manifestations, especially in business?!” Well, let's find out.

It is known that a person is born with genetically determined external characteristics, physique conditions, health characteristics and many other qualities. In addition to all of the above, we have genetically different sensitivity of our “erogenous zones”. And the erogenous zones are those same eight holes with the skin surrounding them. Some of us are born with especially sensitive ears and fine hearing, others with especially sensitive eyes and acute vision, etc.

Moreover, “sensitivity” here means not only the ability to perceive the world around us. Sensitivity is also a special tenderness (vulnerability, insecurity) of a sensory organ or some area on the body, that is, sensitivity to damage, microbes and other external influences. Therefore, a sensitive eye is not only especially keen, but also especially tender: a small speck in the eye can become a big problem for such a person.

Another feature of a “sensitive” organ or zone is the need to receive appropriate pleasure. Very simply, we can say that the sensitive eye “loves” to look at beautiful views, the sensitive ear - listen to beautiful sounds, the sensitive nose - smells pleasant smells (which, of course, everyone has their own), etc. If the sensitive organ receives enough such pleasures, then he is in harmony and balance (that is, healthy). But if there is not enough pleasure, then health problems begin - not only physical, but also psychological.


Sensitive area:

is an area on our body associated with one of the eight openings (types of openings);

– has an enhanced perception of the surrounding world;

– zone, the degree of sensitivity of which is determined genetically;

– particularly sensitive to damage (that is, more tender, vulnerable, “unprotected” than others);

– needs to receive her typical pleasure (impact) and suffers in its absence.

Since the anus belongs to the eight openings of our body, there are people among us (and there are many of them) who are genetically - from the moment of conception - with increased sensitivity of the anal zone. These are exactly the people for whom sitting on the toilet and other impacts on the buttocks are a pleasure.

Freud classified such people as having an anal character type. But the words “character type” are limiting, so in our system the concept “vector” is used instead. Firstly, there can be several vectors in one person, and a “type” is just a type (that is, one). And secondly, each vector can have a different value: from 0 to 100 percent.

It is the combination of eight vectors (according to the number of holes) that makes up our character.

In this book, people with high anal sensitivity are called owners of the brown vector, or, for short, By brown people, and Viktor Tolkachev called this vector “anal”.

First habits

How are the features characteristic of the brown vector formed?

Let's take this story as an example. Imagine a little boy who was put on the potty in the morning. And this baby’s anal area has increased sensitivity since birth, and all influences on it bring him extraordinary joy. Instead of doing what his mother wants him to do, the baby just sits on the potty and enjoys it. He could have sat there for an hour or two if he had been allowed to, but that was not the case. Mom is in a hurry to go to work, and therefore with the words: “Well, why are you sitting down?!” Well, let’s hurry up!” trying to pull his stubborn son off the potty.

In the most pleasant moments of a child’s life, they are deprived of pleasure and are constantly tugged at with the words “come on faster.” Where it leads? Throughout his childhood and adult life, such a person will avoid those who are in a hurry or rush him, because the longer and more calmly he does any task, the better he feels.

Please note that calmness and slowness are important qualities of the brown vector at any age. Therefore, if you do not wish harm to Brown, you should never rush him. (You will read about how to “accelerate” such a person in the chapter “The Meaning and Acceptance of Vectors.”) If a Brown child is constantly tugged and urged, he may begin to stutter, become neurotic, or suffer from serious intestinal diseases. The same applies to adults.

But the story continues: the mother (the one who is in a hurry to get to work), without waiting for the result, pulled the baby off the potty, quickly dressed him and ran out of the house with him. And the boy, who did not receive his joys on the potty, at that moment did what his mother had been waiting for for so long... What will happen next? Perhaps his mother will return home with him, quickly change his clothes, and as punishment - so that he won’t behave like that tomorrow - she will spank him on the butt.

The punishment of a loving mother will be in the very place where the baby has increased sensitivity. Do you think the boy will act differently tomorrow? Never! Life gave him two pleasures at once. This is how Brown children can develop stubbornness: they unconsciously provoke situations in which they get an impact on their significant zone.

Of course, there are Brown people who have never faced a similar situation in their lives. But one way or another, the Brown child will provoke suitable events in his life where stubbornness will play into his hands.

The little boy cannot understand how this “thing” that brought him such joy, according to the ideas of his mother, the closest and dearest person, turns out to be disgusting. This leads him to such confusion that deep down the baby may be afraid: “I’m somehow not like that. If even my mother cannot understand me, then it’s better for me to remain silent about my joys. And in general, it’s better for me to remain silent more, so as not to find myself in a stupid position again.” As a result, such a child may withdraw into himself and become silent. The brown vector is already an introvert and phlegmatic by nature, but the degree to which these qualities are manifested strongly depends on the experiences experienced in childhood.

As you can see, a genetically based predisposition is not yet absolutely fatal. This is just a potential that can develop in different people to different degrees. It is very important to understand that if a certain potential absent since birth, there is no way to develop it.

Wisdom of the Organism

Even in adulthood, some Brown people like to sit on the toilet longer, and therefore try to make this place more cozy and comfortable. They equip it with bookshelves, paintings, sometimes even a telephone or TV, not to mention a variety of lighting and music options. By the unusually decorated toilet, you can easily determine the bright vector of its owner. If your friend started building a dacha with a comfortable toilet, then you can foresee that this dacha will have cleanliness, order and other attributes of the brown vector.

Of course, such people attach great importance to the quality of toilet paper: it should be very soft and multi-layered. And, of course, the Brown Man will not use a newspaper for these purposes - he is too protective of his sensitive area.

Typically, such a predilection for the toilet is criticized by our society (especially in childhood - by parents, educators), and therefore these desires are eventually repressed into the unconscious 1
The unconscious is the most extensive and most meaningful part of the psyche, which includes experiences that are not consciously realized by a person: various innate or repressed drives, impulses, desires, motives, attitudes, aspirations, complexes, etc. The unconscious actively influences all areas of life and all manifestations of a person.
The concept of “unconscious” was proposed by S. Freud, who suggested that many human actions that usually seem random are in fact not random, but are symptoms of deep intrapersonal conflicts - so serious that the psyche cannot stand them and refuses to recognize them, that is makes you unconscious.
Unconscious processes cannot be revealed by a simple effort of will; their disclosure requires the use of special techniques. In Freud's psychoanalysis, the main methods of understanding the unconscious (as well as diagnosis and therapy) are the analysis of free associations, the analysis of dreams, the analysis of erroneous actions of everyday life, the study of myths, fairy tales, fantasies, symbols, etc.

And the person stops paying attention to his significant zone. But genetically inherent high sensitivity cannot disappear anywhere, even if we are not aware of it. Our Organism will still experience a deep longing for missing pleasures. And for the brown vector, pleasure is when there is an impact (stimulation, pressure) on the anal area.

What can such an Organism “come up with” so that a significant zone receives stimulation? Yes, a lot of things, for example, constipation - this is where there is strong pressure on the sensitive receptors. And it doesn’t matter that you have to wait for such stimulation for several days - the Brown man enjoys the wait. How will the Organism do this? It’s very simple: the digestive processes are controlled by our brain (unconsciously) - it’s not for nothing that most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are psychosomatic. For our unconscious, “creating” constipation is quite simple, even for several years. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people suffering from habitual constipation are prominent representatives of the brown vector.

One of the main aspects of human existence is his self-realization in various fields of activity, among which successful adaptation and productive interaction with other people are of key importance. Since time immemorial, philosophers, and then psychologists, have tried to establish certain patterns in human behavior and attitude in order to make relationships between people more understandable and mature.


Thus, even at the dawn of psychology, the Austrian psychiatrist S. Freud formulated a theory about the structure of the psyche, and the Swiss psychiatrist K.G. Jung, relying on this knowledge and his own many years of work experience, created the first concept about psychological personality types. This teaching today has become the basis for many competent socio-psychological theories and even entire areas of modern psychotherapy.

One of these modern theories is socionics as the doctrine of the interaction between a person and the outside world, depending on the personal characteristics of a particular person, which classify him as one of 16 socionic personality types.

Socionics as a science was created in the seventies of the last century by the Lithuanian scientist Ausra Augustinaviciute on the basis of computer science, sociology and psychology. In the scientific community, socionics is rather not a science, but one of the famous personality typologies, which serves as a diagnostic method in psychological counseling.

K.G. Jung - the forefather of socionics

In the 19th century, K.G. Jung created his famous theory about personality types, the definition of which is based on ideas about attitudes and basic functions of the psyche. He identified two main personal attitudes: introversion, when a person’s interest is directed into the depths of his own inner world, and extroversion, when a person is directed to the outside world. At the same time, there is a concept about a person’s inclination towards a specific attitude, but not about its complete predominance.

Jung considered thinking, sensation, intuition and feeling to be the main functions of the psyche. Sensation means interaction with the world based on the senses, thinking and feeling help to understand these sensations at the level of comprehension and emotional experience, and intuition answers the question of the origin of these phenomena at the subconscious level.

For each person, one of these functions is dominant, and the rest complement it.

These functions have been divided into two groups:

  • rational, to which thinking and feeling belong;
  • irrational (sensation and intuition).

In this case, rationality implies an orientation towards the objective norms of society. Based on these aspects, Jung created a classification consisting of 8 main personality types, which in socionics expanded to 16 psychotypes.

The birth of socionics

To create a new full-fledged typology and highlight more specific personality types, A. Augustinaviciute combined Jung’s concept with the theory of information metabolism of the Polish psychiatrist A. Kempinski. This theory is based on the concept of the exchange of information between a person and the outside world in comparison with metabolism in the body, when information is food for the human psyche, therefore mental health is directly related to the quality of incoming information. Thus, socionics calls personality types types of information metabolism. The presence of dominant characteristics should not be confused with.

Socionic personality types are not a constant, “frozen” characteristic of a person; their definition reflects only the way of information exchange, without affecting the individual characteristics of a person (education, culture, experience and character), which are studied by individual psychology. Accentuation is a pointed character trait of a person, which should be paid attention to as bordering on pathology, but accentuation is not the goal of research in socionics.

Formation of names

How did socionics get its name from specific personality types? The name of the type comes from the dominant attitude (extroversion or introversion), and the two most powerful functions of the four, while the names of the functions have undergone some changes: thinking and feeling became logic and ethics, respectively, and sensation was called sensory.

Rationality and irrationality are determined by the location of functions in the names of psychotypes. If we talk about rational personality types, then the first word in the name will be logic or ethics, and for irrational personality types – sensory or intuition.

The names of the 16 types were added over time by various scientists to provide a clearer accessible description of a person. The most popular names of these types are: formulaic names based on Jung’s theory, pseudonyms of famous historical figures - bearers of the designated characteristics, pseudonyms that characterize a person’s professional predisposition.

Basic socionic types

Jung owns a classification of 8 main psychotypes, on the basis of which socionics proposed a more detailed classification consisting of 16 psychotypes.

  • Logical-intuitive extrovert(LIE), "Jack London", "Entrepreneur". He is able to clearly identify his own capabilities and abilities, is easily inspired and starts new things, and is interested in dynamic sports that give extreme sensations. Feels new trends, takes risks, relying on intuition. Confidently uses new technologies in her work, deeply analyzes herself and the world around her. Tends to communicate closely with people.
  • Logical-sensory extrovert(LSE), “Stirlitz”, “Administrator”. A very efficient, socially adapted type, he always feels the need to bring the work he has started to completion. Plans activities and treats surrounding things practically. Tends to show love and care for loved ones, loves noisy fun and company. He is good-natured, but harsh, can be hot-tempered and stubborn.
  • Ethical-intuitive extrovert(EIE), “Hamlet”, “Mentor”. A very emotional person, prone to empathy and displaying a wide range of emotions. He has expressive facial expressions and eloquence. Able to anticipate various events and prepare for them in advance. Picks up inconsistencies in other people's words and emotions. Often unsure of a partner's love and prone to jealousy.
  • Ethical-sensory extrovert(ESE), “Hugo”, “Enthusiast”. Able to influence people through emotional pressure, he gets along well with them, can cheer them up, is inclined to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of another person and show love and care for loved ones. In his work he achieves everything on his own, loves when other people emphasize his merits.
  • Logical-intuitive introvert(LII), “Robespierre”, “Analyst. He knows how to distinguish the important from the secondary, does not like empty talk, and is prone to clear, practical thinking. In their work, this type likes to use unusual ideas, while demonstrating their independence. Uses intuition where he does not know the exact answers. Does not like noisy companies, finds it difficult to establish relationships with other people.
  • Logical-sensory introvert(LSI), “Maxim Gorky”, “Inspector”. Loves order and rigor, delves deeply into work, analyzing information from different angles. It is distinguished by a certain pedantry. He looks at things realistically and takes on a task only if he knows for sure that he can complete it. Inspires trust, but prefers short business contacts with other people.
  • Ethical-intuitive introvert(EII), “Dostoevsky”, “Humanist”. He subtly senses the nature of relationships between people, attaches great importance to trust, and does not forgive betrayal. He is able to identify the hidden abilities of others and is endowed with the talent of an educator. He is passionate about self-education, people often turn to him for advice. We are very vulnerable, it is difficult to tolerate aggression and lack of love.
  • Ethical-sensory introvert(ESI), “Dreiser”, “Keeper”. Recognizes pretense and falsehood in relationships, divides people into friends and strangers, managing psychological distance. He defends his views and principles. He knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones, and cannot tolerate the moral superiority of other people. Able to deeply analyze himself and others.
  • Intuitive-logical extrovert(ILE), “Don Quixote”, “The Seeker”. He has a wide range of interests, knows how to adapt to new conditions and easily switches to new methods of work. He is a generator of ideas and does not like traditions and routine. Able to explain complex ideas, being a pioneer in them. He is more prone to synthesis in thinking, creates a new idea from ready-made components.
  • Sensory-logical extrovert(SLE), "Zhukov", "Marshal". Tends to use physical force in order to achieve victory at any cost. Obstacles only increase his desire to win. Likes to lead and cannot stand being subordinated. Analyzing the situation, he likes to draw up a specific plan of action and strictly follows it.
  • Intuitive-ethical extrovert(IEE), “Huxley”, “Adviser”. He is able to subtly feel other people and has a developed imagination. Loves creative work and cannot stand monotony and routine. Sociable, likes to give practical advice in the field of interaction with people.
  • Sensory-ethical extrovert(SEE), “Napoleon”, “Politician”. Able to see the capabilities of others, using this knowledge for the purpose of manipulation. Leads over
    weak, clearly identifying their weak points. He likes to keep his distance; in communication he is more likely to be guided by his own interests. In the eyes of others he tries to look like an outstanding, original person, but often he is not.
  • Intuitive-logical introvert(OR), "Balzac", "Critic". This type is an erudite with a philosophical mindset. He is careful, makes a decision only with confidence in its correctness, analyzing the vulgar in its connection with the future. Does not like violent manifestations of emotions, appreciates coziness and comfort.
  • Sensory-logical introvert(SLI), "Gaben", "Master". Sensations are for him the main source of knowledge of the world. Shows empathy, subtly feels and loves other people, rejects artificiality and falsehood. He is distinguished by a technical mindset, loves to work with his hands, while always meeting the required deadlines.
  • Intuitive-ethical introvert(IEI), “Lyric”, “Yesenin”. A dreamy and lyrical person, he knows how to intuitively predict events, has a good understanding of people, loves and “feels” them. He has a good sense of humor and wins the affection of other people. This type attaches great importance to appearance. He doesn’t know how to save money, and while working he likes to rest for a long time.
  • Sensory-ethical introvert(SEI), “Dumas”, “Mediator”. Knows how to enjoy ordinary life, calmly enduring monotony and routine. Gets along easily with people, respecting their personal space, while demanding the same attitude from them. Likes to joke, entertain, avoids conflict situations. He is often a helper and loves to feel needed and significant in the eyes of other people.

Nowadays, developed technologies make it possible for everyone, without exception, to undergo testing and find out their socionic types, but we should not forget that a person’s personality is very multifaceted and ambiguous, therefore only a professional psychologist can qualitatively compose and describe a socio-psychological portrait of a personality during multi-level psychological diagnostics , where socionics is one of the methods.

Rainbow of characters. Psychotypes in business and love Karnaukh Ivan

1.8. Main characteristics of psychotypes

Observing representatives of the same psychotype, we often meet people who, at first glance, are completely different from each other. They have different behavior and appearance, although they still belong to the same psychotype.

The psychotype is formed by two main functions, which are included in the abbreviation, for example, ESTP (Marshal) - (ST). In first place, as you remember, is the main, or main, function, which prevails over the second, in our example – sensory (S) over logic (T). Let us call this basic psychotype “pure”. In relation to it, there may be “deviant” psychotypes, which are formed depending on the strengthening of the first or second function. If such a shift is achieved by the development of the first function (S) in relation to the “pure” type, then it can be called a primary sensory subtype, and, accordingly, if the second function (T) is more developed, naturally remaining less than the first, then it is possible talk about a secondary logical subtype.

This splitting of a “pure” psychotype into subtypes with primary and secondary forming functions (with corresponding prefixes) is observed in each of the 16 available psychotypes. The general content of the “pure” type and its “doubles” basically remains the same, but outwardly this will be reflected in their behavior as follows.

In extroverted “pure” psychotypes:

– primary subtypes are pronounced sociable extroverts (they are closer to their “pure” psychotypes);

– secondary subtypes are more “cold” (they can be easily confused with introverts!).

In introverted “pure” psychotypes:

– primary subtypes are very calm and reserved (close to their “pure” types);

– secondary subtypes can be quite expressive (not to be confused with extroverts!)

Let's look at a few examples.

Marshal – ESTP:

A) Marshall-sensory (S) – "attack"(E S TP).

Sharp, demonstrative, attacking style of behavior. It can be expressive, expansive to the point of aggressiveness;

B) Marshal-logical (T) – “promoting”(ES T P).

Outwardly he looks balanced and phlegmatic.

Romantic – INFP:

A) Romantic-intuitive – "questioning"(I N FP).

Characterized by a questioning facial expression, a calm, dreamy, contemplative appearance. He is often passive in his behavior;

B) Romantic-ethical – "charming"(IN F P).

Seduces and charms, charming, active and sociable.

There are various tests to determine subtypes, but practice shows that, due to their brief description, they can be identified by simply selecting the one that best suits you.

To conclude the chapter, we present 16 basic portraits of existing psychotypes, indicating their subtypes. The characteristics reflect both the strengths and weaknesses of the personality (the descriptions are based on the works of V.V. Gulenko, V.V. Meged, A.A. Ovcharov).

1. Marshall (ESTP)


Has a leadership character. A strong-willed, collected, energetic person.

Has a quick reaction combined with good endurance.

Knows how to manage people, navigates well in changing circumstances. Able to quickly make fundamental decisions.

Tuned to real nearby targets - a flexible tactician.

Energetic and active, during periods of recovery he develops extraordinary performance. Has a critical mind. Actively defends the interests of himself and his group.

Strives for a high material standard of living.

Likes to act on a grand scale, carefully weighing everything and developing a specific plan of action. Very purposeful and practical in business.

Lives by reason, puts business above personal sympathies.

Stress-resistant, mobilized in extreme situations.


Quite aggressive, he has difficulty maintaining smooth, conflict-free relationships with others.

Does not like indecisive people who shy away from bold actions.

Cannot stand commanding tone: if pressure is put on him, he gives a strong rebuff.

He is proud and, when angry, shows intolerance towards other people's mistakes and mistakes.

Unpleasant people can create an unfavorable environment.

In personal relationships he is uncompromising and wants to arrange everything his own way.

Distrustful of new people, he strives to find out their position, connections and capabilities with the help of cautious questions.

Goes towards his goal, regardless of the interests of others.

He has periods of ups and downs in his mood and performance.

(S). Attack. Sharp, demonstrative, attacking style of behavior. It can be expressive, expansive to the point of aggressiveness. Feels good in emergency and emergency situations, gets involved in conflicts, and can apply pressure to quickly restore order. If he finds himself out of work, he can provoke a conflict in order to later take the initiative into his own hands. Emotional and sociable, he will not ignore any person of the opposite sex. Women also take the initiative to meet men. Muscular, active, often thin, has a well-developed taste, a gourmet. In fashion, he strives for sophistication and prestige.

(T). Promoting. He himself prefers to remain in the shadows, not to demonstrate his aspirations, but constantly keeps his finger on the pulse of what is happening around him. Outwardly he looks balanced and phlegmatic. Before acting, he calculates all possible consequences and only then comes into play. Distrustful and cautious, skeptic, conservative and realist. Due to his lack of sociability, he gives the impression of an introvert. If he has identified a victim, he acts slowly, using the “squeezing ring” method.

2. Politician (ESFP)


Has good diplomatic and commercial skills.

Quickly navigates in extreme situations.

Confident, courageous and decisive, he always knows what he wants.

Consults more formally, makes decisions independently.

He strives to keep abreast of various events and likes to be the center of attention.

In communication he is polite, instills trust, and knows how to create an atmosphere of intimacy and sincerity. Kind, charming, democratic, usually behaves relaxed and at ease. Monitors health and appearance. An esthete, she likes to dress with taste and variety.

Takes care of loved ones, values ​​​​coziness and comfort.

Strives for practical activities. Prefers immediate specific goals that bring real benefits.


Quite disorganized, tends to get distracted by unimportant details while working.

It is difficult for him to concentrate his attention on one thing for a long time.

He is prone to hesitation in his choice, long thoughts, and doubts that he hides.

Few enjoy his true trust.

Quite conservative: he needs time to understand the new technology and be convinced of its practical value.

Takes risks only after weighing everything well.

He tends to level out the individual qualities of people and likes everyone to act in the same way.

Shows aggressiveness if his freedom is limited.

Demonstrates his attitude towards a person.

(S). Supplying. Very active, assertive, enterprising. He always has what is called “his nose in the wind.” He is prone to adventures, to playing on price differences, taking risks, and playing with the law. If he is defeated, he easily leaves, “substituting” less flexible partners. This is one of the most unpredictable types; it easily works in trade and intermediary structures, but not in production ones. He is characterized by a sharp change in mood: if I feel good, then everyone should feel good, if I feel bad, then let the others suffer too. He gets along with people over short distances and can create powerful emotional pressure. A good business executive, service worker, for example, a waiter; actor - but only in light genres (comedies, operettas). Easily manipulates relationships: brings people closer or further away. Emotionally unstable, therefore often quarrelsome. (It can provoke something and, in case of failure, quickly go into the shadows.)

(F). Founder. He relies on influential and reliable people, and gradually gets closer to them if they are useful. Has a certain snobbery and representative status. He should have all the best - an office, a car, a dacha... A good worker, can manage people, relationships, calculates well, is a pragmatist. He is not prone to adventures, he is a good politician, because he has a great sense of people and attracts the right ones. Plays the role of a thoughtful person working on an important problem. Dresses more modestly than the terminal subtype.

3. Master (ISTP)


Able to act expediently. Implements ideas in practice, extracting maximum benefit from them.

He is characterized by modesty and perseverance. Definitely finishes what he starts.

He is resourceful both at home and at work, which he likes. In an area of ​​space that is accessible to him, he organizes everything for work and rest.

An esthete who completely trusts his taste. He always has his own opinion about what is beautiful and ugly, where there is harmony and where there is bad taste. Doesn't like to dress brightly and flashily.

Values ​​friendship. If they turn to him for help, he willingly helps, sparing no effort and personal time. He doesn’t force his opinion on anyone, but then it usually turns out the way he wanted. It gives him joy when someone likes what he has done.

Has a reputation as a punctual person. Doesn't like to drag out meetings.

Stress-resistant, in a dangerous situation he behaves in an emphatically cold-blooded manner. A warning about danger causes him not fear, but interest, a desire to test himself.


A skeptic questions everything and can ridicule it. He usually does not show his feelings in public, although he is impressionable.

It very much depends on his mood; periods of decline alternate with periods of increased performance.

Secretive, does not like familiarity, knows how to put a person in his place.

An order as a form of address does not exist for him: he does it as he sees fit.

He is truly effective only in what brings him pleasure; because of this, he can give the impression of a lazy person.

He will not take on aimless work. He does not like a sluggish manner of speaking; he likes clearly formulated, confident statements.

(S). Closer. Outwardly businesslike, a little stern, cold and seemingly unapproachable. Realist and skeptic, distrustful of novelty, of those who put forward ideas of a declarative nature. He will always avoid useless things, a 100% pragmatist. He is very dynamic and technologically advanced, he can extract maximum benefit even from what seems to be completely unnecessary. Its products are always cutting-edge and will withstand any competition in the market. In clothes he is reserved, conservative, prefers a sporty, technological style.

(T). Developmental. An esthete tuned to receiving pleasant sensations. Contact and flexible much more than the initial subtype. More optimistic, but less efficient. Sybarite and gourmet. He gravitates towards art, linguistics, history - humanitarian disciplines. Dresses with taste, emphasizing the advantages of clothes, choosing harmony of colors.

4. Mediator (ISFP)


Has good taste and a sense of proportion. He can evaluate the quality of any product and explain in detail why he is satisfied or dissatisfied with it.

He is caring and attentive to people, always taking their comfort into account. Diplomatic, usually knows how to persuade someone to do a necessary or profitable thing.

Can perfectly establish a comfortable environment in a close environment. Knows how to relax, appreciates pleasures and everyday joys.

If he likes the work and is well paid, he does it efficiently, with taste and soul. He tries not to lose his sense of proportion under any circumstances.

He senses the state of other people well and is able to adapt to his interlocutor. He is very friendly with everyone, attentive and sympathetic to everyone.

Strives for a high standard of living.

Usually he does not impose his will on anyone, does not criticize himself and does not like it when other people are criticized in front of him. In the team he takes the position of the golden mean.


He finds it difficult to maintain intense business activity for a long time.

Sometimes relaxed and uncollected.

Hidden and vulnerable. May show obvious dissatisfaction if his peace is disturbed. At such moments he may become indignant and respond sharply.

He is quite lazy, if the work interests him little and does not promise any benefit to him personally, he may even feign it.

He is enraged by empty vanity and waste of energy.

He doesn’t take anything for granted; he demands facts and evidence.

He tries to avoid bosses, avoids purely business conversations, they are boring for him.

It is difficult for him to show will and perseverance, to defend the interests of the cause.

Poor health significantly reduces his performance.

Often he only pretends that he is capable of much.

(S). Selector. He has good aesthetic taste, which can be manifested in clothing, interior design, and applied arts.

They are often landscape artists who also like to paint still lifes. This is a connoisseur of well-being; comfort is very important to him. He is a sybarite and takes care of his appearance. Hedonist, loves to please both himself and others. Outwardly more well-fed than the initial subtype of the Mediator.

(F). Communicating. The ethics of emotions is strengthened - emotional and sociable, easily fits into any company, looks extroverted. He loves comfortable, roomy clothes, which he is not very picky about - he can even wear shabby clothes. He is artistic and often plays the role of ringleader. Finds himself in amateur performances, maybe a musician, actor, advertising agent.

5. Administrator (ETSJ)


An active and assertive person. Able to soberly assess the situation and make the right decision from a practical point of view.

A good administrator: establishes a high-quality workflow. Tries to create all conditions for coordinated work. Able to coordinate the activities of different people and departments.

Differs in high efficiency. He is very pragmatic and evaluates people’s actions in terms of their benefits.

Knows how to handle money rationally. Loves reliability and thoroughness in everything. He prefers the quality of things to fashion. Loves order in everything. Has a great sense of duty.

Values ​​time and does not like to waste it. He is very punctual and tries to plan everything ahead. He prefers not to take unnecessary risks.

A good owner of the house. He is efficient and inventive in everyday matters.


Conservative in his tastes and habits. Does not like to admit his mistakes and make compromises. Does not take criticism well, even in a humorous form. Avoids giving compliments and praising for good work - considers this to be the norm.

He lacks diplomacy in relationships. Sometimes he is overly critical. He condemns everyone who, in his opinion, does not work conscientiously, efficiently and honestly.

Does not like to talk about entertainment; he is a supporter of strict education. If his work is criticized by incompetent people, he may lose his temper. With loved ones he often shows authority and demands. Poor stress tolerance, especially when unsettled by situations of uncertainty, is very burdened by long waits for any event.

Being drowned in details and distracted by other things, you may not be able to finish your work on time. It's very painful to experience this.

Not having, in his opinion, enough facts, he postpones making a decision.

Can't stand being rushed or distracted from work.

Adhering to established rules of behavior, he demands the same from others. At the same time, unexpectedly for everyone, he can become nervous, lose his temper, be harsh, and show intolerance.

(T). Binder. Has a good feel for intermediate areas of production - trade, management. He is more relaxed than the second subtype, very sociable, emotional, and contactable. Hospitable, loves comfort and coziness, outdoor recreation. Easily copes with the responsibilities of a technical director and manager.

(N). Producing. Strives to unite the entire production cycle in its hands. A good worker, does not tolerate incompetence, and is knowledgeable in his field. He is very efficient, sometimes works “extremely”, believes that only in this case can he demand the same from others. Can be harsh in his judgments, usually formulates the task very clearly. In the sphere of production, he strives for the quality of the product, loves to admire what he has made, and emphasizes the advantage of his product. He can realize himself well in a stable market, in transport, in the army. He is a conservative in his clothes; the main thing for him is cleanliness, order and functionality.

6. Enthusiast (EFSJ)


Active, optimistic, friendly person. Attentive to people, caring. Strives to help everyone who asks for it. He senses the emotional state of other people well. Easily makes new acquaintances of a personal and business nature.

An ardent opponent of wasting time, he himself is always busy with urgent matters.

Receptive to promising ideas that can be applied in practice.

Charming, personable interlocutor. Has good taste.

He can do a lot of things with his own hands.

In life he achieves everything on his own, without relying on others.

Persistent and decisive in actions, especially in extreme situations, when aggression is directed against him or there is a lack of time.

He listens to the advice of others, but, as a rule, acts in his own way. He successfully engages in any practical activity and loves to be appreciated for his efforts and resourcefulness.

Strives for stability, a high standard of living, and respect from work colleagues.


Accumulates negative emotions, which are able to restrain for some time. But if there are too many of them, he loses his temper, and then worries so much that he may even get sick. Emotional contact is important to him, so he has difficulty interacting with people who do not show their attitude to what is happening.

Uneconomical, does not always evaluate the profitability and usefulness of what he does.

Hesitates for a long time before making an important decision on a complex issue.

He calculates time poorly, has difficulty separating the important from the unimportant, and overloads himself with tasks. Overestimates his business abilities. He doesn’t know how to wait, he wants to do as many things as possible and as quickly as possible.

(F). Greeter. Very expressive, it can be difficult to withstand his emotional pressure. He has a high efficiency, but the influx of feelings prevents him from being constructive. He can be very scattered, jumping from one thing to another. In communication he is straightforward, spontaneous, and has an explosive choleric temperament. Externally – the desire to attract the attention of a representative of the opposite sex with bright clothes, which may contain an element of demonstrativeness.

(S). Equipping. An esthete, she loves to give pleasure to herself and others, and to give gifts. A good owner of the house knows how to get comfortable even with a minimum of amenities. A business person can be a successful manager in the field of leisure and entertainment. Women of this type knit and sew well, know how to be charming, and have good taste in choosing the colors of clothes. The behavior is not demonstrative. He tolerates pain and poor health very poorly.

7. Inspector (ITSJ)


A good organizer and meticulous performer. Intolerant of laxity and irresponsibility. He is consistent in his actions and decisions, and always brings what he starts to the end.

Likes order, regularity, accuracy and specificity in everything, relies only on official or well-vetted sources of information.

He willingly informs those who contact him about any instructions and laws that he usually knows well.

Maintains documentation accurately.

Good researcher of narrow problems. He delves into all the details and does not miss the little things.

As an administrator, he knows how to establish clear work, discipline and order, and always controls the implementation of his orders.

He puts business above personal relationships and moods.

He is very efficient, has a developed sense of duty, and is demanding of himself and his subordinates.

He prefers to put knowledge into practice.

He prepares for everything in advance, does not like impromptu things.


Uncompromising in what he considers important.

From time to time he puts on an official and unapproachable appearance and strictly adheres to the chain of command.

Quite intolerant of other points of view.

Not flexible enough in relationships with people, does not take into account their individual abilities.

It is almost impossible to force him to change his beliefs.

He doesn’t like it when people object to him, when they impose their will and methods of work.

Secretive, does not like to share his impressions with strangers.

Afraid of change and instability.

Poor understanding of how others treat him.

He cannot stand it when someone touches his things and interferes without permission in the affairs he conducts.

(T). Controlling. The most rational logical type. He is very constructive, strives for hierarchy, can “organize” everyone around him, he works carefully, completes everything down to the smallest detail, and does not miss a single detail. Low-dynamic, does not tolerate confusion. Outwardly strict, self-possessed, somewhat one-dimensional. Official in a work environment, even with close relatives, it happens that he displays a barracks style of behavior. He is also conservative in his clothes. His suit, as a rule, is strict, dark in color, reminiscent of a uniform.

(S). Demanding. Impetuous and impulsive, he does not always follow the order that he demands from others, while he is capable of condemning those who violate this order. At a distance he is sociable and courteous, but at close range he can be intolerant. If you offend him, he can respond with aggression. Strives for leadership, but manages better in small teams. Outwardly he looks courageous, men often wear a mustache, and prefers a free style in clothes.

8. Guardian (IFSJ)


Well versed in relationships between people.

Conscientious, very obliging, punctual.

As a rule, everything is prepared in advance, in advance.

He spares no effort and time to restore order.

A man of duty. Forces himself to do uninteresting but necessary work.

Punctual. Distributes tasks evenly and is constantly busy with some kind of work.

Completes assigned work thoroughly and consistently.

Intolerant of untidiness and hack work, requires adherence to proven working methods.

A good economist, knows how to handle finances rationally, does not like to borrow.

Has good endurance and self-control.


Firmly and assertively defends himself and his loved ones.

Constant in his habits and affections.

He willingly comes to the aid of people in difficult times and provides various services.

Remains faithful to the family.

Loves to arrange life.


Painfully endures injustice and unethical behavior.

Vulnerable and impressionable, he responds in kind to good and evil.

He sees other people's shortcomings well, is distinguished by harsh assessments, but more often he expresses his attitude not so much in words as in tone and gaze.

Tends to divide people into “us” and “strangers”.

Does not forgive betrayal.

Suspicious, does not tolerate situations of uncertainty.

Doesn't like change.

It is difficult for him to determine the individual characteristics of a person, and he tends to make high moral demands on others.

He doesn’t like it when someone evaluates his qualities, since he is not always confident in himself, in his abilities, and potential.

When trying to put pressure on him, he can become aggressive.

(F). Moralist. Subtle, sensitive nature, well versed in people. A reliable friend, able to compromise. The softness and ease of communication sometimes resembles the Mediator. This subtype is more often a good performer than an organizer; It is important to him how others treat him, their opinion of him. He communicates very well with small children, is sensitive, caring and attentive. Can also realize himself in applied arts and cultural activities. Outwardly he is modest, pays little attention to fashion, prefers a more free style.

(S). Supportive. Characterized by expansion in a narrow circle, he can even be aggressive if people do not agree with him. These are people of duty, active and hardy. In conflict situations, they are never the first to seek reconciliation. They can lead medium-sized teams, maintain discipline and order, and apply sanctions to those who are guilty. They are often very straightforward, demonstrating their attitude with a burning gaze. Business-minded and purposeful, they gravitate toward administrative activities. They can also fight back against the Marshal if he creates a mafia structure, since they can easily recognize the seeds of such activity. Prefers a prestigious style of clothing, sometimes bright, but not provocative colors.

9. Innovator (ENTP)


Great thirst for knowledge.

Has developed intuition. Using it, based on the scattered information received and the ability to look at the situation from the outside, he can find an unexpected way out where others do not see it.

Willingly gives advice on how to get out of difficult circumstances.

Vague ideas are able to be processed into a theory in the form of a system. At the same time, he is a structuralist, a classifier, moving from the general to the specific.

Quite assertive, often has organizational skills in the search for fundamentally new approaches.

Often he puts work above family or personal relationships.

Democratic, does not like veneration.


Does not tolerate strict regulation and monotonous work.

Quite disorganized: distracted by interesting details, sometimes he does not have time to complete the main thing by the scheduled deadline.

May speak off topic, getting lost in his own thoughts.

He has difficulty maintaining order in his affairs and in the workplace.

May allow errors in the preparation of business documentation.

Doesn't always take care of his appearance.

He can be naive and too trusting.

Due to his entrepreneurial spirit, on the one hand, and the inability to make compromises, on the other, he has difficulty managing conflict-free relationships with people. He can be unyielding, even aggressive, especially if you put pressure on him.

He can prove with aplomb that he is right if he is convinced of it.

(N). Inventor. He has an excellent flair for new things. He often becomes the author of many inventions and discoveries. An unsurpassed idea generator. He is very bold in his proposals. However, he easily gives up a boring task and switches to a new, more exciting one. Able to prove himself in business. It is characterized by dynamics, fast speech, and a large number of gestures. He often has a thick build, a masculine appearance, and a mustache if we are talking about a man. Attaches great importance to appearance.

(T). Extractive. A self-absorbed and thoughtful person. He is attracted to abstract ideas that do not have a direct connection with reality, for example, philosophy, religion, bioenergy, etc. His favorite pastime is to compare different logical systems with each other. The type of armchair scientist. He is characterized by an asthenic figure. He can be angular in his movements, does not pay attention to appearance, and cares little about his health.

10. Entrepreneur (ETNJ)


A very dynamic, active, active person.

He feels the pulse of time well and considers lag in business unacceptable.

A great worker, he enjoys doing things that bring practical benefits.

Curious, interested in innovations that can be put into practice. Sees the profitability or unprofitability, prospects or futility of certain enterprises.

Offers creative ways to increase efficiency and can take business risks.

In everything he strives for clarity and clarity.

Doesn't like to act blindly, without preparation, plans everything.

He is unsophisticated and prefers to negotiate on mutually beneficial terms.

Can act as a sponsor and philanthropist.

It can do without comfort, if necessary. Even if it’s difficult for him, he won’t whine.

An optimist, always exudes friendliness.

An active supporter of a healthy lifestyle.


Not everyone can withstand the intense work regime imposed on them, which he is also inclined to change arbitrarily.

He takes on so much that he can’t get everything done.

Doesn't fully think through long-term plans.

Tends to take excessive risks and is the first to rush into a dubious undertaking.

Sometimes overly talkative. May dress casually. Painfully perceives attention to his appearance.

He is fussy, impatient, restless, and therefore often makes mistakes when preparing business documentation, in work that requires scrupulousness and thoroughness.

He has a creative disorder in his home and work place.

In matters of principle to him, he shows firmness and intransigence.

Sometimes he allows for tactlessness and rude humor.

Reluctant to visit doctors.

(T). Accelerating. The most dynamic of all psychotypes, a pioneer in his field of activity, is looking for supporters with whom he can jointly realize his or common ideas. He is very emotional and impulsive, so he can be inconsistent in business. Trusting, because of his carelessness he can get into different stories, he seems spontaneous. He can prove himself well in free market activities, but if he loses, he does not lose his presence of mind and optimism, and moves forward again. He pays little attention to appearance and health, is outwardly thin, very active, sometimes wears a beard and mustache, and sometimes leads a chaotic lifestyle.

(N). Researcher. Calm and balanced, leads an orderly lifestyle, has a good sense of perspective. He calmly chooses which idea is best to put into action, and will always find the most optimal and profitable solution that will give the greatest return. Often this is a natural scientist, an experimenter, giving work to his mind and hands at the same time. He can study both chemistry and painting, but tries to complete everything. An excellent gaming engineer and experimenter. He gets along well with children and easily engages them in interesting activities.

Outwardly he is reserved, has a thicker constitution than the terminal one, tries to dress well and takes care of his health.

11. Analyst (ITNJ)


Has good analytical thinking and developed logic. Highlights the main thing and cuts off the unimportant. Able to summarize facts and have a good understanding of diagrams, classifications and structures.

Realistically evaluates the practical possibilities of the undertaking and does not lose sight of alternatives.

A good speaker who knows how to briefly and clearly convey the material to the listener.

A supporter of discipline and order, based not on administrative pressure, but on conscience, duty, and personal responsibility.

He is kind, but puts business above personal interests and relationships.

A man of his word, he values ​​justice and reasonable order in everything.

Strives for independence, but allows himself to be led by people who know how to persuade gently but persistently.

He has a good sense of time and is usually punctual.

Cautious, senses danger.

Rarely loses his temper. Democratic, tolerant of other points of view.


Not flexible enough in relationships.

He prefers to talk about what interests him; he ignores details in the interlocutor’s speech that are of little interest to him. He may avoid the conversation altogether if he considers it a waste of time.

Does not like to do several things at once, especially in a hurry. Can be stubborn and uncompromising. He does not tolerate being commanded; he rejects strong-willed pressure in cold blood.

Secretive, does not like to discuss his personal life. He does not tolerate it when his freedom is limited or unreasonable demands are made.

(T). Systematizing. Concrete and orderly, an organizer in science, does not trust too abstract ideas. An erudite, but only in his narrow field. In behavior - dry, reserved, and can be authoritarian. Does not like discussions and friction in the team, keeps a distant psychological distance. Strict supporter of intelligent systems. Wears formal clothes and strives to be in good physical shape.

(N). Plodding. The analyst is a good conceptual scientist, focuses on global problems, and is a generator of ideas. For him, long-term achievements are more important than the result of the current moment.

He behaves gently, correctly, and is careful in his contacts. Outwardly, he is often asthenic, paying more attention to appearance than to health.

12. Critic (INTP)


Strives for useful, rational actions, very economical.

Careful in his work, conscientious and efficient. He is erudite, reads and thinks a lot. He remembers what he read well and retells it figuratively to others with pleasure.

Correctly assesses the degree of risk and often gives advice on what to do to avoid surprises and troubles.

Has a good sense of logical flaws in any system.

Punctual if required of him.

Modest in everyday life and clothing, but values ​​comfort.

Polite in communication.

He has a sense of humor and knows how to console the desperate.

Has developed intuition.


A skeptic notices all the contradictions and imperfections of the world around him.

Subject to frequent doubts and hesitations. He has poor internal balance.

Unable to control his mood, he can be either overly picky and grumpy, or too kind and compliant. His state of mind affects those around him.

He is very meticulous, so he does not always complete what is planned on time.

Cautious, indecisive in new endeavors.

He does not like to rush, fuss, and is distrustful of people who get ahead of themselves.

He can be stubborn and intractable if he is confident in his position, which he tries to prove with the help of facts.

Does not submit to direct volitional influence.

He does not like to give compliments; he considers it more honest to talk about shortcomings.

It is difficult for him to exert strong-willed pressure or to motivate a subordinate to complete a task.

(N). Contradictory. Ascetic, grumpy, likes to highlight shortcomings, looking for an opponent. Sometimes he criticizes with a dose of bile. He often has an asthenic figure and has difficulty communicating. It can well provoke a situation, including a commercial one. He has great erudition and memory, and often gets bogged down in details. These are theoretical scientists who make fundamental developments and are also well aware of socio-economic trends. Using analogies, they can often predict in which direction the ongoing process will unfold. Outwardly he can be sloppy and careless, and takes little care of his health.

(T). Recycling. Practical and efficient, quick-witted, avoids any useless activities. He tries to benefit from everything, does not allow production waste - everything must be used wisely. Loves company, friends, a good table. A well-developed sense of humor and knows how to get along with others. Outwardly elegant, sociable, but a little relaxed.

13. Initiator (ENFP)


Sociable and emotional.

If necessary, he is able to find an approach to any person. His natural charm and diplomacy help him in this. Gives compliments and strives to please others.

Understands people's abilities. He senses their hidden motives and shortcomings well, and is able to predict the behavior of others.

Usually he is drawn to extraordinary, extraordinary people, and is interested in everything unusual and mysterious. Having become fascinated by an idea, he willingly advertises it, becoming an active supporter.

He is impressionable and responsive, sympathizes with others, loves to give them advice in difficult life situations.

Emotional, needs a constant influx of new impressions.

Stress-resistant, mobilizes in extreme conditions, and can give a decisive rebuff.

In case of failure, he experiences it violently, but not for long.

Loves beautiful things, strives to dress original.


Because of the desire to maintain good relations with everyone, he overloads himself with unnecessary contacts.

Being trusting, he can sometimes tell unnecessary things in a conversation. He quickly becomes disillusioned with the objects of his affections.

Can be exalted, very often depends on mood.

Does not like regulation and strict rules that restrict his independence.

Opponent of the hierarchy of rank. Does not accept conventions and prejudices.

Quite disorganized and impractical. Often does not manage to complete what is planned by the deadline, as he is inclined to be distracted by unimportant matters.

Sometimes he lacks patience and thoroughness, and does not always finish what he starts.

He condemns rude and ill-mannered people, but he himself is quick-tempered, unrestrained, and sometimes aggressive.

(N). Reporter. A very sociable, temperamental, active person. He is the initiator of many things, but is distinguished by great restlessness and variability. The person is very creative, but can be scattered and undisciplined. Capable of venting his dissatisfaction on his superiors, he does not really take into account subordination. Externally, it often has full, round shapes. In clothes he can be demonstrative, bright, sometimes even loud.

(F). Adviser. Sees hidden attractions and attachments in people, prefers to work at a short psychological distance (as opposed to a terminal one). He likes to give advice, gravitates towards psychoanalysis, and at the same time relies on the manifestation of their positive qualities in people. Can stand up for others, defending their interests. Outwardly, he is often thin and graceful. Moderate in clothing, prefers loose fit, soft colors.

14. Mentor (EFNJ)


Emotional, subtly senses the mood of other people. He knows how to beautifully express his feelings: from sublime intonations to subtle irony.

Can captivate people and lead them.

Foresees the danger that lurks in the development of the situation, knows how to take the necessary measures to avoid it.

He has a good sense of time and knows how to properly distribute tasks.

Believes in the unlimited possibilities and abilities of man. Tries to understand the motives of people's actions, behaves as an educator and mentor.

Punctual, very responsible.

Usually has broad humanitarian interests.


He has difficulty achieving internal balance.

Tends to overdramatize events.

He is proud, vulnerable, inclined only to a correct, polite attitude towards himself, and remembers insults for a long time.

Doesn't like being interrupted or rushed.

He experiences his failures and disappointments acutely.

He double checks everything.

Doesn't like to do many things at once.

Aristocratic, but can allow extremes in clothing - to be extravagant or, conversely, careless. This is how he expresses himself.

He endures criticism of his appearance and everyday habits painfully.

May make mistakes in the preparation of business documentation.

(F). Inspirer. Emotionally excitable, harsh. Demonstrates intensity of feelings, is decisive and artistic. Easily amenable to exaltation, distinguished by aristocratic manners. Often this is a good speaker, a political leader with a patriotic bent. Internally dramatic, unpredictable and spontaneous, loves to demonstrate himself. Outwardly, he can shock others with his extreme clothing - a homeless man with greasy sleeves. It may, on the contrary, dress flashily, brightly or elegantly aristocratically.

(N). Warning. Predisposed to reflection, internal fluctuations and doubts. Has imaginative thinking and is inclined to philosophy. Not very critical of appearance, not picky about food. Secretive, vulnerable, sometimes broken, speaks out unobtrusively, obligatory and punctual. He is a good educator and teacher, he can captivate his listeners. He is calm in appearance and consistent in his presentation of the material.

15. Humanist (IFNJ)


Well versed in relationships between people.

Constantly strives for self-improvement and shows interest in moral and philosophical problems. In everything he tries to adhere to the principles of justice and humanism.

Correctly assesses the abilities of others.

Shows understanding and tolerance. Accepts people as they are, forgives weaknesses and does not try to change others.

For the sake of peace and harmony, I am ready to make compromises. Responsive and attentive. Very stable in his affections. Respects the manifestation of another person's violent emotions with understanding. He tries to calm him down and give him practical advice. If this does not help, he knows how to wait patiently until he calms down on his own.

Loves thoroughness and thoroughness in everything. Painstaking in his work.

Efficient, conscientious and punctual. Tries to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoids bad habits.


Impressive and vulnerable.

He has a hard time dealing with conflicts and misunderstandings, and has poor stress tolerance.

Excessively scrupulous, does not like to burden others. At the same time, he constantly needs attention and care. Getting bogged down in details, he often gets overtired. It is difficult for him to give a correct assessment of his work. Doesn't know how to manage time correctly. Trusting, naive, his kindness is abused. Low initiative, inert. Does not delve into what is outside of his interests.

(F). Confessor. Sincerely religious or adheres to some ethical system, unobtrusive and reserved, sometimes ascetic, strict with himself and others for violating moral standards. Not proactive. He has little interest in anything that is not related to his beliefs. He is slow and meticulous in his work. You can talk to him, pour out your soul, get simple but practical advice. Appearance – self-absorption, asceticism; the inner tense life is visible in the outer appearance.

(N). Reconciling. He senses people well, immediately sees who suits his looks and who does not. Likes to be in a narrow circle of friends and like-minded people, discussing with them the latest in literature, art, and humanities. Often he is not confident in himself, and sometimes he is scattered in his choice of field of activity. Strives for humanitarian work, but can also work in the service field. He realizes himself well both in medicine and in pedagogy. Tries to reconcile those in conflict and smooth out acute situations. He knows how to create a pleasant environment, even comfort in the home. He dresses with taste and often follows fashion.

16. Romantic (INFP)


Emotional, charming. Has a refined perception of the world. He is attracted by humanitarian knowledge.

A gentle, tactful person. He is sensitive and attentive to people, tries to maintain smooth relationships with everyone. Shows tolerance for the shortcomings and weaknesses of others. Dreamer and optimist.

Knows how to wait patiently and forgive. Intuition is well developed, he cares about the cause, although he tries not to show it.

Respects people in authority if they can give specific instructions.

In the interests of the cause, he shows good diplomatic skills, winning people over with his charm and modesty.

Demonstrates sophistication, good manners, graceful in movements. He dresses tastefully and is elegant.

Has a sense of humor. Skilled in the ability to please. Everyone can find an individual approach.


Vulnerable, unsure of himself, prone to long doubts when choosing a decision.

He needs to be involved in the matter. Needs moral, physical and material support.

Due to absent-mindedness, he sometimes forgets to fulfill his promises.

At work, he may get bogged down in details, get distracted by trifles, and fail to complete more important things on time.

Does not like strict orders, thoughtless obedience to regulations and instructions.

Economy and sober calculation in business are difficult for him.

In the workplace and at home there can be “artistic” disorder.

Doesn't like people who skimp on little things.

He is sensitive to criticism of his work.

Willingly shares his problems with others, seeks understanding, sympathy and support.

Its performance has pronounced periods of ups and downs.

(N). Questioning. Characterized by a questioning facial expression, a calm, dreamy, contemplative appearance. He is often passive in his behavior. Romantic in spirit, lives in a world of illusions, strives to get away from negative emotions. Optimistic, as a rule, avoids conflict situations, a supporter of compromises. Restrained in dress, elegant and refined, can serve as a referent with a “steady hand”, engage in psychology and psychotherapy.

(F). Fascinating. Seduces and charms, charming and sociable. If he sees that there are negative emotions around him, he will try to make people calm down. Mobilizes well in dangerous situations, loves to be the center of attention, can suffer in public and dramatize what is happening, and has a sense of humor. He easily manipulates intonation and voice, and can realize himself well in the field of journalism - he easily manages to “talk” to his interlocutor. Outwardly it can look extravagant, often – a bohemian, bright look.

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