Homemade cakes on a stick. Features of preparing cake pops: recipes, composition and reviews

A dessert you can't help but love. A dessert that everyone, without exception, likes, but especially children. The one about which you want to say “cute”. One that will brighten up any sweet table with its playfulness and presentation. Easy to prepare, but requires a little skill. Cake pops.
Cake pops are a fairly young dessert. It appeared in its form only in 2008, thanks to the inventive Angie Dudley. It was she who came up with the idea of ​​a small cake on a stick, topped with icing. Since then, cake pops have been one of the confectionery bestsellers. Literally from English, cakepops translates as “cake on a stick” and is an analogue of the well-known Soviet “potato” under a layer of chocolate glaze. Cake pops are perhaps one of the simplest desserts. Even a child can cook it. But in order to make cake pops perfect, you will need a little more knowledge and skills. Let's take a closer look.

To make cake pops you will need:

Any biscuit;
ready-made cream based on mascarpone or cream cheese;
chocolate glaze;
fat-soluble dyes;
paper or wooden tubes.

The first step towards a great cake pop is the base. For the base, you can use any (absolutely any) sponge cake. If nothing comes to mind, then you can use any sponge cake from the previous article about cupcakes. Or a recipe for a basic almond sponge cake:

4 eggs;
120 gr. Sahara;
60 gr. flour;
60 gr. almond flour.

Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Add half the sugar to the yolks and beat with a mixer until light and creamy. Using dry, fat-free whisks, beat the egg whites at medium speed. When the mass turns into a voluminous foam, add the remaining sugar in small portions and continue whisking. Continue beating the egg whites until stiff peaks form. After the yolk and protein masses are ready, combine them by carefully mixing with a silicone spatula. Add dry ingredients (almond and wheat flour) to the mixture and knead a light, homogeneous biscuit dough. The finished dough can be baked on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicone mat. Simply transfer the biscuit onto a baking sheet and smooth it out with a spatula. Bake at 200 degrees for about 5 minutes.

Place the finished, cooled biscuit in a food processor and grind into crumbs. Add cream to the biscuit crumbs. The cream can also be absolutely anything: ganache, cream, cheese... You can find recipes for basic creams in the previous article about creams for cupcakes. In addition to the cream, you can add any suitable flavoring and coloring to the cake pop mixture. We chose Isabella grape flavor and added a few drops of purple gel coloring.

When preparing biscuit mixture for cake pops, special attention should be paid to its consistency. Depending on the sponge cake you choose, you may need a different amount of cream. Most often, the ratio of biscuit crumbs and cream is 1:1. That is, if we took 100 gr. We will need about 100 grams of biscuit crumbs. finished cream. How do you know if the mass is ready for further work? Checking this is very simple: roll a small ball and press on it. If you see a crack has formed on the surface, then you need to add a little more cream. If the surface remains smooth, and the biscuit mass is elastic, but not liquid, it holds any shape well, then you can proceed to the next step.

We need to form balls from the finished biscuit mass. The weight of each ball is about 30-35 grams. Roll up pieces of mass equal in weight and place on a flat surface. Melt a small amount of chocolate glaze, dip the tip of a stick into it and place it in each cake pop. Don't be too zealous and pierce the pop blanks right through. We just need to secure the balls on a stick for further work. Place the preparations in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.

Attention! If you overcool the workpieces, the glaze may crack during coating. If the pieces are too warm and soft, they will easily slide off the sticks during glazing.

Let's prepare the chocolate. For cake pops, it is most convenient to stick with chocolate glaze: it is more difficult to overheat, it hardens quickly and lays down in a thin but confident layer. Melt the white chocolate glaze. Our favorite method: heat using a hair dryer in pulse mode. Turn on the hot air at intervals of 10-15 seconds, direct it onto the chocolate glaze, stir each time after heating. When all the pieces have melted well, the chocolate has become fluid and homogeneous, add a drop of fat-soluble dye to it and mix. Don’t even try adding regular coloring to chocolate without the appropriate “oil” or “chocolate” label. Basic chemistry: water and fat are not best friends. However, any chocolate or product containing cocoa BUTTER cannot under any circumstances be mixed with liquid or gel coloring that contains water.

If you are tired of a uniform color and want something new, then you can not stir the dye in the chocolate until it is a uniform shade, but only make light color stains. We chose FoodColours chocolate dye in the shade “Carmine Red”, colored the bulk of the chocolate a light pink shade and added a few more bright drops.

Let's take the cake pops out of the refrigerator. Let's prepare a glass with sugar - we will place pops that have not yet hardened into it. Dip the dough into melted, liquid chocolate. We dip completely, there should not be a single part uncovered. Hold the stick at an angle of 45 degrees and slowly and continuously turn it until the excess chocolate drips out. The chocolate should flow right at the base of the dessert; this is the only way you can achieve an even, smooth surface.
Place the cake pops in a glass with sugar or in a special stand and leave until hardened. After 5-7 minutes, when the chocolate glaze becomes hard and durable, the cake pops are ready.

And if you are still thinking about whether to make cake pops or not, then we will tempt you with a delicious cut as a bonus. Juicy, soft sponge cake, a thin layer of chocolate... and away with all thoughts!

With love, Tortomaster team and Maria Sukhomlina.

HOW TO MAKE CAKE POPS (very detailed MK) Cake pops are a popular sweet treat today. Children especially love it: the balls on sticks decorated with multi-colored sprinkles are just enticing! Therefore, cake pops are almost always important guests of candy bars. That is why it is extremely important to learn how to make them correctly: so that the cake ball can “sit” tightly on a stick at room temperature for quite a long time and not spoil. The dessert seems very simple (in general, it is), but there are many little secrets that you need to know, and several important rules that you need to follow, and then everything will certainly work out! It seems to me that when I was making cake pops, and I had several attempts, I made all possible mistakes and only then came to a decent result :) But this is very good. After all, this means that now I can tell you everything, and if you follow my advice and take into account my “punches”, then there is a very high probability that your experience working on cake pops will be extremely pleasant! So, today I tell and show, as always, step by step and with many photos, how to make cake pops. Basically, what are cake pops? This is a good old potato cake - sponge crumbs and cream. But if the “potatoes” are formed and placed on a plate, then the cake pop should hold firmly on the stick, that’s its whole trick. This means that if the consistency of the dough is incorrect or the cream is not very stable, the balls will not hold up and will begin to fall apart when left outside the refrigerator for a long time (usually several hours). It is also very important to learn how to cover them beautifully with chocolate (glaze). Despite the apparent ease of this process, it has its own characteristics, which it is better to know about in advance. I will tell you what I managed to read, review and check, and, with your permission, I will also describe my mistakes so that you do not repeat them. For cake pops, we need a sponge cake (it can be baked on a baking sheet in the form of a layer, like for a roll, this will be faster than in a round form) and any stable cream, that is, a cream that quickly sets in the refrigerator and can withstand room temperature: does not flow, does not melt, holds its shape for a long time. And also, of course, chocolate! Lots of chocolate! We need the balls we roll to be completely immersed in it. Chocolate can be either dark, milk or white. I will show the example of white. It is very important to choose a suitable bowl into which you will pour the chocolate glaze: it should be deep and narrow, then the consumption of chocolate will be significantly reduced. Readers suggest that it is good to use a glass for this. And you'll also need chopsticks! Confectionery stores sell special sticks for cake pops: they can be made of compressed paper or plastic. Of course, it is more convenient and best to use them. But if you don’t have any, you can try making cake pops on wooden barbecue skewers or paper cocktail straws. Well, and of course, take care of decorations: confectionery sprinkles, beads, food glitter, colored sugar, chocolate of contrasting color, mastic elements - anything edible that your imagination suggests will do! Well, I’ll note right away: from the amount of ingredients given in the recipe, we got 27 decent-sized cake pops - such that one is enough for a cup of tea. Reduce or increase the quantity, maintaining the proportions, if you need fewer or more cakes. So... Preparing chocolate ganache: As I already said, the fillings for cake pops can be different. In principle, you can use any biscuit that you know how to cook and like to cook. Cream too, but the main thing is that it is strong. Therefore, a cream with a high butter content (Swiss meringue or Charlotte, for example, as well as butter with condensed milk, beloved by many) or dense chocolate ganache are well suited. In addition, you can add ground nuts, coconut, waffle crumbs or puffed rice. Well, or something else that you come up with yourself :) And I decided to make simple but delicious cake pops: from chocolate sponge cake and milk chocolate ganache. I make the ganache in a ratio of 1.5:1 (chocolate:cream). I prepared the chocolate ganache in advance. It is advisable to do it the night before or at least a few hours before the intended use. However, for cake pops this is not as important as in other cases of using ganache, but it is easier to roll the balls when the ganache sits for a while and becomes denser. Take 350 g of cream 33%. Place them in a saucepan. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil! Place 525 g of milk chocolate broken into pieces into a large bowl. Pour hot cream over chocolate. Mix well until the chocolate and cream begin to combine. And you will get a glossy and beautiful mass. Small lumps in it? No problem - let's get rid of them using a blender. Now the ganache needs to be covered with film and cooled at least a little. Making the sponge cake: I also made the chocolate sponge cake in advance. I used 556 g of biscuit for the cake pops. We take 5 eggs, 130 g of flour, 150 g of sugar and 20 g of cocoa powder, and this amount will definitely be enough for us! How to cook - see step by step in the ombre cake recipe, but in general - this is a classic, and if you are into baking, you probably already know this process by heart. And I took my biscuit out of the freezer. I let it thaw (this happens quite quickly). Freezing does not affect the structure, appearance, or taste of the classic sponge cake. We break it into pieces and place it in the bowl of a blender (combine) - we need to get biscuit crumbs. You can also use a regular grater. Grind the entire biscuit and pour the crumbs into the same bowl where the ganache is already located. Mix. First with a spatula, and then with your hands. I don't use gloves, I just wash my hands well, because... I cook for myself and my family. To order such things are made with gloves. The correct consistency of the “dough” is very important. Look, it is very dense, it looks like sand. If you make cake pops with a different composition, keep in mind that the consistency should be approximately the same and adjust the quantities accordingly. Roll the balls: We adjust the size ourselves, you can weigh them on the scales so that they turn out the same and it’s really beautiful! Rolling them so that they are even is not so easy, I must say, you have to try! :) Mine, of course, are not ideal, but they will do! Now VERY IMPORTANT! The preparations need to be transferred to the freezer and cooled well. I would even say freeze it slightly, at least 30 minutes. The cream should set well. If you don't do this or don't cool it enough, your cakes will fall off the sticks, you won't be able to dip them into the icing without them falling off, they'll leave crumbs in the icing, they'll roll around on the stick - basically, it'll be completely impossible to work. ! Workpieces in this form can even be frozen into ice. But then you need to let them move away a little, but just until the moment that the stick can enter inside the ball. Melt some white chocolate. Let's take a stick. I use special plastic ones for cake pops. Dip the tip into chocolate. Take the frozen ball and insert a stick into it. We transfer the future cake pop into a glass of suitable size or insert it into a piece of foam plastic (I have foam plastic, in which I made holes in advance). Honestly, it’s much more convenient with polystyrene foam than with glasses, from which cake pops can fall and which are very difficult to size. It’s better to think about this point in advance and make a convenient stand to make your work easier. Chocolate glaze: Let's hurry up! It's important that your cake pops stay cold while you prepare the frosting and decorations! It is fashionable to put them in the refrigerator or freezer. One of my biggest mistakes was that I was fiddling around with filming and some other things, and in the end my cake pops went completely wild: I dipped them in the icing, and they turned on the stick, fell off it, and got dirty. Chocolate spoiled my mood. So, let's take white chocolate. I repeat: there should be quite a lot of it! It took me about 665 g for this number of cake pops. You will have it, but this is the technology: the balls should easily be completely immersed in the icing. The consumption of chocolate will be different for everyone, because it largely depends on the shape of the bowl into which you pour the glaze: the deeper and narrower it is, the less chocolate you will need. In my photo, the bowl is not the most convenient for this task. More convenient - and more economical, which is important! - use a glass at all! Melt it until liquid. I do this in the microwave in bursts, heat for 15-20 seconds, turn over and heat again. It is important not to overheat it, otherwise it will curdle. I always tint it with a fat-soluble dye (on the packages they write: “For chocolate”!) Next is what is left behind the scenes. My fundamental mistake #2. I tried to dip the cake pops in this chocolate. But it turned out that even being fluid and very warm, it lays on the frozen cake pop too thick - unrealistically thick, guys! - layer. Later I learned that such an indicator as fluidity varies among chocolates, and professional brands like Barry Callebaut and others have chocolate in discs with good fluidity. This is the kind of chocolate that can be used for cake pops in its pure form. If, like me, you have regular chocolate bars from the store, you will have to make glaze by adding flavorless vegetable oil to the chocolate. Which is what I did. For my amount of chocolate, about 65 g of vegetable oil. It's hard to say for sure here. It all depends on your chocolate. But it is important to get the right consistency. The glaze should flow well from the spatula - quickly, almost like a thin wriggling ribbon. At the same time, it should be warm, but not hot. Now we dip our balls into the glaze, trying to immerse them entirely in it. And quickly scroll the cake pop in one hand, while simultaneously tapping the stick with the other hand so that the chocolate is distributed as evenly as possible, and its excess flows back into the bowl. While the glaze is still wet, apply sprinkles. And we put the pop on a stand with others - the same. Despite all the ups and downs, they turned out wonderful! And very tasty! Honestly, honestly! :) In fact, my adventures didn’t end there. At first I ran around the house looking for something to put the cake pops in so they wouldn't fall out. This is a separate task, I strongly recommend that you think about the question of what you will put them in, even before you go to bake a biscuit for them :) In any case, think through the options :) When I finally found the ones that were suitable, as it seemed to me , glasses, and carried them to the shooting location, the cake pops fell out of them and fell on the floor. It was, of course, a super fail and I wouldn’t talk about it, but! Look what they look like after the fall! Yes, some of the sprinkles were lost, but they were intact and even cute! This means the experiment was a success! I should also note that the cake pops stood perfectly well in glasses for several hours at room temperature. Bon appetit!

I offer a recipe for making homemade cake pops. Cake pops are “mini cakes or round cakes on a stick” covered in chocolate. They taste like Potato cake. I decided to make vanilla and chocolate cake pops for a kids birthday. The children were simply delighted!

To decorate and frost cakes, you should choose very good quality chocolate. It can be bitter, milk, white or even colored chocolate. In order to determine this, look at the composition of the product: cocoa butter or cocoa mass should be listed first in the composition. I used loose Belgian chocolate from Barry Callebaut. It melts well and is great for frosting cake pops. In addition, to serve these extraordinary “mini-cakes” I used special plastic sticks for cake pops. If you can’t find them, you can take wooden skewers.


This amount of ingredients makes 18 vanilla and 25 chocolate cake pops.

For the vanilla sponge cake:

  • Eggs 4 pcs
  • Flour 170 g
  • Sugar 130 g
  • Vanilla sugar 20 g
  • Baking powder 1 tsp. - optional
  • Butter for greasing the mold

For the chocolate sponge cake:

  • Eggs 5 pcs
  • Flour 80 g
  • Starch 80 g
  • Sugar 150 g
  • Cocoa 4 tbsp.
  • Baking powder 2 tsp.

For cream:

  • Condensed milk 400 g
  • Butter 200 g

For decoration:

  • Chocolate 300-400 g
  • Cream 10-20% fat 3-4 tbsp.
  • Coconut flakes, roasted nuts, colored sprinkles - optional


  1. Prepare vanilla sponge cake.
    Eggs for sponge cake should be at room temperature.
    They must be removed from the refrigerator 2 hours before cooking.
    Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the eggs.
  2. Add flour sifted with baking powder.

  3. The vanilla sponge cake dough is ready.
  4. I prefer to bake biscuits in a slow cooker: they don’t burn there, bake evenly and rise well.
    Carefully pour the dough into the buttered multicooker bowl.
  5. Cool the finished vanilla sponge cake.
  6. Preparing chocolate biscuit.
    This version of a chocolate sponge cake with the addition of starch is my favorite, as the finished sponge cake turns out to be very tender, tall and porous.
    Place all dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, starch, cocoa and baking powder.
  7. Mix.
  8. Add sugar to eggs at room temperature.
  9. Beat with a mixer for 5-7 minutes until fluffy and light.
  10. Add sifted dry ingredients to bowl.
  11. Gently mix with a spatula from top to bottom.
    The chocolate biscuit dough is ready.
  12. Carefully pour the biscuit dough into a buttered multicooker bowl (or baking dish).
  13. Bake for 50 minutes in a multicooker on the “Baking” mode or in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  14. Cool the finished chocolate cake.
  15. Prepare butter cream.
    Beat butter at room temperature with a mixer.
  16. Continue whisking, adding condensed milk little by little.
  17. This is what the finished buttercream looks like: it is smooth and shiny.
  18. Crumble the vanilla cake into a bowl with your hands.
  19. Mix.
  20. Form the chilled vanilla “dough” into balls, each weighing 35 grams (about the size of a ping pong ball).
  21. Let's prepare the chocolate dough for the cake pops.
    Crumble chocolate cake into a bowl.
  22. Add a small amount of cream.
  23. Mix.
    Add cream until you get a mass similar to shortbread dough.
    If desired, you can add 10 pieces of chopped prunes.
    Cover the “dough” with film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  24. Form the chilled chocolate “dough” into balls, each weighing 35 grams.
    Place the balls on a tray covered with film.
    Place the balls in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  25. Melt the chocolate and cream in a water bath or in the microwave.
    I melt the chocolate in the microwave for about 30-40 seconds.
    Mix well.
  26. Remove the chilled balls from the freezer.
    Pierce the ball with a stick about 0.5 cm.
  27. Then dip the end of the stick into chocolate.
  28. Insert the stick into the ball.
    This is necessary so that the stick is well fixed and the ball is held tightly.
    Since the ball is very cold, the chocolate hardens almost immediately.
  29. Then completely dip the ball in chocolate.
    Allow excess chocolate to drip off by holding the cake pop horizontally and rotating the stick slightly.
  30. While the chocolate has not yet hardened, dip the ball in coconut flakes, roasted chopped nuts or sprinkle with colored sprinkles.
    Place in the refrigerator.
  31. Some of the cake pops can be glazed, the chocolate allowed to harden, and a design applied with chocolate of a different color.
    To do this, I put some chocolate in a transparent “file” for documents, lower it into boiling water for a few seconds until the chocolate is completely melted, then cut off the tip of the “file” and decorate the cake pop.
  32. Ready-made cake pops can be placed in tall mugs, 3-4 pieces each, and placed in the refrigerator.
    It is very convenient to use a piece of foam plastic or a floral sponge to cool and harden the cakes, since the sticks are well fixed there.
    Alternatively, you can make holes in a small box and insert the cake pops, then put them in the cold (in this case, unfrozen cakes must be handled carefully, as they may tilt and touch each other).
  33. This is what the inside of a vanilla cake pop looks like, covered in milk chocolate and coconut flakes.

This amount of ingredients makes a whole mountain of cakes: I got 18 vanilla cakes, and 25 chocolate cakes. It turned out to be unrealistic to place so many cake pops in the refrigerator, so I put about half of them on the balcony to freeze (fortunately, it was winter). In the summer, of course, I will cook half as many cakes, since they need to be kept in a cool place. You can make, for example, only chocolate or only vanilla cake pops, reducing the amount of cream and chocolate for frosting by half.

It should be noted that the process of making cake pops itself is quite time-consuming. For example, the process of frosting, cooling and decorating all of my cakes took about 4 hours. But what a fascinating and creative activity this is, in which children will gladly take part.

Bon appetit! Recipe added: 01/26/2015

Dessert Features

Cakepops, the recipes of which few know, are very often prepared for children's parties and various parties.

The dessert in question is a small one that is placed on a stick. After cooking, it is covered and sprinkled with multi-colored confectionery crumbs.

So what are cakepops? The recipes for creating this delicacy say that it is a kind of cake, which is stylized as ordinary candy.

The process of preparing this cake involves the use of completely different ones. However, most often, biscuit crumbs, as well as trimmings from chocolate and other cake layers, are used to create it.

What do cakepops look like? The recipes for these unusual products are implemented in different ways. However, the standard form of such a delicacy is a ball, making it similar to the famous Chupa Chups lollipop.

Cakepops: recipes with photos (with colored icing)

To implement this recipe you need to prepare:

Preparing the base

How should you make cakepops? The recipes, implemented in the form, require mixing a chocolate and vanilla base. To do this, the egg yolks are ground with sugar. Next, whites are added to them, which are pre-whipped into a stable foam.

After mixing the ingredients, add slaked soda and flour to them. Dividing the resulting dough in half, add cocoa to one part and vanillin to the other.

Baking process

How should you prepare cake pops? Recipes for no-bake crusts are especially popular among consumers. In this case, ready-made biscuits should be purchased at the store. But such cakes do not always turn out tasty and healthy.

So, to bake a homemade sponge cake yourself, put the chocolate and vanilla dough into different molds, pre-greased. Next, they are baked in the oven for about 45 minutes, after which they are removed and cooled.

Ingredients for the cream and its preparation process

To prepare a tasty and high-calorie cream, the following components are used:

After intensively whipping with a blender, add all the condensed milk. As a result, an airy cream is obtained, which is immediately used to form beautiful balls.

How to do it correctly?

After cooling the vanilla and chocolate cakes, they are used to make very fine biscuit crumbs. Next, butter cream is added to it and a porridge-like mass is obtained. If it does not form into beautiful balls, then add a couple more spoons of condensed milk.

Forming the dessert in question is very simple. To do this, take about 2 small spoons of biscuit mass (vanilla or chocolate) into your hands. Neat and even balls are formed from it. So that they set well, they are sent to the refrigerator (for about half an hour).

Glaze Products

The glaze for this dessert is made using the following components:

  • white chocolate - 2 bars;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • dark chocolate - 2 bars;
  • fresh milk - 1 cup.

Cooking process

White and dark chocolate bars are broken separately and placed in separate bowls. After this, butter and milk are added to them. After placing the dish on the fire, heat the chocolate slowly (stirring regularly). The resulting glaze should be used immediately after heat treatment.

Decoration process

In addition to chocolate glaze, we recommend using powdered sugar, confectionery powder, chopped nuts, cocoa powder or candied fruits to prepare this dessert.

Once the biscuit balls have hardened, insert skewers or toothpicks into them. Next, the resulting “Chupa Chups” is dipped in chocolate glaze and rolled in crumbs. At the same time, be sure to ensure that all the ingredients completely cover the cake. By the way, one cake pop can be sprinkled with several types of confectionery crumbs at once.

To ensure that the prepared delicacy is completely frozen, place it in a glass with the skewer down. In this form, the cakepops are sent to the refrigerator, where they are kept for an hour.

Cakepops: recipe with photos step by step (in molds)

There are some housewives who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time. Unfortunately, the process of preparing classic cake pops requires a long stay in the kitchen. In this case, cooks recommend using a simplified recipe. To do this, you need to purchase in advance small silicone molds designed for freezing ice. They are thoroughly greased with vegetable oil, and then alternately filled with ready-made biscuit dough (vanilla and chocolate). In this form, the products are baked in the oven for about 25 minutes. After time has passed, the cakes are taken out. At the same time, skewers are immediately stuck into them and left until they cool completely.

Using this cooking method, you will receive already formed cake pops. They should only be dipped in the glaze and decorated with confectionery crumbs.

The main disadvantage of this recipe is that the cake turns out to be less caloric. After all, no oil cream is used to create it. It should also be noted that not all housewives manage to remove products from the silicone mold in its entirety.

How to serve?

Cakepops are served along with tea. They are beautifully laid out on a plate or placed in glass glasses. Such unusual products should be consumed without a spoon or any other utensils.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in creating an American dessert. Therefore, almost anyone can make cake pops on their own.

Cake pops have recently appeared in confectionery stores. Today, delicacies are increasingly presented on the sweet table. Cakes on a stick are usually served with glaze. You will learn about the secrets of making icing for cake pops in this article.

The history of cake pops

The fragrant cakes on the shelf have won the love of many sweet tooths. Cake pops are an American dessert that is a sponge cake in which shortcakes are mixed with chocolate or vanilla cream.

The history of the appearance of cakes on a stick cannot be called “appetizing”. The author of the blog under the nickname Bakerella was forming a multi-tiered cake, and noticing that the sponge leftovers were “lying idle”, she decided to put them to good use. By mixing the leftover cake layers with buttercream and dipping them in chocolate, she got fancy balls called “cake pops.”

We first learned about the dessert in February 2008. It was then that the blog author published a photo and recipe for the confectionery product. Today, the delicacy is decorated with confectionery powder, coconut flakes and grated chocolate. Children really like cakes on a stick. Still would! After all, in its appearance the delicacy resembles a candy.

What products will you need to make cake pops?

Cake pops are primarily a “trend” confectionery product, which is served not only at children’s parties, but also at weddings and receptions. Preparing treats at home will not take you much time. All you need for cooking is fresh and high-quality food, and of course, pastry sticks.

To prepare a cake on a stick, you will need:

  1. Biscuit. Traditionally, chocolate or white sponge cake is used.
  2. Cream. The cream acts as a pastry glue that holds the biscuit pieces together. In this case, butter, chocolate and vanilla cream are suitable. You can also seal the shortcakes with orange, apricot and strawberry jam. It's a matter of taste here.
  3. Glaze. Frosting for cake pops can be made from milk, dark and white chocolate. The base of the glaze also includes milk, cream, butter and powdered sugar.
  4. Decor. As decoration you can use: Easter sprinkles, chocolate chips, marzipan figures, patterns made from sugar syrup and chocolate glaze. Some confectioners “cover” the delicacy with colored fondant - this decor looks very original.
  5. Sticks. It is convenient to use wooden or plastic sticks. The only condition if you are preparing dessert for children is that there are no sharp ends.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Options for filling and decorations can be very diverse. Traditionally, the treat on a stick is served along with tea, juice and soft drinks.

Secrets of making cake pops at home

There is nothing complicated in preparing a confectionery product called cake pops. To prepare biscuit dough, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of wheat flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • vanilla to taste;
  • a couple of spoons of cocoa (if you want to make a chocolate biscuit).

Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Pass the wheat flour through a fine sieve. We do the same with cocoa powder. Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and continue whisking until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Grease the baking dish with butter and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. We take the sponge cake out of the oven and let it cool slightly.

While our biscuit is cooling, we suggest preparing the cherry filling. And for this we need the following ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of pitted cherries;
  • white chocolate bar;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a water bath. When the chocolate begins to melt, add 50 grams of butter, knead the mass until a homogeneous consistency is formed. We wash the cherries and pass them through a blender. Add the chocolate-cream mixture and mix the cherry filling thoroughly.

If the biscuit has cooled, it should be broken into small pieces. Then you should mix the shortcakes with the cherry filling. Control the amount of filling. Cake pops should not taste dry, but “extra” moisture will also hinder them.

Knead the dough with a spoon and begin to form identical balls. After you roll the balls, they should be placed in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. All that's left to do is make the frosting for the cake pops!

Frosting recipe for cake pops

If you wish, you can prepare several versions of frosting for cakes on a stick. The coating will not only give the cake pops an attractive appearance, but also slightly dilute the taste of the delicacy.

Dark chocolate glaze

To prepare the dark chocolate coating, prepare the following ingredients: a chocolate bar, 20 grams of butter, 20 grams of cream and a couple of spoons of powdered sugar. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a water bath. When the delicacy has melted, add powdered sugar, butter and cream. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency and remove from the water bath. The glaze is ready!

White chocolate frosting

To prepare the white chocolate coating, you should prepare the following ingredients: a bar of white chocolate, a couple of tablespoons of powdered sugar, 30 ml of full-fat milk and 20 grams of butter. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a water bath. When the mass reaches a homogeneous consistency, add powdered sugar, butter and the required amount of milk. Stir the mixture constantly with a spoon until the mixture reaches a uniform consistency. To obtain, enter the required amount of food coloring. This frosting can also be used as a frosting for cupcakes.

You can also cover the cake pops with sugar mastic. To do this, take one glass each of powdered sugar, milk powder and condensed milk, and knead the “dough”. To dilute the taste, you can add cognac and lemon juice to the mastic to taste.

How to beautifully decorate and serve cake pops?

You should start decorating cake pops exactly at the moment when you “bathed” the cakes in glaze. The decorative elements will grip the biscuit well, and they simply will not have a chance to crumble at the most inopportune moment.


  1. We take the cakes out of the refrigerator and string them onto sticks.
  2. Dip the biscuits in the glaze.
  3. We apply decorative elements. Chocolate patterns, confectionery powder and crumbs, as well as themed figures in the form of stars and hearts look interesting. It should be understood that the glaze and decorating elements should not merge into one shade.
  4. So, if you use white chocolate icing, the drizzle will be well complemented by dark chocolate patterns, as well as multi-colored sprinkles.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Tip: Cake pops are the perfect confection for themed holidays. Cakes on a stick can be decorated with hearts and presented to your significant other. By decorating the cake pops in the shape of a pumpkin and drawing “eyes” on the delicacy, cakes on a stick can be safely served on Halloween.

You can serve the treat on special stands that have small holes for chopsticks. The delicacy can also be presented in a long glass and on plates. If you do not have a special device for serving dessert, then you can make a stand from ordinary foam plastic. Cut out the required size of foam, make holes in it and stick the cakes on a stick into them.

Mini-cakes are based on sponge cake and filling. To make the dessert successful, you should remember some of the nuances of preparing cake pops.

  1. Do not open the oven while preparing the biscuit. Otherwise, the cake will settle and it will be impossible to use it.
  2. The ideal frosting for cake pops should have a slightly thick consistency. If watering is too infrequent, wheat flour or starch will help correct the situation. Just remember to sift the dry ingredients through a sieve.
  3. While kneading the biscuit and filling, watch the consistency of the finished “dough”. It is very similar to traditional potatoes. The only difference is in the moister texture and, accordingly, the ingredients.
  4. To make the glaze harden faster, the finished cakes should be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  5. If the cakes turn out to be too “wet”, you can add a sponge cake broken into pieces into the “dough”.

The American dessert has become incredibly popular in our regions. Its preparation will not take much of your time. Is it worth reminding that the process of decorating cakes on a shelf is also very exciting? Please your loved ones with an original dessert right now!

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