How to draw on the theme of Good and Evil in stages? Exhibition “Kindness will save the world Drawings about good deeds.

    I think that in this case it will be necessary to first talk with the child in order to find out exactly how he understands the essence of the categories of good and evil, which are rather relative than absolute. It is clear that this topic is rather complicated for a small person, therefore, when depicting the symbols of Good and Evil on paper, it will most likely be necessary to dwell on attempts to convey emotions from the perception of these concepts. Here are examples that are fairly simple to implement:

    Draw evil and good emoticons:

    You can also focus on fairy-tale heroes - as a rule, in fairy tales everything is very straightforward and obvious, a child can easily distinguish between positive and negative characters. You can invite the baby to independently pick up associations and transfer them to paper. Most often, children in older kindergarten groups already have their own ideas about angels and demons - you can use them as symbols:

    The world through the eyes of a child is completely different from the world of an adult. Children and adults often see the same things differently. And even more often the child is not able to figure out on his own what is good and what is bad. For such global explanations, there are adults wiser with life experience. Now, using a few simple examples, we will try to clarify the situation in a language accessible to children, using drawing;)

    Here are a few pictures that tell you what not to do: torture bugs, chicks, litter and fight.

    And here are situations from real life: feeding birds, helping with heavy bags, saving a drowning man and congratulating a grandmother. These are, of course, good deeds, which means that the counterweight to evil is good.

    In fact, good and evil can be drawn as you like, but it is best to contrast, balance the composition in one picture. For example, let's take a more complex abstract composition with a tree. First, we draw a joyful, happy picture, and as opposed to it, on the second half of the sheet, everything is vice versa.

    Do not compose everything for the child, give free rein to his imagination, push your child in the right direction, let him create :)

    And for example, a few more works

    Everyone has their own visual expression and vision of good and evil.

    I propose to consider the image of good in the form of an angel, and evil - a devil.

    At the same time, a similar drawing is sometimes used as a tattoo that carries the same struggle and contradictions.

    We define what evil is. Do not wash your hands because you can get sick, hurt girls and fight boys because the stronger ones can beat you too. What is good? Help the elders, do not break trees, do homework well.

    On one half of the sheet, draw a boy with a slingshot, on the other half of the sheet, draw a girl with a book.

    Correctly draw a picture on the theme of Good and Evil so

    Draw a fire on the entire sheet, several trees in its background, a bucket of water next to it or draw a fire extinguisher, see below how to draw a fire extinguisher in such a picture

    Figure step by step bucket

    How to draw a boy step by step

    Found how to draw mango evil and good, a very simple option. And children will love to draw the girl's face in stages. One is bad, the other is good.

    the drawing is simple, the video can be stopped in the process of drawing. Of course, the language is English, but the language is not very important here, the main thing is that the artist shows his work in stages.

    It seems to me that this topic is so broad that you can draw anything: from Christian motifs to everyday things.

    Most likely, children are invited to draw what is good in their concept and what is evil.

    For example, good is associated with family, love, care, friendship, and evil is associated with their destruction.

    Another option is drawings illustrating proverbs and aphorisms about good and / or evil.

    For example like this:

    To draw Good and Evil, you need to understand how the child imagines them, with what characters, images he associates these moral concepts.

    As a rule, Good is something bright, beautiful, bright, smiling, and therefore you can draw the sun, a rainbow, animals, flowers:

    If we talk about Evil, then you can draw a gloomy cloud, an evil beast, some kind of monster:

    Good and evil, that is, good and bad. We must first deal with the concepts of evil and good.

Mankind throughout its history has been wondering what is good and evil and where is the line between them? These concepts can be interpreted in a huge number of variations. Moreover, each person thinks about this issue differently. For one, a certain act is considered humane and kind, for another, the same act can be cruel and evil.

Given this factor, we can conclude that the concepts of good and evil are very relative. Conducted sociological surveys of people who were asked the question: "How do you yourself understand what is good and what is evil?". The lion's share said that good is when no one kills, rapes, or steals. When the authorities respect, appreciate and pay well. Children learn well and obey their parents, etc.
Well, evil is the opposite of everything listed above. If you ask what is good at the state level, here you can hear somewhat different answers. People consider stability in the country and the foreign political arena to be good. Observance of human rights and their protection at the state level is also good - this is when our scientists create something better than foreign ones. By the way, this is already turning into evil for the people of the neighboring state. In this example, one can see the whole relativity of the concept of good and evil.
The line between these concepts is different for each person. For example, one thinks that it is good to have a lot of money that he could use to help those in need, and this would be good deeds. However, he can get this money by robbing a “bad” financial company that robs people or a rich person who does not want to share with others, and therefore is “bad”. And such an act will not be considered evil.
But the same bank or a rich person will consider this act evil, because, in their opinion, the money belongs to them and they themselves decide how to dispose of it. And they will also be right in their own way in this matter. So, as you can see, the line between good and evil is quite thin and it is different for everyone.
However, there is also a philosophical approach to this issue. It is based partly on religious principles and partly on the realization of the very existence and meaning of human life. Here the emphasis is on finding the reason why this or that event occurs in life. For example, why something was stolen from someone, why there was an earthquake in this particular place, because of which one country attacked another.
All such philosophical conclusions come down to the fact that, in fact, good is any action aimed at the benefit of a person, society, and the planet. And evil is a tool for regulating harmony, which is needed to correct a person, point out his mistakes and direct him to the right path. And also it happens in life in the form of punishment for an offense committed earlier. This is denoted by the concept of "karma", and means that for good deeds a person receives good things, for bad deeds - bad.
Here, the right way is the observance of the "laws of the universe" and human existence. Such logical conclusions are not an authoritative justification for everyone, but they have the right to exist as one of the options for explaining good and evil. The reader is free to choose for himself where the line between good and evil lies for him. However, you should know that no one has the right to consider himself an exceptional person, to whom everything is permitted. A person is obliged to comply with generally accepted laws - human and state. But as for religion and philosophical understanding of life - here everyone is free to choose for himself. Pictures of good and evil reflect different perceptions of our actions and thoughts...

What interpretations of the theme of kindness do children offer? Mom with a child, the sun, a kitten, pigeons ... a bright sunny day, a flowering meadow, a mother holding a child by the hand, or who brought a bouquet of wild flowers. You can imagine a different picture: the sky covered with clouds, pouring rain, puddles ... The boy holds out his umbrella or brings a board to make a bridge over a huge puddle.

However, these are just the simplest solutions. Perhaps, kindness is a more fundamental concept, although it can be embodied in the simplest actions, in which, it would seem, there is nothing heroic. The girl puts it back into the nest, under the wing of an alarmed mother bird, which has fallen out. A teenage boy removes a kitten from a tree to return it crying. Children bring their lost glasses to their grandmother. The boy is leading an old man with a cane across the road. You can come up with or remember a lot of different situations.

Illustrations for fairy tales about kindness

You can make illustrations for one of the well-known good fairy tales. Dr. Aibolit, who treats animals, immediately comes to mind. Or Dunno in the Sunny City, who has done three good deeds. Or perhaps the woodcutter's son Til-Til, who brought his sick neighbor's girl, from Maeterlinck's play The Blue Bird. Older children can turn to more serious philosophical tales. For example, draw a statue of the Happy Prince and a swallow sitting on its shoulder from Oscar Wilde's sad fairy tale "The Happy Prince". Or the kinder Scrooge, who sends a huge turkey as a gift to the poor family of his employee Gyrfalcon, from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in Prose. Or Gorky's Danko, holding his burning heart in his hand held high...

The theme of goodness in the work of Pablo Picasso

In the history of world painting, Pablo Picasso, in the so-called “blue” period of his work, came closest to the image of goodness. Then in his paintings a plot often appeared where the weak protects the even weaker. For example, in the painting “The Beggar Old Man with the Boy”, the beggar gives the child the last piece of bread. A barefoot boy - most likely an orphan - seeks to caress the same homeless dog as himself ("Boy with a Dog"). A little girl holds a white dove in her hands, trying to warm and protect it ("Girl with a Dove").

Everyone sees and understands good in their own way and can come up with their own version of a drawing on a given topic. The main thing is that good exists not only on paper or canvas, but also in the soul of the artist.

Many people want to depict evil on paper. Thinking about how to draw good and evil, various images pop up in the imagination. If you can choose angels, fairies, a child for the role of good, then demons or the devil, who can sit surrounded by flames and is the personification of absolute evil, most often act as evil. Many in the form of evil choose a slender figure in a hood with a scythe. As a rule, both depend only on the artist's imagination, which sometimes gives out the most unexpected plots. But in this article, we propose to draw a demon as evil.

Draw a demon

Before you draw an evil demon, you should think carefully about the details of his appearance, so that later it would be easier to portray them. Then you can take a sheet of paper and a pencil, and outline the composition of the picture. If, in addition to the demon, other objects and characters are present on the sheet, then space should be given to them on paper. With light strokes, you need to mark the top, bottom and width of the demon's body. Then you should divide the figure into details: the oval of the head, arms, torso, legs, and gradually add specifics, highlighting the angle of rotation of the head, rotation of the torso, arm movement, and so on. As a result, the figure of the demon should take shape in the drawing.

After that, you can erase the extra lines and think, perhaps you can draw any objects in his hands. Now you need to outline the shape of the demon's wings, for this the shape of the wings of angels is quite suitable, only dark in color, you can draw them broken, or torn and thin, like a bat, or like a dragon, strong and with spikes. The body of the demon can be decorated with a tattoo, and the head with horns or long hair. The main thing is that all the details are in harmony with each other. After that, you can draw the lines of muscles on the body of your evil, and move on to smaller details - ears, claws, clothing details and the demon's face. First, outline the location of the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth with strokes. As soon as an organic combination of shapes and sizes is found, you can move on to their more detailed drawing.

And finally, the drawing should be finalized, erasing the unnecessary and decisively outlining the outline. After that, you can draw the entourage of the picture. That's it, the drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw evil and you can show your drawings to your friends.

The most popular and favorite form of work for teachers and parents is leisure. It is at such events that the opportunities for the manifestation of creativity are most fully revealed. Regularly in our kindergarten there are exhibitions of children's works for the seasons, for holidays, environmental and as a final event of the thematic week.

So with 11 to 24 November an exhibition of children's drawings "Kindness will save the world" was held. It was the result of the work done by teachers - the day before, preliminary work was carried out on the topic "Kindness" in groups, as well as joint creativity of children and parents. In their drawings, young artists showed their vision of kindness. The children showed their imagination and creativity.

What is kindness

Why, tell me quickly
Is the world getting better?
Because someone is happy
From the simple word "Hello!"
And from the laughter of the kids,
And from the sun's rays
From snowdrops in the forest
What will I bring to my mother?
From the birch under the window,
What is knocking on the house with a branch.
From the coolness of the stream
From a colored moth
And from the rainbow over the river,
And from the firewood crackling in the stove,
Because a friend is near
And from grandmother's hands.
From snowflakes on eyelashes
And from the fairy tale that we dream of.
And from the smell of lilac,
And from the nightingale trill.
The world is mysterious, huge,
Look how kind he is.
So come on and me and you
Let's add kindness to him.
