My last visit to the circus. My Last Visit to the Circus

"III international competition

"Circus! Circus! Circus!"

Nomination: literary work


"Hello, circus!"

Nekrasovskoye settlement, Yaroslavl region,

MBDOU d / s No. 1 "Sun",

Teacher speech therapist

Sergeeva Ludmila Pavlovna


"Hello, circus!"

It was these words that Mashenka said, overcoming the high steps at the entrance to the circus. How long had she dreamed of this! And Masha was already big, in the winter she was five years old. Getting to the circus by bus and looking into its unwashed March windows, Masha imagined what a circus it was. And although her mother told her a lot about him, she was eager to see everything for herself. And finally, this day has come!

What an abundance of sold toys, sweets and other goods greeted Mashenka in the circus foyer! Her amazement was so great that all the questions of adults about what, maybe, she should buy this or that Mashenka simply silently nodded her head, looking at everything with wide eyes. She did not know, What She'd better choose from everything on offer. First of all, she incredibly wanted to make a beautiful drawing on her face. There is a queue for artists offering this service. Each child was completely delighted when, at the end of the work, the artist offered him to look at himself in the mirror: one turned into a “tiger cub”, the other into a “mouse”, and Mashenka wanted to become a “butterfly”. After a few minutes of painstaking work of the master, gentle, pink-lilac wings of a magic butterfly appeared on Mashenka's face, gleaming along the edges with an elegant pattern. This is the moment when dreams come true! The happiness and delight that seized Mashenka multiplied many times when new toys appeared in her hands. They were a large striped lemur dad, holding a cub on his back, and a small clockwork dog. Despite the fact that the dog was bright purple (Mashenka herself chose this one), and looked a little like a real one, the joy that she brought to everyone with her bouncing and yelping was definitely real. In addition to everything, they bought Masha a purple wig with long hair and bangs, almost like a real Malvina!

Having taken a few photos as a keepsake and having collected all her purchases so as not to lose them, Mashenka, like an adult, went to find her place in the hall. The seat was in the fifth row. The circus arena was all filled with water, because the program was “Amusement show on the water!”

The first bell rang. The audience hurried to take their seats. Masha, too, having found her place, sat down with pleasure in a comfortable chair. The height of the dome delighted her (this word may sound too often today, but it’s impossible without it). She raised her head high and carefully examined everything that was there: long cables, huge transparent balls hanging almost under the very dome, and a lot of spotlights that, like huge headlights, shone from all sides, as if watching everything that was happening from above.

The modern circus was different from the old circus, the Soviet circus that children of the eighties went to, Masha's mother, for example. Then, entering the circus, one immediately felt that unique, frozen in the air smell of animals, which touched to the depths of the soul with its mystery, foreshadowing something unusually joyful and magical. Well, and, of course, the orchestra, which, to our surprise, we did not see now (probably, we have not been to the circus for too long!). The orchestra is a whole majestic page in the life of the circus! The solemnity of the music that sounded from there and the presence of the musicians themselves, dressed in costumes with butterflies, evoked an inevitable feeling of celebration. Throughout the entire performance, the orchestra lived life together with all the gymnasts, clowns, jugglers and other artists, where their every movement was accompanied by music addressed specifically to them, them live music. The orchestra was a full participant in the entire performance. All this was then, before. And now music was also sounding, sonorous, fervent, only the viewer could not see where it was pouring from, this music. Mashenka didn’t think about it either, and she had nothing to compare, for obvious reasons. She was completely under the control of the events taking place in the arena. Her eyes opened especially wide when she saw how a magician, having placed one girl, it would seem, in an ordinary box, and, having pierced this box with burning knitting needles, released three unharmed assistants. At that moment Mashenka seemed unable even to speak. There was an imprint of such surprise, misunderstanding and delight on her face that everything around her at that moment faded or simply disappeared. She didn't seem to see or hear anyone. Only her lips continued to inaudibly repeat: “How is it? ..” After this number, which simply shook her mind, Masha constantly tried to find the answer to her question, and upon arrival home, this was the first thing she did. Mom had to find and show some explanation for the trick taking place in the circus arena. But that was later, at home, and now the delight continued.

Air gymnasts aroused in Mashenka not only admiration for the splendor of their outfits, but also unshakable respect. After all, only a person who understands all the difficulties of this profession (and Masha, of course, considered herself one of these people) can appreciate the beauty of what is happening. Mashenka herself had long dreamed of doing the splits, but to sit on the splits at such a height, without insurance, catching her feet on two parts of a large transparent ball - Mashenka could not imagine this! How is this possible?!

And the miracles went on and on. This is the whole circus! One wave of surprise followed another. From the impressions that overwhelmed her, Mashenka could not even sit in a chair anymore, she got to her feet in order to somehow cope with herself and with the huge amount of emotions that had seized her. And then there were dogs, crocodiles and pythons, clowns and jugglers. And each issue added its own page to the already thick book called, which was born and found a place in Masha's soul after meeting with the Circus, and the multicolored fountains painted this book in all the colors of the rainbow.

I would like to paraphrase the words of V. Hugo, who once said: “Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a human face.” Probably, the circus is the sun, which not only drives away winter from the human face, which is also true, but also instills in the souls of people faith in miracles, faith that life is beautiful and that from today everything will definitely change for the better.

And you, Masha, believe in miracles. Be amazed at the world, do not get tired of rejoicing at all the good that surrounds you, and then the world will give you something even more extraordinary. Continue to write your book, started here, called"Delight. Magic. Beauty". Let its name be the headline for your whole life.

Grow up and come back to the Circus. Each time the steps at the entrance will seem to you lower and lower. The circus will be waiting for you. And, as for the first time, when you come here as a five-year-old girl, you will say to him again and again: “Hello, circus!”

In the summer, my mother and I went to the circus. There were a lot of people in front of the circus. We quickly entered the huge, bright tent and took our seats. A few minutes later the show began. Music played loudly, lamps flashed, and acrobats in brilliant costumes entered the round arena. They fearlessly walked on a tightrope under the very dome of the circus. It was even a little scary. After them, jugglers performed, who tossed and caught various objects on the fly: balls, skittles, bricks. After each performance, the audience clapped their hands together.

Then a clown ran into the arena. He had a round red nose, a bright orange wig, and long boots.

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The clown amused everyone with his jokes, and then he took out a large pot and began to throw boiled pasta at the audience. Mom and I managed to dodge a little. Everyone around laughed out loud.

After the intermission, huge elephants entered the arena. They walked holding each other's tails with their trunks. And then the elephant lifted the little girl with his trunk and put him on his back. He stood motionless while the girl did various acrobatic tricks on him. Lamas also showed their skills.

But most of all I liked the trained dogs. They walked on their hind legs, danced, barked to the music and even skateboarded. And the trainer treated them to sweets for this.

We returned home happy and satisfied. And when the circus comes to our city again, we will definitely go to the performance again.

Updated: 2016-02-18

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I like to go to the circus very much. There is a very good circus in our city. It is located in the center of the city not far from Gagarin Avenue Undeground Station. Last time my brother, my mother and I went to the circus during my winter holidays. First we went by undeground to the Metro Station “Gagarin Avenue” and then we went to the circus on foot.

We left our coats in the cloak-room and then went to the hall. At the entrance we bought a program of the show. Then we went and took our seats. Our seats were not far from the ring and we could see everything very well. The first part of the performance was very interesting - we saw many circus performers: acrobats, rope walkers, jugglers and clowns. The clowns were very funny and everybody applauded them.

During the performance the circus band was playing music all the time. Then came the interval. During the interval we went to the bar and bought ice-cream, cotton-candy and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

In the second part there were wild animals. Most of all I liked tigers and lions. They were in a large cage and performed various tricks. The animal trainer was very brave and spectators applauded much. There were also bears riding bicycles and dogs playing football.

After the performance we took our coats, and went home. On the way home we discussed the performance and everything that we had seen in the circus. I liked the visit to the circus very much.

My last visit to the circus

I really like going to the circus. There is a very good circus in our city. It is located in the city center, not far from the Prospekt Gagarina metro station. The last time my brother, my mother and I went to the circus was during the winter holidays. First, we took the metro to the Prospekt Gagarina metro station, and then we went to the circus on foot.

We left our coats in the cloakroom and then went into the hall. At the entrance we bought the program of the show. Then we took our places. Our seats were close to the arena and we could see everything very well. The first part of the performance was very interesting - we saw many circus performers: acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers and clowns. The clowns were very funny and everyone applauded them.

During the performance in the circus, the orchestra played music all the time. Then there was an intermission. During the break, we went to the buffet and bought ice cream, cotton candy and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

The second part featured wild animals. I liked tigers and lions the most. They were in a big cage and performed various tricks. The trainer was very brave and the audience applauded a lot. There were also bears on bicycles and dogs playing football.

After the performance, we took our coats and went home. On the way home we discussed the show and everything we saw at the circus. I really enjoyed visiting the circus.
