A detailed description of the characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Complete general summary horoscope of Aquarius Zodiac sign 02/07 Aquarius description characteristics

Aquarius fearlessly meets changes, does not hold on to what is no longer relevant, does not try to return what is irretrievably lost. This person lives one day at a time and goes with the flow, adapting to circumstances. Aquarius solves problems as they arise; he loves when his soul is light and does not burden himself with far-fetched fears.

The representative of this zodiac sign is optimistic and does not complicate his life. Aquarius knows how to simplify the most complex tasks, and in this he resembles, but unlike the latter, he prefers to cope with his difficulties himself. Aquarius is not one of those people who believe that those around them owe them something, so they try not to bother them unless absolutely necessary.

Aquarius is a talented person. He can skillfully combine his main occupation with creativity, while having income on both sides. Throughout his life, this person acquires new knowledge, improves his skills and does not stop there. He succeeds in any job because he follows the development of new technologies and does not miss profitable opportunities.

Character Weaknesses

Aquarius is not the most responsible sign of the zodiac. He is punctual and attentive only when he is interested in something at the moment, but he is not interested in future prospects. Wanting to get everything at once, Aquarius does not want to waste time on long-term training, which will guarantee him stability and a decent standard of living in the future. He is not interested in investing energy in a business that requires initial costs, but then will pay for itself. Aquarius is a short-sighted person; he does not care about his future life, which he often regrets later.

Aquarius is prone to laziness; he does not approach problems thoroughly, preferring not to waste time, but to create comfort (domestic or psychological) for himself in the very near future. If he repairs something, he does it hastily; if his relationship with a loved one has reached a dead end, he may make a promise that is obviously impossible to fulfill, just to avoid conflict right now. He treats finances in exactly the same way - he spends a month's salary in a few days, and then thinks about who to borrow from in order to survive until the next one. Considering the fact that he rarely stays in one job for long, his income is unstable, and he chalks up what is happening to bad luck.

In personal life

Aquarius is amorous and acts according to the call of his heart. If he is very passionate about someone, then, regardless of the accompanying circumstances, he will do everything in order to be together with his chosen one. It is very good if there are no obstacles to this relationship, but if there are, Aquarius will go ahead, but will not miss the opportunity for personal happiness. There are no barriers to love for him; neither a different worldview with his beloved nor generally accepted moral standards will stop him. Aquarius more often than representatives of other zodiac signs falls into a love triangle, and the third angle, as a rule, turns out to be himself. The situation is complicated by the fact that he does not spend time getting to know his lover properly before committing his life to him. As a result, after a short period of time it may become clear that the established couple does not have a common language, time and other opportunities have been missed, and in the soul of Aquarius there is complete chaos and indignation.

For a happy life, Aquarius needs a more serious person, preferably older in age, or with unsuccessful experience of love relationships in the past. In such a situation, the lightness of character of the representative of the air element, his love of life and ability to sincerely admire his lover will be appreciated.

See the compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs:

Aquarius man

Aquarius is a very extraordinary person, and even those people who have known him all their lives cannot say that they know him well. Outwardly, he looks sociable and positive, knows how to carry on any conversation, easily finds an approach to people, and often avoids conflict situations thanks to humor. However, his inner world is closed to everyone. Aquarius can hardly be called distrustful and suspicious, he is simply not the kind of man who likes to discuss his troubles and complain about life. Firstly, he does not want to show his weaknesses to anyone, and secondly, it seems to him that such conversations are not interesting to anyone. In fact, he often refuses the help of those to whom he is dear, which greatly upsets them, but Aquarius believes that he did the right thing by protecting them from his problems.

The Aquarius man seems to be attracted to danger. He often gets involved in dubious adventures, surrounds himself with suspicious individuals, and takes unnecessary risks. Aquarius ranks first in criminal tendencies, but this is purely about statistics. Not all representatives of this zodiac sign have such problems, but what really unites them is the solution to any issues in a strange, ornate way, and often bypassing the law.

Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is unusually attractive to men, and this is not expressed in a flashy appearance or in coquetry. She is the earthly likeness of the fairy-tale Snow Queen - mysterious, elusive, with self-esteem, but somewhat cold. A representative of the air element knows how to charm the men she likes, and at the same time make the situation appear as if the initiative for rapprochement did not come from her. She will never seek the favor of a person who is not interested in her, and if reciprocity is evident, then no obstacles will force her to stop.

The Aquarius woman is not one of those who surrounds her loved ones with touching care. She does what she must, but does not sacrifice her personal interests. In her relationship with her husband and children, her first priority is establishing psychological contact, and only then the everyday side of life. The Aquarius woman is understanding, forgiving, and able to forgive people for their weaknesses. It’s nice to communicate with her, but she will keep the most intimate things to herself. Like the Aquarius man, she does not burden anyone with her problems regarding both her financial situation and her state of mind.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aquarius brief description - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aquarius– excellent representatives of ethical behavior and attitude towards other people. A saying that might characterize their essence might be “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Aquarius. Characteristics of the zodiac sign

They will never beg or agitate. People themselves are led by their loud statements, blindly trusting their words. There is nothing strange about this - they are masters of words. Honing every sentence, Signs don’t even have to try to speak beautifully. Everything comes with experience, and the ability to speak beautifully, apparently, is from birth.

Aquarius. Character

Never try to return this Sign. If he leaves, he is unlikely to return. There is no need for persuasion or stories about how much you value him. The decisions of this Sign are irrevocable and final. But when a person gets into their soul, he is ready to move mountains for him. Anything to get enough attention from the person they like. Read also: Aquarius man, love, characteristics.

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Aquarius can be called a personality even from adolescence. They always know what they want and how to achieve it. They are individual by nature, even too much so. This approach to life prevents them from being a good friend and conversationalist. They believe that it is enough to know what they are sure of. As a rule, they do not accept any advice about problems that have occurred. They try to solve everything themselves.

Aquarius career

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign have a good career in the field of journalism and linguistics. The ability to speak and clear diction does its job. People who make an effort to get on television achieve incredible success.

Due to their dislike for quarrels, they are contraindicated for activities in the procuratorate, in shops and in open establishments. It is also worth paying attention to professions that are associated with sales - they will be able to persuade you to buy even an unnecessary thing.

Aquarius. Health

Despite the fact that this Sign is quite freedom-loving, they have to constantly struggle with various types of addiction. Unfortunately, this concerns their health. They are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction. It is difficult for them to refuse the next dose, no matter what.

They should always pay attention to their mental state. Mental weakness, melancholic moods and constant autumn depression - this cannot last forever. To get rid of problems on a spiritual level, visit church. If you are an atheist, go to a neurologist or psychotherapist. Read also: Aquarius woman, characteristics.

Brief description of Aquarius

A strong desire to be first everywhere is expressed, but little is done for this. To reach the top, you need to put in a lot of effort. Since this is not easy to do, they often give up. They do not tolerate quarrels, especially when they are directly involved. So, if you are trying to maintain moderation in relationships, do not create scandals and hysterics. At times stubborn, selfish, obnoxious.

Do not neglect the instructions that come from the lips of representatives of the winter Zodiac Sign. They won't just say that. If they consider it necessary to give you advice, listen and thank them. You are important to them because they don’t have many friends. For them, the main thing is quality, not quantity.

Famous Aquarius personalities

Christian Dior, Boris Berezovsky, Mischa Barton, Tina Karol, Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Zelensky are indicators of how hard you can work and what to achieve. Brandon Lee, Brian Krause, Michael C Hall, Isla Fisher and Ashton Kutcher inspire learning to act. In turn, Konstantin Ernest proves that they are good at journalism.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Representatives of the Aquarius sign are constantly in search of new ideas, knowledge, experience, and sensations. They are freedom-loving and accustomed to doing everything their own way, although sometimes they experience a strong sense of self-doubt. Aquarians are not materialists, but they value comfort and luxury, while not being boastful or flaunting their achievements. They despise pathos and cheapness, fakes, theatricality and impressiveness. Representatives of this sign are excellent friends, they know how and love to make friends, easily find a common language with others and make new acquaintances. Aquarians have a highly developed intellect, they love nature and understand art. Their character is most often calm, balanced, they are kind and somewhat childish, they look at the world realistically and do not create false illusions. Aquarians are easy-going people whose energy does not suppress others, however, in their desire for freedom as the highest value, Aquarians often seem strangely romantic. Representatives of this sign draw energy from communicating with people and are rarely lonely, but at the same time, in moments of misunderstanding from others, Aquarians demonstrate their resentment, rejection, and the complexity of their own nature. The inability to disguise their problem and the artless desire to speak openly sometimes leads Aquarius to problems in relationships. They make a lot of plans, talk about the future, but rarely carry out their intentions.

Aquarius men are energetic, sociable and easy-going. They have a great sense of humor, and at the same time, their jokes are always tactful and do not hurt anyone's feelings. They easily capture everyone's attention and become the life of the party, so there are always a lot of friends and acquaintances around them.

Some of the main qualities of an Aquarius man are his delicacy, generosity, energy and easy-going attitude towards life. They often commit impulsive, thoughtless actions. In relationships, Aquarius may not seem too serious, because he does not like to have his freedom limited in any way. The Aquarius man engages in his work with complete dedication, although career heights and material wealth are not the ultimate goal for him.

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Aquarius women are charming and spontaneous. They dress very original, have a sense of fashion in their own way and often deserve praise. They love parties and big companies, surrounding themselves with extraordinary, sometimes even shocking personalities. They are not very practical, they do not know how to save money, and they approach solving problems not from a rational, but from an emotional point of view. Often they do not finish what they start, abandoning the task halfway if it becomes uninteresting to them.

Aquarius women dress with a unique style that is unique to them - they prefer convenience and practicality to originality and extravagance, but their image always matches the situation. The Aquarius woman demands frankness and devotion from her lover and has a hard time dealing with betrayal, while she can afford to flirt with another man. An Aquarius woman feels most comfortable in a relationship with a man of weak temperament.

Aquarius has a chance to form the most sincere and lasting union with Gemini, Libra or Sagittarius. This tandem is the most promising.

Aquarius also has a good chance of forming a couple with Aries and representatives of their sign.

Astrologers predict a bad union for Aquarius with Cancer and Scorpio.

Abraham Lincoln, A.P. Chekhov, Charles Dickens, Christian Dior, Paco Rabanne, Clark Gable, John Travolta, Christian Bale, Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher.

Yoko Ono, Janice Dickinson, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Lisa Marie Presley.

Characteristics of Aquarius: general and brief characteristics of the zodiac of men and women

Aquarius is the only sign that doesn’t just love the rainbow, but simply lives on it. He took it apart, looked at each color separately, but still believes in it. They are realists, but the characteristics of Aquarius are full of all sorts of surprises. Kind and calm natures enjoy a minor, quiet challenge to society when they shock others with their behavior. They are able to surprise with unpredictable actions.

Aquarians are not very wise, not too enthusiastic, but not indifferent either. The main feature is the interest in learning a new secret. They are attracted to sports, children, and politics. In a relationship with an Aquarius, you need to forget about your selfishness, because his attitude towards a woman will not be his only goal in life. They constantly strive for communication, they always have many friends, but this does not prevent them from being in dark periods of loneliness.

In any state, Aquarius remains insightful; his insight is very sharply developed.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which makes him a rebel. Believes that the world needs change. Aquarians are full of mysteries. He never shows what he intends to do, he just does it the way he wants. To begin to trust a person, they first need to get to know him well. He does not believe in words, but evaluates his interlocutor absolutely completely. Moreover, his conclusions will never agree with the opinions of his opponent.

Aquarius Man

The characteristic of men is that they will never behave like other people. In friendship, he is an excellent friend, mentor and advisor. He believes that every man can have a woman, but love is much more. And he is constantly waiting for more. And at the moment when it seems to him that it is already very close, the Aquarius man begins to behave indifferently. Aquarius does not want to show his feelings, but he gets into the souls of other people with pleasure. His motivations are complex for himself; he is interested in all people, even whom he has not yet met. A brief description of an Aquarius man comes down to the fact that everything that is understandable is transparently clear. The main thing in communicating with him is not to get lost in his own airy world of wonders.

Aquarius Woman

The general characteristics of the Aquarius woman are not much different from all the features of this sign of the Air element. The Aquarius woman is paradoxical in everything, from her haircut to her feelings, her main virtue is fidelity. She is faithful when she is in love. It is easy to have friendly relations with her if she communicates among people in her circle. She constantly follows her dreams, never belongs to anyone.

Her love can be tender, but she always needs freedom. Money is not the main thing for her. The Aquarius woman has her own goals and concepts of ethics, which are far from generally accepted. She is ready to accept other people's life rules, but her goal will always be different. She can swim gracefully with the flow, but in a love relationship she can become a clumsy little bear. The line between friendship and love is almost erased for her.

She enjoys all the little things, she knows how many miracles there are in the world. She loves to make her partner jealous and feel important. Living with an Aquarius woman means accepting her judgment. She is practical and looks several years ahead. Her main ability is remarkable intuition. If she is confident that something will happen, then it will certainly come true. She has magic.

Aquarius - characteristics

Those born under the sign of Aquarius represent the element of air, the main slogan of which is “Freedom, Brotherhood, Equality.” So, equality is the lot of Libra, brotherhood is the lot of Gemini, but freedom is the lot of Aquarius.

Aquarius is ruled by two planets - Uranus and Saturn, and the graphic symbol of this sign is either two waves, or a person with two vessels of water. The two waters are dead and living water in both images. It is duality and changeability that is the main principle in the characteristics of Aquarius.

Aquarians are always sociable, and cannot live without visits and dinner parties organized by them personally at the highest level. Sociability, the ability to establish contacts on the fly and charm are a direct manifestation of the element of air in the nature of Aquarius. However, if you stop your gaze on this sign even for a short time, a brief description of Aquarius will reveal his isolation and detachment. Although Aquarius is always where people gather, he will never take a place in the spotlight, remaining an observer, an attentive viewer and listener.

One cannot miss from the general characteristics of Aquarius the lifestyle and the outfits themselves. Aquarius is extravagant and will always dress differently from those around him. Those born under this sign can easily find a moth-eaten rag from their grandmother’s chest and transform it into something never seen before. Aquarians are like strangers in the present tense, they live for tomorrow, and easily change their statements at the crossing.

We simply must start characterizing a woman born under the constellation and zodiac sign of Aquarius with her relationship with the opposite sex. The fact is that jealousy is alien to these ladies; they will never track down their significant other, go through pockets and phones. They forgive their men for their lack of money, as long as they are loyal, good friends and accept her social circle. At the same time, Aquarians know how to see a man’s potential (they have excellent intuition) and direct him in the right direction.

The best partner for an Aquarius woman is a man with a weak temperament, since her physical attraction will be inseparable from the laws of prudence, and sometimes she can even surprise you with her coldness.

An Aquarius woman in love will be the most faithful wife if a man accepts her social circle as his own. Aquarians are always looking for freedom, so you shouldn’t demand that they reveal all their cards - although they are not prone to deception, when it comes to the most intimate things, Aquarians prefer to simply remain silent.

As we have already mentioned, Aquarians are the most contradictory natures. At first glance, the characteristics of a man born under the sign of Aquarius contain too much depravity. However, in reality, Aquarians are not sexual maniacs, they are simply always looking for something new, both on a mental and physical level. Aquarius is constantly excited by the thirst for new connections, they restlessly embody their most indecent fantasies. Despite the fact that the initiative to try “something new”

in a couple always comes from him, the sexual characteristic of Aquarius says that these men love to submit to women in bed. And having committed themselves to marriage, they will begin to realize their fantasies exclusively in the marital bed.

However, Aquarius will only connect himself with a woman who is capable of becoming his friend and like-minded person. The wives of Aquarius must share their opinion in everything, only then can we talk about a strong and long-lasting union.

An Aquarius man needs care and comfort, so they get married quite early. At the same time, the memory of first love will forever remain in the heart of an Aquarius romantic.

Aquarius - characteristics of the zodiac sign

Aquarius fearlessly meets changes, does not hold on to what is no longer relevant, does not try to return what is irretrievably lost. This person lives one day at a time and goes with the flow, adapting to circumstances. Aquarius solves problems as they arise; he loves when his soul is light and does not burden himself with far-fetched fears.

The representative of this zodiac sign is optimistic and does not complicate his life. Aquarius knows how to simplify the most complex tasks, and in this he resembles Libra, but unlike the latter, he prefers to cope with his difficulties himself. Aquarius is not one of those people who believe that those around them owe them something, so they try not to bother them unless absolutely necessary.

Aquarius is a talented person. He can skillfully combine his main occupation with creativity, while having income on both sides. Throughout his life, this person acquires new knowledge, improves his skills and does not stop there. He succeeds in any job because he follows the development of new technologies and does not miss profitable opportunities.

Character Weaknesses

Aquarius is not the most responsible sign of the zodiac. He is punctual and attentive only when he is interested in something at the moment, but he is not interested in future prospects. Wanting to get everything at once, Aquarius does not want to waste time on long-term training, which will guarantee him stability and a decent standard of living in the future. He is not interested in investing energy in a business that requires initial costs, but then will pay for itself. Aquarius is a short-sighted person; he does not care about his future life, which he often regrets later.

Aquarius is prone to laziness; he does not approach problems thoroughly, preferring not to waste time, but to create comfort (domestic or psychological) for himself in the very near future. If he repairs something, he does it hastily; if his relationship with a loved one has reached a dead end, he may make a promise that is obviously impossible to fulfill, just to avoid conflict right now. He treats finances in exactly the same way - he spends a month's salary in a few days, and then thinks about who to borrow from in order to survive until the next one. Considering the fact that he rarely stays in one job for long, his income is unstable, and he chalks up what is happening to bad luck.

In personal life

Aquarius is amorous and acts according to the call of his heart. If he is very passionate about someone, then, regardless of the accompanying circumstances, he will do everything in order to be together with his chosen one. It is very good if there are no obstacles to this relationship, but if there are, Aquarius will go ahead, but will not miss the opportunity for personal happiness. There are no barriers to love for him; neither a different worldview with his beloved nor generally accepted moral standards will stop him. Aquarius more often than representatives of other zodiac signs falls into a love triangle, and the third angle, as a rule, turns out to be himself. The situation is complicated by the fact that he does not spend time getting to know his lover properly before committing his life to him. As a result, after a short period of time it may become clear that the established couple does not have a common language, time and other opportunities have been missed, and in the soul of Aquarius there is complete chaos and indignation.

For a happy life, Aquarius needs a more serious person, preferably older in age, or with unsuccessful experience of love relationships in the past. In such a situation, the lightness of character of the representative of the air element, his love of life and ability to sincerely admire his lover will be appreciated.

See the compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs:

Aquarius man

Aquarius is a very extraordinary person, and even those people who have known him all their lives cannot say that they know him well. Outwardly, he looks sociable and positive, knows how to carry on any conversation, easily finds an approach to people, and often avoids conflict situations thanks to humor. However, his inner world is closed to everyone. Aquarius can hardly be called distrustful and suspicious, he is simply not the kind of man who likes to discuss his troubles and complain about life. Firstly, he does not want to show his weaknesses to anyone, and secondly, it seems to him that such conversations are not interesting to anyone. In fact, he often refuses the help of those to whom he is dear, which greatly upsets them, but Aquarius believes that he did the right thing by protecting them from his problems.

The Aquarius man seems to be attracted to danger. He often gets involved in dubious adventures, surrounds himself with suspicious individuals, and takes unnecessary risks. Aquarius ranks first in criminal tendencies, but this is purely about statistics. Not all representatives of this zodiac sign have such problems, but what really unites them is the solution to any issues in a strange, ornate way, and often bypassing the law.

Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is unusually attractive to men, and this is not expressed in a flashy appearance or in coquetry. She is the earthly likeness of the fairy-tale Snow Queen - mysterious, elusive, with self-esteem, but somewhat cold. A representative of the air element knows how to charm the men she likes, and at the same time make the situation appear as if the initiative for rapprochement did not come from her. She will never seek the favor of a person who is not interested in her, and if reciprocity is evident, then no obstacles will force her to stop.

The Aquarius woman is not one of those who surrounds her loved ones with touching care. She does what she must, but does not sacrifice her personal interests. In her relationship with her husband and children, her first priority is establishing psychological contact, and only then the everyday side of life. The Aquarius woman is understanding, forgiving, and able to forgive people for their weaknesses. It’s nice to communicate with her, but she will keep the most intimate things to herself. Like the Aquarius man, she does not burden anyone with her problems regarding both her financial situation and her state of mind.

zodiac sign Aquarius brief description

People born under the sign of Aquarius are particularly sensitive and vulnerable. They may be surrounded by acquaintances, but rarely have close friends whom they can confide in. It is interesting that Aquarians, like a magnet, attract unbalanced people who are prone to rash actions. But, since Aquarians prefer to choose friends, as well as enemies, once and for all, they do not exclude such acquaintances from their social circle.

Aquarians are generally very friendly, sometimes to the point of intrusiveness. However, even those of them who are completely devoid of tact can be explained what rules in communication should be followed. Aquarians are generally one of those people who rarely change their minds, but give in to persuasion. However, this feature should not be abused: if Aquarius considers himself offended or disadvantaged, he will almost always take revenge, even at the risk of harming himself.

Aquarius is distinguished by truly boundless curiosity and the ability to be interested in any aspect of life. This, however, prevents them from focusing on one thing, and usually Aquarius comes across as a charming sloth, although he manages to do a lot of small things during the day. The ability to learn new things makes many of Aquarius geniuses, but, unfortunately, it has the most detrimental effect on the psyche of others - the number of mentally ill people among people of this sign is very high.

Aquarius men usually manage to combine a romantic view of the world with realism. They are capable of unpredictable actions, but they try not to expose themselves and others to danger. They are endowed with curiosity and tirelessness in learning about the world, as well as sentimentality.

Aquarius women are distinguished by their visual attractiveness, they are not afraid to be extravagant and look provocative. At the same time, they are erudite, smart, attentive, and tend to make decisions on their own, ignoring advice. The Aquarius woman always acts in her own way, but prefers not to be responsible for it.

Charles Talleyrand, Galileo Galilei, George Byron, Charles Darwin, Francis Bacon, James Joyce, Robert Boyle, Dmitri Mendeleev, Ramakrishna, Grigory Rasputin, Georges Simenon, Fyodor Chaliapin, Kliment Voroshilov, Abraham Lincoln, Boris Yeltsin, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Saltykov- Shchedrin, Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, Mikhail Prishvin, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Pierre Beaumarchais, Francois Rabelais, Bertolt Brecht, Wolfgang Mozart, Isaac Dunaevsky, Ernst Hoffmann, Felix Mendelssohn, Mikhail Frunze, Valery Chkalov, Alexander Matrosov, Sidney Sheldon, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Otar Ioseliani, Paco Rabanne, Savva Morozov, Andre Citroen, Edouard Manet, Lev Landau, Sergei Eisenstein, William Maugham, Arkady Gaidar, Alexander Men, Lewis Carroll, Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Vysotsky, Mikhail Baryshnikov, John Travolta, Leonid Yarmolnik, Boris Berezovsky , Yuri Bashmet, Lev Leshchenko, Vanga, John Belushi, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Dieter Bohlen, Leonid Parfenov, Yoko Ono, Irina Muravyova, Marat Safin, Olga Kabo, Alexey Eksler, Dmitry Malikov, Kitaro, Alice Cooper, Sergei Penkin, Artemy Lebedev, Arkady Ukupnik.

Zodiac sign Aquarius: characteristics of the zodiac sign

January 21 – February 21

According to the characteristics of the Aquarius sign, they are purposeful and creative people. Having entered their phase, Aquarius personifies revolutionary transformations on planet Earth. This time is a symbol of abandonment of everyday life, the energy of the soul and mind is exalted and transformed into something new and unusual. The sign of Aquarius has also found itself in an unusual symbol, which is more reminiscent of a current than sea waves.

All about the sign Zodiac sign Aquarius

Zodiac sign Aquarius: brief characteristics of the zodiac sign

Characteristics of the sign Aquarius woman and man

The constellation Aquarius is a complex figure consisting of many elements, among which there are no bright stars. In various images of this sign you can see a young man with a bowl or vessel from which he pours water - Aquarius.

The embodiment of mental effort is the mysterious and thinking zodiac sign Aquarius, a man representing his human nature. Among the other signs of the Zodiac, he took a special place during the transition of the circle into a spiral, which means a readiness to follow the spiral and develop the divine powers of the spirit.

Zodiac sign Aquarius: key characteristics

Positive qualities of Aquarius

The positive qualities of Aquarius allow him to realize his potential, which for representatives of this sign seems to be the meaning of life. Thanks to love of freedom, progressiveness, determination, idealism, loyalty and impartiality, Aquarius is able to move forward, stopping at nothing. And a creative approach, originality, interest, dreaminess, and open-mindedness will open up new facets of self-realization for him. His tirelessness in work, sociability and seriousness will allow him to draw everyone's attention to Aquarius. Confidently taking steps in the area chosen for development, Aquarius remains friendly, loyal, inquisitive and natural.

Negative qualities of Aquarius

Among the main negative qualities of Aquarius are willfulness, stubbornness, uncontrollability, and eccentricity. Their rebellious spirit, which they are ready to demonstrate in case of disagreement with public opinion, can also serve as a brake on their work. Due to uncertainty, irresponsibility, and wastefulness, they are able to drive themselves into a dead end. Their excessive hyperactivity in an effort to show their zest and uniqueness can also turn others against Aquarius. They also suffer from a lack of control over the situation and gaps in the management system.

We present to you a circle of 12 zodiac signs.

Zodiac sign Aquarius: love compatibility horoscope

  • Compatibility:

Aquarius and Aries

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Taurus

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Gemini

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Cancer

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Leo

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Virgo

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Libra

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Scorpio

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Sagittarius

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Capricorn

  • Compatibility:

    Aquarius and Aquarius

  • Compatibility:

    Personal zodiac horoscopes

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  • Aquarius zodiac sign characteristics: zodiac sign Aquarius man; zodiac sign Aquarius woman; Aquarius-child; health; Druid horoscope

    Aquarius – those born on January 20 (21). to 18(19).02. – patronizes Uranus; their metals are lead and titanium; talisman - icon, colors - lilac, blue-green, violet, gray; black – not recommended.

    The element of Aquarius is air, and all atmospheric layers at once. Therefore, the circles of interests of these people include both something completely earthly and something transcendentally sublime. “You can only breathe in the wind,” this phrase is quite in the spirit of Aquarius: wide open windows, rarefied mountain air, speed - this is his world. In the epicenter of a terrible tornado, he is able to remain completely calm. And in a stuffy, albeit cozy, room, you’ll get bored and at the same time, it’ll blow your mind.

    Aquarians are sociable, inventive, have an original sense of humor, intelligence, intuition, sometimes reaching the point of insight.

    They are very sensitive and vulnerable. They have a lot of acquaintances, but rarely have close friends. In general, Aquarians are very friendly, even sometimes to the point of intrusiveness.

    Aquarians rarely change their minds, but they succumb to persuasion.

    This should not be abused: if they feel slighted or offended, Aquarians will always take revenge. Only strong moral convictions can keep them from this, if, of course, such have been instilled.

    Aquarians are infinitely curious, interested in all aspects of life. Perhaps this makes it difficult to concentrate on something single, and Aquarius may give the impression of a charming lazy person, but in reality he manages to do many things in a day.

    Aquarius is a very active sign, easily excitable, often loses self-control, experiences minor incidents for a long time, sensitivity makes him touchy and vindictive. However, in general, Aquarians are kind and peaceful.

    They often do charity work; it is easier for them to do good to someone than to themselves.

    Zodiac sign Aquarius man

    It is impossible to force Aquarius not to do as he wants. The most important feature of this sign is self-expression, and as a result, originality of thinking. Usually he easily finds opportunities to use his talents and is prone to creativity.

    Aquarians are independent individuals, more often optimists, but they are greatly unsettled by self-examination.

    They have an inventive character that does not fit into the general framework, they are eccentric, willfully express their special taste, and always choose their own path. Many Aquarians have high spiritual needs, they are idealistic and compassionate. There are many dreamers and “eccentrics” among them. Basically, Aquarians are philanthropic people, loyal to friendship.

    They are educated, reasonable, think logically, and adapt well to different conditions.

    The Aquarius zodiac sign man perfectly combines realism with a romantic view of the world. Capable of unpredictable actions, but does not want to once again expose anyone to danger, including himself.

    When taking a serious risk or making an important decision, there is usually an option to retreat. Curious, sentimental, tireless in learning about the world.

    Zodiac sign Aquarius woman

    Women of this sign are quite attractive in appearance and are not afraid to look extravagant or even provocative. They are smart, erudite, attentive. Solutions take on their own, ignoring advice.

    They always act in their own way, however, they do not want to be responsible for it.

    The Aquarius woman is very sociable, loves to be surrounded by attention, admiration, wants to be liked, loves to have fun.

    She is vain, purposeful, her creative nature always strives for perfection, so she is very demanding - both of herself and of others.

    The zodiac sign Aquarius woman is an ideal partner for a moderate, reserved man. Infidelity in marriage on her part is virtually excluded. Favorite activities in the family are running the house and receiving guests.

    The Aquarius woman has a clearly defined sexual personality and will protest against attempts to reduce the importance of sex in her life. And it can do a lot. But it’s not worth demanding something that, in her understanding, is impossible.

    The embodiment of the soul of Aquarius women is the flowers of immortelle and eucalyptus.

    Aquarius child

    Already in childhood, Aquarians show a wayward character; they respond to orders and requests with categorical refusals, acting in their own way. But if they respect the wishes of their child, parents can “agree” with him - these children compromise quite easily.

    Aquarius babies seem sweet and calm, but when they are in a particular mood, everything turns upside down.

    These are incredible dreamers. If they want to become someone, then they don’t think about “boring” professions: ballet, leadership of the country, ichthyology, oceanography, archeology - these are their dreams.

    Raising and training these little geniuses is a complex and responsible task; their mind combines keen intuition, pragmatism, and amazing logic. At the same time, Aquarius children are very absent-minded and contradictory.

    Aquarius children have special abilities, but discovering the direction of their talent is not easy. After all, Aquarians often don’t even realize what elusive inspiration guides the brush in their hand, helps them solve the most complex mathematics problems, or whispers rhyming lines.

    These are inventors who come up with absolutely stunning ideas a day. The whole problem is in the implementation. Aquarius needs perseverance, adequate self-esteem, and determination. And then all brilliant thoughts can be embodied.

    Young Aquarians love nature, but they need to be forced to walk and move more; daydreaming can develop into inertia.

    Aquarians are very impressionable and restless. Parents are obliged to provide a favorable moral environment in the house, otherwise the Aquarius child may get sick.

    During adolescence, they even begin to write poetry, becoming romantics. Young Aquarians are sincere humanists; it is necessary to protect these qualities in your child.

    Aquarius Health

    Aquarians do not shine with special health. They spend their already meager strength too wastefully, even in their early youth they experienced chronic fatigue, increased fatigue and insomnia. Aquarians feel bad in a polluted atmosphere, cold, or noisy conditions.

    Carried away by a new idea, Aquarians tend to forget about health; they rarely care. Stomach problems appear, aggravated by diets not approved by a doctor.

    Aquarians are generally distrustful of doctors. Maybe that’s why they tend to try controversial, risky methods for treatment. They would rather suffer and worry than go to the doctor.

    Characteristic: blood diseases, varicose veins, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, vision diseases.

    Aquarius is recommended to sleep well, and persistently, more than any other sign, to engage in active sports. Aquarians are obliged to take care. Silence and loneliness are shown; herb marjoram, soda, phosphorus, homeopathic witch hazel.

    The effect of magnetism and other non-traditional types of treatment is good.

    Stones: amulets, talismans

    Pearl (longevity, beauty, youth; elixir of magical power, fertility; symbol of power, wisdom; for women - a stone of happiness, sweet dreams, symbol of prosperity, marriage, well-being; promotes clairvoyance, protects from the evil eye, gives the ability to think objectively, strengthens fidelity in feelings; how a talisman pacifies pride and vanity, helps establish close relationships with people, and brings down arrogance; considered a powerful talisman stone against all danger).

    Nephritis best stone for Aquarius (strength, longevity, ; stone of Heaven and Earth, Wisdom and Eternity; stone of virtue, symbol of honesty, humanity, fidelity; amulet-symbol of purity, perfection; jade talisman drives away failures, misfortunes, helps single people; symbol of intelligence, talisman of scientists; a ring with white jade brings success in the profession, protects the family; jade amulets are good for warriors: they give the desire to win, courage, protect from injury; jade is a stone of change, helps to get out of life’s dead ends).

    Obsidian (a cleansing stone, strengthens the immune system, resolves “energy jams”; absorbs bad intentions: an amulet that helps to realize weaknesses, thereby protecting against bad deeds; black obsidian conducts the energy of the Earth into the human body; people wearing an obsidian amulet change they are not afraid, they are always ready to accept a new view of the world).

    Aquarius zodiac sign characteristics:

    Druid horoscope

    12.01.-24.01. – elm (in the article about);

    25.01.-03.02. – cypress (elegant, slender, strong; quickly achieves independence; is satisfied with little; not vain, to be happy is his desire; avoids problems; loves animals, fishing, walking, hunting; tries to be in a large family, friendly company; not sentimental, stern, but calm, not devoid of soulfulness, his presence pacifies; loves to dream, and not organize life; very faithful - to friendship, love, memories; intelligent, intelligent, thoughtful judgments; analytical mind);

    04.02.-08.02. – poplar (slim, handsome; afraid of old age; pessimistic; not every place and environment suits him; sometimes he is touched by himself, but hides it; pride, courage help to cope with difficulties; seems cheerful, calm; not materialistic, altruistic; in love, every little thing brings out him out of balance; in marriage - difficult: sensitive and independent, in conflicts his weapon is indifference and a smile, can act hostile; tendency to neurasthenia; innate subtle mind, insight, fantasy, independence);

    09.02.-18.02. – map (handsome, respectable; good health; can endure different conditions; confident, dynamic, forces one to reckon with oneself, does not tolerate jokes about oneself; solves the most complex issues brilliantly; improvident, proud, straightforward, proud, incorrigible optimist, which is why he is careless; independent, but is inclined to succumb to influence, manipulation; however, he himself is also able to influence, has a stimulating effect, is persistent; sentimental, can become attached forever; prone to artistry, intelligent; prone to adventure, impulsive; prone to deduction).

    Personalities: Galileo Galilei, Marat Safin, Fyodor Chaliapin, George Byron, Francis Bacon, Leonid Parfenov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Charles Dickens, Grigory Rasputin, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Matrosov, Jules Verne, Wolfgang Mozart, Olga Kabo, Isaac Dunaevsky, Mikhail Prishvin, Andre Citroen , Irina Muravyova, Eduard Manet, Sergei Penkin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Lev Landau, Valery Chkalov, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Sergei Eisenstein, Lewis Carroll, John Travolta, Vanga, Leonid Yarmolnik, Yuri Bashmet, Georges Simenon, Lev Leshchenko, John Belushi, Dieter Bohlen.

    Orthodox names: John, George, Gregory, Philip, Peter, Paul, Michael, Savva, Jacob, Sergius, Mark, Benjamin, Elijah, Gabriel, Maxim, Anthony, Athanasius, Cyril, Fedor, Lavrenty, Eugene, Valerian, Timofey, Leonty, Gennady, Vladimir, Arkady, Roman, Vasily, Ippolit, Nikita, Victor, Claudius, Nikolai, Yuri, Julian, Tatyana, Nina, Maria, Inna, Pinna, Rimma, Agnia, Ksenia, Anna, Christina.

    Aquarius They are capable of becoming talented organizers, leaders and teachers, and achieving any goals if they cope with their internal weaknesses - the tendency and desire to dig deep into themselves and try to understand everything. You need to think less and trust your developed instinct more and learn to rest well and be less sensitive to problems.

    These are only general characteristics of Aquarius, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

    Characteristics of the sign

    Previously ruled by Saturn, currently, as astrologers believe, by Uranus.
    Among the Sumerians it was one of the deified constellations, representing their god An, who shed the waters of immortality on the earth.
    The Greek mathematician Ptolemy, who lived in Egypt, named this constellation Aquarius. Early civilizations associated Aquarius with the rainy season. The symbol of curved lines is believed to have originated in Egypt, representing the flow of water, possibly the flow of the Nile.
    Philanthropy, independence, originality. The symbol of those born under the sign of brotherhood is the water carrier, which generously shares life-giving moisture with people. A friend of Aquarius can be confident in his loyalty. Being a permanent sign, he is distinguished by an eccentric temperament, determination, and stubbornness.

    It seems to him that people do not understand his ideas, and he feels offended, as a result he quarrels and behaves defiantly. Rejects those who have not reached his intellectual level.
    He is not a snob, but he hates cheap imitation and flattery. Gains confidence from communicating with others. It's never lonely. The group instinct leads him to people if they themselves do not go to him. Aquarius starts friendships with people of both sexes and does not stop them even after marriage.
    Loves nature, but prefers to be in comfort. Loves material goods, but is not greedy. He is more interested in sports as a spectator. Interests lie in the spiritual area. He has a developed intellect and prefers spiritually deep communication.

    Aquarius women tend to exaggerate their difficulties. However, they are forgiven for this - they are very attractive. The deliberate calm of Aquarius is deceptive. He takes his work seriously, and because of this he is anxious, nervous and often feels completely overwhelmed. He works better in a team or in conditions where the work is aimed at achieving high goals. In work of this kind, his excellent memory, intuition, knowledge, love of freedom and humanity will be revealed. His charm, attention and empathy earn him the respect and trust of others. His motto is "I know."
    Best paired with: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
    Average compatibility with: Aries, Cancer, Virgo
    Least compatible with: Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn
    Born under this sign: Galileo, Edison, Burns, Byron, Mozart, Schubert, Lincoln, Maugham, J. Verne, Roosevelt, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, R. Reagan, B. Yeltsin.

    Were you born under the sign of Aquarius?
    Then be sure to watch this video

    Children's horoscope

    Those born under the sign of Aquarius are similar to children whose air sign is Gemini. And everything that is written about Gemini, for the most part, also applies to Aquarius. They have the same active mind that needs constant intellectual food. When solving a problem or exploring a problem, these children, in addition to the beaten track, want to try everything possible, including their own original methods, to achieve the goal. Aquarians easily and quietly absorb any knowledge, facts, information. It seems that knowledge itself is born in them and they are not able to explain it. Unlike Gemini, Aquarius is quite persistent in achieving their goal. If Aquarius is interested in something, he will see it through to the end and give it up if interest is lost.

    Aquarians rarely have problems with studies. True, they have a curious feature: they can learn lessons and generally acquire new knowledge only in complete solitude. Therefore, it is advisable that your child has, if not a room, then at least a fairly secluded corner in the house. Sometimes it seems that a child has a bad memory. This is not true, your child perfectly remembers what interests him. If he is not interested, he will show amazing forgetfulness. These children are capable of the arts. A broad liberal arts education suits them. But they are also capable of exact sciences. Most people born under this sign have literary or scientific talent, therefore, with appropriate training and knowledge, they make good journalists and scientists. In general, they can express themselves in any creative activity.
    The Aquarius child is extremely shy and timid. It's hard to believe, but it's true: he can grow into a sociable adult who will often be the life of the party.

    Unfortunately, these children are most often indifferent to sports. Parents should make an effort to ensure that their child still spends enough time doing physical activity in the fresh air. Mountain air is especially beneficial.
    If a child spends all his free time reading books or daydreaming about who knows what, this will have a bad effect on his health, and he may grow up frail and weak. Traditional fairy tales leave him indifferent. He is generally indifferent to traditions. Miracles attract his attention, especially if it happens on other planets. His favorite reading is science fiction literature.
    The overall vitality of Aquarius is very moderate. He has a tendency to the following diseases: anemia, anemia, poisoning, ankle problems, varicose veins and, of course, nervous diseases, like all air signs. Parents should ensure that their child’s food contains enough iron and vitamins.
    Quarrels and conflicts in the family between adults have an extremely harmful effect on the child. The proximity of mentally unbalanced or nervous people is harmful.

    It may seem that Aquarius is not emotionally involved if adults are quarreling next to him, but in fact this has a destructive effect on his nervous system. Parents should also make sure that the child does not end up in the company of unbalanced peers who have a bad influence on his state of mind. Mental fatigue can lead to nervous tension, headaches, indigestion, and insomnia. The best remedy against this is a calm environment and exercise in the fresh air, away from the noisy city.
    During school and adolescence, your Aquarius baby may sometimes cause you concern with his unusual and even extravagant behavior. He may suddenly begin to dress in strange clothes and behave strangely. Don't take this desire of his to heart. In adolescence and especially adolescence, Aquarians love to shock others. Don’t feed them bread, but let them surprise or outrage someone. If the effect is achieved, Aquarius is pleased, although in fact there was no serious platform behind his behavior. Sometimes his behavior is tactless. Tell him about it. Aquarians listen to the opinion of the one they like, and for the sake of peace and tranquility they are ready to make concessions.

    Aquarians usually don't have problems with friends. Peers are drawn to them because they are interesting. Aquarians themselves are sometimes characterized by extreme ethical assessments. It would be nice to enlighten Aquarius that people are not divided only into good and bad, they are much more complex.

    What is contraindicated for your child?
    Disharmonious environment: quarrels, conflicts, proximity of unbalanced people. Don't quarrel with him if he shows stubbornness or anger. Leave him alone, after a while he will forget about it. Don't react too violently to his extravagant antics, it's not serious, he just wants to be different from others.

    What does your child need?
    In mental food. In the fresh air, playing sports. In a separate space where he will have enough privacy, which he loves so much. Make sure there is enough iron and vitamins in his diet

    Temperament and character

    There are weak and strong Aquarians. In general, this is a combination of an angel and a devil.
    They hate theatricality, they don’t want to produce effect, they don’t want to be impressive, but they don’t mind shocking. They want to do something nice, but mostly for themselves. They are alien to conventions in relation to themselves, but old-fashioned in family matters. They don’t want to be like anyone, they don’t want everyone to love them, they want to be free from the burden of the material world, but they strive for power, position, prestige.

    They are curious, they are attracted to everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves at anything. They are contemplative of life, but can also be generous in spirit. There may be something subtle, gentle, smooth about Aquarius.
    They fluctuate between instincts and reason. They can be almost strangers to their own emotions.
    Many are religious, mystical, understand nature, vegetarians, full of good intentions towards everyone, they do not know hatred. They are polite, simple, some are trusting, sometimes too much. They are undiscerning, a little naive, they lack a sense of remorse, guilt, others, on the contrary, restrain their sensitivity, seclude themselves on every mistake, focus their intuition on the future, and achieve the highest goals. They want to be not only equal, but also superior, they resist if they are told what to do or restrained, they can become jealous, unfriendly, insensitive, imprudent, putting forward the slogan: “do as I say, and not as I do.”

    Taste for clothes is varied and contradictory. Women prefer originality to everything. Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of jewelry or embellishment through subtle color selection. Some take originality to the point of extravagance and eccentricity, looking for something rare, unique, even shocking and even scandalous; there are also trendy ones.

    Psychosexual characteristics

    Aquarians are excited by everything new, so they look for new interesting people, want to touch and hold with different bodies. They are stimulated by variety in sex. Partners, but for them this is not sexual immorality, but Aquarius life. The sign of Aquarius contains an internal conflict, because... he is a permanent sign, he wants to strengthen his status quo, on the other hand, he craves change. Therefore, they often come into conflict in various relationships. They hesitate about getting married, and don't get married as much as possible.
    Their attraction to humanity as a whole is very great, but they still choose one as their spouse for life. Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is the first to try to free itself from social and parental instructions; they enjoy resistance and rebellion.

    Non-sexual maneuvers
    In general, Aquarius is not skilled in non-sexual maneuvers. They are usually very sincere in their desires and goals, and are often subject to injustice. They are easy to get the better of in this regard.
    In personal matters, they speak openly about their intentions and too often their sincerity fails them. Aquarians are usually happy people and are often rewarded for their originality, despite the fact that other people often get the better of them.

    How to satisfy an Aquarius
    Never disrespect the intelligence and individuality of an Aquarius, or let him think that he is a mere tool for your pleasure. He won't tolerate this. Don't invite an Aquarius to spend one night with you - they will refuse, they need to get to know their partner.
    Remember: Aquarius rules the house of friendship and believes that the result of sexual intercourse is the acquisition of a new friend.
    Since they are curious, most of them want to have contact with everyone, to learn personally all forms of sexual experiences, and many Aquarians will try everything at least once. People who enter into relationships with Aquarians must remember that they consider themselves different from others. The way it is. He does not fit into the allotted framework, he rebels faster than people of other signs, long-term sexual relationships with him are not possible, because... after a month of intimate relationships, Aquarius’ lover will become his best friend, and then his beloved person. Aquarius will rarely leave the same friend sitting at home; when he himself goes in search of a new lover, they go together.

    Positive features
    Aquarius is a kind, gentle sign, ready to help. They are especially pleased when people turn to them for advice and they are one of the best advisers. They are modest and rarely try to gain an advantage over their comrades.
    In love they are very faithful and spiritually devoted, but they are always a little reserved and do not like to show their emotions.
    Uranus is a powerful friend of Aquarius and often influences his choice of profession; in general, Aquarius is a positive sign, 80% of famous people were born under this sign. So happy are those who communicate with him, who were born under this sign because... Aquarius instills hope and courage in them.
    Because Aquarius rules the house of friendship - he is a master of personal relationships, his devotion knows no bounds.

    Negative traits
    The main threat to the success of Aquarius is their tendency to waste their abilities on trying to take a prominent position in society; they talk a lot about the future, but their ideas do not always become reality. Because of their desire to do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences or other people's opinions, people will judge them by their appearance and will not be able to see their sincerity and other virtues, a wise Aquarius will do well if he understands that he is more likely to achieve his goals, if he acts within conventional limits, even if it is a temporary compromise, he is in danger of becoming superficial, he demands from people an extraordinary combination of virtues, especially in the intellectual field, but if he does not find this, then he can lower his demands and be "together with everyone." They shouldn't do this: it would be better for them to move on and find new, smarter friends.

    Economics of love
    I'm afraid Aquarius is the biggest loser in the economy of love. In fact, the average Aquarius tends to shy away from all matters concerning the economy. They are too busy with human values, the mysteries of human existence, the world of the soul and mind, to even notice that most people are kneeling before the golden calf.
    Because Aquarius knows how to adapt to people below him. In order to achieve a sense of belonging, they often settle for what they have on hand at the moment, rather than being more choosy. In other words, they rarely struggle to achieve economic power to buy love and sex.
    The naive Aquarius allows his nobility to go to such an extreme that as a result he is left without any means of subsistence.
    But not all people of this sign are such carefree philanthropists, Aquarius is a permanent sign and intends to achieve its goals. Few of the people of this sign can fail to come to the rescue when they are called and therefore they are considered simpletons, but despite this, they will always have a wealth of soul and mind.

    Most suitable partners
    Until the age of 29.5, they need to look for the most suitable partners among the signs of Gemini and Libra. All three are air signs, their relationships are fragile and changeable. Gemini offers intellectual stimulation and fun camaraderie, while Libra offers balance and harmony.
    After 29.5 years they are more interested in practical earthly life, and then they are often compatible with the signs of Virgo and Aries. Virgo's keen mind and ability to work tirelessly can help Aquarius enter the realm of practicality. Aries offers Aquarius fiery ambition and serves as a good example of his Self.
    After 41.5 years, Aquarius acquires a positive direction in his personal life and work, and he is ready to join high society. At this time, he is very compatible with his opposite sign - Leo, who has also already begun to go in this direction. If previous relationships between Aquarius and Leo were unsuccessful, our matured Aquarians can try again, because... by this time they have become more diplomatic and know what can and cannot be expected from Leo.

    Fidelity Score
    Aquarius is very faithful in all areas of human relationships. This is a permanent sign and these people feel best when they see familiar faces and places around them.
    In his youth, Aquarius is a devoted and trusting friend; he usually carries his friendship into old age.
    What about marriage? Well, first try to force him to marry at all. But when he finally gets married, he is faithful to the end, in his own way, maybe not always romantically, but always consistently, calmly and a little reserved.

    Questions for Aquarius
    Why don't you rebel against the system, why are you so disorganized and lacking in strategy? Now you are the first and center sign, all attention is on you. Never before has humanity been so dependent on you. The dawn of your age is rising - the age of Aquarius. Don't let humanity down.

    Erotic horoscope

    There are always many guests in her house who are attracted by the intelligence, charm, and sociability of the hostess. However, this does not mean that she is also diverse in intimate relationships. Being a good wife, skillfully running the house, she transfers her love for regularity and order to the bedroom. Seduced by her external charm, the man strives for her in search of new sensations. But after intimacy, only the flickering of candles and freshly ironed sheets remain in her memory. She is not familiar with violent eroticism, and she doesn’t need it, since she sees the joy of life in a cheerful company and interesting communication. And although her desire to please makes her husband jealous, he can be calm - she will remain faithful to him. Aquarius is an excellent partner for a man with a weak temperament, looking not so much for sex as for peace and attention.

    For a temperamental woman, this is most likely “not a gift.” His sexual sphere is small and is located somewhere in the outskirts of his soul. Erotic claims are minimal and he makes do with rare relationships in which he is attracted not so much by physical pleasure as by the very fact of owning a beautiful woman. Her temperament and experience are completely indifferent to him. In many ways, his sexual behavior is determined by conversations with friends and books. During intimacy, he calmly and willingly submits to the woman, because he is simply not ready for another role. In marriage, he does not allow infidelity, since his head is full of work and family matters. Despite this, his wife cannot be called happy, since he gives her very little sensual pleasure. However, he is quite suitable for women with a sluggish temperament, since in the rest of his life he is an interesting and gifted person, a faithful comrade and assistant.


    Emotionally, Aquarius reveals itself in a complex way; his sensuality merges with his own imagination. They like to dream about the unusual, especially in their youth, they surround the object of love with a mystical aura that rarely corresponds to reality, in other words, they often idealize the chosen one, then they become disappointed and abandon love in the name of friendship.
    Some settle for “relative” happiness, in which old sentimental traits play a subordinate role. Others hide their inner vulnerability under a layer of ice mixed with brilliant cruelty, some may even become cynical, detached, deliberately unpleasant, disgusting, but this is rarely the case.
    The thirst for prestige is a trap for Aquarius. The idea that they can be easily affected by life, especially love, is an illusion. Passion may pass through them, but it will not destroy their hearts.

    They invariably return to the purity of their source (Aquarius) - friendship and chosen affections. They rarely have hatred, even less so than Gemini and Libra. A relationship where they are a “bird in a cage” is unbearable for them.
    Aquarians rarely wear wedding rings. If they are enslaved by relationships, they only think about liberation, which they prepare in silence. Aquarians have the highest divorce rate. They are more willing to give themselves to a company than to one person. They can give more to strangers than to members of their own family.

    Women can be intractable in matters of love, they do not pay attention to public opinion, religion, nationality, just like men, they want freedom. They are extremely feminine and sensual. If a man disappoints, then their ardor decreases and may disappear altogether, but if he is trying to restore a good opinion of himself, a woman will do everything possible to help him until she puts him on a pedestal.
    Lesson for Aquarius: Don't sacrifice love for friendship. For marriage, friendship and cooperation, Aquarius needs to look for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. Avoid Taurus and Scorpio


    Aquarius does not have a specific appearance; the following characteristics cannot be attributed to him absolutely. The face is an elongated triangle, pointed towards the bottom, a prominent forehead, large, quick eyes, often beautiful, with a lively interested expression, transparent skin, easily susceptible to rashes and pimples. Subtle facial features. Ideally, the face of an angel with a lively youthful expression, a soft voice, clear speech, a slender, fragile, graceful body, a frank, persistent handshake. The overall impression is lightness and grace.

    Aquarius is a difficult patient, they quickly become bored with treatment, and after a day or two they abandon it. They expect amazing success and are prone to radical means, constantly transitioning from fasting to overeating, from rest to vigorous activity. Their illnesses are unexpected and severe, often aggravated by insomnia.
    Weak points - calves, ankles, easily broken and stretched. Blood metabolism may be disrupted. They often feel sick in the heat, have increased acidity, sclerosis, digestive tract problems, and serious infections.
    Preventive measures: vitamins, fresh air, not too sedentary lifestyle. Frequent blood tests force them to do what is good for them. Outdoor games and walks with friends are useful for a change of scenery.

    Gastronomic horoscope

    The sign is multifaceted. Progressive and independent. They live by those commandments that they consider to be the highest. They show an example of humanity, help, mercy in everything and to everyone, which is what brings them down. Thinking about others, AQUARIUS often forgets about himself, and his imbalance can lead to nervous breakdowns. It is prone to blood circulation disorders, so sodium chloride, magnesium phosphate, as well as iron and calcium are needed in the daily diet.
    Recommendations. Avoid canned food and any “chemicals”, as well as butter, soft drinks, cakes and pastries. It is better to reduce the amount of bread, pasta and rice. Replace sugar with honey and salt with aromatic herbs. Avoid strong alcoholic drinks and nicotine. AQUARIUS is recommended to follow a vegetarian diet. Pomegranates and apples are very useful fruits.

    Your stones


    Color: pink, orange, red, red-brown.
    The mineral is a transparent, manganese-containing jewelry variety of zircon.
    Correspondence to the Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
    It is recommended to wear in a state of sadness and grief, hyacinth will soften these feelings. It is not recommended to be worn by unmarried people, because... the stone will repel all admirers and admirers.

    It is recommended to purchase on the sixth day of the lunar month.
    Properties of the stone. Protects from the evil eye, evil spirits and nightmares. Drives away melancholy and prevents hallucinations. Improves appetite and facilitates digestion. Induces sleep and protects from lightning strikes. In women, it prevents conception and inhibits hair growth on hidden parts of the body. In India, hyacinth is considered a bioenergy concentrate that instills self-confidence in a person and helps to expose deceptions.

    From the history of stone. The name is derived from the Greek "hyakinthos". The first mentions of the stone date back to the fourth century AD. In the Middle Ages in Britain, one of the abbesses of the monastery recommended hyacinth to be enchanted by ghosts. Pope Clement the seventh in 1534, during 14 days of illness, took a “hyacinth” mixture with other 40 different components for 40 thousand gold ducats! According to modern medicine, this is what ensured his transition to another world. In most cases, hyacinth was still used for its intended purpose - for insertion into jewelry.


    Color - white, pale pink, pale blue, pale green.
    A mineral is a round or irregularly shaped formation that occurs when layers of aragonite (calcium carbonate) are deposited around some foreign center, most often a grain of sand, in the cavity of marine and freshwater mollusks that have a shell with an internal nacreous layer.
    Correspondence to the Zodiac sign - Aquarius. Incompatible with the sign of Pisces.
    Jewelers recommend keeping pearls from drying out, wearing them more often and sometimes washing them in warm soapy water.
    Magical astrology recommends immersing pearls in water on the first, second, twenty-eighth and thirtieth days of the lunar month.

    Properties of the stone. Promotes clairvoyance, protects against the evil eye, gives a person the ability to think objectively, not commit rash acts, and strengthens fidelity in love. However, it only helps people who are self-confident and fanatical; it can bring tears and loss of hope to everyone else. Contains the evil power of the Moon and quickly dies if worn on a naked body. It is not recommended to give pearls as gifts.

    From the history of stone. According to legends, some peoples considered pearls to come from dew, which was the tears of the goddess of love. In the states of Mesopotamia and Egypt, pearls were considered the embodiment of the Moon. It is not for nothing that the statues of the goddess of the Moon - Ishtar, Astarte, Isis, and later Aphrodite and Venus - were always decorated with pearls. Homer mentions jewelry with pearls; the Biblical Apocalypse says that the twelve gates of New Jerusalem were made of large pearls. In China, pearls served as amulets against inflammation. There was a belief in the connection between the appearance of pearls and the health of the owner. If the pearl was sick and died, then a similar fate awaited its owner. There is an opinion that Pope Leo the Fourth and Paul the Second died from wearing too many pearls. However, "pearl water", made from pearl powder, fresh lemons, rose water, strawberry tincture, cinnamon, borage flowers, with the addition of a small amount of sugar, was considered a good remedy for high fever or weakness. The largest pearl in the world is considered to be the “Pearl of Allah”, its weight is 6350 g, size 24 by 14 cm, its shape resembles a head in a turban. Since 1934, when it was found, no one has even tried to wear it. The first mentions of pearls in Rus' date back to the tenth century.


    Color - green with various shades from light to dark, less often white, yellowish, various options of gray, blue, black.
    The mineral is a cryptocrystalline variety of minerals of the amphibole group: actinolite and tremolite.
    Correspondence to the zodiac sign is Aquarius.
    It is recommended to purchase white jade on the twenty-third day of the lunar month, black on the twenty-fourth day, and blue on the twenty-sixth day.

    Properties of the stone. Jade strengthens strength, gives longevity, worn as a talisman, wards off failures and misfortunes, and helps lonely people. White jade is medical, indicated for kidney diseases. Blue or green jade conquers evil in a person and forces him to change for the better.

    From the history of stone. It got its name from the Greek “nephros” - “kidney”. Jade has been widely used since ancient times as tools and tools, and later they began to make jewelry from it. In Babylon and Sumer it was considered a magical stone; according to legend, the fertility goddess Ishtar wore it in her belt. In ancient China, jade personified various virtues and was used in rituals serving the gods. The throne of the Chinese emperor was carved from jade, noble people ate from jade dishes, and jade rings served as a symbol of prestige. Many diseases were treated with jade powder in China. Avicenna treated stomach diseases with nephritis. In Central Asia, Tamerlane's grave is covered with a tombstone made of black-green jade, which, according to legend, was supposed to protect it from desecration.

    Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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    Complete general summary horoscope of Aquarius

    Strong planets: Uranus, Saturn, Neptune

    Weak planets: Sun, Pluto

    Symbol: two waves meaning “living” and “dead” water; man pouring water from a jug

    Color: lilac, blue-green, violet

    Metal: lead

    Landscape: forest

    Favorable numbers: 8, 9, 17

    Unfavorable numbers: 1, 10

    Happy Days: Wednesday Saturday

    Characteristics of Aquarius

    Aquarius born in different decades, differ from each other.

    Aquarians born in the first decade - from January 20 to February 1, – are under the influence of Venus. They are gentle, delicate, refined, and love pleasure.

    Important years: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

    Aquarians born in the second decade - from 2 to 12 February, – are under the influence of Mercury. They are smart, proactive, and sociable. They have a need for connections, for change. They love adventure and travel.

    Important years: 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

    Aquarians born in the third decade - from 12 to 18 February, – are under the influence of the Moon. They are modest, sensitive, practical, and easily disappointed.

    Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

    Uranus gives all Aquarians resourcefulness, intelligence, ability to react quickly, wealth of ideas, spontaneity, openness, love of freedom. Thanks to the influence of this planet, Aquarians are perfectly oriented in any unforeseen circumstances, are able to find a way out of a difficult situation, and can make discoveries that are ahead of their time.

    Appearance of Aquarius

    The appearance of Aquarius is characterized by narrow bone, small head with a long neck, beautiful lower legs, graceful nose, protruding ears. Hair is soft and unruly.

    Aquarians look young, their facial expression is pleasant, their voice is soft, their speech is clear and convincing.

    Typically, Aquarians give the impression of lightness, airiness and grace.

    Undesirable sign for Aquarius– wide bone, fused eyebrows.

    Sexual horoscope of Aquarius

    Aquarius – friendly, open, democratic sign. Aquarius men and Aquarius women differ in their approach to sex. He wants more and different sex, but she wants less and simpler sex. But both always promise more than they deliver. Sex is not their strong point. For Aquarius, communication is more important than sex.

    A man born under the sign of Aquarius

    For a temperamental woman, this is most likely not a gift. His sexual sphere is not strong. Erotic claims are minimal, and he makes do with rare relationships in which he is attracted not so much by physical pleasure as by the fact of possessing a woman. Her temperament and experience are indifferent to him. Much of his sexual behavior is shaped by conversations with friends and books he reads. During intimacy, he calmly and willingly submits to the woman, delivering little sensual pleasure. However, he is quite suitable for a woman who is indifferent to sex, since in general he is a gifted and interesting person, a loyal friend and assistant.

    Woman born under the sign of Aquarius

    There are always many guests in her house who are attracted by the intelligence, charm, charm, and sociability of the hostess. However, this does not mean that she is as diverse in intimate relationships. Being a good wife, skillfully running the house, she transfers her love for regularity and order to the bedroom. Seduced by her external charm, the man strives for her in search of new sensations. But after intimacy, one is often left disappointed. This woman’s strong point is not eroticism, she doesn’t need it, she sees the joy of life in a cheerful company, interesting communication. And although her desire to please everyone makes her husband jealous, he can be calm - she is not prone to cheating. Aquarius is an excellent partner for a man with a weak temperament, who is looking not so much for sex as for calmness, understanding and communication.


    The sensitive area of ​​Aquarius is the calves and ankles.

    Horoscope of fidelity and betrayal of Aquarius

    Aquarians are not known for their loyalty and constancy.. Although this is not a sexual sign, Aquarians need freedom, they need the company of like-minded people, they need new impressions and sensations. Changing partners is often caused by cognitive interest.

    Signs of betrayal: he disappears from home more often, does not come to spend the night, and begins to deceive.

    It may unexpectedly update your circle of acquaintances.

    Marriage horoscope for Aquarius

    Aquarius is usually an idealist and are more interested in lofty matters than in love stories and family ties. It's nice to be with him. He has many friends, of different levels and positions in society. He chooses his life partner carefully; he has high demands. Loves strong-willed, creative, strong-willed people. Aquarius is usually multi-faceted and leads an interesting, multifaceted life. For him, love and family are never the only outlet. Easily compromises without being jealous. He needs a life partner who has similar interests and is able to appreciate and trust him.

    Aquarius man and Aquarius woman do not strive for marriage, but in adulthood they can become good spouses.

    The best partners for Aquarius– Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

    Unsuccessful marriage– Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus.

    Aquarius health horoscope

    When deviating from the line of fate, Aquarius develops problems with vision, blood circulation, and blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, muscles, calves and ankles become weak.

    Aquarius is a difficult patient for a doctor. He does not like to be treated and, by and large, does not care about his health. However, in general, Aquarians are strong people. There are many long-livers among them.

    All Aquarians will benefit country walks with friends, in whose company you can not only cleanse your lungs in the fresh air, but also relieve accumulated stress. It is useful for them to engage in active outdoor games - tennis, badminton, volleyball, swimming.

    A sedentary lifestyle is harmful for Aquarius, they must move. And it is better for them to choose a job that is mobile, related to communication and frequent business trips.

    Professions for Aquarius

    Suitable professions for Aquarius: writer, artist, dancer, inventor, jeweler, teacher, teacher, scientist, designer-stylist, landscape designer, composer, musician, flight attendant, photographer, programmer, consultant, journalist, radio and television presenter, spiritual mentor, psychologist, public figure, engineer.

    Western compatibility horoscope for Aquarius

    Aquarius – Aries. These signs rarely have common ground. They don't hear each other. Friendship is possible, marriage is not. Aquarius needs to come to terms with Aries' sexuality and intolerance of other people's weaknesses. Aquarius himself is not sexual; friendship is important to him. In friendship and partnership, it is a relationship between two sincere, open, honest people with noble goals.

    Aquarius – Taurus. This is a union of representatives of different elements. A difficult and complex union. It is characterized by opposition in views and goals, differences in sexual behavior, and unwillingness to give in in disputes. But their relationship, oddly enough, is stable. They can tolerate each other for many years, although all these years they have been burning with the desire to separate. What keeps them together is only their reluctance to seek a better life. Friendship is possible.

    Aquarius – Gemini. A good, promising union is possible. Long, lasting relationships are possible. Aquarius always fascinates and delights Gemini. Marriages between them rarely break up, but both have interests on the side. When living together, it will be difficult for them to avoid temptations. Marriage is based on friendship, not love.

    Aquarius – Cancer. Not the best relationship. No mutual understanding. The marriage will most likely break up. These people will drive each other to nervous exhaustion. Both need a strong partner.

    Aquarius – Leo. The relationship between these signs is not the best. Different temperaments and lifestyles. The elements are compatible, but Leo uses Aquarius. They have little chance of reaching an agreement.

    Aquarius – Virgo. A complex union. Most likely it will fall apart. Aquarius is a romantic, Virgo is a realist. Aquarius needs friends and company, Virgo is a homebody. They are not interested in being together.

    Aquarius – Libra. A good marriage. Strong easy relationship. When they get close to each other, they will be quite happy. Both are hospitable hosts and love guests.

    Aquarius – Scorpio. Troubled relationships, unlikely marriage. At first they are attracted to each other, like extraordinary personalities, but incompatible elements make themselves felt. It's not easy for them to stay together. Over time, living together begins to burden them. Scorpios begin to cheat. For Aquarius, this is an extremely unsuccessful marriage.

    Aquarius – Sagittarius. Easy relationship between two friendly people. A strong marriage of two creative people.

    Aquarius – Capricorn. Relationships are complicated, especially for Aquarius. Very different characters and goals in life. There are many problems in everyday life. Lots of conflicts. For Aquarius, Capricorn's pressure is destructive.

    Aquarius – Aquarius. Relationships are based on mutual interest in each other. Once it fades, each other's shortcomings are exposed. Even children are not always able to strengthen the marriage of two Aquarius. With age, dissatisfaction with each other increases, because both are impractical people. But sex between two Aquarius is ideal.

    Aquarius – Pisces. The relationship is hopeless. Marriage is complicated. Aquarius in such a union is most irritated by Pisces’ inertia and inability to make decisions. And Pisces is annoyed by the activity of Aquarius.

    Born under the sign of Aquarius: G. Galileo, N. Copernicus, Edison, R. Burns, D. Byron, W. A. ​​Mozart, F. Schubert, A. Lincoln, S. Maugham, J. Verne, P. Beaumarchais, C. Darwin, T. Roosevelt, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, R. Burns, E. Hoffman, J. Mendelsohn, R. Reagan.

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    Complete general summary horoscope of Aquarius

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    Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

    The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

    Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

    People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

    There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

    Therefore, please be careful!

    Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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