The Sunday group is Russian or Ukrainian. The Resurrection Group

Our rock bands of the last century have always been characterized by PAPHOS - the pathos of boys who have just matured for the opportunity to declare themselves as the most interesting objects of discussion and desire. How many groups have destroyed themselves without dividing the role of LEADER in the team, because measuring by centimeters is the business of the young ..
Time puts everything in its place. And the role of everyone in the case looks quite unambiguous - in a case that they couldn’t - which they simply screwed up.

The Voskresenie group is a Soviet and Russian rock band. Exists since 1979 with a break in 1982-1994. Leader - Alexei Romanov (1979-1982, 1994 - present), Konstantin Nikolsky (1980-1981). Style - rock, a cross between blues, psychedelic rock, art rock with elements of country and rock and roll.

"Resurrection" - Who is to blame. 1992.

Resurrection in 1979-1982

In the spring of 1979, Time Machine drummer Sergei Kavagoe left the band. He and his former bandmate decided to create their own group: in June, bassist Evgeny Margulis left the "Machine", who took his place in the new team.

- “The consumption of the“ machinists ”of the 79th year is still not clear. I was not present next to them at that moment, because I was graduating from the institute, where I had studied for ten years, and then immediately went to military camps. When I returned, in May, to Kava and Zhenya suddenly appeared to me and said: "Do you have any songs? Let's make a group. We left the Machine." Well, let's, if so, why not? base, no instruments. True, I have a piano and a twelve-string guitar at home. Come, let's come up with some arrangements. And Kava, apparently, has already matured a strategy: to do the same thing that Mashina once did: record more "A dozen things of lesser quality and scattered on reels all over the country, in recording studios. The Japanese, it seems to me, have always been driven by ambition!" (Mikhail Margolis "Long turn")

Konstantin Nikolsky - One look back (Breeze)

The songwriter was Alexei Romanov, the leader of the rather successful Kuznetsky Most group. For the remaining vacancy - a solo guitarist - Romanov's longtime friend Alexei Makarevich was called. So a new rock band was born - the Resurrection group.

"At home, on their knees" in a month they "made" ten songs. It was decided to record them in the GITIS training studio, where Alexander Kutikov, a former member of the Machine, worked as an operator. The keyboardist of "Machine" Pyotr Podgorodetsky and a good guitarist and vocalist Andrei Sapunov from the VIA Stas Namin "Flowers" also participated in the recording. On the recording, Kawagoe "sat down at the keys" and wrote down the synthesizer part.

After meeting Andrei Sapunov, the repertoire of Resurrection included songs by Konstantin Nikolsky, an acquaintance of Andrei Sapunov. Half of the songs were not actually "Resurrection", so "Snow Woman" and "Who is to blame?" were included in the repertoire of "Kuznetsky Most", "I have" - ​​from the "Time Machine", of the period when Romanov sang there.

The group, whose songs were broadcast by the radio "Moscow World Service" (broadcasting to the west on the eve of the Moscow Olympics), soon became wildly popular, the song "Who is to blame?", Which in the list of popular songs "MK", ​​bypassing the famous "Turn", took fifth place, in 1999 ranked 9th in the list of the 100 best songs of Russian rock in the 20th century according to the Nashe Radio radio station. In addition, the songs "Snow Woman" and "Dream" were popular.

In September, a traveler suddenly wakes up in Margulis and leaves the group. Sapunov took up the bass guitar. Musically talented, he quickly mastered the new instrument.

In November, the first concerts of the group took place - "Resurrection" at the peak of fame.

In January, Margulis returned to the group, and two more members appeared - trumpeter Sergei Kuzminok and saxophonist Pavel Smeyan. In the spring, the team continues to perform successfully, new songs appear, the first and second albums sold out instantly, but against the background of external well-being, a conflict is brewing in the composition. "Everyone is fed up with each other." The band members felt that Alexei Makarevich, the lead guitarist, did not play his parts very skillfully at that time. It was decided to change it. They took Alik Mikoyan, a former member of the "Machine". I liked it, but summer came and the musicians went on vacation to Pitsunda.

And in September, "Resurrection" was gone - Margulis went to "Araks", Kavagoe and Makarevich left music (the first went along the scientific road). Only Romanov remains in the group.

"Resurrection" - Dream

Evgeny Margulis:

- "Then, in the distant eighties, I suddenly noticed that only the halls and our mood changed at concerts, otherwise everything was like a stupid dream, the audience was the same, the fans flowed with us from one session to another, and this could not but get me, especially since the unprofessionalism of Leshka Makarevich made itself felt, and Kava, with his stupid nit-picking, completed the dullness of the rehearsals.

Sapun and I went on wild sprees, Romaha did the same; sometimes we would go to our basement to see the next guitarist, get upset and go back to breaking bad."

Sapun was the first to think of leaving the group, and an excellent reason came to me: I was invited to Araks.

Second period (1980-1982)

It seemed that the group would never live up to its name. Frustrated, Romanov put his work book in the "Araks", being listed there as something like a songwriter, and in the future he hoped to penetrate the Philharmonic. And then Konstantin Nikolsky called him.

Nikolsky was known not only to the "rock party", but also to a simple Soviet listener, as the author of music for the song "Old Piano" - a hit by VIA "Flowers". He and his friend Sapunov already practically had a new line-up - he, Sapunov, Romanov and drummer Mikhail Shevyakov. There was also a repertoire, it only remained to find a "base" and equipment.

The second line-up was perhaps the most interesting, but also the most controversial and unstable. At first glance, Nikolsky's lyrics were very similar to Voskresenskaya, but at the same time, deep differences were also visible. Nikolsky wrote "beautiful" songs with a heightened degree of pathos, which were perfectly remembered by the audience.

Naturally, the appearance in the group of a participant with pronounced inclinations of a leader did not lead to anything good, and this composition was not destined for a long life. Romanov dreamed of breaking into the Philharmonic, Nikolsky and Sapunov were not going to give up their studies at the music school. When the opportunity arose to work professionally under the supervision of manager Hovhannes Melik-Pashayev, it was already a completely different group. Romanov went to Melik-Pashayev. He signed an agreement with the regional philharmonic society. It seemed to Romanov that his career was taking off, but in the fall of 1982, Brezhnev died. All concerts of the group were canceled, and "Resurrection No. 2" ceased to exist.

"... And here is Leningrad, you know, a class, an excellent hall, a chic apparatus, everything is rehearsed, everything sounds, and then Brezhnev, take it and die! Not a single concert took place!" (Alexey Romanov)

Group "Resurrection" - Musician

Group history

In the spring of 1982, the new team recorded their first album. Pavel Smeyan and trumpeter Alexander Chinenkov also participated in the recording. The album is weird. Old Romanov intonations were intertwined with music in the new wave style, which caused a mixed reaction from fans. In the fall, the group went on tour to Leningrad. For Romanov, this was the first tour in his life.

On New Year's Eve, the group went to Tashkent to give a concert at the local sports palace. The hall was full of excitement, posters about Russian rock were hanging everywhere. Melik-Pashayev, who knew how to "do business", entered into an agreement with the Moscow Philharmonic, although she fiercely hated the group.

- "Then it was necessary to go to the Central Television and make a career. But it was not clear where we were going. It was possible to complicate the music, make it more beautiful, more sophisticated, but it was not clear where we were going - Kuzmin was playing a new wave at that time, and there seems to be no need to go there, and the Cruise played hard rock and it’s also packed. (Alexey Romanov)

This was followed by several concerts at the Hermitage Theater, and then Romanov was arrested

Litigation and band breakup

They were arrested in August - Romanov and the sound engineer of "Sunday" Alexander Arutyunov. As Ilya Smirnov, a direct participant in those events, wrote in his book “The Time of Bells. Life and death of Russian rock ":

“They were charged with “private entrepreneurial activity” in the form of performances with concerts and distribution of recordings of their own songs.” A year and a half earlier, a criminal case had already been initiated against the group, but it was closed. Its essence was in what is now perceived as absolutely normal, but then it was illegal: in receiving a fee for one's work. The trade union committees of the institutes and the heads of the Houses and Palaces of Culture paid the musicians - although they had no right to do this. Well, okay, an apartment concert: a person sings to himself and sings, a hat in a circle - that's the whole show business for you. And the groups are connected with electricity, light, equipment, so the concert was disguised as an “evening of youth rest”, handicraft “tickets” were made - pieces of paper or cardboard with seals (fans-craftsmen translated the seals with a boiled egg, so one real “ticket” had several “leftists”), and then dispersed among the “distributors”. There were several managers known throughout Moscow, who had detailed distribution channels based on the secret practices of revolutionary, and even pre-revolutionary times: the distributor distributed "tickets", for example, to three assistants, each of whom was not familiar with the other two, those according to the same principle, the treasured cardboard boxes were moved further. Thus, punctures and, as a result, troubles on the part of the police and the OBKhSS (the department for combating the theft of socialist property, if anyone does not know or forgot). But in the case of Sunday, a puncture did occur.

Then the case was closed, but Andropov opened all closed cases. Let us return again to the book of Ilya Smirnov: “The investigation into this case was conducted by a woman named Travina (from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee). The rest of the group members were saved by a miracle: summoned for interrogation a little later, they managed to consult with lawyers (and in absentia - with V. Albrecht) (V. Albrecht is a lawyer, dissident, author of the famous guide "How to behave during interrogations", which went around in those years in lists, photocopies and on photographic films - A.L.), therefore, to questions about whether they received fees from Komsomol and trade union organizations, ... they answered with an unbreakable “no”, despite the complete idiocy of such an answer. (It turned out that part of the group worked for money, and part - for free). However, there was no order to imprison for idiocy. Therefore, they remained witnesses until the end of the trial, unlike Romanov, who said “yes” (as most people in his place would have done ...).”

Andrei Makarevich has a different view on this story: “Despite the constant arrests, closing sessions, etc., it seems that none of the Moscow musicians suffered, although many were under investigation (except, perhaps, the idiotic story with Leshka Romanov, who slandered himself". Let's leave their definitions on the conscience of both authors - it seems that the truth, as always in such cases, is somewhere in the middle. Here is how, according to I. Smirnov's description, the process went: "The precedent was very important. After the arrest Arutyunova and Romanova dragged everyone who had anything to do with rock and roll to the police department on Belinsky St. ... May also brought the long-awaited transfer of Travina's legal product to the court. The trial took place in the city of Zheleznodorozhny - away from possible youth protests - and was remarkable for the absence of the prosecutor. The charge collapsed in the most scandalous way ... And the resolution - "Release from criminal liability in accordance with Article 52 due to the insignificance of the amount appropriated." Nevertheless, the court stamped a guilty verdict - three and three and a half years of probation .. ."

The process was accompanied by angry publications in the press about how Romanov, with a beautiful guitar, using technical means and government documents, exploiting the work of his comrades, made a lot of money. Romanov: “In general, such grabbers, Nepmen. All this junk was appealed against by the highest authorities, and the article was remade for me on “prohibited fishing” - this is a type of distribution of cassettes. It seems like we are shop workers, or we beat the seal. And they delayed the execution of the sentence for two years - which means that you have to go into the mire for two years and then it was believed that you had served your sentence. On this, the story of "Resurrection" seemed to end forever.

The fate of the members of the group evolved in different ways.

Margulis, after the collapse of Araks and the non-release of the already recorded and announced album “Alarm Bell”, created the Nautilus group with Kavagoe, which also recorded a somewhat inexpressive but strong magnetic album, worked for Yuri Antonov, then put together the Shanghai group, then ended up in reformed composition of the "Time Machine" together with the returned Podgorodetsky.

Sergei Kavagoe, after a short return to music (in the mid-eighties, he played with Margulis in "SV") went to the scientific part and now, as far as is known, lives in Canada.

Konstantin Nikolsky purposefully continued (and continues to this day) to write and record his own songs.

Mikhail Shevyakov until recently was engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

Andrei Sapunov performed solo acoustic concerts, then played in several groups, then joined the Lotos ensemble and, together with keyboardist Alexander Slizunov, a vinyl record was recorded, which was released in 1989 at the Melodiya company.

Everything was much more complicated and tortuous with Romanov. Almost immediately after his release, he joined the most interesting project - the recording of the Moscow Time suite, in which the poems of Arseny Tarkovsky, Yuri Levitansky, Grigory Pozhenyan were used. "Moscow Time" was started by the same old friend of Romanov, guitarist Vadim Golutvin, trumpeter, percussionist and backing vocalist Alexander Chinenkov. Sergey Nefedov from Fantasia played keyboards, Romanov and Igor Klenov played bass guitar, Voronin played drums.

Soon after that, Romanov was again picked up by Melik-Pashayev, who put together the program “In the same rhythm” from various artists and rolled it around cities and villages. Romanov assembled an ensemble with which he sang his songs and accompanied the rest of the participants in this show. “We played with Margulis, with Kamil Chalaev (bass player, cellist, former member of the Rock Atelier group, later played in the Metro, and now, according to rumors, lives in Paris - A.L.) and Zhenya Kazantsev (bass guitarist of Iosif Kobzon, "Karnavala", who worked in the Melik-Pashayev program with Kuzmin, and after his departure remained with Romanov). The singer Tanya Igoshina worked there - a cool folk singer, but she became interested in pop music, and there was no one to accompany. She is a serious, stable person, a well-deserved artist, and we have hooliganism. It's boring just to play pop music ... We had stylizations - for Latin American music, for Indians, some Chinese arrangements. She sang in the Mari language, and I learned and sang one song - in the style of heavy metal. Foolish, in a word. Hovhannes looked askance at this matter and eventually disbanded the group by a strong-willed decision. After that, I quit."

"Resurrection" - On the road of disappointment

Romanov tried to assemble a new group, which did not work out very well. Remembering his youth, he played in the Sokolniki park at the dances (the bassist and vocalist Alexei "Old Woman" [Antonov] played with him there), and then he was invited to the SV group.

This was probably the only supergroup of 1988-90. The repertoire of "SV" combined old and new songs by Romanov, in a good way burdened with exquisite arrangements: rich Nefedov's keys were balanced by the almost Davis timbres of Chinenkov's trumpet, Golutvin's masterful guitar ligature was superimposed on the powerful rhythm section of Kazantsev-Kitaev. In the Romanov of the "SV" period, one could feel unprecedented confidence, strength and free control of one's own flight.

"Do Your Business" was the first Romanov song in which the imagery was not so lyrical as impeccably poetic: "Let's say I'm a night bird, let's say I'm an owl / I can't sleep at night / I make words." Refrain "do your thing!" Romanov in the eighty-ninth year commented as follows: “Do your job. You are an executioner - go to execution. This text was written in 1986, and throughout 1989 I have been listening to it on TV: these words have become very fashionable after all these conventions. It's very funny - it turns out such a stamp that doesn't mean a damn thing, like "the people and the party are united." It is impossible to think about the meaning, some kind of absurd tongue twister.

The eighty-ninth group "Resurrection" turned ten years old, and, as a result, an anniversary concert was held in the Druzhba sports hall in Luzhniki. For two days, the hall, which looked like a cuttlefish from a bird's eye view, was filled to capacity with the most diverse audience - old fans of the legendary line-up, younger rockers and completely young creatures, and mostly female. For two days, SV, Nikolsky and Mirror of the World, Alexei Antonov, Vladimir Kuzmin, Pyotr Podgorodetsky and - as a special surprise for the public - Resurrection, performed on the stage in a random sequence of me each other. Romanov, Sapunov, Nikolsky, Shevyakov played the program of the eighty-first year, they played wonderfully, with inspiration, as if they were transported eight years ago to the basement of MGIMO - but still adjusted for the past years. The event was accompanied by a photo exhibition, sale of paraphernalia, video filming - well, just like in the West, like in big ones! Based on the materials of the concert, it was planned to release a video film and a record, but alas and ah - both the TV and sound specialists did not work well, so all the material went to the basket ...

At that time, Romanov was just brewing a whole block of new songs, and they were completely different than all his work before that - complex, detailed, multi-minute compositions were supposed. During the next recording of "SV" a couple of unused studio days remained, and Romanov, together with Kazantsev and Kitaev, made a rough recording of these songs. Subsequently, the demo cassette was brought to mind at the country studio of the former bass player of Zvukov Mu (now producer and rock critic Alexander Lipnitsky).

This action led to the departure of the entire trinity from the "SV". They gave a successful concert in a small basement club on Kurskaya; the club was crammed with people, like a tin can with sprats. Alas, unable to withstand the pressure of those wishing to fraternize, Kazantsev, then "wired", untied and, as a result, dropped out of the general musical process for a long time. The unnamed line-up, in which Kazantsev was replaced (at first - in parallel with Lotus, and then permanently) by Andrei Sapunov, from the beginning of the ninety-first year began to rehearse in the Palace of Culture of the Pravda publishing house. The sight (and hearing) I must say, was wonderful.

"Sunday" - My friend is an artist and poet

All together they played, as it is now becoming clear, powerful, heavy psychedelia, but it was the psychedelia of the early nineties. True, it did not have the funk elements introduced three years later by the Spin Doctors, but there was punk: the songs "Tell it to everyone" and "Last Love", for all their philosophical richness, were decorated with rough, straightforward guitar riffs.

In 1992, the Fili record company released a record of "Sunday" on vinyl, dated 1981. On this occasion, a presentation was arranged in the Gorbunov Palace of Culture, captured by "Program A". In the first part, the same line-up played as three years ago in Druzhba, in the second - the trio that remained nameless. "Resurrection" played frankly free, Romanov forgot the words ... A much more successful performance of the trio "Program A" did not show.

Then there was an indefinite calm. The trio occasionally performed, but now Kitaev, a man with a tough, complex and well-established character, was replaced by Andrei Kobzon, the son of a famous pop singer and an excellent drummer.


Music lovers all over the country could not believe their ears when they heard a message about the resumption of the activities of the Resurrection group. Nevertheless, it happened. Initially, it was planned to recreate the second line-up of the group (Romanov - Nikolsky - Sapunov - Shevyakov) and one concert in this line-up nevertheless took place in the Master disco on March 12, 1994, but already at the next rehearsal, Nikolsky announced that he did not want to perform any new songs and in general, his opinion in the group is the only main and determining one.

To his surprise, no one agreed with this, then, without thinking twice, he collected lotions and left. But in such a strange beginning there was also a positive experience. If rehearsals had continued with the same line-up, the group would have lasted only a couple of months and would have broken up again. But after a couple of days, Alexei Romanov called Evgeny Margulis and the first line-up of the group began rehearsals. Now there was no leader in the team. Everyone was equal. Without the dictates of Nikolsky, everything fell into place.

The final composition of the revived group included Romanov, Margulis, Sapunov, Shevyakov and - at first - Alexei Makarevich. The group gave their first concert on Easter, May 1, 1994 in St. Petersburg, together with Cruise. The reunion was celebrated with grandiose concerts in the Rossiya hall, which were recorded in every possible way and then released on all possible media by Silence Pro under the title "We love you."

Then "Resurrection" released on PolyGram Russia another concert - this time an acoustic - album "Alive to all the living!" Lota children's musical fairy tale by A. Morsin "The Wizard of the Emerald City", and those seven songs, because of which Romanov, Kitaev and Kazantsev left the "SV" were also recorded and released by DL-Lot "oh on a CD called" Seven things". Recorded at the studio of Joseph Kobzon with the participation of Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. and pianist Andrei Miansarov (he sometimes performed with the trio at concerts), "Seven Things" in the six years that have passed since they were written have become completely different. gave way to calm, balanced cynicism, “The Bright Upper Room” to the verses of the poet of the beginning of the century Mikhail Kuzmin gained the necessary transparency, and the main hit of the absolutely non-commercial, unlike any recording of “Resurrection”, the album was the completely passing song in those distant times nothing”, sung by Sapunov so that you die - it’s better not to imagine ...

Today, the group lives a normal life - writes new songs, goes on tour, appears on television, in general, life goes on ...

"Resurrection" - A sediment of evil in my soul. 1992

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Resurrection (group)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resurrection(or Sunday listen)) is a Soviet and Russian rock band. Exists since 1979 with a break in -1994. Leader - Alexei Romanov (1979-1982, 1994 - present), Konstantin Nikolsky (1980-1981, 1992-1994). The style is rock, a cross between blues, psychedelic rock, art rock with country elements, flamenco and rock and roll.

Among the famous songs: “Who is to blame?”, “Snowwoman”, “Musician”, “I rejoice”, “Dream”, “One look back”, “On the road of disappointment”


Resurrection 1979-1982

First period

Nikolsky was known not only to the "rock party", but also to a simple Soviet listener, as the author of the song "Old Piano" - a hit by VIA "Flowers". He and his friend Sapunov already practically had a new line-up - he, Sapunov, Romanov and drummer Mikhail Shevyakov. There was also a repertoire, it only remained to find a "base" and equipment.

The second line-up was perhaps the most interesting, but also the most controversial and unstable. At first glance, Nikolsky's lyrics were very similar to Voskresenskaya, but at the same time, deep differences were also visible. Nikolsky wrote "beautiful" songs with a heightened degree of pathos, the images of which more easily fell into memory - lonely half-drunk violinists, birds and poets flying over the world. Romanov's songs have always been simpler in form, but more complex in content.

Be that as it may, the appearance in the group of a participant with pronounced inclinations of a leader did not lead to anything good - when there are two captains in the same boat, this inevitably leads to the death of the ship.

And this composition was not destined to have a long life. Romanov dreamed of breaking into the Philharmonic, Nikolsky and Sapunov were not going to give up their studies at the music school. When the opportunity arose to work professionally under the supervision of manager Hovhannes Melik-Pashaev, it was already a completely different group. Romanov went to Melik-Pashayev. He signed an agreement with the regional philharmonic society. It seemed to Romanov that his career was taking off, but in the fall of 1982, Brezhnev died. All concerts of the group were canceled, and "Resurrection No. 2" ceased to exist.

... And here is Leningrad, you know, a class, an excellent hall, a chic apparatus, everything is rehearsed, everything sounds, and here Brezhnev, take it and die! Not a single concert ever took place!

Alexey Romanov

Participants of "Resurrection" from 1982 to 1992

"Group of Melik-Pashayev"

  • Vadim Goltuvin, guitar
  • Pyotr Podgorodetsky, keyboards
  • Igor Klenov, guitar
  • Vladimir Voronin, drums

Group history

In the spring of 1982, the new team recorded their first album. Smeyan and trumpeter Alexander Chinenkov also participated in the recording. The album is weird. Old romantic intonations were intertwined with new wave music, which caused a mixed reaction from the public. In the fall, the group went on tour to Leningrad. For Romanov, this was the first tour in his life.

On New Year's Eve, the group went to Tashkent to give a concert at the local sports palace. The hall was full of excitement, posters about Russian rock were hanging everywhere. Melik-Pashayev, who knew how to "do business", entered into an agreement with the Moscow Philharmonic, although she fiercely hated the group.

This was followed by several concerts at the Hermitage Theater, and then Romanov was arrested.

Litigation and band breakup

In August 1983, Romanov and his sound engineer Alexander Arutyunov were arrested. They were charged with private business activities in the form of performances with concerts. The investigation was conducted by a prosecutor named Tranina.

The remaining members of the group consulted with well-known lawyers, including W. Albrecht, and on his advice, denied in every possible way that they received money for performances.

Romanov was confiscated his guitar - red "Fender" - and all the money from the passbook. In May, the case went to trial. The meeting was held in the city of Zheleznodorozhny. The court passed a sentence: Romanov three and a half years of probation and confiscation of property, Arutyunov - three years in prison.

The group's performances continued until 1984, after which, as Podgorodetsky wrote, "... they simply stopped inviting us to concerts."

Shanghai Group

Main article: Shanghai (group)

Then he worked at a disco in Sokolniki and tried to assemble his own group, which did not work out very well. In 1988, Romanov was invited to "SV". This became the apotheosis of Romanov's creative activity - with his arrival, "SV" became a supergroup. The repertoire combined old and new songs of Romanov. Among the new ones are “Do your thing”, “On the other side”, “Teach me how to live”, “Who are you looking in the back”, “Svetlayaya gornitsa” and “Blues Moscow”. In this, another Romanov was recognized, breaking traditions, somewhat departed from the former lyricism. In 1989, Resurrection turned 10 years old. An anniversary concert was held at Luzhniki with the participation of "SV", "Mirror of the World" Nikolsky, Antonov, Kuzmin, and at the end - a special surprise - Romanov, Nikolsky, Sapunov and Shevyakov played together like "Resurrection No. 2".

In 1990, the group released the album "Soldier of the Universe" - one of the best albums of its time.

By that time, Romanov already had a new block of songs at the stage of completion - extended long compositions. By that time, "SV" was recording a new album. Working at an accelerated pace, they freed up two days of recording. Romanov with the rhythm section of Kitaev and Kazantsev at that time made a rough recording of these songs.


1 composition, 1991

  • Alexey Romanov, vocals, guitar
  • Evgeny Kazantsev, guitar
  • Yuri Kitaev, drums

2 composition, 1991

  • Alexey Romanov, vocals, guitar
  • Yuri Kitaev, drums

3 composition, 1992

  • Alexey Romanov, vocals, guitar
  • Andrey Sapunov, vocals, bass guitar
  • Andrey Kobzon, drums

Trio history

Soon Romanov, Kazantsev and Kitaev formed their trio, which did not receive a name. They gave a concert in the basement club "On Kurskaya". Popularity hit the new trio. Over time, Kazantsev, who could not withstand the pressure, faded into the background, and soon he “floated out” of the group altogether. Temporarily he was replaced by Sapunov, who then gradually "settled" in the trio. The trio played powerful psychedelia, in fact, even punk rock, where powerful, rough riffs went along with philosophical lyrics (“Do Your Own Thing”, “Last Love”).

In 1992, Kitaev left the trio, and Andrey Kobzon, the son of the famous singer Iosif Kobzon, took the place of drums.

In the same year, Resurrection, consisting of: Romanov, Nikolsky, Sapunov, Shevyakov, gave a concert at the Gorbunov Palace of Culture on the occasion of the release of a vinyl record dated 1981.


Third period

Music lovers throughout the country could not believe their ears when they heard the news about the restoration of the legendary Resurrection.

March 12 "Resurrection No. 3" gave the first concert. The leader was clearly Nikolsky, the rest - Romanov, Shevyakov, Sapunov - were subordinates; at the rehearsal after this concert, Nikolsky announced that the group would not sing any new songs and announced that his word was decisive in the group. To his surprise, no one agreed with him. Then Nikolsky left the group. A couple of days later, Romanov, without hesitation, called Margulis. On May 1, Romanov, Sapunov, Margulis and Shevyakov, together with the Cruise group, performed in St. Petersburg. Then, in the concert hall "Russia" the reunion was noisily celebrated. There was no leader in the new line-up, everyone was equal, and without Nikolsky's dictate everything went like clockwork.

New albums have been released - a recording of a concert in "Russia" - "We love you", a concert acoustic album "More alive than all living things", "Seven things", consisting of seven songs from the repertoire of the Romanov trio, because of which he left with Kitev and Kazantsev "SV", in 2001 - the album "All over again", and in 2003 - the album "Slowly", consisting partly of forgotten songs of the mid-80s, partly of completely new works. After the premiere of the album, Evgeny Margulis, who had previously combined "Resurrection" and "Time Machine", completely surrendered himself to the latter, and drummer Shevyakov also left. Despite this, since 1999, the tradition has been maintained: every year the groups give a joint “big” concert, gathering full houses in the best halls of the capital.

The fourth period

since the fall of 2003, Resurrection has been performing as a trio: Alexei Romanov, vocals, guitar; Andrey Sapunov, vocals, guitar, bass guitar, foot bass keyboard; Alexey Korobkov, drums, percussion.

In 2008, a young bassist Dmitry Leontiev joined the group.


First period
May - June 1979
  • Alexey Romanov - vocals, rhythm guitar
  • Evgeny Margulis - bass guitar
  • Alexey Makarevich - lead guitar
  • Sergey Kavagoe - drums
July - September 1979
  • Andrey Sapunov - vocals, acoustic guitar
  • Evgeny Margulis - vocals, bass guitar
  • Alexey Makarevich - solo guitar
September 1979
January 1980
  • Alexey Romanov - vocals, rhythm guitar
  • Sergey Kavagoe - drums, keyboards
January - April 1980
  • Alexey Romanov - vocals, rhythm guitar
  • Andrey Sapunov - vocals, bass guitar, acoustic guitar
  • Evgeny Margulis - bass guitar
  • Alexey Makarevich - lead guitar
  • Sergey Kavagoe - drums, keyboards
  • Sergey Kuzminok - trumpet
  • Pavel Smeyan - saxophone
April - September 1980
  • Alexey Romanov - vocals, rhythm guitar
  • Andrey Sapunov - vocals, bass guitar, acoustic guitar
  • Sergey Kavagoe - drums, keyboards
  • Sergey Kuzminok - trumpet
  • Pavel Smeyan - saxophone
  • Alik Mikoyan - lead guitar


Notable songs

  • I have (1972, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Who is guilty? (1976, author, music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Dream (1976, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Snow Woman (1976, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I Was Too (1977, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • To friends (1977, author. Lyrics - Alexei Romanov, author. Music - Alexei Romanov, Alexei Makarevich)
  • Summer (1979, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • It happens like this (1979 auth. lyrics - Alexei Romanov, auth. music. - Alexei Romanov, Sergei Kavagoe)
  • In life, as in a dark thicket (1979, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Something Happened (1979, ed. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I'm used to wandering alone (Soldier of the universe) (1979, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • On the Road of Disappointment (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • There is a Sediment of Evil in My Soul (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I rejoice (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I have never been overseas (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Good guy (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov, Alexei Makarevich)
  • Our roads diverged (auth. ly. - Alexei Romanov, auth. music. - Evgeny Margulis)
  • Gorodok (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Musician (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Mirror of the World (author, music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Play with me, thunderstorm (author music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • I myself am one of those (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Night bird (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • When you understand with your mind (author music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Faith, hope, love (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • All over again (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Train (auth. music and lyrics - Alexey Romanov)
  • How many stars there were
  • Who are you looking at in the back (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Blues Moscow (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • My joy is in a hurry (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • One look back (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • My white birds (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Do your own thing (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Last love (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • The case is rubbish (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • When you leave (auth. music and lyrics - Evgeny Margulis)
  • Teach me how to live (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • They told me
  • Winter day
  • When you look (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Ringing (author's words - Alexander Slizunov, author's music - Andrey Sapunov)
  • I will create the world for you (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Do not leave (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • In your little houses (Martian) (author music and lyrics - Alexey Romanov)
  • Slowly (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Look how I live (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Volchya (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Sing with me (author music and lyrics - Evgeny Margulis)
  • Leaf fall (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Atlantis (auth. music and lyrics - Alexey Romanov)
  • Wind (Breath of the good sky) (auth. ly. - Alexander Butuzov, av. mus. - Andrey Sapunov)
  • The first step (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)


  • - Sunday 1 (aka Sunday 79-80, Who's to Blame?) - double
  • - Sunday 2
  • - Concert in DK MEHTEH
  • - Acoustic concert (Alexey Romanov and Konstantin Nikolsky) at the Natalia Sats Children's Chamber Theater
  • - We love you - double, recording of a concert in the hall "Russia" June 16, 1994
  • - More than alive - recording of a concert in the hall "Promotion club" 28.03.95
  • - Legends of Russian rock, "Resurrection", issue 1
  • - Living Collection - TV concert recording
  • - 50 for two - joint concert with the group Mashina Vremya (20 years of the Resurrection group and 30 years of the Vremya Machine) in the Olimpiysky sports complex
  • - All over again - new recordings of songs from different years
  • - Legends of Russian rock, "Resurrection", issue 2

And a Russian rock band. Exists since 1979 with a break in -1994. Leader - Alexei Romanov (1979-1982, 1994 - present), Konstantin Nikolsky (1980-1981, 1992-1994). The style is rock, a cross between blues, psychedelic rock, art rock with country elements, flamenco and rock and roll.

Among the famous songs: “Who is to blame?”, “Snowwoman”, “Musician”, “I rejoice”, “Dream”, “One look back”, “On the road of disappointment”

In the same year, Resurrection, consisting of: Romanov, Nikolsky, Sapunov, Shevyakov, gave a concert at the Gorbunov Palace of Culture on the occasion of the release of a vinyl record dated 1981.


Third cast

1994 - March

  • Konstantin Nikolsky, vocals, guitar
  • Mikhail Shevyakov, drums
  • Alexey Romanov, vocals, guitar
  • Andrey Sapunov, vocals, bass guitar
  • Alexey Makarevich, solo guitar
  • Mikhail Shevyakov, drums
  • Alexey Romanov, vocals, guitar
  • Andrey Sapunov, vocals, bass guitar, percussion
  • Evgeny Margulis, vocals, bass guitar
  • Mikhail Shevyakov, drums

History of the third line-up

Music lovers throughout the country could not believe their ears when they heard the news about the restoration of the legendary Resurrection.

March 12 "Resurrection No. 3" gave the first concert. The leader was clearly Nikolsky, the rest - Romanov, Shevyakov, Sapunov - were subordinates; at the rehearsal after this concert, Nikolsky announced that the group would not sing any new songs and announced that his word was decisive in the group. To his surprise, no one agreed with him. Then Nikolsky left the group. A couple of days later, Romanov, without hesitation, called Margulis. On May 1, Romanov, Sapunov, Margulis and Shevyakov, together with the Cruise group, performed in St. Petersburg. Then, in the concert hall "Russia" the reunion was noisily celebrated. There was no leader in the new line-up, everyone was equal, and without Nikolsky's dictation, everything went like clockwork.

New albums have been released - a recording of a concert in "Russia" - "We love you", a concert acoustic album "More alive than all living things", "Seven things", consisting of seven songs from the repertoire of the Romanov trio, because of which he left with Kitev and Kazantsev "SV", in 2001 - the album "All over again", and in 2003 - the album "Slowly", consisting partly of forgotten songs of the mid-80s, partly of completely new works. After the premiere of the album, Evgeny Margulis, who had previously combined "Resurrection" and "Time Machine", completely surrendered himself to the latter, and drummer Shevyakov also left. Despite this, since 1999, the tradition has been maintained: every year the groups give a joint “big” concert, gathering full houses in the best halls of the capital.

Fourth cast

since autumn 2003

  • Alexey Romanov, vocals, guitar
  • Andrey Sapunov, vocals, guitar, bass guitar, foot bass keyboard
  • Alexey Korobkov, drums, percussion

In 2008, a young bassist Dmitry Leontiev joined the group.


Notable songs

  • I have (1972, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Who is guilty? (1976, author, music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Dream (1976, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Snow Woman (1976, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I Was Too (1977, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • To friends (1977, author. Lyrics - Alexei Romanov, author. Music - Alexei Romanov, Alexei Makarevich)
  • Summer (1979, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • It happens like this (1979 auth. lyrics - Alexei Romanov, auth. music. - Alexei Romanov, Sergei Kavagoe)
  • In life, as in a dark thicket (1979, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Something Happened (1979, ed. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I'm used to wandering alone (Soldier of the universe) (1979, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • On the Road of Disappointment (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I rejoice (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • I have never been overseas (1981, auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Good guy (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov, Alexei Makarevich)
  • Our roads diverged (auth. ly. - Alexei Romanov, auth. music. - Evgeny Margulis)
  • Gorodok (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Musician (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Mirror of the World (author, music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Play with me, thunderstorm (author music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • I myself am one of those (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Night bird (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • When you understand with your mind (author music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Faith, hope, love (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • All over again (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Train (auth. music and lyrics - Alexey Romanov)
  • How many stars there were
  • Who are you looking at in the back (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Blues Moscow (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • My joy is in a hurry (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • One look back (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • My white birds (auth. music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Veterok (author music and lyrics - Konstantin Nikolsky)
  • Do your own thing (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Last love (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • The case is rubbish (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • When you leave (auth. music and lyrics - Evgeny Margulis)
  • Teach me how to live (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • They told me
  • Winter day
  • When you look (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Ringing (author's words - Alexander Slizunov, author's music - Andrey Sapunov)
  • I will create the world for you (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Do not leave (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • In your little houses (Martian) (author music and lyrics - Alexey Romanov)
  • Slowly (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Look how I live (author music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Volchya (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Sing with me (author music and lyrics - Evgeny Margulis)
  • Leaf fall (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)
  • Atlantis (auth. music and lyrics - Alexey Romanov)
  • Wind (Breath of the good sky) (auth. ly. - Alexander Butuzov, av. mus. - Andrey Sapunov)
  • The first step (auth. music and lyrics - Alexei Romanov)


  • - Sunday 1(aka Sunday 79-80, Who is guilty?) - double
  • - Sunday 2
  • - Concert in DK MEHTEH
  • - We love you - double, recording of a concert in the hall "Russia" June 16, 1994
  • - More than alive - recording of a concert in the hall "Promotion club" 28.03.95
  • - Legends of Russian rock, "Resurrection", issue 1
  • - Living Collection - TV concert recording

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word resurrection

resurrection in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


Sunday, Wed. (book).

    According to various religious beliefs - the return of the dead to life.

    trans. Internal renewal, revival.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


In religious concepts: the return to the life of Jesus Christ. B. Jesus Christ. Feast of the Resurrection of Christ (Easter).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

Mythological dictionary


(christ.) - the return of Jesus Christ to life on the third day after his death on the cross and burial. The first to find an empty tomb were women who came to anoint his body with fragrant and embalming substances (“myrrh-bearing women”). Then the apostles Peter and John the Theologian came to the tomb and met the resurrected Christ there. After the resurrection, Jesus Christ remained bodily, he ate and drank, he could be touched, but at the same time he had supernatural powers that allowed him to become invisible and pass through walls.

Resurrection (group)

Resurrection- Soviet and Russian rock band. Exists since 1979 with a break in 1982-1994. Leader - Alexei Romanov (1979-1982, 1994 - present), Konstantin Nikolsky (1980-1981). Style - rock, a cross between blues, psychedelic rock, art rock with elements of country and rock and roll.



  • The resurrection of the dead is a general concept;
  • Resurrection from the dead in the Abrahamic religions of the world;

:* Resurrection of Jesus Christ;

:* Resurrection in Islam;

  • Sunday - day of the week
  • Resurrection - a novel by Leo Tolstoy;
  • Resurrection - a composition by the Austrian composer Gustav Mahler
  • "Resurrection" or "Resurrection" is a religious and philosophical circle that existed in Petrograd (Leningrad) from 1917 to 1928.
  • Resurrection - rock band.

Resurrection (novel)

"Resurrection"- the last novel by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, written by him in 1889 - 1899.

The novel was translated into major European languages ​​almost immediately after publication. Such success was largely due to the acuteness of the chosen topic and the enormous interest in the work of Tolstoy, who did not publish novels after War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

Resurrection (film, 1960)

"Resurrection"- a feature film directed by Mikhail Schweitzer, an adaptation of the novel "Resurrection" (1899) by L. N. Tolstoy. The first series of the film was released on the screen on November 20, 1960, the second on March 23, 1962.

Resurrection (film)

  • Resurrection (film, 1909)- American short film 1909, dir. David Wark Griffith.
  • Resurrection (film, 1931)- American film of 1931, dir. Eduardo Arozamena.
  • Resurrection (film, 1958)- French film of 1958, dir. Rolf Hansen.
  • Resurrection (film, 1960)- Soviet film of 1960, dir. Michael Schweitzer.
  • Resurrection (film, 2001)- German film 2001, dir. Paolo Taviani.
  • Resurrection (film, 2009)- Singaporean horror film 2009, dir. Yee Wei Chai.

Examples of the use of the word resurrection in the literature.

Ryzhov and at all costs get to know her and her mother, for which he, like Miropa Dmitrievna, began to take daily excursions along the alley in which Zudchenko’s house was located, without going, however, to this last one, for fear that she will begin to make fun of his hobby, and at the first Sunday Aggei Nikitich, quite unexpectedly for him, saw that Miropa Dmitrievna came out of the courtyard: an elderly, very respectable-looking lady and a young girl, indeed, of indescribable beauty.

Thus Akaky Akakievich reasoned with himself, encouraged himself, and waited for the first Sundays, and, seeing from a distance that Petrovich's wife was leaving the house somewhere, he went straight to him.

Each Sunday in the evening, an akathist to St. Pitirim was read, after which a conversation, which was all based on the teachings of St. Theophan the Recluse.

This apocalyptic battle will end resurrection the dead and the salvation of the righteous.

Behind this platform, as if under the sacred canopy of araucaria, I see an apartment full of sparkling mahogany, I see a life full of decency and health, a life in which they get up early, perform their duties, moderately cheerfully celebrate family holidays, walk along Sundays go to church and go to bed early.

DATING ACCORDING TO THE PASCHAL FULL MOONS We have seen that, according to church rules, the day of Christian Easter was determined at first purely astronomically --- as the first Sunday after the first spring full moon.

I can be heard every evening except Sundays, in a club on Rue Hashette in Paris.

I went out into the air to feel the Baikal expanse and saw the local population in the amount of three people who, in honor of the summer and Sundays arranged a holiday.

Thanks to hairpins, banderillas and pikes, Don Fulgencio knew the full extent of daily hemorrhages, and Sundays- and ceremonial bloodletting.

Pravezh consisted in the fact that the defendant, in the event of his failure to comply with the court decision to pay the debt in money or property, daily, except for Sundays, for several hours they were beaten with batogs on their bare calves before the ordered hut.

IN Sunday I, as usual, will have a day off, - said the Running Deer, - therefore, unfortunately, I will not be able to support you at these moments.

This white-walled building sparkled with newness and served as a haven for crowds of engineers, agents, representatives of large firms and for thousands of curious people who came every Sunday from New York.

And people are always the same whether they walk on Sundays to Hagia Sophia or to the Bern Cathedral.

However, sectarians have long been accustomed to the fact that according to Sundays no light, no dawn, a boat pulls up to the pier, - on the bow of the beaver, on the stern of Asterius, two or three passengers get out of the boat and rush up the steep path.

Leaving his castle, located on a hill above the city of Sepolcro, Bohun went to Nimr, where in the first Sunday Lent began the annual Grand Tournament lasting three days.

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Biography, life story of the Resurrection group

Until 1994, "Sunday" could safely be called a legendary group, since the history of the band entirely belonged to the history of rock music and by that time had acquired all sorts of legends and rumors. The year of foundation of "Sunday" is considered to be the 79th. It was then that Sergei Kavagoe and Yevgeny Margulis, who left the "Time Machine", suggested that Alexei Romanov (who even vocalized in "Machine" in 1974) assemble a new team.

The keyboard player of "Time Machine" Peter Podgorodetsky also took part in the recording of the first songs in the GITIS training studio (conservatively at night). Before leaving for a vacation in Pitsunda, the recording was transferred to Radio Moscow World Service, a radio station broadcasting to the West in anticipation of the Olympics. In Moscow and the Moscow region, its waves were received quite steadily. Therefore, from the south, the "Voskresentsy" returned famous: everyone knew the song "Who is to blame." This was the beginning of the legend.
The first and second albums of the ensemble sold out almost instantly. "Sunday" went like hot cakes in all the recreation centers of Moscow and its environs. But soon the group ceased to exist: Margulis went to "Araks", Romanov wanted to become an artist of the Philharmonic. It was then that Konstantin Nikolsky arose on the horizon of Resurrection. This is how "Sunday-2" appeared, which in a year and a half almost put the glory of "Time Machine" on the shoulder blades.

However, in 1983, the official war with rock and roll began in the USSR. There were criminal cases against musicians. One of them was filed against Alexei Romanov and the sound engineer of "Voskresenya" Alexander Arutyunov - on the fact of selling tickets for one of the concerts of "Voskresenya", specifically - for entrepreneurial activities in the form of performances with concerts and distribution of their own recordings. The newspapers claimed that Romanov de, using technical means and government documents, pocketed a lot of money.

As a result, after spending nine months in Butyrskaya prison, Alexei received three years with confiscation and a suspended sentence (a broken TV set, a broken player, a Kometa tape recorder and two armchairs were confiscated from the musician). The rest of the musicians, having managed to consult with lawyers, were asked whether they received fees from the Komsomol and trade union organizations? - staunchly answered: "No." On this, the history of the Resurrection group temporarily - for more than ten years - stopped.


The next birth of the group was celebrated with grandiose concerts in the Moscow hall "Russia" and the release of a CD and video film-concert. It was then that regular tours were resumed.
"A paradoxical group," wrote Ilya Smirnov, a well-known Russian critic, editor of the most popular samizdat magazines "Urlight" and "Ear", in his book "The Time of Bells. The Life and Death of Russian Rock". - Firstly, it is completely unclear when it was formed, because the decade was celebrated in 1990. The first recording appeared in the 79th, and most of the leading hits date back to the mid-70s (indeed, the famous musician Nikolsky was written already in the 72nd year! - Ed.). Secondly, the group, contrary to all the canons, has three equal leaders and three equal authors: Alexei Romanov, Konstantin Nikolsky and Andrey Sapunov.

However, Nikolsky did not find a place in the resurrected composition of "Sunday". Kostya himself explained this by the fact that he suggested singing old songs with the same arrangements. Everyone else insisted on a new interpretation of known themes. However, Alexei Romanov, in an interview with BDG, expressed a different point of view:>Yes, something like that slipped through. But I think that Kostyun felt uncomfortable in our company. We have a very peculiar sense of humor: we giggle all the time, but he does not understand what he is talking about. Even though sometimes we don't know why we laugh!>
In November of this year, a concert dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the group will take place in Moscow. However, until now one could think that "Sunday" is a purely commercial project, since not a single new song has appeared since its revival. However, the director of "Voskresenya" Vladimir Sapunov (by the way, Andrei's brother) in an interview with "BDG" said that just this year, finally, a disc with completely new songs should appear, which are planned to be recorded in August-September.

After all, "Sunday" is, of course, first of all Romanov, - Vladimir Sapunov believes. - Other musicians also write songs. But the main themes come from Alexei. Romanov's creative process presupposes first the composition of verses, which he writes for quite a long time and painstakingly. These are not just lyrics, but, in my opinion, real high poetry. Zhenya Margulis told me that Romanov recently read him six drop dead poems. Good music is easy to make. Therefore, if we take into account that there are already six poems and a new song is already playing - "Martian", then the disc, which should contain ten or eleven songs, is not difficult to assemble.

However, Romanov is less optimistic: >The new album will appear only if someone still takes us into their warm financial hands. Well, some young people promised...>
The Russian crisis also affected the group. From September to November of last year, a lot of concerts were cancelled. As a result, fees have also dropped. But objectively this happened to all Russian performers. In fact, everything is back to normal now. And as evidence of this - immediately after Minsk, "Voskresenye" ​​leaves for Ukraine, then performs in Moscow.

The subsequent pause in concert activity was due to the fact that Evgeny Margulis, who plays in "Sunday" and "Time Machine", is leaving on tour already with Makarevich's group. By the way, the "Time Machine" itself has a very busy schedule this year, as the group celebrates its thirtieth anniversary.
