Rolled oats cake recipe with curd cream. Casserole "Hercules Cake"


Grind the eggs with softened margarine, sugar, vanillin, a pinch of salt, 2 tbsp. oven-dried rolled oats. Place the mixture in a frying pan covered with oiled paper and bake at t=200 C. Serve cooled with cream or milk.

NEEDED: 2 eggs; 100 g margarine; 1 tbsp. Sahara; vanillin; salt; 2 tbsp. "Hercules".

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Rolled oats cake Grind the eggs with softened margarine or butter, granulated sugar, slightly oven-dried rolled oats, vanilla sugar and salt to taste. Bake in a greased frying pan, placing oiled paper on the bottom. 2 eggs, 100 g margarine,

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"Oatmeal" cookies Ingredients: eggs - 2 pcs., fructose - 114 cups, raisins - 112 cups or any dried fruit pieces, vanillin to taste, oatmeal - 112 cups, oat flour - 112 cups (can be replaced with buckwheat, barley, sawn flour) , just grind the cereal). Proteins

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"Oatmeal" cookies Ingredients: eggs - 2 pcs., fructose - 1/4 cup, raisins -1/2 cup or any dried fruit pieces, vanillin to taste, oatmeal - 1/2 cup, oat flour - 1/2 cup (can be replaced with buckwheat, barley, millet, just grind the cereal).

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In my family menu I call this Hercules product “Hercules cake”. Although this is practically and essentially a casserole... My husband prefers traditional cakes, cookies and other baked goods made from premium wheat flour, but there are several recipes for healthy desserts that he approves of regularly repeating. Casserole "Hercules Cake" is just from this list.

The cream for soaking the rolled oats cake can be based on sour cream or yogurt. Any jam, jam syrup or berries mashed with sugar into the cream are suitable, but I recommend those that taste sweet and sour.

Prepare the ingredients for the Hercules Cake.

Add baking powder to rolled oats. Then mix rolled oats and multi-grain muesli flakes with dried fruits and candied fruits with butter softened at room temperature.

Beat the eggs with sugar into a light foam.

Mix the eggs with the oatmeal mixture. Leave the dough for 15-20 minutes so that the flakes soften and swell a little.

Place the prepared mass in a mold and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour to an hour, depending on the size of the mold, i.e. the height of the Herculean mass in it.

For the cream, mix yogurt or sour cream with jam or something similar (here is store-bought sea buckthorn jam).

Poke the finished oatmeal cake frequently with a toothpick. When the cake is warm and not hot, pour the cream over the surface. Do this gradually, allowing portions of the cream to be absorbed.

If desired, decorate the Hercules Cake casserole in some way. My favorite thing is to sprinkle the surface of the cake with chopped nuts, and this time there was a little sunflower halva and a handful of muesli in addition.

My husband says about this “cake” that the taste is perfect))

Enjoy your tea!

Do you think that rolled oats are only suitable for banal morning oatmeal? Then it’s time to try the cake, which is called “Hercules”.

The base of the cake is the original chocolate cake. The trick is that toasted oatmeal is added to the dough. Any cream for the cake is suitable: butter, custard or sour cream. You just need to keep in mind that the cream layer should be quite thick, since the cake turns out to be slightly dry. The taste of the cake is chocolate, with a very pleasant nutty tint.

Ingredients for the crust:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.6 cups sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. hot water;
  • 0.5 cups flour;
  • 1 cup instant oatmeal;
  • 50 g butter for frying flakes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

For chocolate glaze:

  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 tbsp. refined vegetable oil.

To decorate the sides of the cake:

  • 0.5 cups oatmeal;
  • 4 tbsp Sahara.


  1. For the dough you will need toasted oatmeal, you need to deal with them first. It is better to take instant cereal, as regular ones do not mix well in the dough. Melt the butter, pour in the flakes and lightly fry them while stirring constantly. The flakes should absorb all the oil and change color slightly - become darker. Remove the cereal from the heat and cool.
  2. Start preparing the dough. Beat the yolks and whites separately with a mixer, dividing the measured amount of sugar equally between them. Add three tablespoons of hot water to the yolks, after they reach a creamy structure during the beating process, then beat for another half a minute. The whites are whipped to very stiff peaks, and sugar should be added only when a dense foam has already been obtained.
  3. After finishing beating, pour the dry ingredients into the yolks, and then the flakes, stir well. Lastly, fold in the whipped whites. Place the finished dough into a baking dish. Line the bottom with parchment paper to make the cake easy to remove. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 175° for 30-35 minutes.
  4. Cool the baked cake and divide in two. Prepare the cream. Assemble the cake, coat the surface and sides with cream. Level the cake and cool it well.
  5. Prepare chocolate glaze. The easiest way to do this is by placing pieces of chocolate in a cup placed in a container of boiling water. The fire must be turned off. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil (or a little more if the glaze seems thick) and mix well. Pour the frosting into the middle of the cake. Tilt the cake from side to side and allow the glaze to spread over the entire surface.
  6. To decorate the sidewalls, you can make something like a roasted pie from rolled oats flakes. To do this, pour granulated sugar and flakes into a dry frying pan and heat the mixture with continuous stirring. The sugar will begin to melt, turning brownish and coating the flakes. As soon as the sugar has completely melted, stop heating, otherwise the roast will taste bitter.
  7. Immediately spread the mixture in a thin layer on baking paper or in a flat-bottomed bowl greased with butter. After hardening, grind the roasted meat in a mortar, or wrap it in parchment and roll it with a rolling pin several times. Decorate the sides of the cake with the resulting crumbs so that there are no gaps between the grilled crumbs and the glaze. The original and very tasty Hercules cake is ready.

Enjoy your tea!
