Timing of working hours - sample filling. Timing of working hours: maintenance, sample Who should be involved in standardization and measurements

Various concepts of time management come down to dividing working time into working and idle time, therefore, when taking into account timing in the sample filling, these sections are always marked. How to maintain a document, as well as a ready-made example of its design - all this is described in detail in the article.

The word itself literally means “measurement of time.” Literally, you should understand that this is both the process of tracking employee activities, planning working hours, and the corresponding document where this information is recorded (a sample filling is given in the corresponding section).

The main objectives of studying the organization of working time in a company are as follows:

  1. Analysis of employee labor efficiency: maximum workload hours, total downtime, labor productivity in terms of time worked, etc.
  2. Assessment of equipment load and downtime.
  3. Development of recommendations for saving resources (electricity, etc.).
  4. General assessment of labor efficiency in terms of time resources, as well as assessment for individual employees (if necessary).

Thus, this is a working time inventory procedure, and the sample for filling out the corresponding document should take into account the characteristics of a particular company.

Organizing time tracking: step-by-step instructions

To organize high-quality time tracking, you should consider several features:

  1. Criteria for measuring efficiency and labor productivity.
  2. Analysis of the characteristics of time distribution in the work of specific employees and across departments as a whole (taking into account their specifics).
  3. Organizing the collection of statistical data for each employee or by department (if we are talking about large enterprises).
  4. Preparation of uniform reporting forms, as well as development of a single form to fill out.

Thus, the point is that the enterprise must ensure high-quality collection of information about who and how spends their time at work, as well as create specific forms for collecting data and drawing up final reporting.

Accordingly, in general, this work consists of the following stages:

  1. Development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of working time spent.
  2. Collection of statistical data for each department and specific employees.
  3. Analysis of this data, filling out pre-prepared reporting documents.
  4. Drawing up recommendations for improving the organization of working hours.

NOTE. The law does not oblige an enterprise to use specific sample documents, so management has the right to propose the use of its own reporting forms.

Timing: sample filling

Typically it contains the following information:

  1. Date of measurement.
  2. Object of measurement – ​​i.e. a description of a specific action an employee usually performs as part of his duties. This could be, for example, communicating on the phone, drawing up commercial proposals, or working with documents. Also, all breaks that the employee actually took are subject to mandatory recording.
  3. The main attention is paid to the duration of a particular stage - usually the number of hours and minutes is indicated, less often - with an accuracy of a second. Such precision may be needed, for example, by employees of banking organizations or security-sensitive enterprises, where the work schedule provides for the exact implementation of rules down to the second.
  4. Indication of the share of each stage of working time (in percentage).

Specific examples of filling that you can use as a guide are presented below:

This example shows that all types of activities at work are classified not in connection with professional duties, but on the basis of actual indicators. For example, processing the transfer of an employee, preparatory work, copying documents, etc.

Features of time measurement

Before starting research, determine:

  1. How exactly the work will be carried out - continuous monitoring of the department, employee (for several days, weeks, months).
  2. Measuring selected (individual) moments - for example, only the stage of repair work, only the stage of telephone conversations, distribution of commercial proposals, etc.
  3. Cyclic timing – i.e. studying only cyclically repeating activities (preparation of reports, negotiations, etc.).

It is equally important to decide on the measurement method:

  1. The traditional method involves organizing research using ordinary observation, i.e. The employee periodically observes others and makes notes.
  2. Most often, filling out the form is done using video surveillance equipment. This method allows you to obtain more objective information. Employees are less distracted by the fact that they are being video monitored. If you control their actions “manually”, this can lead to distortion of the final results.

At the measurement stage itself, it is necessary to immediately classify all employee actions into several categories:

  1. Processes that occur without cyclical repetition. These are ordinary actions that are performed one-time for a separate period. For example, an employee can copy documents once (if necessary), fill out separate papers, conduct telephone conversations with those partners with whom he usually does not communicate, etc.
  2. Processes with cyclic frequency will occupy the main working time budget. These are the functional responsibilities associated with the routine performance of repetitive actions. For example, repair work, employee training, telephone conversations, copying and filling out documents, working with clients, customers, etc.
  3. Rotating sequence - here we are talking about employees with “complex” responsibilities that include several cycles at once. These cycles can be combined and intersect. For example, a sales manager is forced to simultaneously conduct telephone conversations and immediately record the results of negotiations (including intermediate ones) by any available means.

A video commentary on this topic can be seen here.

Timing of working hours - observation of a working person during a planned time and a certain operation with recording on a special form.

Working time measurements are carried out by trained specialists: for manual measurement - a standardizer using a chronometer device; with automatic – built-in programs.

Timekeeping is carried out by solving specific goals: whether the employee’s wages are calculated correctly; for further calculation of the price of services; identifying the deadline for placing an emergency order.

What is working time tracking?

Accurate measurement of working time makes it possible to determine the time required to complete the work and to draw up a schedule for distributing tasks to a specific person until his full workload. Using working time tracking, you can measure the employment of not only labor, but also equipment and computers.

Timekeeping is a continuous action, that is, continuous observation. To determine the reason that prevents you from achieving a certain result, timing will become your efficiency tool.

You can carry out individual timing of working hours on yourself. Example, you have a goal, motivation, you are limited in time, perform actions to achieve your goal.

Timing of working time is an increase in personal productivity, the effectiveness of a person who consciously performs work without wasting time. At the same time, great labor success and career growth are achieved.

Managers of various projects constantly use working time tracking in their work. Freelancers and outsourcers work on an hourly basis and according to the same system.

Example of working hours

Let’s consider, as an example, the work of a copywriter on the article “Time Management” under the heading Personal Growth, the work received from a regular customer.

  1. Selection of an article in a search engine using keywords; - 30 minutes.
  2. Time to read the article; - 20 minutes.
  3. Time to write a new article; -2 hour 25 minutes.
  4. Editing, dividing the article into subheadings; -15 minutes
  5. Uniqueness check; - 5 minutes.
  6. Editing the article, if required; -15 minutes.
  7. Transferring the article to the customer.

Adds up the time spent writing an article:
30 min. +20 min. + 2h.35 min. +15 min.+ 5 min. + 15 min = 4 hours.

Net working time is 4 hours. During this period, the copywriter took technical breaks: 2 times for 15 minutes, which are required when working on a computer. The final preparatory time was spent - 15 minutes: wiping the desktop, computer screen, turning it on and off, plus moments not taken into account. Let's say everything took 1 hour. In total, we spent 5 hours, and could have spent more time if we didn’t limit ourselves in time.

How to make a working time clock

  • We select an employee with “average” labor productivity. We warn him about the ongoing timing of working hours: day, time. Do not forget about the employee’s internal state, his psychological data. As a rule, novices and experienced workers are not subject to timekeeping.
  • We outline a list of operations that are subject to measurement. Examples: time to prepare an accountant's quarterly report; drawing up a commercial proposal.
  • We determine the time of timing, the number of repetitions - measurements. Example: number of emails sent to clients per hour, per 4 hours.
  • Registration of timekeeping on special forms. Typically, such forms are signed by the employee performing the work, the standard setter, the manager and are stored in the archives of the company or enterprise.

Timing of working hours must be done periodically: to encourage the best workers; improved performance indicators; stimulating employees to work; to reduce inflated standards during rationing

How to keep track of working hours

There are rules and requirements that must be met when timing working hours:

  1. The observer must choose a place with a large view of the performer, without interfering with him in the process of work.
  2. Eliminate all conversations with him, as well as conversations with strangers;
  3. The frequency of timing is carried out in compliance with the terms of the “collective” agreement of the enterprise or company, notifying management about the time of the event.
  4. Comply with safety requirements when timing working hours.
  5. Warn the employee in a timely manner about the timekeeping.
  6. The observer must be qualified: possess timing methods, and not push the performer while working.
  7. The completed working time recording form should not have any corrections.
How to keep track of working hours example

Currently, most companies, organizations, and their employees carry out work activities at the computer. Using special programs, it is possible to monitor the work of subordinates.

  1. The recording accuracy of the Yaware.TimeTracker service is up to 1 minute for one week, around the clock. Works in the background, without interfering with the employee’s main work. The employee's working time is kept track of.
  2. Using the OfficeMETRICS program, employees are identified who hang out on forums and social networks during working hours.
  3. The biometric system, called BioTime, has high speed, time tracking and access control.
  4. The Timesheet program has a user-friendly interface, no training required. The timesheet is filled out in a few minutes. It is stored on the computer for a long time.

Timing of working time is the identification of a reserve of personal time, due to which labor productivity can be increased.

Profit is the final product of an organization's life. To achieve this result, a lot of material and production resources are spent. One of these material resources is the physical strength of people, the human factor. The more efficiently and with maximum benefit this factor is used, the higher labor productivity, the higher the profit received. Therefore, every manager strives to use this indicator in his activities with maximum efficiency. What does this mean?

According to statistics, almost every employee of the organization works effectively at his workplace for about 30% of his working time. He spends the rest of his working time without any benefit to the organization's activities. To eliminate this gap, the employee's working time is used. This is a kind of recording of the working day on paper, where every operation (action) performed by this employee during the day is reflected minute by minute.

Example 1. Zakharova R.I. works as a cashier. She processes ten incoming and ten outgoing cash transactions per day. Fills out the cashier-operator's book and deposits cash in the bank to the organization's current account.

The cashier's working day is as follows:

  1. Start of shift. Turning on the cash register, recalculating cash

cash on hand - 10 minutes

2. Registration of incoming and outgoing transactions at the cash desk - 40 operations.

One operation takes an average of 3 minutes.

Total time spent: 1 hour 20 minutes.

  1. Cash withdrawal per shift – 5 minutes
  2. Registration of cash book - 30 minutes
  3. Registration of the book of the cashier-operator - 8 minutes
  4. Closing a shift. Turning off the cash register, recalculating cash

cash on hand - 10 minutes

  1. Transferring cash to the bank – 1 hour

In total, the cashier in our example spends an average of 3 hours and 23 minutes per day processing cash register transactions. This is 42.3% of working time.

In practice, there are situations when an employee himself expresses a desire to time his working time. In order to show and prove to management that he is overloaded with the operations performed during the day.

Example 2 . Ivanova Z.I. works as an accountant in an organization. Her job responsibilities include accounting with suppliers of products (works and services), accounting with buyers and customers, maintaining a current account and posting it. On average, per day Ivanova Z.I. carries out the following operations:

  1. Shipment of products to customers – 35 operations.

One operation takes 3 minutes.

Total time spent: 1 hour 45 minutes

  1. Making a postal envelope for sending to customers - 35 operations

1 operation – 3 minutes

Total: 1 hour 45 minutes

  1. New customers are added to the program - 6 transactions.

1 operation - 3 minutes.

Total: 18 minutes

  1. Products (goods, services) are purchased from suppliers -15 operations

1 operation – 3.53 minutes

Total: 53 minutes

  1. Making a postal envelope for sending to suppliers - 35 operations

1 operation – 3 minutes

Total: 1 hour 45 minutes

  1. New suppliers are added to the program - 6 operations

1 operation – 3 minutes

Total: 18 minutes

  1. New items for goods are added – 15 operations

1 operation – 3 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

  1. Posting according to bank statements - 45 transactions

1 operation – 2 minutes

Total: 1 hour 30 minutes

  1. Drawing up a reconciliation report with suppliers and buyers – 5 operations

1 operation – 2 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

  1. Telephone calls to the organization’s debtors – 6 people

1 operation – 8 minutes

Total: 48 minutes

In total, an accountant spends an average of 9 hours and 57 minutes per day on job duties. This is more than 100% of the working time.

Timing of working hours employee allows you to identify gaps, shortcomings, useless time and optimize his working time. Allows you to correctly distribute the workload among employees. Allows you to identify operations (actions) that require more time, which can later be automated, streamlined and minimize losses when performing a particular operation. This is why it is very important to keep track of an employee’s working time.

Timing of working hours helps to properly track and account for employee working hours. We will tell you further about how to correctly draw up a time sheet, what information it should include, who has the right to carry it out, and how to fill out the sample.

Timing (card) of working hours

Timing of working hours(map) is a way to study the time spent on performing a certain action by an employee. Most often, it is used as one of the tools for optimizing the working system in mass and flow production enterprises, where periodically repeating elements of the operation are common.

The main goals pursued during the implementation:

  1. Development of time unit standards for performing certain types of actions.
  2. Assessment of compliance of current standards with the quality requirements of the work performed.
  3. Determination of optimal work methods.
  4. Identification of reasons for non-compliance with existing standards.
  5. Improving the labor process in the workplace.

Thus, working time timing(chronomap) allows you to determine the reasons for not achieving a given result and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Who should do the timing?

It is necessary to take into account the fact that keeping track of working hours is not mandatory under current legislation, that is, the employer is free to independently determine the feasibility of implementing this procedure.

Timing of working hours can carry out:

  • full-time raters (observers);
  • non-core specialists who are assigned this responsibility by the relevant order of the manager.

In addition, the employee can conduct working time timing independently, however, the following points must be taken into account:

  • additional time consumption due to recording measurement results;
  • possible research bias.

Types of working time timing

There are several types of timing:

  1. Continuous - study of the entire work process, including its systematic repetition.
  2. Cyclic - conducting research when measuring cyclically repeating operations of short duration.
  3. Selective - measurements of time to perform individual operations, regardless of their cyclicity and frequency of repetition.
  4. Phototiming is the study of time spent on certain actions in combination with photographing the process.

Timing stages

Procedure timing of working hours involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation. At this stage, the object of research is selected, depending on the goal:
    • Establishing a time standard. In this case, groups of workers whose overall level of productivity will be between average and high will be studied.
    • Development of standards. In this case, the objects of study will be employees with sufficient knowledge, qualifications and the best performance.
    • Study of best practices. The objects of research will be employees who demonstrate the most effective performance.
    • Establishing standards for not developing a plan. In this case, the objects of research will be employees who do not fulfill the plan or are behind schedule.
  2. Familiarization with the operation for which it is required to carry out working time timing. This information is indicated on the card.
  3. Establishing the elements of operations, that is, the beginning and end, as well as the circumstances indicating this.
  4. Indication of the required number of measurements.
  5. Carrying out explanatory work with employees in order to explain the need for timing of working hours.
  6. Direct execution timing of working hours.

Basic requirements and rules

When implementing timing of working hours The observer's place must be located in such a way that he can see the entire production process, as well as all actions performed by the employee being inspected. But at the same time, contact between the employee and the observer should be completely excluded or minimized.

The employee in relation to whom the decision was made to carry out working time timing, must be notified in advance.

In addition, it is necessary to comply with safety regulations, as well as the provisions of collective and labor agreements regulating the process of informing about the upcoming briefing and the procedure for its conduct.

The final sheet of the chronocard should not contain corrections or blots.

Order for recording working hours: sample

Before the start of work, the employer independently determines how to instruct employees to measure working time, one of which may be the issuance of an appropriate order.

Since there are no specific requirements for the execution of an order at the legislative level, it is drawn up in free form.

This document is approved by the head of the enterprise and given to all interested parties for review - employees who are responsible for conducting timekeeping, employees who are the subjects of the inspection, etc.

As a rule, the document consists of several sections regulating the will of the manager regarding:

  • carrying out measurements in a certain department, structural unit, etc.;
  • creating a commission responsible for carrying out this procedure;
  • indication of the time frame within which research is required;
  • special instructions that the heads of departments need to follow in order to carry out the assignment;
  • appointment of responsible persons for the execution of the order;
  • signatures of persons involved in executing the order.

Download a sample order for carrying out timing of working hours you can by following the link: timing order.

Sample of filling out working hours: form

Approximate sample timing of working hours(chronocards) can be compiled independently, but you must provide the following information:

  1. Business name.
  2. Data of the person in respect of whom measurements will be taken, such as:
    • FULL NAME.;
    • speciality;
    • work experience in the specialty;
    • total work experience.
  3. Date of measurements.
  4. Start and end time of measurements.
  5. The name of the operation as a whole.
  6. What employee actions will be recorded.
  7. In what units of measurement will measurements be taken?
  8. Full name of the observer.
  9. Final calculations.

You can download a sample chronocard by following the link: timing working hours - sample.

Timing of working hours- This is one of the ways to optimize work in enterprises. It is used to calculate the time required to perform a certain action.

Timing of working hours

Timing of working hours

Time tracking is a way to study the time spent on a particular job by measuring and recording the duration of the actions that your employees perform. This procedure is carried out in order to analyze the labor process and increase the efficiency of the company’s personnel. In order to carry it out, you need to define timing objects, as well as units of measurement.

The employer is usually primarily interested in timing the working hours of employees, since correct timing allows for an assessment and significant work to improve the efficiency of staff and revise work processes. In addition, timing can also be used to:

  • assessing the load of equipment used in the labor process;
  • assessing the effectiveness of certain management decisions regarding certain business processes (and subsequent determination of methods for their necessary adjustment, refinement and increase in efficiency).

How to keep track of working hours

Conducting the timing process itself is highly dependent on the purpose of the study and the work processes being examined. So, for example, if the time planned for performing a particular process, determined based on the results of timing, must be used in the remuneration system (to determine the amount of wages), then the requirements for the timing process will differ from the case when the data obtained during the timing process are determined to calculate the level of utilization of means of production.

Do not forget that in order to time work hours, it is necessary to carefully prepare, including warning the relevant persons who will be monitored about such activities. Next, before carrying out timekeeping, it is necessary to decide on the method of measuring time and the instruments used for measuring time, timekeeping sheets. All these issues should be resolved in advance - this will allow you to achieve your goals when conducting timing.

In general, there are 3 main operations in organizing the timing of working hours:

  • prepare timekeeping forms. Forms may be designed for a specific position or a specific job function;
  • organize the collection of data (this involves filling out the appropriate forms) regarding the employee’s time at work;
  • systematize and analyze the data that was obtained during the timing process.

When carrying out such a process in a company as the timing of a working day, a number of basic rules can be determined:

  • The observer of the process must understand enough about the specific activities he is observing to be able to separate and describe the process. In addition, he must master timing techniques.
  • The observer must be at the enterprise in such a way as not to interfere with the labor process, not to have any impact on the observed person, but must see him clearly;
  • To ensure the continuity of the process, the observer must be impartial, not enter into polemics or discussions with employees participating in the timing, and not take actions that interfere with the procedure or in any way affect its result;
  • The terms of the collective agreement, and, if necessary, other regulations of the enterprise regarding informing employees and management about timekeeping must be observed;
  • Timing cannot be carried out without warning the objects of observation. Therefore, workers who will be observed during timing must be warned about the ongoing process and its purpose before starting the study.
  • The time sheet is a document and this should be taken into account when filling out - there should be no blots or corrections in it; If possible, recordings should be made using special equipment that does not allow corrections.
  • When conducting timing, compliance with safety requirements must be ensured.

The procedure itself consists of certain stages - time periods, each of which has an initial and final event. The ending event of each time measured stage is the starting event of the next time stage. The initial event of each stage of the process is specified by the beginning of the first element of the process (for example, the stage is to turn a gear, the initial event is to take a gear). The end event of a process step is the end of the last element of the process (for example, placing a gear on a conveyor).

We have described the "classical" timing method. However, timing can also be carried out using special software (if the employee works at a computer most of the time). In addition, previously the results of observations were read and entered into forms manually. But now, for the same purposes, electronic instruments for measuring time are usually used. This allows you to make the time measurement process more accurate.

Working time timing order

There is no unified form for ordering the timing of working hours. You need to draw up an order in free form. It is advisable to reflect the following information:

  1. Description of the timing period;
  2. Indication of the department or individual employees who will take part in the procedure;
  3. Instruction on the formation of a commission for timing (commission of the commission);
  4. An indication of who will record the data and in what order;
  5. Deadlines for transfer of time-lapse studies;
  6. In what order will the data analysis be carried out, who and within what time frame should draw up the final report and provide conclusions about the study.

Timing of working hours - sample filling

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Timing of working hours — a sample filling may be required if the company wants to improve the efficiency of production and personnel management. In addition, timing is a source that allows you to capture the widest range of information. What could they be? Where can I find a sample of working hours?

Why is it necessary to keep track of working hours?

Timing of working time is understood as a process during which an employee, independently or with the assistance of colleagues who have the necessary competencies, monitors his own actions while at work for their content and duration. Timing thus records what exactly an employee does during working hours, as well as how long each of his activities lasts.

Why is this necessary?

First of all, the employer is interested in keeping track of employees' working hours - in order to evaluate and improve the efficiency of staff work. In addition, timing can also be used to:

  • equipment load assessments;
  • assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of management decisions in terms of individual business processes (and subsequent determination of the mechanisms for their necessary adjustment).

Through this procedure, the employer can identify:

  • the percentage of employees performing useful actions during working hours;
  • duration of downtime or actions not related to the work function;
  • how the first 2 indicators change over time - when comparing several timings carried out in a row.

Timing is, in essence, an inventory of working time: identifying its quantitative indicators in relation to local business processes (production, management).

The employee himself may also be interested in keeping track of his working time - in order to increase work productivity, which will result in more intensive implementation of plans, if any, and ultimately - receiving a higher salary.

The initiators of the timing of working hours at an enterprise can be different subjects: business owners who are interested in increasing labor productivity; top managers of the company, also interested in achieving high production indicators; heads of departments; ordinary employees.

There are 3 main operations within the timing of working hours:

  • preparation of timekeeping forms - for a specific position or job function;
  • collecting data (filling out appropriate forms) in relation to the employee’s time at work;
  • analysis and interpretation of timing data.

Let us consider the features of each of these operations in more detail.

How to prepare forms for timekeeping?

When preparing timekeeping forms, it is important to first determine:

  • what actions or activities of the employee while at work will be recorded;
  • in what units of measurement the duration of the corresponding actions or activities will be reflected.

So, timing objects can be:

  • actions in the main computer program through which the employee performs his job function, for example, “1C” if he is an accountant, or Photoshop if he is a designer;
  • making telephone calls by an employee;
  • employee writing emails;
  • employee participation in meetings and planning sessions;
  • breaks from work - for tea, lunch;
  • other actions within the office that have no connection with the work function, but are an integral part of the work process, for example, changing clothes, loading a PC, waiting for updates to its databases and software components.

Timing can be carried out in connection with a specific technological process - for example, to the stages of production of goods produced on the factory line of an enterprise. In this case, timing objects can be:

  • loading materials onto the conveyor;
  • assembly of the product on a conveyor;
  • checking the quality of the assembled product;
  • descent of the finished and tested product from the assembly line.

Or the same processes, but performed by specific workers (responsible for loading, assembly, etc.).

Regarding the units of measurement of the duration of an employee’s actions or activities, these can be expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, and sometimes days. Their choice depends, first of all, on what goals the company or its division responsible for timekeeping sets - to improve the employee’s productivity during a work shift (or part of it - for example, before lunch), a week or a month.

How is timing data collected?

This problem can be solved by:

  • manually entering data into timekeeping forms;
  • automated data entry into appropriate forms.

In the first case, the main actions may be assigned to the employee himself or to a responsible person who will supervise the employee’s work. The second option for collecting timing data involves the use of various computer algorithms.

The choice of the first or second option for data collection depends on the specifics of the employee’s specific job function, as well as on the technical ability and efficiency of recording this or that type of data for timing in the first or second way.

For example, if we are talking about recording data on the use of programs specialized for a person’s work function, then the optimal way to solve this problem is automation, which involves the use of other programs that can track the intensity with which the employee accesses his software.

When it comes to timing the stages of a product assembly line, it may be preferable (due to less complex technical feasibility) to use a method of manually entering data into the timing form.

Once the timing data is collected, the employee or his colleague who has the necessary competencies has another task - to correctly interpret the statistics obtained.

How is timing interpreted?

Timing data can be interpreted through:

  • visualization of employee action statistics;
  • factorial, comparative analysis of relevant statistics;
  • identifying dependencies between indicators reflecting the dynamics of actions performed by an employee and indicators of economic importance (for example, the number of goods produced over a specified period of time).

Often all of these methods of interpreting timing data are performed simultaneously by the employee or a competent colleague.

Based on the data obtained during the timekeeping, as well as their analysis, the enterprise can make certain personnel decisions, issue methodological recommendations on improving the quality of employees’ performance of labor functions, generate analytical reports for investors - the options for possible application of the timekeeping results can be very different.

What might an example of working time timing look like in practice?

Our experts have prepared for you Samples of working hours:

  • including measurements of events during an employee's working day;
  • reflecting the structure of the enterprise's production operations.

Both timing examples are contained in the file available for download below.

Timing of working hours is a procedure that is carried out in order to analyze and improve the efficiency of the company. In order to carry it out, you need to define timing objects, as well as units of measurement.

You can familiarize yourself with other nuances of recording employee working hours, as well as common types of documents used within the framework of this accounting, in the articles:

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Office work

What is working time tracking?

How to maximize the use of labor power of workers involved in production? It is necessary to properly time their work.

By analyzing a photograph of the working day, compiled by name, you can achieve success by increasing labor productivity.

The procedure for successful work, the purpose of which is to optimize labor costs and time, will be of interest to every reader of this article.

What it is?

In the process of performing work duties, each employee performs a number of actions. Enterprises periodically study how many minutes, on average, it takes an employee to complete each individual operation.

This process is called working time timing.

After describing minute-by-minute photographs of operational movements during manual or machine work, all data is analyzed to improve productivity and more efficient use of labor.

Thanks to such painstaking work, timekeeping helps optimize the expenditure of physical strength of the people involved in the company.

During studies of the employee’s labor process, the following are studied:

  • what working conditions apply;
  • technologies used;
  • professionalism and qualifications of the worker;
  • organization and maintenance of his workplace;
  • human psychophysiological abilities;
  • other characteristics of the employee that help him in his work.

There are 3 types of studies to describe the chronicle of working time:

  • Continuous surveillance. It consists of taking time measurements of each part of the overall process, which is repeated cyclically with sequential execution until the final stage.
  • Cyclic timing. It combines cyclically repeated quick actions into separate groups for convenience during further study;
  • Selective moments. Such studies are carried out only for a strictly defined operation.

When choosing a methodology and processing the created description, first of all, we focus on the stated goal of conducting chronological research.

Purpose of compilation

Why do you need to periodically study in detail how an employee works in production?

The answer here cannot be ambiguous, since there are quite a lot of reasons for analysis.

The purposes of conducting research on the labor process of employees can be very different:

  • clarification of the detailed structure of the operation;
  • how much time is spent on processing the object of labor;
  • to rationalize the methods used in production;
  • detecting reasons for non-compliance with established standards;
  • identification of irrational waste of time;
  • analysis of unnecessary labor costs that delay the work process;
  • obtaining data on negative factors affecting cycle prolongation;
  • to develop standards for planning and use of working time;
  • analysis and assessment of the quality of calculated and approved standards;
  • to solve other production problems.

The main goal among all these points is one: approve time standards for performing production cycles that will allow for a real quick increase in labor productivity with a minimum of negative factors.

Using photographs of workers’ work activities allows you to solve two of the most important problems:

  • Determine how much time is actually used to complete elements of operations.
  • Establish a detailed time structure of production processes throughout the work shift.

A competent analysis of the results obtained will allow any enterprise to develop optimal standards and choose the most rational labor methods.

Advantages and disadvantages

A detailed analysis of employee actions during work processes has a number of advantages:

  • personal productivity of each employee increases without unnecessary effort and costs;
  • Timekeeping allows us to identify ineffective aspects in the work of workers, which can be eliminated in the future;
  • Thanks to the analysis, it is possible to establish better time standards for performing operations.

However, with all the positive aspects, timing has its disadvantages:

  • To complete shorthand notes, you need to have sufficient perseverance and patience. However, not every employee has such qualities.
  • Creating a photograph of a working day should be carried out without negotiations with the performer of the task and other people, since this distracts the performer from observation, which in reality is very difficult for a person.
  • It is impossible to instruct an employee to complete a description of his own actions during a work shift, since there will be an error in the measurements due to the fact that he will spend some time entering data into the chronocard.

There is another drawback, which concerns monetary costs. When hiring an outside contractor to perform the duties of a stenographer, he will have to pay an additional salary.

How to issue an order for employment? Find out here.

How to keep track of working hours?

There is a certain procedure that regulates the relationship between the employer, the contractor and the employee under study.

It includes the following items:

  • Before the start of research, it is necessary to notify the involved workers about the deadlines and rules for their implementation.
  • Choose a method for taking measurements and describing the chronicle during a work shift.
  • Provide the stenographer with appropriate timing mechanisms and timing sheets.

All these activities must be carried out at the preparatory stage before timing.

Who should conduct it?

To appoint an employee responsible for monitoring work processes, you need to focus on the following qualities:

  • the presence of certain qualifications so that he can break down into parts and describe in detail the entire cycle of the employee’s actions;
  • experience and mastery of research techniques during timing;
  • can highlight negative aspects or, conversely, evaluate the degree of their effectiveness.

The location of the observer must be equipped so that he can see everything and at the same time minimally influence the worker being examined.

The stenographer should not interfere with the work process. If this cannot be accomplished, then his actions should be reduced to the minimum of interference in the work of the observed when observing his actions.

At the same time, he needs to be able to have a good overview of the entire production cycle.

Methodology and rules

When taking photographs of work processes, you need to adhere to some requirements and rules:

  • In order to minimize the error in measurements, it is necessary to avoid conversations with employees and especially with those who are being examined.
  • It is necessary to comply with the conditions specified in the collective agreement.
  • The observer must adhere to the approved regulations of the enterprise on timely informing the administration of the enterprise and other departments about the execution of verbatim studies of their chronicles of work processes.
  • You cannot start timing an employee without notifying him about it first.
  • The subject must know in advance the purpose of the study.
  • The completed form of the timing form belongs to the category of reporting documentation, therefore errors and corrections cannot be made in it. Initially, a draft is created in handwriting, and then the notes are transferred to a sheet using technical devices.
  • In the process of measuring work cycles, safety regulations must be strictly observed.

Note! When developing an action plan for the stenographer and the employee, the human factor must be taken into account, because a person cannot work like a robot. He rests if he is tired, or leaves for other personal needs.

These factors influence the error in working time timing.

For example, a milling operator, while carrying out complex processing of parts on a machine, must rest for at least 5 minutes after each working hour.

The experience and qualifications of workers have a significant impact on measurements.

To obtain an average value, several workers are selected for the study. If work is timed for turners, mechanics or other repairmen, then it must be taken into account that the higher their rank, the faster the work is completed.


It is mandatory to carry out preliminary preparation before the research.

It includes several stages:

  • An object is selected for compiling timekeeping depending on the goal: when clarifying or assessing standards, the study is carried out among different members of the team; to develop standards, they study the work activities of typical performers in the process of a certain job, suitable for their psychophysiological qualities and qualifications; When considering best practices, the most successful employees are selected who use effective techniques to accomplish production tasks.
  • The employee responsible for timing first familiarizes himself with the operation.
  • Separate the boundaries of operation elements, which are called fixing points. They are installed with some pronounced effect (sound or visual) at the moment when the beginning and end of the period of one of the elements of the operation occurs. For example, a flash during metal welding or a sound when cutting a pipe due to the touch of a grinder's cutting disk. Then the observer will enter data into these positions with a description of all the details on the chronocard sheet.
  • The required number of measurements during the study during the observation period is determined. For example, as indicated in Table 1 below.
  • A conversation is held with all employees to explain to them the purpose of the research. The timing procedure is explained. Immediately before the start of research, a check is carried out to ensure compliance with normal working conditions in the selected workplaces.

Table 1. Number of measurements for timing observations


Time monitoring is carried out using a stopwatch or chronometer.

Time measurements are taken until their number reaches the previously established quantities for a specific element of the operation specified in the preparation phase. All records of the results obtained are recorded in the observation sheet.

During the study, the observer monitors the order in which the individual elements of the operation are performed.

They should note in detail what deviations they saw when measuring time. This is necessary in order to exclude such defective measurements from further calculations.

How to prove a gray salary in court? Find out here.

Is sleep included during working hours? About this - here.

Map (sample)

All data obtained during studies of time intervals spent on specific elements of operations are entered into a special chronocard.

Filling it begins from the front side during the preparatory stage.

The following entries are made on the title page:

  • name and other data about the operation being studied;
  • describe the characteristics of the equipment;
  • availability of tools;
  • material properties;
  • information about the division within the organization;
  • employee information.

Before timing, it is necessary to differentiate the operation into different periods or elements. The division depends on the type of production, the purpose of the study, the systematic nature of repeated actions, as well as the availability and ability to carry out measurements for each of the procedures.

Typical sample of a chronocard:

Model form:

Sample order

To conduct research on working time costs, the manager issues a special order to inform selected employees about the event.

An example of such a document on the appointment of responsible persons:

We give an example of filling out a document based on research conducted on the timing of a working day with a chief accountant.

An example of filling out a time card for a chief accountant:

Results and their interpretation

The measurement results must be entered in the appropriate positions on the card form.

In this case, interpretation of timing data is possible in several ways:

  • through visual observation when studying statistics of employee actions;
  • factorial method, in which a comparative analysis of the data collected during the study is carried out;
  • establishing a relationship between the obtained parameters showing the dynamics of the employee’s movements and other data that are significant for production.

When conducting research, these 3 methods of interpreting the measurements obtained during timing are carried out by the observer or his competent colleague directly during the monitoring of the work process.

The data obtained is used to analyze production processes, make decisions on the use of labor methods or personnel changes, and recommendations for workers.

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Time management is a very convenient tool that allows you to evaluate the performance of both individual employees and entire departments. This useful information can also be useful if you need to downsize.

To identify the most productive workers, you should evaluate how they manage their time. There are several effective methods for this, one of which is working time tracking. This employee certification tool, which occurs according to a certain algorithm.

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What is working time tracking?

A similar method is necessary in order to carefully study How exactly does an employee spend his time at the enterprise?.

Using timekeeping, you can determine in percentage terms how many hours or minutes are spent on rest, how many are spent on productive work, and how many are required to prepare the work process.

But in order to conduct a correct assessment, it is necessary to track all the employee’s actions during a certain period. Most often this is one working day, but it is not always possible to see an accurate picture of what is happening in such a short time.

That's why certification can last for several days. Next, average indicators are given, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn.

With the help of timekeeping, you can not only identify labor efficiency, but also create more favorable conditions for a certain position.

If it turns out that the employee’s workload is too heavy, he may be given assistants. Overall, timing data is a good way to optimize the working system.

It's special convenient for large enterprises and continuous production with repeating workflow elements.

If you carry out such certification periodically, you can reduce the risk of poor company performance. But to do this, it is necessary to draw up a timeline at the first hint of a problem. The employer has the right to independently initiate such checks.

Timing is not mandatory, but if there is a production need employees cannot refuse to undergo such certification.

This procedure is carried out by a special commission, which includes, that is, observers, as well as HR specialists and non-core employees by order of superiors. Moreover, the employee has the right to independently conduct timekeeping. This can be both a plus and a minus for him.

On the one hand, in this way you can prove that a person recycles. But if you independently record work processes and enter all the information into the document, additional time will be spent. This will lead to the study will be biased. Therefore, most often, independent timing is replaced with regular timing.

This process can happen in several ways. It can be continuous, that is, continue throughout working hours, or selective, measuring time spent only on certain operations.

Timing can also be cyclical. Here, the time spent is measured only on cyclically repeating operations. When preparing reporting documents, and can be used. This is called phototiming.

Goals and functions

The main purpose for which such certification is carried out is determining the performance of an employee or department. Moreover, correctly carried out timing allows you to optimize production and the number of personnel for a certain position.

If it turns out that people are spending too much time on a particular process, causing productivity to suffer, new positions must be opened. On the other hand, if it is discovered that some employees are wasting too much time, the staff can either be optimized.

Monitoring the efficiency of work at an enterprise is one of the main functions of time management, including such a tool as timekeeping. Therefore this The method is widely used in enterprises with large staff.

Rules and requirements

This procedure has its own characteristics. Therefore, when an employer or employee initiates timekeeping, they must prepare the necessary documents so that everything complies with the rules.

In addition, there are other requirements for this type of certification. They relate, among other things, to the ability of inspectors to view the place of work of the person being monitored. There should be no barriers to this. Nevertheless, employees have no right to contact observers.

One of the important requirements for timing is that employees must be notified in advance of the upcoming inspection. To initiate certification, the employer must comply with the provisions of labor legislation.

In the process of collecting data and compiling timekeeping documents, all safety rules at the enterprise must be observed.

If observers have not previously encountered work in a particular department where hazardous equipment is present, before starting the inspection they should.

Also responsible persons are required to know exactly how work time recording documents are filled out. If the finished chronocard sheet contains errors and blots, the paper will be considered invalid.

Main stages

In order to carry out the process of certifying an employee’s working time efficiently, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm. In total, timing is divided into three main stages:

  1. Preparatory when the necessary documentation is prepared, employees are notified and briefings are conducted for observers;
  2. Directly verification stage;
  3. conclusions, which are made based on data from the chronocard. Most often, this procedure is carried out by the head of the enterprise or high-ranking managers.

The process itself is carried out according to a certain scheme. To begin with, inspectors must familiarize yourself with the work standards. This will make it possible to more clearly identify deviations from the established parameters. Most often, the enterprise already has specific working standards.

If the department is new, timekeeping can be used to determine them. To do this, observation is carried out on the best and most advanced employees of the company. Their indicators should become working standards for all company employees working in a certain area.

The procedure for measuring working time involves recording in a document each work process on which an employee spends time. Here the beginning and end of the period of execution of a separate operation or group of works is recorded.

The observer's task will be to record in the table all data regarding not only work, but also rest of the employee. There should be a special column where the number of breaks and their duration are noted.

Ultimately, it will be possible to determine exactly how much time was spent on working duties, how much on rest and on preparing for the work process. Prepared papers are submitted to senior management for review, which will draw final conclusions.


Certification can be carried out not only for ordinary employees, but also for any department head, if the chief director needs it. For example, he may initiate a review of the chief accountant’s working hours.

For this purpose, a paper is drawn up, which must indicate the name of the enterprise, the position and full name of the employee, his work experience and length of service. Next, the document specifies the date of the timing.

After filling out the top part of the document, you can move on to the central part, which is conveniently made in the form of a table. Will be entered here information about the beginning and end of measurements with the obligatory name of the operation. The employee’s free time is also recorded, for example, for personal needs.

The unit of measurement must be minute. The additional time spent can be displayed as a percentage, which will be more convenient for perception.

As an example, we can take the table of the chief accountant’s working hours:

  • Timing of the working day of the chief accountant of LLC "Company" Ivanova Maria Ivanovna;
  • Work experience at the company for 10 years.
Date of measurement Timing object Duration
Hour Minute Interest
August 19, 2018 Working with a computer and 1C program 3 20 41,7%
Writing emails 0 40 8,3%
Telephone conversations 1 00 12,5%
Participation in meetings 1 00 12,5%
Waiting for program and system updates 0 15 3,1%
Preparation of the workplace and completion of work 0 10 2%
Work breaks (including an hour for a legal lunch) 1 35 19,8%
  • The check starts at 9:00;
  • Completion of inspection 17:00.

Based on this table, it becomes clear that the chief accountant’s workload is quite normal. Working time is sufficient to complete the main work, while the employee does not have to overwork and stay longer than the allotted time to complete your business.

The chief accountant gets enough hours and minutes for rest, including a legal lunch from 12:00 to 13:00. In such a timing table, it is very convenient that data is entered here not only in time, but also in percentage terms.

Features of filling out the form

In order for the enterprise to keep track of working hours, the initiative must come from the manager or from the employee himself, which happens quite rarely. In this case, management must create an order appointing inspectors and employees who will undergo certification.

All parties must be familiar with this document, as notification of upcoming timing is a mandatory step similar procedure.

From the side of the law, there are no specific rules for creating an order. That's why the document can be issued in any form. But the main thing is that it bears the signature and seal of the manager. The order also specifies the timing of the timing and indicates the responsible persons and representatives of the commission.

After all parties involved in this process have become familiar with the document, everyone signs the paper.

An example of filling out a working time form:

Data collection and interpretation

After this, at the appointed time, you can begin collecting data. There is no special form for recording working hours. Therefore, it can be compiled at your own discretion. Often in large enterprises create your own corporate forms.

It is most convenient if the document contains table for recording all necessary data. This makes it possible to more effectively draw conclusions and qualitatively interpret the obtained figures.

Final verdict after verification will be made by the head of the enterprise. Timekeeping can show fairly accurate information about how much time is spent on specific jobs in a particular position. This allows you to efficiently optimize your workflow.

Timing of working hours is great assistant to the head of a department or an entire enterprise. Using the data obtained, you can successfully control staffing costs and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Moreover, this method makes it possible accurately identify candidates for dismissal if it is necessary to optimize the work team, as well as create standards for the labor process, which will allow us to identify those lagging behind and encourage those at the forefront.

Find out more about using timing from the video:
