Koptevskaya criminal group. Koptev formation

Later, some Kurgan residents begin to actively interact with the Solntsevo organized crime group, while others became close to the Koptevskaya organized crime group. They were looking for allies: they had to swim in a stormy criminal sea. After all, they made so many enemies... But no matter what brigade they worked in, the immutable law for the Kurgan people was loyalty to their clan. In any situation, the deported Cossack women had to provide information to their fellow countrymen.

The Koptev group (by the way, one of the oldest in Moscow) was organized in the mid-80s by the authority Potema, Muscovite Viktor Dolzhenkov, born in 1941, who was repeatedly convicted of profiteering. Recently, he completely retired from business and settled in a village near Moscow. Among those close to him were the famous brothers Refat and Mansur. Then the first one died from a heavy dose of drugs, the second one was helped to fall out of the window. They were replaced by another pair of brothers - Alexander and Vasily Naumov. Like many others, they were engaged in the usual criminal business: racketeering, drug trafficking, controlling prostitutes and gambling establishments. In 1993, there were about 100 people in the Koptev group. As they grew older, members of the group began to penetrate various management structures and crushed the commercial structures of Sheremetyevo-2 and the airport terminal. The Koptevskys were already moving in a higher sphere - financial and economic. Vasily Naumov owned the Miranda company and a number of others. And what the Koptevskys could be accused of was tax or similar economic sins. According to one of the MUR detectives, the Koptevskaya organized crime group was more civilized, in contrast to the tough ones, with frowning gangsters and stacks of wet corpses. The few murders were carried out so clumsily that most of them were later solved. They loved money very much and tried to earn it in relatively honest ways. It was much more profitable for them to maintain the reputation of respectable businessmen.

At a secret gathering, they agreed: the Kurgan friends would take on special events and do all the necessary dirty work for the Koptevskys.

The boys from Kurgan never knew how to make money. Vasily Naumov, the Koptev leader, always said: “Whatever you entrust to them, they will ruin everything.” They didn't turn out to be businessmen. Therefore, all their energy was aimed at snatching, taking away.

During 1994-1996, Kurgan residents collaborated with various groups. But the “death machine” did not obey anyone. The “peripheral team” complex and the desire to conquer Moscow pushed them onto the path of not only a merciless, but also a completely unprincipled struggle. Although they always imagined themselves as Robin Hoods, who cleared the city of criminal authorities. But Robin Hoods, as you know, sooner or later become bandits themselves. Dead end path.

Moscow shook from machine gun fire.

Operation "life"

For law enforcement agencies, the Kurgan residents remained in the shadows for a long time, passing through as victims: they were attacked, they were fired upon.

The situation changed after the murder in early 1996 of a certain Bibikov, a native of the city of Kurgan, a member of the Mazutka organized crime group. They said that the condemned man saw his executioner and started to run. The killer chased him through the streets, emptying the entire clip of his fourteen-round Taurus pistol. When investigating the murder, detectives, among other details, became interested in one episode. Literally the day before this crime, at the very place where Bibikov was then killed, a police detachment drew attention to a car in which three people had been sitting for several hours. We checked their documents, they turned out to be natives of the city of Arkhangelsk. After the murder, they began to look for them, and in the search process, working out connections indirectly led to the Kurgan group.

Later they found out the motives for Bibikov’s murder. He had a friend, a certain Tolya Aksenov (Aksen), also from Kurgan. He was married to the daughter of the authority Bori Yastreb. He inherited several retail outlets from the authorities of the Mazutka group. The Kurgan residents, having learned about this, came up and offered to work together. He had the imprudence to refuse: “This is not mine, guys, this is fuel oil, and in general, I don’t know you.” And the hunt began for Aksen. He, realizing that he had been sentenced, began to hide. But the Kurgan people never gave up on their plans. The ardor only increased. One of the leaders proposed a plan that was sophisticated in its meanness: first kill Bibikov, Aksen’s best friend. And then, at the funeral in Kurgan, shoot the rebellious Tolik. Having mercilessly destroyed their fellow countryman, the team of shooters immediately left for the homeland of the deceased. But the killers searched in vain for their victim among the funeral procession on the streets of their native Kurgan. He was not at the grave either. Even according to the standards of the most brutal Sicilian mafia, murders at funerals are a vile affair. Aksenov did not come to his friend’s funeral: apparently, his sixth sense kept him from going. The triumvirate became furious and gave the fighters a deadline. Tolya Aksen was killed in another place and by other perpetrators. The Mazutka guys accused him of treason, that he was handing over his people to the Kurgans, and they were systematically shooting. However, as it turned out, Aksen had absolutely nothing to do with it.

After these crimes, MUR officers began to detain members of the Kurgan organized crime group; others were taken into operational development.

Then a high-profile crime occurred on Petrovka, not far from the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate: one of the leaders of the Koptev group, Vasily Naumov, born in 1959, was shot dead. Late in the evening of January 23, 1997, he stopped his BMW 525 in Petrovka. Heaped bursts of fire smashed Naum's bright head to pieces. He was guarded on that fateful evening by members of the Saturn special forces of the Penitentiary Administration (Penitentiary Administration) of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. The attack near Petrovka 38 was a complete surprise for them. They didn’t have time to do anything: a car suddenly drove out of the darkness, braked sharply, and the shooting began. And the Saturnites, as it turned out later, didn’t really know who they were hired to protect. Naumov was considered a smart and successful businessman. Which, in principle, corresponded to his type of activity. Naum hired security when his brother was killed and he already guessed where the strong wind was blowing from. Then a scandal broke out and many good specialists were fired from the Penitentiary Institution.

The press in those days, not without gloating, wrote: “On January 23, the best detectives of the MUR were awarded. And while they were receiving orders and medals for “valiant work,” crime brazenly threw a gauntlet into the face of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Nikolai Kulikov, staging a bloody gang war under his windows.”

That year, the Koptev group suffered heavy losses. Another leader was killed - thirty-three-year-old Evgeniy Kondratyev (Kondrat) and Boris Ermolov, born in 1963.

The Kurgan people sought to have all friendly factions on their backs. Although the concept of “friendly” as such hardly existed for them. They became close, formed connections with the Orekhovskys, primarily with those who were supposed to take Sylvester’s place. They were looking for connections with those from Koptev who had strained relations with the Bauman people. After some time, they quietly knocked out a couple of leaders from the friendly group. Then the leader from the opposing team. Then they came and offered their help, machines for showdowns. When they made an attempt on the authority of Shakro-Young, it was the Kurgan fighters who brought weapons for the Izmailovskys. By this they earned their authority on the one hand, and on the other they provoked groups into civil strife. But only with the Izmailovo guys did the Kurgan people have the closest relationships; they willingly accepted their orders for shooting and other sensitive events.

Like werewolves, they changed their appearance every time. They studied handwriting, the peculiarities of the work of various teams, the contradictions between them, chose the moment - and then the capital's newspapers wrote about another gang war. For example, they came to the murder of the Orekhovsky authority in a Moskvich, because all the Moscow bandits knew that it was the Bauman ones who used the cars of this plant when working.

Mikhail - at least that’s how he introduced himself - called the editor after the release of another publication about the Kurgan criminal group. “We definitely need to meet, talk and put the emphasis correctly,” he said. - Otherwise, from your article it turns out that the killers from Kurgan were only engaged in clearing society of criminal elements: . In fact, these were rare ‘scumbags’ for whom there were no universal concepts.”

We met near the sports base of the Ministry of Defense. They left the cars in the parking lot and went to a nearby grove. The whole thing was reminiscent of a bad spy action movie, but for some reason I felt a little uneasy. My interlocutor was also noticeably nervous.

Mikhail took out a newspaper folded in four from the leather bag hanging on his shoulder. “Did you write this? - he clarified once again, pointing his finger at the title ““. “Maybe,” I answered cautiously. “So,” Mikhail continued, “We discussed the publication and came to the conclusion that it is generally correct. But some clarifications need to be made. Shift the emphasis or something.” I quickly scanned the text of the article - some sentences were underlined in blue pen. There is something illegibly written on the side. “So you want us to print a retraction?” - "No. Just reflect the opinion of people who have been in the thick of all these events for several years.”


Mikhail began his story about the Kurgan ones from afar: “They appeared in Moscow in early 1988 or 1989. Sylvester () brought them to the capital. Then the whole city was under his control. At the showdown, no one said that he was from Izmailov, Koptev or Solntsev. “We are from Sylvester,” and that’s it, the problems were immediately solved. No shooting or fighting.

But Sergei Ivanovich did not get along with everyone. The Baumanskys, and they were ruled by thieves in law, Bobon and Hitler, did not want to be under the uncrowned Sylvester. They began to quarrel over the Arlequino nightclub. The Baumanskys were the first to lay claim to it, but did not want to share it with Sylvester. He decided to punish them. He had enough militants, but he did not want to involve his own in the showdown. This could lead to a major war between factions. Therefore, Sylvester invited people from outside, from Kurgan. The local group was already famous for its bloodthirstiness. Without a conviction for murder, she was not accepted. The Kurgan people were so poor that they didn’t care who or how they killed, as long as they paid well for it.

The Kurgan men completed their work (all three Bauman thieves in law were shot), but Sylvester continued to keep them on a starvation diet. I probably thought that they would work only out of respect for him. But I miscalculated. The Kurgan soldiers blew it up (Timofeev died in September 1994).”

“But the murder of Sylvester did not add money to them,” continues Mikhail. “They hoped that when the ‘common fund’ was divided, they would get a fat piece. But the Kurgan ones were surpassed by the young Orekhovskys. A big shooting began.

The Kurgan residents did not get involved in the showdown. Their leaders Koligov, Ignatov and Nelyubin initially decided to join the Solntsevskys, but they were not accepted into the brigade. They probably thought there was too much blood on them. Then the Kurgan people agreed with the Koptev people. This group was undergoing a major restructuring. Instead of thieves in law, athletes who had never been in jail were nominated. They were more inclined towards business than crime. They also needed militants to protect their interests. These functions were taken over by the Kurgan people. They quickly gained the favor of local authorities. Largely due to the fact that Koligov and Ignatov became friends with the brothers Alexander and Vasily Naumov, the top officials in Koptev. The friendship between them turned into disaster.
In March 1995, Alexander Naumov was shot dead on the Leningradskoye Highway. The Koptevites did not know where the blow came from. Many crime bosses gathered for Naum’s funeral, including the entire top of the Kurgan gang. They consoled the brother of the murdered man, Vasily, and the Naumovs’ mother. They brought wreaths with the inscription ‘From friends’. They said: ‘Vasya, don’t worry. We will find those who shot and deal with them.’

The Kurganskys claimed that Solnechnogorsk bandits dealt with Naum. 'Why they? - they were perplexed. “We have never crossed paths with them!” “Naum invested money in their business,” the Kurgan people explained, “but they threw him away. And then they killed me so as not to repay the debts.’
The Kurgan residents' version was later picked up by newspapers. In a word, the fate of Solnechnogorsk was decided - in the summer of the same year, their group was shot from machine guns at a disco (for obvious reasons, Mikhail did not specify who shot, Koptevsky or Kurgan).

“The Koptevskys trusted the Kurgan people more and more. Therefore, they rose rather quickly, occupying key positions in the group. Moreover, each such movement was followed by the murder of the person who previously held this post. But no one could think about the Kurgan people who had already become their own. They were looking for external enemies. One of them, according to the teachings of Nelyubin and Ignatov, became. The shooting started again.

No one understood where the danger came from. Many Koptevskys were forced to flee abroad. They left their business to the Kurgan people. But they had no business acumen. Everything they took on sooner or later fell apart. The first to draw attention to this was Vasily Naumov, whom many considered the main Koptev financier. But Naum did not take tough measures. ‘It’s okay, you can trust the guys. Over time, they will get involved, they will understand what and how,” he said.

When the Kurgan people realized that business was not their thing, they again took up what they knew how to do really well. They settled old scores with two of Sylvester's close associates, Dragon and Kultik. One was shot near the President Hotel, the other near the US Embassy. The Kurganskys tried to get from them the money that Sylvester owed them. But Dragon and Kultik were not going to pay. During the showdown, the Kurgan residents later said that the Izmailovo people dealt with the authorities.

Vasily Naumov apparently felt that clouds were gathering over him. He had his own man in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He brought Naum together with the right people, and by the end of last year he had a guard of Saturn fighters. But the special forces were unable to prevent the murder (Nahum was shot on January 23 of this year near the building of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate’).

A few hours before the murder, when Naumov went to the gym in Tushino, one of the Kurgan men called him. He asked how things were going and, among other things, asked about plans for the near future. Naumov said that he was going to play sports. The first to leave the hall after training were the special forces. They noticed that some suspicious people were hanging around. But there was nothing to take them for. The guards told Naumov about them and he ordered: “We’re going to Petrovka.” Naum stopped his BMW 150 meters from the Main Internal Affairs Directorate and began using his cell phone to arrange a meeting with one of the operatives. At that moment he was shot.”

“No less than a hundred people gathered for Naumov’s funeral. But none of his friends - Nelyubin, Koligov, Ignatov - were among those who came. True, some of them later expressed their condolences by telephone.

The epiphany came a few days later, when newspapers reported the arrest of the first suspects in this case. All of them turned out to be from Kurgan. Only then did we understand who the Kurgan people really were. You may not believe me, but before this no one thought that they killed Alexander, Vasily and others.
But, as it turns out, friends are the easiest to kill. Especially when you know everything about them. Where they go, who they sleep with, who guards them and how. They removed the person, took his place, and turned the tables on others.

This group was real. They simply couldn’t do anything else.
Together with law enforcement officers, members of many Moscow groups organized a hunt for the Kurgan gangs: Koptevskaya, Baumanskaya, Solntsevo and Orekhovskaya. But only one retaliation action was carried out. The choice of victim, as you understand, was not accidental. Unlike the leaders of the group, who preferred to stay in the shadows, Solonik was in plain sight. He was arrested for the murder of Globus and Bobon. During his arrest at the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market, he shot and killed three policemen. Then he escaped from prison.

The media presented him as a super-killer (although in the group he was an ordinary militant), an agent of the special services who declared war on organized crime. In terms of fame, none of the Kurgan people could compare with him. Solonik was strangled, the body was hidden in the forest, and then the Ministry of Internal Affairs was informed where he could be found. Let him remain a mystery who failed him.

In the meantime, Koligov was arrested, and in Holland Nelyubin. Then he was deported to Russia. In Nelyubin’s apartment, the police found a collection of porn films and various devices for orgies: harnesses, whips, rubber phalluses. This was a real shock for us.

Of the leaders of the defeated group (special thanks to our law enforcement agencies for this), Ignatov remained free. According to our operational data, the leaders of the Koptev, Orekhov and Solntsevo groups have already sentenced him and other Kurgan residents for treason. Old scores with the Kurgan and Bauman people. “We will crush these rats,” they say.

Now Ignatov is hiding somewhere abroad. Some say that he is in Greece, others that he is in Spain. For several months there was no news of his fate. And the other day, when the trial of Koligov began, Ignatov again made himself known. As we learned, he is trying to find support from some strong Moscow brigade. Met with Aksen (leader of the Izmailovo group). He seemed to promise to provide him with protection. In any case, Koligov and Nelyubin have new lawyers who previously represented the interests of the Izmailovskys. However, this will no longer help the Kurgan people: if they are imprisoned, then ours will get them in prison.”
Saying goodbye to me, Mikhail gave me several photographs. Your dead friends and living enemies.


The Koptevskaya group was one of the most influential criminal groups in the north of Moscow. It was formed in the early 1990s, engaged in criminal activities in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Tends to unite with the Dolgoprudny group (at one time their militants even trained in the same gym). Kuntsev's "brothers" also acted as allies - in 199? year, one of the leaders of the Koptevskys, Yastreb, became an authority among the Kuntsevoskys.

At first, the “Koptevskys” were led by Viktor Dovzhinov, a criminal, as well as a certain Potema, a former speculator. A former speculator nicknamed “Potema”.

After some time, the group finally took shape. It should be noted that neither famous thieves in law nor particularly influential “authorities” were at the head of the “Koptevites”.

Then the Naumov brothers, Alexander (Naum Sr.) and Vasily (Naum Jr.), took the leadership positions. Alexander Naumov gravitated towards legal business and gradually moved away from activities in organized crime groups.

The organized crime group mainly included convicted residents of Lobnya, Dolgoprudny, Koptev, as well as Krasnogorsk and Arkhangelsk.

The peculiarity of this group was that the organized crime group retains the territories occupied in the early 1990s without making attacks on neighboring “territories” and other brigades.

The Koptevskys controlled several dozen commercial enterprises and former collective farm markets in the north of Moscow.

The “Koptevskaya” group was quite calm until November 1993, when during a criminal showdown, RUOP officers tried to detain them. While fleeing, the bandits fired at two police cars. Many believe that law enforcement agencies have since taken revenge on the Koptevskys, and even made attempts on their leaders. It should also be noted that at one time Alexander Solonik worked quite closely with the Koptevskys

So, in November 1993, a real “hunt” began for the Koptevskys, which continued into 1994. Beginning in 1994, a wave of murders of group leaders swept across Moscow. On November 26, 1994, one of them, Alexander Solovyov, nicknamed “Nightingale,” was shot at the entrance to the Lukomorye restaurant.

“Nightingale” died on the spot from six wounds to the head and chest. Soon, another of the group’s leaders, nicknamed “Jaw,” went missing. According to various versions, he either fled abroad, stealing part of the group’s common fund, or was killed.

In 1995, the Koptevskys clashed with Solnechnogorsk over an unsuccessful deal. As a result, on March 23, 1995, on the Leningradskoye Highway, an Audi 100 car, in which Alexander Naumov and Yuri Kuzmenkov, nicknamed Motya, were located, was cut off by a VAZ-2104 and forced to stop. As soon as this happened, heavy fire was opened through the rear window of the “four” by unknown killers, as a result of which Naum Sr. and Motya were killed on the spot. The killers set their car on fire and fled.

Naum was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

In 1995, in Solnechnogorsk, the Koptevskys staged a shootout with members

As a result, five people died at once. Many believed that this was revenge for the murder of Nahum Sr.

Officially, Vasily Naumov was a prominent businessman, he headed the Mirando and Tenek companies (along with his brother, he organized the Tenek car service center, which some deciphered as “Shadow Economy”).

It is interesting that in the early 1990s, all the leaders of the Koptevskaya organized crime group became founders of various commercial structures, for example, car dealerships, markets, and banks.

Naum Jr. was guarded by soldiers from the special unit "Saturn" of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, however, the soldiers themselves learned that he was a crime boss only after his murder.

In 1995, the “hunt” for the “Koptev” authorities began again; on August 11, 1995, Oleg Kuznetsov was killed, then the patron of the organized crime group, thief in law Dgebuladze, was shot. On October 23, 1995, one of the leaders of the Koptevites, Sergei Morozov, was killed. In November 1995, one of the Koptev authorities was fired upon. In total, six leaders of the group were killed in 1995.

There were rumors that soon Vasily Naumov had a conflict with the leaders of the Kurgan criminal group Andrei Koligov, Oleg Nelyubin and Vitaly Ignatov. However, there was no external evidence of this. “Koptevtsi” and “Kurgan residents” had feasts together in restaurants and went on vacation. So, in the winter of 1996-1997, Naum Jr., together with three leaders of the Kurgan team, went on vacation abroad.

Kurgansky" began to claim part of his income, but Naumov resolutely refused to his former friends.

However, already on January 23, 1997, on Petrovka Street, Vasily Naumov’s car was fired upon. The machine gun fire literally blew the head of the authority apart. The murder caused a huge public outcry, since it happened literally near the famous building of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate - Petrovka, 38.

"Kurgan" began to listen to his telephone conversations. Outwardly, they and the Koptevskys coexisted peacefully, and even in 1996?

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Systematic development of the organized criminal group "Dolgoprudnensky" began with the help of special services in the second half of the 80s. Prior to this, local and city authorities received only scattered information about individual criminal episodes and the persons committing them. Analysis of restricted information revealed the following:

Controlled territory

To varying degrees, members of OP "D" currently control a number of districts of the near Moscow region (the cities of Dolgoprudny, Koptevo, Lobnya, Zheleznodorozhny, Sheremetyevo-1 and Sheremetyevo-II, part of the Northern and Northwestern districts of Moscow), some adjacent to districts of the Central District, as well as individual local points where people from the mentioned areas of the Moscow region live compactly - the historical homeland of the Dolgoprudny criminal group of the first composition.

Composition of the organized crime group

Currently, the intelligence services are aware of more than 200 active members, authorities and leaders of "D". Among them are mainly previously convicted persons, most of them former athletes, residents of the indicated areas of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as nonresident citizens and former Soviet citizens living abroad.
The organized criminal group "D" consists of the Dolgoprudnensky group, as well as the Lobnensky and Koptevsky groups, respectively.

Regional connections

Back in the early 80s, through its active member - one of the Morozov brothers who fought in Afghanistan, "D" established semi-criminal and criminal connections with some regional organizations of Afghan soldiers and military personnel who worked in emergency situations in Chernobyl.
The closest contacts are maintained with groups from the cities. Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kaliningrad (Baltic), Kursk.

International connections

There is known evidence of the maintenance of criminal ties with former Soviet citizens living abroad (Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Hong Kong).

At the beginning of 1995, one of the leaders of “D”, a repeatedly convicted Muscovite nicknamed “Potema”, who served as the ideological leader of the criminal group, was killed. At the time of his nomination as a leader, he used the services of a contracted team of killers from the city of Kursk, whom he attracted both to commit
crimes for the purpose of obtaining criminal income, and for the suppression (up to physical destruction) of members of competing groups.
He was the first to establish, and then maintain and control the sustainability of corrupt connections with law enforcement officials. The son of Potema’s cohabitant was an employee of the Zheleznodorozhny District Department of Internal Affairs, who actively assisted “D” and participated in the establishment of a pyramid of corrupt connections. The system of corrupt connections made it possible to fight competitors using not only violent crimes, but also the activities of law enforcement agencies. Lately, he has often objected to the systematic commission of violent crimes by younger members of D.

The Naumov brothers - Alexander cohabited with a foreign exchange prostitute Faya Zorina. He used her as a source of information about competitors (in particular, the leader of the Lyubertsy group “Aksen”, with whom she maintained an intimate relationship), as well as about other prostitutes and shadow economy dealers speculating in goods sold for foreign currency. Vasily - worked as a bathhouse attendant in the Koptevsky baths - a traditional meeting place for Moscow criminal authorities.

The Morozov brothers - established and maintained contacts with
criminally oriented groups of former "Afghans" and "Chernobyl survivors".

The Chibirev brothers - "Senior" was responsible for supplying the groups,
included in "D", weapons. The son of a warrant officer working in an armory
warehouse of one of the military units stationed in the city of Dolgoprudny.

The Devyatkin brothers did not have special functions; they supported the activities of leaders of all directions.

A.Rulenko "Trouble" - led the seizure of a criminal industry that made it possible to extract income from trade in goods sold for foreign currency on the territory of Russia. Being an active drug user, he established close contacts with the famous Moscow criminal authority "Izot" - "Bull" and Koshkin. Additional Information. Izot is a former athlete, national champion in judo and sambo. After finishing his sports career, he became a criminal authority and drug addict. Koshkin is also a former athlete, later a criminal authority, specializing in shady business, including trading operations in Poland, to which “Bedu” was involved. Both came into contact with members of "D" during a period of joint training at the Nauka stadium.

Faya Zorina is a foreign exchange prostitute, the cohabitant of “Naum” and the Lyubertsy authority “Aksen”. She supplied “D” with information about competitors, shady businessmen, and had contacts with the American military attache. Contributed to the development of the system and the establishment of the exploitation of prostitution. Subsequently, she participated in the export of prostitution to foreign countries.

Yu. Lyubimov “Yulik” is the son of a prosecutor, an athlete, the owner of an underground sewing and tanning workshop in Russia. Organized joint ventures in West Berlin. He initiated the use of Germany and other countries to hide criminals after committing crimes on Russian territory, then provided “D” with the information necessary to establish racketeering relationships in relation to former Soviet citizens now living abroad.
Contributed to the export of prostitution, trade in stolen cars, and drug trafficking.
At the end of 1994, beginning of 1995. "Potema", "Nahum", "Boguta" and some other less active members of "D" were killed. Now the organized crime group is left practically without a leader. Left without a head, the organized crime group increasingly falls under the influence of “thieves in law”, in particular, it is under pressure from the “thief” of the old school Oleg Savostin (nickname Savoska), Vyacheslav Slatin (Rostik), Zakharov (Tsirul). The influence of Georgy Zhavoronkov (nickname Zhora) is growing more and more. Two Chibirev brothers (nicknames Maloy and Elder) are also emerging as leaders.

Criminological characteristics

Currently, the leaders and authorities of OPF "D", as well as members of non-resident groups that have joined them, continue to commit criminal acts against competitors, citizens and organizations, including on the territory of foreign countries. These include murders, robberies and assaults, racketeering, exploitation of prostitution, car theft abroad, and drug trafficking.
Recently, there has been penetration into legal business and the banking sector. "D" is almost constantly waging a fierce struggle with competing groups in Moscow, the region and in some cities of Russia. Their first competitors were the Lyuberetskys in 1985, challenging their right to control criminal proceeds received from retail outlets (cheque fraud) selling goods for foreign currency (“Berezki”).
The fight for the monopolization of the fishery was led by Izotov (“Bull”), a man with a criminal record, a criminal record, a gold buyer at the Lazurit store. "D" held positions in buying gold in the early 90s.
Gradually, they established a racketeering relationship with speculators selling goods from Berezki, and also robbed citizens who made expensive purchases there. During the period of reorganization of Berezok, members of the security teams received income both from trading places in queues at stores and from maintaining order in these queues.
The Krasnoyarsk group (leaders: “Kong” and “Diplomat”) was very often involved in violent crimes against competitors and citizens. The Krasnoyarsk prisoners were transported to Moscow and other Russian cities by plane, and since they could not transport firearms, they committed violent crimes mainly with strangleholds.
The methods of committing crimes by members of the organized crime group "D" are characterized by particular audacity; in the opinion of members and authorities of other criminal groups, they are "proletarian"; For illegibility, the first composition of “D” was nicknamed “locusts”.
The conflict between “D” and “Lyuberetsky” has a long history. The competition war was fought mainly for the Beryozka stores and the Riga Market. Moreover, despite the fact that Otari Kvantrishvili repeatedly tried to resolve the conflict over the Riga market, agreement was never reached. And after the well-known (first in Moscow) fact of street shooting during a showdown on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, it became clear to the criminal world of Moscow that the “D” are not controllable, do not respect the thieves’ law and do not obey authorities.
Moreover, “D” continues to recruit Muscovites into its ranks - descendants and family members who came from traditionally controlled areas of the Moscow region, regardless of the area where they currently live. The Nauka stadium is still the source of talent.

Some of the active members of "D" work in commercial structures.
Thus, as a result of a skirmish in November 1993 at the Koptevskie Baths (six employees of the RUOP of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate were injured), it was established that an active member of “D”, a participant in the skirmish, who was repeatedly convicted, Nikolai Zaitsev, is the manager of the marketing service of the Tula Alfa-Altair LLP. , Sergey Zimin, recently worked as a security guard in a private security bureau, now controls part of the supply of goods to the TIAS association (Petrovsko-Razumovskoye), Vladimir Titkin (wanted for committing a number of crimes), Igor Korneev. They were armed with Winchesters and Remingtons. By the way, 3 years ago Titkin was exposed in the murder of a 30-year-old Muscovite, hid in Germany, but was deported from there.
On May 12, 1994, in the Sapphire studio, the RUOP detained 20 people from the Koptev brigade at once. The security service of the same name, consisting mainly of members of the group, was located in the studio. Almost all the bandits were armed and had official permission to carry weapons. The police beat them up. During the arrest, 5 PM pistols were seized from the detainees: NN 6880 MB, 2333 MB, 7052 MB, 6957 MB, 6872 MB and 72 cartridges for them; 5 pump-action shotguns model "MA-VERICK" 88 12 gauge: NN 61524 D, MV-01455, MV-00065 D, MV-01434 D, MV-20566 D
with cartridges filled with bullets and buckshot, as well as 400 thousand marks
Germany and 56 million rubles. Vasily Naumov and businessman Sergei Zimin, closely associated with the leaders of the group, were also taken into custody. A few days later, most of the detainees, with the exception of M. Sukhachev, were released, and the confiscated money was returned. The license of the Sapphire security service was taken away, and the guards had to hand over their weapons. During the investigation, it was also revealed that two guards owned weapons illegally: one of them had a previous conviction, the other was a minor.
On May 26, 1995, RUOP officers tried to detain Sergei Zimin (he lived in the same entrance of house 24 on Festivalnaya Street with the head of the RUOP Vladimir Rushailo), but he managed to escape. During a search of his apartment, an unregistered pump-action shotgun was seized, as well as numerous documents and identifications, in particular, a new certificate of a senior lieutenant of the Moscow Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the name of Sergei Dmitrievich Zimin, an international identity card (“passport of a person of the world”), and a large number of various financial documents ( one of the contracts involved a deal worth $420 million). According to operational data, Zimin went abroad. A criminal case has been filed against him. Investigative authorities also established that Zimin had high-ranking connections in government circles, as well as among the police leadership. In particular, the residents of the region know the police chief, on whose call part of the special forces of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stationed in the town of Sofrino near Moscow, issued a police officer’s certificate (07.95).
In August 1995, near house 13 on Korovinskoye Highway, one of the active participants in the Koptev-Dolgoprudny criminal group, previously convicted Oleg Kuznetsov (according to the MUR, was a drug addict), was killed. A few days earlier, on the Korovinskoye Highway, unknown persons shot and killed the leader of the Dolgoprudny group, nicknamed Elder.
According to police officers, these murders, as well as the murder of Naum, were committed by one team of killers and are connected with gang warfare in the north of Moscow.
On the night of October 1, 1996, in the House of Cinematographers' Creativity "Pakhra-Park", located in the village of Krasnoye, Podolsk region, Nurmagomedov, born in 1970 and previously convicted and wanted for committing a serious crime, was shot. - an active member of one of the criminal groups in Sergiev Posad, nicknamed Nurik, and his partner Vasilyeva.
On November 28, 1996, employees of the RUOP Department of Internal Affairs of the Northern District of Moscow prevented a showdown near the Totus restaurant on Admiral Makarov Street between members of the Koptevskaya and Izmailovskaya criminal groups. The reason for the showdown was the disappearance in early October 1996 of the Koptevsky bandits Raenko, Kulikov and Aminov, in which, as the leaders of the “Koptevskys” believed, the Izmailovo bandits were involved. During the operation, nine Izmailovo bandits were detained. A Saiga carbine, a TT pistol and a radio-controlled explosive device were confiscated from them. (Kommersant Daily, 11/30/96).
Members of "D" are trying to become the founders of some commercial banks, enterprises, as well as firms whose activities are related to the supply of consumer goods from abroad (Poland, Germany, Austria, Hong Kong).
They are successfully infiltrating the number of owners of casinos, retail and catering outlets of Sheremetyevo-1 and Sheremetyevo-II, and are exploiting private cab services, drug trafficking, and prostitution. (Some of the criminal activity is shared with the Solntsevskys).
“D” also controls artistic crafts in Sergiev Posad, Dulevo, and other traditional territories. They almost completely own the Koptevsky baths and the market.
"D" maintains friendly contacts with the Zelenograd and Solntsevo criminal groups, with international criminal groups from Germany and Austria (with "D's" money, trading companies were opened in these countries), Hong Kong (joint participation in the drug business, trade in consumer goods).

Members of "D" are currently wanted

Igor Korneev (for participation in an armed clash near the Koptevskie Baths);
Dmitry Semin (armed raid);
Konstantin Budkin (armed raid in November 1991 on the Moscow cafe "Victoria", where guests from the USA were among the victims);
Oleg Sharkhodzhaev (murder of two Caucasians - representatives of a rival group);
Mikhail Sukhachev (murder of a police officer in the Northern District of Moscow), etc.
According to experts, “D” is currently at the stage of reorganization, this applies to both the hierarchical management structure and orientation.
There is reason to believe that the focus on implementation in the economy will intensify. This is evidenced by the activities of current leaders and authorities. (The opening of one of the banks was headed by “Zhenya Krivoy”; Sergei Zimin and some other individuals from criminal groups included in “D” directly took up entrepreneurship).
At the same time, the control core “D” cannot be considered formed. After the death of "Potema", the authorities "Lysy" and "Botuta", as well as the touring leader from Kaluga "Senior", the positions and composition of their successors are not clear. There is only reliable information about attempts to establish control over “D” by such “thieves in law” as “Savoska” (Oleg Savostin), “Rostik” (Vyacheslav Slatin), “Tsirul” (Zakharov), “Zhora” (Zhavoronkov). It is not yet clear how the Moscow criminal authorities’ attempt to pacify “D” will end. Traditionally, this group was not subordinate to anyone. The organized crime group continues to occupy a strong position in Russia and has stable international connections. In addition, the Chibirev brothers (“Maloi” and “Senior”) still hold the leadership positions and, perhaps, the rejuvenated composition of the group will support them.
At present, it seems most likely that “D” will consolidate not with “thieves in law,” but with authorities and leaders who have proven themselves in the shadow economy and drug business.

Help (TSASB-94)

Zimin Sergey Dmitrievich, born in 1962, native of Moscow, registered, Kargopolskaya street; In 1987 he was demobilized from the SA and works as an engineer at Trans-Europe JSC. He joined the Koptevskaya organized crime group in 1987; former boxer is
an ordinary "infantryman", participated in petty racketeering and external disputes with other criminal groups. He was subjected to criminal prosecution several times, but thanks to bribing law enforcement officials he avoided punishment. He declared himself as an individual when he personally came into conflict with “Kong” - the leader of the friendly “Krasnoyarsk” organized crime group. In order to legally carry weapons, he fictitiously belonged to a commercial security bureau (now disbanded). For the last three years, he has been one of the leaders of an organized crime group, which is facilitated by his close relationship with Naumov A.’s brother (leader of the organized crime group) Naumov V. The first “supervision” was carried out over an atelier in Koptevo, and subsequently a casino in the area of ​​the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station. According to operational information, in order to generate income from the shopping center on Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, he participated in the liquidation of a competitor, Grek. Visits traditional gathering places for organized crime groups: Koptevsky baths, the Likhobory restaurant, the sports hall of the Nauka stadium, the casino on Petrovsko-Razumovskaya. He likes to go to the restaurant of the Moscow Art Theater, which is run by the protégé of the “Koptevskys” - Motsman. Recently, he united and led members of the organized crime groups: “Medvedkovskaya”, “Kurganskaya”, “Mazutka”.
For a long time he has been cohabiting with a woman named Anna. He does not use drugs, unlike other members of the organized crime group, but is not indifferent to alcohol.
When very excited, he suffers from a nervous tic, turns his head sharply and makes sounds reminiscent of a dog barking).
Thanks to his authority and financial position in the organized crime group, he maintains personal security, drives foreign cars, and uses a mobile phone.
Travel outside the Russian Federation has been registered. After the murder of Naumov A. (April of this year), Zimin is the de facto leader of the Koptevskaya organized crime group.

Abdulkadyrov Maksut Abdulovich born in 1962, Moscow, Koptevsky Boulevard;
Abdulkadyrov Rifat Sebdulovich born in 1958, Moscow, Koptevsky;
Bogutenok Sergey Ivanovich (Boguta), born in 1963, native of the Donetsk region, registered in Dolgoprudny Moscow. region, Likhachevskoe;
Gower Gennady Alfanovich born in 1962, Moscow. region, Lobnya, st. Kalinina
Devyatkin Alexander Nikolaevich (Devyatych) born in 1962, Moscow, lives on 4th Mikhailovsky Proezd
Dolzhenkov Viktor Anatolyevich (Potema, Antonich), Moscow, registered st. Priorova
Drobachevsky Mikhail Arkadievich (Blum) born in 1963, lives in Sailor Zheleznyak Blvd.;
Zimin Sergey Dmitrievich, born in 1962, Moscow, Kargopolskaya
Klimakov (Kliman)tel.485-48-**
Komarov Nikolai Andreevich (Lokhmaty), born in 1930, native of the Tula region, lives in Zheleznodorozhny Moscow. region, Angarskaya st.
Koshkin Yuri Konstantinovich (Koshara) born in 1966, Moscow, B. Akademicheskaya st.
Lobachev Evgeniy Nikolaevich (Krivoy)
Morozov Sergey Petrovich (Moroz), born in 1962, native of Moscow, registered st. Kosmodemyanskikh
Naumov Alexander Mikhailovich (Naum), born in 1962, Moscow, Sailor Zheleznyak Blvd.
Naumov Vasily Mikhailovich (Lysy), born in 1959, Moscow, Sailor Zheleznyak Blvd.
Tatevosyan Artur Vladimirovich, born in 1964, Moscow region. Dolgoprudny lives in the same place Likhachevskoye Highway
Titkin Vladimir Anatolyevich (Titych), born in 1964, native of Moscow
Chibirev Andrey Ivanovich (Starshoy), born in 1960, native of the Kaluga region, Borovsk, registered in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Vostochnaya street
Chibirev Vladimir Ivanovich (Junior), born in 1961, native of the Kaluga region, Borovsk, lives in Dolgoprudny
Shalimov Vladimir Andreevich, born in 1951, native of the Chita region.

Article taken from flb.ru


  • 1 History of creation
  • 2 1990s
  • 3 Interesting Facts
  • Notes


Koptevskaya organized criminal group- an organized criminal group that in the 1990s was engaged in criminal activities in Moscow and the Moscow region.

1. History of creation

The group was created in the early 1990s by certain Viktor Dovzhinov and a former speculator nicknamed “Potema”. According to some media reports, it was gravitating towards uniting with the Dolgoprudnenskaya organized crime group. The Kuntsevskaya organized crime group was also friendly to them; some of the “Koptevsky” authorities even later became its members.

After some time, the group finally took shape. The Naumov brothers, Alexander and Vasily (Naum Sr. and Naum Jr., respectively), took on the role of leaders. The peculiarity of this group is that throughout its existence it held all the positions occupied in the early 1990s, without encroaching on the territory of other brigades. Moreover, the Naumov brothers were more inclined towards legal business, and gradually legalized the group.

2. 1990s

Alexander Naumov, leader of the organized crime group

The Koptevskaya group was quite calm until November 1993, when, during a criminal showdown, employees of the Regional Office for Combating Organized Crime in Moscow and the Moscow Region tried to detain them. While fleeing, the bandits fired at two police cars. Many believe that law enforcement agencies have since taken revenge on the Koptevskys, and even made attempts on their leaders.

Beginning in 1994, a wave of murders of group leaders swept across Moscow. On November 26, 1994, one of them, Alexander Solovyov, nicknamed “Solovey,” was shot at the entrance to the Lukomorye restaurant, on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, near house number 10. Solovey died on the spot from six wounds to the head and chest. Soon, another of the group’s leaders, nicknamed “Jaw,” went missing. According to various versions, he either fled abroad, stealing part of the group’s common fund, or was killed.

On March 23, 1995, on Leningradskoye Highway, an Audi 100 car, in which Alexander Naumov and Yuri Kuzmenkov, nicknamed Motya, were, was cut off by a VAZ-2104 and forced to stop. As soon as this happened, heavy fire was opened through the rear window of the “four” by unknown killers, as a result of which Naum Sr. and Motya were killed on the spot. The killers set their car on fire and fled.

After some time, members of the Koptevskaya organized crime group, whose leader was Vasily Naumov, staged a shootout with members of one of the organized crime groups in the city of Solnechnogorsk at a disco. As a result, five people died at once. Many believed that this was revenge for the murder of Nahum Sr.

Officially, Vladimir Naumov was a prominent businessman, director of the companies Mirando and Tenek. It is interesting that in the early 1990s, all the leaders of the Koptevskaya organized crime group became founders of various commercial structures, for example, car dealerships, markets, and banks. Paradoxically, Naum Jr. was guarded by soldiers from the Saturn special police unit.

Soon after the events described above, another series of murders of the Koptevsky leaders followed. On August 11, 1995, Oleg Kuznetsov was killed, then the patron of the organized crime group, thief in law Dgebuladze, was shot, and on October 23, 1995, Sergei Morozov was killed. In total, six leaders of the group were killed in 1995.

There were rumors that soon Vasily Naumov had a conflict with the leaders of the Kurgan criminal group Andrei Koligov, Oleg Nelyubin and Vitaly Ignatov. However, there was no external evidence of this. “Koptevtsi” and “Kurgan residents” had feasts together in restaurants and went on vacation. So, in the winter of 1996-1997, Naum Jr., together with three leaders of the Kurgan team, went on vacation abroad. However, already on January 23, 1997, on Petrovka Street, Vasily Naumov’s car was fired upon. The machine gun fire literally blew the head of the authority apart. The murder caused a huge public outcry, since it happened literally near the building of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. Many rashly attributed this murder to the legendary killer Alexander Solonik, but by that time he was already in Greece, and on February 2 he was killed.

The fighters of the Saturn special forces unit, who miraculously survived the shelling, accused their leadership of exposing them to bandit bullets. In connection with this incident, some officers of the Interagency Protection Directorate were warned of inconsistency in their performance. The head of Saturn was removed from his post.

After the death of the Naumov brothers, the Koptevskys were headed by Sergei Zimin, nicknamed Zyoma. By that time, the Koptevskaya organized crime group had 250 active members, divided into 6 mobile brigades. However, the killings of its leaders did not stop until 2000. Over the course of a year and a half in 1998-1999, 10 people were killed.

3. Interesting facts

  • The management of Rosaviakosmos was sometimes jokingly called the Koptevskaya organized crime group (after the former director of this organization, Yuri Koptev).


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Koptevskaya organized crime group - www.flb.ru/info/32165.html. - www.flb.ru/ (10/18/2000).
  2. Alexander Maksimov Koptevskaya organized crime group - www.criminalnaya.ru/publ/126-1-0-1152. - www.criminalnaya.ru/ (September 14, 2008).
  3. Documentary film “Return of the Terminator” from the series “Criminal Russia”
  4. A. Buslaev. Koptevskaya organized crime group - supol.narod.ru/archive/2002/SU2783A.HTM. - supol.narod.ru/ (20.09.2002).
