Leonid Agutin revealed the true reason for Dima Bilan's departure from Voice. Continuation: Vine about Bilan's departure from the show "Voice": He just sat Dima Bilan decided to leave the voice

Most recently, the premiere of the new season 5 of the children's voice project took place. The audience is delighted with the new season, they choose their favorites and cannot understand why this season does not have everyone's favorite Dima Bilan. This season, the judges included singer Pelageya, rapper Basta and Valery Meladze. The audience considers this line-up to be very unpredictable.

Pelageya was a mentor in both versions of the program and was a permanent jury, missing only one of the seasons due to the fact that she became a mother. Meladze, on the contrary, was a jury only once, in child's voice.
Basta also worked only with the adult category, but the audience is sure that he will also get along with children, since he himself is the father of two beautiful children.

Until now, they cannot find an excuse for Bilan's absence, since he has already been a judge on an adult and a child's voice, so it will be very unusual not to see him again. His fans immediately began to put forward versions about his illnesses, putting forward versions that the singer is struggling with serious illness and often visits southern countries possibly for treatment purposes. And the fact that Bilan refused to judge the Voice was taken by the audience as a deterioration in his condition.

Why Bilan does not participate in the voice of children 5, the alleged reasons for his absence from the project

Children attribute quite a few reasons to the absence of Dima Bilan in the fifth Voice ... One of the guesses of the audience is the deterioration of Dima's health, as he began to disturb his fans on the network with photographs, with his very painful appearance and the fact that he began to visit warm countries often, perhaps undergoing treatment...

It is still not known whether the anxiety of the fans is in vain, since in the photo of the rest Bilan looks far from tired, so it is not yet clear to anyone whether he is sick or just went on vacation

One of possible causes is also the fact that the creators of the project decided to bring something new to it and update the jury, although it is still not clear how Bilan could annoy them, because his productions were always at their best and he and his wards more than once won the first places, so you can’t call him a non-professional

One of the possible reasons was also Bilan's own refusal to participate in the show, since, according to him, it was always difficult for him to judge children and choose the best of the best, thereby upsetting the children and breaking their hopes. Also, according to Dima, he was disappointed by the parents of the children, some of them tried to bribe the judge and thus break the path to victory for their child ...

Why is Bilan not participating in the voice of children 5, is it possible that Bilan just expired?

February 2 on Friday began new season Voices The children and the audience immediately began to lively discuss the new season and choose their new favorites, as well as discuss new composition and the absence of Dima Bilan in it.
This season, singer Pelageya, Valery Meladze and rapper Basta got into the judge's chair

This composition turned out to be very unexpected for the public, although Pelageya already participated in an adult and children's voice, Valery Meladze was also a judge once, and Basta was a judge of an adult Voice, although the audience is sure that with children he will also find mutual language because he is a father himself.

Why Bilan does not participate in the voice of children 5, A list of possible reasons for his absence from the project

One of the reasons for Bilan's possible absence is his health and the audience immediately began to attribute his deterioration and assume the worst, because Lately Bilan pleases fans with his photo appearance far from the first freshness ... Dima also began to upload frequent photos from his vacation, where he is resting or being treated.

The second reason for the possible absence of Dima is that the creators of the program decided to change him to new faces ... Although the project will not be familiar without him, since he was the creator of one of the best rooms show and won more than once with his contestants, so he cannot be called a non-professional in his field

Another possible reason may be his own refusal to participate, as he has repeatedly said that participation in the show is not an easy test for him, since he cannot judge children and break their hopes and dreams, choosing from the best of the best, but also endure attempts to bribe him by the parents of some members.

Singer Dima Bilan for the fourth time he took the chair of a mentor in the project "Voice". He became a member of this project in 2008 and after that, every year with pleasure he accepted the offer from the organizers to become part of the show again. He only took a break once - the artist was absent from the fourth season due to filming in another project.

Bilan recently amazed fans with his announcement of his departure from the Voice. After all, the singer is a mentor in current season and has already assembled his team. However, Dima noted that he would complete this show, but would not act in new seasons. According to him, he has lost interest in the project and no amount of money will return him there. “This will probably be my last trip there. I understand all the laws of this genre ... The decision has been made, ”the artist told the AfishaDaily portal.

Bilan's statement was commented on by his project colleague Leonid Agutin who noted that real reason the singer's departure from the show lies not in his disinterest, but in fatigue. “It’s all about wild fatigue. This project takes a huge amount of time and effort. And Dima is the eighth season mentor of the children's and adult "Voice". So there is nothing strange for me personally in his decision, ”Agutina explained to the portal

Dima Bilan told about his loneliness, bribes popular show"Voice" and clashes with bandits. About all this Russian singer told in an interview with Starhit.

Dima Bilan admitted that he is currently completely alone, but he is absolutely not worried about this. “I would call myself happily secluded. I went to this for a very long time and now I value the feeling of lightness. I am the only son in the family, I have always had responsibility. I dreamed of shifting it onto my brother’s shoulders, but I didn’t have it. Therefore, today for me to be left to oneself is happiness, not to call anyone, not to report to anyone, not to worry about anyone… in theaters on October 27. In it, a character named Tsvetan speaks in my voice. According to the plot, the troll gets tired of the fuss, hides from everyone and becomes a hermit, just like me," the artist told Starhit.

The singer also said that on the show "Voice" he was offered a bribe several times - and at the moment when the team of performers had already been recruited. “They didn’t offer it directly, but from afar, but I saw with my eyes what the conversation was going to, immediately cut it off. I have where to earn money, so this way of making money is inappropriate for me,” Bilan said.

According to the artist, he considers himself a full-fledged part of the Voice show. "I can't express in words how much effort I leave on the set. In addition to the fact that I'm sitting in a chair to the fig, how much energy I spend outside the set. For example, if I dialed someone from the team and talked to him for ten minutes, a sense of justice makes me call with the rest of the wards and give them the same attention. But the adrenaline that I get on the "Voice" can not be compared with anything. This is from the series "There is such a nightmare in the neighboring forest, such a nightmare ... Tomorrow I will go again." Besides, I'm not the feeling of fear of offending someone leaves, because I don’t know the middle way. As far as I can be educated, I can behave just awfully," the singer said.

As it turned out, popular singer at one time I even had to deal with various criminal elements. “In my life there were two bright gifts that came out sideways, and I will never allow myself to make such a mistake again. I was locked in the office, one-eyed people threatened with a gun, forced to sign documents…” Bilan admitted.

Fortunately, Dima will bring the fifth season of "Voice" to the end and will not abandon his wards. He has already formed a team and is preparing to seriously compete with the invincible Grigory Leps, Polina Gagarina, who is determined to triumph, and the experienced fighter Leonid Agutin.


“This will probably be my last trip there,” Bilan was taken aback. “I understand all the laws of this genre. You can, of course, tie this to both advertising and finance. Yes, being in the project has a very positive effect on some numbers , invitations. But for me, honestly, this is not a starting point."

The performer assured that even promises of money would not be able to convince him. “If I feel that this is the limit, then no money will save. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Therefore, this is my last swim. The decision has been made,” the Afisha Daily website quotes Bilan.

Surely Dima will miss the project very much, because he has been a member of the jury since 2012. The first three seasons of "Voice" he successfully gave aspiring artists a ticket to life. In the fourth season, the performer was absent. Reporters found out that he took a break due to a discrepancy between the filming schedule and his other projects. In the fifth season, Bilan again took his red chair.

Photo posted by bilanofficial (@bilanofficial) Oct 20, 2016 at 7:22 PDT

Battles between members of different teams will start on the project on October 21. Bilan and his wards declared full combat readiness. "Team #voice in in full force!!! Here they are - talents, and each is unique in its own way !!! Meet: A lot has been invented and there will be as many more!!! Wait for the battles and cheer for Us (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Note ed.)," Dima wrote on Instagram.

By the way, earlier reporters found out why the members of the jury of the show "Voice" Polina Gagarina, Dima Bilan, Grigory Leps and Leonid Agutin are always in the same clothes. The project has been on the air for almost two months, and the costumes on the judges have never changed. Fans of the rating program have long puzzled over why Polina, having the opportunity to shine in different outfits in prime time on the main channel of the country, is always dressed in black. Like Agutin. Yes, and the lilac costumes of Bilan and Leps are tired of many worse than bitter radish.

It turned out that the blind auditions, which have been going on for a month and a half, are being filmed in the wrong chronology, as shown. Singing competitions are recorded, not live. The jury members select participants for their teams for several days in a row, and then television releases are cut from this material. It turns out that Polina, Leonid, Grigory and Dmitry wear the same costumes for several shooting days, and not a month and a half. If the mentors had dressed up differently all the time, the creators of the show would not have been able to cut everything so smoothly - with development and climax.

Dmitry Bilan became the show's mentor again "Voice" on Channel One. He takes part in the fifth anniversary season of the project, which, by his own admission, is incredibly happy. The singer told how much work and time it takes to work in this program. “I can’t express in words how much strength and energy I leave on the set. In addition, the feeling of fear of offending someone does not leave me, because I do not know the middle. As far as I can be educated, I can just behave just awful, ”Bilan told the magazine“ star hit ».

In addition, the artist has unexpected confession. He said that on the Voice project, those who wanted to get into his team tried several times to give him a bribe. “They offered not in the forehead, but from afar. But I saw in my eyes what the conversation was going to, immediately chopped it off, ”Dmitry said. The artist noted that this happened after his team was fully formed.

According to Bilan, situations with expensive gifts happened several times in his life. They became a real lesson for him. And now the artist categorically refuses all unexpected presents addressed to him. “There were two bright gifts in my life that went sideways, and I will never allow myself to be so mistaken again. They closed me in the office, one-eyed people threatened with a gun, forced me to sign documents ... I have where to earn money, so this way of making money is inappropriate for me, ”Dmitry admitted.
