Duet yes. Duet yes How tall are the duet members yes

Concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW - ordering humor stars for a corporate party, wedding, birthday, private holiday, anniversary. Ordering stars of Russian and foreign stage. Providing a technical rider for the performance. Recommendations for the selection of artists for the holiday.

The duet "YES" is:

Mahmud Huseynov- Date of birth: February 27, 1991 Place of birth: Makhachkala Nation: Avar

Study: DSU, Faculty of Philology

Hobbies: RAP music, is a fan of Barcelona.

AndMagomed Murtazaaliev- Date of birth: August 1, 1993 Place of birth: Makhachkala Nation: Avar

Study: DSU, Faculty of Economics

Hobbies: playing football. Magomed is also a fan of such football clubs as "Anji" and "Real Madrid"

Initially, Magomed and Mahmud performed in the KVN team "City Movements".

At the same time, they both also performed in two different duets: Magomed - with Maxim Sultanov in a duet called “They didn’t rehearse”; and Mahmud - in a duet with Basir Mugutdinov, a member of the "City Movements" team, in a duet called "Bosbash and Kufta".

Once Magomed came to one of the rehearsals of the duet "Bosbash and Kufta" to see how the guys work, and there he and Mahmud realized that it was much easier for them to work together. At the next game, the guys had to perform as many as 4 times: for the KVN team "City Movements", Magomed with his duet "Not rehearsed", Mahmud with Basir for the duet "Bosbash and Kufta" and for their joint duet "DA".

At this competition, the duet “YES” won, the duet of Magomed and Maxim “Not rehearsed” took the second place, and the duet of Mahmud and Basir “Bosbash and Kufta” went to the 3rd place, after which the guys decided to perform together.

After this victory, they decided to go to the next level and go to Comedy Battle season 2, and they did it pretty well. They reached the finals, and then they were a little unlucky, the guys were sent to gain experience and come with renewed vigor to participate in the 3rd season. At that time, Magomed was 17 years old, and Mahmud was 19. Having gained experience, the YES duo came to the 3rd season of the Comedy Battle and stunned the jury on the spot. The guys reached the very end of the show and to this day are the favorites of the jury members. Thanks to the performances, their jokes, many have radically changed their opinion about Dagestan, for which we must say a big thank you to the duet "YES".

On this moment they are working on the comedy film "Tit Bird", playing for the KVN team of the Republic of Dagestan and are already preparing for the new season of Comedy Battle.

You can invite the duet Yes to a corporate party, order a performance of the duet Yes for a holiday, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and conduct of your holiday to the professionals of our agency! How much is the performance of the duet Yes at the holiday, corporate event, wedding - look, the prices are correct for Moscow and the region (except for the New Year period and New Year's Eve). Specify the employment of artists in the feedback form or by phone. 8-495-760-78-76

Specialists of the company 123 SHOW will contact you and help answer all your questions.

About Duet "DA"

This duet has always been one of the best in the games "", and its level has grown from season to season. Therefore, it is quite natural that these hot Dagestan guys eventually got their way and became residents.

By the way, the guys already have enough great experience in humorous performances. They, like almost all other residents of the club, participated in KVN games and even became winners in the Dagestan League.

Which is not surprising when you look at their performances. They are also winners of humorous festivals, including among duets. There is even information that the members of this close team are also engaged in cinema: they are filming the film "Tit Bird", which, of course, is humorous. There is nothing else to be expected from them.

Both members of the duet - Mahmud Huseynov and Magomed Murtaazaliev - are natives of Makhachkala. Both graduated from a local university, but studied at different faculties. Mahmud on the philological, Magomed on the economic. Also, both are passionate fans, which was reflected in one of their numbers about Anji Makhachkala. There, in a comic form, an attempt by a local football player to enter the field was staged.

By the way, the guys already also have their own fans, who always appreciate their performances very highly and always try to support them, especially at the Comedy Battle contest.

But the path to fame and recognition for the duo was quite thorny. They were in the finals of the second and third seasons of "Comedy Battle", only in the fourth becoming the winners of the competition. At the same time, having managed to fall in love with the audience of the program. But now you can watch Comedy Club with their participation.

Moreover, the guys seem to have already raised their level of performance so much that they have become ready even for performances not only in a duet, but also in a more weighty line-up.

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Book a performance from one of the best duets The comedy project "Comedy Battle" is offered by the "All-Russian Federation of Stars". Duet "Yes!" well known to the viewer for sharp humor and funny jokes, so your guests will not get bored, and the holiday itself will be remembered by everyone on for a long time. Invite the duet "Yes!" can be for a birthday, wedding, corporate parties or the celebration of the new year. You just need to fill out an application for official page artists on the official website of the All-Russian Federation of Stars.


The natives of Makhachkala, Mahmud Huseynov and Magomed Murtaazaliev, like many comedians, started by playing KVN. The guys studied at the same university, and started playing in the same team, and that's how they met. Their path to fame was not easy, but they achieved success and became residents very quickly. comedy club. Now they are actively touring and acting in humorous films. Invite Mahmud and Magomed as part of the humorous duet "Yes!" for a birthday or wedding, you can visit the All-Russian Federation of Stars concert agency. Their performance can be ordered for any other holiday or commercial event.


Now, thanks to the activities of the All-Russian Federation of Stars concert agency, you have a great opportunity to order the performance of your favorite artists at an affordable price and on favorable terms. Humorous duet "Yes!" can perform especially for you and your guests.

You can also order any celebrities for a specific date, the main thing is to apply in advance. At famous artists busy schedule work and plan private concerts they need in advance. The sooner the preparation for the event begins, the better and better it will be. To leave a request, fill out the feedback form, indicating the contacts and details of the upcoming event, and you will be contacted.


To find out how much the fee of the comic duo “Yes!” costs, contact us using one of the methods presented on the site - call the number, write an email or use the feedback. Knowing the date, venue, as well as the type and scale of your event, the manager will help you calculate the approximate cost. The amount usually includes not only the artist's fee, but also technical, household expenses, logistics operations, sound and light accompaniment. You can get the exact figure after the approval of the terms of reference and the formation of the contract. Feedback and answers to questions you can get on the official page of the duet "Yes!" on the site of the concert agency.


Organization and holding of events is a process that requires great responsibility and a lot of attention, including to details and trifles. We recommend contacting professionals with many years of experience and a large portfolio so as not to accidentally fall into intermediaries or scammers. "All-Russian Federation of Stars" is a concert agency that guarantees quality in all organizational matters!

Duet "YES" consists of two members, official residents of one of the most famous television shows"COMEDY CLUB". The guys are the winners of the fourth season of Comedy Without Borders, and repeated participants in the final part of the Comedy Battle. Magomed Murtazaaliev was born in Makhachkala in 1993. After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at Dagestan State University, he participated in the Dagestan League of KVN. Football has long been considered Magomed's great hobby. His favorite football teams are Makhachkala Anji and Spanish Real Madrid. Mahmud Huseynov was born in Makhachkala in 1991. After graduating from the Faculty of Philology at DSU, he participated in the Dagestan League of KVN. The guy in his student age was very fond of musical direction RAP and was also a very ardent supporter of Barcelona Football Club. Together, acting as a duet, Mahmud and Magomed are the winners of the humorous festivals "Nonsense 3, 4, 5". The Dagestan duet can make anyone laugh, even such famous comedians as Sergey Svetlakov or Mikhail Galustyan. It is not without reason that young guys have already been in the finals of the "COMEDY CLUB" battle, which airs on the TNT channel, more than once.

As soon as the members of the duet "YES" began their professional activity, their goal was the residence of the Comedy Club. And the guys always sought to fulfill their dream through jokes. Since then, humor has become the main component of the life of Mahmud and Magomed. In the Dagestan project "Nonsense", comedians first performed in different teams. But after one of the rehearsals, where the guys met, they decided to create a joint project. So uncomplicated and a humorous duet was created. The name of the group appeared somehow by itself. Even the duet members themselves do not remember where exactly it came from and what it is connected with. There was a time when the guys did not even dream of getting into the final part of the Comedy Battle show. It all happened after Magomed and Mahmud won the local project "Nonsense". Not once did the stage sway under the feet of the duet members, and they never fell to the mats, as the other participants fell. The guys managed to make the strict members of the jury, the residents of "COMEDY CLUB" laugh. As the duet members note, it can take them up to several weeks to create one joke. Such work is not so easy and simple for the guys. First, they come up with a topic on paper, and then they compose jokes on this topic. Magomed and Mahmud were also members of the "Wild Division". These guys don't often get stopped in town for a photo or an autograph. But in their circles, the duet "YES" is quite popular. Almost any joke involving Dagestan duo have great success. In 2013, the guys took part in the Moscow KVN League. After that, the guys finally fulfilled their dream - they became residents of the "COMEDY CLUB" in the Kuban. By unanimous decision of the jury, which included Svetlakov, Slepakov and Martirosyan, the guys won the popular show.

Invite comedy participants Club, you can order a performance by a gum resident for a wedding or your birthday at ProConcert. How much does it cost to organize a humorous event with a popular Comedy Club showman? The cost depends on the format of the celebration, date and venue. It will be a little more expensive to invite the duet Yes to host during the holidays for the whole country, since during this period comedian stars are especially in demand. To find out about the fee duet Yes for the holiday, call us.
