What a Mariinsky. State Academic Mariinsky Theatre: description, repertoire and reviews

K: Theaters founded in 1783


On November 9, 1917, with the change of power, the theater, which became the State, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in 1920 it became academic and since then it has been fully called the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater (abbreviated GATOB). In 1935, shortly after the assassination of the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Sergei Kirov, the theater, like many other organizations, enterprises, settlements and other objects of the USSR, was named after this revolutionary.




Artistic director and director - Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prizes of the Russian Federation Valery Abisalovich Gergiev. James Cameron

  • Classic dance. History and modernity / L. D. Blok. - M .: Art, 1987. - 556 p. - 25,000 copies.
  • V. A. Telyakovsky. Diaries of the director of the imperial theaters. 1901-1903. St. Petersburg / Under the general. ed. M. G. Svetaeva. Prep. text by S. Ya. Shikhman and M. A. Malkina. Comment. M. G. Svetaeva and N. E. Zvenigorodskaya with the participation of O. M. Feldman. - M.: ART, 2002. - 702 p.
  • V. A. Telyakovsky. Diaries of the Director of the Imperial Theatres. Saint Petersburg. 1903-1906 / Under the general. ed. M. G. Svetaeva; Prep. text by M. A. Malkina and M. V. Khalizeva; Comment. M. G. Svetaeva, N. E. Zvenigorodskaya and M. V. Khalizeva. - M.: ART, 2006. - 928 p.
  • V. A. Telyakovsky. Diaries of the Director of the Imperial Theatres. Saint Petersburg. 1906-1909 / Under the general ed. M. G. Svetaeva; Prep. text by M. V. Khalizeva and M. V. Lvova; Comment. M. G. Svetaeva, N. E. Zvenigorodskaya and M. V. Khalizeva. - M.: ART, 2011. - 928 p.
  • A. Yu. Rudnev.
  • Press

    • Alexey Konkin.. "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - vol. No. 5320 (241) dated October 25, 2010. Retrieved February 22, 2011.
    • Maria Tabak.. RIA Novosti (02.08.2011). Retrieved February 22, 2011. .
    • . RIA Novosti (19.01.2011). Retrieved February 22, 2011. .
    • . Retrieved February 22, 2011. .
    • . RGRK "Voice of Russia" (13.07.2010). Retrieved February 22, 2011. .
    • (unavailable link - story) . Encyclopedia "Circumnavigation". Retrieved September 24, 2011. .


    • . Official site.

    Mariinskii Opera House. MARIINSKY THEATER (named after Empress Maria Alexandrovna), an opera and ballet theater in St. Petersburg. Opened in 1860 with a production of the opera A Life for the Tsar by M.I. Glinka in the building of the Circus Theater on Theater Square, rebuilt in 1859 ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    MARIINSKII OPERA HOUSE- opened in 1783 in St. Petersburg as the Stone (Bolshoi) Theatre, since 1860 in a modern building (architect A.K. Kavos), at the same time it received its modern name; in 1919 1991 State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, since 1935. S. M. Kirov, since 1992 ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    MARIINSKII OPERA HOUSE- (named after Empress Maria Alexandrovna), Opera and Ballet Theater in St. Petersburg. Opened in 1860 with a production of the opera Life for Tsar M.I. Glinka in the building of the Circus Theater on Theater Square, rebuilt in 1859 (reconstructed in 1968 1970). One ... ... Russian history

    Mariinskii Opera House- (see the Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov). Saint Petersburg. Petrograd. Leningrad: Encyclopedic reference book. Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia. Ed. collegium: Belova L. N., Buldakov G. N., Degtyarev A. Ya. and others. 1992 ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Mariinskii Opera House- Mariinsky Theatre, see the Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Mariinskii Opera House- opened in 1783 in St. Petersburg as the Stone (Bolshoi) Theater, since 1860 in a modern building (architect A.K. Kavos), at the same time it received its modern name; in 1919 1991 State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet, since 1935 named after S. M. Kirov ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Mariinskii Opera House Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Mariinskii Opera House- in St. Petersburg. opened 2 Oct. 1860 by the resumption of the opera Life for the Tsar. Rebuilt by the architect A.K. Kavos from the circus theater that burned down in 1859. Recently (1894-96) the theater has been overhauled. Significant work to improve… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Mariinskii Opera House- see the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater ... Music Encyclopedia

    Mariinskii Opera House- MARIINSKY THEATER, see the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater ... Ballet. Encyclopedia


    • Bolshoi Theater Culture and Politics New History, Volkov S. The Bolshoi Theater is one of the most famous brands in Russia. In the West, the word Bolshoi does not need to be translated. Now it seems like it's always been that way. Not at all. For many years the main musical ... Buy for 848 rubles
    • Big theater. Culture and politics. New History Volkov Solomon. The Bolshoi Theater is one of the most famous brands in Russia. In the West, the word Bolshoi does not need to be translated. But it wasn't always like that. For many years, the main musical theater of the empire was considered ...

    The building of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Historical building in the style of classicism, designed by A.K. Kavos in 1859-1860 on the site of the old theater-circus. In 1894-1896, the building was significantly reconstructed according to the project of V. A. Schreter. It houses one of the most famous opera and ballet theaters in Russia and the world - the State Academic Mariinsky Theatre.

    The first building on the site of the modern Mariinsky Theater was built back in the 40s of the XIX century, it became a circus theater, and Albert Katarinovich Kavos acted as the architect of the project. In this room, not only circus performances were held, but later dramatic theatrical performances began to be given. However, in the middle of the 19th century, the building was completely destroyed by fire - only walls and some ceilings remained from the previous building.

    Instead of the burnt one, it was decided to erect a new building, and already exclusively for the opera house. A. K. Kavos was again entrusted with designing it, however, he significantly altered his previous creation, modifying it for theatrical needs. The new theater became known as the Mariinsky in honor of the wife of Emperor Alexander II - Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

    At the end of the 19th century, the architect V. A. Schreter added a building to the building for rehearsal rooms, theater workshops and office space. He is also replacing wood rafters with steel, adding side wings, changing the front staircase and expanding the foyer. The facade of the building takes on more monumental forms, and the famous turret crowns the dome.

    Immediately after the opening, the interior decoration of the Mariinsky Theater amazed all contemporaries with its magnificence. The decoration of the walls was made in the color of a sea wave and complemented by blue velvet and silver brocade of armchairs. Stucco decorations and sculptures were placed everywhere. This richness of design was emphasized by rays of light from numerous lamps and a three-tiered chandelier with a picturesque ceiling made by master Enrico Fracioli. Separate words deserve a rich curtain, which has become the emblem of the theater, it was made with the participation of the artist A. Golovin. The interiors of the Mariinsky Theater are still considered among the best in the world.

    The building of the Mariinsky Theater is included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (monuments of history and culture) of Russia.

    Note to tourists:

    Inspection of the building will be of interest to theater lovers who want to visit the opera or ballet

    One of the most significant musical theatres; the most eminent theater of opera and ballet. Since the reign of Catherine II, it has been the imperial theater. It is included in the version of our site.

    The history of the Mariinsky Theater began in 1783, when the Bolshoi Theater was built in St. Petersburg by order of the Empress. During the reign of Alexander II, the theater was renamed in honor of his wife, Maria Alexandrovna. In October 1860, the premiere of the opera by M. Glinka took place in the new theater. The old building was given over to the conservatory.

    No wonder the Mariinsky is considered one of the most significant theaters in the world of opera and ballet. In the second half of the 19th century, the most important premieres in the history of Russian opera took place on its stage: Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov, Tchaikovsky's Iolanta and many other famous productions.

    In 1920, with the change of power, the theater was renamed Kirovsky. The former name was returned in 1992. The interior of the theater was reconstructed twice. Today, this is one of the most beautiful halls in the world, and the unique curtain, created in 1914, has long become the hallmark of the theater. Not far from the theater in 2013, the building of the second stage of the Mariinsky was built,.

    The main building of the theater is located on the Theater Square in St. Petersburg. You can get to the square by public transport, or by walking for 15-20 minutes from Sadovaya/Sennaya Ploschad/Spasskaya metro stations.

    In between theatrical seasons, other groups perform on the main stage.

    Photo attraction: Mariinsky Theater

    The Mariinsky Theater is both a cultural object and an attraction; not only travelers from Russian cities, but also foreign tourists tend to visit its productions during a visit to St. Petersburg. The date of foundation of the theater is 1783, at first performances were staged at the Bolshoi Theater. Over time, the theater got a different building and name, it was named Mariinsky in honor of the wife of Alexander II - Maria Alexandrovna.

    The theater had many glorious periods, truly talented people collaborated with it. The best operatic voices of their time shone on the stage of the theater - Leonid Sobinov, Fedor Chaliapin, Maria Slavina, among the artists of the ballet troupe were Matilda Kshesinskaya, Anna Pavlova, Tamara Karsavina and other eminent performers.

    The modern Mariinsky Theater is actively developing, striving to update the repertoire and develop new formats of interaction with the public.

    Poster of the Mariinsky Theater

    The repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater is notable for its diversity, it presents both productions already loved by many, as well as new ones. The theater cooperates with eminent international theaters, and the result of this work is joint productions. Art lovers can visit the opera, enjoy ballet performances, purchase tickets for music concerts and lectures on culture and art. There are also performances designed for a young audience. A special program is being prepared for the New Year holidays and anniversaries.

    The stage of the Mariinsky Theater is a venue for international festivals such as Flute Virtuosos, Faces of Modern Pianoism, Organ Festival and other significant events. The theater implements the Open Environment project, the meaning of which is that free music concerts are held every Wednesday afternoon. Visitors have the opportunity to hear the works of composers who worked in different musical directions and historical eras performed by members of the theater orchestra and young instrumentalists. Tickets are issued directly at the entrance to the theater, but keep in mind that the number of spectators is limited - the hall can accommodate only 170 people.


    The troupe includes many experienced vocalists who honor the traditions of the theater, as well as young talented artists who bring a lot of creative energy to the process. A significant place in the repertoire of the theater is occupied by productions based on musical works by outstanding domestic composers - in particular, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev. The repertoire includes the operas "Boris Godunov", "The Tsar's Bride", "Eugene Onegin", "The Nightingale".

    Operas are staged based on foreign classics - Mozart, Berlioz, Puccini, Rossini, Strauss and other famous composers. On the stage of the theater you can hear the operas "Aida", "Don Carlos", "Macbeth", "Benvenuto Cellini", "Love Potion". Works, as a rule, are performed in the original language. Some performances are accompanied by synchronized subtitles in different languages ​​for the convenience of the audience. The management of the theater does not disregard the operas of contemporary composers.

    Opera is a rather complex genre that will not be easy to perceive and understand for an unprepared listener. Therefore, there are small operas in the repertoire - mono-operas and one-act ones, which allow you to join interesting works. There are also small operas for children, the preparation of which uses stories and techniques understandable to them in order to convey the eternal truths embedded in the productions.

    Ballet of the Mariinsky Theater

    European choreographic art had a significant influence on the ballet of the theater. Choreographers from Italy and France were preparing artists who could perform parts in their productions. The successful period in the work of the ballet troupe is associated with the name of Marius Petipa, who was a dancer and choreographer in the theater. Having achieved a lot in this field, he continued his work as the chief choreographer of the theater. Such ballets staged by him as "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Raymonda" can still be seen on the poster, many admirers of choreographic art go to them with pleasure.

    The adornment of the theater's repertoire is Giselle, The Nutcracker, Sylphide, Corsair, Romeo and Juliet. In addition to productions that have become classic masterpieces, the Mariinsky Theater shows the best examples of contemporary foreign choreographers and introduces productions to promising young choreographers.

    Mariinsky Theater in 2019

    The theater is constantly evolving, expanding its repertoire and inventing new formats for working with the public. It has several scenes, each of which fulfills its role. The theater also includes the Primorsky Stage, located in Vladivostok, a branch in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (Vladikavkaz).

    main stage

    The historical first stage is still the main one for the theatre. It is located at: Theater Square, 1, the building was built in 1860, since then it has undergone several renovations. On this stage, the audience can see a significant part of the repertoire.

    The curtain of the stage is one of the symbols of the theatre, it was created by the artist Alexander Golovin. Its peculiarity is that it is made in the techniques of painting and appliqué and duplicates the drawing of the train of Empress Maria Alexandrovna (wife of Alexander II).

    Hall of the Mariinsky Theater on Google panoramas

    Concert hall

    Opening of the concert hall on the street. Pisareva, 20 took place at the end of 2006. Previously, the building housed the theatre's decorative workshops for a long time. After a devastating fire in the early 2000s, it was decided to build a Concert Hall on the site of the building. During the construction, it was possible to save part of the facade, which escaped destruction by fire. The theater and concert complex has state-of-the-art equipment.

    On the stage of the hall, concerts of foreign symphony orchestras, famous instrumentalists and opera soloists are held, conductor Christian Thielemann, singer Anna Netrebko, pianist Denis Matsuev, singer Sergei Leiferkus and other generally recognized performers performed here. The Concert Hall is a venue for various festivals, and exhibitions of paintings are also organized within its walls.

    new scene

    The new building of the theater was opened in 2013, its address: st. Dekabristov, 34. Although the architecture of the new building caused a lot of negative feedback, inside everything is thought out in accordance with all modern requirements - from the auditorium to the dressing room. The auditorium can accommodate up to 2,000 people and has been designed to provide the best acoustics, visibility and spectator comfort. The stage consists of the main, rehearsal and backstage. A lot of space is reserved for rehearsal rooms for troupe artists.

    The building has an open terrace with a wonderful view of the city. It is available in the summer, you can visit it an hour before the start of the performance. Opera and ballet performances are staged on the stage. In addition to the auditorium, chamber halls are used, designed for a small circle of listeners. Concerts, lectures, film screenings are held here.. If you go to a performance on the main stage, it will also be convenient to get off at the Teatralnaya Ploschad bus stop, there are many public transport routes.

    You can also get to the theater by metro, but keep in mind that the nearest Sadovaya station is about 1.5 km from the place. You can walk to the theater on foot or transfer to land transport and get to the stops listed above. From the metro you can take buses No. 50, 71, fixed-route taxis No. 1 and 169.

    In addition, it is convenient to get to the Mariinsky Theater using applications for ordering a taxi: Yandex. Taxi, Maxim, Gett, Uber and others.

    Video about the Mariinsky Theater
