"Russian billion" as a new national dream. The Russian billion is the right idea, a powerful coalition must be organized around it

"Demography rules the world..." - the well-known Polish specialist in military history Radosław Sikora is convinced. He even included this phrase in the title of one of his articles.

In his works on the demographic problems of the modern world, Sikora cites interesting facts from the past. For example, that in the Middle Ages more children were born in Christian Europe than in the Muslim East, despite polygamy, which is the norm in Islam.

Sikora cites the following data: in the 17th century, the Ottoman Empire had about 30 million people, the Commonwealth - only 7 million, and the Muscovite kingdom - 15 million. But even then there were trends not in favor of the Ottomans. The Russians were rapidly overtaking them in terms of birth rates, and by the beginning of the 19th century, 37 million people lived in the Russian Empire, and by 1913 - already 175 million! And not only because of territorial expansions, but also because of the high birth rate among Russians. By that time, Turkey's population had dropped to 21 million.

The Polish researcher does not hide his astonishment at such fertility of Russians, but states that with the legalization of abortion, the birth rate in the USSR fell to 2.04 children per woman by 1956, while in Turkey it rose to 5.75 children per woman!

Sikora predicts Turkey's population will reach 87 million by 2030 and assures that a creeping demographic war will begin between Russia and Islam. The Polish expert sees in it a benefit for Poland if this war changes the cultural and political image of Russia, reducing the number of Russians in it.

Whether the Polish expert will have a reason to be happy depends on us. Russia is a multicolor of peoples and cultures, but, despite this, it has a predominantly Slavic appearance. The Russians are cementing the cultural diversity of the Russian statehood, preventing it from disintegrating into mutually competing fragments. Russians "glue" together the Caucasus, Tuva, the Far North and the Finno-Ugric regions. All together it is called Russia. Inside Russia, Russians are a mediating people between cultures and religions.

We hear the phrase “Russian billion” more and more often. Russia needs 1 billion people to effectively populate its territory, from the Kuriles to Kaliningrad.

Pan Sikora is right: demography rules the world. If China demographically presses Russia from the east, the republics of Central Asia from the south, and the outflow of the Russian population begins from the Caucasus, Russia will face political danger, and this will not benefit either Central Asia or the Caucasus.

"Russian billion" is possible only with the revival of the cult of motherhood. Mother - this should be the most honorary title for a woman, father - for a man. And not just a mother and father, but a mother of many children and a father of many children.

The “Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate”, referring to the problems of fertility in modern Russia, indicates that the religious factor is very important here. In Georgia, the birth rate increased by 25% when the Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II, announced that he would personally baptize every third child.

In 2011, the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos from Mount Athos was brought to the regions in Russia. The result: in St. Petersburg, Mordovia, Krasnoyarsk and Yekaterinburg, the birth rate increased.

Without faith in God, without fidelity to family values, a strong family cannot be created. Even now, Russian parents should instill in their children the readiness to be family men with many children.
Unfortunately, there are negative trends: few girls are born in Russia. This means that in a couple of decades the country may face a shortage of reproductive women. In recent years, things seem to have improved. Let's hope that the negative trends will be replaced by positive ones.

In past eras, Rus' often suffered from "foreign invasions", because it did not have enough human resources to protect its borders. Do you think something has changed in world politics since then? Drop it! Modern barbarians will trample Russia in the 21st or 22nd century just as ruthlessly as the wild hordes did five hundred or seven hundred years ago if Russia experiences a shortage of population. It will be scary to attack Russia only when it is densely populated by the Russian people.

Who would like to attack China today? Yep, no fools! Because there are more than a billion people in China. Only the construction battalion in the Chinese Armed Forces is 2 million 600 thousand people! On every square meter of Chinese territory, the invader will be waiting for a dozen Chinese partisans.

But in Russia? I understand that there is even one warrior in the field, if he is tailored in Russian, but the more Russians, the more such warriors. And they need to populate Karelia and Yakutia, Magadan and the Urals, Taimyr and Kuban. The more of us, the less willing to attack us. So, Russians, if you want to provide your grandchildren, great-grandchildren with a peaceful sky over your head, you now need to give birth to more children - future generals, designers, priests, scientists, poets, athletes.

Now there is a war in New Russia. Russian people are dying there. The ones we miss so much. On the opposite side, Ukrainians are dying, former Russians who believed "in the nonsense of Taras." It turns out that the Russians are dying on both sides. Anglo-Saxons can rub their palms maliciously. Geopolitical space is freed up for them.

Another tactic of the Anglo-Saxons is to direct drug flows from Afghanistan and Central Asia in the direction of Russia and to direct the human flows of the Muslim population of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan with clever political moves. The arrival of fresh blood could significantly improve the demographic situation in Russia, but on the condition that the Russian people will be able to integrate such a mass of a foreign cultural population and digest it. Not to assimilate by force, but to digest it, making it a harmonious part of the population of Russia.

This is possible only with a significant number of the Slavic population in Russia, and the strength of the cultural identity of modern Russians.

Russia needs young generations. If the younger generations also need Russia, our country will become a hard nut to crack for the enemy. Patriotism is not only slogans in the squares. Patriotism is action. Having many children should become another form of patriotism for Russia. This is exactly what Russia so urgently needs!

Oleg Muzychuk

They write to me here that Nikolai Starikov declared our idea about the Russian billion as his own.
Not sure what is the crime here? On the contrary, it is very good that he takes up the development of this idea.
It is important that in this case everything does not come down to an abstract number - after all, the main thing in the idea of ​​the Russian billion is that the Russians should continue to be a planetary force. About it ): " The life strategy of Russians lies precisely in this- in the formation of the Russian billion and in the redevelopment all countries. But instead, senior officials propose to triple at the expense of the Big M Moscow populates a bloated metropolis, sucking in and destroying settlement structures throughout space except for a dozen million-plus metropolitan areas(Nabiullina's plans)."
And as for realism, one should not forget that all world civilizations are already billions or are heading towards a billion. Talked about it: "
It is not to be afraid to set the task of forming a Russian billion for the next two centuries, since it is precisely this approximately the size of the population of world civilizations that by the middle of the century will determine world politics and economics. By the 21st century, the United States will approach 500-700 million, the Ibero-American civilization - to a billion, not to mention China and India."
It is also important that in order to plan a billion, it is necessary to plan and implement the most difficult first stage in our situation of despondency and defeatism - to ensure 50 million population growth by 2050, this task was formulated and substantiated by us in the draft Demographic Doctrine of Russia in 2005. To do this, it is necessary to reach 60% of 3-4-child families by 2035 (more details -

Russian billion: ways to achieve the goal.

It's no secret that Russia today is in a difficult demographic situation.

1. The need for a "Russian billion".

It's no secret that Russia today is in a difficult demographic situation. There is a rapid aging of the population, despite the fact that in recent years we have seen some increase in the birth rate. Not only our country is facing a similar problem, but attempts to increase the economically active population, which were undertaken, for example, in Europe, in particular, migration, did not give positive results. In Russia, where the scale of migration, including illegal migration, is many times smaller, there are also many negative consequences. And this despite the fact that the vast majority of migrants come to our country from the territory of the former USSR, where, despite all the differences, there was much more in common between national minorities and the Russian population than, say, between the French and Arabs.

The logical conclusion is that it is necessary to achieve an increase in the number of the indigenous (mainly Russian) population in a natural way. In addition to the need to “rejuvenate” the nation, given our vast territory, there is a problem of its effective development, and this problem is based on a geopolitical background. If the outflow of population from the territory of Siberia and the Far East continues at the current pace, there is a high risk of losing these territories, which are so necessary for our eastern neighbors, who have great difficulties due to overpopulation and lack of natural resources.

In order to solve the above tasks, it is necessary to increase the population of the country to at least 1 billion people, and, importantly, at least while maintaining the existing ratio of the Russian population and national minorities. With the available territory and natural resources, our country is able to feed and provide everything necessary for not even one, but several billion people, but this figure seems to be the most optimal both based on the tasks facing the country today and the possibilities of their practical implementation.

In order to achieve the set goal - to sharply increase the birth rate and increase the country's population to a billion or more people within 3-4 generations, effective mechanisms are needed that will lead to the fact that almost every Russian family will become the norm to have at least 3-5 children, and more. To understand which measures will be most effective, several important factors should be taken into account. Among them are national and territorial specifics, socio-economic reasons, and, last but not least, the psychological aspect. In addition, it is necessary to pay close attention to the experience of those who already today, in such difficult conditions, give birth and raise many children - in addition to a positive example, this will help to identify effective ways to support young families.

2. National-territorial specificity.

Let's start with the national-territorial factor. It is he who determines the measures of material incentives, the propaganda system, the impact on the worldview of people living in a certain territory and belonging to a particular people - that is, everything that can help improve the demographic situation.

As you know, the most positive dynamics of the birth rate in Russia is observed in regions predominantly populated by Muslims - in the North Caucasus and the Volga region. The reason lies in the specifics of the worldview: firstly, the peoples of these territories have managed to largely preserve the values ​​of the traditional society, and therefore the level of cohesion, mutual assistance, close family ties allow young families not to be too burdened by questions of how to feed their families, where to live, etc. . Secondly, the Islamic factor plays a role. The Qur'an directly says: "Do not kill your children for fear of impoverishment: Allah will saturate both them and you."

Therefore, when a young family learns that replenishment is expected soon, future parents do not start to fuss, be afraid, borrow money, or, worse, go to an abortion clinic. They rejoice, and to all the questions of their Russian neighbors, like “how are you going further?” calmly answer: “Nothing, Allah will saturate.” Interestingly, exactly the same attitude can be observed in Orthodox large families throughout Russia. It is only worth noting that these families are truly Orthodox, they are such not in words, like the majority of the Russian population, but in deeds. And the reasons are the same: faith in God's help and adherence to the values ​​of traditional society.

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that there are no problems with an increase in the birth rate in Islamic regions - there may be a problem if the birth rate of the Russian population remains at the same level: then there is a big risk of interethnic conflicts, especially considering that there will always be “friends” abroad who are ready happy to provoke such conflicts. It is also not necessary to reduce the birth rate in these regions, as is sometimes suggested: if, on the whole, the ratio of the number of the Russian population and national minorities professing Islam remains at the current level, then there should not be any complications, especially if the state conducts a competent national politics. But it definitely makes sense to adopt some worldview aspects characteristic of Russian Muslims and distribute them as a norm among the Russian population. However, measures of additional stimulation of the birth rate are essentially not required here.

As for other national minorities, we see about the same problems with them that the Russian population has. Some peoples of Siberia and the North are on the verge of extinction, others - mostly Finno-Ugric (except, perhaps, only the Mordovians) - are also decreasing in numbers, while still assimilating very intensively with the Russians. Although this is a completely normal process, nevertheless, in order to preserve national identity and given the "erosion" of the Russian environment, really serious efforts should be made to dramatically increase the birth rate among these peoples. Although already now there are many various measures to support the peoples of Siberia and the North, a program to stimulate the birth rate here needs to be adopted completely special.

Now about the territorial specifics, which must be taken into account when taking measures to increase the number of the Russian population. There is a rather significant difference between the population of large cities, small single-industry towns and rural areas. The conditions of central Russia, the Black Earth Region, the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East are also very different. Given this difference, the most effective measures should be taken where they will work.

The situation with the birth rate is most favorable in the agglomerations - Moscow and St. Petersburg, in regional centers, and in areas immediately adjacent to them. The problems that stand in the way of increasing the birth rate here are banal, and at the same time, the most easily solved: this is the fear of “not feeding” children, which has developed due to the development of the “consumer society”, conformism, the high cost of living, and also the problem with the availability of housing , employment of young mothers and the availability of places in kindergartens. In addition, the congestion of large cities leads to constant stress; traffic jams, high crime, the cult of money, housing prices - all this to a certain extent restrains the desire to have many children.

The situation is slightly worse in the rural areas of the Chernozem region, where agriculture is quite efficient, providing both employment and a more or less satisfactory income for the inhabitants. Housing here is much cheaper, as is food, but the incomes of residents still leave much to be desired, and the dependence of agricultural production on foreign policy conditions under certain conditions can lead to disaster (for example, compliance with all WTO rules). The advantages of such areas are great opportunities in the event of economic shocks to live by subsistence farming; in addition, the territory allows for active individual housing construction here, which is the most effective means of solving the housing problem for large families.

The demographic problem is most acute in single-industry towns, where the city-forming enterprises, as a rule, “surrender from crisis to depression”, there are no jobs and the income of the population is too low. This also includes the municipal districts of central Russia, the North, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, which are quite far from regional centers. Living conditions here are very difficult, decent earnings are the exception rather than the rule, young people do not want to stay here, and in many places the number of pensioners and people of pre-retirement age exceeds all conceivable limits.

If in single-industry towns diversification of production and the development of tourism can be a way out of the situation (this resource is almost never used in our country, although there is a lot of talk on this topic), which will increase people's incomes and allow solving the problem of unemployment, then in remote "unpromising" areas, completely different measures. In many places, even if more than 10 children are born in each family, the demographic situation will not be corrected, because the population here is too “old”. Here, internal and external migration of the economically active Russian-speaking population is needed, in parallel with the intensive development of infrastructure and the implementation of a full-fledged youth policy instead of the “window dressing” that takes place today.

Subject to intensive infrastructural growth, it will be beneficial to develop agricultural and industrial production, tourism in such areas, while at the same time improving the quality of life of people in general. A normal youth policy will make it possible to attract young cadres here, create conditions for a normal life, work and leisure of young people, reducing or even completely stopping their outflow. As for migration, it is necessary, in parallel with these mechanisms, to attract here the Russian-speaking population from the countries of near and far abroad under the federal repatriation program. At the same time, significantly more funds should be allocated for the implementation of the program than today, and the procedure for accepting citizenship by repatriates should be simplified and accelerated as much as possible. In addition, it is necessary to involve internal migration.

Internal migration, in addition to measures to attract young people, can be effectively implemented in two more ways. Thus, a special agreement between the Government and the Ministry of Defense on the purposeful construction of housing for military pensioners, as well as new military bases in the most demographically depressed areas, can become very efficient. Military camps are now often the only factor keeping the surrounding population in the eastern regions of the country. The same can be used in central Russia - normal roads and other infrastructure are always laid to military bases, and military families, including military pensioners, are usually very active economically and politically, the level of education in them is generally higher. This may be an additional positive factor in the development of areas with low demographics. In addition, practice has shown that retired military men, as a rule, become good managers, effective businessmen, and so on.

We should not forget about the method, examples of which we see extremely rarely today - voluntary resettlement from large cities to the provinces. Most often this happens due to religious considerations of some families, due to fears for the moral state of the younger generation, and less often - simply from the desire of wealthy people to live in more environmentally friendly conditions. This mechanism should be used as actively as possible, since it provides a solution to several problems at once. Wealthy people have the material opportunity to create comfortable conditions for themselves anywhere; they are usually able to have many children, they can have a big impact on the local economy and infrastructure development; their relocation to the countryside or remote regional centers unloads large cities, including in relation to housing and vehicles. It is possible to initiate mass “reverse” migration instead of the current one, to a large extent with the help of propaganda, here it can be most effective.

Thus, the analysis of national and territorial factors shows that the current measures to increase the birth rate, carried out throughout the country “one size fits all” may not only not contribute to resolving the issue, but also lead to undesirable consequences in the future, for example, disproportions between the Russian population and national minorities. fraught with many problems.

As the most effective solution to these aspects of the problem, we can propose the creation of an all-Russian register, where demographic indicators will be systematized by municipal districts, because the average figures do not reflect the real situation. For example, a region may not be among the depressive ones, because in the regional center, the birth rate is high, but in the regions there is simply “extinction”. The key indicators that determine the place of the region in this list should be the ratio of the number of residents of retirement age and youth, the birth rate, and the dynamics of the population of the region over a certain period (for example, the last 10 years).

Such a register, which must be constantly updated, will be the basis for determining the amount of various support measures for young families, including the amounts of all payments provided for by law. The worse the situation with the birth rate in a particular area, the more money and other support measures should be allocated by the state and the region to local young families at the birth of children, subject to permanent residence in this territory. In addition, such a rating should become the basis of migration policy: "problem" areas should be a priority for repatriation, and those who move here for permanent residence should be supported in much larger volumes than when they move to large cities.

Such an approach will also give an undoubted advantage of an ideological nature. If today someone publicly declares that, they say, it makes no sense to allocate maternity capital in the Caucasus, where the birth rate is already so high, this may be fraught with at least accusations of extremism, and may lead to social indignation in the respective regions. If the demographic program is based on the principle of the "problem" of the region, then the amount of "basic" maternity capital will be the same everywhere. At the same time, special allowances, comparable in size, or even exceeding the specified amount, will be paid to young mothers in the most problematic areas from the point of view of demography. This will be fair, will not cause complaints, and will also contribute to the influx of young people into these areas, contributing to their development in all respects.

3. Socio-economic problems.

Now consider the problems of a socio-economic nature. It is no secret that the maintenance of even one child today causes great difficulties. For some reason, children's products are often more expensive than adult products; the same can be said about nutrition. At the same time, the incomes of young people are almost always lower than those of people aged 40-50 with a long work history (although the salary of both leaves much to be desired). In essence, from a material point of view, only people of the middle class can afford having many children, which, as is known, is in its infancy in Russia, and since 2008 it has generally been decreasing.

The most acute material problem is the inaccessibility of high-quality and comfortable housing for the average Russian family. The need to live in a rented apartment or take out a mortgage loan simply “eats up” a significant part of the income of a young family, and the area where these people live often does not correspond to the real situation. In such conditions, few can decide to give birth to more than two children.

Of course, to some extent, the so-called “maternity capital”, which many people use to improve their living conditions, helps to solve both the material and housing problems. The only trouble is that its amount is completely insufficient to buy any suitable housing - it can only buy an old house in a remote village, where there is no gas, no normal road, no work for the child's parents.

Slightly departing from the topic of housing, one cannot fail to mention the situation that was in the country when the law on maternity capital was still being adopted. Establishing a clearly defined period from which the law began to operate has become a truly terrible crime, which is almost forgotten today. Many women who were preparing to become mothers began to have abortions, realizing that the next child should be born before “Day X”, since in this case they could not count on payments. How many children could be born, but were killed because of a miserable 250 thousand rubles, or rather because of the unwillingness of officials to establish the validity of the law from the date of its adoption, and not from January 1! We will never know the exact numbers, but at that time the statistics recorded a sharp surge in the number of abortions in Russia, and it was among the Russian population. How many women will never be able to give birth because of this, one can only guess ... This crime must not be forgotten, and let this serve as a lesson in what truly jewelry accuracy the laws relating to demography should differ in our country.

Returning to the problem of lack of housing, one must understand that the state is not able (and never was able) to provide housing for everyone who needs it. The problem can be completely solved only through a sharp improvement in the living standards of the entire people, and this requires a fundamentally different economic policy, which is a topic for a separate discussion. However, several ways to improve the situation can be used today. Thus, a number of laws should be adopted, according to which housing will be provided free of charge and in a timely manner to large families in areas that, according to the above-mentioned register, are the most “problematic”. Financing must be provided directly from the federal budget, since "depressed" regions cannot allocate the necessary funds even for the most urgent needs, not to mention such costs as housing construction.

Another way (which, by the way, can be combined with the first one) is the targeted construction of housing for young professionals, in which most regions are in dire need. I remember that in many memoirs about the Battle of Stalingrad such a toponym as "Houses of Specialists" was mentioned. If such houses (it can be one or several apartment buildings or districts on the principle of cottage settlements) at the expense of federal funds, let's say from the "National Welfare Fund" to build in every regional center and in every large village, this will also solve the problem of young specialists, and will provide housing for large families.

Such a development of construction will have a number of additional advantages: as you know, the construction industry "pulls" the entire economy up; modern technologies are used in new houses - the rent there is less due to the absence of water leaks, good thermal insulation, the possibility of installing individual heating, etc.

In addition, there are plenty of opportunities to intensify individual housing construction using modern technologies. It can sometimes cost less than building large houses, and the comfort level in them is often even better than in apartments. A large family will have the opportunity to make an addition when a significant number of children are born. Unlike an apartment, there will be no problems with neighbors due to the noise that is inevitable in families with small children. Also, a private house allows you to solve the problem of parking, and if the place of work is located nearby, it also solves the problem of traffic jams.

Do not forget that even today new technologies make it possible to build houses very quickly, and if this is done without the “hack work” characteristic, unfortunately, of many construction companies, then living in such houses is convenient. Another important circumstance is also of great importance: a large-scale increase in the number of the rural population in areas where we today see overgrown fields and dilapidated farms will be able to completely solve the problem of food security in our country.

In addition to low incomes and the problem of affordable housing, there are two more significant socio-economic factors, in addition to those already mentioned. This is a problem with the employment of young mothers with children, and the lack of places in kindergartens. In general, according to the laws of traditional society, in relation to modern realities, the ideal option is a woman who devotes herself entirely to the family, who either does not work at all, taking care of children and housework, or does not work for material reasons. That is, a woman can work for the purpose of self-realization or communication, and not overstrain, as it is now, because of the need for elementary survival.

In such a system, it seems more than logical to massively introduce a system of “family kindergartens”, when a mother, staying at home with her numerous children, also receives a salary for this. If a woman has a pedagogical education, she can also look after children from several neighboring apartments or houses during the working day, thereby allowing other women to work, while remaining with an income and all social guarantees.

The same scheme can be used for grandmothers - many pensioners today are also forced to work, since it is impossible to live on a pension. If two or three such active grandmothers perform the functions of kindergarten teachers, even if it is a family one, as a job at home, they will free up jobs for young people, look after the children, and receive a salary.

At the same time, the current system of kindergartens should also be developed in every possible way, in particular, not allowing an increase in fees for keeping a child in a kindergarten, as is happening today under various pretexts as part of the criminal “education reform” - and kindergartens, according to the latest versions of laws, are specifically educational institutions and include.

And, finally, if we are talking about education, the prospect of paying for it for a long time causes not unfounded fears today. Higher education is becoming more and more inaccessible, the school is on the verge of a complete transition to paid education - all this also makes future parents think about the advisability of having more than two children. Even without taking into account this factor, all experiments in the field of education lead to a deterioration in its quality and a decrease in accessibility, which, ultimately, can bring irreparable harm to the state.

4. Worldview and stereotypes.

To begin with, it should be said that we do not just need a Russian billion. We need a healthy, educated, talented and highly moral Russian billion, who at the same time can stand up for themselves! On the way to achieving the required quantity and quality of the population, today there are a lot of ideological barriers, most of which appeared or spread on a large scale only after perestroika and the collapse of the USSR .

In the last 2-3 decades, Russia has been subjected to an unprecedented information attack aimed at destroying national identity, traditional values, the institution of the family, and undermining the very foundations of the existence of the people. And the main tools for the implementation of these ideas were the widespread introduction of Western mass culture, the imposition of "universal" values ​​and attempts to drag all the inhabitants of the country into the funnel of the "consumer society", which today creates such miracles of the moral decay of people that the devil himself would envy.

Let's start with the problem of moral decay. This includes not only the decline in morality in general, but also very specific problems: sexual promiscuity, the spread of drug addiction and other bad habits, as well as the growth of crime.

According to the data obtained personally by the author as a result of a sociological study conducted in Ivanovo in 2011 (more than 300 girls were interviewed - it was girls who were interviewed, because their moral state to the greatest extent determines the picture of the spread of debauchery in the country), the following picture emerged. Sexual relations before marriage are considered acceptable by more than 90% of respondents, while about 50% consider the average number of sexual partners before marriage to be from 5 to 8 people to be normal. Another 20% of the respondents name the figure of 3-5 people. More than 30% of people of non-traditional sexual orientation are “with understanding”. Treason is considered acceptable, even in exceptional circumstances, by more than 20%; and abortion - more than 60% of the girls surveyed.

Also, more than 45% believe that the TV shows "Dom-2", "Sex with Anfisa Chekhova" and the like - "show real life." Erotic and pornographic films, even if several times a year, are watched by almost 70%. I don't think we can continue. If our late great-grandmothers knew about such statistics, they would roll over in their graves and curse their descendants!

In the light of the data presented, it is not surprising that there are such a huge number of divorces, abortions, single mothers; largely due to the decline in reproductive health and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Such a worldview needs to be radically changed, which is probably even more difficult to do than to provide the entire population of the country with affordable housing - after all, we are talking about pleasure here.

There are also positive aspects: absolutely all the respondents among their acquaintances turned out to be virgins over 18 years old, of which more than 80% do not have sexual relations for religious reasons, 5% - for moral reasons (the remaining 15% - because of ugly appearance). Thus, it is religion and moral values ​​that serve as the most effective means of combating the consequences of the “sexual revolution”.

As for the growth of crime, on the one hand, the reason is the almost complete absence of many opportunities to honestly earn a decent living. On the other hand, the cult of violence shown in movies, on TV and in computer games has made what was previously despised very popular, a sort of sign of prowess and "toughness". And here we see the substitution of moral values!

If the increase in crime affects demographics indirectly, then the spread of bad habits is direct. And the social harm caused by alcoholism and drug addiction, and harm to health - all this has a tremendous impact on the birth rate. On the one hand, this must be fought, but on the other hand, the draconian measures taken by the state to combat smoking and alcohol consumption in recent times are puzzling.

Most people smoke and drink because of constant stress, from hopelessness, from poverty, and not for pleasure. And the increase in prices will only lead to the fact that the less wealthy will simply drive moonshine, drink surrogates and grow shag in their gardens, including for sale, and those who are a little richer will purchase expensive alcohol and tobacco to the detriment of the family, being not in forces because of the listed reasons to do without stimulants. To combat this evil, instead of bans and raising excise taxes, it is necessary to change the worldview, to restore people's confidence in the future, the desire for life, action, and development. But for this, again, it is necessary to change the entire economic policy, which, under the current financial system of the world, is possible in our country to a very small extent.

Another ideological aspect, which in general has always been inherent in humanity, has become hypertrophied in our country in recent decades precisely because of Western mass culture. This is an increased attention to the feeling of love while simultaneously presenting information about it from a certain angle. This leads to very diverse, but generally negative consequences, which greatly affect the demographic situation.

So, many young people and girls do not see the difference between love, falling in love and passion; every time they convince themselves that this or that person is “fate”. As a result, we have a lot of problems - from divorce and raising a child alone, to suicide, when it turns out that instead of love, there was actually something else.

Another aspect: many girls have been “waiting for a handsome prince” for many years, while refusing completely normal young people who, however, do not correspond to their ideals, which have developed on the basis of Western cinema. And when they realize their mistake, then at the age of 30 they marry anyone, just not to be left alone. The results are approximately the same as in the previous case. Even our mothers have never been such "Cinderellas", not to mention grandmothers and more distant ancestors along the female line!

Among young people, another misfortune is the "cult of macho" imposed by Western culture: among them it is considered not only normal, but even prestigious to have sexual contacts with as many girls as possible. Thus, here, too, we are faced with a substitution of values, which is realized through the substitution of concepts.

For a better understanding of both what is happening and what is desired, one can compare the value content of two holidays - the "Valentine's Day" (Valentine's Day) brought from the West, in which, at first glance, there is nothing bad, and the Russian holiday "Day of Family, Love and Loyalty" (or the Day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). The conclusion is obvious - under a completely harmless, at first glance, "packaging" can hide very harmful content of prolonged action. This applies to holidays, and films, and literature, and much more.

The way out is obvious - the promotion of true family values ​​and morality in general by creating their own, positive mass culture, where young people can be convinced by obvious examples of what is a real feeling, and what only seems to be. In the same way, it is possible to fight against the “man is a wolf to man” worldview, which was imposed on us from the West, and in the light of the spread of the cult of money and consumption, it has acquired unprecedented proportions in our country. It destroys family ties, friendship, good neighborly relations - everything that helped before and still helps many young families with children. What is needed is traditional mutual assistance, and not an atmosphere of general mistrust and fear, into which the inhabitants of our country are so eager to be drawn.

And, finally, in completing the analysis of the problem, we should consider the influence of the already repeatedly mentioned “consumer society”. In addition to the passion for money, it provokes selfishness, conformism, the desire to "live for yourself" and so on. All this, of course, does not contribute to the increase in the birth rate, and sometimes even directly harms it, when people, in their pursuit of pleasure, enter into same-sex relationships or seek justification for their passions in the “Childfree” ideology, which calls for a conscious refusal to have children.

A very common problem of an ideological nature, characteristic of a consumer society, is the unwillingness to have many children by people who are able to fully provide them financially. In many ways, this is based on the already mentioned conformism. Children need to be dealt with, they require attention, time, effort, and parents who already have one or two children do not want to bother. Since the degree of influence of this factor on people is not too great (it is not difficult to give up such a belief), but at the same time it has become very widespread among the inhabitants of large cities, in this case propaganda can be a very effective way, especially if it is possible to achieve the fact that large families will become very prestigious. And then wealthy women will be proud of the number of children and their achievements, and not the cost of a new fur coat or the brand of a new car.

More difficult is the problem of careerism, especially for women. There are many reasons that lead a woman to prefer her career to her family - from a complex of poverty and unsuccessful marriage to a conscious choice; however, the result is sad: they too often remain single or become single mothers, losing in the pursuit of high achievements those qualities of a woman that attract men the most. This phenomenon simultaneously combines influences of both a material nature and externally imposed criteria for success in life. Improving morality in the country as a whole, on the one hand, and raising the standard of living, on the other, in combination with competent propaganda, is able to solve this problem; and a single 35-year-old business woman in Russia will be an exception rather than an everyday reality.

So, we have analyzed the main factors influencing the demography in the country. The conclusions are obvious - while maintaining the existing policy in this area, the achievement of the "Russian billion" seems fantastic. We need a systematic policy to improve the general well-being of citizens, a full-fledged youth policy, competent propaganda, and the creation of our own mass culture that shapes consciousness in the way our country needs, and not our geopolitical competitors. We need a deep analysis and monitoring of the situation in each municipal district of the country in order to stimulate the birth rate in the most effective ways.

On the first day of the new year 2019, the organizers of the Russian Lotto wanted to make one participant in the 1264th edition a billionaire. The main prize of the New Year's drawing - a jackpot of 1 billion rubles - was not won by one participant, but two winners were determined, who shared the super prize equally - 500 million rubles each. Cash prizes in the amount of 1 million rubles were drawn in the first rounds. In the New Year's program "We win!" People's Artist of Russia Nadezhda Kadysheva took part.

Last year, on New Year's Eve, Russian Lotto also raffled off 1 billion rubles. No one managed to break the jackpot, but they still found the lucky one. The winner got rich immediately by 250 million rubles. 50 participants received country houses valued at 1 million rubles. Large holiday prizes in Russian Lotto often help participants solve their financial or housing problems.

Results of 1264 Russian Lotto draws

According to statistics, 2,512,680 tickets took part in the New Year's 1264 Russian Lotto draw, and the prize fund amounted to 188,451,000 rubles. This is the highest amount of money ever raised. The prize fund is 50% of the proceeds from ticket sales, which means that the Russian Lotto New Year's lottery tickets sold over 350 million pieces.

According to the results of the second round of the 1264 Russian Lotto draw, a jackpot of 1 billion rubles was drawn between two participants. They shared the super prize equally - 500 million rubles each. The winners are residents of the cities of Sverdlov and St. Petersburg. 84 participants won 1 million rubles each.

The missing numbers of 1264 draws turned out to be 5, 60, 69 and 76. There are several ways to get winnings on a Russian Lotto ticket. Participants will be able to receive large cash prizes at the Stoloto lottery center in Moscow (Volgogradsky Prospekt 43, building 3).

Check the ticket for the New Year's drawing of a billion in Russian Lotto

According to the table 1264 of the Russian Lotto draw, you can find out about the distribution of the prize fund and check the ticket.

Tour Number order Winners win
1 53, 45, 19, 90, 32 12 833 333
2 83, 88, 21, 55, 16, 26, 57, 52, 27, 36, 51, 65, 73, 89, 68, 01, 12, 86, 03, 82, 28, 54, 20, 80, 85, 84, 87, 67, 08, 15, 13, 39, 75 2 500 000 000
3 30, 04, 06, 35, 79, 58, 59, 56, 78, 24, 43, 17, 41, 50, 81, 23, 29, 44, 77, 64, 74 1 1 000 000
4 31 2 1 000 000
5 63 4 1 000 000
6 11 1 1 000 000
7 61 9 1 000 000
8 25 7 1 000 000
9 38 24 1 000 000
10 62 36 1 000 000
11 47 144 458 333
12 42 280 50 0000
13 34 407 30 000
14 02 911 10 000
15 18 1 291 5 000
16 46 2 777 2 000
17 37 3 510 1 500
18 10 5 911 1 000
19 40 11 044 700
20 72 22 811 500
21 22 25 670 415
22 33 39 416 353
23 14 59 241 307
24 49 103 476 247
25 71 192 892 247
26 07 333 873 229
27 66 552 903 213
28 70 796 365 212
29 48 1 095 734 211
30 09 1 908 504 182
