Encyclopedia of Marketing. Brand Platform

The brand platform is a set of key meanings that form the ideological framework of the brand and form its semantic uniqueness. Brand platform development is the most important stage of its creation. Weavers Brand Consultancy pays special attention to the creation of a brand platform, since it is this platform that is the basis for the future verbal and visual brand identification and its communication strategy.

The sequence of the stage implementation:

  1. Development of strategic scenarios for the development of the brand and hypotheses for its future positioning.
  2. Conducting strategic sessions/workshops with the client's team.
  3. Selection of the most promising version of the brand strategy and the formation of all other elements of the brand platform on its basis.
  4. As a result, the agreed brand platform is presented in the form of an easy-to-read visual model.

Depending on the category in which we create a brand - retail, corporate or consumer branding - the set of characteristics in the brand platform may vary. Below are the characteristics that we most often use in the development of a brand platform:

  • Brand attributes are the main functional or emotional associations/characteristics inherent in a brand.
  • Emotional and rational brand benefits (for consumer branding).
  • Brand values ​​are a system of basic principles and postulates on which brand activities are based. Reflect the ideas and beliefs that lay the foundation for the realization of the mission. The answer to the question: “What is important to us?”
  • The character of the brand is its main qualities and features that characterize the brand as a person. They are the basis of the brand's emotional identity. The answer to the question: "What are we, what is our character?"
  • Insight is an intimate consumer truth from which a brand idea (for consumer branding) can be born.
  • Brand positioning is the brand's place in the consumer's mind, which is formed on the basis of the brand's unique idea/value proposition and differentiates it from competitors.
  • Brand vision is the image of the brand in the future. The answer to the question: “What should we ideally strive for?”
  • The brand manifesto is a detailed description of the brand philosophy, the meaning of its existence.
  • The mission of the brand is the main reason for the existence of the brand, the most important task. The answer to the question: “What is our purpose in that world? Why do we exist?
  • The essence of the brand is the "heart and soul" of the brand, its key idea in a nutshell.

What is a mission? How to find the mission of a brand or company?

How to formulate a mission?

Where to put this mission then? Write on your hand or carve on the tempered glass of the reception?

Why are values ​​​​needed and how to find, and retain, positioning in the market?

To answer these and many other similar questions, it may be worth starting with the reasoning - "What is a brand?".

If not to google open sources for a public demonstration of erudition "in haste", then many, speaking of famous brands and brand leaders, note that in addition to explicit quantitative and qualitative indicators, brands have something like that, something like that, here is the elusive - something that others do not have ... Like, brands are distinguished from ordinary companies by reputation, philosophy, emotion.

And it will be, in my opinion, a story close enough to the truth.

This is such a complex of components, manual “tuning” and many years, multi-budget, multi-team work. This is the ideology, foundation, philosophy, DNA, know-how, exclusive patents, standards, and so on and so forth, which form the uniqueness of the brand.

How many branding masters have been, are and will be, there will be so many definitions of ideology that differ in one or two sentences and describe the same thing - the same image of the brand that can hardly be reproduced. Often described as an associative and emotional connection with the consumer and society, its intangible value and value is the basis of differentiation, the basis of philosophy, the basis of corporate culture.

However, what is so difficult to describe has long been based on a fairly generalized world standard and is often called the brand's ideological platform.

In this note, we are not talking about brand value, and how to calculate brand value, justify the cost of building it, and so on. We are still talking about the spiritual, that part, without which there is nothing to justify.

The ideological platform is the basis on which the entire non-material, inspiring and philosophical superstructure is based, often having a specific, practical application and justification.

What is the ideological platform?

Here, as with brand definitions, there are as many specialists as there are “recipes” for an impeccable ideology. Let's stick to the main roads.

The ideological platform, in one of the classic versions, consists of:

  • history / legends / assets,
  • mission,
  • values,
  • positioning.

It is, in its beginning, and in its end, words and images.

The formulation of a super-goal - one's inspiring mission, the definition of values ​​​​as the basis for making any decisions and identifying oneself in the market, the formation of a distinctive position based on one's assets and points of differentiation - all this, at first glance, is a play on words with an artistic gloss.

However, even at first glance, it is always noticeable - in which cases the ideology began and ended up living in an engraving on a notebook, and in which cases it became a real platform for the development of a strong brand.


Private labels, or Private Labels, of retail chains is a topic as interesting as it is little touched upon in our country. With significant prospects in this area, it is rare to find the effective use of all the possibilities of private labels. However, the reasons are clear and fairly standard. This is a lack of knowledge and a desire to think and learn, which is typical of marketers, general managers, and the owners themselves in particular. Otherwise, there would be no stupid experiments with private labels in areas where it is contraindicated. And, of course, the number of private labels in the "correct" categories would have to grow.

We have already written about private labels more than once. But since our concepts do not stand still, but develop, concretizing additions appear, which, as one would like to believe, will help those professionals who are still thinking about the effective use of brand capital and the development of such a direction of brand monetization as the creation of private labels.

Strategies for creating private labels

1. Dumping strategy

This is the simplest solution that does not require special analytics. Any product can be replaced by a cheaper analogue, if the economy of the process allows. There will always be a consumer who wants everything the same, only cheaper. However, calling a private label of the cheapest products by the name that is associated with the distribution network itself makes sense only in the case of promotion of discounters. In other cases, this may not be worth doing. Especially if you intend to exploit the potential of other private label strategies that are not cheap. Well, as a "fool protection" the obvious should be said: the product itself should not be frankly of low quality. Cheapness is cheapness, but the consumer still has to eat, drink or use it in some other way. And if he is very dissatisfied with the product, then at least he will stop buying it.

2. Competitor replacement strategy.

This option also does not rest on the brand of the retail chain itself, but uses the features of consumer choice. There are such product categories where the consumer has developed a certain habit of specific products and brands. Different product categories have different strength of this habit and the degree of its influence on the choice. The essence of the substitution strategy is to physically replace the leading product in the category where this consumer habit is not an important choice. We can say that these are the categories in which the brand factor is not important in part or in full. In the case of such a category, the leading product is physically removed from the shelves or moved to a less successful shelf, and its place is taken by a completely similar product under a private label. At the same time, the entire “brand markup” falls into the pocket of the retailer – the product itself is no longer the cheapest in the category, but may well be even above average. At the same time, the cost of its advertising tends to zero. The option looks advantageous, but here the most difficult mechanism is the correct choice of a product category in which it is permissible to carry out such manipulations without a negative response from the mass consumer.

In order to understand this issue, you first need to understand which of the categories are branded (that is, those where you should not count on luck without a strong brand). In our opinion, the area of ​​greatest branding relevance is:

A) goods with unique (and tangible) consumer properties;

B) conspicuous consumption goods;

C) goods of hedonic consumption.

The first category is products whose differences from analogues are seriously noticeable. This is primarily true for goods of a rather narrow, niche purpose: kefir to strengthen the immune system, washing powder for black clothes, medicinal mineral waters, etc.

The second category is the so-called. image products that participate in the process of interaction with other people. In such cases, by the level of consumption, others can evaluate the consumer, which is extremely important for a person: in order not to lose his reputation, the consumer is ready to incur additional expenses. This category includes, for example, vodka and beer. In such categories, brand loyalty is very high, and the consumer may even refuse to consume if he does not have enough choice.

The third category is products consumed for one's own pleasure, not essential for daily activities. These are alcohol (except vodka), confectionery, delicacies. In the indicated categories, the factor of brand loyalty is also quite large, the consumer may feel serious dissatisfaction in the absence of favorite brands on sale. Therefore, the substitution strategy in these categories cannot work and is even harmful. But there remains one more category where the substitution strategy works with a bang. These are utility products.

Utility products are goods of a familiar and understandable purpose, consumed due to a conscious need. This is almost all groceries (except exotic), bakery products, freezing, preservation, etc. In this category, branding in the sense that we put into it (Tamberg & Badyin consulting bureau) is practically impossible. There is no need for a complex ideology of consumption and adjustment to secret motives. Consumer choice is quite primitive, and loyalty to existing brands is low. The consumer can quite easily switch to an analogue if the level of perceived quality seems similar to him, and even more so - higher. Therefore, the leaders in these product categories can either be removed from the assortment altogether, or “move” with the help of similar products. In this case, you should already use the chain's trademark itself, since a recognizable name increases the level of perceived quality. However, do not forget that the “quality” bought by the consumer, although it is a very subjective concept, still implies the quality of workmanship as well. Therefore, if you are replacing a leading product with your own brand, the quality of the product should be at least as good.

3. Brand expansion strategy.

This is the most interesting option, as it implies a real synergy between the chain brand and the private label. The brand of the network will work for the sales of its own brand, and the private label will strengthen the brand of the network. Characteristically, over time, this private label can go beyond the retail network itself and become a real brand of the local or federal level, further promoting the brand of the retail chain. Sounds nice? However, this option is also the most complex, with its own rather confusing logic. Therefore, in order to successfully apply it, you will have to seriously delve into the motives of the consumer and in your own brand of the network.

The issue is complicated by the fact that the management of every self-respecting retail chain is convinced that they definitely have a brand. Alas, this is a standard error that we, as consultants, encounter very often. Every manager or marketer calls his brand a "brand", while no one can formulate what it is. Do not flatter yourself with hopes: if you do not know why the consumer chooses your network, then you do not know what your brand is and whether it exists at all. We will assume that if the network is still alive and successfully developing, then there is still some kind of brand. It is only necessary to formulate its ideology from the point of view of the consumer and already act further on the basis of it.

Brand ideology

Brand ideology is a clearly formalized idea of ​​why a consumer needs a product under a particular brand (a supermarket or chain is also a market product), why this consumer should want to purchase this product and who this consumer is. Most likely, the brand of the network does not have such a fairly clear ideology, however, it is never too late to formulate it, which, in general, is not difficult to do. For our tasks of choosing categories for creating our own brand, such a block of brand ideology as needs is the most relevant.

According to our scheme, needs are a situational model, a role model and a cultural factor. A situational model is an integral, averaged model of the situation in the life of the consumer, for the successful solution of problems within which the brand is intended. In other words, "What is it for?" Each retail format also has its own situational models (we described this principle in more detail in the book "Branding in retail. A complete cycle of creation from scratch"). Let's say a convenience store relies on the situational "daily meals" model, and a hypermarket already relies on the "household" model. For some reason, the visitor chooses this network. This needs to be marked.

The next term is the role model. This is a reference image inherent in a person of a certain type and includes a set of behavioral characteristics. Every self-respecting brand must comply with a clear stereotype in the mind of the consumer “who is it for?” For what type of person? For a poor Housewife, a Mother with many children, or for a successful Careerist?

Trying to work with all consumers en masse is no longer just a mistake, but downright bad form in marketing. However, let's not talk about the obvious. In any case, a collective image, a portrait of the target consumer is necessary at least for the competent use of the relevant persons in advertising. So finding it is not a superfluous question.

The third term is the cultural factor, which consists in determining “what cultural group” the brand is intended for. What cultural group does the consumer belong to? This is probably the most difficult question. In this case, the cultural factor will have to be collected from various cubes - urban culture, territorial culture, ethnic culture, etc. (for more information on the topic, visit newbranding.ru). However, it is desirable to do so. When the cultures of the brand and the consumer coincide, the consumer begins to consider this brand as “their own”, which inevitably affects loyalty. If there is a department of kosher products in the trading network, then adherents of Judaism will consider this network “their own”, or if this network has a department of products from Japan, for example, then it will be “their own” for another cultural group. It must be understood that cultures can be antagonistic, and their adherents can be in direct confrontation with each other. Therefore, it is not possible to accommodate the specific needs of all cultural groups. It is necessary to formulate the cultural core of the brand and develop based on it, without making unnecessary gestures.

In any case, all these three terms are present in any brand. If the network has a target consumer, this three-level stereotype is present in his mind. It needs to be clarified, and then turn to three options for expanding the brand of the retail network, each of which can be used independently of each other with the help of sub-brands. At the level of the situational model, you need to find out the difference between the situational model of your brand and competitors. Let's say your supermarket is more for the household, and the competitor has a bias towards the economy of a country house. In this case, you need to focus on the differences in housekeeping in urban environments and build your sub-brand in the categories of related products.

The level of the role model sets a certain average consumer, a personality type. A role model always has some stereotypical activities (and no others). This is not a living person, but only an average template of a certain type of person. And the role model also has a certain set of situational models that reveal what this model does. For example, the Mother's role model focuses on caring for children (and feeding them naturally), while the Careerist does not feed anyone but herself, but feeds herself on strictly dietary or hedonistic foods. The retail chain brand can expand into these categories, which are, as it were, intended for a role model, take a place on the shelves and in the mind of the consumer, strengthening the position of the retail chain.

The third option is the cultural factor. Every culture has its own consumer lifestyle. And a sub-brand, a supermarket private label, can become part of that lifestyle. If the cultural factor of the trade network brand includes a component of ethnic Russian culture, then vodka, kvass, and a number of other traditional products of Russian cuisine can be represented here. If it's more of a cosmopolitan, westernized culture, then the sub-brand can spread into the "European" product segment. In general, brand expansion can be very strong, and these sub-brands must have a connection with the parent brand of the retail chain. In fact, they will be its advertisement, convey its ideology.

Perhaps, using the expansion strategy is not very simple. Indeed, in this case, one has to deal with such a delicate matter as the psychological reality of the consumer. In addition, you will have to consider in detail what few people think about - the retail chain's own brand. Yes. This is hard. But if it were easy, a lot of stupid books would be written about it and it would become commonplace. In the meantime, those wishing to successfully expand the retail business have some head start. However, the strategies of substitution and dumping, I would like to believe, are much simpler and do not require such a deep understanding of the behavior of the consumer. However, they also allow you to earn on private labels. Possibly making a lot of money. The main thing is to start thinking and asking the right questions. And there will be answers.

Brand Platform- a document that reveals the nature of the brand.

I am sure you have noticed more than once that firms with the same products have different success among. And everything seems to be the same for them - tools, target audience ... but one company is still cooler (and richer) than the other. So, the reason for this is just the mysterious brand platform.

The first two elements of the platform

A little more

The motive of any business is to increase profits and open up more opportunities, which is why the business creates a brand platform.

Purpose of the brand platform– to fill the company with meaning, emotions and rational advantages.

Moreover, the more detailed all the information is reflected, the more accurate the interaction with the consumer will be. And they directly depend on it.

Why do businesses need

When achieving the goal, the brand platform allows the company to correctly use resources and tools, choose positioning and, namely:

ClientsThe more detailed the consumer is studied, the better you can interact with him. If you offer the client a product that he would like to see, and even in the most convenient way, this will significantly increase consumer confidence in the brand.
MoneyAll other benefits entail an increase in sales volumes and economic indicators. Therefore, the platform should be considered as an effective marketing strategy tool.
CompanyThe brand platform increases business awareness. That is, respect for the company is growing, consumers trust the product they know, discuss it, and strive to get new products.
CommunicationsThe brand platform allows you to create a complete technical task for your company. Allows you to understand what key meanings will lie in advertising campaigns, what emotion will hook the consumer and what benefits it will be supported by
EmployeesThe developed regulations and specific provisions give a clear understanding of what needs to be done. Listed once
in the brand platform, the data will be used continuously. For new employees, this will speed up the onboarding process, and for existing employees, it will allow them to devote time to more important things.

And I immediately warn you: the development of a brand platform will take a lot of time, since each business process has its own methods. In addition, then all the information received must be reduced as much as possible, preferably to the theses.

Remember that the brand platform should provide clear and concise answers to the questions posed.

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And a lot of other information

Step 1 Idea

Or, in other words, - Brand Pearl - the pearl of the brand. When this element is revealed, the key idea of ​​your brand is broadcast. The idea usually includes seven of its components (as in our example) - this is the standard.

Key question:“What is my idea?”

To answer the question, you need to decide on the name of the brand and its legend, and the following sub-items: the essence of the business, values, brand, key characteristics, message and promises to the consumer, keywords will help to reveal questions:

  1. What is the essence of the brand?
  2. What are the main values ​​and legend of the brand?
  3. What is the business mission?
  4. What are the key characteristics of the brand?
  5. What is the message from the brand to the consumer?
  6. What does the brand promise to its consumer?
  7. What are brand symbols?

Key question:“What are the ingredients of the product?”

In general, the second section of the platform includes answers to the following questions:

  1. What are the distinguishing characteristics of the goods sold?
  2. What pricing strategy is being used?
  3. What are the conditions for promotional events, promotions and discounts?
  4. How is inventory management and logistics going?
  5. How is the product promoted?
  6. In which markets is this product sold?
  7. What kind of distribution?
  8. What keywords?

I will clarify that in general you can apply different methods of analysis, but it is best to analyze the product using . This tool brings together all the characteristics of the product, and the basic model contains 4 areas:

  1. product. Reflects the characteristics of the product that meet the needs of the target audience. It is important to reveal what is the USP, what distinguishes the product from competitors. Here are the brand attributes: symbols, etc.;
  2. Price. Determines the cost of selling goods, the level of profitability of sales. It is important to know the margin, the competitiveness of the price, the elements of the cost of goods. Also in this paragraph discounts and promotions are considered;
  3. Place of sale (place). Evaluates the quality of distribution. Here it is noted whether there is a delivery, what is the location of the goods, as well as information about the markets where the goods are sold, how they are sold, how to profitably present the product at the point of sale;
  4. Promotion. Reviews all marketing communications, promotion strategies, budgets, communication channels, . It is important to pay attention to what causes repeat purchases.

Step 3. Client

This element also describes in detail the portrait of the client. And here it is revealed how others should perceive the brand, including those who are not customers of your company.

And the main task here is the creation of an avatar. To do this, your customers are divided by gender, age, interests and occupation. After that, the segmentation of the target audience is carried out and a positioning strategy is built.

key question: “What is the Central Asia and where does it live?”

To systematize knowledge about customers, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the characteristics of the target audience?
  2. What are the segments of the target audience?
  3. Where do potential consumers live?
  4. What consumer needs need to be addressed?
  5. What is the consumer afraid of and what does he look for when choosing?
  6. What is the motivation for buying: rational or emotional?
  7. What are the key levers of influence on CA?

Step 4. Benefit

It is a set of product features that meet customer needs. That is, all the pains of consumers are collected here and how the brand's product is able to solve them.

Pain levels

And marketers identify three levels of such pain. If you work them out in detail, then you will be able to offer the client exactly those benefits that will fully satisfy him.

Key question:“What consumer pain does our brand solve?”

To work through this element of the brand platform, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What pains of the consumer are the most significant?
  2. What does the consumer think about your product?
  3. What suggestions does the client have for your product?
  4. How does your product solve a customer's unmet need?
  5. How to make the product even more profitable for the buyer?

At the same time, the better the research is carried out, the more qualitative benefits you can offer your buyer. To do this, you can use different methods:

  • Survey. Conducting a survey among the identified target audience;
  • . Study various forums and blogs where the consumer is active, read his reviews and suggestions;
  • Requests. Study the search queries by which customers find your site;
  • Analytics. Yandex Wordstat and Google Trends services allow you to explore keywords and brand popularity.

I will note an important detail: such studies of consumer demand should be carried out more often than once a year.

Step 5. Emotion

In the professional environment, this is called emotion marketing, and it is one of the most important elements of the brand platform. It describes the feelings and emotions that connect the consumer with your brand.

And it looks like this: a person has uncovered pain and because of it he experiences some feelings. Then your task is to determine what a person feels and should experience from your product.

Key question:“What should the consumer feel from interacting with the brand?”

And of course, the list of questions for the development of the fifth element of the platform:

  1. What feelings does the consumer have when the need is not closed?
  2. How should a customer feel when interacting with our brand?
  3. What color best matches the chosen emotions of customers?
  4. How to adapt a marketing strategy to consumer emotions?
  5. How will regular customers react to innovations?

For the skeptics, I tell you: Emotional marketing works because every consumer experiences emotions. And the point here is that each significant emotion corresponds to a certain color. This concept is well illustrated by Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions.

Wheel of emotions

By the way, in order to test the developed emotional marketing, the easiest way is to assemble a focus group, since otherwise it will not be possible to determine the effectiveness - only empirically.

Step 6. Sale

This is an important point, as this is where customer service takes place. And it is important to understand how the sales process is carried out, who is involved in it, how to work with, what encourages the client to buy.

key question: “How is the sales process going?”

At the same time, it is important to describe in detail the channels of communication with the consumer, because sales techniques depend on the place of interaction with him. Here is a list of questions to help you:

  1. What are the buying triggers?
  2. How is the sale carried out, through what channels?
  3. What are the consumer's motives for buying the product?
  4. What need/pain does the purchase solve?
  5. What are the possible objections and how to deal with them?
  6. What benefits does the consumer receive?

Step 7. Brand Image

The company creates an image that consumers should perceive. Therefore, the owners themselves must be well aware of what tools are used for what purposes.

key question: “How should the consumer see the brand?”

The main thing to note here is that this section is directly related to the first one, where the brand idea and message are revealed. After all, when the owner comes up with the idea of ​​creating a brand, he sees the visual components of the company.

Therefore, when developing this section, it is necessary to build on the image that has developed with the owner. And traditionally questions:

  1. How does the owner see the brand?
  2. What is the position of the brand in relation to customers?
  3. What is the intonation of the brand, what does it promote?
  4. What are the key parameters of positioning and visualization?
  5. What are the prospects for brand development?

Ideally, when answering these questions, when mentioning a brand, there should be a complete picture of everything that it carries in itself, what consumers think about it, and what sensations it causes.

Step 8. Competitors

I’ll clarify right away that sometimes this element comes first in importance. After all, when your brand has close competitors, it is important to understand how to distinguish yourself from them, what advantages they have.

key question: “What are the competitors doing?”

When conducting competitor analysis, you should have answers to the following questions:

  1. Who is the main one?
  2. What are the competitor's prices?
  3. How is our product different from a competitor's product?
  4. What are our weaknesses and strengths?
  5. What is the probability of the appearance of substitute products?
  6. How to become more competitive?

At the same time, I advise you to analyze the competitive environment using. This basic model includes five key competitive drivers:

  1. Threats of appearance of substitute products;
  2. Threats of new players;
  3. Analysis of the market power of suppliers;
  4. Analysis of market power of consumers;
  5. Analysis of the level of competition.

In addition, the results of the analysis are visualized, and the Porter matrix clearly shows the weak positions of your company. Well, along with this, you need to conduct a comparative analysis of competitors, to delve into pricing.


Briefly about the main

If you try and develop a brand platform, you will only benefit from it: you will have all the important information in one document, save time and money on advertising campaigns, and be able to stand out from competitors.

Summing up, I would like to mention the main positions for which the brand platform is actually needed:

  • Show uniqueness. It is very difficult to explain to the consumer what the uniqueness of your product is. But if this succeeds, then such a client becomes permanent;
  • Gain Trust. Consumers trust more what they remember and know. Think for yourself what you would choose, Coca Cola or a caramel drink from an unknown manufacturer;
  • Get profit. A promoted brand has more opportunities. It has more customers, but can mark up steeper than competitors without losing a customer;
  • Increase stability. The reputation of a promoted brand serves as an airbag in an unstable market. After all, the consumer chooses a product that he knows;
  • Increase efficiency. A new employee, having read the provisions of the platform, immediately understands what to do. This reduces training time, improves the performance of the company.

The brand platform is one of the main tools that sets the direction for the development of key attributes, determine its image and marketing positioning. The team of specialists of our company uses a specially developed algorithm (Brand Reactor), which will allow you to successfully develop the identity of the future brand based on its image and positioning concept.

The branding agency is ready to fulfill any requirements of customers by creating a modern brand platform that reflects the position of the company and the main idea of ​​its activities. This tool includes several important points that further allow you to develop and implement successful brand strategies and build accurate communications with the consumer.

Brand platform development

Brand platform development is a fundamental branding tool.

A well-designed model will ensure that the brand is unique in the market and meets the needs of the target audience. When developing, we use unique techniques to create a positive brand image, which allows us to form long-term consumer loyalty.

In many cases, the basis of the platform is the philosophy and identity of the company, therefore, in the development process, we make sure to conduct research on the mission, corporate values ​​and corporate culture of the organization. The key reflection of the brand platform is the slogan (brand line), which helps to understand its essence.

Examples of ready-made platforms for a brand

Examples of successfully created platforms can be found on our website. By developing the platform, we create a marketing model that expresses the values ​​and character, consumer insight and benefits from interacting with the brand. At further stages, it is revealed in a communication strategy that describes in detail how to correctly convey information about the brand to all target audiences. By contacting our company, you will receive a high-quality project that provides for the various components of the brand model and ensures the successful promotion and improvement of the brand.


Analytics is followed by synthesis and creation. The brand identity model is a pivotal element in brand development. The development of a brand platform is the creation of an essential brand positioning, expressed in the form of a strategic matrix, visual images, verbal constants and creative style.

The brand platform describes in detail and holistically its uniqueness in the consumer environment and competently emphasizes the nature of its internal organization. It is developed on the basis of information about market development trends, competitors' communications, target audience and consumer preferences, key product and brand characteristics.

The platform defines input from proprietary consumer research methodologies, which is interpreted and synthesized as part of strategic analysis and brand audit.

The marketing matrix with strategic implications, which is the core, is complemented by the image concept, which finalizes the brand in terms of artistic and consumer intonation.

The marketing matrix defines:

  • the essence of the brand;
  • consumer insight;
  • rational and emotional benefits;
  • style and character of the brand.

The brand image concept includes:

  • creative description of the idea of ​​marketing positioning;
  • visual embodiment of the idea of ​​positioning.

In the future, the platform is used as a guide and evaluation criterion for all branding activities. It is a technical task for the development of verbal brand attributes (name, slogan, legend) and visual attributes (logo, packaging design and corporate style).
