Competition for children “It’s cool to be good!” Essay competition for children “It’s cool to be good.” We wish success to the participants of the competition.

Master class room: pirate chest.

In the 22nd issue of Cool Magazine - pirate stories for real adventurers! A pirate board game, sea robbers, Kraken, making a chest-box and getting an aquarium fish, reading comics.

To make pirate chest, you will need: cardboard box, scissors, tape, glue gun.

And for girls - real pirate manicure!

New pages Cool organizer- with stories about travelers.

Cartoon numbers - Finding Dory, Disney Pixar.

Read in the magazine how to do a pirate manicure.

The inhabitants of the underwater world are once again embroiled in an amazing story! This time its main character is the friendly but forgetful fish Dory.

Dory goes on a journey across the ocean to get rid of her blackouts and find her family. And the clown fish Marlin and his son Nemo (remember those?) help her in this. Truly incredible adventures await your friends. And it's waiting for you contest!

Imagine that you managed to catch a goldfish. What three wishes will you make? Send your answer to the address: 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”, or by email [email protected],marked "Goldfish". Don't forget to legibly write your last name, return address, telephone number or e-mail.

Letters will be accepted until July 28, 2016. The results of the competition will be summed up in the 29th issue of the magazine.

The winners will receive prizes one month after the end of the promotion and clarification of address details. The prize draw is held on the territory of the Russian Federation.

From the news of the issue

The St. Petersburg Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood is included in the list of the best attractions in the world! In this list, our temple occupies a proud seventh place. A little more - and we will overtake the Peruvian Machu Picchu and the Indian Taj Mahal!

Also read in the issue the news about the Pushkin Festival and about the cat-dancer.

About animals: aquarium fish

To see the wonders of the underwater world with your own eyes, you don’t have to go to the sea. You can have an aquarium at home and populate it with a variety of inhabitants. But remember: being the owner of even one fish is an extremely responsible matter...

It is very important to choose the right aquarium and place for it. The glass house should not be very small, especially if a lot of fish live in it. (Imagine that half of your class lives in the same room with you - not very comfortable, right?) Try to place the aquarium so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Don't forget that fish are shy people. The best place for them would be a quiet corner at the back of the room.

In one aquarium you can keep either heat-loving fish (for example, guppies, discus, barbs) or cold-loving fish (golden, telescopes, crucian carp, burbot). Remember that predators and small fish do not get along side by side - the consequences can be very sad.

Read more in the magazine.

Smooth, shiny, not a single tree. We decided to land, only this island suddenly sank under the water and a second later surfaced right in front of us. This means it was not an island. And the monster. It looked like a mollusk of incredible size with long tentacles and huge evil eyes. We exhaled: kraken.

Pirates wore an eye patch over one eye for a reason. It was needed so that the eye could get used to the darkness, and the pirate could fight in a gloomy place like a hold or navigate well at night.

Nowadays, pirates are often depicted with a parrot on their shoulder. However, there is not a single document confirming that pirates loved parrots. Most likely, this friendship is an ordinary fiction.

Part of the number board game field.

Four ships of the Royal Navy blocked a pirate brigantine in the bay. Now the task of the admiral of the Royal Navy is to deprive the brigantine of mobility. And the goal of the captain of the brigantine is to escape into the open ocean (that is, to get to one of the squares marked with a crown).

I'm walking around Russia. Treasures of the "Black Prince"

It was during the Crimean War in 1854, when the Russian Empire defended itself from attacks by the British, French, Ottoman Empires and the Kingdom of Sardinia. In the autumn of that year, many transport ships with ammunition, food and other things necessary for the enemy army sailed to Balaklava - a settlement on the coast of our Crimea.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, a strong storm arose in Balaklava Bay! Huge and strong waves carried more than three dozen enemy ships to the bottom. Among them was the sailing ship "Prince" (later popularly called the "Black Prince"), where there was money - dozens of barrels with gold coins for soldiers and officers of the English army.

But these barrels became known only after the end of the Crimean War, in 1856. The news instantly spread throughout the world, and whoever tried to find the sunken treasure: Russians, Italians, and Japanese... Unfortunately or fortunately, no one managed to find it.

So what is next?

“It’s great to be good!” – 2016

The long-awaited summer has arrived! However, do not forget - during the holidays you need not only to relax, but also to do good deeds. Then in the fall you can send to the annual, now third, competition of good deeds “It’s cool to be good!” your own story.

Create a Timurov squad with your friends, take charge of the kids, stage a charity performance... or do any other good deed! Send a story, photo or video about him to the editors of “Cool Magazine” before November 13 (that is, World Kindness Day). And if you can already boast of good deeds, send your story without delaying until the fall!

We are waiting for your work at: 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”, or by email [email protected](with the note “It’s cool to be good – 2016”). Works will be accepted until November 13, 2016. The results of the competition will be summed up in the 46th issue of the “Cool Magazine”.

The winners, who will be chosen by an unbiased jury headed by Grigory Gladkov, The coolest prizes await: five MegaFon Login 4 LTE tablets from the MegaFon company, books from the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita”, as well as certificates for training on the educational sites “YaKlass” and “Razumeikin”!

The results of the drawing competition “The Battle of Stalingrad through the eyes of a child” have been summed up XXI century." The organizers of the competition are IDC "Perspective" MBU "MIBS" and the administration of TU "Abagur".

25 children in different age categories from 6 to 15 years old took part in the competition: pupils of the preschool educational institutions “Kindergarten No. 10” and “Kindergarten No. 35”, as well as readers of the library of the IDC “Perspective”. According to the terms of the competition, the works were both individual and collective (adult help was welcomed).

Winners' diplomas and prizes from the administration were awarded to Bogdan Kolesnikov, 7 years old, and Sofia Azurova (MDOU "Kindergarten No. 10", director V. M. Chukhanova).

Diploma for II place was awarded to Sofya Gaponova (MDOU “Kindergarten No. 10”, director E. Yu. Kazeeva) and Veronika Volchenkova, 10 years old.

Diplomas for III the place was noted by Dmitry Pavlyuchkova, (6 years old) and Taisiya Serenko (MDOU “Kindergarten No. 10”, I. A. Tokareva)

Special thanks to the teachers of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 35” Anna Gennadievna Filinova and Svetlana Fedorovna Mankevich. The wonderful works of their students were submitted after summing up the results, so the little participants received letters of gratitude from the MBU “MIBS”. Well done to the school readers too. We thank Daria Kolesnikova, 14 years old, Irina Filinova, 13 years old, Victoria Miryasova, 11 years old, Maria Basargina, 11 years old, for their active participation.

Time passes, those terrible war years are moving further and further away from us, but we do not forget it. Each new generation pictures the war, the exploits of their great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers. The main thing is that the war, while remaining in drawings and paintings, never happens again in reality.

Feed the birds in winter!

Winter is a difficult time for birds. It’s cold and life requires a lot of energy, but the seeds on the trees have all been eaten and food is not available. Birds really need people's help! In addition, feeding the birds is an easy and enjoyable way to show humanity and become kinder.

In order to help wintering birds, the Perspektiva IDC has announced a “Feed the Birds in Winter” campaign among readers.

The promotion will last until March. Bookmark flyers are being distributed among readers with an appeal not to forget about birds. Readers who have made feeders at home, bring photos to the library. All photos will be posted on the Perspective website.

Feed the birds in winter. Let it come from all over

Flocks of people will flock to your porch like home.

Their food is not rich. I need a handful of grain

One handful - and winter will not be scary for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them are dying, it’s hard to see.

But in our hearts there is also warmth for the birds.

How can we forget: they could fly away,

And they stayed to spend the winter together with the people.

Train the birds to your window in the cold,

So that we don’t have to greet spring without songs. Alexander Yashin

Attention! Attention! Attention!

Every first Sunday of the month

there's a promotion going on at the library

"Day of Forgiveness"

Readers - debtors can return

delayed literature without paying a penalty.

Dear readers!

Do not keep books longer than expected

turn in literature on time!

Give the library a new book 2019

Dear readers!

The "Give the Library a New Book" campaign is aimed at replenishing the library's collections with new fiction necessary for reading lovers. We invite everyone to take part in the action. By donating a book to the library, you can become a continuer of the age-old Russian traditions of charity. Your books will delight adults and young readers again and again.

Books in good condition are accepted as a gift no earlier than five years from the date of issue, i.e. since 2014. All donors will be named on our website. Already this year, village residents have donated 12 books! We are grateful to everyone! Our readers will definitely like these books.

We are grateful in advance to everyone who will support us and donate new books to the library.

Campaign "Knizhkina Hospital"

YaKlass invites all schoolchildren to take part in the kindest competition of this year - “It’s cool to be good - 2016!” For the third time, “Cool Magazine” has been collecting letters from kids from all over the country describing their good deeds in order to award valuable prizes to the best.

Important information about the competition:

    The competition is held throughout Russia, including on the basis of children's libraries in Moscow.

    Children from 6 to 14 years old can take part in the competition.

    To participate in the competition, you need to write a short essay on the topic “It’s cool to be good!”, in which you talk about your good and kind deeds.

    Video works are also accepted for participation.

    Finished work must be sent by email [email protected], or at the address 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”, with the note “Cool to be good - 2016”. Works will be accepted until November 13, 2016 (i.e. before World Kindness Day). All work must be signed as follows:

    • Competition name

    • Contact phone number

      Email or postal address

Works without this data will not be accepted for the competition.

    Works submitted to the competition must not contain obscene language or insults towards participants and readers. In this case, the author is deprived of the right to participate in the competition.

    When choosing the best written work, both the text itself and the artistic design are taken into account.

    The competition will give away: 5 tablets, books and certificates for the Ya+ Subscription.

    The results of the competition will be summed up in the 46th issue of the “Cool Magazine”, which will be published on December 2, 2016, as well as in the “News” section of the YAKlass website.

Dates and procedure for the competition:

  • On November 21, the works that made it to the finals (30-50 works) will fall into the hands of the Grand Jury, which will include representatives of all co-organizers. The chairman of the jury is the famous children's composer Grigory Vasilyevich Gladkov.

The competition for good deeds “It’s cool to be good!”, which has been held by “Cool Magazine” for the fifth year in a row, has entered an active phase. You can submit your works on the competition website https://klassny.deti/dobro2018 until November 13, 2018.

The essence of the competition is simple. Participants under the age of 14 (inclusive) send stories about good deeds they have done. The story can be supplemented with video, photographs or drawings. The jury evaluates the submitted works, announces the winners and gives them gifts.

This year, the main competition will include: 5 tablets from the MegaFon company, 30 books from the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita” and 10 certificates for training on the educational sites “YaKlass” and “Razumeikin”.

In addition to the winners in the main category, as last year, 3 winners will be determined in 3 additional categories - “Cool Video”, “For the Will to Win”, “Cool Design”. All of them will receive branded drawing kits from the general media partner of the competition, the Karusel TV channel.

This year, a new nomination “History in an Envelope” has appeared in the list of nominations, which is held under the auspices of one of the general partners of the competition, FSUE Russian Post. This nomination includes works sent to the competition by regular paper mail to the address: 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”, with the note “Cool to be good - 2018”. In this category, 10 winners will be awarded; for the award, Russian Post will provide flash drives and tablets for drawing with water.

We wish success to the competition participants!

Share your good deeds!

All-Russian annual literary competition
"Heroes of the Great Victory 2018".

In order to preserve and perpetuate the memory of the heroism of Soviet soldiers and the courage of Russian soldiers who defended the borders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, as well as military personnel who participated in local wars and military conflicts, to instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and pride in the exploits of soldiers, heroes, to preserve the military-historical heritage of Russia, the organizers of the competition are holding for the fourth time the All-Russian literary competition "Heroes of the Great Victory" for the best literary story, essay, poem, drawing and song of epic, historical and military-patriotic content.


Russian Military Historical Society
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Russian State Library
Publishing house "Not Secret"

Results of the competition “It’s cool to be good-2017”

This year, even more entries were submitted to the annual “Cool Magazine” competition than last year! It was very difficult to choose - all the guys did their best and sent great stories!

In 1st place this year:

Kristina Afonina, 10 years old, Ivanovo, who, together with her friends, organizes days of kindness at the correctional school where they study, congratulating veterans, and taking care of nature;

Ivan Filippichev, 11 years old, Nizhny Novgorod, who organized a collection of things and funds for fire victims whom he met during the summer holidays;

Sasha Kvasnikov, 10 years old, Cheboksary, who, together with other volunteers, supports orphanages and a boarding home for war and labor veterans;

Anastasia Shch., 13 years old, Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory, who, together with other pupils of the Nazarovo orphanage, takes care of several lonely grandmothers;

Daniil Molchanov, 13 years old, St. Petersburg, who delivered mail in the village instead of his postman grandfather when he was sick, and at the same time helped pull out a truck-shop that was stuck in the mud - Daniil put branches under the wheels.

All winners receive MegaFon Login 4 LTE tablets from MegaFon.

2nd place - 10 laureates:

Andrey Belov, 11 years old, Murom;

Marina Gordyushina, 13 years old, village. Konezavodsky, Omsk region;

Beslan Yanmurzaev, 8 years old, Khimki;

Evgenia Selina, 13 years old, Belgorod;

Artyom Dedyukhin, 12 years old, Shadrinsk;

Tatyana Kaskanova, 9 years old, Cheboksary;

Dmitry Lutsenko, 13 years old, p. Neverovka, Omsk region;

Tatyana Nefedova, 14 years old, Shadrinsk;

Mark Leshchinsky, 7 years old, Moscow;

Borislav Kozhemyako, 7 years old, Aprelevka.

They receive certificates for training on educational sites "YaKlass" and "Razumeikin", as well as books from the publishing house "Nastya and Nikita".

20 laureates who took 3rd place receive books from the Nastya and Nikita publishing house.

Another 10 people became winners in the additional categories “Cool Video” and “Cool Design”. They receive virtual reality glasses and mobile chargers from the HIPER company, as well as certificates for training on the educational websites “YaKlass” and “Razumeikin”.

Congratulations to all the winners, runners-up and participants of the competition!

We wish you to always be attentive, responsive and bring goodness to the world!

The good deeds competition continues.

The new school year has begun and it’s time to tell the “Cool Magazine” about the good deeds that we managed to accomplish this year! All-Russian competition “It’s cool to be good!” In honor of World Kindness Day on November 13, “Cool Magazine” has been holding for the fourth year in a row.

See the regulations on the competition at the link https://klassnaya-zhurnal.deti/news/20099872, but the rules of the competition are simple as always - before November 13, 2017 you must send a story, drawing or video through the form located on the project website, or by address: 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”, with the note “Cool to be good - 2017”.

When choosing the best written work, both the text itself and the artistic design are taken into account.

Winners The coolest prizes await

Submit a story, photo or video about your good deed and get the opportunity to win many cool prizes, including FREE access to classes on the Razumeikin website.

Share good deeds and let your children grow up attentive and responsive!

Share your good deeds!

Dear friends!

This is the fourth time that “Cool Magazine” is holding the all-Russian competition “It’s cool to be good.” Do good deeds and talk about them!

Send a story, photo or video about your good deed to the editors of "Cool Magazine" before World Kindness Day - November 13th and get the opportunity to win many cool prizes, including FREE access to classes on the Razumeikin website.

The competition is held throughout Russia.

Children from 6 to 14 years old can take part in the competition.

To participate in the competition, you must write a short essay on the topic “It’s cool to be good!” with a story about your good and kind deeds. Illustrations and design are welcome.

Finished works must be sent by filling out the form on the website http://klassny-zhurnal.deti/dobro2017 or to the address 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine” with the note “Cool to be good - 2017”.

Works will be accepted until November 13, 2017, and the results of the competition will be summed up in the 46th issue of the Cool Magazine, which will be published on November 30, 2017.

Winners, who will be chosen by an unbiased jury headed by composer Grigory Gladkov, The coolest prizes await- tablets from the MegaFon company, books from the publishing house "Nastya and Nikita", as well as certificates for training on the educational sites "YaKlass" and "Razumeikin"!

In addition, prizes from the HIPER company will be raffled off in additional categories: “Cool Video”, “For the Will to Win”, “Cool Design”.

Share your good deeds!


Results of the competition "It's cool to be good"

The results of the competition “Cool to be good - 2016”, which is being held by “Cool Magazine” for the third year in a row, have been summed up.

The winners were:

  • Anastasia Kuznetsova, 13 years old, Nefteyugansk - with a story about how she supported with friendship a lonely veteran of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Ivan Makeev, 8 years old, Bronnitsy, Moscow region - he talked about helping children from the Volgograd Oncology Center, with whom Ivan (and then his entire class) began to correspond;
  • Yulia Grechikhina, 13 years old, Makeyevka, Donbass - with a story about how she helped old people living next door during the hostilities.
  • Artyom Morozov, 7 years old, Moscow - with a story about how he and his parents cheered up his sister, who was sad;
  • Dmitry and Victoria Kryukov, 12 years old, Volgodonsk - with a story about several socially significant events in which they took part.

All of them receive MegaFon Login 4 LTE tablets from the MegaFon company and books from the Nastya and Nikita publishing house.

20 people who take second place receive Certificates for 3 months of exciting developmental activities on the Razumeikin website and other prizes.

24 people who took third place receive books from the Nastya and Nikita publishing house.

In addition, 16 people became winners in additional categories. They get a subscription to Cool Magazine.

Congratulations to all the winners, runners-up and participants of the competition! We wish everyone goodness and peace!


The good deeds competition continues!

The summer holidays are over. We hope that during their vacation the children managed to do a good deed, which they can talk about at the “It’s Cool to Be Good” competition? If yes, send a story, photo or video about it to the editorial office of “Cool Magazine” before November 13 (that is, World Kindness Day).

Many guys have already sent their works to the competition. Here are excerpts from some of them:

Kharitonov Ivan:

“...We agreed to meet, and I ran to the appointed place.

When I approached, I saw the girl who owned this phone and her dad.

“Hold it and don’t lose it again,” I said.

The girl’s dad thanked me and gave me a keychain as a reminder of my action.”

Inkova Polina, Rostov-on-Don:

“...We have a tradition in our class: on holidays we congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, pensioners and disabled people in the Veterans' Home and the day hospital in the Voroshilovsky district of our city. The guys in our class hold concerts and give homemade gifts. My classmates don’t need to be asked to do such things, we do it at the call of our hearts.”

Solovyova Sofya, Karaganda:

“...We went outside and fed the cats, who were lying under the poplar branches and warming their kittens. I put pieces of sausage in front of them, and they purred after us...”

Remizov Denis, Irkutsk:

“...And in June, my mother and I went to Lake Baikal on a mission to clean the shore of garbage. This trip caused a storm of emotions in me... Our team managed to collect almost four hundred bags of garbage in one day of stay.”

If your child also has something to tell about, send his work to the address: 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”, or by email [email protected](with the note “It’s cool to be good - 2016”). The results of the competition will be summed up in the 46th issue of the “Cool Magazine”.

The winners will receive the coolest prizes: certificates for training on educational sites “Razumeikin” and “YaKlass”, five MegaFon Login 4 LTE tablets from the MegaFon company, as well as books from the publishing house “Nastya and Nikita”!

Let your children grow up kind, attentive and responsive!


It's great to be good!

We are pleased to inform you that you have the opportunity to get FREE access to classes on the Razumeikin website and many other valuable prizes!

Take part in the competition “It’s Cool to Be Good!”, which is being held by “Cool Magazine” for the third year in a row.

Summer has come, and during the holidays you can not only relax, but also do good deeds. Then in the fall you will have the opportunity to submit your own story to the competition.

Create a Timurov squad with your friends, take charge of the kids, stage a charity performance... or do any other good deed! Send a story, photo or video about it to the editors of “Cool Magazine” before November 13 (that is, World Kindness Day). And if you can already boast of good deeds, send your story without delaying until the fall!

The competition is held throughout Russia.

Children from 6 to 14 years old can take part in the competition.

To participate in the competition, you must write a short essay on the topic “It’s cool to be good!” with a story about your good and kind deeds.

Stories can be illustrated with drawings, comics, photographs, videos.

Finished work must be sent by email [email protected] with the note “It’s cool to be good - 2016!” or at the address 123056, Moscow, PO Box 82, “Cool Magazine”.

Works will be accepted until November 13, 2016, and the results of the competition will be summed up on December 2, 2016 in the 46th issue of the “Cool Magazine”.

You can read detailed information and Regulations about the competition "It's Cool to Be Good - 2016"

The winners, who will be chosen by an unbiased jury headed by composer Grigory Gladkov, will receive the coolest prizes: five MegaFon Login 4 LTE tablets from the MegaFon company, books from the Nastya and Nikita publishing house, as well as certificates for training on YAKlass educational sites. and "Razumeikin"!

We wish your children a wonderful holiday and joy from the good deeds they can do!
