Duties of husband and wife. The art of being a man and a woman of art that makes a man perfect

19.04.2018 - 10:54

In ancient Indian treatises, one can find enumerations of what all men and women should be able to do. And then their life will be full of meaning, and their leisure time will be very diverse. Interestingly, all these skills are relevant today. It is also curious that women should be able to master certain masculine skills (for example, the craft of a carpenter), and men - feminine ones (the art of cooking). Read and check how close you are to perfection!

64 feminine arts

1. Singing;
2. Playing musical instruments;
3. Dancing;
4. Theatrical performances;
5. Writing and drawing;
6. The art of decorating the body with henna painting (mehendi);
7. Dressing and decorating the Deities and the altar with rice and flowers;
8. Making a bed or a bed of flowers or spreading flowers on the ground;
9. The art of whitening teeth, painting dresses, hair, nails and body;
10. Laying colored glass mosaics on the floor;
11. The art of making beds, spreading carpets and laying pillows for rest;
12. Playing on musical glasses filled with water;
13. The art of saving drinking water;
14. Painting pictures, home decoration;
15. Stringing rosaries, necklaces, garlands and wreaths;
16. Tying turbans and wreaths, as well as making hair ornaments from flowers;
17. Acting skills;
18. The art of making ornaments for the ears;
19. The art of preparing incense and compiling fragrances;
20. The art of choosing jewels and ornaments and putting on a dress;
21. Magic, sorcery;
22. Sleight of hand;
23. Culinary arts - cooking;
24. Preparation of lemonades, sherbets, acidified drinks and strong drinks of the desired taste and color;
25. The art of making clothes, sewing;
26. Making toys, dolls from threads, fabrics, yarn;
27. Solving puzzles, charades, allegories, rebuses and riddles;
28. A game of repeating verses: when one of the players finishes, the other must immediately begin by repeating another verse that begins with the same letter as the previous player’s verse ended, the one who cannot continue is considered a loser and must pay a fine or any ransom;
29. The art of disguise and pretense;
30. The art of reading poetry and literary texts, including the art of recitation;
31. Learning phrases that are difficult to pronounce. Education takes place in the form of a game of tongue twisters, in which women and children usually participate;
32. Fencing, as well as archery;
33. Art of logic. Ability to analyze, draw conclusions, reason.
34. Carpentry, or carpentry;
35. Architectural art;
36. Knowledge about gold and silver coins, as well as about jewels and precious stones;
37. The Art of Compounding Medicines;
38. Coloring of jewelry, precious stones and beads;
39. The art of counterfeiting precious stones;
40. Gardening; knowledge about the treatment of diseases of trees and plants, about their nutrition and determining their age;
41. The art of cockfighting, quailfighting and ramfighting;
42. The art of teaching parrots and starlings to speak;
43. The art of anointing the body with fragrant oils and caring for the hair with ointments and incense and braiding the hair;
44. The art of understanding encrypted writing and words written in an unusual way;
45. The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. There are various ways here: some speak by changing the beginning and end of the word, others insert extra letters between syllables, and so on;
46. ​​Knowledge of various languages ​​and local dialects;
47. The art of decorating flower carts;
48. The art of framing puzzles, incantations, charms and weaving armbands;
49. Mental exercises, such as completing verses suggested by others; or the insertion of one, two or three lines, while the remaining lines are given at random from other poems, so as to make a new verse with a certain meaning; or the spacing of the words of a verse written in such a way that vowels are separated from consonants; or removing unnecessary sounds; or the presentation in poetic or prose form of phrases represented by signs or symbols. There are many such exercises;
50. Addition of verses;
51. The art of compiling dictionaries;
52. The art of disguising the appearance of people beyond recognition;
53. Knowledge of the art of changing the appearance of things - for example, making cotton look like silk, and rough and simple things seem elegant and good;
54. Various types of gambling;
55. The art of taking possession of other people's property through spells and sorcery;
56. Children's outdoor games;
57. Good manners, knowledge of the rules of etiquette, the ability to show respect and give praise to other people;
58. Knowledge of military art, weapons, troops, etc.;
59. Art of gymnastics;
60. The art of determining the character of a person by the features of his face;
61. Oratory;
62. Arithmetic puzzles;
63. Manufacture of artificial flowers;
64. Making figurines and images from clay.

64 male arts

1. Ability to live in accordance with the laws.
2. The art of being the head of the family.
3. Knowledge of sacred texts.
4. The art of meditation.
5. Knowledge of law and the art of proving one's case.
6. Building arts.
7. The art of hiding your emotions and feelings.
8. The art of controlling the vital forces.
9. The art of hair and beard care.
10. Art of management.
11. Knowledge of natural elements.
12. Knowledge of customs and rituals.
13. Astrology.
14. Medicine.
15. Geology.
16. The art of massage.
17. Cleanliness.
18. Nobility.
19. Martial arts.
20. Art of strategy and tactics, list arts.
21. The art of handling weapons.
22. The art of dance and graceful plasticity.
23. Ability to make weapons and tools.
24. Art of logic.
25. The art of self-control.
26. The art of eloquence.
27. Psychology.
28. The art of mental training.
29. The art of the dispute.
30. The art of deception.
31. The ability to confuse and mislead.
32. The art of guessing other people's thoughts.
33. Knowledge of measures and quantities, the art of accounting.
34. Knowledge of taxes.
35. The art of negotiation.
36. The art of recognizing a person, his character and intentions by face, mannerisms, postures and gestures.
37. The art of speaking in writing, the art of calligraphy.
38. Painting.
39. The art of interpreting dreams.
40. The art of making bouquets and garlands, knowing the meaning of their elements.
41. Pottery arts.
42. Weaving arts, embroidery, carpet making, textile dyeing and decoration.
43. The art of making paints.
44. Culinary and cooking arts.
45. Knowledge of plants and the ability to use them in everyday life, medicine and magic.
46. ​​The art of getting good harvests in the field, in the garden, in the garden.
47. Livestock.
48. The art of taming, teaching and training animals.
49. Knowledge of myths, legends, fairy tales.
50. The art of juggling.
51. The art of divination.
52. Poetic arts.
53. Knowledge of musical rhythms and the ability to reproduce them.
54. The art of raising a wife.
55. The art of managing male reproductive power.
56. The art of sexual satisfaction of a woman.
57. Knowledge of love positions.
58. The art of seduction.
59. The art of love games.
60. The art of understanding women.
61. Knowledge of the secret meanings of women's clothes, jewelry, signs and gestures.
62. The art of self-control in dealing with his wife.
63. The art of using gentle words.
64. Knowledge and fulfillment of generic prescriptions.

Very often we say that we have been taught the wrong way all our lives. That girls should be taught women's arts. And many immediately feel sad, because it seems that borscht and embroidery are all that a woman should be able to do. It turns out that you have to learn to stir food and scrub floors all your life? Is this a women's mission?

Not this way. Not at all. In ancient times, the girl was prepared for marriage, motherhood, teaching women's arts. So that it is multilaterally developed, but at the same time developed in a feminine way. So that she would not be bored with herself, and even more so that her husband would not get bored. In ancient treatises, or rather in the Kama Sutra, you can find a list of 64 arts of Saraswati - and Saraswati is the goddess of wisdom and learning. She mastered all these arts in a few days, and ordinary women need to study a little longer.

As the Kama Sutra says:
“Exalted thanks to the arts of a getter, endowed with a pleasant disposition, beauty and virtues, it is called “ganika” and occupies a high place in the assembly of people. She is always honored by the king and praised by worthy people; it is sought after, visited, seen as a model.

A princess versed in the arts, as well as the daughter of the chief adviser, subjugate her husband to their power - even if he has a thousand women in his harem.

Likewise, being separated from her husband and having fallen into serious disasters, even being in a foreign land, she lives happily thanks to this knowledge.

Prosperity arises from the comprehension of the arts; let them, however, apply them according to the place and time, or not apply them at all.

What are these arts?

1. Singing;
2. Playing musical instruments;
3. Dancing;
4. Theatrical performances;
5. Writing and drawing;
6. The art of decorating the body with henna painting (mehendi);
7. Dressing and decorating the Deities and the altar with rice and flowers;
8. Making a bed or a bed of flowers or spreading flowers on the ground;
9. The art of whitening teeth, painting dresses, hair, nails and body;
10. Laying colored glass mosaics on the floor;
11. The art of making beds, spreading carpets and laying pillows for rest;
12. Playing on musical glasses filled with water;
13. The art of saving drinking water;
14. Painting pictures, home decoration;
15. Stringing rosaries, necklaces, garlands and wreaths;
16. Tying turbans and wreaths, as well as making hair ornaments from flowers;
17. Acting skills;
18. The art of making ornaments for the ears;
19. The art of preparing incense and compiling fragrances;
20. The art of choosing jewels and ornaments and putting on a dress;
21. Magic, sorcery;
22. Sleight of hand;
23. Culinary arts - cooking;
24. Preparation of lemonades, sherbets, acidified drinks and strong drinks of the desired taste and color;
25. The art of making clothes, sewing;
26. Making toys, dolls from threads, fabrics, yarn;
27. Solving puzzles, charades, allegories, rebuses and riddles;
28. A game of repeating verses: when one of the players finishes, the other must immediately begin by repeating another verse that begins with the same letter as the previous player’s verse ended, the one who cannot continue is considered a loser and must pay a fine or any ransom;
29. The art of disguise and pretense;
30. The art of reading poetry and literary texts, including the art of recitation;
31. Learning phrases that are difficult to pronounce. Education takes place in the form of a game of tongue twisters, in which women and children usually participate;
32. Fencing, as well as archery;
33. Art of logic. Ability to analyze, draw conclusions, reason.
34. Carpentry, or carpentry;
35. Architectural art;
36. Knowledge about gold and silver coins, as well as about jewels and precious stones;
37. The Art of Compounding Medicines;
38. Coloring of jewelry, precious stones and beads;
39. The art of counterfeiting precious stones;
40. Gardening; knowledge about the treatment of diseases of trees and plants, about their nutrition and determining their age;
41. The art of cockfighting, quailfighting and ramfighting;
42. The art of teaching parrots and starlings to speak;
43. The art of anointing the body with fragrant oils and caring for the hair with ointments and incense and braiding the hair;
44. The art of understanding encrypted writing and words written in an unusual way;
45. The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. There are various ways here: some speak by changing the beginning and end of the word, others insert extra letters between syllables, and so on;
46. ​​Knowledge of various languages ​​and local dialects;
47. The art of decorating flower carts;
48. The art of framing puzzles, incantations, charms and weaving armbands;
49. Mental exercises, such as completing verses suggested by others; or the insertion of one, two or three lines, while the remaining lines are given at random from other poems, so as to make a new verse with a certain meaning; or the spacing of the words of a verse written in such a way that vowels are separated from consonants; or removing unnecessary sounds; or the presentation in poetic or prose form of phrases represented by signs or symbols. There are many such exercises;
50. Addition of verses;
51. The art of compiling dictionaries;
52. The art of disguising the appearance of people beyond recognition;
53. Knowledge of the art of changing the appearance of things - for example, making cotton look like silk, and rough and simple things seem elegant and good;
54. Various types of gambling;
55. The art of taking possession of other people's property through spells and sorcery;
56. Children's outdoor games;
57. Good manners, knowledge of the rules of etiquette, the ability to show respect and give praise to other people;
58. Knowledge of military art, weapons, troops, etc.;
59. Art of gymnastics;
60. The art of determining the character of a person by the features of his face;
61. Oratory;
62. Arithmetic puzzles;
63. Manufacture of artificial flowers;
64. Making figurines and images from clay.

Imagine the scope for development! And the most interesting thing is that some subjects of modern education are also here - you just need to place the accents differently. If we are already studying mathematics, then we need to train in logic and interesting tasks for ingenuity, and not in integrals and logarithms. If we study chemistry, then make it as applied as possible - chemistry is at home, in the household. The same goes for geography - to study precious stones and metals, to focus on this.

There are also seemingly strange things - the art of war. Why is it? But if you think about it, the strategies of warfare are the same on the battlefield and in the family. Knowing and understanding what is happening and what the consequences may be is important, because in our family we often unfold such battles without realizing it! And besides, a woman who understands this will be able to talk about it with her husband, help him in difficult situations of the outside world with advice ...

And it is important to do needlework and creativity as much as possible. A woman's heart, its essence, is transmitted through the hands. Needlework for a woman is both a way to express her love for loved ones, and psychotherapy at a difficult moment, and a way to divert thoughts, and a way of self-development ... That's how many different needleworks there are!

And if we were taught differently and in a different way, this is not a reason to despair. Now we can begin to improve in what we do not yet know how to do. The spaces are huge, right?

Olga Valyaeva

Until adulthood (the onset of 12 years of age) - children wore amulets, sewn from the clothes of their parents, charged with the biofields of their father and mother. Upon reaching the age of 12, the Magi performed the rite of "Name Naming" for children, during which the Ancestral Gods called the true names of their souls, instead of the affectionate children's nicknames that their parents gave them at birth. Teenagers who passed the rite of "Naming" became full members of the community. Before the wedding, the boys studied martial arts and crafts for at least nine years, and the girls for at least four years - housekeeping. During this period, the Magi and Rodans taught boys and girls 64 arts that make a man and a woman perfect.

64 arts that make a man perfect:

1. The ability to consciously act in accordance with the Laws of the Supreme Progenitor.
2. Striving to acquire the qualities of Knowledge: modesty; humility; renunciation of violence; tolerance; simplicity; turning to a true spiritual teacher; cleanliness; durability; self-discipline; renunciation of objects of sense gratification; lack of false ego; the realization that birth, death, old age and disease are evil; lack of dependencies and attachments; not being enslaved by wife, home, children, household and work; calmness in the face of both pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and pure devotion to the Supreme; a meditative mind that leads away from idle communication and crowds of people to solitude; self-sufficiency; recognition of the importance of self-realization; continuity of deep knowledge of Spirit, Light and true "I"; philosophical search for the Absolute Truth.
3. Knowledge of the Vedic scriptures.
4. The ability to transfer one's consciousness into the astral, mental, buddhic and devaconical bodies.
5. Knowledge of mining law and the ability to prove one's case.
6. Ability to design and build.
7. Ability to control your feelings.
8. Ability to control the vital force and the center "hara".
9. The ability to use their hair and beard.
10. Ability to organize your family and society.
11. The ability to communicate with the elements of nature.
12. Knowledge of folk customs and performance of rituals according to the precepts of ancestors.
13. Knowledge of the basics of astrology; good and bad days.
14. Possession of quackery treatment: herbal medicine, conspiracies, healing with vitality, etc.
15. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.
16. The ability to do various massages, maintain longevity and health.
17. Cleanliness.
18. Possession of honor and dignity; the ability to protect oneself, one's family, clan, people and fatherland.
19. Knowledge of various types of martial arts.
20. Perfection in the art of sports games, in military strategy and tactics.
21. Experience in owning various types of weapons, dexterity and skill, the ability to determine the terrain.
22. The ability to move plastically and perform hand-to-hand combat techniques in dance.
23. The ability to manufacture various types of weapons, equipment and tools.
24. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.
25. Ability to be collected in any situation.
26. The ability to clearly and eloquently express thoughts.
27. Knowledge of various characters.
28. Knowledge of games that develop the mental abilities of a person.
29. Knowledge of various betting games.
30. Knowledge of slyness and the ability to deceive (“deception” is what is next to the mind, with the truth: tricks, pranks, practical jokes, sleight of hand).
31. The ability to mislead the opponent.
32. The ability to guess numbers, names, objects, phrases, etc., conceived by another person.
33. Conducting economic calculations, knowledge of measures of weight, volume, density, etc.
34. Knowledge of the tax system.
35. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.
36 The ability to recognize the qualities, abilities, state and intentions of a person by his gait, movements, gestures, facial expressions and posture.
37. The ability to recognize the state of a person by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.
38. The ability to convey with the help of painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, chasing, forging, casting, carving in stone and wood, one's state and perception of the world around.
39. The ability to solve dreams and interpret signs.
40. Making garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowing their hidden meaning.
41. The ability to make building materials, utensils, household items and toys from clay.
42. Possession of experience in the manufacture of fabrics and yarns from various materials; making and decorating clothes; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of products.
43. Possession of the preparation of paints, dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothes, utensils.
44. Possession of the art of cooking and preparation of drinks.
45. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in everyday life and nutrition.
46. ​​The ability to get a good harvest in the field, in the garden and in the garden, to preserve it and make food preparations.
47. Knowledge of animal husbandry.
48. Experience in communicating and playing with animals, teaching them, suggesting the necessary actions.
49. Knowledge of tales, epics, legends.

50. Ability to juggle various objects.
51. Knowledge of games based on guessing (riddles, puzzles, charades, hide and seek, etc.).
52. Composition of poems, songs and their performance.
53. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable musical rhythms, sizes, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.
54. Ability to teach a spouse.
55. Possession and management of childbearing power.
56. The ability to unwind with his wife a whirlwind of childbearing energy of sufficient power and quality to conceive an aristocrat
(“aristocrat” - Aryan a hundred times) or boyar (“boyar” - fierce, big, ardent, that is, bright, enlightened, wise, strong, courageous).
57. Management of childbearing energy and its unity with the energy of the spouse in various love positions.
58. The art of lovemaking.
59. Knowledge of love games.
60. The ability to satisfy and give the greatest pleasure to the wife.
61. Knowledge of the secret meaning of women's dresses and jewelry, the ability to present them to your spouse.
62. The ability not to upset the spouse.
63. Knowledge of affectionate words and the ability to use them.
64. Conscientious fulfillment of the prescribed duties to the Family.

A woman must be a Witch (i.e. a knowing mother - who can righteously conceive, give birth and raise the beneficent offspring of her husband) and master 64 arts:
1. Have the determination to follow your husband.
2. Be able to deliver the greatest pleasure to the spouse.
3. The ability to be collected in any situation.
4. Knowledge of hairstyles and the ability to style hair; the ability to use one's cosmos, possession of the laws of recruitment and distribution of cosmic energy for oneself, husband and children.
5. Possession and management of childbearing power for the embodiment in their children of the highly spiritual Ancestors of the Family of their husband.
6. Knowledge of love games and the art of lovemaking.
7. Agility in love positions.
8. The ability to arouse the interest of the spouse by their behavior and attire.
9. The ability to present yourself.
10. The ability to do various massages, maintain longevity and health.
11. Cleanliness.
12. Possession of quackery treatment: herbal medicine, conspiracies, healing with vitality, etc.
13. Possession of household and ritual witchcraft, knowledge of folk customs.
14. Knowledge of the basics of star reading: favorable and unfavorable days.
15. Ability to communicate with the elements of nature.
16. Ability to show the necessary character.
17. The ability to beautifully undress.
18. The ability to excite a husband.
19. The ability to both vividly express and subdue your feelings.
20. Ability to propitiate an angry spouse.
21. The ability to leave, without disturbing, a sleeping husband.
22. Know ways to fall asleep after your husband.
23. Be able to sleep in any position.
24. Knowledge of various characters.
25. Ability to express your feelings.
26. Knowledge of the necessary protection of one's honor and dignity.
27. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.
28. Ability to express thoughts eloquently.
29. Knowledge of games that develop the mental abilities of a person.
30. Conducting economic calculations, knowledge of measures of weight, volume, density, etc.
31. Knowledge of the tax system.
32. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.
33. The ability to prove one's case.
34. The ability to recognize the qualities and abilities of people.
35. The ability to solve dreams and interpret signs.
36. The ability to make utensils, household items and toys from clay.
37. Making fabrics and yarns from various materials, making and decorating clothes; secret knowledge
the meaning of patterns and product characteristics.
38. Preparation of paints; dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothes, utensils.
39. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.
40. Possession of the art of cooking and preparation of drinks.
41. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in everyday life and nutrition.
42. The ability to get a good harvest in the garden, preserve it and make food preparations.
43. Knowledge of animal husbandry.
44. Communication and games with animals, their training, suggestion of the necessary actions.
45. The ability to recognize the state of a person by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.
46. ​​The ability to convey with the help of painting and drawing one's state and perception of the world around.
47. The ability to make bouquets, garlands, wreaths, knowledge and possession of their hidden magical meaning.
48. Knowledge of fairy tales, epics, legends.
49. Making dolls for games, rituals and witchcraft.
50. Composition of poems, songs and their performance.
51. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable musical rhythms, sizes, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.
52. The ability to move plastically and dance to different melodies.
53. Possession of the art of entertaining games.
54. Experience in various games, dexterity and skill, the ability to determine the terrain.
55. Ability to juggle various objects.
56. Skills of deception (“ob” - to bypass “man” - mind), that is, what is next to the mind, with the truth: tricks, tricks, practical jokes, sleight of hand, cunning.
57. The ability to guess the intended numbers, names, objects, phrases, etc.
58. Knowledge of guessing games.
59. The ability to mislead an opponent.
60. Knowledge of various betting games.
61. Ability to cry.
62. The ability to manage the jealousy of her husband.
63. The ability to guess and get ahead of the wishes of her husband.
64. Conscientiously fulfill their duties even in the event of the loss of a husband.

The Vedas indicate three reasons for the need to know these arts to perfection:

1. Owning them, it is easier to win your lover.
2. Possessing them, a woman increases her vital and spiritual forces a hundredfold, gaining the opportunity
give birth to children with a hundredfold vital and spiritual power - Aristocrats (Aryans a hundredfold).
3. Possessing these arts, it is easier to gain respect, good fame and an honorable place in society.

The Vedas prescribe to a woman the fulfillment of six natural duties, giving her the opportunity to find family happiness:
1. In care - Mother.
2. In work - as a Servant.
3. In perseverance - like the Earth.
4. In beauty - like Lada.
5. In conversation - the Sage.
6. On the matrimonial bed - Witch.
The Vedas warn that a woman who does not fulfill her six natural duties loses contact with the Gods of her Family, the Family of her husband and the Supreme Progenitor. Deprived of this heavenly grace, she hears only the call of her feelings, which throw her from one extreme to another, plunging her from one absurdity to another. Such a woman takes on a well-worn look, trying to hide it under a thick layer of makeup.
A woman who fulfills her six natural duties and masters the 64 arts of the Witch can easily live in health and beauty, please her husband and give birth to children up to a hundred years old, that is, be a full-fledged HUMAN. Can the modern school curriculum compare with the depth and completeness of knowledge given to teenagers in Vedic education? Of course not!

Vedic Old Slavonic tradition. Duties of Husband and Wife

The duties of a husband to his wife are:

*** buy clothes and jewelry,

*** guard,

*** teach,

*** bestow trust,

*** love and gentle words,

*** never upset her.

A man who has managed to win the love of a chaste woman has succeeded in comprehension of the Faith and has all the virtues.

The most valuable thing that a man can give to a woman is his Strength, the image of his Spirit and the image of his Blood. If for a wife her husband is the first man who threw his seed into her, then if he treats her as the mother of his future children, and not as an object of lust, he can give her not only the energy of his seed and the Force necessary for conception and bearing a child, but also to reveal her Feminine Lot. A man, passing on to his wife the image of his Spirit - the qualities of his Life and the image of Blood - the qualities of his Breed, takes her under the protection of his Family, endows her with the Feminine Share - the ability to Love for her husband and children, and reveals her Family Memory - an intuitive insight into the accumulated experience of her and her ancestors in the female line about creating a loving relationship in the family and maintaining harmony in the house.


that make a man perfect:

1. The ability to consciously act in accordance with the Commandments of the Ancestors, the laws of their Gods and the Will of the Progenitor.

2. Striving to acquire the qualities of Knowledge: modesty; humility; renunciation of violence; tolerance; simplicity; appeal to a true spiritual teacher; cleanliness; durability; self-discipline; renunciation of objects of sense gratification; lack of false ego; the realization that birth, death, old age and disease are evil; lack of affection; independence from enslavement by wife, home, children, household and work; calmness in the face of both pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and pure devotion to the Family; enlightenment of the mind and departure from idle communication and crowds of people into solitude; self-sufficiency; recognizing the importance of achieving excellence; continuity of deep knowledge of Spirit, Light and true "I"; wise search for the Perfect Truth.

3. Knowledge of the Vedic scriptures.

4. The ability to transfer one's consciousness to Navier, Klub'e, Kolobye and Divye's body.

5. Knowledge of mining law and the ability to prove one's case.

6. The ability to control your feelings.

7. The ability to control the vital force and the center of the hara.

8. The ability to organize your family and society.

9. Ability to teach a spouse.

10. Ability to be determined on the ground.

11. The ability to communicate with the elements of nature.

12. The ability to use their hair and beard.

13. Knowledge of folk customs and performance of rituals according to the precepts of ancestors.

14. Knowledge of the basics of star reading; auspicious and inauspicious days.

15. Cleanliness.

18. Possession of honor and dignity; the ability to protect oneself, one's family, clan, people and Fatherland.

19. Knowledge of various types of martial arts.

20. Perfection in the art of sports games, military strategy and tactics.

21. Experience in owning various types of weapons, dexterity and skill.

22. The ability to move plastically and perform hand-to-hand combat techniques in dance.

23. The ability to make various types of weapons, equipment and tools.

24. Ability to design and build; knowledge of the symbolism of the home.

25. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.

26. The ability to be collected in any situation.

27. The ability to clearly and eloquently express thoughts.

28. Knowledge of various characters.

29. Knowledge of games that develop the mental abilities of a person.

30. Knowledge of various betting games.

31. Knowledge of slyness and the ability to deceive (“deception” is what is next to the mind, with the truth: tricks, pranks, practical jokes, sleight of hand).

32. The ability to mislead opponents.

33. The ability to guess the intended numbers, names, objects, phrases, etc.

34. Knowledge of games based on guessing (riddles, puzzles, charades, hide and seek, etc.).

35. Conducting business accounts, knowledge of measures of weight, volume, density, etc.

36. Knowledge of the tax system.

37. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.

38. The ability to recognize the qualities, abilities, states and intentions of a person by his gait, movements, gestures, facial expressions and posture.

39. The ability to recognize the state of a person by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.

40. The ability to convey with the help of painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, chasing, forging, casting, stone and wood carving one's state and perception of the world around.

41. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.

42. The ability to solve dreams and interpret signs.

43. Making garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowing their hidden meaning.

44. The ability to make building materials, utensils, household items and toys from clay.

45. Making fabrics and yarns from various materials; making and decorating clothes; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of products.

46. ​​Preparation of paints; dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothes, utensils.

47. Cooking art and preparation of drinks.

48. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in everyday life and nutrition.

49. The ability to get a good harvest in the field, garden and vegetable garden, preserve it and make food preparations.

50. Knowledge of animal husbandry.

51. Communication and games with animals; their training, the suggestion of the necessary actions.

52. Knowledge of tales, fairy tales, epics, legends.

53. Composition of poems, songs and their performance.

54. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable rhythms, sizes, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.

56. Possession and control of sexual power.

57. The ability to unwind with his wife a whirlwind of sexual energy of sufficient power to conceive an aristocrat (“aristocrat” - Arius a hundred times), a boyar (“boyar” - more ardent, bright, enlightened, wise, strong, courageous).

58. Management of sexual energy and its unity with the energy of the spouse in various love positions.

59. Knowledge of the art of lovemaking and games.

60. The ability to satisfy the spouse and give her the greatest pleasure.

61. Knowledge of the secret meaning of women's dresses and jewelry, the ability to present them to your spouse.

62. The ability not to upset the spouse.

63. Knowledge of affectionate words and the ability to use them.

64. Conscientiously fulfill the prescribed duties to the Family.

But the main duty of a man is to fulfill his highest duty, described in detail in the Vedic scriptures - to gain the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why all the luminaries advised: "Achieve perfection yourself, and thousands around you will achieve perfection." A person who has reached perfection will help his family - relatives for seven generations forward and backward.

The proverbs of the Russian people say:

A gracious husband always has a wife to spare.

A smart husband's wife is well-groomed, a stupid husband's wife is worn out on weekdays.

Without a husband, a wife is always an orphan.

A wife without a husband is the worst.

Parents take care of their daughter to the crown, and the husband of his wife to the end.

Without a husband, the head is not covered; without a wife the house is not covered.

Husband is honored for reason, wife for mind.

Red pava with a pen, and a wife with a temper!

A bad wife will make you old, a good wife will make you younger.

Whoever has the whitest wife is the sweetest of all.

Children are the grace of God.

Children are good - father, mother's crown,

thin - father, mother end.

What goes around comes around.

Like attracts like.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

Realizing the importance of the well-being of family life, our ancestors clearly defined marital duties.

According to the Vedic order, a woman must perform

SIX RESPONSIBILITIES that ensure marital happiness.

IN CARE - MOTHER. Nowadays, most women regard their husbands as the source of their material wealth and sense gratification. It also means that a wife should treat her husband not consumerly, but disinterestedly - like a mother who gives herself entirely to her child, not seeking to receive anything in return.

Such women are patronized by the goddess Makosh, providing them with family happiness.

IN WORK - A SERVANT. The basic beliefs of the world say that a man and a woman, being originally one, were subsequently separated, and now each of them seeks to find his other half. In the Vedic scriptures, the science of finding this half is given, but the dark forces, interested in the predominance of the impious population, tried to lead people away from this science as well. In our time, meetings of alien halves take place, which either immediately repel each other, as a result of which children grow up as orphans even without wars, or somehow rub against each other, most often vegetating in a gray, hateful life. That is why the union of two native halves is called a wedding, and the meeting of strangers is called a marriage (a good deed will not be called a marriage!). In the modern Christian church, marriage can also be called a wedding.

For his spiritual development, a man must certainly serve his spiritual teacher, but the happiness of having him around all the time is available only to a few. The advantage of a female incarnation lies precisely in the fact that the wife always has her husband by her side, who should be her spiritual teacher. At the same time, the wife, taking on the brunt of family life, is obliged to give her husband the opportunity to have the time necessary for spiritual perfection. It is this selfless activity that is the way of its exaltation and the main advantage over the male incarnation; that is why in the Vedic scriptures a woman is compared to a boat with which a man can cross the ocean of life.

Such women are patronized by Mother Swa - the goddess Tsarasvati (Royal Light), who blesses the light of devotional service to her husband.

The Manu Samhita says that a woman should not be given freedom, but this does not mean that women should be in the position of slaves. They are more like children, they are easily deceived, and if children are not given freedom, this does not mean that they are treated like slaves. At present, most of the people deceived by demons disregard these provisions, believing that women should be given the same rights as men: in no country has such a situation improved the state of society. In fact, women should be taken care of at every step of their lives. In childhood, a woman should be under the protection of her father, in her youth - her husband, and in old age - her adult sons. However, modern civilization has artificially created a new idea of ​​a woman as an independent being, and therefore now the morals of most women are not at a high level. When people in their ignorance do not recognize the prescriptions useful for society, do not follow the experience of the great sages, do not adhere to the Vedic rules, their culture is in a deplorable state.

According to Vedic concepts, a husband leads his wife in the same way as a father leads his children, therefore, from ancient times she was called a follower, and, depending on how she followed her leader, a karmic sentence was drawn up for her behavior. The violation of this charter was called a misdemeanor or a crime, since the violation of the lawful customs of our ancestors seduces a woman from the real path and makes her dissolute, unlucky, lost, lost her way; she is condemned to fornicate on the side, that is, she becomes a stinker.

A woman who is not the guardian of the family hearth loses contact with the Ancestor, for the only way to satisfy the Almighty is by fulfilling her natural duties. Deprived of the grace of Rod, she follows the call of her feelings, which plunge her from one absurdity to another. Such a woman takes on a well-worn look, trying to hide it under a layer of makeup.

Vedic scriptures distinguish 7 types of wives (starting with the worst):

one that is like a murderer;

one who is like a thief;

the one who is like a mistress;

one who is like a mother;

one who is like a sister;

one that is like a friend;

who is like a servant.

IN RESISTANCE - LIKE THE EARTH. As the Earth steadfastly fulfills its purpose in maintaining life, so the wife should be benevolent and calm under any circumstances. If a woman does not show depressingly evil inclinations, if she is prudent and not obstinate, this is quite enough for a man to decide to choose her. He should thank fate if he finds rare talents and spiritual sensitivity in his wife, and not try to meticulously look for flaws. A meek, peaceful disposition is important in a woman, and it is not so surprising to supplement these qualities with external refinement. Mother Earth Cheese herself helps women in this ministry.

IN BEAUTY - LADA. Lada is the goddess of good luck, wealth, prosperity and beauty. This means that the wife should always be attractive to her husband. Unfortunately, modern women consider it in the order of things to remain untidy and irritable in front of their husband, and when they are going to visit, dress up, adorn themselves and put on the guise of cheerful carelessness, courtesy and charm - it turns out that she does not do this for her husband.

People who have a shallow knowledge of the Vedic culture of India are often surprised at the lack of sociability of Aryan women, who seem to be completely unaware of the presence of unfamiliar men. They like to dress beautifully - for their husband. They care for their skin, clean their hair, make eyelids black, put on jewelry - for the husband. Learn to sing and dance - for the husband. And if the husband is alive, healthy and devoted to the family - and this is a rule, exceptions to which are very rare - the woman is happy, she wants nothing more.

Another insidious consequence of civilization is a woman with short hair. Can you imagine an irritable, unbalanced, nervous woman who has a thick braid to the toes? .. Nature does not give anything superfluous. Hair is designed to collect information on a subtle level and accumulate vitality.

All the beliefs of the world advise a woman to have braids, and in public to cover them with a cloth. She is allowed to let her hair down only in front of her husband, since a simple-haired woman, and even more so with a short haircut, absorbs all the vile, lustful thoughts of those around her through her hair. Now women are ordered to cover their heads in Christian churches - from whom are they to defend themselves there? ..

The main task of the female incarnation is to gain attractiveness and the ability to love her husband. First of all - the husband, and children - in the second. If the wife thinks otherwise, she will be forced to suffer herself, and dooms children to suffering.

A modern woman lives in the excitement of obtaining emotional pleasure and therefore earns love from the whole world. The fear of not being loved drives her to do as much good for as many people as possible, and last on the list is often her own husband. To be attractive to a husband, it is enough to have a high level of spiritual and moral development, but to achieve perfection - both in attractiveness and in creating full-fledged offspring, you must have a healthy and beautiful body. According to the Vedic canon of beauty, the length of a female figure stretched to a string is 216 cm (1/216,000 of the circumference of the Earth is called the divine stage). For every 12 signs of the Svarog Circle (zodiac), there are 18 cm of this length. The height of a woman standing on her feet (with her hands down) is 9 signs, or 162 cm. If such a fine woman stands on tiptoe, then the top of her head rises to 173.12 cm, and she will be on a par with a proportionate man. The height of the torso (without head and legs) is 3 characters, that is, 54 cm (108: 2), the length of the arms is 4 characters, that is, 72 cm (precession rate is 1 g in 72 years), the length of the legs is 5 characters, that is 90 cm (360:4), and from the navel to the tips of the fingers and toes - 108 cm each (the number of names of the god Svarog).

The advantage of men is the beard. It serves as an accumulator of spiritual strength, and it is permissible to shave it off only if you are well aware of all the consequences of this rite and use them wisely; otherwise, a man becomes unable to fully perceive neither this world, nor even the beyond. That is why in prisons and in the army they shave their heads, thereby depriving a person of individuality, specialness. In The Source of Eternal Pleasure (ch. 53), Balarama (White Rama), Krishna's elder brother, instructs him: "Cutting a person's hair and shaving off his mustache and beard is almost the same as killing him." That is why Russian peasants in the time of Peter I put together a saying: "Chop off our heads, do not touch our beards." The Word of Wisdom of Magus Velimudra says: “The longer a person’s hair, the more God’s Power he receives, for this Power nourishes the body, Spirit and Soul of a person, and directs him to the creation and deeds of the righteous, in which the measure of everything is Conscience.”

IN TALK - A WISE. The girl is taught before marriage how to be attractive, how to run a household, how to become a perfect wife and mother; the young man devotes this time to spiritual development, serving his spiritual teacher. In family life, a wife becomes a student of her husband and must diligently adopt spiritual knowledge from him, thus becoming a wise, worthy interlocutor over time. The girls studying Vedic wisdom are patronized by the goddess Vesta. Young students are called Vestal Virgins.

IN BED - A WITCH. A witch is a knowing, knowing mother. The words "witch", "sorcerer" came from the Old Russian - "to know", i.e. know. The English word witch, meaning witch, also comes from the Old English semantic root whit, i.e. "to know, to know" (compare Russian - to teach). The conception and birth of a full-fledged offspring is a complex science, so a woman must be a skilled craftswoman in this noble cause, because it is in her natural destiny. But, unfortunately, the true meaning of the concept of "witch" has been perverted.

The goddesses Jiva, Lelya and Rozhana help women conceive and give birth to children.


Knowledgeable women know how to find family happiness: in order to become a good mother, you must first be a good wife, and even before that, a good woman! The Vedic scriptures (for example, in the Kama Sutra) say that a real woman (witch) must have 64 qualities necessary for a full family life:

1. Have the determination to follow your husband.

2. The ability to deliver the greatest pleasure to the spouse.

3. The ability to guess and get ahead of the wishes of her husband.

4. The ability to be collected in any situation.

5. Possession and management of sexual power for the embodiment in their children of the husband's highly spiritual ancestors.

6. Cleanliness.

7. Knowledge of love games and the art of lovemaking.

8. Agility in love positions.

9. The ability to beautifully undress.

10. The ability to arouse the interest of the spouse by their behavior and attire.

11. The ability to present yourself.

12. The ability to excite a husband.

13. The ability to leave, without disturbing, a sleeping husband.

14. Know ways to fall asleep after your husband.

15. Be able to sleep in any position.

16. The ability to do various massages, maintain longevity and health.

17. Witchcraft treatment: herbal medicine, conspiracies, healing with vitality, etc.

18. Household and ritual witchcraft, knowledge of folk customs.

19. Knowledge of the basics of star reading: favorable and unfavorable days.

20. Ability to communicate with the elements of nature.

21. The ability to use their cosmos; knowledge of hair styles and the ability to style hair.

22. Knowledge of various characters.

23. The ability to show the necessary character.

24. The ability to express and subdue your feelings.

25. Knowledge of the necessary protection of one's honor and dignity.

26. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.

27. Ability to express thoughts eloquently.

28. Knowledge of games that develop the mental abilities of a person.

29. Conducting business accounts, knowledge of measures, weight, volume, density, etc.

30. Knowledge of the tax system.

31. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.

32. The ability to prove one's case.

33. The ability to recognize the qualities and abilities of people.

34. The ability to solve dreams and interpret signs.

35. The ability to settle down and create comfort in any environment.

36. The ability to make utensils, household items and toys from clay.

37. Making fabrics and yarns from various materials, making and decorating clothes; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of products.

38. Preparation of paints; dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothes, utensils, knowledge of the basics of color science.

39. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.

40. Cooking art and preparation of drinks.

41. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in everyday life, nutrition and treatment.

42. The ability to get a good harvest in the garden, preserve it and make food preparations.

43. Knowledge of animal husbandry.

44. Communication and play with animals; their training, the suggestion of the necessary actions.

45. The ability to recognize the state of a person by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.

46. ​​The ability to convey with the help of painting and drawing one's state and perception of the world around.

47. Making garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowing their hidden meaning.

48. Knowledge of fairy tales, epics, legends, proverbs, sayings and folk songs.

49. Making dolls for games, rituals and witchcraft.

50. Composition of poems, songs and their performance.

51. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable musical rhythms, sizes, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.

52. The ability to move plastically and dance to different melodies.

53. Art in recreational games; dexterity and dexterity.

54. The ability to determine the terrain.

55. Ability to juggle various objects.

56. The ability to deceive ("deception" - what is next to the mind, with the truth: tricks, tricks, practical jokes, sleight of hand, cunning).

57. The ability to guess the intended numbers, names, objects, phrases, etc.

58. Knowledge of games based on guessing (riddles, puzzles, charades, hide and seek, etc.).

59. Ability to mislead opponents.

60. Knowledge of various betting games.

61. Ability to cry.

62. Ability to propitiate an angry spouse.

63. The ability to manage the jealousy of her husband.

64. Conscientiously fulfill their duties even in the event of the loss of a husband.

Three arguments are given in the Vedic scriptures as to why these arts should be studied:

By applying these arts, it is easier to win the favor of your lover.

A woman who masters these arts naturally receives an honorable place in society.

Knowledge of these arts contributes to greater charm, affection and attraction to such a beloved.

64 arts necessary for a man to achieve perfection. according to Vedic knowledge.

1. The ability to consciously act in accordance with the Commandments of the Ancestors, the laws of their Gods and the Will of the Progenitor.

2. Striving to acquire the qualities of Knowledge: modesty; humility; renunciation of violence; tolerance; simplicity; appeal to a true spiritual teacher; cleanliness; durability; self-discipline; renunciation of objects of sense gratification; lack of false ego; the realization that birth, death, old age and disease are evil; lack of affection; independence from enslavement by wife, home, children, household and work; calmness in the face of both pleasant and unpleasant events; constant and pure devotion to the Family; enlightenment of the mind and departure from idle communication and crowds of people into solitude; self-sufficiency; recognizing the importance of achieving excellence; continuity of deep knowledge of Spirit, Light and true "I"; wise search for the Perfect Truth.

3. Knowledge of the Vedic scriptures.

4. The ability to transfer one's consciousness to Navier, Klub'e, Kolobye and Divye's body.

5. Knowledge of mining law and the ability to prove one's case.

6. The ability to control your feelings.

7. The ability to control the vital force and the center of the hara.

8. The ability to organize your family and society.

9. Ability to teach a spouse.

10. Ability to be determined on the ground.

11. The ability to communicate with the elements of nature.

12. The ability to use their hair and beard.

13. Knowledge of folk customs and performance of rituals according to the precepts of ancestors.

14. Knowledge of the basics of star reading; auspicious and inauspicious days.

15. Cleanliness.

16. The ability to do various massages, maintain longevity and health.

17. Witchcraft treatment: herbal medicine, conspiracies, healing with vitality, etc.

18. Possession of honor and dignity; the ability to protect oneself, one's family, clan, people and Fatherland.

19. Knowledge of various types of martial arts.

20. Perfection in the art of sports games, military strategy and tactics.

21. Experience in owning various types of weapons, dexterity and skill.

22. The ability to move plastically and perform hand-to-hand combat techniques in dance.

23. The ability to make various types of weapons, equipment and tools.

24. Ability to design and build; knowledge of the symbolism of the home.

25. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.

26. The ability to be collected in any situation.

27. The ability to clearly and eloquently express thoughts.

28. Knowledge of various characters.

29. Knowledge of games that develop the mental abilities of a person.

30. Knowledge of various betting games.

31. Knowledge of slyness and the ability to deceive (“deception” is what is next to the mind, with the truth: tricks, pranks, practical jokes, sleight of hand).

32. The ability to mislead opponents.

33. The ability to guess the intended numbers, names, objects, phrases, etc.

34. Knowledge of games based on guessing (riddles, puzzles, charades, hide and seek, etc.).

35. Conducting business accounts, knowledge of measures of weight, volume, density, etc.

36. Knowledge of the tax system.

37. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.

38. The ability to recognize the qualities, abilities, states and intentions of a person by his gait, movements, gestures, facial expressions and posture.

39. The ability to recognize the state of a person by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.

40. The ability to convey with the help of painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, chasing, forging, casting, stone and wood carving one's state and perception of the world around.

41. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.

42. The ability to solve dreams and interpret signs.

43. Making garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowing their hidden meaning.

44. The ability to make building materials, utensils, household items and toys from clay.

45. Making fabrics and yarns from various materials; making and decorating clothes; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of products.

46. ​​Preparation of paints; dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothes, utensils.

47. Cooking art and preparation of drinks.

48. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in everyday life and nutrition.

49. The ability to get a good harvest in the field, garden and vegetable garden,

save it and make food preparations.

50. Knowledge of animal husbandry.

51. Communication and games with animals; their training, the suggestion of the necessary actions.

52. Knowledge of tales, fairy tales, epics, legends.

53. Composition of poems, songs and their performance.

54. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable rhythms, sizes, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.

55. Ability to juggle various objects.

56. Possession and control of sexual power.

57. The ability to unwind with his wife a whirlwind of sexual energy of sufficient power to conceive an aristocrat (“aristocrat” - Arius a hundredfold), a boyar (“boyar” - boyar, bright, enlightened, wise, strong, courageous).

58. Management of sexual energy and its unity with the energy of the spouse in various love positions.

59. Knowledge of the art of lovemaking and games.

60. The ability to satisfy the spouse and give her the greatest pleasure.

61. Knowledge of the secret meaning of women's dresses and jewelry, the ability to present them to your spouse.

62. The ability not to upset the spouse.

63. Knowledge of affectionate words and the ability to use them.

64. Conscientiously fulfill the prescribed duties to the Family.

64 arts for a man taken from the book by A.V. Treblebov, but the original text is given in the Vedic texts of the Kamasutra.

[b] ORIGINAL 64 arts for a woman

"Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana" Bombay, 1961

The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:--

2. Playing on musical instruments.

4. Union of dancing, singing, and playing instrumental music.

5. Writing and drawing.

7. Arraying and adorning an idol with rice and flowers.

8. Spreading and arraying beds or couches of flowers, or flowers upon the ground.

9. Coloring the teeth, garments, hair, nails, and bodies, i.e., staining, dyeing, coloring and painting the same.

10. Fixing stained glass into a floor.

11. The art of making beds, and spreading out carpets and cushions for reclining.

12. Playing on musical glasses filled with water.

13. Storing and accumulating water in aqueducts, cisterns and reservoirs.

14. Picture making, trimming and decorating.

15. Stringing of rosaries, necklaces, garlands and wreaths.

16. Binding of turbans and chaplets, and making crests and top-knots of flowers.

17. Scenic representations. Stage playing.

18. Art of making ear ornaments.

19. Art of preparing perfumes and odours.

20. Proper disposition of jewels and decorations, and adornment in dress.

21. Magic or sorcery.

22. Quickness of hand or manual skill.

23. Culinary art, i.e., cooking and cooking.

24. Making lemonades, sherbets, acidulated drinks, and spirituous extracts with proper flavor and colour.

25. Tailor's work and sewing.

26. Making parrots, flowers, tufts, tassels, bunches, bosses, knobs, &c., out of yarn or thread.

27. Solution of riddles, enigmas, covert speeches, verbal puzzles and enigmatical questions.

28. A game, which consisted in repeating verses, and as one person finished, another person had to commence at once, repeating another verse, beginning with the same letter with which the last speaker's verse ended, whoever failed to repeat was considered to have lost, and to be subject to pay a forfeit or stake of some kind.

29. The art of mimicry or imitation.

30. Reading, including chanting and intoning.

31. Study of sentences difficult to pronounce. It is played as a game chiefly by women and children, and consists of a difficult sentence being given, and when repeated quickly, the words are often transposed or badly pronounced.

32. Practice with sword, single stick, quarter staff, and bow and arrow.

33. Drawing inferences, reasoning or inferring.

34. Carpentry, or the work of a carpenter.

35. Architecture, or the art of building.

36. Knowledge about gold and silver coins, and jewels and gems.

37. Chemistry and mineralogy.

38. Coloring jewels, gems and beads.

39. Knowledge of mines and quarries.

40. Gardening; knowledge of treating the diseases of trees and plants, of nourishing them, and determining their ages.

41. Art of cock fighting, quail fighting and ram fighting.

42. Art of teaching parrots and starlings to speak.

43. Art of applying perfumed ointments to the body, and of dressing the hair with unguents and perfumes and braiding it.

44. The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way.

45. The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on.

46. ​​Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects.

47. Art of making flower carriages.

48. Art of framing mystical diagrams, of addressing spells and charms, and binding armlets.

49. Mental exercises, such as completing stanzas or verses on receiving a part of them; or supplying one, two or three lines when the remaining lines are given indiscriminately from different verses, so as to make the whole an entire verse with regard to its meaning; or arranging the words of a verse written irregularly by separating the vowels from the consonants, or leaving them out altogether; or putting into verse or prose sentences represented by signs or symbols. There are many other such exercises.

50. Composing poems.

51. Knowledge of dictionaries and vocabularies.

52. Knowledge of ways of changing and disguising the appearance of persons.

53. Knowledge of the art of changing the appearance of things, such as making cotton to appear as silk, coarse and common things to appear as fine and good.

54. Various ways of gambling.

55. Art of obtaining possession of the property of others by means of muntras or incantations.

56. Skill in youthful sports.

57. Knowledge of the rules of society, and of how to pay respects and compliments to others.

58. Knowledge of the art of war, of arms, of armies, &c.

59. Knowledge of gymnastics.

60. Art of knowing the character of a man from his features.

61. Knowledge of scanning or constructing verses.

62 Arithmetical recreations.

63. Making artificial flowers.

64. Making figures and images in clay.

The whole book in the original in English "Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana" Bombay, 1961 ( , )
