Exercises for clear pronunciation of words. How to improve diction and speech clarity

Do you want to learn how to speak so that you are listened to with an open mouth and an admiring look? Or maybe you want to successfully speak in the audience or even brilliantly pass the competition for the announcer? Maybe you wanted to have a specialty in which voice staging and beautiful sound are very important, but due to the underdevelopment and poor coloring of the timbre of your voice, you don’t even try to master the desired spaces?

Don't be upset! With the help of the exercises proposed in the article, you can work on your speech apparatus and achieve a voluminous and full sounding of your own voice, beautiful in timbre, with a large range. And what is very important - by improving the diction of speech, you will feel self-confidence and increase your self-esteem. Your chances of finding a well-paid job that involves extensive contacts with people of various social groups and top leaders, the conclusion of all kinds of deals and contracts, the promotion of any product will increase significantly, since a pleasant and easily modulating voice that takes on certain shades in the right situation will quickly endear you listening person.

Introductory exercises

Before starting the exercises, take care of the appropriate environment. Choose a place or room that is spacious enough so that nothing distracts or interferes with you, it would even be nice to remove unnecessary things to ensure sufficient acoustics.

First of all, you need to work on breathing. During this exercise, you must constantly breathe through your nose, watch this.

1. Work on inhalation-exhalation

Exhale: spread your legs shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist and exhale slowly through a small hole in your lips so that you feel the resistance of the air with your lips. At the same time, mentally pronounce any quatrain that comes to mind.

Do this exercise in combination with walking, running, imitation of grass mowing, chopping firewood, sweeping with a broom, etc.

The correct exhalation will be smooth, elastic, it should not go astray with a different position of the body, and you will feel the tension of the lower costal muscles, by training which you will achieve the desired exhalation.

Inhale: lean forward slowly so that your back is straight and inhale; straightening back, exhale and pull the sounds “hy-mm-mm…” while walking.

Now return to the starting position, again slowly bend over while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides and bring them together behind your head. In this position, straighten up on the exhale and pull: "Mr-n-n ..." while walking.

Following this, you need to perform another exercise to improve nasal breathing.

With the mouth closed, we take a short breath through the nose, expanding the nostrils, and when exhaling, we pat them with our fingers.

Repeating the previous exercise, on the exhale we draw the sounds “M” and “H” and tap with our fingertips on the nostrils in order of priority each.

With the mouth open, we inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth, so we repeat several times without closing the mouth.

Now do a massage: by pressing, stroke the intercostal muscles, then the abdominal muscles with synchronous circular movements of the hands, which will help improve blood circulation in the muscles and prepare them for further exercises.

2. Training the muscles of the palate

Slowly say the consonants "K" and "G" 3 times in a row, then almost without opening your mouth, but with an open throat without a voice, say the vowels "A", "O", "E" 3 times.

Rinse your mouth with air as you do with water, make sure that the sensations are similar.

Open your mouth two fingers wide between your teeth and say "AMM ... AMM" so that "A" is a whisper, and "M" is voiced, and repeat this several times.

3. Lip and tongue training

To train the upper lip, say "GL", "VL", "VN", "TN", and for the lower lip - "KS", "GZ", "VZ", "BZ".

Give the relaxed tongue the shape of a shovel and putting it on the lower lip, say "I", "E", repeat several times.

Shape the tongue into a curved hook and draw the tip across the palate while saying "O", "U".

Draw the sound "M" with your mouth closed and the internal movements of the tongue across the sky, cheeks and lips.

4. Exercises to identify and consolidate the central speech voice, release from muscle clamps

Say any tongue twister using consonants, vowels should be silent and long.

Do the same with head tilts, alternately back and forth and left and right.

Read the tongue twister in the indicated way, but pushing the tongue to the lips, omitting and thereby replacing the pronunciation of vowels.

Take a deep breath and hold your breath (it is better to pinch your nose with your fingers) and read any text aloud. Exhale and inhale again through the nose in those places of the text where it is necessary for the meaning and grammatical pauses (and do this in all positions of the body).

After these exercises, read the text again in a natural voice, and listen to its sound, noting the difference in diction before and after the exercises.

After completing all of the above, you can proceed to exercises that improve diction. They are aimed at eliminating the most common errors in pronunciation, due to the underdevelopment of the speech apparatus.

1. Weak lower jaw

Say "PAY", "BAY", "MAY", etc. At the same time, holding the chin in the same position with the hand, the head should lean back. On the letter "Y" the head returns. After repetition, do them in a natural state, analyzing whether there is a feeling of muscle freedom.

Do the same, but with your head turned to the right and left, with an attempt to reach your shoulders with your chin. On the letter "Y" the head also returns to its original position.

2. Soft palate

Tilt your head back and gargle with air, pronouncing the letter “M” at a long time, but do not push the lower jaw.

Try to yawn with your mouth closed.

Inhale through the nose with the retraction of the cheeks, and the jaw is lowered and the lips are compressed, while exhaling, pull the sound "M".

3. Sluggish tongue and lips

Each of the following exercises must be repeated several times.

    pronounce "BYA", putting the tongue on the lower lip;

    pronounce the sounds "AS", quickly sticking out and removing the tongue behind the teeth;

    say several times "TKR", "KTR", "DRT", "RKT";

    to improve the work of the lips, say "MB", "TV", "BM", etc.;

    make lips a tube and pull the sound "M-M-M", then smile.

4. Correcting the lack of sound in the resonating oral cavity

With a direct and natural position of the body, on a slow exhale, say “SSSSSSSSSS ....”, “Shshshshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

With the current position of the body on an intense intermittent exhalation, say “F! F! F! F! Ph! ”, which turns into a continuous sound of“ FFFFF ... ”.

Hold your mouth, nose with your hand, in this position try to pronounce the sound "M", then, removing your hand, read any text with a lot of "M" or "H".

5. Overcoming the underdevelopment of chest sound, muscle clamps

Stand in a natural, relaxed position, put one hand on your chest to feel the vibration, and bring the other to your mouth to check your breathing. Now try moaning for different vowels: warm exhalation - moan ("UUUU") - warm breath. If you are doing everything right, you should have a feeling of yawning and freedom in the throat area.

The next stage is similar, only during a quiet moan, you need to try to extend it and make an emphasis with a slight push of the diaphragm inward, then a warm exhalation.

Each subsequent exercise increases the number of strokes by one and, thus, you bring up to five strokes in a row.

6. Overcoming the feeling of suffocation when talking quickly or talking and walking at the same time

In an inclined position, you walk and look for an imaginary object, while pronouncing any quatrain aloud, but make sure that your breathing is even.

Jump over the rope and pronounce a simple poetic text in such a way that the jumps coincide with the syllables of the words. If the exercise at first seems difficult, speech and breathing will go astray, we recommend that you slow down and gradually increase them, bringing them to the maximum.

Take any poetic text consisting of 8 or more lines and start pronouncing it in such a way that the low level of your range falls on the beginning of the line and with each line it gradually rises, reaching the maximum on the last.

Once you have mastered this task, start with the high and end with the low range of your voice.

As you progress, increase the number of lines of the poem.

Remarkable finds. I found the exercises described in words: both for diction, and for the muscles of the tongue, and for the development of proper speech breathing !!!
There are many letters, and each is useful.

Although the materials in this article are devoted to the importance of voice and diction when reading affirmations, both of these parameters also have independent significance, so mastering the techniques described in this article will be useful to you, regardless of your intention to practice affirmations. As you know, the impressions of people from communicating with each other are 55 percent based on body language, 38 percent on the timbre of voice and diction, and only 7 percent on the words they pronounce, so the problem of a good voice for a person is extremely relevant, since it determines almost 40 percent of his life success.

a list of the most common definitions of an unpleasant voice that interferes in life and which will not allow you to make good affirmations:
- nasal;
- sharp;
- creaky;
- hoarse;
- trembling;
- high timbre (squeaky);
- piercing;
- whiny;
- with shortness of breath;
- timid;
- jerky;
- too loud;
- weak, inaudible;
- colorless;
- pompous;
- sarcastic;
- insecure;
- monotonous;
- tense;
- boring.

And here are the characteristics of a voice that promotes your self-realization and is great for affirmations:
- nice;
- vibrating;
- calm;
- well modulated;
- low timbre;
- trust;
- warm;
- melodic;
- caring;
- confident;
- domineering;
- friendly;
- well intoned;
- expressive;
- natural;
- sonorous.

Exercises for the development of correct speech breathing.

1. Choose a comfortable position (lying, sitting, standing), put one hand on the stomach, the other on the side of the lower chest. Take a deep breath in through your nose (this pushes your belly forward and expands your lower chest, which is controlled by both hands). After inhalation, immediately make a free, smooth exhalation (the abdomen and lower chest take their previous position).

2. Take a short, calm breath through the nose, hold the air in the lungs for 2-3 seconds, then make a long, smooth exhalation through the mouth.

3. Take a short breath with your mouth open and, with a smooth, long exhalation, say one of the vowels (a, o, u, i, e, s).

4. Say several sounds smoothly on one exhale:


5. Count on one exhalation to 3-5 (one, two, three...), trying to gradually increase the count to 10-15. Watch for smooth exhalation. Count down (ten, nine, eight...).

6. Read proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters in one breath. Be sure to follow the setup given in the first exercise.

A drop and a stone hollow.

Building with the right hand, breaking with the left.

Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.

On the bench outside the house, Toma sobbed all day.

Do not spit in the well - you will need water to drink.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.

Thirty-three Egorkas lived on a hillock near a hill: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas...

I wonder how many Egoroks you get on one exhale?

7. Read the Russian folk tale "Turnip" with the correct reproduction of the breath on the pauses.


Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown.
Grandfather went to pick a turnip. Pulls, pulls, can't pull.
Grandpa called grandma. Grandmother pulls grandfather, grandfather pulls a turnip, they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out!
The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull, pull, they can’t pull it out!
Granddaughter called Zhuchka. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull, pull, they can’t pull it out!
Bug called the cat. A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull, pull, they can’t pull it out!
The cat called the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull, they pull - they pulled a turnip!

All subsequent exercises given in this article are designed to be performed taking into account the described technique of speech breathing.

Psychological exercises for voice development.

You can develop your voice with these exercises in the same way that you develop muscles with physical education. As a result, the timbre of your voice will change, your voice will develop and become lower and more harmonious, its range will expand, the pronunciation will become clearer, the modulations will be more expressive, and the expressiveness will be more convincing. An additional effect of the exercises will be expressed in the activation of your strength. It is best to do these exercises regularly, and in the morning, because it will energize you for the whole day. Not only will you develop a more pleasant voice, but your overall well-being will improve a lot. As your voice develops, so will your personality.

1. Stand in front of a mirror. Exhale, then inhale, and repeat each sound until you have enough breath. So take a breath and get started:

This sequence is not random, you start with the highest frequency sound - "and". If you put your palm on your head, you will feel a slight vibration of the skin. This is evidence of more intensive blood circulation. Pronouncing the sound "e" activates the neck and throat area, you can feel it by placing your hands on your neck. Pronouncing the sound "a" has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing the sound "o", the blood supply to the heart increases, and the exercise with the sound "y" has a positive effect on the lower abdomen. Speak slowly one after the other all the sounds three times. If you want the timbre of the voice to be lower, and the voice to be deeper and more expressive, then during the day say the sound "u" many times.

2. Now you need to activate the chest and abdomen, and for this you need to pronounce the sound "m" with your mouth closed. Do exercises for the sound "m" three times. Once very quietly, the second time - louder and the third time - as loud as possible, so that the vocal cords tighten. Putting your palm on your stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Particular attention should be paid to the "r" sound, as it improves pronunciation and gives strength and energy to the voice. In order to relax the tongue, carry out preliminary preparation: lift the tip of the tongue to the sky behind the front upper teeth and "growl" like a tractor. So, exhale, then inhale and begin to "growl": "rrrr." After that, expressively and emotionally with an emphasized rolling "r" say the following words:
role steering wheel ring ruble rhythm rice carpet cook fence cheese goods grass wing lilac frost etc.

3. "Tarzan's exercise" in addition to the method of voice development is a prophylactic against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand up straight, exhale, then inhale deeply. Clench your hands into fists. Loudly pronounce the sounds "eeeeeeee" and at the same time beat yourself on the chest with your fists, as Tarzan did in the famous movie.
Now do the same exercise with sounds:

At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronchi are cleared of mucus, how your breathing becomes free, how you are charged with energy. Clear your throat, get rid of everything you don't need! This exercise should be performed only in the morning, as it has an exciting and activating effect.

4. Indian yogis are known for their deep, beautiful voice, which is achieved with this simple exercise.

Stand up straight and put your feet shoulder-width apart, take a few calm breaths in and out, then draw air into your stomach and take one sharp breath, accompanied by the sound "Ha-a". The exhalation should be complete, and the sound as loud as possible (echoes in neighboring houses). In this case, you can slightly bend the body forward.

After several weeks of training according to the proposed method, compare your current voice with the previous one that you recorded on the recorder, and you will see that the timbre of your voice has changed, and your voice as a whole has improved significantly, because now it has gained greater suggestive power, which means that the outgoing from you, the charismatic radiation became more intense, you began to speak more convincingly and more strongly influence the world around you.

As a result of such training and the implementation of the described exercises, not only your voice, but also your thoughts become calmer and deeper. The deeper and lower the voice, the deeper it settles in the mind, the more impressive the spoken words are, and thanks to this, you begin to speak not just differently, but much better. Due to this, everything that worries and worries you recedes, and then completely disappears. Therefore, never stop working on your voice and then you will never stop working on your personality.

Work on diction.

Diction is understood as a clear, distinct and distinct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language with their correct articulation with a clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases. A clear and clear pronunciation of words is ensured by the correct articulation of each sound, and, above all, the ability to open the mouth freely and wide enough in the process of speech, because with a poorly opened mouth, sounds are pronounced as if through teeth.

Articulation is also controlled at a subconscious level, like voice formation, so it is advisable first of all to understand the reasons why you have poor diction and reprogram them with the techniques you already know. The situation for reprogramming can be formulated something like this: "I have poor diction", "I speak indistinctly", "I burr", "I incorrectly pronounce (can not pronounce) the sound "L" (sounds "P", "Z", "S", "F" or others according to your feelings.)". The reasons for poor diction are most often self-deprecating thoughts like "It's my job to keep quiet" or "There are no Cicerons in my family", which are reprogrammed quite simply.

After reprogramming the subconscious, diction, as a rule, improves significantly, and special exercises are used to further develop the mobility of the muscles of the lower jaw, the ability to open the mouth wide enough during speech.

Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw.

1. Freely lower the lower jaw until there is a gap of two fingers between the teeth.

2. Silently, lingering (on one exhale), say the vowel sounds:
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (two fingers apart);
ёёёёёёёёёёё (the distance between the teeth in one finger);
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (mouth slightly open).

4. Pronounce several vowels in one exhalation in a continuous and drawn-out manner:

Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the opening of the mouth is sufficiently complete.

5. Say proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters that are saturated with vowel sounds that require a wide opening of the mouth. For example:
Mal, yes removed.
Two of a Kind.
Found a scythe on a stone.
Know the edge, don't fall.
What is the fisherman, such is the fish.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
The snake is stingy, the hedgehog has a hedgehog.

6. Read the poem, clearly pronouncing the sounds a, i:

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she was naked,
Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south: approaching
Pretty boring time;
November was already at the yard ...

A. Pushkin

In the process of doing the exercises, make sure that the lower jaw falls freely down, first pronounce vowel sounds a little underlined.

Exercises for the development of lip mobility.

With lethargy and insufficient mobility of the lips, the clarity and clarity of pronunciation of many vowels and consonants suffers. So, to pronounce the sounds u, u, you need to stretch your lips forward with a tube, for sounds o, e, round your lips, and for sounds s, z, stretch your lips in a smile. For the development of the lips, it is useful to use the following exercises:

1. Stretch your lips into a smile without exposing your teeth.

2. Stretch your lips into a bare-toothed smile with your mouth closed.

3. Pull tightly closed lips forward (as with a whistle).

4. Pull your lips forward in a tube shape.

5. Alternate between stretching your lips into a tube with stretching them in a smile.

6. Lift your upper lip to expose your upper teeth, then lower your lower lip to expose your lower teeth.

7. Draw out the vowel sounds (at first without a voice, but with emphasized articulation, then with a voice):

iiiiii (lips stretched in a smile);

oooooo (oval lips);

uuuuuu (lips with a tube).

8. Say consonant sounds (first silently, then with a voice):

ssssss, zzzzzz (lips stretched in a smile);

shshshshshsh, zhzhzhzhzhzhzh (lips are extended forward with an oval).

9. Pronounce several sounds in one exhalation together and lingeringly:

iiiiuuuu (lips are first stretched, then take the form of a tube);

uuuuuiii (lips from the shape of a tube turn into the shape of a smile);

ooooooiiiiii (rounded, tubule, smile);


sssssshshshshsh (when pronouncing a sound from the lips are stretched, when pronouncing w are stretched forward);

zzzzzzzhzhzhzhzh (when pronouncing z, stretch your lips, when pronouncing w, pull forward).

10. With tightly closed lips, form an explosion when pronouncing sounds p, b (dad, woman, bagel, cereal, drum, stick).

11. Fix the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of sounds in the words willow, game, iron, lesson, scrap, perch, donkey, spinning top, lawyer, south, hedgehog, Christmas tree, Irina, institute, incubator, emerald, shelter, snail, rod, feeling, optometrist, equipment, juice, lock, wheel, hat, school, beetle, belly, drying, sun, iron, folder, drum, broom, bicycle, apron, sweatshirt, jacket.

When pronouncing words, watch the position of the lips in front of the mirror.

12. Read proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters. Watch for the correct position of the lips, for the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of words and phrases.

Stand up for each other and win the fight.

You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.

Cabbage loves water and good weather.

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Wolves roam, looking for food.

The tree has needles.

13. Read the story aloud and make sure that the lips take an active part in the pronunciation of sounds and words.


I really love these simple flowers - cheerful bluebells. You will go out of the forest to an unmowed meadow overgrown with tall grass and you will gasp with joy - there are so many different flowers flaunting, similar to a festive round dance. Throughout the green meadow, daisies turn white, dandelions turn yellow, mouse peas bloom. And above all, all the more fun - purple bells. From the light breath of the warm summer wind, they sway, bow, bells ring inaudibly, joyfully welcoming the guest. All summer they bloom, the bells ring inaudibly, the familiar and lovely flowers of our meadows and forests.

Exercises for the development of the muscles of the tongue.

Language takes an active part in the formation of most speech sounds. The intelligibility of speech largely depends on his work. Particular difficulties arise when pronouncing words with a confluence of consonants, when it is necessary to quickly switch the movement of the tongue from one position to another. To strengthen the muscles of the tongue, improve its mobility and switchability, before using exercises in pronouncing sounds, words and phrases with a consonant confluence, clearly work out the following movements.

1. Stick your tongue out and move it to the left, right, up, down.

2. Stick out your tongue and make circular movements from left to right, then vice versa - from right to left.

3. With an open mouth and a slightly protruding tongue, make it wide, narrow, cup (the tip and side edges are slightly raised).

4. With a slightly raised tense tip of the tongue, "brush" the upper teeth from the outside and inside, in the direction from the inside of the teeth to the outside and vice versa.

Control the correctness of the movements carried out with the help of a mirror. Make sure that all movements of the tongue are performed easily and freely, without much tension.

Exercises in the clarity of pronouncing consonant sounds in syllables.

Read the syllables:

1. pa, po, pu, py, pe, pya, pyo, pyu, pi, pe, ta, then, tu, you, te, cha, cho, tu, ti, those, sa, so, su, sy, se, sya, sho, syu, si, se, zha, zho, zhu, zhi, same;

2. an, op, yp, yp, ep, at, from, ut, yt, et, as, os, mustache, ys, es, ash, osh, ush, ish, esh

Exercises in the clarity of pronunciation of words with a confluence of consonants.

Read aloud words with a confluence of two, three and four consonants: entrance, invest, luggage, tourist, map, flowerbed, service, tail, brush away, think, collect, roach, stamp, pimple, snobby, platoon, swim, weave, set , move, spark, feed, canvas, look, grotesque, breast, cover, instant, smooth, tetanus, smooth, tetanus, trunk, hawk, fires, sprats, emerge, open, health resort, fight, meet, overseer, uniforms, ostracka , metro builder, colander, wandering, transcription.

Exercises in the clarity and clarity of pronouncing sounds and words in phrasal speech.

To work out the clarity and clarity of pronunciation of consonant sounds and words, it is useful to use tongue twisters that are built on a combination of consonant sounds that are difficult to pronounce. Reading tongue twisters should begin in slow motion, while clearly pronouncing each word and each sound. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the clarity and clarity of pronunciation does not decrease.

Prokhor and Pahom rode on horseback.

The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The bull's lip was blunt.

The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.

Fenya has a jersey, Fai has shoes.

On seven sledges, seven in each sleigh sat themselves.

The chick of the chick clung tenaciously to the chain.

Prokop came - the dill was boiling. Prokop left - dill boiled. Just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop.

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

The bee buzzed, the spider buzzed.

Scales at the pike, bristles at the pig.

The cap is not sewn in the style of a cap, the cap would be recapped, but recapped.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.

The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

You can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters.

Say small tongue twisters on one exhale. Observe the smoothness and continuity of their pronunciation.

Further consolidation of good diction is carried out by reading aloud poetic and prose texts. At the same time, at first, it is necessary to continue to monitor the work of the lips, tongue, lower jaw, for the distinct pronunciation of vowel sounds (stressed and unstressed), for the clear pronunciation of consonants, but at the same time not to allow their enhanced or emphasized pronunciation.

Each exercise is practiced until it is performed easily and freely, without much effort.

When working on diction, it is necessary to take into account the correct use of speech breathing and voice. So, when pronouncing tongue twisters, it is necessary to correctly convey their content, it is appropriate to pause, and to get air in a timely manner.

Classes to develop good diction are held daily for 10-15 minutes. The transition to the next exercise is carried out only after the previous one has been sufficiently clearly worked out.

Diction is a clear, precise, distinct pronunciation of words, phrases, sentences. It determines the intelligibility of speech and its perception by other people. Developed diction is needed in everyday life when communicating with others, for successful career growth in many areas of business, and what can we say about people whose profession requires them to have a delivered speech (singers, announcers, speakers, actors, etc.).

Another question - how to develop diction - contains a deeper meaning, so we will consider several ways to comprehensively improve this skill.

The development of diction involves work on setting the voice and correct breathing. To do this, you can perform a number of exercises on your own:

  • We develop breathing. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, put one hand on your chest, and the other on your stomach. Breathe slowly, feeling the air flow. You should push your stomach forward, while the chest should remain motionless. This is how you design the diaphragm.
  • While in the same position, inhale as much air as possible with a sharp movement of the nose. Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds and exhale sharply through your mouth.
  • Breathe in as much air as possible through your mouth. As you exhale, pronounce the consonants (a, o, y, s, e, and), as if stretching them out. You will end up with a continuous stream of smooth transitions (“ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Try to make each letter sound loud and clear.
  • Keep your mouth closed throughout this exercise. Inhale as hard as you can through your nose. As you exhale, try to “moo”, tightening the letter “m”. Control that this action lasts a long time, and the sound is as loud as possible.
  • Breathe in more air, and as you exhale, "roar" by pronouncing the letter "r". Not the fact that it will work the first time, but after several attempts you will see the result.

Breathing should be practiced regularly. These exercises will not take more than 15-20 minutes a day (spend no more than 3 minutes on each task). Practice in front of a mirror and make sure you do it right. Our body does not always do exactly what we want it to do.

We develop diction

Simultaneously with the production of the voice, diction and speech can be developed. For these purposes, tongue twisters are best suited. But before pronouncing them, you need to properly stretch the muscles of the tongue, face, articulatory apparatus and lips. The following exercises will help you do this:

  • Stick your tongue out as far as you can. Then return it to its original position. Continue to perform these manipulations for 2-3 minutes.
  • Push your cheek with your tongue. You should seem to "prick" her. Do the same with the second cheek. Continue doing the steps for 4 minutes.
  • Keep your mouth closed. Start moving your tongue as if brushing your teeth with it from the inside. Do this continuously and intensely for 3 minutes.
  • Stick out your tongue and perform rotational movements with it. Do 20 times to the right and the same to the left.
  • In this exercise, we develop the muscles of the lips. We stretch them into the shape of a duck (tube), then stretch a wide smile. We alternate these movements for 2 minutes.
  • Puff out your cheeks. Start twisting the resulting imaginary "bubble" in a circle. Perform the action for at least 3 minutes.
  • Lightly bite your lower teeth on your upper lip and vice versa. Practice in front of a mirror to control yourself. The exercise lasts at least 3 minutes.
  • A very effective way is to build all sorts of faces. Make faces, bulge your eyes, show your tongue. Do whatever you can think of with your face, let yourself be fooled. It is better to do this in front of a mirror for 3 minutes.

It is very useful to perform these exercises before public speaking to stretch the muscles and articulatory apparatus.

After warming up, you can proceed directly to tongue twisters. Here are some of the most effective:

  1. The tycoon Yegor was sunbathing on the mountain, a magnet fell on the tycoon Yegor.
  2. Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood, but drink wood.
  3. Tell me about phrases. About what tongue twisters? About tongue twisters, about tongue twisters, about my tongue twisters!
  4. Tell me about sausages! About what about sausages? Maybe about shopping? Ah, yes, about shopping.
  5. The transplantation of the hose was amateurish.

To develop intelligible speech, you can use not only these tongue twisters. For diction, any that you can find will do. Say them more often, but only after warming up. There are invented ones, having learned which you will definitely significantly improve your diction. You can also do it yourself.

Here are some more effective exercises for developing diction:

  • Read your favorite poem, sharply emphasizing the intonational ending of each word.
  • Open a regular Russian dictionary. Choose the words that seem the most difficult for you to pronounce. Repeat them until you can pronounce each of them without difficulty.
  • Stand in front of a mirror and recite an excerpt from your favorite prose work. Control pronunciation, emotionality, facial expressions.
  • If tongue twisters seem too easy for you, put a few small nuts in your mouth before pronouncing them. Now speak as close as possible to the correct pronunciation.
  • Read an excerpt from your favorite book with your mouth closed.
  • If you play sports, the following exercise will suit you. Put on your headphones and repeat everything they say on the player (lyrics or audio book) while you run. This makes pronunciation difficult. But do not shout too loudly so as not to frighten others.

Competent speech cannot be developed by performing only the above exercises. Do you want to check how delivered and developed your speech is? Put yourself in the place of your listener. Are you erudite and self-confident enough to want to listen to you for hours? If the answer is no, you have work to do.

We figured out how to develop diction, now we will try to develop our speech and make it rich. There are some methods for this:

You can achieve noticeable results in the development of your diction and at the same time deliver a speech in about 3 months, taking into account everyday activities.

Stanislavsky on the development of diction

According to Stanislavsky, the word is the most concrete expression of a person's thoughts. He talks about how to develop diction in three sections of the second volume of The Actor's Work on Oneself. Below are the rules and exercises based on the recommendations of Stanislavsky:

  1. Often we attend lectures, seminars, trainings, but we simply fall asleep on them because we are bored. At the same time, the lecturer speaks clearly and understandably, he does not have speech defects. The problem lies in the emotional coloring. Read and speak expressively.
  2. You need to be able to speak in different tones. The following exercise will help develop this skill. Read the poem aloud in such a way that one line sounds loudly, the second - quietly, and so on until the end of the work.
  3. You can train in the manifestation of different emotions by reading the same phrase, but with different emotional connotations. For example, you can say the same thing with sadness, joy, despair, anger, surprise.

It is not as difficult to deliver diction and speech as it is to learn to work with emotions.

listen to yourself

How to understand that diction and voice have improved, that you are working in the right direction? Of course, you need to listen to yourself. Record your speech on a voice recorder and evaluate what has changed, what you have achieved, and what else needs to be corrected. Draw conclusions about how to develop diction specifically in your case, what to put pressure on, and what to pay less attention to.

It is desirable to evaluate the voice with a "fresh head", that is, a few hours after speech training, having fully rested and being in a good mood. Then the assessment will be more objective, and you will understand how to develop diction and avoid new mistakes. Record your voice until the pronunciation seems perfect to you.

We figured out how to develop your diction, how to properly train speech and make it emotional. Practice regularly, and even at home you will be able to achieve significant results and no longer dwell on the problem that worries you - how to set and train diction.

Perhaps everyone knows the story of the ancient Greek philosopher Demosthenes, who, while still a child, was delighted by chance with the speech of a certain speaker he heard, and after a while he himself decided to use the word as his main tool.

Stuffing his mouth with pebbles, Demosthenes in motion tried to achieve intelligible articulation of passages from poems he read from memory, thereby getting rid of the flaws in his speech. Daily training benefited him, giving him the opportunity to become famous as the best speaker of his era.

Good diction- this is an indicator of an enlightened person, his weighty dignity, which can be applied in many life cases. It may be easy to write a competent and visual text, but it will not be so easy to pronounce it. Fuzzy diction of speech can get in the way, interfere with well-learned performance.

In fact, all diction defects can be corrected if desired. How to improve speech diction quickly? This requires regular training.

Breathing training

Shortness of breath is without any doubt a problem that we encounter even in everyday life. Diaphragm training can fix this. Excellent work to improve diction is the singing of vowels on the exhale. At first, breathing will be enough for a short time, but with constant exercises, 20 seconds can be reached.

The next stage of training is voice pitch correction. You can train, practice breathing, as if blowing out the flame of a candle.

Exercises to improve diction

There are many useful exercises that can improve diction and speech clarity in a short time. Here are some of them:

Exercise number 1. Articulation charge.
  • open your mouth wide and slowly move your jaw forward and then back;
  • stand straight and, holding your hands on your chest, lean forward, as you exhale, speak in a low voice drawling vowels "o", "u", "s";
  • with your mouth closed and open, straining the tip of your tongue, alternately rest it on your right and left cheeks;
  • in an open-mouthed smile, run your tongue over your lower and upper teeth, and without moving your jaw, count each one.
Exercise number 2. Tongue twisters for the development of diction.

How to improve diction quickly? For this, tongue twisters are perfect. They combine different sounds. Think of the lumberjacks who chopped down the oaks, or the four turtles with four turtles. To improve diction, you can say tongue twisters by putting nuts in your mouth (from the movie "Carnival"). 5 tongue twisters with various consonances are enough to get rid of speech defects.

Exercise number 3. Listening to your own voice from dictaphone recordings.

The sound of our voice is not at all what we think. You need to read any poem, recording it on a voice recorder. The resulting recording must be listened to. Try to correct the flaws heard next time. You need to record until you get the perfect effect.

Video - How to improve speech and diction

Regularity of repetition

For exercises to work out good diction, spend 10-15 minutes a day.

It is necessary to transgress to the next task only after the previous one has been sufficiently clearly worked out. Regular exercises will save you from the question of how to improve diction and make speech clear and intelligible.

Beautiful speech is an important factor for success in your career and personal life. Tongue twisters for speech development and diction training. Tips - how to work on tongue twisters.

“It is even rarer to hear a good tongue twister on stage, sustained in tempo, clear in rhythm, clear in diction, in pronunciation and in the transmission of thought. Our patter is not clear, but blurred, heavy, confused. This is not a tongue twister, but chattering, spitting or spilling words. A tongue twister must be developed through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. From the long and repeated repetition of the same words in a tongue twister, the speech apparatus is getting better so that it learns to do the same work at the fastest pace. This requires constant practice, and you need to do it, as stage speech cannot do without tongue twisters. K.S. Stanislavsky.

The development of the speaker's speech technique, the clear pronunciation of words and phrases, and the speaker's diction are helped by Russian folk tongue twisters. It is important for the announcer to learn to pronounce the tongue twister clearly, quickly, with different intonations (intonation of surprise, reflection, admiration, etc.), to pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper, but with clear articulation of consonants with a strong exhalation on vowels and with open ligaments. That is, the vowels must be pronounced as if into a mouthpiece, and all sounds in the tongue twister should be articulated, and not pronounced with an anguished sound that only injures the throat. In a tongue twister, the announcer needs to overcome all difficult sound combinations. It is important to pronounce a complex word syllable by syllable, albeit at a slow pace, but pronounce it without any difficulties, misfires, reservations. Speak each tongue twister at first silently, but articulating, then switch to a whisper and only then out loud, first at a slow pace, and then at a fast pace, but remember the clarity of pronunciation.

There is a law of "stage" tongue twister (i.e., a fast pace of speech when the speaker speaks): the faster the speech, the clearer the diction, the brighter the intonation pattern should sound. Because the listener must have time to understand everything, hear everything that the speaker tells him, and see the pictures that the speaker conveys by speech. Those. the faster, the more accurate! Pay special attention to the stresses in difficult words. Try to feel perspective in everything: in a phrase, in a word, in a thought, understanding and remembering that there is a tempo for pronouncing a syllable in a word, a word in a phrase, a phrase in a period of thought.

How to learn to speak beautifully? - Work on tongue twisters for speech development!

We train diction

1. (B, p) - Beavers wander into the cheeses of the forests. Beavers are brave, but kind to beavers.

2. (B, r) - All beavers are kind to their beavers.

3. (B, e) - Good beavers go to the forests, and wood cutters cut down oaks.

4. (B) - White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it was not even white.

5. (B, c) - White-oak tables, smooth-planed-hewn.

6. (B, p) - The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.

7. (B) - Okul shod a woman, and Okula shod a woman.

8. (V, l) - Vavila sailed wet and wet.

9. (V, p) - The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

10. (B, l, e) - It is not clear whether the shares are liquid or not liquid.

11. (V, u, w) - Barbara, who was feeling emotional, felt the unfeeling Vavila.

Patter for the development of diction

12. (V, s) - The flute whistles with a flute.

13. (V, t, r) - Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

14. (V, r, h) - The nervous Babylonian Barbara, became nervous in Babylon, the nervous Babylonian Babylon of Babylon.

15. (B, p) - An otter strove to snatch a fish from an otter.

16. (G, c, l) - Our head over your head with your head, over head.

17. (D, b, l) - The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, hollowed out, hollowed out, but did not gouge and did not gouge.

18. (D, l, d, h)

19. (D, r) - Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters talked about the Stall, about Varka, about Larina's wife.

20. (F, c) - The reins from the skin are entered into the collar.

21. (F)

22. (F) - The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, buzzes and spins. I tell her, don't buzz, don't spin, and you'd better go to bed. You will wake up all the neighbors if you buzz under your ear.

23. (J, r, c) - Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
Settled in Yaroslavl.
In Yaroslavl they live nicely
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

24. (K, b) - In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

25. (K, c) - You can’t over-speak all tongue twisters.

26. (K, p) - They drove a stake into the palisade, nailed it.

27. (K, t, r) - Kondrat's jacket is a bit short.

28. (K, n, l) Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neo-colonialism!

29. (K, p, r) - From under Kostroma, from under Kostromishchi, four peasants were walking. They talked about auctions, but about purchases, about cereals, and about sub-grains.

30. (K, s, s) - An oblique goat is walking with a goat.

31. (K, l) - Klim pounded in one pancake wedge.

32. (K, r, g) - The crab made a rake to the crab, gave the rake to the crab - rob gravel with a rake, crab.

33. (K, sh, p, n) - The cuckoo bought a hood for a cuckoo, put on a hood for a cuckoo, the cuckoo is funny in a hood.

34. (K, r, l) - Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

35. (K, r, c, l) - The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.

36. (K,r,m,n) - The elector compromised the landsknecht.

37. (K, p) - The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry.

38. (K, s, c) - Coconut cooks cook coconut juice in quick cookers.

39. (K, p) - Buy a pile of spades. Buy a kipu pik. Buy a kipu peak.

40. (K, s) - Mow, spit, until the dew, down with the dew - and we are home.

41. (K, l, b) - Our Polkan from Baikal lakal. Lakal Polkan, lakal, but not shallow Baikal.

42. (K, l, c) - There is no ring near the well.

43. (K, t, n) - The nervous constitutionalist Konstantin was found acclimatized in the constitutional city of Constantinople and with calm dignity inventing improved pneumo-bag-beaters.

Patter for diction

44. (K, l, p, c) - A cap is sewn, not in a Kolpakov style, a bell is poured, not in a bell style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. It is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell.

45. (K, r, l) - The crystal crystallized, crystallized but did not crystallize.

46. ​​(L, h) - The fox runs along the sixth: lick, fox sand!

47. (L, k) - Klavka was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.

48. (L) - We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce. They were barely eaten at the spruce.

Russian folk tongue twisters

49. (L, n) - On the river shallows, we came across burbot.

50. (L, m, n) - On the shallows we lazily caught burbot, You exchanged burbot for tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary.

51. (L) Did you water the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered Lily, saw Lydia.

52. (L, b) - Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, but did not blurt out.

53. (L, k) - Klim threw a bow into Luka.

54. (M, l) - Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

55. (P, r, m) - Your sexton will not re-offer our sexton: our sexton will re-offer your sexton, re-offer.

56. (P, x) - Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

57. (P, k, r) - In the pond at Polycarp - three crucians, three carps.

58. (P, t, r) - Shot for quails and black grouse.

59. (P, k) - Our Polkan fell into a trap.

60. (P, t) - From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

61. (P, x) - Osip hoarse, Arkhip osip.

62. (P, p) - The quail hid the quail from the guys.

63. (P, d) - The parrot said to the parrot, I'll parrot the parrot, the parrot answers him - Parrot, parrot, parrot!

64. (P, k, u) - The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the lieutenant, but was silent about the lieutenant.

65. (P) - Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Perov, caught a pigalitsa bird; carried it around the market, asked for a fifty, gave a nickel, and he sold it like that.

66. (P) - Once a jackdaw scaring a priest, he noticed a parrot in the bushes, and the parrot says here: “You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare. But only jackdaws, pop, scaring, don't you dare scare a parrot!

67. (P) - I went to weed the fields in the field.

68. (P, r, k) - Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. As dill boils under Prokop, so dill boils without Prokop.

69. (P, r, h, k) - They talked about Prokopovich. About what about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about yours.

70. (P, k, r, t) - The protocol about the protocol was recorded by the protocol.

71. (P, p) - A quail and a quail have five quails.

72. (P, r, c) - Employees privatized the enterprise, privatized but not privatized.

73. (P, k) - Tell us about the purchases! — What kind of purchases? - About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.

Folk tongue twisters

74. (P) - There is a shock with a little feather, and under the shock there is a quail with a quail.

75. (P, k) - There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.

76. (P, r, t) - Turner Rappoport drank the pass, rasp and caliper.

77. (P) - In our backyard, the weather got wet.

78. (P, r, l)

79. (P, t) - Ipat went to buy shovels.
Ipat bought five shovels.
Walked across the pond - clung to the rod.

Ipat fell - five shovels were gone.

80. (P, p) - Perpendiculars are drawn without protractors.

81. (P, r, t) - Changed Praskovya crucian
For three pairs of striped piglets.
Pigs ran through the dew
Piglets caught a cold, but not all.

82. (P, p, t, k) - Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack. Now Pankrat can't lift a tractor on the tract without a jack.

83. (R, d) - With a bang, the inauguration of the guru passed.

84. (P, t, c) - The interviewer of the interviewer interviewed the interviewer, interviewed, but did not interview.

85. (R, l) - An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle. Mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

86. (R, m, n) - Roman Karmen put a novel by Romain Rolland in his pocket and went to "Romen" to "Carmen".

Patter for speech development

87. (R, c) - There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard!

88. (R, k) - A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek - there is cancer in the river. He put the hand of the Greek into the river, the crayfish by the hand of the Greek - tsap!

89. (R, p) - I reported, but I didn’t report, I reported, but I reported.

90. (R, l) For that, Khavronya was given a snout, so that she would dig.

91. (P) - On Mount Ararat, a cow collected peas with her horns.

92. (R, l, d) - The Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.

93. (R, m, t) - Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

94. (S, n) - Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.

95. (S, m, n) - In seven sledges, seven Semyonov with a mustache sat in the sleigh themselves.

96. (S, k, v, r) - The tongue twister spoke quickly, saying that you can’t speak all tongue twisters, you won’t speak quickly, but when you spoke quickly, he said quickly - that you will speak all tongue twisters, you will speak quickly. And tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan.

97. (S, k, p, r) - Just as you can’t re-speak all tongue twisters, don’t re-speak all quick proverbs, you can’t re-speak all quick proverbs, you can’t re-speak all quick proverbs, and only all fast sayings can be re-speak, re-speak quickly!

98. (S, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

99. (C) - A wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache.

100. (S, m, n)

101. (S, k, p)

102. (S, n, k) - Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

103. (S, r, t) - The longboat has arrived at the port of Madras.
The sailor brought a mattress on board.
In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress
Albatrosses broke up in a fight.

104. (T, r, s)

105. (T) - Stands, stands at the gate.

106. (T, k) - The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.

107. (T, k)

108. (T, t) - Fedka eats radish with vodka, Fedka eats vodka with radish.

109. (T, p) Torushke crust for the future.

110. (T) - Don't go so-and-so, don't ask for such-and-such - here's something for you.

111. (T, k) - The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Don't smoke a Turk's pipe, don't peck the cock's grits.

112. (F,ch,n) - Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

113. (F) - Fofanov's sweatshirt Fefele fit.

114. (F,d,b,r) - The defibrillator defibrillated defibrillated but did not defibrillate.

115. (F, r) - Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.

116. (F, l, v) - I was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr, I'll go to Lavr, Lavr to Frol Navra.

117. (X, t) - Crested laughter laughed with laughter: Xa! Xa! Ha!

118. (X, h, p) - There was a commotion in the garden -
The thistle blossomed there.
So that your garden does not decay,
Weed thistles.

119. (X, u) - Khrushchi grab horsetails.
A handful of khina is enough for cabbage soup.

120. (C, p)

121. (C, x) - The heron withered, the heron dried up, the heron died.

122. (Ts, r) - Well done ate thirty-three pies with a pie, all with cottage cheese.

123. (C)

124. (Ts, k, p, d, r) - Once upon a time there were three Chinese
Yak, Yak-Tsi-Drak and Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women
Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa and Tsypa-Dripa-Limpomponi.

Here they are married:
Yak on Tsyp Yak-Tsi-Drak on Tsyp-drip
Yak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Drak-Tsi-Droni on Tsype-Dripe-Limpomponi.

And they had children:
Yak and Chick have Shah,
Yak-Tsy-fight with Tsypa-dripa - Shah-Shahmoni,
At Yak-Chi-Drak-Chi-Drak-Chi-Droni
With Chick-Dripa-Limpomponi -

125. (H, t) - A quarter of a quarter of a pea, without a wormhole.

126. (Ch, sh, w) - Scales at the pike, bristle at the pig.

127. (H) - Our daughter is well-spoken, her speech is clear.

128. (H) - Turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

129. (Ch,r) - Four black, grimy imps drew a drawing in black ink extremely cleanly.

130. (Ch, p) - Four turtles have four turtles.

131. (H) - Bullish custom, calf mind.

132. (H, w) - Three birds fly through three empty huts.

133. (Sh,s) - Sasha walked along the highway, carried the dryer on a pole and sucked the dryer.

134. (Sh) - Even your neck, even your ears, you stained in black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. Dry off after shower. Dry neck, dry ears, and do not dirty your ears anymore.

135. (Ш)

136. (W, W) - A yellow dervish from Algeria rustles silks in a hut and, juggling with knives, eats a fig.

137. (W) - Shishiga was walking along the highway, his pants were rustling. The step will step, whisper: “Mistake”. Ears wiggle.

138. (Sh) - Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

139. (SH) - Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are.

140. (W, m) - Jasper in suede suede.

141. (SH) - Forty mice walked, carried sixteen pennies, two mice of a smaller size carried two pennies each.

142. (Sh, k) - Two puppies cheek to cheek pinch the cheek in the corner.

143. (Sh, p) - Staffordshire terrier zealous, and black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky.

144. (Sh,s) - Sasha has whey from yogurt in his porridge.

145. (Sh, k) - Sasha has cones and checkers in his pocket.

146. (Sh, k, v, r)

147. (W, W) - The piston is not a hornet:
does not buzz, quietly glides.

148. (Sh, r, k) - Earrings have disappeared from the baby doll.
Earrings Seryozhka found on the path.

149. (Sh, s, k) - Sunflowers look at the sun,
And the sun - on sunflowers.

But the sun has a lot of sunflowers,
And the sun is one sunflower.

Under the sun, the sunflower laughed sunnyly while it ripened.
Ripened, dried up, pecked.

150. (Sh, p) - The balls of a ball bearing rummage around the bearing.

151. (Sh, s) - Sasha quickly dries the dryers.
Sushek dried six pieces.
And funny old women hurry
Sushek Sasha to eat.

152. (Sh, p, k) - Yerema and Foma have sashes - wide across the back,
The caps are recapped, new,
Yes, the shlyk is well sewn, covered with embroidered velvet.

153. (Sh, p) - Shushera shusher rustled,
That the rustle of the rustling interfered with the rustling.

154. (Sh) - Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

155. (Sh, k) - Troshkina mongrel
Bitten Pasha.
Beats Pashka with a hat
Troshkin's mongrel.

156. (W, k, h) - Under the mountain near the pine edge
Once upon a time there lived four old women,
All four big talkers.
All day on the threshold of the hut
Chattered like turkeys.
The cuckoos fell silent on the pines,
Frogs crawled out of the puddle
Poplars tilted their tops -
Hear the old ladies talking.

157. (Sh, k, n) - Pashkin's mongrel bit Pavka on the leg, Pavka beats Pavka's mongrel with a hat.

158. (Sch, t) - The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

159. (Sch, t) - I'm dragging, I'm dragging ... I'm afraid I won't drag it,
But I definitely won't.

160. (Sch, w, c) - In a puddle, in the middle of a grove
Toads have their own living space.
Another tenant lives here -
Water beetle.

161. (W, w, h)

162. (Sch,h) - Puppies were brushed on their cheeks.

163. (U, h) - I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my trousers with this
All these brushes are needed.

164. (Sch, t) - Wolves are looking for food.
