Application based on the work of S. Marshak “Who will find the ring? Crafts from ear sticks Crafts from natural material based on the work of marshak

The stories of popular Soviet and foreign children's writers: Bianki Vitaly, Nikolai Nosov, V. Dragunsky, Arkady Gaidar, Grigory Oster, Agnia Barto, Sergei Mikhalkov, Astrid Lindgren and many others are presented in mp3 format and also in text format.

The section "" contains poems for both the smallest (Agniya Barto, Sergey Mikhalkov, Eduard Uspensky, Korney Chukovsky, Marshak Samuil), and poems included in the school curriculum (Boris Zakhoder, N.A. Nekrasov, Fet A.A., I.A. Bunin) Poems can be downloaded, printed or just read on the site. And finally, most of the poems are presented in audio recordings and you can listen to children's poems online.

Fairy tales

Audio tales for children.

We present you a large selection of fairy tales for Russian children: K.I. Chukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, Marshak and foreign authors: Andersen G.Kh., Brothers Grimm, Charles Perot and others as well as old Russian folk tales. Fairy tales for children on our site you can read and listen online, as well as Fairy tales free download and without registration in mp3 format.


The site contains simple crafts for children. Examples of crafts made from natural materials, plasticine, paper are shown. For DIY crafts for children You can use a variety of materials: cones, nuts, eggshells, salt dough, shells and more. We mainly have simple crafts to develop the basic skills for making crafts.

children's music

Welcome to the section: Children's music. The section presents a large number of children's songs: songs from cartoons and children's films. Classic melodies in processing for the best children's perception. Lullabies and melodies. children's music download, You can also listen online for free and without registration.

Coloring pages. Children's pictures for coloring.

Classical music by Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi

and other great composers for your kids.

Classical music for children from the collection Baby Einstein Music:

classical music for holidays and travel

in processing for the best children's perception.

All children's music is available for download and listening online.

63 students of grades 1-4 took part in the competition of drawings and crafts based on the work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. 18 letters written for the writing contest. They are addressed both to the poet himself and to the heroes of his works: Lenochka from the poem "Fire", the cat from "Cat's House", the little stupid mouse from the fairy tale of the same name, the scattered man from the poem "The Distracted Man", Blinov Nikolai from "Four Ends", Grishka Skvortsov from The Book of Books, the bear from the poem A Lesson of Politeness, the stepdaughter from the fairy tale play Twelve Months. In the Reading Room of the School Library, an exhibition of drawings and handicrafts “Tell the poems of S.Ya. Marshak hands "

Shadrin Daniil 3B S.Ya. Marshak “That's how absent-minded” Works of 3rd grade students Aryun Bairova 3G Letter to an absent-minded person ... I want to tell you that there is no word “respected car” and “station” cannot stop near the “tram” .... ... Thank you, you introduced us to the stations: Balogoye, Popovka, Dibuny, Yamskaya and the city of Leningrad. ... I wanted to ask you about your first name, patronymic and last name? How old are you? Where do you live? …My wishes to you: Don't be distracted! Be careful! Look at the signs! Do not get into the uncoupled car, because it will not go! Sincerely, Bairova Aryuna 3G class

Letters addressed to the heroes of the works of S.Ya. Marshak ... I really like to read books and one day I came across the poem "A Book about Books" by S. Ya. Marshak. I, after reading the work, was upset by such a cruel treatment of books ... ... I understand. That this story is made up. Books cannot escape their owner. What I really wish I could sometimes... ...I liked it. That your son is an intelligent pioneer and appreciates books. I want him to never repeat your mistakes. Viktorova Ekaterina 4D class ... From the poem, I learned that you live with your mother, and my large and friendly family consists of 5 people. Our oldest grandmother is Tonya. She is 77 years old, we all love her very much and listen to her wise advice ... ... Lena, you are younger than me. Therefore, I decided to give you some friendly advice ... You did not listen to your mother and a big disaster happened - a fire. Try now to obey your mother and not play with fire! Badlueva Liza 4D class

Ten Andrey 4D class S.Ya. Marshak "Fire" ... I heard your sad story about how you treated your books ... After all, so many people worked so that these books reached the reader ... ... You, Grishka, acted so stupidly, but I'm glad that all your books were cured and found their place in a clean and comfortable library, among other books in good people whose profession is the most peaceful. This profession is a librarian... I wish you success, all the best and kind. With respect to you, a student of the 4D class of the Gymnasium 14, Ulan-Ude Donskoy Nikita

Budazhapov Marat 4D Letter to Blinov Nikolai from the poem “Four Ends” Khankharaev Ardan 4D Letter to the Bear from the poem “A Lesson of Politeness” Dear Bear! ... So here is my advice: without internal culture, respect for people, manners will not save you from rudeness and impoliteness …. Khankharaev Ardan 4D Please write me an answer. Hello mouse! I feel sorry for your mother, who was exhausted while looking for a babysitter for you. You need to feel sorry for your mom. No one better than your mother will tell you a fairy tale. You can't be so capricious and naughty. Your whims can lead to trouble. You are still small and stupid, you don’t know and don’t understand much. Know that the cat is smart and cunning. It is very dangerous for small mice. Don't be naughty anymore and listen to your mom! Your friend, Nadia Banzaraktsaeva - 3B

After reading the poem, I came to the conclusion that one should always obey one's parents, do as they say. They always warn us about the dangers that can happen. Lena, you can’t play with fire, because your mother asked you before leaving: “Don’t touch the stove, Lenochka. It burns, Lenochka, fire! And you did not listen to her!.. And yet, by not listening to your mother, you endangered your life and the life of your cat! And if it weren’t for the brave fireman Kuzma, who carried you out of the burning house in his arms, then everything could have been worse! ! Vampilova Zhenya 4D class Hello, dear aunt cat! You did wrong. When you lived richly, met rich friends, you did not let your orphan nephews on the threshold. They asked you to stay for the night, at least to lie down on the floor and cover themselves with matting. And when your house burned down, you asked to spend the night with your friends, but no one let you in. You were sheltered only by kittens who know cold and hunger. Now you understand that you need to stick to your loved ones. They will help in trouble, unlike rich friends. Goodbye. Sincerely, Anton Korchagin 3D.

Karaseva Natalia Borisovna
Job title: teacher of the first qualification category
Educational institution: MKDOU d \ s No. 25, combined type "Snow Maiden"
Locality: city ​​Novosibirsk
Material name: Project
Subject: The project "Tale with your own hands" within the framework of the week "Poems and fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak"
Publication date: 11.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

“A fairy tale with your own hands” within the framework of the week “Poems and fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak"
Project duration:
Objective of the project:
To acquaint the children of the second younger group with the work of the Soviet children's poet S. Ya. Marshak
Project objectives:
- Introduce children to the biography of S. Ya. Marshak; - Introduce children to the main works of S. Ya. Marshak: “The Tale of the Silly Mouse” “The Tale of the Smart Mouse” “Where did the sparrow dine?” "Children in a cage" "Cat's House" - To form in children a steady interest in reading and books. - Enrich children's knowledge about the world around them: social facilities, the natural world, the world of creativity, professions and crafts, the objective world. - Develop the ability to act out simple performances based on familiar literary works; use well-known expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gesture) to embody the image; - To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, to feel and understand the figurative language of fairy tales, poems; - To educate in children the ability to empathize with the heroes of the works. To promote the upbringing of good feelings in children, the ability to be surprised at the beauty of their native nature; - To develop cognitive and mental abilities, speech of children. - Involve parents in family reading literature.
Project participants:
- children of the second junior group No. 5 - parents of pupils - educators: Bayanova O.G. Karaseva N.B.
Project type:

Project relevance:
Modern parents pay little attention to the work of Soviet children's poets and writers, because they consider their works outdated and uninteresting for children of the 21st century. On October 22, a wonderful children's writer S.Ya. Marshak. We decided to develop a short-term project based on the work of this writer "A fairy tale with our own hands". The role of fairy tales in the education of preschool children is very great. In fairy tales, images of native nature, people with their characters and moral traits appear before the mental gaze of the child. Images of fairy tales - both positive and negative - firmly entering the lives of children, reveal to them in an accessible form the concepts of good and evil, bring up good feelings. Fairy tales introduce children into a circle of extraordinary events, transformations that occur with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach a good attitude towards people, show high feelings and aspirations. Project activity is combined with the game, which is also important for the implementation of pedagogical work with preschoolers, and is a collective product and creativity for each child. A huge part of the works of S. Ya. Marshak is dedicated specifically to children. Marshak's poems and jokes are widely used in preschool pedagogy as examples of the correct behavior of a child, as well as ridiculing ignorance. Children in their speech begin to use Marshak's lines. Often the poet's humor helps the child and the educator to get out of a difficult situation, laugh at themselves, and think. In addition, children get to know the author better, remember and recognize several works.
Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage
 Choice of the topic of the project;  setting goals and objectives;  selection of methodological literature,  selection of visual material, fiction, musical accompaniment , props.
main stage
 the teacher's story about the work of S.Ya. Marshak,  conducting classes in reading fiction based on the works of Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse".
 designing a book corner,  showing the table theater "The Tale of the Silly Mouse",  distribution of roles in the play "Cat's House", discussion of the script, staging,  re-reading fairy tales at home,  making crafts based on the fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak,  drawing favorite characters,  designing a collective wall-newspaper based on the fairy tales of S. Ya.
Work plan:
Date Content of the work Participants January 11  Acquaintance with S.Ya. Marshak Purpose: to acquaint children with the biography of the author, to tell about his creative path. Educators and children January 11  Design of a book corner  Variety with a fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak. Purpose: to acquaint children with the fairy tales and S.Ya. d y about works: - conversation about Educators and children
the need to comply with fire safety "Koshkin Dom" Purpose: to form the skills of safe behavior in an emergency, in the event of a fire. - a conversation about the rules of conduct with strangers "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge n and I children about the rules of safe behavior. January 13  Design of the collective walls of the newspaper based on the fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak Educators and children January 13  Consultation for parents “The works of S.Ya. to form an interest in theatrical games. Educators and children During the week  Making crafts based on the fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak Educators, parents and children
Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to involve parents in helping.  Modeling lesson  Drawing lesson January 12  Distribution of roles, dramatization of the fairy tale "Cat's House" Aim to develop the artistic abilities of children Educators and children January 15  Decoration exhibitions of crafts for the fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak Educators January 15  Showing the fairy tale "Cat's House" Purpose: to sum up the results with children and parents on the project, to show the achievement of children , increase the interest of parents in the work of the children's kindergarten, contribute to the creation of conditions for active participation I am parents in the life of the children's garden in the future, to develop the artistic abilities of children. Educators, children and parents

During the project, the children got acquainted with a brief biography of the Soviet children's poet S. Ya. Marshak, got acquainted with the main works of the poet. This project made it possible to increase children's interest in works of children's fiction, as well as to form the following skills: the ability to listen, understand, emotionally respond to a work of art, convey the character of the characters through facial expressions, gestures and movements. Thanks to the poems “Children in a Cage”, children learned new animals, learned poems. The relevance of the project, put forward earlier by us, was confirmed, the organization of work on acquaintance with the work of the writer contributes to the development in children of the desire and desire to learn the work of other poets and writers, the formation of a holistic picture of the world, the development of literary speech, the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.
Prospects for further work:
- fostering love for the works of the classics of Soviet, modern literature - introducing children to other Soviet and modern children's poets and writers - strengthening child-parent relationships
1. Ushakova O.S., Gavrish N.V. Acquaintance of preschoolers with literature: notes of classes. - M: TC Sphere, 2007. 2. Karpukhina N. A. Abstracts of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten. The development of speech and acquaintance with fiction. A practical guide for speech and acquaintance with fiction. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: ChP Lakotsenin S.S., 2004. 3. Bondarenko T.M. Complex classes in the second junior group of kindergarten. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: PE Lakotsenin S.S., 2009. 4. Skorolupova O.A. Thematic planning of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. - M: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2008. 5. Psychological games and exercises for children of preschool and primary school age. The development of sociability. Overcoming shyness. Removal of aggression / I.A. Ermakova. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

Project budget:
Name Total Available Required Laptop 9000 9000 - Printer(MFP) 5500 5500 Total 20,000 18,600 1,400

Book corner decoration

Acquaintance with the work of the writer

Reading fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak

Decoration of the walls of the newspaper based on the fairy tales of S.Ya. Marshak

A little about the fairy tales of Sergei Mikhalkov. Educational activities and crafts based on the fairy tales of S. Mikhalkov.

About the fairy tales of Sergei Mikhalkov

Many people in our country grew up on the works of Sergei Mikhalkov.

"Who does not know Uncle Styopa? Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone" just as everyone knows from childhood "The Song of Friends", "My Puppy", "What do you have", etc.

Sergei Vladimirovich wrote poems, fables, plays and other dramatic works, scripts for films and cartoons, translated children's poems by Julian Tuvim (from Polish) and Asen Bosev (from Bulgarian), as well as poems by poets from the republics of the former USSR. He wrote the texts of three hymns of the USSR and Russia: 1943, 1977 and 2001. Moreover, all of them were approved on a competitive basis.

Mikhalkov received the greatest fame precisely because of the works for children. They are included in the programs of preschool and school education, in books for reading, translated into many languages.

The most famous fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov - "The Three Little Pigs" - is about the brothers Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and the wolf. This tale is written on the basis of English folklore.

However, in the original version of the English folk tale, the wolf ate two lazy, frivolous pigs, and by cunning tried to lure the third pig out of the house, but he did not succumb to the tricks of the wolf, but outwitted him himself. He opened the lid of a cauldron of boiling water when the wolf tried to crawl through the pipe to him, and then boiled and ate it.

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  • Creative project "Magic world of fairy tales"

Rimma Brynza
Application based on the work of S. Marshak "Who will find the ring?"

Application based on the work C. Marshak"Who will find a ring

Purpose z and n I t and I.

Continue to teach children to cut round shapes from a rectangle, make animal figures from separate parts, make figures for a dramatization game. To develop the imagination of children in inventing additional content for the game. Continue to develop interest among preschoolers in the illustrations of the artist V. Lebedev. Pay attention to the design features of the book cover, to the construction of the picture for "Elephant" Kipling, on the artist's ability to convey the features of the beast.

Material. Multimedia equipment for demonstrating a presentation on a topic. Colored paper (rectangles and additional details - in envelopes, which depict figures of familiar animals, scissors, glue, rags.

Preliminary work. Dramatization games based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak"Who will find a ring. Using an animal cap, tabletop theater (finger, box, planar, flannelgraph). The game is played repeatedly until the children memorize the text and begin to fantasize, inventing events with the presence of other characters. Conducting the game applications"Make a figurine".

Course progress.

The teacher invites children to play a fairy tale game "Who will find a ring. Draws attention to the fact that today there will be no puppet theater and the children must make the heroes of the fairy tale themselves, using book illustrations. asks children: “Who drew illustrations for the fairy tale "Who" will find a ring How did you know this?

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that V. Lebedev, illustrating books, already on the cover introduces the reader to the characters works. At the same time, they do not just sit or stand, they act.

The teacher explains that the children themselves can choose any envelope with colored paper on the table. In each envelope "hidden" riddle to be given answer: "Which hero is hiding here?" Need to make a picture applique so for the hero to live, act, be busy with something. Further, he proposes to consider 1-2 illustrations for Kipling's book "Baby elephant", draws the attention of children to the simplification of the forms used by the artist when depicting animals, to their similarity with an oval, a circle.

Then the teacher invites the children to cut out oval and rounded shapes and make familiar figures out of them, complementing them with the details that are in the envelope. It reminds the rule that when cutting rounded shapes from rectangular ones, the cut off corners should fall off. Then the animal figures are glued onto a sheet of paper.

The game is played as follows. The teacher selects 3-5 characters. Children go out with their "heroes". The teacher starts game: Rolled, rolled Olino ringlet, Rolled, rolled from our porch. Who will get off the porch? Who will find a ring? The children answer in turn in the voice of their character, using the words of the text and explaining what his character is doing so urgently that he cannot help Olya. caregiver speaks: Do not look for rings, bear (fox, etc., Do not try to roar like that. Our Olenka is small, but she went to look for herself. At the end of the dramatization game, the teacher should praise those who could most accurately applications portray your character and expressively read the text. Clarify which artist suggested with his illustrations for "Elephant" that you can make animals from simple details.

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