What are the benefits of Taoist exercises for men? Taoist secrets of sex.

A person ruins his body so much that being at a very mature age, he is already experiencing many problems. As for men, many of them suffer from impotence already at the age of 35-45. There can be many reasons for this. These are cardiovascular diseases, and pathologies of genitourinary diseases, and mental disorders. And as a result, his potency suffers, his beloved woman becomes dissatisfied, followed by a break in relations and twisted destinies. One symptom, and what devastating consequences it has.

You should not think that only those who have difficulties with potency need to think about their libido. Men who believe that sex for 5-15 minutes is able to fully satisfy their companion are mistaken. In order to fully satisfy a woman, more time is needed. In addition, a special culture and abilities in intimate relationships are needed, which, for example, Europeans do not have. This issue was given full attention in the East, resulting in some practices. Many people know the Indian Kama Sutra, but few people know that all the psychophysical practices of the peoples of the East are aimed, among other things, at increasing male libido. In addition to the well-known yoga, ancient civilizations left their descendants and Taoist exercises for men.

What the unexpected can be obtained by practicing Taoist exercises

What special things can men achieve by practicing Taoist exercises? It should be noted that these are not just exercises. This is a whole system of psychophysical exercises that allow you to heal the male body not only physically, but also mentally. The health aspect is considered here in the context that a truly healthy person has great potential. He can sleep for several hours, and sometimes minutes, a day, while getting enough sleep. No illnesses take him, and his physical abilities, even in old age, amaze young people. Such a person is able to memorize large amounts of information very quickly, etc.

Sexually, a man practicing this system can repeatedly experience a full orgasm in one sexual intercourse. As surprising as it may sound, it is true. Sexologists believe that only a woman can experience multiple orgasms. Few representatives of the weaker sex know about this, even fewer experience such an orgasm. For men, this is considered unattainable without any hyperactive manifestations associated with mental and genitourinary disorders. But the fact of the matter is that in the traditions of Eastern practices, multiple orgasms in men are considered quite normal.

The bottom line is that Europeans in men identify the moment of ejaculation with the moment of orgasm. For this reason, the limited amount of seminal fluid and the relatively low rate of its production after ejaculation limit the number of possible orgasms in men. Women do not need to release any liquid to achieve orgasm, which, like men, is in limited quantities. But it will be surprising to learn that Taoists do not equate these concepts. They develop the ability to experience orgasm without ejaculation, which gives them inexhaustible possibilities in obtaining voluptuous sensations.

How to develop superpowers in yourself and gain true masculine power

With an eye on the foregoing, we can state that Taoist exercises develop the superpowers of a man in all respects. He not only becomes healthier, stronger, smarter, but also gets the opportunity to fulfill any desires of women in the intimate sphere. Although for many European women it is considered lucky if her sexual intercourse lasts more than 10-15 minutes. If her partner is capable of a long duration of sexual intercourse, then this is perceived as a miracle. In fact, this is the least you can count on when applying Taoist practices. But this does not mean that after completing a couple of exercises, you will immediately acquire the abilities of the world-famous Casanova. We are talking about a system that needs to be built into your life, practicing it regularly.

In the intimate sphere, a man will have to know and reveal his full potential of sexuality, which will lead him to the desired multiple orgasm.

Regular practice of Taoist exercises will allow you to feel your body more sharply, to feel its processes, and will also give you the opportunity to influence and control them. This is the tool with which a man will be able to separate orgasm from ejaculation, since these are completely different physiological processes. In the end, a man gets a series of orgasms instead of short-term pleasure, which also retain pleasant sensations longer than with ordinary orgasms.

The technique of multiple orgasms allows not only to satisfy a woman in the volume that is right for her, but also leads to less fatigue and exhaustion following ejaculation. This leads to the fact that life expectancy in men increases, while maintaining its viability. But in order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to build this system into your life. It is of little use if, performing sets of exercises from time to time, a man abuses alcohol, smokes, and is illegible in food. All of these possibilities are already inherent in a person from birth.

Nature made him perfect. However, the person wanted to go some other unnatural way. As a result, human life expectancy is relatively short. Biologically, he is able to live much longer than a modern person lives. The average life expectancy of 65-79 years, which is shown by the inhabitants of planet Earth, is at least two times lower than what they should have. And the abilities that they possess are much lower than those that the human body is capable of. But this does not mean that these abilities cannot be developed in oneself, which is demonstrated by yogis, Taoists, adepts of martial arts.

What are the benefits for men's health

But if life expectancy, superpowers develop in all people who practice Taoist exercises, including women, then for men there are some features that need to be considered in more detail. That is, we are talking about increasing opportunities in intimate life. The very first thing a man will get is multiple orgasms that he can experience without losing his erection. All these orgasms will become longer in time, and pleasant sensations will cover the whole body.

Sexual energy can be used not only in an intimate way. Practicing Taoist exercises, a man will be able to use this energy for general healing, thereby increasing his vitality and life expectancy. There will be an acute feeling of a partner whose desires will begin to be foreseen. And if a woman of such a man does not know how to get multiple orgasms, then he will be able to help her achieve them. He will have the opportunity to use a more advanced penile insertion technique, which will allow him to fully satisfy his partner.

These exercises prevent impotence, relieve premature ejaculation, can increase the strength and size of the penis, allow you to control the volume of semen released, improve the functioning of the prostate gland, and prevent its diseases, including cancer. The Taoist system for men's health allows you to remain sexually active into old age and use your sexuality to deepen your spirituality.

One of the real life examples

So that all of the above does not seem unfounded to you, let's turn to cases from real life. After all, if these practices exist for several millennia, there could not be people who would live long and remain sexually active. The fact is that adherents of Taoism are special people with special behavior. They do not calculate their age in calendar years, but measure their life by counting the number of heartbeats, respiratory cycles, and also the number of ejaculations. According to their worldview, each person has his own number of heartbeats and respiratory cycles intended for him. As soon as they end, death occurs. Many European explorers and travelers who find themselves in villages inhabited by Taoists find it hard to believe that they are surrounded by people who are 100-120 or more years old and who look no more than 50 years old.

But there is an example that has become the property of the world community, which is striking and hard to believe. In the first half of the 20th century, namely in 1933, it became known about the death of the Chinese herbalist Li Ching-yuen. He died shortly after he brought his 24th wife into the house. Having many wives in one's life can be explained in different ways, but the Chinese government has recorded the historical fact that this man was born in 1677, and at the time of his death he was 256 years old. It is curious that at the time of his death, Li Ching-yuen retained his teeth, he was not bald, but throughout his life he had tremendous youthful strength, excellent health and sexual potency. According to eyewitnesses, even at over 200 years old, he looked no older than a 50-year-old man.

A famous Chinese herbalist who practiced the Taoist exercises made no secret of how he reached his age and how he managed to stay in such good shape. Anyone wishing to follow his example could hear from him many useful recommendations, but there were three basic rules. His first advice was that you need to live life without haste. He believed that one should strive to do everything measuredly, not let chaos into one's daily life and avoid nervous shocks. It is necessary to meet any joys and sorrows with a calm mind. In this, in his words, inner self-confidence helps, to prevent heart palpitations and to stay in what you are doing right now. If you are sitting, do it still, like a turtle. If you move, then do it as fast as a bird in the sky, and if you sleep, then take an example from a dog who has a very light sleep.

His second advice was that men should not allow excessive emotions into their lives. This is especially true, in his opinion, for older men. It was strong emotions that he considered the biggest source of loss of vital energy, as well as the destroyer of the stable functioning of internal systems and human organs. During emotional arousal, stagnation occurs in organs such as the liver, kidneys, and lungs. It is these organs that are the main centers of detoxification of the body, and the violation of their work leads to a reduction in the vitality of a person.

And the third piece of advice he gave was to do the Taoist exercises every day. He noted that the duration of these exercises, the intensity of their implementation is less important than their constant, daily performance, so you need to not just do exercises, but build training into your life. Exercise should be as natural and necessary as brushing your teeth, eating. The well-known Chinese herbalist considered the exercises “deer” for men, “tortoise” and “crane” to be the most effective exercises for general use. But for men, there are many other exercises.

The general recommendation for the deer exercise for men is to do it while standing. The feet must be firmly placed on the floor, mentally feel how they are pressed down, as if growing into it. Keep your back and head straight during the exercise. Press with your middle fingers on the depression located at the base of the skull. In this cavity is an acupuncture point, which must be massaged 49 times. Such massage movements activate both hemispheres of the brain at the point of entry of nerve endings into it. Next, you need to take a deep breath through the nose, touching the gums with the tongue and holding it in this position for the entire period of holding the breath. When exhaling, the tongue should touch the lower row of teeth.

Further, continuing to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, tighten the bottom of the pelvis with a quick and vigorous upward movement. This movement is accompanied by a deep breath, which lasts for 12-15 seconds. In this position, it is necessary to stay in a tense state for 10-12 seconds, after which exhale for 4-6 seconds, reaching a moment of relaxation. When performing this movement, energy is directed along the spine to the brain. Perform the exercise early in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed in the amount of 21 repetitions.

Awakening the energy of life. Releasing Trapped Qi by Francis Bruce

Taoist sexual practices

Taoist sexual practices

When people make love, the qi in their bodies increases and by itself increases quite a lot. As chi becomes more abundant and strong, we feel more alive, creative, and vibrant with life. Our blood and other fluids flow more strongly, causing us to tremble and flush. For many, the release that follows an orgasm is often the time when we feel most relaxed and when the chatter of the mind and negative emotions seems to fade away. We feel a total presence in relation to what we are experiencing.

Now the Taoists are not concerned about the large amount of cultural, moral and religious baggage that sex can be associated with in the West. They are more interested in exploring energy motives, and Taoist practices as such were developed by studying adult heterosexuals who use contraceptives and do not use violence. Given all of the above, they approached the exploration of the possibilities of stimulating the free flowing qi within people in a sexually disinterested and pragmatic way. Taoist sexual practices fall into two categories:

Sexual qigong - techniques that increase sensitivity and awareness to the chi flowing within you and your partner, including techniques to help you achieve the healing benefits of any chi practice.

Sexual Meditation - methods that lead to a deep religious experience, often referred to as divine realization, enlightenment, emptiness, or universal love.

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Taoist practices are for women. They help awaken sexual energy, learn how to use it and reveal femininity. These techniques are quite easy to learn and with regular use bring good results.

Secrets of the ancient Taoists

The whole concept of Taoism is based on the concept of sexuality. Taoists believed that it was sexual health that was especially important for a person. This type of energy helps to bring all sorts of blessings into life.

It is worth noting that sexuality from the point of view of Taoism is not only an attraction for men, which will be in them primitive instincts. This is self-love, the ability to enjoy life in all its manifestations, the ability to easily receive the necessary benefits and accept them with gratitude.

Important Taoist secrets, without knowing which it is useless to try sexual practices:

  1. You need to develop love for yourself. You must learn to fully love and accept yourself, then you will be able to experience similar feelings and others, and also get a return from them. Easy to say, harder to do. It is necessary to engage in special studies and meditations in order to completely destroy the complexes, blocks and attitudes in the subconscious.
  2. Among the most effective exercises is the correct chest massage. It helps to reveal the sensual potential of a woman, activate the heart chakra, improve health and learn to love the world in all its manifestations.
  3. Also, all exercises are based on the correct technique of abdominal breathing. In ordinary life, we are used to breathing from the chest, this is not true. The air on inhalation must be let in exactly into the stomach. This helps to fill with oxygen and energy all the most important female internal organs.

10 golden exercises

Choose any of the exercises and start practicing regularly. After a couple of weeks, you will notice changes in your well-being and psycho-emotional state, which will certainly affect everything that happens in your life.

Exercise "Regenerating Source" - cleanses the body of negativity and fills it with positive energy. What to do:

  1. Stand up, put your feet firmly on the floor, and let your arms hang freely along the body.
  2. Relax, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathing should be abdominal - this is important.
  3. Hold your breath for a minute. Then shake off your whole body. Imagine that you are out of the water and want to shake off all the drops from yourself.
  4. The Eight Diagrams exercise improves concentration and promotes brain health. What to do:
  5. Get up, close your eyes, breathe. When you feel relaxed enough, start exercising.
  6. Raise your arms very slowly, bend your legs slightly.
  7. Then, with your palms, begin to describe the sign of infinity in the air (number 8). In the process, try to feel how your body is filled with a powerful stream of light from a source located above your head.
  8. When you feel full enough, slowly lower your arms, breathe, and open your eyes.

Exercise "Roc Flight" "works" for weight loss. It removes psychological clamps that cause problems to “stick” and become addicted to food.

What to do:

  1. Stand up and breathe with your eyes closed.
  2. Place both hands on your chest. Feel how the heart chakra is filled with the energy of love and acceptance, how the palms become warmer.
  3. Then begin to describe the figure eight in the air with your right hand, and leave the left at the chest. After a while, change hands. The number of repetitions should be the same.
  4. When finished, breathe and open your eyes.

Exercise "Turtle pulls in its head" strengthens the nervous system, helps to quickly relieve stress and emotional tension. What do we have to do:

  1. Stand in the usual starting position, close your eyes, breathe and try to relax as much as possible.
  2. Connect the palms to each other and place them in front of the chest.
  3. Begin to make circular movements with your hands in a clockwise direction from the chest towards the stomach. Feel the energy fill your body, feel the heat and light flowing in through the top of your head and moving down.
  4. When you feel you have had enough, end the meditation. Breathe and open your eyes.

Watch a video with the technique of performing other Taoist exercises from the "golden" list:

The Swimming Dragon exercise strengthens the spinal column and helps to remove salt deposits and toxins from the body. What do we have to do:

  1. Stand in such a way that your back remains perfectly flat, and your feet are firmly pressed against each other. Press your palms to your body, lift your chin and smile.
  2. Close your eyes, relax. Breathe in, feeling yourself sinking into a calmer and more comfortable state with each exhalation. Feel complete security.
  3. Bend your elbows, placing your palms on your chest. At the same time, the elbows tightly rest against the body. Begin to do a soft and smooth chest massage, feeling how the heart chakra is filled with warmth, the vital energy of love and acceptance.
  4. Feel what your body wants to do. If you want to dance - dance, sway from side to side - sway. Let the body do whatever it wants.
  5. As you move, you will feel the tension go away, and you will be filled with calm energy. When enough is enough, stop, breathe, and open your eyes.

Exercise "Swimming Frog" has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, eliminates the psychosomatic causes of diseases in this zone.

  • Then sit down, put both hands on your chest and begin to rock, imagining a powerful fireball spinning inside you. The energy from this ball gradually spreads throughout the body.
  • Swinging, try to tighten your hips and stretch your neck to the most comfortable position.
  • At the end of the meditation, stop, lie down again, stay for a while in a state of calm and fullness. Then you can open your eyes.
  • Practice the exercises regularly and very soon you will feel very energetic, full and attractive.

    The philosophy of Taoism teaches us to contemplate and observe trends and energy flows, and in no case go against the flow, but recognize the rhythm of the universe and join it. Taoism teaches calmness and self-control over both the body and the emotions. From a European point of view, this is the ability to recognize the paths of least resistance and use them to your advantage. The teachings of the Tao are multifaceted; it touched both the practices of healing the body and the practices of sexual relations. Unlike the Christian tradition, the Taoists did not consider sex to be sinful, they perceived it as an energy process that is part of the Universe, and strove for its perfection. As a result, the Taoists developed an original system of physical exercises, which is designed to optimize the energy processes (energy "qi") in the human body.

    Taoist Exercises to Improve Qi Circulation

    "Seven Wonderful Exercises". The purpose of this complex is to increase the circulation of "qi" and increase the overall energy potential of the body. The first four exercises stimulate the circulation of qi flows, the remaining three help improve blood circulation, get rid of congestion, and ensure blood supply to all remote areas.

    The complex "Seven Wonderful Exercises" with comments is on the video:

    Taoist practices for men

    In Taoism, the loss of semen is regarded as the loss of limited vitality and as the cause of the exhaustion of the body; in other words, Taoists recommend saving sperm in every possible way, without giving up sexual activity.

    Do not be nervous, take everything calmly and use the time as you need

    In the urethral canal in the region of the base of the penis there is a thickening - the seminal tubercle. The vas deferens pass through the body of the seminal tubercle. Sperm, entering through them during ejaculation, expands the ducts and acts on the nerve receptors of the seminal tubercle. This is what causes the feeling of orgasm in a man.

    The Taoist technique of multiple male orgasm is based on these processes, when the flow of sperm is mechanically stopped at the level of the seminal tubercle and squeezed back (which is done by squeezing the trained pubococcygeal muscle). In this way, you can repeatedly get the sensation of orgasm without ejaculation. In addition, in Taoist techniques, they practice throwing semen into the bladder, controlling the obturator mechanism of the bladder. The benefits and safety for men's health of the technique of redirecting the flow of sperm is highly controversial and questionable. Taoists consider the seed saved in this rather extreme way to be an additional source of energy and longevity, which is also doubtful (the seminal fluid will leave the body anyway, only with urine).

    At the same time, premature ejaculation is a common male problem and deprives many couples of sexual satisfaction. With the help of Taoist practices, it is really possible to learn how to control ejaculation and regulate the duration of sexual intercourse.

    Men who believe that sex for 5-15 minutes is able to fully satisfy their companion are mistaken.

    Feeling the approach of ejaculation, the man strains the anus and pelvic floor, suspending breathing, as in the “Deer” exercise described below. This somewhat reduces the intensity of a man's sexual activity, as well as desire. With good self-control, a man can stop the ejaculate in the area of ​​​​the seed tubercle, having experienced a semblance of an orgasm; after a short pause, he can continue the friction, prolonging the sexual intercourse.

    For men and women

    Here are some simple but effective exercises from different Taoist styles:

    1. The first golden exercise "Deer".

    Considering the deer to be an animal of high potency, the Taoists observed its behavior and noticed that it was constantly shaking its tail. Why he shakes, only the deer knows, but the Taoists regarded his behavior as training the pubococcygeus muscle. Exercise helps prevent pelvic organ prolapse, which can occur with age and impair sexual function (as well as urinary and fecal incontinence) in both women and men. In addition, a trained pubococcygeal muscle makes it possible to control the duration of sexual intercourse. "Deer" is reminiscent of Kegel exercises.

    Regular practice of Taoist exercises will allow you to feel your body more sharply, feel its processes, and also give you the opportunity to influence and control them.

    First you need to stand firmly on a flat surface straight and massage the occipital fossa at the base of the skull with the middle fingers of both hands 49 times. This is supposed to activate the nerve endings at the entrance to the brain. Then you need to put your fingers in a pinch around your thumb.

    Inhalation is made through the nose and held for 10-15 seconds. At this time, you should quickly and strongly strain the pelvic floor and retract the anus. Then exhale through the nose for 5 seconds. The mouth should be closed, the tongue should be behind the lower row of teeth. Relaxation should occur on exhalation. Exercise is performed 21 times - after sleep and before bedtime.

    1. "Restoring Source".

    Exercise is designed to normalize kidney function. First you need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging and relaxed, breathing through the nose. Take a deep breath, while rising on your toes and turning your shoulders. You should try to stop breathing for a minute and shake your whole relaxed body. In this case, men are invited to shake their genitals, and women to relax the sphincter of the entrance to the vagina. As you exhale, tighten your stomach and gently lower your heels. Plus, you need to make circular movements of the shoulders 16 times in the "eight" (at the same time, you can already breathe voluntarily). Hands remain lowered. With proper exercise, you can feel the flow of blood to the fingers.

    Practicing Taoist exercises, a man will be able to use this energy for general healing, thereby increasing his vitality.

    1. Exercise "8 diagrams" ("8 trigrams").

    Hands draw a figure similar to the yin-yang symbol in a circle (trigram). Stand up straight, arms hanging down, body and mind relaxed. Slowly raise your arms in front of you to shoulder level, as if holding a round object, sit down slightly. The left hand smoothly rises above the head, and the right hand goes down, describing an arc from behind, while a semi-squat is performed on the left leg. Then raise your right hand forward and up until it rises above your head. Turn your right palm back and draw a vertical circle with your hand, and then "yin-yang" in this circle. Having described the symbol, the right hand should rise above the head. Step your right foot forward and half squat on it. The left hand goes down and back, outlining the symbol of the trigram. Having finished describing the symbol, the left hand is above the head. Then the right hand goes down and draws the symbol again, and the right foot steps back. The exercise is done 8 times on each side in about a minute and looks like a kind of dance.

    It is rather difficult to describe in words all the stages of this exercise, it is better to watch its implementation on the video:

    The exercise develops coordination of movements, calms the nervous system (following the movements of the arms and legs, one can hardly think of anything else), activates a number of reflexogenic points in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, shoulders and neck. It is believed that the systematic implementation of the "8 trigrams" prevents heart disease, including myocardial infarction.

    The purpose of this exercise is to help the body absorb fresh elements, as well as get rid of used ones.
    1. "Turtle retracts its head."

    Exercise helps to get rid of abdominal fat (abdominal obesity) and is extremely beneficial for metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Standing, hang your arms along the body. Turn your palms towards the ground. Raise your hands to your chest. Take a half step forward and half squat on the front leg. Tilt, hands try to “rake” the ground, and then rise along the front leg (at this time it smoothly straightens) to the stomach, turning the palms towards the body.

    The execution of the "turtle" is shown in the video:

    1. "Roc Flight" This exercise improves coordination and normalizes weight.

    Hands in front of the chest are located as if holding a ball. With this “ball” you need to describe a horizontal figure eight, lowering it down and starting the ascent at the most achievable point (half of the figure eight). Then the hands return to the chest and describe the second half of the eight on the other side.

    Hand movements are accompanied by rotations of the torso:

    1. "Soaring White Crane".

    This is a whole complex of exercises built on the imitation of the movements of a crane, its head, neck and wings. Designed to improve the spine, effective in combating cervical osteochondrosis, helps to normalize blood pressure, eliminate headaches and back pain. How to perform the movements, it is better to look at the video, the video sequence is accompanied by comments.

    The exercises are simple and do not require special physical training, here are two of them:

    • "Small Crane";

    • "Crane neck".

    Cultivation in the Art of Tao is an indirect indication away from the Great Way, but with the actual acquisition of the fullness of vital properties, this is guessed. After that, it is quite possible to find your own path to True Accomplishment. We are not able to take even a step in spiritual development. What we call spiritual development is really just more entanglement in the snares of the discriminating mind. In fact, if we really have a desire to develop spiritually, then we first need to deal with the tricks of mechanical thinking. By opposing him, we only contribute to the improvement of his tricks and lose our last chance, falling into dreams or, even worse, into laziness and drowsiness. Therefore, when starting to practice, it is best to avoid fighting it altogether.

    Focusing on the practice, it will be more effective to pay attention to simple and accessible details, such as breathing or body position, completely forgetting about wrestling or philosophizing on Taoist topics. Improving in such simple things, one should pay attention to physical culture, bypassing the side of a society where idle ranting is common. In the process of practice, no trifle should be neglected - this is to allow the body to be purified and prepared for further advancement.

    However, the practice of physical exercises is beneficial only for the physical body, but not for the mind. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a method that takes care of both the body and the mind at the same time, and in this respect, nothing can surpass the technique known as the "Small Heavenly Circle" (xiao zhou tian). Very often this method is confused with the actual acquisition of the Great Way, but this is not so. The actual acquisition lies much further than one can imagine, and the "Little Heavenly Way" has a faint allusion to this. And yet, many Taoists practice the free circulation of the Life Principle in the main vessels of the body and really grasp the essence, or get very close to it. The method of the "Small Heavenly Circle" is very ancient and includes the energization of the Life Principle, which has been dormant until now, in order to let it into the bodily current circuits - to harmonize the body with the mind and unite them with each other. After some time of practice, you can form the Inner Cinnabar, which has all the properties for further ascent and distillation.

    We offer below a short text about the technique of the "Small Heavenly Circle", taken from "I Fang Ji Ze", which contains many Taoist terms that require some experience of practice and deep theoretical understanding for their understanding.

    Microcosmic Orbit Technique.

    Stop the thought process first. Adjust your mind and sit facing east with your legs crossed. Set the inhalations and exhalations and place the right hand on the left, pulling them close to the abdomen below the navel. Strike your lower teeth 36 times against your upper teeth to stabilize your body and spirit. Let the "Red Dragon stir the sea" 36 times to make saliva flow profusely, turning the eyes inward to follow the Dragon ("Red Dragon" - tongue). Saliva will reduce the withering effect of the heat as the qi rises.

    A faster way to salivate is this: roll your tongue back as far as possible, touch it to the palate. Quiet your mind and count your breaths 360 times. When the mouth is full of Divine Water, repeat this several times. Do the 4th action to ensure the free passage of the Life Principle into the Ren-mo channel through the coccyx to the Middle Gate in the middle of the waist, and then along the spine, where the Life Principle moves faster. (4th actions: squeezing, touching, closing and inhaling. Squeezing the anus to ensure the free passage of qi through the coccyx; touching the palate with the tongue - to form a bridge connecting the mental centers in the head with the centers in the neck and chest; closing the eyes - to control mind and pushing qi; inhale without exhalation - to avoid scattering of Vital Energy).

    Then close your eyes, turn them up, inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath until the "Jade Pillar" (i.e. the back of the head) is drilled. And then the Life Beginning will be, as it were, forcibly pushed through by the power of vision, it will rise along the Central Channel, surround the “Kunlun Peak” (crown) and descend to the “Magpie Place” (tongue). Now swallow a third of the saliva, which should follow the Life Principle down to the "Glittering Palace" (heart), before returning to the "Ocean of breath-chi" (lower abdomen). Wait a moment and repeat this exercise 2nd and 3rd time to create a total of 3 current circuits. This is called the "Reverse Current of the Heavenly Stream".

    Rest a little and rub your hands on your lower abdomen 180 times. When you take your hands away, put a warm blanket over your navel and lower abdomen so as not to expose them to cold air. The ancients said: "The Secret of Immortality is to keep warm in the "Field of Elixir" (lower abdomen)". Then rub the backs of your thumbs together until they are hot, and use them to rub your eyes 14 times. to extinguish the "fire" in the heart; rub the nose 36 times to refresh the lungs, ears 14 times to strengthen the spleen. Cover your ears with your palms and listen to the "Heavenly Drum".

    Then raise your hands above your head, join your palms together (combining the chi flows in both hands and forming another current circuit around the body), as if you were greeting Heaven. Do all this 3 times and slowly exhale impure air, then inhale clean air. 4 or 5 times. Finally, grasp your shoulders with crossed arms, shaking them several times to strengthen your nerves and bones. Finish by rubbing the "Jade Pillow" (nape) 24 times, lower back and mid-soles 180 times. Because the above was incomprehensible without further comment and explanation, this excellent Taoist Technique was forgotten in China, where people were not inclined to follow it. In my youth, I also did not want to read the Taoist Books, which, like the texts of Chan, seemed strange and incomprehensible.


    I had never been in good health before meditation and had only temporary relief from doctors and herbalists. My heart and stomach were weak and I often fainted and suffered from rheumatism several times a year. When I was young, I suffered a shameful defeat in Tien Tai meditation practice, but I continued to focus on the lower abdomen even while walking the streets, and this probably allowed me to build up qi. I then practiced the Hindu set of breathing exercises in order to accumulate the Vital Principle in the solar plexus. Practicing Hua Tuo made me forget about my illnesses. I sat at my desk for a long time, translating Chinese texts, and sometimes I felt tired, almost exhausted. Five minutes of yogic exercises restored my strength, and I could continue to work again. It cured my rheumatism and gave immediate relief not only after waking up from sleep, but also from the terrible Asian flu many years ago.

    When qi began to act in my body, I felt how it penetrated into every organ, bone, nerve and muscle; hence the 8 physical sensations described above. One day, my very weak heart was as if pierced on all sides by needles, and its weakness disappeared like a dream. My appetite surpassed all norms, and every day, in addition to my usual 3 meals a day, it took three more to cope with the involuntary movements that cause profuse sweat during meditation.

    Substitutes for daily walks.

    Since I lived in more or less seclusion to control my mind, and did not go out more than twice a month to cut my hair, the lack of exercise became a serious problem. I solved it with the following Taoist exercise. Two or three times a day, standing on parallel feet about 8 inches apart, I turned my stomach and buttocks left and right, a hundred times each way. It is a simple exercise, equivalent to a short walk down the street, for it activates the lower limbs, and was a necessary addition to my involuntary movements.

    ancient medical science.

    In ancient times, one who practiced medicine was tested in the art of self-healing before he could heal others. The art consisted in transferring the psychic power of the doctor to his patients in order to energize their internal qi and remove all obstacles in their bodies, thereby restoring health. Even today this method is still practiced, but experienced Taoists are extremely rare and hard to come by, for they do not seek fame or fortune and shun skeptics and blasphemers.

    Acupuncture and moxibustion.

    For the above reason, the ancient thinkers developed a medical science based on Nei Jin, the oldest book on the art of healing, which was compiled by Qi Bei, a minister and famous physician, on the orders of Emperor Huangdi, also experienced in this science. This method of treatment is carried out by acupuncture and cauterization, which removes obstructions in the organic and psychic centers.

    We already know that the heat of qi causes vibrations that open the psychic channels and remove all clogging impurities in the psychic centers. Since the patients were inexperienced and unable to accumulate the Vital Principle in order to produce the required heat, special means were devised for this purpose; a silver needle was used to pierce the skin over the clogged psychic center, thereby restoring its vitality and removing blockages - the cause of the disease. If the injection was accurate, the disease immediately disappeared.

    According to the ancients, silver softens, and cotton wool for cauterizing the skin is antiseptic. However, the doctor had to know very well the art of diagnosing diseases, the exact location of the psychic centers and the channels connecting them. There are books on acupuncture and moxibustion, bronze statues depicting the psychic body with marks on it of psychic centers and channels.

    Methods of natural qi exchange according to the Taoist Encyclopedia "Ling Bao Tong".

    These techniques are auxiliary practices according to the tradition of the Taoist Teaching. They are also called "Natural Chi Inhalation Techniques". They got such a name because the use of these techniques is not limited either by place or time. Nevertheless, Taoists recommend choosing places where there are many flowers and herbs, trees, and maybe there is a lake or a river, where fresh air and birds sing, for the practice of “Natural Qi Inhalation Techniques”. The essence of the techniques is to combine natural walking with breathing and imagination. For example, you take one breath and go three steps, exhale - three more steps. When such walking and such breathing become more or less natural, the load increases: for one breath - six steps, for one exhalation - six more. And so, gradually, the number of steps increases to twelve or twenty-four for each inhalation and exhalation, while inhalation and gait remain just as easy and natural, there is no tension or discomfort.

    When this technique is mastered, the mastery of another, more complex one begins: inhale for three steps. then hold the breath for three steps, exhale for three steps and again hold for three steps. In this case, a person breathes according to the scheme “inhale - delay - exhale - delay”, while walking is uniform and natural. And so it is repeated again and again with a constant increase in load: inhalation-six steps, breath-holding - six steps, exhalation - six steps, breath-holding - six steps, etc. up to 12 and even 24 steps.

    This combination of qi movement with walking should be accompanied by appropriate visualizations. When inhaling, one must imagine that the Life Principle is absorbed from all sides by the surface of the skin, and when exhaling, that the Life Principle is emitted by the skin of the whole body through the pores in all directions. When holding your breath after inhaling, you need to imagine that the whole body forms one whole, and when holding your breath after exhaling, you need to imagine that you are flying in the clouds.

    Spirit over matter.

    The ancients called for the perfection of the Spirit and the mastery of matter. The Great Spirit comes from the Life Principle, if it is able to flow freely through its psychic channels. Whoever can make qi circulate in this way is free from disease. The best voices come from the belly of the singer, because his belly is full of the Vital Principle. In boxing, physical strength cannot be compared with the latent power of qi, which makes it possible for a small person to defeat a big one. In ancient times, the Enlightened Masters lived without fear in the mountains, where there were wild animals, because the powerful psychic waves from their strong minds overcame all hostility. When Xing Chang came with a sword to kill Hui Neng, the Patriarch stretched out his neck to receive a fatal blow; the assassin struck with his sword three times, but could not cause harm and, amazed, fell to the ground.

    The late Master Chan Xu Yun was returning to China from Burma with the Jade Buddha. The bearers believed that there were precious stones in the statue and, passing through the populated area, put the burden on the ground and refused to carry it further if the Teacher did not give them a significant reward. Seeing a large boulder next to the road. The teacher pointed to it and asked if it was lighter than the statue? Then he moved the boulder with his hands, and the bearers were so frightened that they meekly carried the Buddha to the place. There was nothing miraculous about this, since Xu Yun only used the power of the Life Origin. In her book The Mystics and Magicians of Tibet, Mrs. Alexandra David Neel tells of an ascetic who was displeased with her interpreter's irreverent behavior and, without getting up, used his psychic power to "push" the interpreter hard, so that he staggered and fell. on the wall; she did not see the hermit do anything, but the interpreter felt that he had received a terrible blow.

    A friend of mine, who started his Taoist meditation as a child, could kick a 135-pound bag of rice several feet away with his foot. A few years ago, a young Taoist healed his father by transferring his psychic power to him.

    Rejuvenation and immortality.

    Rejuvenation is the first goal of Taoist training, Immortality is its ultimate goal. Taoist practice requires a sound mind in a sound body, as the student must be in excellent health to undergo arduous training. Such health comes from the perfect harmony of the Life Principle, that is, the harmony of the elements of fire and water and the human body. When fire is in excess compared to water, there will be tears, a dry throat, thirst, labored breathing, and dizziness. For this reason, Chan practitioners drink more tea than most people and sometimes drink soothing herbs to lessen the effect of the fire element. Taoist students move their tongue inside their mouths to cause a copious flow of saliva, which is swallowed to reduce the withering heat of qi. Only then can rejuvenation and good health be achieved when the elements of fire and water in the body are in balance and harmony.

    If rejuvenation is achieved, life expectancy easily exceeds the usual 70-year limit. Experienced Taoists know in advance the time of their death and can leave this world whenever they please. When they meet, they easily recognize each other by the red glow on their faces, which testifies to their spiritual and physical achievements. However, Immortality, which all Taoists are looking for, also has its own limit, according to the Teachings of the Buddha, because immortality and mortality are two extremes of duality that does not have a place in the Absolute state. The Shurangama Sutra has 9 classes of Immortals, who, although they live for thousands and tens of thousands of years, are not yet free from the illusion of space and time, and therefore are not able to escape the Wheel of birth and death. They usually leave their physical bodies in caves high in the mountains, and their minds wander in the Great Void, enjoying the freedom and happiness that implies the existence of an object and a subject.
