Dima Bilan cut his hair and shaved. Dima Bilan confessed why he shaved his head

Tonight, on the air of the Evening Urgant show, the popular singer Dima Bilan finally answered the question of why he shaved his head. "Who said I can't? All 33 years I thought about it,” the 35-year-old artist tried to laugh it off.

A few months ago, when fans first saw a photo of a bald Dima, they were seriously scared. Against the backdrop of rapid weight loss and health complaints (shortly before that, doctors discovered five vertebral hernias in the artist at once), they thought about the worst. Rumors immediately appeared on the Web that the singer was struggling with oncology. The musician did not comment on his decision, he only wrote deep philosophical posts on his blog.

Posted by bilanofficial (@bilanofficial) Mar 15, 2017 at 6:22 PDT

Its producer, Yana Rudkovskaya, tried to reassure everyone that this was a new project, but they did not believe her too much.

According to Dima, this decision was rather spontaneous. “I came to my Manana to get a haircut, we joked with her every time that we need to cut our hair bald, and then I said, come on. She says to me: "What, is it true?" - Her hands are itchy. Well, he shaved, absolutely not afraid of anything, not afraid. The last time I wore this hairstyle was when I was 3 years old. I have a photo of me being fat, on a bike, and bald. After that, he never, never cut his hair like that. So I thought, why not, on vacation, ”the artist shared his memories.

“I had such a long vacation, 3 months. Well, there was shooting in advertising, various inclusions there, a couple of corporate concerts, and the rest of the time I just thought, wrote music. For 15 years I did not rest in a row for 2 or 3 months. I thought that a new stage in my life was beginning, something had changed in my head, ”Bilan shared.

So it happened this time. Having got rid of his hair, the restless Dima went to Iceland to find himself in "zero latitude" and shoot a video there. “Seriously speaking, in fact, I timed all this with the video, 50 to 50 updates - 50 percent is the video that I shot there. And I rushed there all over Iceland, I traveled there a lot of kilometers, I traveled a thousand kilometers in total, this is an amazing place, ”he commented.

After this broadcast, Dima Bilan's fans can sleep peacefully. The health of the artist, fortunately, is not in danger. And the hair has grown back.

On May 12, the famous Russian singer became a guest of the Evening Urgant show, in which he revealed the latest news of his behind-the-scenes life. In particular, the artist, whose life is followed by millions of fans, admitted why.


Bilan explained that the extravagant hairstyle marked a new stage in the artist's life. Dima stressed that he had always dreamed of shaving his head, but only now decided on this experiment. At the same time, the singer added that he completely shaved his head so that it would not be hot on vacation, which was the first long vacation in the last 15 years of his creative career. He said that he was vacationing in Iceland, from where he brought a lot of positive emotions.

Also in Iceland, Dima Bilan shot his new video for the song "You are my ocean", in which he appeared in an unexpected way and with a bald head. In the final of the show "Evening Urgant" Bilan also pleased the audience of Channel One, which broadcasts the program. Dima performed his new song "Labyrinth".

Residents of the Northern capital have finally lost the chance to recognize the star in the crowd of passers-by. The thing is that Dima decided to radically change his image.

Dima Bilan continues to shock fans. Recently, the singer announced that he has to experience. This information was also confirmed by doctors. The results of the examination showed that Dima has three hernias on his spine at once. According to experts, in the near future the artist will need surgery.

However, Dima himself is trying in every possible way to delay the operation. According to the singer's representatives, he is afraid to let down the producers of the Voice show and his team, so he continues to work.

Now Bilan is in St. Petersburg. And, apparently, the inhabitants of the Northern capital have finally lost the chance to recognize the star in the crowd of passers-by. The thing is that Dima decided to radically change his image and ... shaved his head. The artist published a photo in a new image without any explanation on his Instagram.

Fans appreciated the changes in Dima's appearance. Some admitted that now he has become like Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Who will soon turn 37 years old, has gone through a very difficult period in his life. The singer planned to start a family. And although the attempt was unsuccessful, Dima does not despair. About this, as well as about where he finds peace and why he sends rays of goodness to Irina Ponarovskaya, Bilan told our correspondents.

"I was reborn"

Recently, I had a moment of awareness of myself in this world, - Dima sighs. - Over the past two years, several incidents have happened to me that helped me to know life much more. It was against this background that I shaved my head two or three times. I didn’t get sick, as they wrote, it was just mentally difficult for me. This is connected both with personal experiences and with plans that did not come true. For example, my personal period of creating a family. Did not happen. But there was a rebirth of me, I grew up, said goodbye to childhood. The midlife crisis is over.

Dima still does not say with whom he tried to start a family. He had long understood: it is better to keep personal things to yourself. However, he admitted: he did give some signs.

My love line is always veiled in music, the singer assures. - Everything that happens to me on a personal level, you can unearth by reading the texts. I periodically allow some signals to be given, but they are very veiled. But in every work there are absolutely clear hints.

He plans to give even more hints in the new Planet Bilan show, which is preparing to present in Moscow early next year. Now all forces go to the preparation of the program. He rests at home, including watching talk shows. On one of them, Irina Ponarovskaya admitted that she distinguishes Dima from other performers.

I saw this snippet! Dima smiles. - It is always extremely pleasant when such things are said by people to whom you listen and who have a lot of experience. I was extremely pleased to hear the words from Irina Ponarovskaya. I even smiled and sent her rays of kindness. It's great and great to have her back.

“It was hard to raise your hands in Tibet!”

The singer has many plans for the coming year. In addition to the new show and tour, he dreams of returning to Tibet.

I was there in the past year, and these places made an unforgettable impression on me, - says Dima. - I was engaged in rafting, rafting on a mountain river. You get into a rubber boat, next to you are six more foreigners. And within two hours you go down the mountain river. It was very difficult - people fell out on huge rapids with large boulders. I've been paddling all this time. It was hard to raise my hands after this trip.

People often go to Tibet for forgiveness of sins. But Bilan did not do this.

Absolution of sins is something else, Dima continues. - I was an observer, I did not want to ask anything from heaven. I was interested to see Nepal and Tibet. When you are there, you understand that there is something more than a person. I was inspired by incredible mountain ranges! I didn't make it to Upper Mustang State. The trip was a learning experience for me. I am going there again next year. I'll take a backpack and go with a guide through the forests!

“I talk endlessly on the mat!”

In a recent interview, Yana Rudkovskaya said that Dima refused to utter a swear word in his video. But the singer admits: in life he allows himself to swear.

They have been talking about censorship in the context of swearing for a long time, - says Dima. - If you rely on Tatyana Tolstaya, who lectures, then we can say that the mat will outlive us. It is a language that unites different classes. For example, I talk endlessly on the mat, but off the stage. I don't think this is hypocrisy. At some point, a clip of famous secular lions and lionesses appeared who believe that the way you behave at home is the same in public. Hypocrisy is just being the same everywhere.
