What path did Katerina choose in the play Thunderstorm. Composition on the topic: Did Katerina have a different path? in the play Storm, Ostrovsky

Katerina is the central image in the play "Thunderstorm". The fate of this heroine is tragic. And therefore the essay “Was there a different way for Katerina?” is one of the most widespread written works on What was the conflict of this heroine with other characters of the play?

Childhood and adolescence

In order to understand what Katerina's conflict with the so-called dark kingdom was, one should know her general ideas about life. To demonstrate the peculiarities of her character, Ostrovsky provided some information about her childhood and adolescence. The composition “Was there another way for Katerina?” should, of course, begin with the characteristics of this heroine. And you can understand a person, having an idea about his upbringing and the society in which he spent his early years.

In some episodes, Katerina recalls her father's house. The main feature of her childhood was complete freedom. It cannot be called permissiveness. Rather, such freedom was due to love and care from parents. The atmosphere in which Katerina spent the first years of her life is an example of a patriarchal lifestyle, in the best sense of this phrase. In the essay “Was there another way for Katerina?” you can add some quotes from the memories of the main character. So, for example, Katerina recalls that in her parents' house she liked to get up early, then washed herself with water from a spring and went to church with her mother on Sundays. In the way of life that the girl led in her parents' house, there is no significant difference from the one she leads in her husband's house. The joy with which she indulges in memories speaks rather of her loneliness.

In the world in which the heroine lived before marriage, there was no coercion and violence. And therefore, it was precisely the idyllic picture of such a patriarchal life that became her. In the house of the Kabanovs, everything is different. Psychological tyranny reigns here. The mother-in-law puts depressing pressure on Katerina. And the young woman has no strength to resist him.

Mir Kabanikhi

Katerina got married when she was very young. Her future husband was chosen by her parents. She did not resist, because in the patriarchal world it was the way it was. Katerina is ready to honor her mother-in-law. The husband in her understanding is a mentor and support. But Tikhon is not able to become the head of the family. This role is played by his mother. The composition “Was there another way for Katerina?” you can start with It is this image that creates the opposite of the main thing. And it is the mother-in-law, with her outdated and overly domineering views, that has a detrimental effect on Katerina.


No matter how much Katerina strives to love and respect her husband, she does not succeed. He only evokes pity in her soul. When the heroine meets a visiting young man, her heart opens to a feeling that was previously unknown to her. Could she have done otherwise? Was there another way for Katerina? The essay based on Ostrovsky's play is intended to provide answers to these questions.

The characteristic of Boris in writing a written work on the topic that this article is devoted to does not play an important role. The image of the husband is essential. Tikhon is a spineless, soft-bodied man. Even after the tragedy, which became the climax of the play, happened, he is afraid to contradict his mother. Tikhon loves his young wife. But this feeling turns out to be much weaker than the fear of the Boar. However, many in a small provincial town tremble before this lady.


At the beginning of the play, reminiscing about her childhood, Katerina talks with joy and warmth about visiting church. It should be said that piety is its characteristic feature. It was the realization of the perfect sin that led her to fear and feelings of hopelessness. But at the same time, faith in God did not deter her from the act, which, according to Christian concepts, is the most terrible.

“Was there another way for Katerina?” - an essay in which it is imperative to include a description of the world of Kabanikhi. Since Katerina crossed the threshold of her house, the harmony in her soul began to collapse. As a result, it became increasingly difficult for her to go about her daily activities and attend church.

Deception and hypocrisy

Was there another way for Katerina? The composition "Thunderstorm" is a tragic story of a girl who could not adapt to the customs and way of life that dominated her husband's house. By nature, this young woman does not know how to lie. She is not capable of living in deceit and hypocrisy. But it is impossible to exist in the house of Kabanikhi in a different way. She endures with the last of her strength, finds salvation in dreams and dreams. But the vulgar and rough reality brings her back to earth again. And there is humiliation and suffering.

Sin and confession

Katherine is making a mistake. She falls in love with Boris and cheats on her husband. The composition “Did Katerina have a different path from the play“ Storm ”” is a written work, the plan of which can look like this:

  • Image of Katherine.
  • Characteristics of Kabanikhi.
  • Contrasting Boris Tikhon.
  • An inevitable tragedy.

After it becomes clear what Kabanikha is and what the situation reigns in her house, the feelings of the main character become clear. A girl who grew up in love and affection could never get along in this house. She is not accustomed to cruelty and hypocrisy and feels not only unhappy, but also extremely lonely in the world of the Boar. Boris is a man who impressed her only because he did not look like a single representative of the "dark kingdom". If there had been even a faint hope of happiness in Katerina's life, she would not have committed treason.

The composition "Was there a different way for Katerina?" (Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm") - a task that requires independent reflection. Can an honest person get used to a world of lies? Is he able to hide his wrongdoings and move on after committing a sin? In the case of the heroine of Ostrovsky's play, the answer is clear. Katerina had no other choice.

She was killed by the false world of Kabanikha, loneliness, lack of understanding and support from her husband. She would have been able to overcome all this if she had been more experienced. But the peculiarity of the patriarchal way of life is such that the girl, leaving her father's house, has no idea about life. Therefore, we can say that the tragedy of Katerina was inevitable.

Composition based on the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Drama A.N. Ostrovsky ends with the death of Katerina: in despair she rushes into the Volga. Death is always terrible, and the suicide of a young woman is doubly terrible. But did the heroine have another choice?

Russian critic N.A. Dobrolyubov called Katerina "a ray of light in the dark realm", and considered her suicide a protest, "a terrible challenge to the tyranny of power." Indeed, the heroine is not like other inhabitants of the "dark kingdom": she is sincere and honest, all hypocrisy is alien to her. Katerina publicly admits to cheating on her husband and, according to Kabanikh, should be punished. There is no doubt that, having returned home, Tikhon's wife would have received "what she deserves." However, the heroine prefers a different path, protesting against the "dark kingdom" in her own way.

DI. Pisarev, another critic, assessed the image of Katerina differently. In the article "Motives of Russian Drama", he wrote that the life of Ostrovsky's heroine consists of contradictions that are resolved by a "stupid means" - suicide.

The point of view of D.I. is closer to me. Pisarev. Existence in the mother-in-law's house became unbearable for Katerina. As a result, the woman began something like a nervous breakdown. This is evidenced even by her speech, full of exclamations and pauses: “It’s all the same that death will come, that it’s on its own ... but you can’t live!”

At the end of the drama, Katerina is in a semi-mad state: life has lost all meaning for her. Boris leaves, leaving the woman to fend for herself. At home, an unloved husband and a cruel mother-in-law are waiting. “Go home? No, it doesn’t matter to me whether it’s home or in the grave, ”the heroine admits in her last monologue, shortly before committing a terrible sin - suicide.

So did Katerina have another way out? I believe that the heroine could not do otherwise: her life became too meaningless and unbearable. Death was the only way out of pain.

Valery Kalinovsky

The action of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" takes place in the nineteenth century, in a small provincial town where patriarchal orders reign. Katerina, the main character of the play, lives in the wealthy house of the Kabanovs with her husband Tikhon and her mother-in-law, nicknamed Kabanikha for her absurd character and tyranny. In his work, Ostrovsky shows the conflict between the "dark kingdom", which personifies the way in the Kabanovs' house, and Katerina, who would like to build her family on the principles of mutual love and respect. Katerina, living in the Kabanov family, is forced to endure the oppression of the tyranny of the Kabanikh. The situation in the family requires her to lie and deceive. “It’s impossible without this, you remember where you live; our whole house rests on this,” says her husband’s sister Varvara. Everything that surrounds Katerina rebels against her natural aspirations and desires. In a conversation with Varvara, she simply and at the same time very accurately conveys her attitude to the current situation in five words. "Yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity!" She is torn from this captivity to a free life, even if she has to die in this impulse. She does not consider life the existence that she leads in the Kabanov family. Katerina wants to live, not exist, she wants to live freely without any pressure on her. Her husband Tikhon cannot help her in her quest to live freely. He, like Katerina, suffers a lot from the old Kabanikh. He is simple-minded and not at all evil, but extremely weak-willed. He is not able to protect his wife from the attacks of his own mother. Katerina, realizing this, feels pity for him. This feeling in her is much stronger than her love for Tikhon. In her desire to escape from the dark kingdom, she is looking for a person who would understand her and share her views. It turns out to be the nephew of a wealthy landowner Boris. This is a well-educated person who arrived from the capital, he does not accept the customs prevailing in the city, and understands Katerina well. In addition, he is financially dependent on his uncle, just like a young woman from her husband and mother-in-law. She fell in love with him more out of desperation than for his spiritual qualities. Katerina cannot decide, cannot find a way out of the current situation.
But there is always a way out of any situation and not one. One of the possible options is to leave everything as it is and continue to endure and try to come to terms in the hope that something will change in the future. If it were possible to change the people around her ... But this will not happen. Kabanova cannot leave what she was brought up with, and her spineless son cannot suddenly, for no apparent reason, acquire firmness and independence.
Another way seems less impossible. Katerina could have fled with Boris from the arbitrariness and oppression of her family. Secretly meeting with Boris, she asks him: "Take me with you from here." But this is also impossible, because Boris is Diky's nephew and financially dependent on him. In addition, Dikoy and Kabanov agreed to send him to Klyakhta, and, of course, they would not let him take Katerina with him. In essence, Boris is the same Tikhon, only "educated". Education took away from him the strength to do dirty tricks, but it did not give him the strength to resist them.
She also could not simply leave the Kabanovs' house and return to her parents or settle somewhere with relatives, since in those days women had a different position in society than now. This was not allowed by moral standards. According to the social norms of that time, the wife had to obey her husband and, as a rule, she was financially dependent on him.
In the end of "Thunderstorm" a terrible challenge is given to self-foolish power. Ostrovsky, at the end of his tragedy, shows the reader the impossibility of existence in an environment where tyranny reigns with its violent and deadly principles. His Katerina chooses the only worthy way out of that terrible situation. She carried her protest to the end. Rushing into the abyss, she gained freedom, showed everyone that life in the "dark kingdom" is much worse than death. Although, from the point of view of Christian morality, Katerina did wrong (after all, the church condemns suicides), I believe that this was the only way out for her, since patience would destroy her personality, teach her to lie and dodge, kill everything good and positive in her .

Katerina Kabanova - the heroine of the drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
A wonderful woman, married to Tikhon, a weak and weak-willed person, unable to resist the iron will, despotism of her mother, Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, who constantly mocks Katerina., She lives "from the white world."
The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, the "dark kingdom".
In this city, people live who are not able to appreciate beauty, who demand complete submission, who are malicious, deceitful, vile, in their essence.
That is the majority.
Katerina is one of the few who can resist this.
She is a sensitive nature, alive, capable of loving, truly feeling.
With all her being, Katya strives to resist the "cruel morals" of the city.
She was happy in her parents' house and treated her mother with great trepidation and love "she did not look for a soul in her."
"Thunderstorm" is the highest achievement of Ostrovsky in the pre-reform years (1859)
The central conflict of the play, conceived as a social drama, gradually reaches true tragedy. This is due to the image of Katerina Kabanova.
Katerina is a pure, bright nature, she loves and feels life absolutely sincerely.
Books, candles, icons - the world that Katya loved. This is a person with high spirituality, spiritual purity.
It is in herself, and the rest of the world, vicious, by people living in darkness, complete darkness of their self-interest, baseness. She was too beautiful for them, for the world in which she was forced to exist.
Most of all, Katerina herself needed support, support, she is tender, fragile, like a flower, tender, defenseless, her vulnerable soul cannot stand rough treatment.
Previously, her mother was such a support.
Katya lived in her little world, where she was calm, warm, comfortable.
In care, affection and love.
In marriage, she loses everything. Her former world is destroyed, and the new one is too cruel, gloomy, gloomy for her.
There is nothing in it. From her husband's side, she receives nothing but a heightened sense of loneliness. Emptiness, cold, pain.
Katya is slowly dying. Her soul is withering.
The life of a “bird in a cage” disgusts her.
Fly away, run away, fly high into the heavens as a proud and free bird, not chained to the chains of foundations, traditions that are alien to any renewal.
She needs freedom like air, but there is nothing to breathe. The only salvation is in prayers, in turning to God.
I see how Katerina, praying, remembers that cheerful, carefree and happy time when you are young, you rejoice at every day, moment, second, breathe deeply and feel free from prejudice, suffering, pain, where you are understood and loved.
Katya lives in the past, but this makes her soul groan.
She wants to be happy with her husband, to love him, but she cannot.
Katya meekly tries to come to terms with "boar's mores", but the desire to be free is stronger.
Boris for the unfortunate woman is like a saving straw, she grabs onto it in order to survive.
Passion captures her entirely. She plunges into the pool, she asks the Lord for help to get out of it, but she cannot overcome the temptation.
She needed the support of her husband, mother-in-law, but none of them supported her.

I think that for Katya there was another way, without fear and reproach, and this is not suicide.
You just need to stop feeling like a victim, not look for support and support in others, wait for someone to come and help, but become the very support for yourself. After all, her rich inner world can give her both strength and freedom .. You just have to not run away and not look for support in Boris, as salvation, living in the past or pitying yourself.
Oppose the "dark kingdom" of Kalinov, Kabanikha and Wild, destroy all that evil that has subjugated the city.
Katerina is a very strong person, but her trouble is that she does not realize this.
First of all, you need to listen to yourself, your heart, soul and not depend on external circumstances, they are not able to break and conquer, I think Katerina did it herself.
His excessive impressionability, sometimes bordering on insanity, his fanatical religiosity, his humility with fate, hope, faith, in someone, but not in himself.
Katya could not surrender to the feeling for Boris, although it captured her entirely.
I could not reveal my inner potential, my amazing abilities to feel subtly, to love, to feel harmony with nature and with God.
Katerina is a great woman, a great person.
They say about such people, "the Lord kissed."
Beautiful. Be like flowers in the life of your beloved men.
And only love, light, a “beam” of the sparkling light of the soul, coming from the depths of you, illuminates your path in any, the most “dark” kingdom. Shine for your loved ones. Be happy. And never renounce the feeling, because it’s exactly what Katerina did, finding no way out, find the strength to treat your loved ones with kindness and affection, so that they feel: you love.

Katerina dies because she has no other way out in solving the current problem. She is placed in such conditions that if she had stayed to live, she would, firstly, suffer from her thoughts and feelings, would reproach herself. After all, it was she who spoke about her sin, if she had kept silent, no one would have known about it, but this does not mean that Katerina would have lived calmly and for her own pleasure. Scolding herself, regretting the sin she has committed, she would drive herself crazy, she would slowly melt and fade away, in time she would lead herself to the grave. I think that Katerina would be afraid every day that they would find out about her sin, would think about it and mental anguish would not leave her. It seems to me that if Varvara was in Katerina's place, then she would be silent about what she had done and live in peace. But Katerina, unlike Varvara, is religious, she just experienced love for the first time in her life, and could not drown it out, went on her occasion.

Secondly, the Kabanikha would “bite” her. She was already a tyrant in the family, and now she would become even worse. Her constant ridicule, mockery, indulgence, accusations could not endure Katerina, with her strong character and will. She would not be able to develop, she would withdraw into herself. Her husband would have forgiven her soon, but not daring to argue with her mother, Tikhon would not have defended her. It seems to me that Varvara could share her grief, she would listen to her, but she would not be able to help either, because she is very dependent on her mother. Thirdly, the society in which she lives would reject her. Maybe someone understood Katerina (she didn’t marry for love, no children, a bad mother-in-law), but no one would openly dare to defend and justify the girl. The boar had authority and power in her city, if the children could not say a word to her in opposition, then the inhabitants of the city even more so. It would be very difficult for Katerina to live in such conditions.

If you think about another option, for example, Katerina would leave with Boris, but this is unrealistic. Boris would not have dared to do this, he is not so bold and resolute, his love would not have been enough to induce such actions. He is dependent on the Wild, as he said, so he does. Even assuming that Katerina and Boris would run away, abandoning their families, they have nowhere to run, they have no means of subsistence. And if Boris is free, then Katerina is a married woman, at that time it was very difficult to get a divorce, because the young were married. Again inside Katerina there would be a struggle, contradictions. Still, no matter how scary it may sound, for Katerina, death was the best way out.
