Interesting facts about berries. Speech development


Berries grow on trees, bushes, swamps, and low bushes.

You can make compote, jelly, fruit drink, pie, and jelly from the berries.

Cherry jelly, what kind? - Cherry.
Raspberry pie? - Raspberry.
Currant juice? - Currant.
Strawberry compote? - Strawberry.
Cranberry juice? - Cranberry.

Raspberry – raspberry jam
Blueberry – blueberry jam
Strawberry – strawberry jam
Cranberry – cranberry jam
Lingonberry – lingonberry jam, etc.

What kind of lingonberry? Red, sour, small.
What kind of raspberry? Pink, large, sweet, juicy.
What kind of blueberry? Blue, sweet, small.

Rowan berries grow... on a tree.
Gooseberries are falling... from the bush.
Strawberries were picked... twigs.
Blackberries were laid out... in baskets.
They were looking for blueberry bushes... in the grass.
Currant berries were peeking out... leaves.

The strawberries are large, and the raspberries...
The gooseberries are hard, and the blueberries...
Blackberries are sweet, and currants...
Rowan is bitter, and strawberries...

The berries on the branches (what are they doing?) grow, ripen, ripen, ripen, and fill with juice.
Berries from the branches...
People in the forest berries...
Juice from berries...
Juice in a glass...
Jam, (jam, jam) from apples...
Add berries to the basket...

Mom bought a bucket of cherries to...
Mom went through the currants to...
Mom bought Sasha strawberries because...
Mom dried rose hips...
Vova did not eat gooseberries...
Grind raspberries with sugar...

Where does it grow?
What does it taste like?
What is made from it?


Sour cranberries grow in a swamp. You can also collect it in the spring, when the snow melts. Anyone who has not seen how a cranberry grows can walk on it and not see it. Blueberries grow - you see them: next to the berry leaf. And there are so many of them that the place turns blue. Blueberries grow in bushes. In remote places there is also a stone fruit - a red berry with a tassel, a sour berry. Our only berry - cranberry - is invisible from above.

How do cranberries grow?
What other berries grow in the forest?
How do they grow?
Which berry is invisible from above?



I pick berries from the branches
And I collect it in a basket.
A basket full of berries!
I'll try a little.
I'll eat a little more -
The path to home will be easier.
And let's eat some more raspberries.
How many berries are in the basket?
One two three four five…
I will collect again


Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tastes like honey. (Cherry)

In haymaking it’s bitter,
And in the cold it’s sweet,
What kind of berry? (Kalina)

Two sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns red, the other turns black. (Red and black currants)

Autumn has come to our garden,
The red torch was lit,
Here blackbirds and starlings scurry about,
And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan)

Red beads hanging
They're looking at us from the bushes,
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)

Low and prickly
Sweet and fragrant
If you pick the berries, you'll rip off your whole hand. (Gooseberry)

The long-legged one boasts -
Am I not beautiful?
And the bone itself
Yes, a red blouse. (Cherry)

Himself scarlet, sugar,
Kaftan green, velvet (Watermelon)

Striped balls came to us from melons. (Watermelon)

Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tastes like honey. (Cherry)

I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

In the hot sun, the stumps have many thin stems,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stems and collect the lights. (Strawberry)

And red and sour
She grew up in a swamp. (Cranberry)

And microelements, as well as organic acids, essential oils, tannins, and so on. Probably the most important property of wild berries is that people do not have a direct impact on them; they do not fertilize or process them in any way. I think no one doubts that wild berries for children useful. But before you give a fragrant wild berry to your baby, you should make sure that he does not have an allergy to it, and it is also very important to introduce all new products with a minimum amount. How to enter berries for children in , you can read .

Strawberries - a fragrant beauty

Strawberries are a berry that attracts not only with its flaming berries, but also with its incomparable aroma and very tasty inner content. Strawberries have been a favorite berry among many peoples who have known about them since ancient times. This aromatic berry is an excellent dietary product. Its delicate fiber improves the secretion of the digestive organs and copes with cholesterol. The benefits of strawberries are due to the fact that they are literally a storehouse of vitamins, and among them, which is contained in strawberries in decent quantities, and it is known to be a powerful antioxidant!

It has a beneficial effect on the permeability of all vessels, large and small. Therefore, in our difficult times, when our body, and especially the baby’s body, is attacked by all sorts of harmful influences, strawberries protect our health and wage a selfless fight against evil radicals. Group B is also present in strawberries. Thiamine (B1) normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and riboflavin (B2) activates the functioning of the visual organs and restores the body's cells. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) improves carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and improves the composition of pancreatic juice, which is very important for patients with diabetes.

Contained in strawberries and, which participates in redox processes in the body. Strawberries contain a lot of iron, so they increase hemoglobin in the blood and strengthen the immune system. Calcium strengthens bones, teeth, nails, and also reduces pain and allergic reactions! Thanks to the pectin contained in strawberries, which is known for its enterosorbing properties, all harmful substances are removed from the body.

Another very useful property of strawberries is that they expel harmful neighbors – worms – from the human body. A glass of strawberries a day is an excellent anthelmintic prevention. Strawberries are also used as a diuretic, helping to remove salts from the body. Strawberries have a beneficial effect on literally all organs and systems of the human body.

Experts allow you to give strawberries to your baby from six months of age, following the rules for introducing complementary foods. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can give strawberries either as a separate dish (juice or puree), or as an additive to porridge or cottage cheese. After a year, you can give whole berries, pouring them with yogurt or milk (optional) or prepare strawberry-milk. You should not give strawberries to children diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity.

Blueberry - “Iron Lady”

Blueberry is a small branched shrub with small berries that are black and blue on the outside and reddish-purple on the inside. Blueberries are not as rich in vitamins as other berries, but they rank first among berries in iron content, and it is found in blueberries in the most absorbable form. Blueberries boast a content of tannins, pectins, essential oils and organic acids. This berry supplies the body with manganese, copper, chromium. It has a very good effect on vision, especially on vision in the dark. Blueberries have one very interesting feature: they hold the intestines together during diarrhea and at the same time eliminate chronic constipation. A paste of boiled blueberries heals any skin damage. To do this, blueberry pulp is applied in a thick layer to the affected skin: wounds, pimples, rashes.

Blueberries for children Recommended from one year onwards in any form: fresh, in the form (juices, compotes, fruit drinks), in the form of jam, marmalade, marmalade. Pies and cakes are baked with blueberries. And if you prepare blueberries for future use, you will provide year-round vitamin supplementation to your baby’s growing body. The berries can be dried, canned, or frozen. Blueberries should be dried at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees, and stored in boxes lined with paper, and blueberry leaves - in cotton bags.

Blueberry jelly

Blueberry jelly especially useful for children with diarrhea. Blueberries have a disinfecting and strengthening effect. It is prepared like this:

Wash 50 g of ripe fresh blueberries, add hot water and bring to a boil. After boiling, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and bring to a boil again, reduce the heat. Then pour in a mixture of starch (5 g - 1 teaspoon) and water (50 g) in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Boil for a few minutes until thickened, cool, and give to the child.

Blackberry - a legend of the forest

One of the legends says that blackberries are the frozen blood of the Titans, which was shed during their rebellion against the Gods. A beautiful legend tells us that the beneficial properties of blackberries have been known since ancient times.

The greatest advantage of blackberries is the presence of potassium and magnesium in them, which have a beneficial effect on the heart. It also contains calcium, copper, phosphorus, and manganese. Blackberries are very rich in sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), pectin, vitamins (A, C, E) and aromatic substances.

Blackberry is a healing berry. All its parts (leaves, roots, fruits) are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat, stomach disorders, and wound healing. The great benefit of blackberries is their immunostimulating effect, and recent studies have shown that they help stop the growth of cancer cells. The berry is rich in phenolic compounds, which have an anti-sclerotic effect and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Blackberry juice is very good for treating colds; it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It is also useful for diseases of the genitourinary system and chronic cystitis. Ripe berries promote normal intestinal function and have a mild laxative effect.

Fresh berries, sprinkled or ground with sugar, pies and ice cream with blackberries, blackberry marmalade, jams, preserves - all these are kids’ favorite treats. You can give berries to your child from six months of age; as a rule, it does not cause allergies, only in rare cases. Like other berries, it can be offered in the form of juice, puree or as an addition to porridge or cottage cheese. Blackberries can also be frozen for the winter.

Blackberry porridge

You need to take 2 tablespoons of blackberries, rinse them, mash them and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Boil the “marc” in 200-250 ml of water and strain. In the resulting broth you need to put 1 tablespoon of any cereal and cook until tender, add one teaspoon each of butter and sugar, boil again and remove the porridge from the stove. When it cools down a little, pour fresh juice into the porridge. What a mess!

Cranberry - the berry of life

No matter what they call this berry. Cranberries can reign on the table all year, saving us from various ailments: caries, colds, inflammatory processes in various organs, etc.

Cranberries for children – a storehouse of vitamins, including A, B, C, in addition, cranberries are very good for the nervous system. If we listed all the beneficial substances that cranberries contain, then a page would not be enough. I will briefly discuss its beneficial properties.

Cranberry is a powerful antioxidant, and therefore an anti-aging fighter. Scientists have recognized cranberries as an essential product for the prevention of cancer!

For people and children, including those who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, cranberries cannot be avoided. Healing cranberries prevent harmful bacteria from lingering on the walls of the bladder, protecting it from all infections. For the treatment and prevention of bladder diseases, cranberry juice with honey is used. Very tasty and very healthy!

Cranberry protects not only the bladder from infections, but also the oral cavity. It completely neutralizes bacteria, preventing caries! It suppresses inflammatory processes throughout the body: it is good for colds, sore throat, gastritis, intestinal inflammation, scurvy, and other diseases. Cranberry flavonoids strengthen blood vessels and increase their strength.

Cranberries for future geniuses

For schoolchildren, cranberries are a must-have product. Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, it improves brain function and intelligence. More recently, scientists have discovered another beneficial property of cranberries. She, like blackberries and raspberries, is an alternative to antibiotics. Therefore, cranberries are successfully used to treat all kinds of inflammatory diseases and processes.

Be sure to stock up on cranberries for the winter. It can be frozen, soaked, dried.

In addition to fruit drinks and compotes, excellent jelly is made from cranberries. It is used to season various meat dishes, as well as to ferment cabbage and cranberries.

Dried cranberries are mixed with other dried fruits, berries and nuts, thus obtaining a very healthy and powerful vitamin boost that can be consumed all year round!

These berries are sorceresses! There are so many useful things in them! Have a nice and vitamin-rich summer!

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The speech therapy corner of the group traditionally plays an important role in working with families. We use visual and informational material on the lexical topic “Berries” when designing a speech therapist’s corner in the senior group. It contains recommendations for parents on how to conduct conversations with their child on the topic being studied, poems for memorization, examples of didactic speech games, and finger exercises.

The theme “Berries” for children - we work with the child.

The child should know:

  • Names of garden and forest berries: grapes, strawberries, cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, rowan
  • Where do the berries grow? (in the garden and in the forest)
  • How do berries grow? (on trees, on large bushes and on small bushes)
  • What can you cook from berries?

Learn the following poems with your children:

"Into the forest for berries"

Basket of raspberries
In Alyonushka's hands.
And in Tanyusha’s basket -
On the bottom.
Tanyusha sighed
And she said to mom:
“I put raspberries in my mouth
I threw it out by mistake"
T. Dmitriev


I'm a drop of summer
On a thin leg.
Weave for me
Bodies and baskets.
Who loves me
He is glad to bend over,
And she gave me a name
Native land.
Yu. Kushak

We talk, draw, sculpt

  1. Look at the various berries in the lotto pictures and ask your child to name them. Together, remember where you can find berries (in the garden and in the forest).
  2. From the berries you can make jam, jam, compote, jelly, squeeze juice, make jam, jelly, marmalade... And what else?
  3. Invite your child to name which berries are black/red/pink/yellow/green. Please note that one berry (currant, gooseberry, etc.) can be of different colors.
  4. Remember how berries grow: cherries, cherries, rowan - on trees, currants, raspberries - on large bushes, strawberries and raspberries - on small bushes, grapes - on a vine. Explain what a vine is.
  5. Garden berries are looked after by people (gardener, gardener), while forest berries grow on their own.
  6. In addition to useful ones, poisonous berries also grow in the forest, so you can only pick berries in the forest with adults.
  7. Draw/color berries with your child or make them from plasticine.

Tell your children riddles about berries:

It’s easy to pick a berry because it doesn’t grow very high.
Look under the leaves - there are ripened... (strawberries)

These berries, everyone knows, replace our medicine.
If you are sick with a sore throat, drink tea with... (raspberries) at night

Try ripe bright red, black and white berries.
The rural garden is their homeland. What is this? (currant)

Let's play and remember:

Before starting the game, place pictures of berries in front of your child. Let him answer by looking at the illustrations - this will help him quickly find the correct answer and absorb the knowledge gained.

“Name the berry affectionately”

raspberry - raspberry
rowan - rowan
strawberry - strawberry
currant - currant, etc.

“What juice? What kind of jam? What candy?

Invite the children to squeeze juice, make jam, and make candy.

From raspberries - raspberry juice, raspberry jam, raspberry candy, etc.
From strawberries -
From strawberries -
From rowan -
From currants -
From gooseberries -

"Guess what it is?"

An adult names the characteristics of different berries; Does the child guess what berry it is?

Small, red, forest, growing close to the ground -
Red, black, white, garden, growing on a bush -
Orange, bitter, small, grows on a tree -
Burgundy, round, juicy, grows on a tree -
Huge, green outside, red inside -

We perform gymnastics for the fingers “For the berries”

One, two, three, four, five, (We connect our fingers into a “teremok”)
We're going for a walk in the forest. (We walk on the table with our fingers)
For blueberries, for raspberries, (We bend our fingers on each berry, first on one hand, then on two)
For lingonberries, for rowan berries.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother! (We fold our palms into a boat and “treat”)

Zhurakovskaya Yanina Viktorovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest category,
GBOU kindergarten No. 864,

The Russian forest is rich in berries. Strawberries grow on a sunny hillock, stone fruit berries grow red like beads along the paths, and blueberries nestle on the slopes.

In northern latitudes, “their” berries dominate. They are rich, bright colors - cranberries, which are popularly called “swamp healer”, lingonberries,

winking at us with her red eyes, like small round corals.

In the tundra, in the damp forests of Siberia, in the Far East, blueberries have found their refuge. Blueberries love northern peat bogs. Blueberries are eaten fresh, and the same desserts can be made from this wild berry as from blueberries: marshmallows, jam, preserves. When dried, blueberries can be stored for several years without losing their valuable properties.

In the European part, cloudberries grow in moss bogs. Cloudberry is a very frost-resistant plant. Its height is ten to twenty centimeters, the plant has a creeping rhizome. Cloudberries ripen in July-August. Cloudberry fruits contain healthy sugars, citric and malic acids, vitamin C, carotene, and in small quantities tannins. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had a very favorable attitude towards cloudberries. He just ate it by the handful. Fresh cloudberries, pickled cloudberries, and cloudberry pie were the great poet’s best dessert dishes.

After the duel with Dantes, when Alexander Sergeevich’s condition was critical, the poet asked for cloudberries. As if I felt that this simple Russian berry would turn out to be magical. Unfortunately, the poet's wounds turned out to be fatal.

Raspberries are a small but sweet wild berry that will not leave anyone indifferent. It is impossible to pass by a raspberry bush and not try a juicy berry. Birds often feast on wild raspberries, and of course, the owner of the wilderness is the bear.

Be careful with blackberries! Its branches are covered with prickly thorns; rarely does anyone manage to eat their fill of blackberries and leave without being scratched. Blackberries resemble raspberries in appearance, but are more prolific. What color are blackberries? And it comes in different colors: yellow, black, red. Blackberries love moisture and shade. Telling your friends, “I’ve finally eaten my fill of blackberries,” is nearly impossible. Because after a short time you want to enjoy this beautiful berry again.

Iga grows in a number of forest areas. Forest serviceberry is an excellent delicacy for children and adults. The bird brethren know as well as people that irga is sweet and healthy.

Wild berries are a healthy and tasty addition to our diet. Forest gifts contain a large amount of vitamins our body needs. As well as other valuable components, the use of which is of great importance for strengthening our health and maintaining vitality.

Delicious wild berry - blueberry! It ripens in July-August, when quite large, dark blue or black berries with a blue coating appear on blueberry clusters.

The pulp of these berries is greenish, juicy, sweet and sour and fragrant.

Blue berry

Vanyusha took the tuesok,

Vanya went into the woods.

He sees a berry on a hummock

Covered with a leaf.

- What kind of berry is this?

Like the sky, blue?

Berry whispered quietly:

- I, Vanyusha, blueberry!

What do blueberries look like?

Blueberry is a low shrub with a creeping stem, small branches on which thin but dense oblong leaves are located. Blueberry flowers are pale pink, small, similar to small water lilies, collected in clusters drooping to the ground.

In the old days, there was a belief that blueberries could intoxicate a person, and therefore this plant was called a drunkard.

Is it so?

It turns out that blueberries grow on moss hummocks next to marsh wild rosemary, which has a tart, intoxicating smell. When people pick blueberries, small twigs and leaves of wild rosemary accidentally fall on them, which give the berries their unique intoxicating aroma.

Blueberries love light and moisture, so they grow in open places, near springs, streams and swamps.

This plant is not afraid of frost. It grows in the European part of Russia, and in the northern regions, and on the Kola Peninsula, and in the Far East.

Blueberries are a treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients! They contain vitamins C and A, coloring agents. Juice, preserves, jams and compotes are prepared from blueberries.

Answer the questions

What do blueberries look like?

What does a blueberry plant look like?

Why were blueberries called drunkards in the old days?

Where does it grow?

What beneficial substances are contained in blueberries?

What is made from it?
