Pomegranate juice: squeeze with improvised means. Pomegranate juice: useful properties and contraindications, how to make at home Pomegranate pomace

Making pomegranate juice with a juicer

In order to treat yourself to delicious and healthy pomegranate juice, it is not necessary to buy expensive equipment. You can also prepare a delicious drink with the help of improvised means. An ordinary citrus juicer or, even better, a juicer with a press is perfect for this. Cut the previously washed pomegranate into two halves, attach the fruit to the cone and press down. The only drawback of the resulting drink will be a slight bitterness, but if you prefer to drink pomegranate juice with sugar or honey, it will not be felt.

Squeezing pomegranate juice by hand

If you are physically fit, you can squeeze the juice out of the pomegranate by hand. Wash the fruit, and then rub it well in your hands to give it a soft texture. To get the long-awaited drink faster, the fruit can be rolled on the table by pressing it hard. After that, make a small hole in the pomegranate and drain the resulting drink through it. This method is most often used in the southern villages, where pomegranates grow. Without resorting to improvised means, local residents quench their thirst with this healthy tart drink.

Take a pomegranate fruit, wash it and cut it in half. Wrap each half with gauze, place a wide dish and start squeezing the pomegranate halves like lemons. Pretty soon you will have enough pomegranate juice.

Getting pure pomegranate juice at home

If you want to get pure pomegranate juice without impurities and bitterness, use the manual extraction method. Take the fruit, rinse it under cool water and cut off the top. With the help of a sharp knife, make several cuts in the peel of the fruit and lower it for a few minutes in a bowl of cold water. After that, the pomegranate can simply be broken: the grains will be easily separated. Fold the collected grains into a tight plastic bag and beat them carefully with a hammer. Make a small hole in the bag and drain the juice. The drink is ready to drink, however, if you wish, you can make it cleaner. Place the container of pomegranate juice in the refrigerator for a day or two. After this time, you will see that the sediment has remained at the bottom of the dish, and on top you have a delicious translucent drink.

Pomegranate juice is a tart drink with a lot of useful properties. It contains many vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants.

Pomegranate juice - the benefits of the drink and several ways to prepare it

Pomegranate juice has long been famous for its healing and even therapeutic effect on the body, which is why it is very popular. Regular consumption of the drink can replace a number of artificial medicines that do not always bring only benefits.

What are the benefits of pomegranate juice?

Pomegranate juice, the benefits and harms of which are due to the substances contained in it, can become an indispensable natural remedy for getting rid of ailments or preventing their occurrence.

  1. The high content of a number of vitamins and valuable elements in the juice makes it possible to use it as a remedy for beriberi, to increase immunity.
  2. The drink has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties, has an anti-cancer effect.
  3. Pomegranate juice is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cleaning blood vessels and lowering cholesterol levels. It is a source of potassium, necessary for the normal functioning of the heart.
  4. The drink reduces blood pressure and calcium deposition on bones and joints, prevents the formation of kidney stones, and helps with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Also known are the anti-stress and soothing properties of the nervous system of the juice and its rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole.
  6. Despite the impressive list of valuable properties, the drink should be drunk correctly, and in the presence of exacerbation of stomach ulcers, pancreatitis or increased acidity of gastric juice, completely abandon its use.

How to drink pomegranate juice?

In order for juice therapy to bring only benefits, you need to know how to drink pomegranate juice correctly. The high content of acids in the drink can have an undesirable irritant effect on the gastric mucosa or tooth enamel.

  1. Concentrated pomegranate juice is often diluted in equal proportions with boiled water or diluted with other softer in taste and less "aggressive" fruit, vegetable or berry juices.
  2. The drink will become more harmonious in taste and even more useful if you sweeten it with honey before drinking.
  3. It is not recommended to drink fresh before bed or on an empty stomach. The maximum benefit will bring a drink if you use it between meals in the morning.
  4. A necessary accessory is a cocktail tube, which will help reduce the negative effect of juice on tooth enamel. In addition, after drinking, rinse your mouth with warm water.

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate?

No even the highest quality product purchased in a store can replace freshly prepared fresh juice. Only freshly squeezed pomegranate juice has the maximum value and will give the expected positive healing effect.

  1. You can squeeze the juice using a mechanical citrus press. Washed fruits are simply cut in half beforehand.
  2. A standard juicer for fruits and vegetables is no less effective for making fresh juice. With this method, additional separation of the grains from the peel and partitions will be required.
  3. Having crushed a whole ripe juicy fruit with your hands, and then making a hole in the peel, all that remains is to pour the finished fresh pomegranate juice into a glass.

How to make pomegranate juice in a juicer?

Often, at home, pomegranate juice is prepared in a juicer. This is the most affordable and effective way to get a valuable drink. At the same time, one should not neglect the recommendations for preliminary preparation of fruits, using them whole or with partitions: these parts of the fruit will add unnecessary bitterness to the drink.

pomegranate juice syrup

From the recommendations below, you will learn how to make pomegranate juice without the use of modern technology. Initially, a syrup is prepared with sugar, which is diluted with water before drinking to obtain the drink of the desired sweetness and concentration. A sweet drink can be prepared for future use and used to make desserts.

  1. Washed pomegranates are divided into parts.
  2. Separate the grains from the peel and films.
  3. Pour the mass with sugar, knead with a crush and leave overnight.
  4. Grind the grains through a sieve, squeezing out the remaining juice.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the syrup.
  6. Pomegranate sweet juice is boiled for 20 minutes and poured into sterile jars.
  7. Before use, dilute the syrup with water.

Pomegranate juice in a blender

If you have a stationary blender, you can prepare natural pomegranate juice with it. In addition to the device, in this case, you will need a gauze cut through which you will need to strain the resulting crushed mass. For an ideal result, add a little boiled cold water to the bowl.

  1. They wash the pomegranates, cut the peel and break the fruit into pieces.
  2. The grains are separated and placed in the bowl of the device.
  3. Pour in some water and pierce the mass for a couple of minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting puree through cheesecloth, squeeze.
  5. Sweeten homemade pomegranate juice to taste.

Pomegranate juice without sugar

Cooked pomegranate juice at home is most useful fresh. At the same time, it is advisable to drink it without sugar or combining it with other sweeter fresh juices. However, the fruits are not available for use all year round, which encourages harvesting juice for future use. The recommendations below will help you make a blank without additives.

  1. The fruits are prepared properly, the juice is squeezed in an accessible way.
  2. The drink is heated to a boil, immediately poured into prepared sterile jars.
  3. The containers are sealed with boiled lids, the containers are turned over and wrapped until cool.

Juice from an unripe pomegranate

Pomegranate juice prepared at home from ripe fruits is much tastier. However, if only fruits are available that have not had time to acquire a characteristic saturated color, the drink can also be made from unripe raw materials. Ready fresh is more acidic, so it must be supplemented with honey or sugar and drunk diluted in small portions.

  1. The peel is cut crosswise from above, removed from the fruit, which is then divided into parts.
  2. Squeeze juice.
  3. Sweeten the finished fresh, dilute with water or other juice.

Pomegranate juice - the benefits of the drink and several ways to prepare it Pomegranate juice has long been famous for its healing and even healing effect on the body, thanks to which it

Grante Juice Azerbaijan.
The visiting card of Azerbaijan is a pomegranate, the whole world knows about it, because 98% of the products of the AZNAR plant are produced for export. Pomegranate juice, which is sold on the shelves of shops in my city, as it turned out, is very far from real freshly squeezed pomegranate juice. In this report, I will tell you how real juice is made from real fruits, we will visit two large factories in the country - AZNAR (Grante) and Gabala cannery (Jale).

I visited the pomegranate festival in Azerbaijan in early November,. The festival is traditionally held in the small town of Goychay and every year it is rapidly gaining momentum, becoming one of the national events.

The history of Azerbaijan is inextricably linked with the culture of growing pomegranate, which goes back centuries. Pomegranates are historically cultivated in almost all regions of Azerbaijan, but the recognized center of growth of the best varieties of pomegranates is Shirvan, which lies in a strip of dry subtropics. For the production of juice, pomegranates growing in the Goychay region are most often used.

It was the Goychay pomegranates that won world recognition and became synonymous with "real Azerbaijani pomegranates." The secret of the great taste and stable quality of geokchay pomegranates is the unique microclimate and soil composition of the region, which are not found anywhere else in the world.

Pomegranate is harvested within 40-45 days in October-November. From 3 kg of pomegranate, 1 liter of juice is obtained. Of the 5 thousand tons collected in the Goychay region, 1300 tons of juice will be obtained. In the production of juice at the AZNAR plant, two fundamentally different technologies are used - either the production and bottling of juice directly into a bottle and shipment to the manufacturer, or the accumulation of concentrate in aseptic tanks with a capacity of 50 tons, in total there are 100 such tanks at the plant.

From 10 to 15 thousand bottles can be bottled at the plant per day.
When the pomegranate harvesting season ends, the spill of juice occurs in a planned manner from previously filled aseptic tanks.

The main importers of juice are the USA, Canada, Germany and Australia. Juices for ecosport are sold both under Grante's own brand and under individual brands. Depending on the country, a 1 liter bottle of juice retails from 5 dollars to 7 euros. The Grante brand belongs to the premium brands of high quality natural juice.

The AZNAR plant is an efficient modern production facility, which includes the following technological elements:

Three lines for primary processing of raw materials, with a total capacity of 20 tons per hour, and a group of equipment for processing and ultrafiltration of juice;
- Line of sterilization and storage of juice in aseptic containers;
- Rising film evaporator for juice concentration;
- Line for aseptic filling of concentrated juice into large containers such as "Aseptic Bags", capacity. 220 liters;
- Two bottling lines for glass bottles, ca. 1.0 l, 0.75 l, 0.33 l and 0.25 l, pasteurized and packed in cardboard boxes and shrink film;
- A set of equipment for obtaining tannin extract from pomegranate peel;
- Refrigeration chambers of 1100 m2 for storing concentrated juice at t = -18°C and fresh fruit at t = (+5) - (-2)°C;
- Plot for the production of jam and jam.

Unloading grenades on the line directly from the car body:

For processing, the plant accepts only whole, fresh, undamaged fruits of special varieties of Goychay pomegranate, manually sorted on the conveyor:

Juice extraction takes place in a sparing mode on pneumatic membrane presses (by gentle pressure on the grains) instead of screw presses (juice extraction by grinding grains), common at other enterprises:

Due to the use of a closed technological scheme with minimal contact with air, the course of oxidative processes is excluded;
the product is subjected to an exceptionally gentle thermal effect with the use of pasteurizers (up to 100 °C), incl. tunnel, instead of sterilizers (above 100 °C). An ultrafiltration unit is used for filtration, instead of lamellar or pre-wash filters that are open to air access, which are used everywhere:

After pasteurization, freshly squeezed juice is stored in aseptic stainless steel tanks with a capacity of 50 m3 (for 5,000 tons of one-time storage), unlike all other similar enterprises that use various preservatives to store juice in ordinary containers. These are the very tanks where the juice is stored, which will be bottled over the next year:

Interesting facts and legends about pomegranate:

Since ancient times, the pomegranate has been considered the king of all fruits in the East. Even outwardly, it stands out among the fruits with a fiery red crown on top. Tradition says that it was the original sepals that suggested the shape of the crown.

According to the Koran, among others, a beautiful garden of Eden is planted with pomegranate trees. In many nations, the flowers and fruits of the pomegranate are considered a symbol of wealth, abundance and fertility.

Images of pomegranate are found on the Egyptian pyramids, on ancient Byzantine fabrics, in the ornaments of the ancient Greeks and Arabs. The pharaohs greatly appreciated fresh pomegranate juice, considering it miraculous, capable of strengthening not only the body, but also the spirit. The ancient Egyptians were buried with pomegranates in the hope of their rebirth. Also, the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians often depicted pomegranates in their sculptures as a sacred tree or "tree of life."

The Italians believe that Eve was seduced in Eden with a pomegranate. And King Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, wished for as many good generals as there are seeds in a pomegranate. Later, the Prophet Mohammed encouraged followers to eat pomegranates, believing that it cleanses from envy and hatred.

In Greek mythology, pomegranates were the favorite food of the gods, leading many to believe that their consumption leads to immortality. And Persephone, the goddess of agriculture, Hades offered the seed of this fruit. Yielding to the temptation of this ruby ​​gem-like fruit, she took it and thereby doomed herself to spend several months of the year in the underworld of Hades.

The ancient Greeks believed that the first pomegranate tree was grown on the island of Cyprus by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Since then, pomegranate juice has gained a reputation as a "love potion". In our time, the Greeks traditionally break the pomegranate at weddings as a symbol of fertility.

In China, sweet pomegranate seeds are eaten on the wedding day to bless the newlyweds. And a picture of a ripe pomegranate is a popular wedding gift.

The fruit has long been used in folk medicine in the Middle East, Azerbaijan, Iran and India. Healers use not only the edible seeds, but also the bark, leaves, rind and rind of the fruit to treat everything from conjunctivitis to hemorrhoids.

And this is another large plant - the Gabala cannery, which produces juice trademarks: "Jale" and "Golden Garden".

Covering an area of ​​13 hectares and having a processing capacity of 70,000 tons of fruit per year, the Gabala Cannery annually produces 210,000 tons of fruit juice and nectar. The plant is equipped with the latest production equipment.
The workflow of the plant covers all stages of production - from the collection and receipt of raw materials, ending with the packaging of products.
Production is divided into the following areas:

Production of fruit juices and nectars;
- Production of purees and concentrates;
- Manufacture of canned fruits.

In total, 26 types of natural juice are produced.
The main area of ​​production of the Gabala Cannery is the production of natural juices, nectars and concentrates, which goes through 7 production lines. 2 lines are produced in glass containers, the remaining 5 lines - in Tetra Pak containers.

Line for the production of apple juice and concentrate, primary rejection, then the juice is pressed:

Vaporization and ultrafiltration, after which apple juice concentrate is obtained. Part of the concentrate is frozen and stored for own production needs, and part is exported.

Pouring a bottle of orange juice made from imported concentrate:

Production of juices in TetraPak packaging:

Tasting room:

Here are some more interesting answers to questions from the manufacturer's website:

- What is a concentrate?

Despite the fact that many media sources have repeatedly given an explanation of what “fruit juice concentrate” is, the word “concentrate” itself still causes concern among consumers. People have formed the opinion that the concentrate is a chemical agent used to obtain fruit juice.

But this is absolutely not true!

In the world production of fruit juice, there are several ways to obtain it:

Freshly squeezed aged juice

· fresh juice

fruit juice concentrate

fruit juice reconstituted from concentrate

A concentrate is a condensed form of fruit juice obtained by evaporation or freezing. To obtain a concentrate by evaporation, fruit juice is heated using special equipment. In order for the fruit juice not to lose its beneficial qualities, the process is not brought to a boil. During the evaporation process, water is separated and the resulting condensed fruit juice is collected in an aseptic container (not in contact with air) and frozen.

Further, fruit juice is obtained from the concentrate by the reduction method. What is the concentrate (condensed form of fruit juice) produced for? To explain, let's take pomegranate juice and how it is prepared as an example. Like every fruit, the pomegranate has its own ripening period and the collection of pomegranates lasts only two months. But even after the expiration of the period, that is, in winter, spring and summer, to supply consumers with natural pomegranate juice, we save part of the juice obtained by evaporation in the form of a concentrate (condensed form of fruit juice). In the following months, from the resulting concentrate, we produce natural juice that does not lose its beneficial qualities and retains vitamins in its composition.

- What is the difference between freshly squeezed and reconstituted fruit juices?

The difference between freshly squeezed and reconstituted fruit juices lies in the production process. The production of freshly squeezed juices coincides with the fruit ripening season and is squeezed from fruits freshly picked in the orchards and brought to the factory. One part of the harvested fruit is immediately sent for production, while the other part is collected in special barns for storing fruit to continue the production of juices in other months of the year.

The fruits sent for production are squeezed out and separated from the juice. The juice is filtered and collected in a container, then in order not to lose its useful qualities within 1 year, the juice is pasteurized. The pasteurization process, depending on the type of fruit, takes 1-2 minutes and takes place at a temperature of 88 ° -105 °. The taste of freshly squeezed fruit juice (sweet - sour) is not standard and its variety depends on the type of fruit. If the taste characteristic of the fruit sent for production is defined as "sweet", then the taste of the juice will be sweet, if "sour" - then sour. Also, the color of the juice will depend on the type of fruit. For example, the juice of a red apple is dark, while the juice of a green apple is light yellow.

During the production of reconstituted juice, a concentrate (a condensed form of fruit juice), highly purified water and natural fruit flavors obtained during the production of concentrate are added (for more information about the production of aroma and concentrate, please refer to the Products / Concentrate section of our website). Any fruit juice involved in the process of obtaining reconstituted juice must meet special requirements and standards. These standards include the acidity of the juice, its color, composition, purity, etc.

- On some packages we can see the inscription “juice”, on others “nectar”, what is the difference between them?

Juice and nectar differ in composition. Juices produced by the Gabala Cannery are divided into freshly squeezed juices and juices restored from concentrate (condensed form of fruit juice).

The production of freshly squeezed juices coincides with the fruit ripening season and is squeezed from fruits freshly picked in the orchards and brought to the factory. During the production of reconstituted juice, a concentrate (a condensed form of fruit juice), highly purified water and natural fruit flavors obtained during the production of concentrate are added (for more information about the production of aroma and concentrate, please refer to the Products / Concentrate section of our website). On the packages of these two types of products, “fruit juice” is written.

In the production of fruit nectar, 25%-50% fruit juice, water, sugar and fruit puree are used. Nectar is made from not very juicy types of fruits such as peach, apricot, quince, feijoa, etc. To do this, fruits are used in the form of puree and, depending on the type of fruit, water and other natural products are added in percentage terms.

On packages of fruit juices it is written without preservatives. If preservatives and other chemicals are not added to the products, then how is it possible that the expiration date of up to a year is written on the packages?

To answer this question, let's take as an example the production and storage of pickled tomatoes, cucumbers and other stocks for the winter at home. Do they add preservatives for long shelf life? Of course not! But after a year, the same pickled tomatoes and cucumbers amaze you with their taste and freshness.

We also do not add any concentrates or chemicals to our products so that they retain their beneficial properties for a long time. The secret of the durability of our products is in the aseptic technology (without contact with air) packaging. In the absence of air penetration into the packaging, no rotting and oxidation processes occur.

The second secret is the use of a five-layer, thin-ribbon package with an inner foil layer. This packaging is presented by the world leader company Tetra Pack - which is a guarantee of quality.

The third secret is that our products go through a process of pasteurization and sterilization before packaging. The pasteurization process, depending on the type of fruit, takes 1-2 minutes and takes place at a temperature of 88 ° -105 °, the product is cooled before packaging. The basis for guaranteeing the quality of our products is the latest technologies used in production.

And of course, let me remind you once again that the real pomegranate juice is squeezed out only with your own hands!
Tested on personal experience under the strict guidance of the famous TV presenter and traveler of Azerbaijan Azer Gharib:

Drink only natural pomegranate juice and be healthy!

I was in Azerbaijan at the invitation of Caspian Links.

The text about the stages of production was recorded from the words of the accompanying technologists and partially taken from the sites of the factories (http://aznar.az/, http://jale.az/ru/).

Important note:
This article belongs to the category of production reports. Obviously, the brand that is produced is also advertised. This advertisement cost nothing to both manufacturers! I was very interested in something special in production and I asked my friends who invited me to Azerbaijan to include interesting production in the program if possible. The Grante plant generally held an open day on Pomegranate Day, which was very unexpected.

If you can show an interesting production and it will be interesting to me (!) - I will make a report for free.
Particularly interested in: Coca-Cola, yogurt, McDonald's, cars, appliances, etc.
Write to [email protected]

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Pomegranate juice - buy in the store or squeeze it yourself? What's better? Many of us will take the quick or easy option of going shopping. But a more healthy and tasty juice is obtained if it is squeezed out of a whole ripe fruit. So here are our tips for

improvised means

What improvised means will be needed, and how to squeeze the juice out of a pomegranate with them? Let's figure it out.

A sharp small knife - to cut the dense skin at the site of the dried inflorescence.

A container with water - it is easy to separate the pomegranate into parts in it, while the seeds do not fly in all directions and the juice does not splash all over the kitchen.

Plastic bag - it is better to take a few special ones for freezing. They are dense in structure and will not tear.

Rolling pin or hammer - to crush the seeds with stones for a better juice yield.

A dense layer of clean gauze - to strain the resulting juice from traces of stones, excess pulp and traces of the skin.

Jug or glass jar - for storing juice. Do not use plastic bottles or other containers made from this material. The fact is that pomegranate juice is a kind of acid that can slightly corrode thin plastic. It may not be visible to the naked eye, but the juice will not be as useful as it was originally.

Which pomegranate is ripe?

Homemade pomegranate juice will be the most delicious if you use good-quality ripe pomegranate to make juice. What should not be on the fruit:

  • rot or its smell (both inside and outside the fruit);
  • extensive dark brown spots on the peel;
  • cracks, dents and bruises on the peel;
  • freezing marks.

How to choose a ripe pomegranate? It's best to choose the right pomegranate by looking at the inside of it, but how do you do that? Some vendors at their fruit stand display one of the species they sell with a cut. Such a demonstration helps buyers navigate the wide variety of varieties. This is especially important in spontaneous fruit and vegetable markets.

Outside, a ripe fruit of saturated red color with small patches of brown spots, each of which does not exceed 2-5 mm. Inside the fruit are bright red seeds with a slightly whitish base.

So, we have learned how to choose a ripe pomegranate. It's not as difficult as many people think.

Squeeze pomegranate juice by hand - method number 1

How to make pomegranate juice without a juicer? Of course, manually. Choosing the right ripe fruit, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • rinse the fruit under running hot water - so the skin becomes not only clean, but soft and pliable for cutting;
  • cut off the top of the fruit with a knife and make cruciform cuts, as if drawing peculiar petals on a pomegranate with a knife;
  • lower the fruit into a voluminous bowl of water and with strong pressure on it, divide the pomegranate into parts, now try to separate as many seeds as possible;
  • slightly dry the pieces and remove the separated seeds from the water, put them in two layers of a plastic bag - try not to put large pieces of leather in the bag, they will prevent the juice from being squeezed out;
  • tie the bag so that the juice does not leak;
  • put the bag on a cutting board (you can do without it) and roll it with a rolling pin or tap with a kitchen hammer to beat the meat;
  • then make a small hole at the bottom of the bag with a knife or scissors and direct it into a container for collecting juice, you can immediately build a gauze filter on a jug or jar;
  • when the juice flows out, it can be eaten or prepared from it in drinks and cocktails.

For a more effective result, choose bags with a special zipper, small in volume.

The second way to squeeze pomegranate juice manually

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate in a different way - without bags? It will be a little longer than in the first method. Below is the instruction:

  • dip a well-washed pomegranate into an enameled container or a pot of boiling water;
  • after a few minutes, carefully drain the water and pull out the pomegranate;
  • make incisions on the fruit and remove the upper skin;
  • manually pull out all the juicy red seeds;
  • when all the seeds are collected, remember them with a pestle or a regular mashed potatoes;
  • place the pulp along with the juice in cheesecloth, which you put in a bowl or cup;
  • collect the gauze in a bag and press with your hands so that the juice flows out.

The third way to squeeze pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice at home can be obtained in the third way:

  • as in the first recipe, hold the pomegranate in hot water;
  • wrap the fruit with a cloth;
  • gently beat the fruit itself with a hammer or rolling pin, laying the pomegranate on the table;
  • then make a hole in the fruit and squeeze out the juice with your hands, pressing on the fruit.

But these methods are good when a little fresh pomegranate juice is needed for culinary purposes. But what if this "ruby juice" is needed in large quantities? For example, for preparations for the winter or even sales.

Get juice with a meat grinder

Pomegranate juice can be squeezed out using a manual or electric (powerful) meat grinder. If your meat grinder can grind small bones from meat, then it will also cope with pomegranate.

In this case, peel all the seeds from the skin and twist them through a meat grinder. Then transfer the resulting mass into a fabric bag, dense in structure. Squeeze juice out of it by hand. Since the pomace from the stones is not so juicy, this process will not be difficult, but long in time.

Will a juicer help?

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate in a juicer? First you have to pull out all the seeds from the fruit. This process is time-consuming and time-consuming, but without it, juice cannot be obtained through an ordinary juicer. Get rid of not only thick skin, but also thin white partitions. So, the algorithm of actions:

  • transfer pomegranate seeds in portions into a funnel for fruit pulp - you can not overload;
  • substitute a suitable container under the juice outlet;
  • prepare a cup for cake;
  • turn on the juicer;
  • Gradually squeeze out the juice and add the seeds to the funnel.

Among all models of aggregates, choose more powerful ones that can squeeze out cake with a large number of seeds. A low-power juicer simply cannot cope and will break down forever.


There are specialized pomegranate presses that are adapted to the tough texture of these fruits. But still, even such machines will have problems with unripe fruits.

The press itself is an inverted iron funnel with a hole at the bottom, a stand for a juice container, a squeeze component that squeezes the juice out of the fruit, and a lever that drives the entire structure.

How the press works:

  • ripe and well washed, dried pomegranates are cut in half;
  • one half is placed on an inverted funnel cut down;
  • the lever is lowered, and with it the release component is lowered;
  • half of the pomegranate turns out, and the juice passes through the filter into the substituted container.

Presses for grenades can be without a filter. Then small parts of the seeds and skins get into the resulting juice. In this case, you will need to additionally strain the juice before use or consumption.

It is very important that such specialized presses can be useful not only for obtaining pomegranate juice, but also for any citrus.

Now you know how to quickly squeeze the juice out of a pomegranate.

How to drink pomegranate juice?

Natural pomegranate juice is concentrated and rather sour in taste. Eating it in this form may not be beneficial for the digestive system. So, we figured out how to squeeze pomegranate juice, now let's see how best to drink it.

0.3 boiled chilled water is added to 1 liter of juice. You can sweeten the drink with sugar, fructose, natural flower honey or mashed dried fruits.

According to your taste, juice of other fruits, berries or even vegetables is added to pomegranate juice:

  • apple;
  • plum;
  • strawberry;
  • currant;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet.

Suitable for this purpose and compote.

Additionally, they also use something from a variety of spices or seasonings:

  • nutmeg;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • almond;
  • zest of citrus fruits;
  • cloves;
  • ground pepper (red, pink or black).

Now you know how to make pomegranate juice. Bon appetit and good health to you!

Many people know about the benefits of pomegranate juice. It is in it that all the useful vitamins and elements contained in the pomegranate are collected in a concentrated form. But do not confuse fresh pomegranate juice with bottled or packaged. Factory juices after heat treatment, the addition of preservatives, flavor enhancers and sugars, become not only useless, but can cause real harm to the body.

Vitamins and minerals declared on the labels of factory juices, if they are really present in the indicated amounts, are usually added artificially by manufacturers at the end of the technological process. Everyone knows that almost half of the nutrients of natural juice breaks down and oxidizes already after twenty minutes after its preparation. And after exposing the pomegranate juice to high temperatures, it turns into a tasty, long-term storage, but slightly healthy drink.

Natural pomegranate juice can be bought or made at home. You can buy freshly squeezed juice in the markets, shops and restaurants, where there are special points for the production of juice directly at the customer. There aren't many places like this, but they do exist. A specially trained person, using a press or a juicer, will prepare the required amount of pomegranate juice in front of you. Convenient, fast, but not very cheap. It is possible to make pomegranate juice yourself, it will not take much time and will certainly bring pleasure.

First you need to choose a few ripe pomegranates with sweet berries. (Here you will find comprehensive tips on how to choose a tasty and ripe pomegranate.) Very sour pomegranates will produce an unpleasantly sour juice that will need to be further sweetened. The juice yield will be about half the weight of the whole fruit.

If you don’t have much time and desire to fiddle with a pomegranate, then you can use an ordinary citrus juicer with a rotating core to quickly prepare fresh homemade juice. Cut the pomegranate around the circumference, break it into two halves, and in the same way as when squeezing the juice from an orange, squeeze the juice from the pomegranate. This method is not very accurate, not all the juice will be squeezed out, and some seeds will fall into the juice, so it must be filtered through a sieve or gauze. In addition, pomegranate juice prepared in this way will be more tart and bitter due to the ingress of substances from white films and peel.

For more practical preparation of fresh pomegranate juice at home, you need to spend more time. You will need to select all the seeds from the pomegranate, separating them from the peel and films. Then you can use a centrifugal juicer, if available, and very quickly get the right amount of pomegranate juice with a minimum amount of waste and a clean product at the end.

If you do not have a juicer, then this is not a problem - use gauze and a rolling pin. To do this, pour some of the berries into a large piece of gauze so that you can tightly wrap the pomegranate seeds and at the same time conveniently hold the edge. In a wide saucepan, using a rolling pin, crush the berries and then twist the gauze to squeeze out the remaining juice. Then clean the gauze from stones, fill in a new portion of berries and repeat the procedure.

Ripe pomegranates make a sweet, tart healthy juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water to reduce the concentration of organic acids and their effect on the teeth and digestive organs, and then immediately drink it. After spending a little time, in these ways you can make your own freshly squeezed pomegranate juice at home, which has the maximum benefit and strengthens our health in a natural way.

Tell your friends about it.

Factory juices after heat treatment, the addition of preservatives, flavor enhancers and sugars, become not only useless, but can cause real harm to the body.

Vitamins and minerals declared on the labels of factory juices, if they are really present in the indicated amounts, are usually added artificially by manufacturers at the end of the technological process. Everyone knows that almost half of the nutrients of natural juice breaks down and oxidizes already after twenty minutes after its preparation. And after exposing the pomegranate juice to high temperatures, it turns into a tasty, long-term storage, but slightly healthy drink.

Natural pomegranate juice can be bought or made at home. You can buy freshly squeezed juice in the markets, shops and restaurants, where there are special points for the production of juice directly at the customer. There aren't many places like this, but they do exist. A specially trained person, using a press or a juicer, will prepare the required amount of pomegranate juice in front of you. Convenient, fast, but not very cheap. It is possible to make pomegranate juice yourself, it will not take much time and will certainly bring pleasure.

First you need to choose a few ripe pomegranates with sweet berries. (Here you will find comprehensive tips on how to choose a tasty and ripe pomegranate.) Very sour pomegranates will produce an unpleasantly sour juice that will need to be further sweetened. The juice yield will be about half the weight of the whole fruit.

If you don’t have much time and desire to fiddle with a pomegranate, then you can use an ordinary citrus juicer with a rotating core to quickly prepare fresh homemade juice. Cut the pomegranate around the circumference, break it into two halves, and in the same way as when squeezing the juice from an orange, squeeze the juice from the pomegranate. This method is not very accurate, not all the juice will be squeezed out, and some seeds will fall into the juice, so it must be filtered through a sieve or gauze. In addition, pomegranate juice prepared in this way will be more tart and bitter due to the ingress of substances from white films and peel.

For more practical preparation of fresh pomegranate juice at home, you need to spend more time. You will need to select all the seeds from the pomegranate, separating them from the peel and films. Then you can use a centrifugal juicer, if available, and very quickly get the right amount of pomegranate juice with a minimum amount of waste and a clean product at the end.

If you do not have a juicer, then this is not a problem - use gauze and a rolling pin. To do this, pour some of the berries into a large piece of gauze so that you can tightly wrap the pomegranate seeds and at the same time conveniently hold the edge. In a wide saucepan, using a rolling pin, crush the berries and then twist the gauze to squeeze out the remaining juice. Then clean the gauze from stones, fill in a new portion of berries and repeat the procedure.

Ripe pomegranates make a sweet, tart healthy juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water to reduce the concentration of organic acids and their effect on the teeth and digestive organs, and then immediately drink it. After spending a little time, in these ways you can make your own freshly squeezed pomegranate juice at home, which has the maximum benefit and strengthens our health in a natural way.

How to make pomegranate juice at home

Pomegranate is a valuable and healthy fruit. Thanks to magnesium, ascorbic acid, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and many other elements, the intestinal microflora improves. Citrus-based juice has antiseptic properties, while pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant. As a result of regular consumption of juice, free radicals are removed from the body. To put your health in order, you need to drink pomegranate juice at least twice a week.

Useful qualities of pomegranate juice

  • improves the activity of the digestive tract;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • strengthens blood vessels and capillaries;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • accelerates the hematopoietic function of the brain;
  • strengthens the "chair";
  • increases immunity during the flu, colds;
  • gives vivacity, raises morale;
  • restores the body after surgery, illness;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • removes poisons, free radicals, toxins from the body;
  • reduces the number of strokes and heart attacks.

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate

  1. Traditionally, the juice is extracted by hand. Rinse the pomegranate and rub it well with a sponge. Dip in boiling water for 1 minute to partially soften the peel.

How to make pomegranate juice

  • granulated sugar - quantity to taste
  • ripe pomegranates - 900 gr.
  • drinking water - 450 ml.
  1. First of all, you need to rinse the grenades, then wipe them. Pour cold water into the bowl. Cut off the “crown” from each fruit, make several cuts along the peel.
  2. Place the fruits in the basin, break each pomegranate into separate pieces. Carefully remove the grains, they will float to the surface. Now get rid of the film.
  3. The peel should not be thrown away, on its basis delicious decoctions are obtained. As for the grains, fish them out and dry them. Transfer to a blender bowl, turn into porridge.
  4. The resulting liquid with crushed bones should be placed on 5 layers of bandage or gauze. Juice is squeezed out in this way. After getting rid of solid particles, infuse the composition for 2 hours, remove from the sediment.
  5. You can start adding sugar, powder will be the best option. The drink is sweetened according to personal preferences, but traditionally 25 gr. sand per 100 ml. drink.
  6. After dissolving the sugar crystals, pour in drinking water. Put the drink in the microwave for 45-60 seconds to warm up the juice. Then cool it, remove it from the sediment again, taste it.

Pomegranate juice with currant

  • apple juice of fresh pomace - 1.3 l.
  • pomegranate juice (strained) - 1.5 l.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • blackcurrant - 2 kg.
  • granulated sugar - to your taste
  1. Rinse the currants, put them on a sieve and let the liquid drain. Send the fruits to the blender bowl, mash into a puree. Put the composition on cheesecloth, squeeze the juice and filter thoroughly.
  2. Prepare pomegranate juice by hand, combine with currant and apple (can be purchased). Squeeze out the liquid from the lemon, also filter.
  3. Pour in sugar to taste. It will dissolve for a long time, so the drink can be heated. Never bring juice to a boil. After dissolving the crystals, remove the sediment, roll the drink into jars.

Pomegranate juice with almonds

  • lemon zest - 60-70 gr.
  • squeezed pomegranate juice - 900 ml.
  • nutmeg - 3 gr.
  • crushed cinnamon - 3 pinches
  • granulated sugar - to taste
  • almonds - 70 gr.
  • carnation - 6 buds
  1. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice from the pomegranates in any way. You will receive 900 ml. pure drink. Toast the almonds in a dry frying pan, then grind with a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix ground cinnamon, nutmeg, granulated sugar (preferably powdered) to taste with nut crumbs. Mash the cloves, mix it here. Grate the lemon zest, add to the total mass.
  3. Now pour in concentrated grapefruit juice, put the composition on fire. Cook on low power for 10 minutes, turn off the burner. When the crystals dissolve, cool and strain the drink.

Pomegranate juice with honey

  • honey - 370 gr.
  • pomegranate - 950 gr.
  • filtered water - 230 ml.
  1. Wash the pomegranates, rinse, dry with towels or napkins. Cut off the “crown” (top), make a few cuts along the peel. Pour cold water into the container, dip the fruits inside.
  2. Now break each pomegranate to open the fruit. Get rid of the film, select the grains, they should float to the surface. Dry the grains.
  3. Using a potato pestle, mash the grains so that the juice comes out. Throw the porridge with liquid onto cheesecloth, squeeze out the liquid, and discard the bones.
  4. Move the composition to a saucepan, add water and heat on the stove to 70 degrees. Enter honey, stir, but do not boil. Cool the juice, let it brew, remove from the sediment. Start tasting.

How to drink pomegranate juice

  • Pomegranate juice is consumed exclusively in a diluted state. As a rule, the drink is diluted with filtered or boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Some prefer to mix a pure drink (not diluted) with the juice of carrots, celery, cabbage, apples, beets, pumpkins, etc. Pure water is also added here in an amount to taste.
  • To strengthen immunity, you need to drink juice regularly at least 2 times a week, but better - every other day. Pomegranate juice has contraindications, so get expert advice before drinking.
  • Contraindications to the use of pomegranate juice

    Contraindications include ulcers of the stomach, intestines and other digestive organs. Also, pomegranate juice is not recommended for those who suffer from constipation (the composition provokes this ailment).

    With caution, the drink should be consumed by people with unstable blood pressure, heart disease, individual intolerance to products with vitamin C.

    A pomegranate-based drink contains at least 35% of the daily requirement of vitamins. For this reason, the composition is suitable for daily use. The best recipes are considered options based on apples, currants, almonds, honey. Sugar or powdered sugar is used as a sweetener.

    Pomegranate juice: squeezed with improvised means

    Pomegranate juice is a tart drink with a lot of useful properties. It contains many vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. However, only high-quality freshly squeezed pomegranate juice will bring the desired effect, while store products often do not meet these requirements. If you want to not only enjoy this drink, but also improve your health, try making pomegranate juice yourself.

    In order to treat yourself to delicious and healthy pomegranate juice, it is not necessary to buy expensive equipment. You can also prepare a delicious drink with the help of improvised means. An ordinary citrus juicer or, even better, a juicer with a press is perfect for this. Cut the previously washed pomegranate into two halves, attach the fruit to the cone and press down. The only drawback of the resulting drink will be a slight bitterness, but if you prefer to drink pomegranate juice with sugar or honey, it will not be felt.

    If you are physically fit, you can squeeze the juice out of the pomegranate by hand. Wash the fruit, and then rub it well in your hands to give it a soft texture. To get the long-awaited drink faster, the fruit can be rolled on the table by pressing it hard. After that, make a small hole in the pomegranate and drain the resulting drink through it. This method is most often used in the southern villages, where pomegranates grow. Without resorting to improvised means, local residents quench their thirst with this healthy tart drink.

    Take a pomegranate fruit, wash it and cut it in half. Wrap each half with gauze, place a wide dish and start squeezing the pomegranate halves like lemons. Pretty soon you will have enough pomegranate juice.

    If you want to get pure pomegranate juice without impurities and bitterness, use the manual extraction method. Take the fruit, rinse it under cool water and cut off the top. With the help of a sharp knife, make several cuts in the peel of the fruit and lower it for a few minutes in a bowl of cold water. After that, the pomegranate can simply be broken: the grains will be easily separated. Fold the collected grains into a tight plastic bag and beat them carefully with a hammer. Make a small hole in the bag and drain the juice. The drink is ready to drink, however, if you wish, you can make it cleaner. Place the container of pomegranate juice in the refrigerator for a day or two. After this time, you will see that the sediment has remained at the bottom of the dish, and on top you have a delicious translucent drink.

    Pomegranate juice: preparation methods and storage options

    Many housewives believe that squeezing pomegranate juice at home is extremely difficult due to the presence of a large number of individual “seeds” with seeds in it. However, in practice, you can prepare tasty and healthy juice even without using a juicer. In addition, the prepared drink will be many times tastier than bought in the store.

    Pomegranate juice: how to squeeze without a juicer?

    Self-made pomegranate juice has a rich taste and healthy composition, unlike drinks with preservatives offered by stores. You can make natural pomegranate juice without a juicer at home using the following instructions.

    1. First of all, ripe fresh pomegranates are selected, and then they are washed.
    2. Next, the pomegranate is carefully cut along the circumference, broken into 2 halves.
    3. All grains are pulled out of the fruit and placed in a blender.
    4. The pomegranate is then ground to a puree state.
    5. The puree is transferred to a fine sieve, installed on any convenient container, and left until the juice has completely drained.

    In order for the juice to stack faster, the puree must be stirred periodically.

    There is another way to squeeze pomegranate juice:

    • clean pomegranate is well kneaded by hands so that its skin remains intact;
    • if you can’t stretch the fruit with your hands, you can roll it on the table, pressing on its skin with your hands;
    • after crushed grains are felt under the skin, it is required to make a hole in the fruit, and then drain the fresh juice through it.

    It is worth considering that such a method of squeezing the fruit will not allow you to squeeze out every grain.

    Caution: tannin

    Before proceeding with the purification of pomegranate, it is worth considering that it contains tannins, namely tannin. This substance is found in the skin, films and partitions of the fetus.

    In direct interaction with the skin, tannin contributes to the appearance of dark spots on it. Therefore, it is recommended to clean and squeeze the pomegranate only with cellophane or rubber gloves. Such a precautionary measure will not only protect the skin of the hands from the appearance of dark spots that are unpleasant to the eye, but also protect the nail plates from blackening.

    If, in the process of stonecropping the pomegranate, this precaution was not observed, it is recommended to wipe the darkened skin with a slice of lemon. Lemon juice will make the spots appear slightly lighter.

    How to make pomegranate juice in 5 minutes (video)

    Pomegranate juice with honey

    To enhance the beneficial qualities of pomegranate juice, you can add honey to it. To make pomegranate honey juice you will need:

    • 1 kilogram of pomegranates;
    • 250 milliliters of water;
    • 400 grams of honey.

    How to make honey juice from pomegranates: step by step cooking technology.

    1. Pomegranates are washed, cleaned from the skin and internal partitions.
    2. The resulting grains are placed in deep enameled dishes.
    3. Then the juice is squeezed out of all the grains with a wooden pestle.
    4. The resulting slurry is filtered through a gauze napkin, after the juice drains, the cake is squeezed out and transferred to the pan.
    5. The resulting juice is mixed with honey. Everything is mixed up.
    6. The cake is poured with water, set on a quiet fire and brought to a boil.
    7. Then the broth is filtered, mixed with honey juice and set on fire again. The drink is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat.

    This technology of preparation allows you to save the prepared drink for the winter. To do this, it must immediately be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

    How to make pomegranate and apple compote?

    Apple-pomegranate compote contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain human health. The indisputable advantage of this drink is that it is not tied to a specific season, so you can cook apple-pomegranate compote at home even in winter. For this you will need:

    • 2 liters of drinking water;
    • half a pomegranate;
    • a couple of apples;
    • a tablespoon of sugar.

    Cooking compote is necessary, taking into account the following step-by-step recommendations.

    1. The fruits are washed thoroughly.
    2. Apples are cut into quarters or into 8 pieces. A piece of the core and seeds are removed from each slice. Usually compote is made from sweet varieties of apples, but if sour fruits were used in the preparation process, the amount of sugar should be increased in the future.
    3. Fruit pieces are transferred to the pan.
    4. Grains are removed from the pomegranate so that partitions are completely absent in the resulting mass.
    5. Pomegranate kernels are poured to apple slices, everything is filled with water and set on a quiet fire.
    6. After the liquid boils, the fire decreases, the compote is cooked for another 5 minutes.
    7. Next, the drink cools slightly, and then filtered through a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting compote and completely dissolved in a warm liquid.
    8. The sweetened compote is cooled to room temperature and then placed in the refrigerator.

    It is better to serve the drink in a cool state, since with such a serving compote perfectly quenches thirst.

    How to make pomegranate jam: step by step recipe

    Pomegranate juice can also be used to make delicious, slightly tart jam. This will require:

    • 1 kilogram of pomegranates;
    • 250 grams of sugar;
    • 250 milliliters of pomegranate juice (or another 1 kilogram of pomegranates).
    1. The fruits are washed, their peel is cut.
    2. All grains are carefully removed through the cuts so that partitions and films do not get into their total mass.
    3. The pulled out grains are washed 2-3 times under cold running water, and then lean back into a colander.
    4. If it was decided to use juice freshly prepared at home for jam, then from an additionally prepared kilogram of fruit it is required to survive the juice according to the technology described above. Also, a grenade press can be used to squeeze juice - a manual juicer with a press.
    5. 250 milliliters of the resulting juice is mixed with granulated sugar. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for about 5 minutes until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
    6. Then the syrup is given time to cool, and after that pomegranate kernels are poured into it.
    7. Put the future jam on fire and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then the delicacy must be allowed to cool slightly.
    8. The cooking and cooling procedure is repeated 2-3 more times. This approach to cooking allows you to determine in time the beginning of the process of thickening the jam. Otherwise, the overcooked delicacy becomes too viscous and dark.

    This recipe allows you to cook pomegranate jam, which goes well not only with desserts, but also with meat and fish.

    How to store pomegranate juice at home

    The shelf life of pomegranate drink varies depending on its preparation method. So, you can store a store-bought drink for 2-3 days after opening the package. Unopened shop juice is stored for the period of time indicated on the package.

    If you squeeze pomegranate juice at home, it must be consumed immediately after squeezing. If it was not possible to immediately consume a fresh drink, it is allowed to store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. If pomegranate juice was sterilized and rolled up during the preparation process, it is allowed to leave it for the winter. However, an open product should be consumed as soon as possible - within 24 hours.

    Pomegranate juice - the benefits of the drink and several ways to prepare it

    Pomegranate juice has long been famous for its healing and even therapeutic effect on the body, which is why it is very popular. Regular consumption of the drink can replace a number of artificial medicines that do not always bring only benefits.

    What are the benefits of pomegranate juice?

    Pomegranate juice, the benefits and harms of which are due to the substances contained in it, can become an indispensable natural remedy for getting rid of ailments or preventing their occurrence.

    1. The high content of a number of vitamins and valuable elements in the juice makes it possible to use it as a remedy for beriberi, to increase immunity.
    2. The drink has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties, has an anti-cancer effect.
    3. Pomegranate juice is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cleaning blood vessels and lowering cholesterol levels. It is a source of potassium, necessary for the normal functioning of the heart.
    4. The drink reduces blood pressure and calcium deposition on bones and joints, prevents the formation of kidney stones, and helps with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    5. Also known are the anti-stress and soothing properties of the nervous system of the juice and its rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole.
    6. Despite the impressive list of valuable properties, the drink should be drunk correctly, and in the presence of exacerbation of stomach ulcers, pancreatitis or increased acidity of gastric juice, completely abandon its use.

    How to drink pomegranate juice?

    In order for juice therapy to bring only benefits, you need to know how to drink pomegranate juice correctly. The high content of acids in the drink can have an undesirable irritant effect on the gastric mucosa or tooth enamel.

    1. Concentrated pomegranate juice is often diluted in equal proportions with boiled water or diluted with other softer in taste and less "aggressive" fruit, vegetable or berry juices.
    2. The drink will become more harmonious in taste and even more useful if you sweeten it with honey before drinking.
    3. It is not recommended to drink fresh before bed or on an empty stomach. The maximum benefit will bring a drink if you use it between meals in the morning.
    4. A necessary accessory is a cocktail tube, which will help reduce the negative effect of juice on tooth enamel. In addition, after drinking, rinse your mouth with warm water.

    How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate?

    No even the highest quality product purchased in a store can replace freshly prepared fresh juice. Only freshly squeezed pomegranate juice has the maximum value and will give the expected positive healing effect.

    1. You can squeeze the juice using a mechanical citrus press. Washed fruits are simply cut in half beforehand.
    2. A standard juicer for fruits and vegetables is no less effective for making fresh juice. With this method, additional separation of the grains from the peel and partitions will be required.
    3. Having crushed a whole ripe juicy fruit with your hands, and then making a hole in the peel, all that remains is to pour the finished fresh pomegranate juice into a glass.

    How to make pomegranate juice in a juicer?

    Often, at home, pomegranate juice is prepared in a juicer. This is the most affordable and effective way to get a valuable drink. At the same time, one should not neglect the recommendations for preliminary preparation of fruits, using them whole or with partitions: these parts of the fruit will add unnecessary bitterness to the drink.

    1. The pomegranate is washed in warm water.
    2. They cut the peel from above, trying not to touch the grains, and tear it off the body of the fetus.
    3. Divide the pulp of the pomegranate into pieces.
    4. Separate the grains from the partitions.
    5. The grains are placed in the outlet of the unit.
    6. Press the "Start" button and collect fresh juice in a glass.
    7. Homemade pomegranate juice is served, sweetened with honey and diluted with water.

    pomegranate juice syrup

    From the recommendations below, you will learn how to make pomegranate juice without the use of modern technology. Initially, a syrup is prepared with sugar, which is diluted with water before drinking to obtain the drink of the desired sweetness and concentration. A sweet drink can be prepared for future use and used to make desserts.

    1. Washed pomegranates are divided into parts.
    2. Separate the grains from the peel and films.
    3. Pour the mass with sugar, knead with a crush and leave overnight.
    4. Grind the grains through a sieve, squeezing out the remaining juice.
    5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the syrup.
    6. Pomegranate sweet juice is boiled for 20 minutes and poured into sterile jars.
    7. Before use, dilute the syrup with water.

    Pomegranate juice in a blender

    If you have a stationary blender, you can prepare natural pomegranate juice with it. In addition to the device, in this case, you will need a gauze cut through which you will need to strain the resulting crushed mass. For an ideal result, add a little boiled cold water to the bowl.

    1. They wash the pomegranates, cut the peel and break the fruit into pieces.
    2. The grains are separated and placed in the bowl of the device.
    3. Pour in some water and pierce the mass for a couple of minutes.
    4. Strain the resulting puree through cheesecloth, squeeze.
    5. Sweeten homemade pomegranate juice to taste.

    Pomegranate juice without sugar

    Cooked pomegranate juice at home is most useful fresh. At the same time, it is advisable to drink it without sugar or combining it with other sweeter fresh juices. However, the fruits are not available for use all year round, which encourages harvesting juice for future use. The recommendations below will help you make a blank without additives.

    1. The fruits are prepared properly, the juice is squeezed in an accessible way.
    2. The drink is heated to a boil, immediately poured into prepared sterile jars.
    3. The containers are sealed with boiled lids, the containers are turned over and wrapped until cool.

    Juice from an unripe pomegranate

    Pomegranate juice prepared at home from ripe fruits is much tastier. However, if only fruits are available that have not had time to acquire a characteristic saturated color, the drink can also be made from unripe raw materials. Ready fresh is more acidic, so it must be supplemented with honey or sugar and drunk diluted in small portions.

    1. The peel is cut crosswise from above, removed from the fruit, which is then divided into parts.
    2. Squeeze juice.
    3. Sweeten the finished fresh, dilute with water or other juice.

    Pomegranate juice for the winter, delicious and healthy recipes

    Pomegranate is a very useful and tasty fruit. The etymology of its name directly indicates that it consists of many grains, its granular structure. This fruit is round, the skin is red, almost purple, and inside this exotic fruit are small grains of the same red color, which are surrounded by a pulp that is juicy, but slightly sour. Even in ancient times, the elements of this fruit: juice, seeds and peel - were used for various cosmetic procedures. Moreover, it is very useful. It contains a large number of vitamins and nutrients that are responsible for immunity and hemoglobin levels in human blood, and not only.

    The only thing is that there are small seeds in the pomegranate kernels, some people do not like to use it in its pure form, like an apple or an orange, for example. The cleaning of the pomegranate is also problematic. This is very tedious, inconvenient and dirty to do because the juice from the grains is splashed everywhere. But it’s impossible to completely refuse so much healthy and tasty fruit, so most people use pomegranate juice, and not the pomegranate itself. Pomegranate juice also contains all the useful substances, and it is much more convenient and pleasant to use it.

    Of course, people buy pomegranate juice in stores most often, which doctors do not recommend, because juices from the store are full of preservatives, and most often they are very diluted with water. And this makes it clear to us that store-bought juice is not as useful as home-made juice. Therefore, it is necessary to make pomegranate juice, like any other, at home, and close it in jars for the winter, in order to saturate your body with vitamins then.

    First you need to figure out how to squeeze juice from pomegranate kernels. By the way, before you start squeezing the juice, you need to wash the fruits well and dry them so that they are not wet or damp on the outside.

    So, how to make pomegranate juice at home?

    Firstly, you can prepare pomegranate juice at home in the old "grandfather" way, which does not require special tools. For this method, you will need the simplest items that are available in every home - a knife, fine gauze, a deep container, a rolling pin and rubber gloves. First you need to cut the pomegranate into two equal parts. After that, you need to take one half of this fruit, place it over the container with the grains down and lightly tap on it, on the skin, with a rolling pin. You will see that the grains will begin to fall into the bowl, and you will understand for yourself how hard you need to beat. Of course, this must be done until all the pomegranate seeds are in the bowl. The same must be done with the second half. Then you need to pour all the nucleoli to the single one into fine gauze and start squeezing the juice with gloved hands, of course. It's very easy and simple. But if a woman is doing this, then she may not have enough strength. In this case, you can ask the man in the house to take care of this matter.

    Second, another easy way. For him, you need only two tools: a knife and a glass. Everything is extremely easy: you need to roll a clean pomegranate, pressing on it, on the table until it becomes completely soft. After that, a small hole is made in a soft pomegranate, and with this hole the pomegranate is placed on a glass. Concentrated juice drains itself, though not so quickly.

    How to make pomegranate juice in a juicer?

    A more modern way, for which it is necessary to have a citrus fruit juicer, a knife, a bowl and rubber gloves on the farm. With this method, you first need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for using a juicer, and the technique for obtaining pomegranate juice in this way is the same as for any other.

    This juice, like any other, can be rolled into jars in different ways, with the addition of various ingredients. Let's turn to the most delicious recipes for making pomegranate juice for the winter.

    pomegranate juice recipe

    With this preparation, pomegranate juice will turn out to be natural and tart, it will retain the taste of pomegranate, and will resemble the fruit itself.


    • grenades 1kg
    • granulated sugar (liter of juice / 100 grams of sugar)

    How to make pomegranate juice:

    1. take apart the fruits
    2. remove white film
    3. squeeze juice
    4. filter it and warm it up
    5. add granulated sugar
    6. pour into jars
    7. close

    Pomegranate juice with honey

    With this recipe, the beneficial properties of pomegranate increase, because another product is used that is very useful and vitamin - honey.


    • grenades 1 kg.
    • water 250 ml.
    • honey 400 grams

    How to make pomegranate juice with honey:

    1. wash the pomegranates, remove the skin and pulp
    2. place pomegranate seeds in a deep enameled container (can be in a saucepan)
    3. squeezing juice with a wooden pusher
    4. strain through fine cheesecloth
    5. add honey
    6. place
    7. the cake must be put in another container, pour water into it, boil
    8. strain the pulp when it cools down
    9. bring the juice to a boil, but do not boil
    10. pour into jars
    11. roll up

    Classic pomegranate juice

    He, like the first, is prepared only with the use of sugar, but there are differences. Pomegranate seeds contain very useful substances for the body. If the first recipe ignores this fact, this one doesn't. And the pomegranate seeds are used completely, along with the seeds. Therefore, such juice will be richer in vitamins.


    • pomegranate 1 kg.
    • water 500 ml. (filtered or boiled)
    • granulated sugar to taste

    Cooking instruction:

    1. the first thing to do is wash the grenades well under water
    2. after that, put clean pomegranates on a cutting board (the fruits do not need to be dried)
    3. then cut them into two halves
    4. then you need to lower them into a deep container with water and with clean hands in the water carefully remove the pomegranate seeds from the shell
    5. it is also necessary to clean the grains in the same way from the white film, membrane
    6. then collect the pop-up film with your hands and discard
    7. the peel must also be obtained, but not thrown away, but set aside, although it is not useful for making juice, it can be used to prepare infusions and decoctions for various ailments
    8. the seeds should be crushed, but this should not be done manually, but with a blender. Attention: it is unacceptable to grind the grains for too long, a few seconds are enough, otherwise the juice will not be saturated
    9. crushed grains must be filtered through a sieve to get rid of too hard particles of seeds
    10. the next step is the addition of granulated sugar, because the pomegranate itself is very sour (add sugar to taste, but the best option is a glass of sugar for 4 glasses of concentrated juice)
    11. mix it all up and add water (one pomegranate needs 250 ml of water)
    12. again move everything and bring to a boil, but do not boil
    13. pour juice into jars and close

    The most delicious pomegranate juice recipe

    Pomegranate juice can be closed not in its pure form, of course, but mixed with others, other fruits or berries. This is quite natural, because the fruits of different fruit plants may well be combined with each other. Moreover, they can complement the taste of each other with different notes. The taste may be richer or completely different, and the beneficial properties of the juice will remain unchanged. In this case, it is important to know which fruits go well in combination with pomegranate.


    • apple juice 1-1.5 liters.
    • pomegranate 1-1.5 l.
    • blackcurrant juice 1-1.5 liters.
    • lemon juice 100 ml.

    All types of juices should be had in almost equal proportions. The exception is lemon, because it is very sour, you need to add it very little.

    Cooking instruction:

    1. you need to start preparing all the juices
    2. apple juice. Apples need to be washed and dried. After cutting into 4 pieces, or into 6 pieces, it depends on the size of the apple. Get juice with a juicer.
    3. juice from pomegranate seeds. It can be prepared in different ways, which were indicated above.
    4. blackcurrant juice. Currants need to be separated from the branches, sorted out, washed and dried on a towel. After also get juice using a juicer. Currants can not be separated from the branches, but then the juice will be a little bitter.
    5. lemon juice. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass, but you can also use citric acid.
    6. after all the juices are ready, they need to be mixed and sugar added to taste
    7. bring to a boil, but do not boil
    8. pour into sterilized jars
    9. roll up with tin lids

    Spicy pomegranate juice

    Pomegranate juice can be mixed not only with other juices, but also with various spices and spices. They give an unusual taste, make it unique and refined. This juice may not appeal to everyone, so before making it, make sure that your loved ones and relatives love certain ingredients.


    • pomegranate juice 1 l.
    • sugar to taste
    • almond kernels 50 grams
    • lemon peel
    • a pinch of cloves
    • nutmeg 30 grams
    • a pinch of cinnamon

    Cooking instruction:

    1. first you need to cook, squeeze the juice from the pomegranate fruit. This can be done, again, in any of the above ways, which you like best.
    2. in an enamel bowl, you need to crush the nuts and add all these spices to them. After grinding or just mix
    3. this mixture must be poured into a deep container, or a pan with large edges
    4. add lemon zest, granulated sugar and nitrate in that order
    5. the resulting concentrated nitrate must be mixed and brought to a boil, but do not boil
    6. pour into jars
    7. roll up with iron lids

    When preparing such stocks for the winter, you must first familiarize yourself with the technology of canning in order to avoid fermentation and product loss. It is also necessary to remember that seaming requires perfect cleanliness and sterility, so dust and extraneous dirt should be avoided. And use only boiled water.

    Thanks to these recipes, you and your relatives and friends can enjoy the unique taste of pomegranate kernel juice all winter, all year round, and get all the necessary vitamins in the winter, when the immune system is weakened and needs support! After all, pomegranate is very rich in all the substances necessary for this! Bon appetit!

    For our readers, we have prepared other original and interesting recipes for delicious preparations for the winter: cherry juice, blueberry compote, strawberry jam and much more.

    Pomegranate juice for children and adults

    Pomegranate juice has many medicinal properties.

    The rind of the fruit is used for pain in the stomach, and the juice itself for disorders.

    This product is especially useful during pregnancy. Increases blood circulation, and also helps to raise hemoglobin in the blood.

    The intake of pomegranate juice favorably contributes to the work of the heart.

    There is also a negative effect.

    This product has a negative effect on tooth enamel. Of course, this is not very scary, since the impact is minimal. But with young children, whose enamel is very sensitive, you should be careful.

    Such a product should be given to a child through a tube so that it enters immediately into the throat, bypassing the oral cavity.

    In small doses, you can safely give juice to children, but first reduce the concentration.

    Having diluted with chilled boiled inputs in a ratio of 1: 1.

    Several ways to make pomegranate juice at home

    • First, the purchased grenade must be thoroughly rinsed in running water.

    With the help of a juicer, at low speeds, you can squeeze out the contents.

  • Another way is to manually select all the grains and squeeze all the juice through cheesecloth.
  • If you don't have time and the process is a lot of hassle, go to a baby food store and buy pre-made juice in a bottle or jar.

    But it is worth taking a closer look at the manufacturer.

    Read the expiration date and ingredients.

    Is it suitable for child consumption?

    Indeed, many juices in stores, to put it mildly, are made from preservatives, and there are practically no natural substances.

    Many small children are not yet able to chew and swallow hard pomegranate seeds, but drink the juice with pleasure.

    Harvesting pomegranate juice for the winter at home

    The pomegranate season in our latitudes falls on the winter months, therefore, it is more necessary to harvest pomegranate juice and syrup in the summer and autumn. Pomegranate juice is widely used in cooking. And this is not just a drink, but also a spicy base for sauces for meat dishes.

    For these purposes, it is better to prepare concentrated juice, without the use of water and sugar.

    When harvesting pomegranate juice, the main difficulty is to squeeze the juice.

    Using a blender for these purposes is not the best idea.

    The blender knives cut the grains together with the seeds, turning the juice into a puree-like and inedible mass. Crushed bones are unbearably bitter and it is impossible to use the juice obtained in this way.

    Strain the juice through cheesecloth folded in several layers and pour it into a saucepan. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the juice almost to a boil. When bubbles appear on the surface of the juice, make the fire smaller, and while stirring, pasteurize the juice for at least 5 minutes. Try not to let the juice boil, this will kill the vitamins, although it will have little effect on the taste of the juice.

    Sterilize wide-mouthed bottles and pour hot juice into them. Close the bottles with caps and wrap them until they cool completely.

    Move the pomegranate juice bottles to a cool, dark place for storage. The shelf life of pomegranate juice obtained in this way is about 10 months.

    Pomegranate juice in its pure form is harmful to tooth enamel and must be diluted before use. To make it a pleasant, healthy and refreshing drink, dilute it in the ratio:

    You can roll pomegranate juice with other juices, but it is better to mix ready-made juices immediately before use.

    How to quickly squeeze juice from a pomegranate, to harvest juice or syrup, see the video:

    Pomegranate juice

    Main Ingredients: Pomegranate

    Pomegranate juice is a divine drink! It not only tastes good, but also beautiful in color. After all, it is not for nothing that one of the precious stones is called "garnet". In terms of the amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals that make up its composition, pomegranate juice ranks first among other juices. That's why I suggest you make pomegranate juice.

    Ingredients for making pomegranate juice:

    1. Large pomegranate 1 piece
    2. Purified water 250 milliliters
    3. Sugar to taste

    Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


    1. Cutting board
    2. Kitchen knife
    3. Medium bowls - 2 pieces
    4. Blender
    5. Tea spoon
    6. Tablespoon
    7. Wineglass
    8. Tall measuring cup

    Preparing pomegranate juice:

    Step 1: prepare the pomegranate.

    Step 2: choose the membrane from the bowl.

    Step 3: Grind the pomegranate seeds.

    Step 4: Strain the crushed pomegranate mixture.

    Step 5: Prepare pomegranate juice.

    - - Our recipe is designed for preparing one glass of juice, so if you want to treat the whole family with this juice, stock up on pomegranate for future use.

    - - When choosing a pomegranate, it is better to take fruits from red to pinkish yellow. At the same time, the pomegranate peel should not be damaged, since it is possible that the process of destruction of pomegranate seeds will begin in this place and because of this, the taste of pomegranate juice may be spoiled.

    - - To get more juice from the seeds after grinding them in a blender, it is better to place them in a gauze bag and carefully squeeze out the pomegranate mixture, twisting the gauze with your hands.

    - - Freshly prepared juice can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator, after which it partially loses its beneficial properties.

    – – Pomegranate juice can optionally be sweetened with honey instead of sugar. Then your drink is even more fragrant and intoxicating.

    - - All parts of the pomegranate are useful, so we do not throw away the peel of the pomegranate after processing the berry, but dry it and store it in a paper bag in a dark place where there is no sun. After all, dried peel can be used as a therapeutic astringent, diuretic and choleretic agent.

    How to squeeze pomegranate juice at home

    Pomegranate has many health benefits, chief among which are its antioxidant properties. But due to the fact that the grains are quite hard, it may not be comfortable to use it in the usual way. This is where pomegranate juice comes in handy, although some may not yet know how to squeeze pomegranate juice.

    Useful properties of pomegranate

    Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant. It contains a high content of vitamins, the lion's share of which is vitamin C. Ideally, it is recommended to use it at least twice a week or every other day. Eating pomegranate or pomegranate drink will be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The main beneficial properties of pomegranate include:

    • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
    • removal of free radicals and poisons from the body;
    • acceleration of the hematopoietic function of the brain;
    • prevention of stroke, heart attack;
    • stabilization of blood pressure;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • improvement of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition to the listed beneficial properties, regular use of pomegranate is recommended for people with a low hemoglobin content in the blood. Elderly people who have recovered from an illness and pregnant women will also benefit from this fruit. In addition to the high content of vitamin C, it also contains B vitamins, iron, beta-carotene, tannin.

    Contraindications for drinking

    Because pomegranate is highly acidic and high in folic acid, it can adversely affect a group of people suffering from stomach or intestinal ulcers. However, this does not mean at all that this fruit is contraindicated for them. This product can be introduced into the diet, but it should only be consumed in a diluted form.

    How to make juice at home

    When there is no juicer at hand, and you really want freshly squeezed juice, then in the case of pomegranate, natural juice can be obtained by fairly simple and affordable methods without the use of additional devices.

    There are several rules for obtaining a drink from a pomegranate. These include how to squeeze juice from a pomegranate without giving it bitterness, as well as how to get a pure product without pulp.

    Squeezing with bare hands

    From one medium-sized pomegranate, you can get a glass of drink with a volume of 250 ml. Again, it is unlikely that anyone will like a concentrated drink. It is usually diluted with some drinking water. This is especially recommended for those people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    To begin with, the pomegranate must be checked for integrity, that is, for damage to the peel, as well as for damage to the fruit. It would be useful to pay attention to the maturity of the fruit. As a rule, the ripe fruit has red or scarlet grains, and the resulting drink has the color of blood.

    The peel should be washed and, if necessary, brushed. After that, the pomegranate is kept in warm water for a while so that the peel softens a little. Then it is rolled on the countertop several times from different sides - first the sides, and then the top and bottom - thereby kneading the pomegranate and squeezing the liquid out of the grains.

    When the pomegranate becomes quite soft, you can additionally crush it in your hands. Here, the main thing is not to overdo it and not push through the peel, as in this case the juice will flow out. If, nevertheless, microcracks have formed on the peel and juice flows from them, then put the pomegranate in a plastic bag so as not to get dirty. The final step will be the direct squeezing of the juice into a glass. This must be done very carefully - when cutting a hole with a knife, the juice will immediately splash. Therefore, before you run the knife into the peel, substitute a glass under the pomegranate.

    A hole is made on any of the sides of the pomegranate. This is where a little effort is required to completely squeeze the liquid out of the pomegranate, especially towards the end of the process. The resulting product can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 and add sugar to taste. This method is very popular in those places where the pomegranate grows. Locals are very fond of quenching their thirst with this simple method.

    Using a zip package

    The method that was described earlier is not suitable for everyone. Many people may not have sufficient physical strength for this method. However, there is a more simplified version that everyone can handle.

    The first thing you need to do is prepare the container. The pomegranate is also washed with cold water, after which an incision must be made on the peel across the fruit. It will allow you to break the fruit into two parts. This is necessary in order to extract the grains from the cavity of the fruit. This is done by tapping with a tablespoon or knife handle on the skin of the fruit, while constantly turning it in your hand. During this process, the grenade can splatter, so be prudent and put on an apron in advance, grenade stains are very difficult to wash off.

    The resulting mass of grains is separated from the white membranes, which can get along with the grains. It is undesirable to leave them, because they will add bitterness to the drink. Then you need to pour everything into a zip package. If not, then you can use a regular plastic bag. Squeeze out all excess air and close it tightly (if it is a plastic bag, then make a good knot). Using a rolling pin, a small jar or a glass, crush the grains in the bag. Now it remains only to pour the resulting liquid and, if necessary, dilute with water.

    There is an even more simplified way to get a drink that takes a minimum of time, but it can be called quite dirty. You need to cut off the crown of the fruit (top) and cut the pomegranate into two halves. Then, substituting the container, squeeze it like a lemon. This should be done slowly so that the juice does not splash to the sides.

    The use of citrus juicers

    Using a manual method to obtain a drink has its pros and cons, as well as the use of juicers of various configurations. As a rule, if you want to prepare one or two glasses to drink right away, then the method with a plastic bag or by "rolling" a pomegranate on the countertop is ideal. In this way, you will get the minimum amount of pulp in the drink and you will squeeze the juice from almost all grains.

    If you need to process a large amount of fruit to get a liter or more, then it is better to use juicers. However, it is worth noting that the drink is likely to contain a lot of pulp and will have to be defended. The use of a press spin has another important plus. Pomegranate seeds are ground in it and the substances in them fall into the juice. And as you know, the bones also contain many useful substances.

    Additional cooking recipes

    Pomegranate juice can also be mixed with other fruit drinks. For example, it goes well with apple juice and currants. The ingredients for its preparation will be as follows:

    • granulated sugar (to taste);
    • blackcurrant (1-2 kg);
    • several lemons;
    • strained pomegranate drink (1.5 l);
    • apple juice (1.5 l).

    The recipe is quite simple. First, rinse all the currants with cold water and place them on a sieve to drain the water. After that, pour it into a blender and grind to a puree consistency. Then put this mass in cheesecloth and strain. Mix the resulting juice with freshly squeezed pomegranate (by hand) and apple juice. You can squeeze apple juice yourself from apples or buy it in a store.

    Finally, it remains only to squeeze a certain amount of lemon and add sugar to taste. Most likely, the sugar will not dissolve well, so the juice will have to be warmed up a little, but in no case should it be boiled.

    Juice with almonds and spices

    To prepare this drink you will need:

    • about one hundred grams of almonds;
    • carnation (5 - 7 buds);
    • a pinch of cinnamon;
    • freshly squeezed concentrated juice 1 liter;
    • nutmeg (5g);
    • sugar or powder (to taste);
    • lemon zest (about 100 gr).

    The first step is to prepare pomegranate juice in any way. You should get one liter of juice. Two medium pomegranate fruits will equal 250 - 300 ml. Accordingly, you will need about 10 ripe fruits. Set the juice aside for now. After that, you can start preparing the almonds. It is fried in a dry frying pan and then crushed. This can be done in a coffee grinder, but if you don't have one, use a rolling pin or mortar.

    Mash the cloves and add to the almonds. Mix in the nutmeg, powdered sugar (sand) and cinnamon. Grate lemon zest and mix with all ingredients. Then pour the whole mass into pomegranate juice and put on fire to simmer for about 10 minutes. Choose the minimum power on the burner and do not allow the liquid to boil.

    Pomegranate drink with honey

    To make this drink, you will need the following ingredients:

    • honey (300 - 400 gr);
    • drinking water (one glass);
    • pomegranate juice (800 - 900 ml).

    Rinse the pomegranate and cut off the top. Then make a few cuts on the peel and break it into several parts. Prepare a suitable size container and use a tablespoon to remove the grains. This is done by tapping on the pomegranate peel. Together with pomegranate seeds, white membranes will inevitably fall into the plate. We do not need them, so we need to remove them.

    In order not to suffer and not to catch them from the plate, pour the whole mass into cold water. The pomegranate seeds will float to the surface, making it easy for you to collect them.

    There are several ways to extract juice from beans. The easiest is to put them in a bag, release the air and tie tightly. Then, using a rolling pin, squeeze the juice out of the grains. The resulting mass is laid out in gauze and filtered. Next, the juice must be poured into a saucepan, diluted with water and add honey. To completely dissolve, it must be heated over low heat.

    It can also be mixed with vegetable juices. It can be pumpkin, celery, carrots, beets and cabbage. During the preparation of juice, do not rush to dispose of the pomegranate skin, it contains a large amount of useful substances. It can be cut into small pieces and laid out on a windowsill to dry. After drying, the peel can be used in tea brewing by simply adding a few pieces to the tea leaves.

    A reasonable question may arise, why not buy a finished product, especially since a liter is not so expensive - about 80-100 rubles. The fact is that most pomegranates are no longer the first freshness, moreover, there are often juices that are a little bitter. This is due to the fact that in production, not only the pomegranate seeds themselves fall into the extraction, but also white membranes, which give the characteristic bitterness. In addition, there will be much less vitamins in a pasteurized product than in a freshly squeezed one. During heat treatment and during storage, some of the vitamins are destroyed.
