Sun bump on the hand. Hill of the sun on the hand

Apollo's Hill may have a slightly different name. Experts in the field of palmistry call the hill of Apollo - the hill of the Sun. This elevation is located at the base of the ring finger. The Mount of Apollo is usually understood as the brightest elevation on the palm. It means what talents are hidden within a person and how strong his energy is. The more pronounced the dimensions of the Mount of Apollo, the greater the likelihood of a person’s success and good luck in all endeavors.

Influences of the Mount of Apollo

The Hill of Apollo is the so-called pad located under the ring finger. If the lump has a normal appearance, that is, it is not exaggerated or understated, then you have a fairly cheerful personality. This may mean that such a nature has a talent for artistry. In addition, such individuals quite often show talent in the field of design, as they have a good sense of style and discreet manners. Such a person is always in a great mood and is ready to help at any moment. Lovers of luxury, which attracts special attention.

If there are no clear and pronounced features on the Mount of Apollo, then this is a dull person. It is quite difficult for such natures to find themselves in this life. They can spend their whole lives on finding out the reason for their coming into this world. They do not tend to achieve their goal. As soon as obstacles appear, they immediately cease to operate. Their state of mind is practical and they always sympathize with others.

Individuals who have a fairly well-developed mound are extravagant. Their mentality is so hedonic that it disgusts others. Such individuals only care about their own opinion.

A nature whose tubercle is well developed, but not endowed with other vertical branches, will always strive to explore this world. If any opportunity arises to test her strength in creativity, she immediately grabs the opportunity. Their talent in all areas of life helps them achieve their goals and always move forward.

The difference between the hill of Apollo and other hillocks

The main difference between Apollo and other hills is that it always has a positive influence on its owner. If other hills that have an irregular shape indicate troubles and difficulties, then the sunny hillock has a slightly different situation. The more developed it is, the better everything will turn out for its owner.

The line of the Sun and success ends on the hill of Apollo. The line of the Sun originates in the area of ​​the center of the hand and goes towards the solar hillock. But the line of success begins at the edge of the palm and moves towards the ring finger. In principle, experts in the field of palmistry are convinced that this trait can have its ending in other places. But from this hill she draws energy for herself.

Bias characteristic

If you notice that your Mount of Apollo is shifted in any direction, then it is important to determine which important sign on your hand it is directed towards. This will allow you to answer a large number of questions. Below we will consider options for the development of events that may be observed.

  1. Shift to the Mercury region. Mercury is located at the base of the little finger. If the solar tubercle moves in this direction, then you are a cowardly person. You will always be afraid to discover anything new about yourself. Marriage or a wedding will also cause you fear. Such individuals do not want to take responsibility and want to blame all the troubles on someone else. These are lovers of money and prosperity. Quite often they love animals much more than children. Apollo Hill shows only the emotional component of each person, so you should not think that this is an indicator of your full attitude to life.
  2. Shift to Saturn. Saturn is located at the base of the middle finger. Such natures have a kind and patient character. They can forgive offenses and help those in need. Their heart is open to everyone. If they feel love for themselves, then their life simply has no meaning. In those moments when the Mount of Apollo is shifted to the Mount of Saturn, you need to slightly change your attitude towards life. If you always be kind to everyone, it will sooner or later bring disappointment.

Meaning of symbols

The hill and line of Apollo can have many other signs. The signs on the Mount of Apollo are of great importance, both for specialists in the field of palmistry and for the average person. With their help, you can find out the details of your destiny and determine the development of your mind. The most important signs are such as a circle or a star. They have a positive influence on their owner.

  1. If there is a cross on the hill of Apollo, it means that you are not destined to achieve your goal. A cross on your hand means that all your dreams and plans will collapse like a house of cards. Also, the cross on the hill of Apollo indicates that the individual will be accompanied by difficulties in all endeavors. The cross shows that difficulties are brought by strangers in your environment. To improve your situation, a cross on your hand advises you to sort your environment and get rid of unnecessary people.
  2. A square on the Mount of Apollo indicates that your reputation is unblemished. The square will tell you that this is a respected person. The person is so highly respected by those around him that they simply cannot say bad things about him. Also, a square on the hand will open the curtain of the secret thoughts of its owner. If your interlocutor has a square on his hand, it means that he is constantly in search of a better life.
  3. The lattice on the Mount of Apollo has the opposite meaning of the square. Such natures have an unpleasant reputation that precedes their actions. For this reason, it will be quite difficult to move towards your goal. The lattice on the hill of Apollo will tell about the talent of its owner. Such an individual has developed thinking, which helps to make new discoveries.
  4. The star on the Mount of Apollo is a symbol of celebrity. Many people know its owners and it brings results. With its help, it is much easier to defend your point of view and achieve success. Also, a star in the palm of your hand will tell you that its owner quickly earns money without performing complex actions. A star on the hand indicates artistic individuals. Moreover, such signs on the palm symbolize power and craving for art.
  5. The triangle on the Mount of Apollo, or the rhombus, are symbols of success and talent. The triangle opens up the possibility of achieving a goal. Luck comes to such natures quickly, and it is difficult to keep silent about its presence. The positive result comes loudly. A triangle in the palm of your hand will tell you that you are a lucky person who is helped by higher powers. In addition, the triangle indicates the correct life positions of its owner.
  6. The trident on the hill of Apollo tells of the luck of its owner. The pentagram has the same meaning. Such individuals quickly achieve financial independence from their parents and never complain about the lack of material wealth. The trident is considered an indicator of talent in science. Its owner achieves incredible success in the scientific field and makes new discoveries.
  7. A circle on the Mount of Apollo indicates that it will be difficult for you to make the right choice. A circle or a fork are signs that indicate that you will have to constantly be in doubt about the correctness of your action. In order to avoid this state of affairs, you should carefully analyze the current situation and ask for advice from loved ones.

The Mount of Apollo is located at the base of the ring finger. He is responsible for enthusiasm, talent, taste for beauty, craving for creativity. This hillock indicates the ability to express oneself; it can predict good luck for its owner.

The ancient Greek god Apollo was considered the patron of the arts. Palmists named the ring finger after him, as well as the tubercle underneath it. This name did not appear by chance: this part of the human hand contains important information related to the creative sphere of life and achieving popularity.

The area of ​​Apollo is also called the Hill of the Sun. On the hand it symbolizes resounding success, luck, and good nature. This tubercle is responsible for the individual’s inspiration and compliance with moral standards. By carefully examining the Mount of Apollo, a palmist can determine how rationally a person uses his internal resources, and in which area he can achieve maximum success.

Hand, intelligence, emotions

The interpretation of the Mount of Apollo on the hand is associated with the harmony of personal development. People with a pronounced mount are passionate, they love to be in the center of attention, and often achieve great success. Such a person is highly likely to achieve public recognition, become famous and recognizable.

The developed region of the Sun speaks of subtle taste and vivid imagination. Such a person has the abilities of a designer, musician, stylist or sculptor. His talent will be most fully revealed in creativity and will benefit not only him, but also those around him.

A strong Mount of Apollo indicates a developed intellect. The thoughts of such a person are creative. His sensitive intuition and deep mind help him to understand the essence of things.

A person with a pronounced Mount of Apollo loves to surround himself with beautiful things and objects of art. Often such a person has an attractive appearance, takes good care of himself, knows how to choose clothes and accessories, and takes care of his face and body. This is an interesting conversationalist and a charming partner who attracts others with his personal magnetism.

The owner of a small, dense Apollo mound on his hand knows how to empathize with people or be sincerely happy for them. He has developed empathy and is also able to create beautiful things with his own hands. Such a person needs to engage in some kind of creativity. By immersing herself in such activities, she will be able to reveal her potential.

A person with a small Sun Mount usually does not dream of conquering the world. He is happy with what he has and wants to devote himself wholeheartedly to his favorite pastime. The personality has soft character traits; she rarely works for material benefits.

An overly developed mount of Apollo is a sign of a pretentious, hedonistic, extravagant nature. Her constant desire for sophistication and aesthetics can lead to excessive concern for her own appearance, resulting in a loss of sense of reality. It is important for such a person to see beauty not only in himself, but also in his partner. Carried away by appearance, he can forget about the inner world of his chosen one. A person with a dominant Sun region loves flattery and praise. For such a person, material wealth is an indispensable condition for a happy life.

A hill with medium development speaks of the openness and friendliness of its owner. He is distinguished by gullibility and excessive modesty. He understands other people well, sincerely sympathizing with their problems, rejoicing at their successes.

The rich inner world of such a person can be studied for years. As the personality opens up, it will constantly surprise its interlocutor with unconventional thinking and a deep understanding of things. She is capable of sincere love and strong affection, but this is not always a useful quality. Having fallen in love once, the owner of such a hill will live with these feelings for a long time, even in the case of complete irreciprocity.

A flat, undeveloped Mount of the Sun indicates a lack of imagination and disdain for art. These traits may be masked by a gritty realism, emphasizing a practical approach to life. If the Mount of Apollo is replaced by a depression, the person is prone to materialism. This is a tough pragmatist who does not experience creative impulses and does not have high ideals. Typically, such a person is engaged in mechanical work, and during rest he prefers physical entertainment.

Tuberosity displacement

If the mount of the Sun is shifted to the area of ​​Saturn, the person has a philosophical view of life. He tends to analyze people's behavior and evaluate them objectively. Such individuals become good psychologists, teachers, and mentors. This nature is characterized by a love for animals and the need to take care of loved ones. In addition to art, she needs inner harmony and warmth.

When such a person takes on the task of writing a book, the plot is filled with psychological nuances and original philosophical thought. The painting of this person always reflects the emotional experiences of the author, the richness of his inner world. Looking at the canvas, an attentive viewer will not be able to limit himself to the perception of visual images. He will want to immerse himself in the world created by the artist and deeply feel the facets of his nature.

Such a person is not inclined to chat pointlessly and never uses slang or reduced expressions. He values ​​people's ability to communicate and present themselves. His patient, calm disposition creates a special atmosphere. He knows how to smooth out conflicts and does not like to slander. He is inclined to write, but it is difficult for him to speak in front of an audience. Publicly expressing one's thoughts or displaying one's creations (for example, organizing an exhibition of paintings) becomes a real test for such a person.

When the Mount of Apollo shifts to the area of ​​Mercury, it is said that for the individual, obtaining material benefits comes first. He strives to become famous, and he has a good chance of achieving this. He loves the public and enjoys performing in front of them. Such a hand distinguishes famous artists, actors, singers, and directors.

This creative personality strives to gain complete freedom and carefully avoids any obligations. In family life, such a person is capable of betrayal. A long, stable marriage does not attract him as much as a constant search for himself. For such a person, freedom of action is important, so the partner will have to come to terms with the flighty, changeable nature of his chosen one.

When the mounts of Apollo and Mercury merge, a predominance of material interest is noted. For such a person, even creativity becomes a source of profit, so he directs all efforts to promoting his own or someone else’s talent. People with such a hand often become successful producers.

The meaning of positive symbols on the hand

If you look closely, you can see some important signs on the Hill of Apollo:

1. A triangle on the Mount of Apollo indicates that its owner is able to harmoniously combine a variety of areas. He is capable of making great scientific discoveries under the influence of a creative impulse or using his calculating mind to create beautiful geometric shapes on canvas. A balanced character and love for people allow him to harmoniously develop his potential and give joy to others.

2. A square on the Mount of Apollo indicates high chances of financial success. A successful combination of circumstances will allow the owner of such a symbol to become rich. The main meaning of the square on the Mount of Apollo is straightness and openness. The person is distinguished by decency, energy, and intolerance of hypocrisy.

The square on the hill of the Sun is a symbol of fateful luck, which will bring recognition and prosperity. A lucky sign protects its owner from adversity and serious troubles. If a person with such a symbol does not achieve success for a long time, she needs to get rid of her complexes and fears.

3. The trident on the hill of Apollo is a very auspicious sign. He is responsible for luck and the ability to earn good money. An analytical mind and a creative streak will help the owner of such a symbol find his way in almost any field of science or art.

If the lines on the Mount of Apollo are connected in the shape of a trident, a person is recommended to study exact disciplines. Having become a professional, he will be able to take a high position in a scientific laboratory or research center.

4. The star on the Mount of Apollo looks like several small lines intersecting at one point. This symbol indicates a desire for glory. The owner of a star on the Mount of the Sun usually chooses a creative profession. He knows how to charm the viewer using his attractive appearance and pleasant voice.

Such a person knows how not only to earn money, but also to manage it wisely. She quickly reaches a high level of income. A gentle, but independent and proud character distinguishes such people.

5. The sun means world fame. Such a person will definitely achieve his goal, despite numerous obstacles and difficulties. He may have enemies and envious people, but this will not prevent the personality from going down in history.

6. The diamond is a protective symbol. Located on the Hill of Apollo, it protects its owner from adversity and serious difficulties.

7. The grooves on the Mount of Apollo indicate the harmonious development of the individual. This sign confirms that a person is moving on his own path and will definitely achieve success along it.

8. A rectangle on the Mount of Apollo speaks of inexhaustible energy, the ability to quickly make the right decisions. The symbol protects a person from stress and mental overload. The main advantage of such a person is pure consciousness. She is able to maintain peace of mind and clarity of thought even in the most difficult periods of life.

Negative signs

With the help of the interpretation of negative symbolism, a person will understand his mistakes, so he can quickly correct them.

1. The cross on the hill of Apollo means an obstacle. The more clearly it is visible on the hand, the stronger the barrier that prevents a person from developing harmoniously, fully demonstrating his talent. Perhaps the owner of the cross made a mistake that hindered his career growth. It is recommended to realize your mistakes and then, if possible, correct their consequences. Once this problem is resolved, the cross on the hill should smooth out.

2. A mole in the area of ​​Apollo is considered an unkind sign. It may indicate failure in your personal life, problems in relationships.

3. A dot on the Mount of Apollo means failure. Carriers of this sign need to be extremely careful, because the most insignificant step can lead them to financial problems.

4. A circle on the hill of the Sun indicates unpreparedness for the implementation of complex projects. A person is satisfied with insignificant achievements. He uses only a small part of his potential, although he is able to achieve well-being. To obtain the benefits of life, an individual should take reasonable risks and make all the necessary efforts to reach a new level of consciousness.

Palmistry of lines on the Mount of Apollo informs about the characteristic features, talents of a person, and about his problem areas. Having studied his own palm, a person will understand why he was born, learn about his mistakes, and receive valuable recommendations on his future path.

Write your opinion

The Apollo line is a vertical line that, as a rule, rises from the top of the Mount of the Moon and goes towards the Mount of Apollo (Fig. 552); however, it can also start higher up on the palm.

Some palmists call it the line of the Sun or Success and attribute to it talent, great artistic ability, wealth and fame.
This is one of the most poorly understood lines, and its misinterpretation is the cause of disappointment for many practitioners.

If you ever see a good Apollo line on your hands, keep in mind that this usually indicates outstanding talent in the field of art, music and various other artistic professions, which most people are sometimes unaware of.

Many students reject the use of this line entirely, believing it to be unreliable and misleading, and this is partly true, especially in its classical interpretation.

It is better not to interpret it at all than to follow the way it was interpreted in the past.
“The line of Apollo, going to the hill bearing the same name, enhances the qualities of Apollo.

The Apollo type is brilliant, outstanding, therefore, the Apollo line indicates the outstanding qualities of a person, which means that a person who possesses it should shine in art,” the arguments from which this interpretation proceeds would be correct if that fact had not been forgotten that the characteristic of the Apollo type is modified by the lines and hills on the hand.

The palmister must also remember that Apollonian qualities manifest themselves in one of three worlds: mental, practical and lower.
By examining them, you can understand in which area a person is most likely to achieve success.

The absence of the Apollo line is not an absolute indication that the person will be a failure, as is the absence of the Saturn line, which speaks of the individual's self-realization and is of greater importance than the brilliant talents indicated by the Success line.

My experience in studying the latter shows that in most cases, people with a good Apollo line rely too much on their talents and lack the perseverance and perseverance to realize them.

Therefore, less talented hard workers often achieve greater results in life than their much more talented counterparts.

If the talents indicated by the graceful line of Apollo are combined with the energy and perseverance inherent in a person, almost unlimited success is possible in translating his capabilities into reality.

It is absolutely wrong to say that the absence of the Apollo line indicates a lack of success in life.
But it is true that having this line makes achieving success easier.

You must always remember that when you refer to this line, you can use the word “success” only in relation to those results that a person can achieve thanks to the qualities of his character.

Remember: in order to determine the range of his interests, you need to study the entire hand as a whole and correlate it with each of the worlds that are expressed by the phalanges of the fingers.

The Apollo line, like the Saturn line, has no indication of health, although the effects of ill health may affect it.

By the length of the line you can determine the period during which it has an effect.

The larger it is, the stronger its influence; the smaller, the less significant it is.

The Apollo line, which runs from the wrist to the mount, indicates the owner of enormous talents.

< 6 >

Often the lines of Saturn and Apollo are interdependent; in most cases, when one of them is strong, the other is either weakened or disappears altogether.

At the same time, they interact as sister lines, compensating each other (Fig. 557).

The presence of a good Apollo line eliminates the disadvantages caused by the absence of a Saturn line.

< 7 >

If the Apollo line is present, but is interrupted in one place, but subsequently appears again, then the person’s talents will be hidden during the absence of this line (Fig. 558).

There may be a special reason why the line is absent during this period, for example, poor health, which leads a person to a state of inactivity even with the most brilliant talents.

In this circumstance, look for damage on other lines and hills that may explain the situation.
If during this period you see damage on the Life line, then the person’s poor health will not allow him to realize his abilities (Fig. 559).

If at the age indicated by this gap you discover a bad Head line, then the mental strength will weaken so much that he will not be able to be collected and attentive to bring his affairs to a normal state (Fig. 560).

Similar damage in other parts of the palm, whether connected to a break in the Apollo line or not, indicates that during this period the characteristics of the Apollo line cannot temporarily manifest.

< 8 >

In order to correctly determine the line of Apollo, one must take into account only the line that lies exactly under the hill or finger of Apollo.

A line coming from the Life line and ending on the Mount of Apollo will have much of the same characteristic as the Apollo line starting from the wrist, but it would not be correct to say that such a line will give the person the same success that the classical beginning of the Apollo line shows (Fig. 561).

To avoid such embarrassment, it is better to consider the line of Apollo only the line that lies completely under the finger of Apollo, since the hill can be displaced.

And if you come across the line indicated in Fig. 561, define it as a random line going from the Life line to the Mount of Apollo, but not as a line of Success.

In the same way, define the line departing from the line of Saturn and ending on the hill of Apollo - as a branch from the line of Saturn, indicating success in a person’s career, but in no case as the line of Apollo (Fig. 562).

< 9 >

When the line of Apollo comes from the upper point of the mount of the Moon (Fig. 563), this indicates a person endowed with great power of imagination, and suggests that this subject, if he has a strong Head line, will achieve success as a writer.

If the fingertips are conical and the fingers themselves are smooth, then this person will love poetry.
A person with knobby or square fingers will be interested in history, writing epic poems, historical novels and other works of this kind.

If there is a large mount of Mars, he will be tempted to describe battle scenes.

If he has a large Mount of Venus, then his works, full of natural human compassion, will touch the soul and cause tears.

The high hill of Saturn on the hand will speak of a person’s scientific works in the field of chemistry, physics, and history.
Perhaps this person will become a master of mystical stories.

Based on chirognomy data, you can determine the direction of activity in which the line predicts success.

< 10 >

If the line of Apollo rises from the upper mount of Mars, the subject will achieve success and reputation in his business through inner steadfastness, humility, and the ability to resist evil influences (Fig. 564).

Most errors in reading the Apollo line occur because the Apollo line is known to bring success, and some practitioners are tempted to overestimate the capabilities of their clients.

< 11 >

The nature of the Apollo line on the palm indicates the intensity and strength of the qualities that it expresses.

The best option is a deep, well-drawn line (Fig. 565).
It indicates success and a good reputation in society, and also endows the subject with creative power in the area in which he acts.

This speaks not just of a person who understands and loves painting and art, but also of the creative energy that allows him to create works worthy of respect.

When the first phalanges of the fingers are longer than the others (especially the Apollo finger), and the line of the Sun runs through the entire hand, you can say that your client will achieve great fame in the field of art.

With the right combination, this line can be seen on the palms of famous writers.

If the second phalanx is the longest, and the first is well developed, then the person will become an artist, but will use his talents to make money.

Such a person will be successful in the business world, but will also be able to use artistic inclinations.

If the third phalanx is the longest, especially if it is thick, and on the palm you see the deep line of Apollo, then the person will love bright colors and clothes, look for an opportunity to flaunt his taste, which will cause a smile from people who understand real art.

Such a subject will always be only a businessman.

< 12 >

The thin line of Apollo (Fig. 566) reduces the qualities inherent in this type, reduces the intensity of the properties that the deep line has.

If he is an artist, he will only develop finds created by real masters.
Be it the world of art, business or matter, this person will always be one step behind those who have a deep line.

< 13 >

If the line is wide and shallow (Fig. 567), this shows that the slight strength of this line is waning.

A person will like beautiful things, he will adore artists, lead a bohemian lifestyle, but he himself will not become a creator.

This line of Apollo, combined with a rough hand, speaks of rough taste and a craving for bright, flashy things.

If the palm gives the impression of sophistication, then the person knows how to choose clothes for himself, understands the right combination of colors, furnishes his home with taste and, perhaps, is a little keen on writing poetry or painting.

It is this type of people that replenishes the army of writers and imitators in art.

< 14 >

The Apollo line in the form of a chain (Fig. 568) indicates a complete lack of artistic talent, despite the fact that the subject may be confident in his competence in matters of art without having the right approach to them.

Such people will not be able to realize themselves because of their superficiality, and most of their efforts will be spent in conversations.

It is necessary to emphasize once again that hands only show a person’s ability in a particular area, and whether he achieves success or not largely depends on his own efforts.

The color of the Apollo line is not critical.

< 15 >

Transverse lines crossing the Apollo line represent obstacles that arise in a person’s life on his path to success (Fig. 573).

To understand them correctly, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the usual range of interests of the subject, which can indirectly provide information about the nature of the obstacles.

Obstacles indicated by transverse lines are generated by various reasons, which can be determined by looking at other parts of the palm.

If the Apollo line continues its path despite these obstacles, then the person will be able to successfully overcome all troubles.

However, such interference will seriously affect a person's career.

Transverse lines, if they are small and graceful and only slightly pass along the line of Apollo, speak of annoying interference that constantly bothers a person and interferes with his mental balance and development.

< 16 >

Points on the Apollo line (Fig. 574) are a threat to a person’s reputation.

Small dots indicate the machinations of enemies; if the dots are large and deep, there is a real threat of losing a good name.
Random lines and other signs will help determine the cause.

< 17 >

Breaks in the Apollo line (Fig. 575) indicate obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Obstacles destroy the beneficial qualities inherent in the line and prevent its beneficial influence from manifesting itself.

Such a line shows that a person can gravitate towards art, especially if the palm confirms his belonging to the corresponding world, but he himself will never be an artist or poet; given wealth, the subject is likely to become a philanthropist.

If the palm indicates belonging to the world of business, such people will sometimes achieve success and positive results, but at the same time make mistakes that will cost them dearly.

< 18 >

Breaks in the line will allow us to see nothing more than ordinary ups and downs on the path of life.

When you see such a line on a businessman’s hand, look for signs that will help him overcome troubles and create better conditions for further progress.

Signs that restore and eliminate the consequences of breaks can be found on the palm in various combinations: a square, accompanying lines and other signs (Fig. 576).

However, the signs that restore the line do not significantly improve the situation, which in terms of quality corresponds to a palm with a wide and superficial line.

The ending of the Apollo line speaks of the results that a person will achieve.

< 19 >

A line, deep at the beginning and thin at the end, indicates that the ability to realize the qualities it gives fades away during the life of the subject.

In this case, the final result in life will correspond only to the average level (Fig. 577).

< 21 >

The star at the end of the Apollo line (Fig. 579) will indicate brilliant results at the end of life.

The star on the Mount of Apollo is like an electric light bulb at the end of a cord, which illuminates the cord itself.

A person belonging to the spiritual world, as evidenced by the greatest length of the first phalanges, will achieve great glory and fame as a poet, writer, artist, sculptor, actor or figure in other fields of art.

Many outstanding actors, vocalists and musicians had this sign.
If a person belongs to the world of practice (the second phalanx is larger than the rest), then he will achieve a lot of money quickly and easily.

His risky ventures will be profitable, and he will be successful throughout his life.

With the predominant third phalanx, a person will not be very sophisticated, but will always be able to earn a lot of money.

< 22 >

If you see two stars on the Apollo line, then know that this person will amaze with his talents and great fame will come to him (Fig. 580).

In such cases, the first star indicates the age at which great success will first come to the person, and the star at the end of the line indicates that his wealth and fame will continue to grow for the rest of his life.

< 24 >

The Apollo line, ending with a deep transverse line (Fig. 582), indicates an obstacle that will arise at the end of life and will prove insurmountable.

These are serious obstacles in a person's career, so it is necessary to examine the line of Saturn as well as other indications that will help determine its cause.

If on the palm with such a mark the Life line turns out to be damaged somewhere at the age of 50 and continues with deviations from the norm, ending with a brush, fork, island, cross or other unfavorable sign (Fig. 583), it means that the person will get sick and will suffer from a disease from which he will not be able to recover, which will destroy his well-being.

< 25 >

If damage in the form of an island, star or other unfavorable sign is on the Head line at the point corresponding to the age of 50, the person will experience serious problems associated with the functioning of the head, which will cause a delay in his career and put an end to his successes (Fig. 584 ).

< 26 >

If a line departs from the Head line and goes to the transverse line on the Mount of Apollo, then the cause of trouble in a person’s fate will be an error in calculations, and he will not be able to eliminate its consequences (Fig. 585).

This often refers to investments made early in life that turn out to be bad.

< 27 >

A cross at the end of a line (Fig. 586) has more dire consequences for a person than a crossbar.

It denotes an indelible stain on a person’s reputation.

This may also indicate an unhealthy mind, due to which a person will make a lot of mistakes, which will ultimately end badly for him.

All the signs discussed above that end the line allow us to see what can happen to a good Apollo line.

If they occur on a bad line of Apollo, then their meaning increases in proportion to the depravity of the line.

< 28 >

A square at the end of the Apollo line indicates protection from troubles of any kind (Fig. 587).

Its meaning extends not only to the end of life, but throughout life.

This is true of all signs that complete a line, but is especially true of a square.

If a square contains unfavorable endings on a line, it will greatly weaken their meaning.

The island at the end of the Apollo line (Fig. 588) is the most unfavorable sign.

Regardless of how good the line is, this sign will darken the last days of a person, as it indicates loss of money and reputation.

< 29 >

The fork at the end of the Apollo line (Fig. 589) is an indication that a person’s talents will manifest themselves in more than one direction and this will weaken his activity, since the dispersion of efforts will lead to less results than their concentration.

< 31 >

If you see two parallel lines on both sides of the Mount of Apollo (Fig. 591), then they will strengthen an already good line.

The Apollo line in itself is a favorable sign, but with the presence of two reinforcing lines, a person will achieve great success.
The old palmists called them lines of Reputation.

< 34 >

If the line of Apollo directs one branch to the hill of Saturn and the other to the hill of Mercury (Fig. 594), the person will combine wisdom, success, and insight, thanks to which he will be able to achieve wealth and fame.

< 35 >

Branches or graceful lines ascending from the Apollo line (Fig. 595) will enhance the positive effect of the line, and with a good Apollo line, success is more than guaranteed.

When you see such a person, it seems that his optimism in life allows him to rise above all the troubles that come his way: he simply floats above them, instead of carrying their burden on himself.

Graceful lines descending from the Apollo line indicate that the person will need constant support to succeed.

His ascent will be difficult, and at times his load will seem simply unbearable to him.

It will be difficult for the subject to overcome obstacles; such lines do not promise a brilliant life, like ascending lines.

< 36 >

Branches from the Apollo line to other lines, signs or mounts will have their own meaning, which can be determined depending on where the line ends.

The branch that ascends to the Mount of Jupiter shows that along with great talent, the person will be endowed with great ambition and leadership qualities.

With this combination, he will achieve success and will certainly achieve fame if he does not strive for wealth.

If, in addition, you find a star on the Mount of Jupiter, then your ambitious aspirations will end in success.

If a star is also found on the hill of Apollo (Fig. 596), the person will certainly gain fame.

If you see such a sign, be sure to study the indications of chirognomy.

A soft palm, a large Mount of Venus, conical fingertips are the characteristics of a musician.
He likes music that is cheerful and melodic, his compositions appeal to the heart and are good for dancing.

If a large Mount of Moon is added to this, the person also loves classical music.

If the fingers are square, a person has a good sense of rhythm and beat, and composes excellent music.

If the fingers are spade-shaped, he will be a brilliant performer.

Mixed finger types will produce a composer and performer in one person.
This is what concerns the art world.

If a person belongs to the world of practice, he will earn huge money, rule the business and achieve fame along the way.
A person belonging to the material world will successfully make money, but by nature people of this type are cheeky, rude, dress and live vulgarly.

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If the branches from the line of Apollo ascend to the mount of Saturn, wisdom, sanity, frugality, a scientific mind and other qualities of Saturn enhance the success of a person.

With such a combination and dominance of the mental world, a person will succeed in the occult sciences, chemistry, physics or mathematics.

If his fingers are smooth, he will draw inspiration from these areas; if the fingers are knotty, everything will be calculated and weighed; square fingers will give it high accuracy, spade-shaped fingers will give it originality.

The presence of any of these qualities in combination with the lines will enhance his success and fame.

If at the end of such a branch going to Saturn you see a star, the qualities of this hill will bring great success.

If you find stars at the end of the branches going to the hills of Saturn and Apollo, then we can assume that the person’s success is guaranteed (Fig. 597).

If a branch from the line of Apollo ascends to the hill of Mercury, then the qualities of the hill contribute to the implementation of the subject's plans.

His insight, practical acumen, scientific mind, expressiveness, in addition to the whole set of Apollonian qualities, will help him achieve outstanding success in his respective fields.

If this is the mental world, then this combination indicates strength and accuracy in written and oral expression, and also bestows success in composing works and in oratory.

If a person has square fingers, the object of his interest will be simple, practically thinking people.

If conical or pointed, he will prefer to consider matters of art or the world of ideas.

Spade-shaped fingers give him originality in ideas and means of expressing them; with smooth fingers, his manifestations depend on inspiration.

If his fingers are knotty, he has already dissected everything, dried it, laid it out, and he will have an answer to everything.

If the fingers are long, then this type will immerse itself in details; if short, he will quickly reach the climax and complete it.

The elasticity of the hand speaks of love for work; a person with such a hand will achieve a lot, but with a soft palm - he will gravitate more towards thinking than execution.

With a long second phalanx, a person will make a good doctor, this is especially true if you find a vertical line on the Mount of Mercury; he will also be able to become a good lawyer, and when speaking in court he will be supported by Apollonian and Mercurian qualities.

He will be inventive, skillful, and will engage in scientific research.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the world to which other hand signs are located.

If a person has the longest third phalanx on the Mercury finger (Fig. 600), he will gravitate towards the world of business.
The subject will become shrewd, calculating and determined to win.

He will learn to see through people, easily read their character, and intuitively grasp good business proposals.

Spade-shaped fingers give originality, square fingers - regularity and system, elasticity indicates energy sufficient to obtain results, and the thumb indicates determination to use this energy.

If you see stars on the mounts of Apollo and Mercury, the probability of success for the person will increase; if there are crosses, dots, crossbars or other damage, then the person will pay dearly for his mistakes.

If there is a crooked or twisted Mercury finger along with the stars on the mounts of Apollo and Mercury, the person will be able to use his brilliant abilities to become the best of men.

The Hill of the Sun on the hand is the brightest and most positive. He is responsible for the development of talent and creative abilities of a person.

Palmistry believes that the good development of a hill promises its owner fame, success and recognition. The tubercle is located at the base of the ring finger. It can move to other hills and have lines and signs on its surface.

Hill development

For each person, the Mount of the Sun in the palm is developed differently. Let's talk in more detail about how the size of the tubercle affects the character, inclinations and desires of its owner, what twists of fate it portends for him.

There is no Sun Hill in the palm

The almost imperceptible flat mound belongs to people without imagination. They are not interested in art, they do not understand it. Their mind is practical and pragmatic.

Owners of a flat tubercle choose professions related to mechanical activities that do not require the use of intellectual abilities. They are good performers, but lack initiative. They are often cruel and aggressive.

Poor hill development

Such people are kind, sensitive, and able to empathize. They are gullible, sometimes naive. They love creative activities, draw, make something for themselves, are fond of photography and folk art. They enthusiastically furnish their home, buy beautiful things and works of art.

They cannot realize themselves in a creative profession; they are indecisive and have little interest in money. Owners of a weakly expressed but noticeable Mount of the Sun are altruists, bright people, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.

Well developed hill

The normal development of the Mount of the Sun on the hand is a sign of a person with a developed imagination.

He loves art, he has developed talent in one area or another. Often people become artists, musicians, writers. They love luxury and pay great attention to the value of art objects. They often achieve fame and success. Their character is peaceful, friendly, and they inspire sympathy among those around them.

Overdeveloped hill

A very large sunny bump on the palm is a sign of a bright, shocking personality. Such people always strive to be the center of attention, crave praise, and are sensitive to flattery.

Life for them is a continuous holiday, a theater in which they play the main role. The main goal is to achieve recognition and fame. They are partial to money, so they direct their creative abilities in a direction that brings good income.

Location of Sun Hill

The position of the Mount of the Sun on the hand is not always the same. It can shift in one direction or another. Most often it is shifted to neighboring tubercles:

  • Hill of Saturn
  • Hill of Mercury.

A shift towards the Mount of Saturn in the palm indicates a passion for psychology, psychoanalysis, and philosophy. When these interests coincide with creativity, the result is an amazing mixture. Writers create deeply meaningful works, composers write psychedelic music, and artists paint unusual pictures. By nature, these people are calm and do not like intrigue and conflict. They are reliable, loyal friends, value family and stable relationships.

When the Mount of Apollo on the hand is shifted towards the Mount of Mercury, a person loves money. For him, creativity matters if it generates income. A free artist, a wandering musician, unmercenary - these are not his professions. Such people achieve success in many areas, they crave fame, and love to shine in public. They value their own independence and do not recognize any restrictions.

Lines on the Hill of Apollo

Different lines may begin or end on the Mount of the Sun. They have a significant influence on their owner. For example, the end of the fate line on the hill of the Sun is a sign of talent, a harbinger of success and creative realization. The lines can go in different directions. Here are their main deviations:

  • Mercury Hill
  • Mount of Mars
  • Mount of Venus
  • Hill of Jupiter
  • Mount of Saturn
  • Life line
  • Mind line
  • Heart line.

The presence of several small lines on the tubercle is evidence of uncertainty. Such people take on a project, abandon it, and start a new business. They change interests, hobbies and professions. If you are lucky, they will be able to find a job that brings money and pleasure. But this course of events is more likely an accident than a pattern.

Hill of Mercury

If the line goes from the Mount of the Sun to the Mount of Mercury, then the owner will have success in an income-generating area. They choose professions of journalists, musicians, dancers, but always with good earnings.

Mount of upper Mars

Warlike Mars gives its owner strength, confidence, and energy. People with a trait going from the Sun to the Martian hillock achieve success in business and make excellent careers in a variety of fields. They always rely on themselves, on the path to success they are aggressive, persistent, and are not afraid to walk “over corpses.”

Mount of Venus

The goddess of Venus promises the owner of such a palm great love. The line running from the Sun to Venus belongs to a sensual, emotional and creative personality. Personal relationships are important to her; such people often fall in love until they find their true soul mate.

Hill of Jupiter

If the line goes from the Mount of the Sun to the Mount of Jupiter, then the owner of the palm will have success in science. He is serious, persistent, inventive. Shows creativity in solving difficult issues. Fair, does not like to weave intrigues, which attracts people to him.

Mount of Saturn

The end of the line on the Mount of Saturn is a sign of a persistent, slightly conservative person. His creative abilities are manifested in the implementation of large-scale, strategic projects. He often achieves success in business and in a leadership position. He values ​​family relationships and remains a faithful spouse and a good father or mother all his life.

Life line

When the line coming from the Mount of the Sun touches the line of life, this is a good sign. This means that at a certain period in life a bright and joyful event will occur. You can determine its time by dividing the life line into 15 sections. Each of them corresponds to five years.

Head line

When the line of the mind and the Mount of Apollo are connected by a dash, this is a good sign. This means that a person is guided in his actions by the arguments of reason and expends his efforts wisely. This behavior allows you to achieve success in any field.

Heart line

A trait that touches the heart line is a sign of a person’s high spiritual development. Often these people become spiritual leaders and religious figures. They create good families, their children grow up fully developed, and there is peace and a friendly atmosphere in the house.

Signs and symbols

Signs on the Mount of the Sun are a common occurrence. They endow their owners with certain character traits and correct the course of their fate. The most common are:

  • Cross
  • Triangle
  • Star
  • Square
  • Trident
  • Sun
  • Lattice.


One cross on the Mount of Apollo is an unfavorable sign. It indicates an obstacle that a person will face on the way to achieving a goal, realizing his talent. It happens that the cross disappears when a way out of a difficult situation is found, its owner gains spiritual harmony.

Palmistry - Mount of the Sun Apollo, lines, signs and influence (part 12)

Palmistry, fortune telling, lines on the hand: signs on the Mount of Apollo.


The star symbol on the hill of the Sun will lead its owner to success. Such people shine on stage, become singers, musicians, and film actors. They know how to amaze people and win the hearts of fans. They earn good money and manage their money wisely. Therefore, success awaits them not only in creativity, but also in financial matters.


An even square on the Mount of the Sun is typical for people who are open and straightforward; they are honest and cannot tolerate intrigue and hypocrisy. In life, the owners of the square are lucky; they are lucky in financial matters. They realize all their creative plans without much effort.


If the lines on the Mount of Apollo form a trident, then the person is lucky in everything. Money comes easily to him, he receives winnings in lotteries, an unexpected inheritance, or good additional income. Such people have an analytical mind and are often engaged in scientific activities.


A star taken in a circle is the sign of the Sun. Instead of a star, there may be a mole in the center of the ring. If it appears on the Mount of Apollo, it means the owner will experience incredible success and world fame. Envious people and ill-wishers may interfere with his path. But thanks to hard work and perseverance, he will overcome all obstacles.


A hash mark or intersecting lines on your hand are not a good symbol. It testifies to pride, which interferes with life. Such people often lose close friends and admirers because they cannot cope with their vanity and arrogance. Pride can ruin their career.

Palmistry only determines trends in a person’s destiny, tells how symbols and signs influence it. But everyone can change their life based on their own efforts. Often, unfavorable marks disappear in people who have managed to overcome circumstances, either on their own or with the help of close friends.

The Mount of Apollo in your palm speaks of creative abilities and talents, by developing which you can achieve success in life. However, you should not think that a pronounced tubercle is a complete guarantee of successful self-realization. Palmistry considers the Mount of Apollo a hint - to follow the innate craving for the arts and make efforts to bring natural inclinations to life.

With a good general drawing of the hand and a favorable line of Fate, the Mount of Apollo can really symbolize a brilliant future, wealth and glory. However, you should not rely only on luck - there are obstacles on any path and in order to overcome them, you need to be patient, hardworking and dedicated.

Characteristics of the cusp

This hillock is also called the hill of the Sun, Talents or Success. It should be clarified that not all people with a pronounced Mount of the Sun become artists. Depending on the signs on the Mount of Apollo, the line of the Sun and other aspects of the hand, innate artistic and aesthetic inclinations can be expressed in different ways. Some people use them effectively in business, while others enjoy them as a hobby. It also happens that a person with a good Mount of the Sun simply knows how to find the beauty of life and embody it in communication with other people.

For example, if the Mount of Apollo is shifted towards Mercury, the owner of such a hand has a good chance of becoming a successful producer or businessman, combining creative inclinations with a commercial streak and communication talents. If this hillock is shifted towards Saturn, a person can become a writer, composer, playwright. In this case, artistic abilities are combined with philosophy, mysticism and painstaking work. You should also pay attention to the density and elasticity of the Mount of Apollo - a hill that is too soft indicates excessive relaxation. A person needs to learn to concentrate in order to make efforts to develop and realize his abilities.


The interpretation of the mount largely depends on the line of the Sun (this line ends on the Mount of Apollo, starting at the wrist or higher up the palm). Clearly defined and continuous, it enhances the meaning of the hill, and if there are breaks or defects on it, then the hill must be interpreted taking them into account. Breaks in the line indicate those periods of life when the development of talents or the desire for aesthetics is not given due attention. This is often due to illness, depression or life problems that require immediate attention. Palmistry recommends examining other lines at appropriate age intervals in order to find out the specific causes of breaks in the Sun line (for example, defects in the Life line or Heart line may indicate physical and psychological ailments during such periods).

The branches from the Apollo line running up the palm reflect creative success, breakthroughs and fortunate coincidences. Descending branches indicate that it is difficult for a person to develop abilities without outside support. (In the latter case, a successful marriage in which your other “half” inspires you and supports you in difficult moments will be a good help.) If the line of the Sun bifurcates at the end, forming a “fork,” this indicates the development of talents in two directions at once. In this case, try to decide on the main type of creativity so as not to dissipate energy and effort.

Other lines on the hill

Vertical lines on the Mount of Apollo can have different meanings. If there are several of them and they are located close to the line of the Sun, as if strengthening it, the person will find good luck and success thanks to diverse interests and love for beauty. If the Apollo line seems to “break up” into several parallel vertical lines, this may indicate an inability to settle on one thing, a rushing between different types of creativity.

If several vertical lines intersect horizontal ones, a negative sign is formed - a lattice. It must be said that the lattice on the Mount of Apollo often speaks of a serious obstacle to the realization of talent - these can be both external circumstances and internal negative attitudes.

Palmistry - Mount of the Sun Apollo, lines, signs and influence (part 12)

Palmistry, fortune telling, lines on the hand: signs on the Mount of Apollo.

Hill of APOLLO (Hill of the SUN) / general characteristics / Palmistry / THE STORE OF PALMISTRY

Positive signs

Positive signs on the Mount of Apollo enhance the meaning of the hillock, predicting fruitful development and successful implementation of talents. Such signs include: star, triangle, square (or rhombus), circle, trident. (If a star forms a pentagram, this is also considered a good sign). However, these signs need to be considered in the context of the overall hand pattern - with multiple negative aspects, their meaning may change.

  1. A star on the Mount of Apollo promises success and popularity to the owner of the palm. A star at the end of the line of the Sun is considered a particularly good sign. Often a star predicts success in simpler creative fields, but not always. A person with a star on this hill can become a successful businessman, earn high social status, or achieve wealth and prosperity in another way. However, it should be remembered that with an abundance of bad signs on the hand, a star can mean negative popularity or notoriety.
  2. A triangle on the Mount of Apollo foreshadows stable success and material well-being. Often the triangle indicates that the contribution to art made by the owner of the palm will be adequately appreciated by society. In general, the triangle denotes the successful implementation of a project - both creative and commercial.
  3. A square on the Mount of Apollo is also considered a good sign. Most often, the square performs a protective function, protecting a person from envy and slander, pride, exhaustion, temptations, etc. The presence of a square in the palm is often associated with innate moderation and prudence. If the square “absorbs” any negative sign, the bad influence of the latter is significantly weakened.
  4. The trident on the hill of Apollo portends great success, and in several areas at once. Fruitful work will lead to material prosperity and give satisfaction in life.
  5. The concentric circle in this place also has a positive meaning. He talks about successful coincidences of circumstances, and not one-time, but cyclical. A positive cycle occurs: luck moves in a circle, success gives birth to new successes, and material investments lead to an increase in capital.

Negative signs

Palmistry considers the cross on the hill of Apollo to be one of the negative signs. Crosses represent obstacles, illnesses and failures that interfere with successful activities and the development of talents. The cross with which the line of the Sun ends is considered especially negative. The cross located on the Hill of Apollo warns of a serious obstacle, due to which creative work does not bear fruit and turns into disappointment. The cross can symbolize physical and emotional exhaustion (in the latter case, you should carefully choose your environment and relationships, since envy, betrayal and hypocrisy of unfaithful friends can break your heart).

On the line of the Sun, transverse lines are considered negative signs - they speak of difficulties and obstacles, which will require additional efforts to overcome. The islands indicate a halt in progress in development, and a whole chain of islands indicates a series of failures in creative life. In addition, palmistry considers moles on the hillock to be karmic signs that promise fatal obstacles beyond a person’s control. In such cases, it is necessary to pay attention to selfless motivation and spiritual growth - if your talents are used for good, karmic chains will weaken significantly. As a result of proper work on yourself, you will see that the mole on the mound becomes lighter.

If you find negative signs on your palm, do not take them as a final verdict. Treat your hand drawing as a guide that gives you tips on how to choose the right directions as you move along the path of life. Do your best, prepare as best you can for the predicted trouble and believe that you have the strength to overcome it. Over the course of your life, you will see that the lines and signs on your palm change according to your actions, decisions, conclusions drawn and work on yourself.
