Dhow theater festival. Theater festival in kindergarten

"Festival of Children's Creativity "Happy Childhood"

Deputy head of the VMR MDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 7", Usinsk

The municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 7" in Usinsk celebrated a wonderful date - 30 years. Each preschool institution has its own history, its own biography. There is she and us. A lot has changed in 30 years: the name of the country, the appearance of the city and, of course, the appearance of our kindergarten, the team has been updated. A lot has happened since the opening of our institution. The most significant, often repeated holidays, events have grown into a tradition.

I would like to highlight one of the traditions in particular - this is the annual festival of children's creativity "Happy Childhood". The priority direction of the work of our kindergarten is the artistic and aesthetic development of children, and artistic and aesthetic education has a positive effect not only on the development of children's creativity, but also on the aesthetics of life, behavior, work, relationships, and we decided to hold our festival every year. And so, since 2006, a new tradition has appeared in our kindergarten - holding a festival of children's creativity "Happy Childhood". The festival of children's creativity is always a firework of fantasy, a holiday for us northerners, especially a long-awaited one. The word "festival" has a great meaning for us: it has the sun, a riot of colors, joy and fun. Our festival helps to form a person and not just memorize, consolidate, assimilate, repeat, but above all, experience, evaluate, create, express one's thoughts and feelings, develop one's talent.

Work on the implementation of the festival of children's creativity began with the development of the Regulations on the festival of children's creativity "Happy Childhood". The position was discussed and adopted at the pedagogical council.

To develop the scenario of the festival, a creative group was created, which, based on pedagogical experience, the annual work plan of the children's institution, the age characteristics of children, develops the emblem (logo) of the festival, its motto, scenarios, and the plan for the festival. The duration of the festival is a whole week. Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific topic and is held under its own name. Every year the themes and names of the days of the week of the festival change.

The logo of our project is a flower with five petals of different colors: the yellow petal is the light and warmth of our hearts, the blue one is the abyss of the talents of our children, the orange petal is a symbol of endless childhood, the green one reflects the physical and spiritual growth of pupils, the red one speaks of beauty and the comfort of our home. Each day of the festival is one petal, which depicts an approximate theme of the day. All groups have a small copy of the logo; at the beginning of the day, children pick a petal in their group, thereby recognizing the theme of the day. At the end of the festival week, only one middle of the flower remains, which means that the festival of children's creativity "Happy Childhood" is over.

The whole festival week is held under the motto: “Be born easy! Grow up laughing! Play, learn!

We hold a festival of children's creativity in the form of a musical project. Why was the project activity chosen? For several reasons:

The focus is on the child.

· The individual pace of work on the project ensures that each child reaches their own level.

· Active involvement of parents to participate in the festival.

· The close relationship of teachers, which connects the team into a team of like-minded people.

In preparation for the festival, the guys are full participants in the creative process, making their own contribution to the collective project. Traditionally, all the main moments, the main roles are played by children. They are also involved in the preparation of scenery, costumes. If preschoolers are not participants in the event, then they still emotionally live through these moments, sympathizing and empathizing with their peers while in the auditorium.

The purpose of our project is to create conditions for the realization of the artistic abilities of each child, to identify and develop young artists, musicians, dancers, fashion designers, and actors.

To achieve the goal, we solve the following tasks:

We form children's ideas about different artistic genres;

Improving the artistic abilities of preschoolers;

We provide assistance in the implementation of children's ideas in various types of artistic and creative activities;

We develop the imagination and fantasy of pupils; We stimulate the needs of the child in the implementation of his plan.

The project was implemented in several stages:

I stage :

Consolidation and deepening of knowledge and ideas about the genres of fine art: landscape, portrait, still life, plot painting (examining paintings, reproductions, illustrations for fairy tales, etc.);

Acquaintance with different types of songs, learning them.

Stage II:

Coming up with a name, emblem for your team;

Learning poems, songs;

Riddles guessing;

Solving crosswords, chainwords;

Coming up with impromptu game exercises with elements of gymnastics;

Preparation of costumes, discussion of the content of the number intended to be shown at the holiday.

The dominant activity of children in our musical project is creative activity. Our musical project is interdisciplinary (several sections of the program), the project affects all age groups of preschoolers, is long-term and covers a large number of participants (teachers, children, parents).

The most serious attention is paid to the selection of the specific content of the festival. A plan is being drawn up for the festival week.

When compiling the scenario of the festival, the following rules are observed: the beginning (opening) of the festival is always bright and solemn. The main part reflects the theme of a certain day of the week and provides for the active participation of children in various events (see the photo "Journey to the country of the fabulous Gzhel"), children's performances, surprise moments, games, dances, songs, poetry reading, participation in quizzes, children's performances (see photo "Children's performances"), Komi holidays (see photo "Komi holiday"). All this is built along the line of increasing emotional uplift. At the final (closing) of the festival, preschoolers are given gifts, certificates, sweet prizes, which enhances the emotional state of the children (see the photo “Closing of the festival”). All activities that need to happen.

The festival of children's creativity is visited by children from other kindergartens of the city: pupils from kindergarten No. 12 come to us. These visits help preschoolers to participate in joint activities with pupils from other kindergartens, help in communication and broaden their horizons, as well as foster tolerance.

Our project is a kind of creative report of teachers, children and parents. The festival programs include not only showing young talents, but also serious work to improve the skills of teaching staff.

The Happy Childhood festival is held in close cooperation with the family. We believe that the process of forming the culture of a preschooler largely depends on how correctly the goals and objectives of musical and aesthetic, artistic and aesthetic education are understood in the family, how much the power of the emotional impact of music, theater, fine arts, and literature is realized. Therefore, in our kindergarten, a lot of explanatory work is carried out with parents and special attention is paid to interaction and cooperation with the family. Parents willingly participate in theatrical activities (joint staging of performances), concert programs (preparation of joint concert numbers with children), exhibitions of collections, drawings, applications, photo exhibitions, and in the preparation of various projects.

The experience of our kindergarten shows that the interested attitude of teachers to their work almost always finds a beneficial response in the family of children. Thanks to such events, parents begin to collect a music library, attend musical theaters, concerts, exhibitions of artists with their children, talk with them about what they have heard and seen, take care of the development of their artistic and musical taste. After all, both children and adults participate on equal terms during the festival. Joint creativity brings joy and satisfaction to all participants of the festival, brings adults and children together, creates a moral basis for parent-child relationships.

Our music festival leaves vivid impressions in the soul and memory of preschoolers, parents and teachers for a long time. Kindergarten employees see that their work is not in vain. The shining eyes of children and the gratitude of parents are the best confirmation of this.

Our garden hosted an annual "Theatre Festival" with all age groups taking part. Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, which allows them to form the experience of social behavior skills. Each performance had a moral focus. Thanks to participation in the performance, the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Favorite characters become role models and identifications. Also, theatrical activity is aimed at developing in children sensations (sensors), feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills and abilities (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor, etc. ).

Children got the opportunity to be not only in the role of artists, but also spectators, which is no less important. And what pride they experienced when they were applauded by their parents, grandparents. And already now they, together with their beloved teachers, are thinking about what production they will work on next year. And the festival ended with a show of a fairy tale on the rules of road safety, which was shown by the kindergarten teachers.

Scenario of the Festival "Flower of Friendship"

Turcheneva Svetlana Vladimirovna, musical director of the MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 1" of the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region.

Description: The script is designed for preschoolers. The material can be useful for teachers of preschool educational institutions and music directors.

Purpose of the event:
1. To form in children a respectful attitude towards other peoples, their culture and traditions. To create a positive basis for the education of patriotic feelings.

1. Arouse interest in the culture and creativity of the people represented.
2. To develop the ability of children to feel and dress up the images embedded in the song, dance, expressive word.
3. To teach children to understand the idea of ​​literary and musical works.
4. Develop and enhance the creative potential of kindergarten teachers.
5. Develop children's musical, creative and artistic abilities.

A slide with the emblem of the festival is broadcast on the multimedia screen
(Flower of friendship).

The presenter, dressed in a Russian national costume, announces the opening of the Flower of Friendship holiday.

Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in our cozy hall at the "Flower of Friendship" holiday.

Greetings: Participants of our holiday are children of the 21st century!!!
The phonogram of the song "We are the children of the Sun" sounds. music by S. Kapralova performed by the Fidget group

Children in different national costumes enter the hall, perform a rhythmic composition.

Dear friends!
We invite you on an exciting journey through the cities and countries of our vast planet Earth.
A slide with the image of the globe is broadcast on the multimedia screen.

People of different nationalities live on the earth. They differ in skin color and the language they speak. But they all have one thing in common: they love to sing, dance, glorify their country in verse.
There are many different countries on Earth. We live in Russia. And other nations live next to us. We are glad to welcome them to our holiday today. We meet guests from Ukraine.
To the melody of the Ukrainian folk song Shchedryk, arranged by V. Leontovich, a teacher in a Ukrainian costume comes out.
A slide depicting pictures of nature, cherry blossoms, children in national costumes is being broadcast.

Teacher in Ukrainian costume:
Jump, sir!
Oh, how beautiful is our UKRAINE!
Her endless fields
Her meadows, forests, hillocks
And fertile land. (Lika Ilyinova)
And what beautiful and sincere Ukrainian songs.
In the performance of the educator sounds
Ukrainian folk song Cherry - sweet cherry.

To the music (Ukrainian folk melody in modern processing) a child comes out in a Ukrainian costume)

Child in Ukrainian costume:
To stop the jokes
In this bright, good hour,
For smiles to bloom
We want to dance for you.
Girls perform a Ukrainian dance with wreaths. (Ukrainian folk song "Wreaths" in a modern arrangement)"

Thank you, our dear guests from sunny Ukraine.
And we continue our holiday and invite the next guests.

To the Belarusian folk song "In the Garden" a teacher in a Belarusian costume comes out with a basket. Potatoes and greens in the basket. On a pre-prepared table - a saucepan with a ladle.
A slide depicting pictures of nature, children in national Belarusian costumes is being broadcast.

Teacher in Belarusian costume:
Good day, Shanounynyya Syabry! Good afternoon dear friends. We have come to you from Belarus. Belarus is famous for its vast fields. The Belarusian people are calm and friendly, and our songs are melodious. And the favorite dish in Belarus is bulba - potatoes.
Belarusians even sing songs about potatoes and glorify them all over the world.

Performed by a teacher and a girl of the senior group

The dance composition "Bulba" is performed. (Belarusian folk song in modern arrangement)

Thank you dear neighbors. And I invite again our guests, meet friends from Germany.

To a German folk song, a teacher in a German costume comes out. She has a basket of flowers in her hands.

Teacher in German costume:
Guten so, Liebe Freunde, good afternoon, dear guests.
In the center of Western Europe
Lies a beautiful country
Paths lead to it from all over the world.
Her name is Germany.
The country is immensely interesting,
Tourists are attracted like a magnet.
Welcoming guests, kind,
She will surprise anyone.
Performs "German song" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear guest. I see that our friends are still rushing to us.

A teacher in a Lithuanian costume comes out to the Lithuanian folk melody
A slide depicting pictures of nature, children in national costumes is being broadcast.

Educator - Lithuanian:
Sveikas. We live next door to you and often visit each other. Our region is very beautiful. Our sea is called the Baltic. It can be not only warm, but also cold, such that pieces of resin, falling into it, freeze for centuries, turning into an amazing stone - amber.
A slide depicting the sea and amber is being broadcast.

Child in Lithuanian costume.
We live as a friendly family,
From Lithuania bow to the earth.
Let's sing for you
Comic song we now.

Children of the senior group in Lithuanian costumes stage the Lithuanian folk song "The Old Miller"

A slide showing children playing Lithuanian folk instruments is being broadcast.

Lithuanians are not only hardworking, but they also love to sing, dance and play musical instruments. Greetings students of the music school.
(Music school students perform Lithuanian folk melodies on the piano, domra and balalaika).

Poland is next door to us. The Poles are very fond of having fun and joking. And what holidays are held in Poland. We meet Polish guests.
A slide showing pictures of nature, children in Polish national costumes is being broadcast
Under the Polish folk song, a teacher in a Polish costume comes out.

Teacher in Polish costume.
Good zen, ladies and gentlemen.
We, like the guests from Lithuania, are also your neighbors. We have very beautiful nature, fabulous lakes and fields. Poles are very fond of jokes and fun
Children of the younger group perform a dance composition
"Mice and Cheese" to Polish dance music.

Not only our neighbors, but also guests from distant countries came to our festival today. On the coast of the gentle Mediterranean Sea, colorful and sunny Italy is located.
A slide depicting pictures of nature, children in national Italian costumes is being broadcast.
Child in Italian costume.
Ancient cities, rivers and canals
orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and more...
And that's all - Italy!
Performed by children - guests from the NDOU "Kindergarten No. 31 of JSC Russian Railways" Italian dance is performed. S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka"
From warm and sunny Italy we will move to foggy England, where they love antiquity, honor traditions, where men are true gentlemen.

Under the English children's song "Hello, wonderful day", the boys enter - gentlemen.

Gentleman child:
We guys are gentlemen
Tail coats, canes are indispensable,
We are a little English
Both gallant and modest,
Reliable and smart.
Like from London now
And we will dance for you. (Yu. Obolenskaya)

Dance of the gentlemen. music "Letka - Enka"

How many guests at our holiday, who glorified the region in which they live with their talents. But, and we are Russians, we are proud of our country, Russia!!! Russia is famous for its unique nature. And what kind and generous people live with us. We reveal all the beauty of our soul in our songs and dances. Red girls, come out, start a Russian round dance.
Russian dance performed by teachers
to the song about Russia "The red sun was washing" performed by Y. Mikhalchik

A slide depicting pictures of Russian nature is being broadcast.

Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, native apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek a mole -
This is also the Motherland. (T. Bokova)

Every corner of our country is unique. And, of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about their homeland, about Russia.

Girl - soloist perform the song "I live in Russia" from the repertoire of the ensemble Semitsvetik

Russia has always been famous for its miracle - masters. They turned wood and clay into a fairy tale, created beauty with paints and a brush, and what a miracle our Russian nesting doll is!
A slide with the image of nesting dolls is broadcast.
Girls perform "Dance of nesting dolls" to the song Russian nesting dolls, text by A. Osmushkin, music by V. Temnov

Russian people are distinguished by their generosity of soul and hospitality. And how delicious it smells like pies in the house, and what fragrant tea from a Russian samovar.
A slide depicting a festive Russian table with a samovar and bagels is being broadcast.
Children perform the dance "Russian Samovar" music "Puff-puff, samovar" from the repertoire of the Fidget group
