Triptych Raksha seeing off the militia. Composition based on the painting "Seeing the militia" Yu


Russian language lesson in 8th grade. The development of speech.

Subject: Preparation for writing an essay on

painting by Yuri Raksha "Seeing the militia".

The program "Russian language 5 - 9 grade", authors: T.M. Baranov,

T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky.

Textbook edited by T.M. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya and others.

Developer: teacher of the Russian language and literature, GBOU secondary school No. 401 of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg Lukyanova Olga Leonidovna.

Lesson Objectives:

educational: prepare students for writing an essay on a picture,

developing: the development of oral communication of students, expanding the horizons of students in the field of fine arts;

educational: education of patriotic feelings in students.

lesson technology: creative workshop, ICT-technologies.

Form of work: group.

Lesson type : acquisition of new knowledge.

Equipment for the lesson: presentation, reproduction of Yuri Raksha's painting "Seeing the Militia", sheets for completing assignments in groups.

During the classes

1 slide Words on the screen:

Faithful love helps to endure all hardships.

Johann Friedrich Schiller

The battle on the Kulikovo field became the birthday of great Moscow Rus'.

Yuri Raksha.

  1. Organizing time.

(On the screen - a painting by Y. Raksha "Seeing the militia")

1. The topic of the lesson is announced.

The purpose of our lesson

2. Epigraph to the lesson.

(Think about why such epigraphs were taken. We will answer at the end of the lesson).

3. The format of the lesson is a creative workshop.

II. Presentation of the new.

1. Task: Continue to develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge. Student's individual report about the work of the artist Y. Raksha.

2 slide (portrait of the artist)

Raksha Yuri Mikhailovich (2.12.1937-1.09.1980) - Russian artist. Born in Ufa in a working-class family. He studied at the art school at the Institute. Surikov. After graduating from VGIK, for fifteen years he worked as a production designer at Mosfilm (from the most significant films “Time, Forward!” and “Ascent”). Widespread popularity came to him with the first exhibitions. His canvases - "Contemporary", "Kind Beast, Kind Man", "My Mother", "Continuation", "Conversation about the Future", "Strawberry Glade", etc. - were shown at all-Union and international exhibitions. The artist's brush belongs to the triptych "Field of Kulikovo" (1980), consisting of 3 parts: "Blessing for the battle", "Seeing off the militia", "Expectation".

2. Teacher.

About the event . The Battle of Kulikovo took place in September 1380. Russian Prince Dmitry Donskoy led the Russian army against the Tatar Khan Mamai. Sergius of Radonezh blessed him for the feat. 253 thousand Russians died on the Kulikovo field.

In the center is a woman with her son - the wife of Dmitry Donskoy Evdokia. She escorts her husband to a mortal battle, but she is expecting a child, the same knight. The women are crying. This event is described in the story “Zadonshchina” in this way: “The birds sang pitiful songs - all the princesses and boyars wailed ...”

In the background - the squad, in the third - the walls of the Kremlin, the Russian native sky.

Describing the picture, we will usein the following terms:

painting foreground,

The second plan of the picture,

distant plan,



Exercise. You have cards on the tables. Terms are written on red cards, and definitions of terms are written on white cards. Match terms and definitions. (Actualization of mental activity)

3.Checking work with cards.

3 sweet (explanation of terms).

The foreground of the paintingwhat the artist depicts closest to the viewer, second plan - what is in the middle of the picture, distant plan of the picture- the area away from the viewer, background - the main color, the tone on which the picture is written; 2. what is shown in the distance, triptych - an art canvas consisting of three parts.

Today in the lesson we will use the type of speech: description.

Recall what type of speech is called description? You can use notebooks - reference books. Children give definitions and compare their conclusions with the definition on the slide.

4 slide (checking the type of speech)

Description - image of people, objects, animals, nature. To describe means to depict, enumerate the signs, distinguishing marks, characteristic features of people, living beings, objects, events of actions. You can ask questions about the text Which?

Question: What figurative and expressive means of language for describing objects and phenomena do you remember? Name them.

Name, please, figurative - expressive means of language. Give definitions. Look at the slide and check your answers.

5 slide (check definitionsfigurative - expressive means)

Antithesis - opposition.

Oxymoron - a combination of directly opposite words in order to show the inconsistency of the phenomenon.

Metaphor - a pictorial technique based on the transfer of meaning by similarity, similarity, analogy.

Epithet - this is a figurative definition that gives an artistic description of a phenomenon or object.

personification - tropes, attribution of properties and signs of animate objects to inanimate ones. Quite often personification It is used in the depiction of nature, which is endowed with certain human features.

Comparison - This is a figurative expression built on a comparison of two objects or states that have a common feature.

III. Work on the content of the essay.

1. Task: Continue the formation of research skills, interaction skills in a group.

2. 6 slide (picture by Yuri Raksha "Seeing the militia" with music overlay. Sounds "Ave Maria" by Schubert.)

Question: why are two works consonant - musical and artistic?

3. Description of the fragments of the picture by groups.

Card for group No. 1

Description of the men - militias

1. Describe the equipment of the male militias.

2. What is the mood of the men - the militias? What detail says

About their patriotism?

3. Describe the background of the picture, the wall of the city.

4. What artistic techniques did you use?

5. What fragment of the picture did you describe?

Card for group №2

Description of nature, weather

1. Describe the sky (color of the sky, clouds).

2. Describe the lawn. What colors does the artist use?

3. What epithets, comparisons, metaphors can be picked up

To the description of the sky, grass?

Card for group number 3

Description of women, children, old man

1. Describe the postures of women, children, the old man.

2. Describe the facial expressions of women, children, an old man.

3. Describe the clothes of women, children, the old man.

4. What fragment of the picture did you describe?

4. Presentation of the results of group work.Along the way, students make notes in a draft.

5. Drawing up an essay plan. (Group discussion. recording of the final version).

slide number 7 essay composition.

I. Introduction.

1. About the artist.

2. The theme of the Battle of Kulikovo in his work.

II. Description of the picture.

  1. The theme of the painting.
  2. First plan.
  3. Second plan.
  4. Distant plan, background.
  5. The mood from the picture, how the battle will end.

III. Conclusion.

What thoughts come to mind when you look at this picture.

Slide number 8 words

  1. Vocabulary - lexical work.

Triptych, women of different ages, Dmitry Donskoy, Evdokia, "Zadonshchina", battle, mourns, mystical connection with the events of the past, contradicts, radiance of the day, dramatic situation, a historical digression, a simple-haired, majestic pose, the flag flies, courageous faces, transparent air, commoners, a gray-haired old man.

Pick up synonyms for the word "artist" - (author of the picture, painter,);

Pick up synonyms for the word "picture" - (work, art canvas, talented work).

  1. Control, evaluation

Task: To continue the formation of the ability to independently evaluate their knowledge and activities in the lesson.


How do you rate your work in class?

Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. Are you ready to write an essay?

Which epigraph from the proposed ones will you choose? Why?

Do you know what you will be writing about?

8. Organizational - connecting stage

Task: Continue the formation of independent comprehension of what was learned in the lesson, the development of creative abilities.

slide number 9

Homework with an element of variation:

Choose an epigraph, present the material in accordance with the epigraph,

Write an essay in a notebook for creative work.

An essay based on a painting by the remarkable Russian artist Yu.M. Rakshi (1937-1980) "Seeing the militia" develops the creative abilities of students, their research skills, educates patriotic and aesthetic feelings. The essay is written in 8th grade.

Composition based on the painting "Seeing the Militia". 8th grade

Yuri Mikhailovich Raksha was born in 1937 in a family of workers. He studied at an art school, graduated from VGIK with a degree in production designer. Participated in the creation of such significant films as "Time, Forward" and "Ascent". Many paintings by Yu.M. Rakshi received wide recognition, brought him worldwide fame.

Yuri Mikhailovich died very young, he was only forty-three years old. In 1980, the terminally ill artist finished work on the grandiose triptych "Kulikovo Field". This multifaceted work consists of three parts: "Blessing for the battle", "Seeing off the militia", "Expectation".

The triptych is dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place in 1380 and marks the beginning of the liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. The painting "Seeing the militia" is the right side of the triptych. Another name for the painting is "Lament of the Wives".

In the center of the composition are women and children. They see off the outgoing Russian army, consisting of their husbands, sons and brothers. Mighty warriors are surrounded by fog, a bloody battle awaits them, and many of them will give their lives for their homeland, protecting their mothers, wives, and children. In the distance, white-stone Moscow is visible, from the gates of which many thousands of militiamen come out.

In the foreground is a young, beautiful woman with a sad and beautiful face. This is the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duchess Evdokia. Soon she will have a child, next to her are her children - the boy lowered his head, he also feels the tragedy of what is happening; a teenage girl looks tensely at the departing warriors, trying to remember their faces, to keep the memory of them.

It is known that Dmitry Donskoy and Evdokia were very fond of each other and one can understand what feelings the princess experienced when she saw off her beloved husband to a feat of arms. To the right of Evdokia, a bare-haired woman in a red sundress sank exhausted to the ground. She threw her head back, her mouth is open - she is crying, her grief is immeasurable.

A young girl with a headscarf is praying, and a gray-haired old man standing behind the women is blessing the soldiers with his staff. A woman standing next to him clutches her little son to her chest. Everyone, commoners and noble people, rallied into a single whole in front of a common misfortune. Now they are the Russian people. This picture teaches to love the motherland, to appreciate the people living in it, to admire its past.

Yuri Rakshi is a 20th century painter who created about two hundred paintings. Most of them are dedicated to the topic. One of these canvases is the picture of Raksha "Seeing the militia". This work also has a second name, “Women's Cry,” and for a reason, because when you look at the picture, the first thing that rushes is a bunch of heartbroken women, among whom the old man is also lost.

He, perhaps, himself is glad to be among the warriors, but his age does not allow him to go to war, because he will only be a burden. He can only shout parting words in the wake. All the women came out to see off their brothers, fathers, loved ones. Moreover, seeing off, they understand that many of them see for the last time, because the war is merciless and takes lives indiscriminately. For this reason, women cannot hold back their tears, cannot hide their sadness and pain.

Seeing the militia description of the picture

Among the heartbroken women, we see a woman in position, who hugs her firstborn. She is dressed in beautiful clothes and it is clear that she is from a rich class. Next to her, a second woman fell to the ground; she, unlike the others, was without a headscarf. Apparently, he flew off her head when she ran out in order to see the men. Next to this woman is a girl picking flowers. She probably wants to give them to her father as a talisman. Older women are standing a little further, they no longer cry, they cried out their tears, because, most likely, this is not the first time they have escorted their men to war. These women only silently bless the warriors on their way and pray that they all come back. All of them: both rich and poor, commoners and women of a noble family, were united by grief, in the face of war.

Considering the work of Raksha "Seeing the militia" and describing the picture, one cannot but say about the courageous warriors who are sent to certain death for the good of their homeland, for the good of their relatives and friends, so that they live on a land free from enemies. They, like the river that the author depicted far outside the city, come out of the gate, only this is a people's river, consisting of peasants, nobility, ordinary citizens: on foot and horsemen.

At all times, the most basic and sacred duty for every person was to protect their land from the enemy. To live as a patriot and die for the Motherland has always been a great honor. Yu. Raksha's painting "Seeing the militia" is dedicated to the theme of protecting Russia from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. We see that the artist depicted on the canvas the militia emerging from the gates of the city, women and children escorting their men to war.
On the left side of the picture, like a river, a people's river flows from the white city gates: military people of the city, peasants, ordinary citizens, footmen, horsemen - everyone goes to battle to stand up for the independence of their land.
In the center of the picture and on its right side, the painter depicted children, women: mothers, wives and sisters who went out to see off their husbands for a military battle. Here and commoners and women of a noble family. They are standing close to each other: the common grief erased the social boundaries between them.
One of the women crosses herself, bows to the army. She, like all those who came to see them off, understands that many of the soldiers will not return home from this campaign, which is why she bows to them, as they bow to the great martyrs. Each of the women looks out for her husband, father, son in the walking ones, sees them off with her eyes, and in her eyes - anxiety, sadness, inexpressible grief. One of the women in a red sundress is depicted as simple-haired, sitting on the grass, her head is slightly thrown back, her mouth is slightly open - the woman is crying, wailing. Her whole posture suggests that she no longer expects to see alive the one she is seeing off, therefore she cries for him as if he were dead. In the center of the mourners is a beautiful young woman, with wheat-colored hair braided into a braid, with a hoop on her head. She is wearing a yellow dress with a blue stripe. She is not a commoner, but a woman of a noble family. With her left hand, she hugs the boy, her son, who is standing with his head down. The woman sees off her husband, the boy's father. Most likely he leads the militia. The woman tries to be strong, sadness froze in her eyes, but she should not show her grief to her son - after all, if her husband dies, she alone will have to raise the future defender of her native land. Of course, she calls on her son to be proud of his father, the defender of the Fatherland, who goes to battle as a saint.
The viewers of the painting are struck by the extraordinary expressiveness of the color scheme of the painting, as the emotional depth of the experiences conveyed by the artist in this canvas is amazing. The images of women symbolize Rus' itself, which, seeing off its sons to a mortal battle, mourns.

Essay on literature on the topic: Description of the painting by Y. Raksha “Seeing the militia”

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Description of the painting by Yu. Raksha “Seeing the militia”

In the center of the picture are old people, women and children. Standing on the hills along the city walls of white-stone Moscow, they escort their children, fathers and husbands on a great and dangerous campaign, which will end in a bloody battle with a dangerous and cruel enemy in the person of the Tatar-Mongols.

In the distance one can see the gates to the white-stone Moscow, from which the brave defenders of the patronymic come out, its powerful stone walls rise to the sky, almost touching the passing clouds.

Terrible wars march in orderly rows along women and children crying with grief. Surrounded by mist, gloomy and brave, they pass by without even looking back, without saying goodbye. Each warrior is dressed in chain mail, with a lance and a shield, on foot or on horseback with a shield.

In the foreground of the picture is a young and beautiful woman with white curls and a sad face - the Queen of Rus', Princess Evdokia. She sees off her husband with longing and faith in a great victory. On the left side of her were her children - a blond boy with a sadly lowered head and a girl sitting on the grass with a languid and intense look.

Evdokia experiences mixed feelings, joy at the imminent birth of a child and longing at the thought that her beloved husband may not return from the campaign.

To the right of the princess, a girl in a red sundress sits on the green grass, clutching her head, she sobs from grief.

In the background, we can see an old man with a staff, who blesses the warriors leaving into the distance for a glorious victory.

All the people of Moscow, rich and poor, noble and common people, rallied together to defend their homeland, their any homeland.

Painting essay Seeing the militia Rahkshi

One of the parts of the triptych "Field of Kulikovo" by Yuri Raksha is the painting "Seeing the militia", dedicated to the events of the upcoming Battle of Kulikovo. The artist tried to feel the spirit of the time, recreated on the canvases, and bring it closer to the present. That is why he drew some characters from his contemporaries - in one of the knights of the triptych Vasily Shukshin is easily guessed, and in one of the characters in the company of Dmitry Donskoy the author himself is captured.

The fragment “Seeing off the militia” captures the farewell of the squad under the command of Dmitry Donskoy with families and relatives. Elders, women, children went beyond the city to send a farewell glance to fathers, spouses and sons setting off on the military road - the army itself was already on its way and covered in a haze of fog. On the faces of the mourners, the whole gamut of experiences is displayed: sadness in the eyes, hope in the heart that they will soon meet their relatives.

Among the women, children and elders seeing off the warriors, the princess is in the foreground. After crying out all the tears, she realizes that now it is necessary to take care of the children and the baby she is expecting. Near her is a son who, no doubt, guesses that he, having remained the only man in the family, is obliged to take care of his mother and sister. The prince's daughter, with an elusive smile on her face, is at the feet of her mother. The girl, impressed by what was happening, listened to the chants. In those days, most of the events took place with musical accompaniment - and the Donskoy squad went to battle to the bitter sound of pity.

The disaster united the townspeople from different walks of life. Women and children, old parents were left alone and it is not known when the soldiers will return and whether they will return home. Relatives cannot resist this situation, and do not even try to stop the soldiers. They understand that their defenders are going to serve as a shield, first of all, for their families, as well as to protect the city from enemy invasion.

Very important for a general understanding of the mood of the triptych is the landscape. The picture clearly shows that autumn is coming. The gloomy sky, clouds are approaching - as a symbol of the disaster from which Rus' must be saved. Holistic for all the components of the triptych, the horizon unites Kulikovo Field, Trinity Monastery, and Moscow. Unites into a single whole - the Motherland. To the blessed Motherland, which must be protected and preserved.

Triptych of paintings by the famous Russian artist Yu.M. Rakshi is dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place in 1380 and marked the beginning of the liberation from the three-hundred-year-old Tatar-Mongol yoke.

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