Did Peter and Vesta get married after the project. Vesta Romanova: “Fatty bastard, look at yourself in the mirror! Tips from Vesta

On February 17, 2018, the 4th season of the “Weighted and Happy People” project started on STS. For 16 weeks of the show, the participants went through seven circles of hell and were able to get rid of the hated kilograms. They sweated in the gym, ate healthy food, competed among themselves, but the result was worth it. See how the participants look after the project in our selection.

blue team

Anna Lezhneva (147 kg)

The girl came to the show hoping to change her life and become like her sister.

In terms of figure, she definitely succeeded: at the final, the scales showed a weight of 90 kg!

Alexander Povagin (250 kg)

The machinist from Ivanteevka gained 100 extra pounds in 10 years of marriage. Due to excess weight, spouses can not have children in any way.

In the final release, Alexander showed an excellent result: instead of 250 kg, he began to weigh 166. The difference of 84 kg cannot but impress! Now Alexander wants to keep the final weight and gain muscle mass.

Ekaterina Nikitina (130 kg)

After it became difficult for Catherine to take care of the child, she decided to participate in the project.

She left the show at the fourteenth week with a weight of 94 kg. According to the heroine herself, she managed to turn herself over, and Katya is not going to stop there.

Evgeny Khaitkulov (205 kg)

The man came to the project to get rid of the hated extra pounds and find happiness in his personal life.

In ten weeks of the project, Evgeny managed to lose 44 kg!

Anastasia Spiridonova (172 kg)

Nastya gained weight in the process of stress eating. She experienced her husband's betrayal with a piece of cake in her hand.

She left the project in the fourth week, but during this time Nastya managed to lose weight to 154 kg. Judging by her pictures in social networks, the process of losing weight for her is still ongoing.

Maxim Akimov (161 kg)

Maxim was the first to leave the show, giving way to Ekaterina Nikitina. In a week, he got rid of 7 extra pounds.

After the project, he continues to lose weight and shares in social. networks with software secrets.

black team

Irina Cheremnykh (147 kg)

The spectacular beauty and participant in many beauty contests herself did not notice how her weight reached a critical point.

In order to love her body, she lost more than 30 kg during the project and continues to lose weight to this day.

Anastasia Idrisova (176 kg)

A sedentary lifestyle had a negative impact on the figure of a woman. After her divorce from her husband, she realized that she needed to change her life.

During her participation in the show, she got rid of 34 kg. Thanks to her transformation, Anastasia met her lover, with whom she attends training together.

Christian Bodrov (202 kg)

Christian all his life either rapidly losing weight or gaining it. When he was tired of these "swings", he firmly decided to get rid of extra pounds forever.

Today, he has once again become a slender man who is admired by women.

Igor Koshelev (188 kg)

The young man was shy of himself and spent almost all the time at the computer, distracted from the horrific reality.

Participation in the show helped the guy get rid of 37 kg and now he continues to bring his body into shape. Igor returned to normal life!

Liza Laletina (115 kg)

A seller from the city of Irbit came to the project to lose weight and build relationships with men.

Gathering her will into a fist, Lisa lost 8 kg in two weeks and is trying to lose weight at the present time.

Andrey Mishkin (161 kg)

A lot of weight did not allow Andrei to find family happiness and become a father.

He came to the show with the sole purpose of losing weight. He left the project already in the third week, but at the moment he managed to lose 70 kg on his own!

red team

Anton Avduevsky (167 kg)

The winner of the project took the main prize of 2.5 million.

During his stay on the TV show, he got rid of 87 extra pounds!

Elena Sadikova (183 kg)

A mother of many children from Vyksa decided to prove to her relatives that she has willpower.

And she proved that in 13 weeks of participation she threw off 52 kg, and by the end of the show she independently got rid of another 22.

Anna Khalyavka (151 kg)

A woman is raising her son alone and is afraid that he will also become full. That is why she decided to take part in the reality show "Weighted and happy people."

Anna left the project in the fifth week, but this did not stop her from getting rid of 61 kg by the final. Now she looks very impressive!

Andrey Shlyakhov (157 kg)

A man came to the casting for the sake of his beloved, who does not reciprocate his feelings.

As a result, Andrei became the second winner among those who dropped out: he received 500 thousand rubles and threw off 73 kg.

In the sixth week, he left the show weighing 175 kg and judging by his posts on social networks, he continues to lead a more active lifestyle than before the casting.

Polina Piskareva (123 kg)

After the woman's weight exceeded a hundred, her husband's attitude towards her deteriorated sharply. She filed for divorce and decided to lose weight.

The finalist of the show "Weighted People" Vesta Romanova found her prince, having lost 50 kilograms in four months

A year ago, the Petersburger Vesta weighed 130 kg. She did not fasten her favorite boots, and the studs broke under her weight. When the girl could not reach her shoes to tie her laces, she realized that it was time to change something in her life. Better yet, life itself.

Loved in the body, fell out of love because of the body

Now Vesta, who took third place in the TV show of the STS channel "Weighted People", has more than three thousand subscribers. She is called a personal motivator, they ask for autographs, they are ready to come from another city to a master class. And once she herself searched the Internet for all kinds of diets in order to lose weight at least a little. However, the lost kilograms, as a rule, returned.

- I can not say that I was very worried about being overweight. Then I had a young man who liked curvy girls, and that suited me, - Vesta admits. - But we parted. It was he who was the initiator, and the reason was precisely my excess weight.

Even this did not push the girl to start getting rid of extra kilos. Everything was decided by chance. One day she just couldn't reach the laces. Blood rushed to my head, the world began to spin, my heart began to beat a frantic rhythm.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes opened. I realized that I am a fat brute who rolls around on the couch and constantly eats something - does not spare epithets about himself, fat West. It was at that moment that she came across a casting announcement for the show. The Petersburger did not know that it had been filmed for a long time in America, in Ukraine and was terribly popular. Only one thing was important to her - if she passes the casting, she will be able to lose weight.

The days of training and the transition to proper nutrition began. First, the participants were fed, allowed to eat 2,500 calories per day. However, no sweets, alcohol and mayonnaise. Cereals, vegetables, fruits. There was so much food that people simply could not eat it all. Gradually reduce calories. A month later, they were allowed to eat 700-600 calories, by the end of the project - 500. All this was accompanied by cardio and strength training.

- When you start to lose weight, strength training should be minimal. They are needed for muscle development. The emphasis should be on cardio. It used to be that I walked 30 kilometers on the track a day. She just went. With a lot of weight, running on the track is suicide. It’s easy to calculate your cardio zone even without a heart rate monitor: if you walk and can breathe, but it’s hard for you to speak, you lose your breath, then you found it, Vesta advises. - And strength exercises need to develop the largest muscle groups. Any trainer in any gym will tell you 3-5 of these exercises.

According to the girl, many obese people are simply too lazy to do it. Or they justify themselves by saying that they do not have money for a cool fitness club. She is sure that nothing depends on the price. And you can practice both at home and on the street. Jogging, walking, exercises with dumbbells - the main thing is not to lie on the couch, feeling sorry for yourself and eating sad thoughts with cakes.

Lost weight, found a relationship

Those who followed the project watched with interest not only how the participants of the show parted with extra pounds, but also the love story that unexpectedly unfolded on the screen. For how the relationship between Vesta and Peter grew stronger. Someone accused the couple of pretense.

- I say once and absolutely seriously: I do not know how to play love. I liked Peter immediately. At first we hid this relationship, but then everyone found out anyway. The producers suggested that we bring this into the project. We agreed,” she recalls. - Now I regret that I showed my relationship to the whole country.

The novel developed rapidly. Young people supported each other in competitions, cheered at the weekly debriefing, when the participant who lost the least kilo left the project. Together they reached the final. The viewers brushed away tears when Peter, shortly before the end of the project, on his birthday, proposed to Vesta. It happened on the Ferris wheel. And then the show ended. Vesta took third place, dropping almost 50 kilograms in four months. She lost weight from 130 to 82 kilos. And then an active discussion began on social networks - the future newlyweds dispersed. Vesta sparingly confirmed, but did not comment. She made an exception for the readers of MK in St. Petersburg.

We have gone to different cities. For about a month, they actively communicated with Peter, corresponded, called up, made wedding plans. And then his attitude changed dramatically. My intuition works well, I realized that he had a girlfriend, but I was waiting for him to say it himself. Angry. I just couldn’t understand what it was like for that girl to meet with an almost married man, the finalist of the show admits. “And then we talked. Well, what to do ... Advice to them and love.

While Peter was building a relationship with a new lover, Vesta was building her life. She found a new job, started updating her wardrobe - of everything that was on the shelves, only very old jeans sat normally on her thinner body. She made plans for training and nutrition.

Fat gone, energy increased

- I used to wake up, drink coffee, smoke a couple of cigarettes, go to work, eat, then eat some more and surf the Internet, come home, have dinner and go to bed. Now I wake up with the thought: “What would be interesting to come up with?” I go to a budget gym three times a week - in the morning I do strength exercises, in the evening - cardio. In the summer I run, ride a bike, - a girl tells about her daily routine, who, thanks to her own willpower and desire to lose weight, has turned from a fat woman into a slender beauty. — I often do not find time to go to social networks to reply to all subscribers, but I always find it to ride a bike or meet friends. Life became blissful. Now many people ask me: "Help me find motivation." Easily. Fat bastard, look at yourself in the mirror! Is what you see not enough to motivate you? Girls, more activity. When you have not the 9th, but the third breast size and you can sleep on your stomach, this is a thrill. When you can buy beautiful underwear, when you put on what you like, and not what you fit into, wear high-heeled shoes, and it doesn’t break under you, it’s a thrill. And there is so much energy that there is simply nowhere to put it.

Updated Vesta just beams with happiness. And it's not just about good health and natural charisma. The girl confesses: she found her love.

“I met a young man, and he is beautiful,” Vesta smiles. But I won't show my personal life anymore. He is not a public person. He is active, athletic, taught me to ride bicycles. He is my support. We are on the same wavelength with him, and the degree of insanity is the same for us.

Now Vesta, together with her lover, is preparing for a mass master class, where the finalist of the show will talk about how to eat right and exercise. At first they thought to gather all those interested in the open air, but when it became clear that more than 300 people wanted to come to the meeting, they realized that they needed to look for a room. And more. Among other things, Vesta will try to convey a very valuable idea - you need to motivate yourself on your own and not wait for someone to do something for you.

Now people think that everyone owes them something. I was exactly the same. The state owes something, in the gym the coach is obliged to lose weight for you, and the nutritionist, apparently, spoon-feed you. People ask me on social networks: “How can I lose weight?” Yes, while you are looking for me on the Internet, adding me as a friend and waiting for an answer, it will not even take an hour or two. During this time, you can find “proper nutrition” in the search engine, Vesta gives advice on where to start losing weight. Why are 90% of people still fat? Because they are too lazy to start doing something on their own. And you find, read, try. Nobody owes you anything. And understand: to live in a healthy body, with a normal metabolism and without sausages at the waist is a thrill.

By the way, Vesta did not stop at the achievements of the project. Now she weighs 74 kilograms and feels great. About 56 kilos of fat, which she wore for many years, only photos remind. But they are also an incentive to live actively. Vesta does not intend to turn from a princess back into a frog.

Tips from Vesta

For those who want to lose weight or just eat healthy:

Give up sugar and sweets. At all.

Bread is better to eat rye, bran and whole grain. And dried in the oven. It loses unwanted moisture. 25-30 grams per day is enough.

Vegetables, fruits, celery, leafy salads are your friends.

Soups can be prepared with a second broth or no meat broth at all.

You can and should eat any meat, but little by little - 100 grams per day. Once every two weeks you can treat yourself to red fish. If funds allow, more often.

Use unrefined oil - it is healthier. Or better yet, olive oil. A liter of oil, despite the fact that it takes a teaspoon to fry, is enough for six months. If cooking for one person, screw on the spray and just spray the pan.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner are the main meals, there should be snacks between them. The time interval between meals is 2.5-3 hours. If breakfast and lunch are dense, then the snack should be light - nuts, vegetables, fruits.

Incorporate “pleasures” into your diet. For example, a couple of oatmeal cookies once a week. But then spend an extra hour in training. The main thing is that you don't have to limit yourself.

Use websites that help you calculate how many calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins you need to eat per day, and plan your meals for three days in advance. This will help you not get frustrated. (Vesta herself is used for this by the calorizator.ru website, which calculates this data and helps find suitable recipes.)

The program "Weighted and Happy" is the Ukrainian version of the American show The Biggest Loser. The essence of the project is that participants suffering from excess weight lose weight, and even fight for a prize of 250,000 hryvnia (almost 9,000 euros). The project is successful and popular, so the seventh season starts this year.

Rules of the project "Weighted and happy"

At the end of each week, the weight loss teams are weighed in to determine the total weight lost. The team that loses the least weight must vote to determine which member will go home. Two people from this team who have dropped the least weight are nominated. The winner is the participant who, at the open final in December, loses the most from the starting weight.

Evgenia Mostovenko participated in the project together with her daughter Alexandra, who later had to tell the details of her mother's death...

All participants are checked

Natalya Shcherbina, the head of the “Weighted and Happy” project, said that all potential participants who passed the casting are examined by doctors: a therapist, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist. Everyone donates urine and blood for a detailed analysis. All participants are required to be tested for hepatitis and HIV. After a medical examination, the doctor gives an opinion on each applicant - whether a person can participate in the project or his state of health does not allow him.

“They called me and said that my mother had died”

Perhaps the most "loud" death was the death of a participant in the third season of the project, Evgenia Mostovenko. Could a woman think that four years after filming she would be gone?

Pashinsky managed to lose 51 kilograms! He was so excited about the result that he wanted to keep fighting the weight.

In 2013, 40-year-old Evgenia came to the project with her 17-year-old daughter Alexandra - for the most part, not for herself, but for her. Mostovenko complained that Sasha was very lazy and easily tempted to eat. As it turned out, the mother and daughter participated in the program “Honey, we are killing children” even earlier, and even then the girl lost 20 kilograms. True, over time, all efforts were in vain - Alexandra gained even more than her previous weight and began to weigh as much as 105 kilos.

But for her own sake, Mostovenko also went to the project. The woman really wanted to give birth to a child to her new husband, who was eight years younger than her, but she could not - she needed to lose weight. Evgenia managed to do this, however, the result was not very impressive, and she achieved it for a long time. When Mostovenko came to the project, she weighed 130 kilograms, and nine months later the scales showed a double-digit number - 94. But this was enough for the woman - she was very pleased with the new weight.

Igor understood that such a figure would not climb into any gates, and wanted to become slim and fit again

Eugenia's death, which occurred in January of this year, came as a shock to many and, of course, gave rise to many questions. The interest and curiosity of the audience of the project tried to satisfy her daughter. If you believe the words of Alexandra, then on the day when my mother was taken to the hospital, they talked on the phone, laughed, everything was fine ... Mostovenko approved the list of guests, because her birthday was supposed to come in the morning. “Just 20-25 minutes later, her boss asked me to pick up my mother from work, because her blood pressure increased. But the ambulance got ahead of me. I saw how my mother was taken out on a gurney unconscious. The doctors said that as soon as they left work, she immediately fell into a coma and everything that was in the stomach went into the respiratory tract. She was in critical condition - cerebral hemorrhage and pulmonary edema. The next morning, my mother came to her senses, but the doctors decided to keep her in a medically induced coma - she herself could not breathe. In the following days, she looked good, however, she lost a lot of weight. And on January 26, in the morning, I went into intensive care and saw that my mother’s face and neck were red and blue. An hour and a half later, they called me and said that my mother had died - they could not restart the heart.

The woman's death certificate says she had cerebrovascular disease, a hemorrhagic stroke.

Failed to adopt a child

Evgenia Mostovenko has long wanted to become a mother for the second time, but her extra weight did not allow her. But the woman found a way out - last year she and her young husband prepared documents for adoption. The couple even found one child they wanted to take into the family. Evgenia began to find out what is needed for adoption, but did not have time to finish this business.

On the project "Weighted and happy" Yakovlev found his soul mate - Natalya Moskalenko. The couple planned to live happily ever after...

"He really wanted to live"

At the end of 2015, Igor Pashinsky, who really wanted to get back in good shape, did not become a participant in the fifth season of the Weighted and Happy project. Once Igor served in the paratroopers, then he worked in the police. When the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, he went to the liquidation, worked in a 30-kilometer zone. Problems began after returning from there - he began to get sick, overweight appeared, and then type 2 diabetes.

Igor decided to try himself on the project, because he understood that such a weight in his health could cause disability, and said that he wanted to be the same as before: strong and fit, so that people looked at him with respect, and not with pity. When Pashinsky came to the project, he weighed as much as 193 kilograms and dropped 37 kilos in 13 weeks! But the man did not stop there - in a month and a half spent at home, he lost another 14 kilograms and settled on the number 142. He simply did not have time to lose even more weight ...

Project manager Natalya Shcherbina assured that Igor, as the heaviest participant, was taken care of, freed from training and stress at the slightest ailment. If, for example, Igor turned pale, swayed or breathed heavily, they were immediately asked to sit and rest. A man diagnosed with arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity practically did not participate in competitions.

Igor's wife Galina Pashinskaya remembers that after the project her husband returned home happy and joyful, he really wanted to live. Igor came with the hope that he would lose weight even more ... “He stopped being afraid of people and hiding from them, he wanted to be in sight. He was really happy - this was noticed by many. He told me: "I do it all for you." And his words inspired me. We were everywhere together. These month and a half after the project, we were happy, as, probably, in the first days of our married life.

Pashinskaya remembers the fateful November day of 2015 like yesterday: “Igor was in training in the morning, in the evening we went to the river to swim. He felt fine. And in the morning he became ill. Headache. He says to me: "I probably won't see you off, I'll lie down." At 11 he called and said that he was ill. Igor has never said that before! He was admitted to the hospital with bleeding ulcers. This was the initial diagnosis. But then, as it turned out, he had a massive heart attack. An autopsy showed that initially the diagnosis was incorrectly established, the treatment was incorrectly prescribed. He was given droppers to stop ulcer bleeding, and a lot, but this was impossible to do ... Another negligence. A person's heart stops, but no one is anywhere. Nobody! There is no doctor! It's hard to remember…"

Galina does not hide the fact that she asked the doctors directly about the project - they say, did it bring any harm. And the answer was "No". “On the contrary, if Igor hadn’t gone on the project and hadn’t lost weight, he wouldn’t have lived even this time ...”

Ilya's weight loss was great! The man learned to refuse harmful products, but, alas, this did not save him

"I'm not going to stop"

The bronze medalist of the third season of reality Ilya Yakovlev was lucky - he not only lost weight and took a worthy place, but also met his love on the project - Natalya Moskalenko. After the show, their relationship only strengthened, and in 2014 they got married. Ilya was very happy - he talked about how long they were planning to live together, and dreamed of children ... “For my chosen one, it is now more important to maintain our health in full, because we want to have a baby in the near future. Therefore, I repeatedly told her that such crazy loads are not needed now. Losing 2-3 kilos a month to get back to normal will be enough for her and for me. I'm not going to stop, ”said Yakovlev, rejoicing at how great his life is.

Three years ago, Damian Gurganious, a participant in the similar program The Biggest Loser, died at the age of only 38.

Ilya came to the project with a weight of 147 kilograms, lost 48 kilos and showed a result of 99 kg at the final post-show on the scales. In 2014, Ilya was proud of the fact that he completely abandoned flour, from what he loved very much before - from pasta, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes. The project turned Yakovlev's mind upside down, so these dishes began to appear on his plate literally once a month. “Looking at how much I ate before and how much now, while being normally satiated, I can hardly imagine that I could now eat as much as I ate before the project,” Yakovlev boasted. But, unfortunately, proper nutrition did not save Ilya from death. In May 2015, a 32-year-old man suffered a stroke, after which he died ...

The Weighted People project, broadcast on the STS channel, is gaining more and more popularity. The end of the third season is nearing, soon the whole country will again see an amazing transformation: from 100 and 200-kilogram participants, the “weighted” will turn into slender people who have forever changed not only their bodies, but also their habits and beliefs. Last season Margarita Bogatyreva from Orenburg managed to reach the final, who came to the project with a weight of 111 kilograms. The editors of ProOren did not stand aside and decided to find out how the show "Weighted People" changed the life of our compatriot.

- Margarita, by the time of our last conversation, which took place six months after the final of the "Weighted People" project, you had already managed to lose weight well and rethink a lot. Now, a year later, what has changed in your life?

Since our last meeting, I have lost another five kilograms. When I returned from the project, I could not understand: to lose weight - not to lose weight further. Now I already felt that everything suits me, I felt self-confidence. I go to the store and I can buy any thing that I like. There is no longer a complex: I am full, it does not suit me. Of course, there are moments that I don’t quite like in my image, but nevertheless they leave me indifferent. I can’t say that I am on diets and dream of weighing 45 kilograms. I am comfortable at my current weight. I continue to play sports.

- During this time, were there moments when you felt that you were starting to return to old habits?

Certainly! I have said many times that being overweight is a disease. Dependence on food can be compared with alcohol addiction, tobacco addiction. This is a big bad habit that is ruining you. Of course, overeating happens in any case, I can say this frankly. I know that other people who are struggling with excess weight, this also happens. I used to overeat, and the next morning I just reproached myself, scolded for it. And now, if this happens, I ask myself the question: “For what reason did I overeat?”. As a rule, this happens when I lack emotions. It doesn't matter if happy or sad. Emotional silence leads just to the fact that you are trying to saturate yourself with at least some emotions and eat.

- On the project, all participants eat properly. Have you managed to adjust the diet at home?

To be honest, I'm very lazy. And besides, I realized that I can’t cook. And delicious cooking - even more so. But I found a way out and now I order healthy food, in which calories have already been counted. At first I thought that it would be expensive, and then I realized that it doesn’t matter what is called, then it comes out. When I go to the store, I buy a lot of products, because the habit of buying for future use has remained. Then I just throw away half of the food. Therefore, such a system, where everything is already prepared for me, calculated, turned out to be suitable for me.

- What have you brought into your daily life in terms of nutrition from the acquired on the project?

After the project, I do not eat sunflower oil at all. About three months ago, a friend gave me this oil to dress a salad, and I was surprised how unpleasant its taste and smell was to me. It is better to choose, for example, olive. Of course, healthy food costs more. But here you can save on quantity. Yes, you eat expensive food, but when you eat right, you eat much less. I noticed by myself that if there is a lot of protein in the diet, I no longer want sweets. In this case, you can save on cakes (smiles). If I'm full, I don't want to eat junk food.

- Do you keep in touch with any of the project participants?

I am friends with Alenka Zaretskaya. On the project, we went through fire, water and copper pipes. This is a person who understands and supports me. I can call her at any time and I know that she will understand and support. We also communicate closely with Yulia Kishenkova. When I am in Moscow, I see Yan Samokhvalov.

- Your friendship with Alena was born on the project?

No. Now that time has passed, we can already talk about it. On the project, Alena and I literally hated each other. We had conflicts, because of which they often tried to kick me out of the project by voting. Alena was supported by many, but I remained alone and went against everyone. But when the individual struggle began, we began to communicate and found out that all our so-called conflicts are nonsense, sham. Other members of the show came up with this conflict so that there was some kind of protection in the vote. And when Alena and I discussed this moment, it turned out that we were not to blame for anything before each other.

Now, in the third season, the same trend: people unite, weave intrigues to expel an objectionable participant from the show ...

Everyone groups up to find support. One is harder, it's easier to remove. But there's no guarantee on reality TV that the person who's smiling at you right now won't vote against you in five minutes. I had those moments. Behind the door they told me: “Rita, what are you doing! I will never vote against you! And I thought that at least one person from this crowd would not vote against me. And exactly at that moment this person takes out a sign with my name on it. The only person I trusted on the project was Sasha (Alexander Podolenyuk - ed. note). At some point, we united, realizing that we need each other's support. If we talk about lies - of course, there were a lot of them on the project. Everyone fought for their place under the sun. I realized that a reality show is a good test of both a person and friendship, because people manifest themselves in completely different ways. And it is surprising that in life all these people are completely different than they were there. I admire the work of the organizers. How it was necessary to recognize all of us, to understand that this particular person would reveal himself in this way on the project. Alena and I, remembering this show, jokingly say: “There were no normal ones there” (laughs).

- What has changed in life and character after the project?

I became more confident. Gone are the complexes that were before. After the project, I began to understand myself, I realized that you can exist with yourself. Previously, I couldn’t do it, I left in depression, I started to seize problems. Now I'm not saying that you have to be 90-60-90, no. Be in those parameters when, for example, you can safely go to the beach. Or, looking at the photo, easily say: “I like myself.” When you can just look at yourself in the mirror with pleasure. Previously, I did not perceive my reflection and my photographs at all. Now I calmly take pictures and also calmly look at the received pictures.

Did Irina Turchinskaya, with whom you trained during the project, help you learn to live in harmony with yourself?

Irina is a teacher in my life. Every time I go to the gym, I remember her workouts. When I experience some kind of pain, even the most elementary, for example, in the dentist's office, I remember Irina and understand that this pain does not kill me, I can live with her. It's only the brain that says you can't take it anymore. He says: "You will kill me now." In fact, you will kill if you stop and do something. The brain needs to be turned off sometimes. This is what Irina Turchinskaya taught me, for which I am very grateful to her. I would really like to meet a coach in our city, at least 10% similar to her. Until I met such a person.

Have you thought about becoming that person yourself? Some participants of the show, having solved the problem of excess weight, are now helping other people to do it.

I think what I'm doing now (beauty industry - ed.) suits me the most. I do not see myself in the field of excess weight. I am satisfied with what is happening here and now in my life. In the year after the project, I did a lot more for my business than I did two years before. There were a lot of ideas and forces to embody them. At home, I practically do not appear, although earlier it was a real utopia - how can I not appear at home? I enjoy my busy life today.

- If there was a chance to return everything, would you repeat this experience again?

Four months of the project gave me more than 20 years of my life. Those four months changed everything. Now I know that participation in the project was not easy, but I would still repeat this experience, because it is a breakthrough. And not even overweight, but in the head. There is a change in the quality of life. I had a choice: give up, take everything back, or move forward. It was possible to gain 20 kilograms this year and say that after the project, the metabolism has deteriorated, for example. Probably, if I chose the path forward, it means that I am a strong person in some way.

On the STS channel, 18 participants lost weight for a month under the guns of TV cameras and under the control of doctors and experienced trainers. The show "Weighted People" has been popular with viewers for four seasons.

Dmitry Kudryavtsev

A friendly resident of Magnitogorsk liked the viewers and found friends among the participants of the show. He did not have the strength to reach the final, but Kudryavtsev was not too upset by the loss. The former athlete easily fit into the training schedule, losing 54 kilograms from the starting 219. Mitya gained weight after a spinal injury.

Photo: uchastniki

On the recommendation of a nutritionist, his diet includes low-calorie foods: oatmeal in the morning, fruits in the afternoon and about wax, baked zucchini. Mitya's family is fully supportive. According to him, he rediscovers many ordinary things that were previously inaccessible. A trip to the water park, family field trips, sports training. After the transfer, Dmitry dropped another 21 kg, aiming for a total of 97 kg.

Photo: uchastniki

Elena Sadikova

A native of Vyksa weighed 183 kilograms and experienced great difficulty with normal movement around the city. Before the onset of cold weather, she had to wear ballet flats, because her stomach prevented her from fastening her boots on her own. Elena recovered after a difficult third pregnancy. She went to the project out of resentment towards her daughter, who wrote down her phone “1000 kilograms”. Persistence helped a mother of many children lose 74 kg.

Photo: topnews

Elena decided not to stop there. In her hometown, together with a nutritionist, Elena launched a marathon of struggle for a slim figure. The nutritionist takes care of the diet of the participants, and Elena acts as a motivator, demonstrating her own achievements.

Igor Koshelev

A guy from Kulebakov at the age of 19 weighed 188 kg. The guy had psychological problems, a virtual life and a grandmother who tried to feed her granddaughter better, which led to horrifying numbers. During the show, Igor lost 58 kg.

Photo: ctc

Now he wants to lose another 25 kg. Igor focuses on diet, upsetting his caring grandmother. Koshelev counts calories, eats on time and does cardio and weightlifting. He believes that the program provided excellent conditions, and in real life results can be achieved only with the right self-motivation.

Photo: opennov

Petr Vasiliev

Peter became the winner of the show, dropping 58 kg out of 155 kg. After the program, Peter failed to maintain the result, he began to recover again. Although training and proper nutrition have become his usual way of life. With a colleague in the project, Maxim Nekrylov, they created the group "I can do everything." On a personal example, ex-participants prove that the reserves of the human body are much greater than we think.

Photo: teleprogramma

Timur Bikbulatov

The winner of the second season of the Weighted People program weighed 164 kg. A lawyer from Kazan managed to lose 50 kg. After the project, Timur lost weight to 80 kg, but felt uncomfortable and determined for himself an ideal weight of 87 kg. Timur left law and became a fitness trainer. Using personal experience, Bikbulatov helps residents of his native city get rid of fat folds and lead a sports lifestyle without food excesses.

Photo: vokrug

The coach himself gets up at 5 am, and at 7 starts the first workout. Meals are frequent, but little by little, with a minimum of calories. Cardio and strength training six times a week provide the necessary load on the muscles.

Vesta Romanova

Vesta won the first season of the show. Lost 50 kilograms helped the girl find happiness in her personal life and get married. However, even before participating in the project, Vesta attracted the attention of men. Vesta weighed 130 kg, heels broke under her weight. She searched the Internet for diets, but did not find the strength to follow them.

Photo: teleprogramma

Today, the girl has her own blog, in which she herself gives advice to those who want to lose weight. With a weight of 70 kg, Romanova feels great. For the acquisition of relief forms, he is going to do drying. Vesta does not drink alcohol, observes the regime, has become disciplined and responsible.

Oksana Leonova

The Rostov woman weighed 118 kg, she managed to lose 30 in a month. Training was hard for Oksana, she hated the treadmill. Leonova changed her job in the field of catering for the vacancy of the administrator of the center of aesthetic medicine. After working with a psychologist at age 39, the participant fell in love with herself. Excess weight made a woman ashamed of her appearance. After the project, Oksana began to recover again, it was a hormonal failure in the body. After contacting an endocrinologist, I had to combine diet, sports and therapy. But Leonova believes in herself and is not afraid of difficulties. She is sure that falls are inevitable, the main thing is to find the strength to get up and move on.

Photo: uchastniki

All the winners and participants of the program note that the main benefit of the show is the acquisition of self-confidence and the mood to change lives for the better.
