The most expensive cemetery in the world. Jerusalem Cemetery: The most expensive road to heaven Westwood Cemetery, Los Angeles: up to $4.6 million

The most expensive cemetery in the world is in Israel. Moreover, it is not enough just to pay for a place (about a hundred thousand dollars). Only Jews can be buried in the cemetery in Jerusalem, and only believing Jews. Therefore, not everyone can get a place.

This cemetery is considered one of the oldest in the world. It is located on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. The southern and western slopes are covered with graves, the vast cemetery has about 150,000 graves. The first graves appeared in this place in the 1st century BC. e. Today, wealthy people can claim to have the most expensive cemetery as their final resting place. Such huge popularity is not accidental. After all, believers believe that those buried in these places will definitely go to heaven.

The Mount of Olives is also called the Mount of Olives. This place is often found on the pages of the Gospel. The resurrection of Lazarus, the teaching of the apostles, the journey from Jericho to Jerusalem, as well as the resurrection of Jesus are associated with this place. All churches located on the Mount of Olives are called Ascension Churches.

It became the resting place of famous people who made a great contribution to the history, culture and spiritual development of mankind. Some believe that the tombs of the prophets Malachi, Agea and Zechariah are also located here. At the cemetery on the Mount of Olives rests Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, the victims of the Jewish people who died as a result of repressions and pogroms of different years. Here are the graves of the German writer Elsa Lasker-Schieler, the Israeli writer and Nobel Prize winner Shmuel Yosef Agnon, the man who revived Hebrew, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the Jewish sculptor Boris Schatz and many other figures of culture, art, and the spiritual sphere.

Sometimes in the press, including foreign ones, there are mentions that Iosif Kobzon and Alla Pugacheva also bought seats here. But information, will most expensive cemetery the place of their burial has not yet been confirmed, but not refuted either.

None of the people living on earth knows what awaits us after death. In the earthly life of a person, the grave puts an end, however, in some cases, even in it the deceased cannot find peace. Next, you will find the most mysterious burial places in the world, around which there are many mystical legends.

Rosalia Lombardo (1918 - 1920, Capuchin catacombs in Italy)

At the age of 2, this girl died of pneumonia. The inconsolable father could not part with the body of his daughter and turned to Alfredo Salafia to embalm the body of the child. Salafiya did a tremendous job (drying his skin with a mixture of alcohol and glycerin, replacing the blood with formaldehyde, and using salicylic acid to prevent the fungus from spreading throughout the body). As a result, the girl's body, which is in a sealed coffin with nitrogen, looks as if she had fallen asleep.

Cells for the dead (Victorian era)

During the Victorian era, metal cages were built over the graves. Their purpose is not exactly known. Some believe that this is how the graves were protected from the destroyers, others think that this was done so that the dead did not come out of the graves.

Taira no Masakado (940, Japan)

This man was a samurai and during the Heian period he became the leader of one of the largest uprisings against Kyoto rule. The uprising was crushed and in 940 Masakado was beheaded. According to historical chronicles, the samurai's head did not rot for three months, and all this time it quickly rolled its eyes. Then the head was buried, and later the city of Tokyo was built on the burial site. Tair's grave is still being cherished, as the Japanese believe that if it is disturbed, then trouble can be brought to Tokyo and the whole country. Now this grave is the oldest burial in the world, which is kept in perfect cleanliness.

Lilly Gray (1881-1958, Salt Lake City Cemetery, USA)

The inscription on the headstone reads "Sacrifice of the Beast 666". Lilly's husband Elmer Gray called this the US government, which he blamed for the death of his wife.

Chase Family Crypt (Barbados)

The family crypt of this couple is one of the most mysterious places in the Caribbean. At the beginning of the 19th century, it was discovered here several times that the coffins were moved after they were placed in the crypt, while it was established that no one had entered the crypt. Some coffins stood upright, others were on the steps at the very entrance. In 1820, by order of the governor, the coffins were moved to another place, and the entrance to the crypt was closed forever.

Mary Shelley (1797 - 1851, St. Peter's Chapel, Dorset, England)

In 1822, Mary Shelley cremated the body of her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley, who died in an accident in Italy. After cremation, an intact heart of a man was found among the ashes, his woman took him home to England and kept until her death. Mary died in 1851 and was buried with her husband's heart, which she kept in the manuscript of Adonai: An Elegy of Death.

Russian mafia (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Full-length monuments erected on the graves of representatives of the criminal world have been seen by many of us. On some monuments, you can even find video cameras that protect them from vandals.

Ines Clark (1873 - 1880, Chicago, USA)

In 1880, 7-year-old Ines died from a lightning strike. By order of her parents, a sculpture-monument in a Plexiglas cube was installed on her grave. The sculpture is made in the growth of a girl, depicting her sitting on a bench with a flower and an umbrella in her hands.

Kitty Jay (Devon, England)

A nondescript hill covered with grass is called Jay's grave by the locals. At the end of the 18th century, Kitty Jay committed suicide, and her grave became a cult site for ghost hunters. Since suicides could not be buried in a cemetery, Kitty was buried at a crossroads so that her soul could not find a way to the afterlife. Until now, fresh flowers constantly appear on her grave.

Elizaveta Demidova (1779 - 1818, Pere Lachaise cemetery, Paris, France)

At the age of 14, Elizaveta Demidov was married to the first prince of San Donato, whom she did not love. The unfortunate woman was one of the richest women of her time, and she bequeathed her entire fortune to the man who could spend a week in her crypt without food. So far, no one has done this, and therefore her condition remains unclaimed.

Why are they buried in the Russian capital for two million rubles, and in the Russian outback - for free? How do famous people manage to book a place in the next world? The journalists of Express Gazeta decided to sort out the question: how much does it cost to bury a loved one in Moscow? As it turned out, the prices for cemetery plots differ so much that it’s time to think: are everyone equal not only in this world, but also in the next world?

It turned out to be not so easy to determine ahead of time what it would cost you to send a relative on their last journey. If the grief has not yet come and you are not rushing about in a state of shock, feverishly thinking what to do and whom to contact, you will not learn anything about the prices and the place in the cemetery directly.

“We will talk only if we have a death certificate in our hands,” the administrator of the Troekurovsky cemetery said, as she snapped. - No one will give you information about what and how much it costs in our cemetery. All questions should be addressed to the Department of Consumer Market and Services of the City of Moscow.

“So I need to prepare for the death of my beloved grandfather, he is already very bad, we need to collect money, and we don’t know what it will cost,” I try to put pressure on pity, mentally hoping that my long-dead grandfather will forgive me.

“No one will tell you anything without documents, if they die, come,” the girl interrupted.

I tried to find out about prices through the service of funeral services. An agent named Alexey kindly explained everything to me:

- As for funeral agencies, the economy class funeral will cost 20 - 30 thousand rubles. This is a coffin, a wreath, digging a grave, but without the cost of the site.

- And how much does the land at the Vagankovsky cemetery cost? Our grandfather expressed the wish to rest where his idol Vladimir Vysotsky is buried.

- In the prestigious city cemeteries, at best, you can unofficially agree. But these graveyards are already closed, and prices start at 450,000 rubles. It is better to resolve this issue with the caretaker, because you will simply be sent to the State Unitary Enterprise "Ritual". Officially, at the Kuzminsky cemetery, from 800 thousand to one million rubles must be paid for a place for a grave. And it’s better to forget about Vagankovskoye and Troekurovskoye. Here they tried to bury an employee of the mayor's office at Troyekurovsky, and then they were refused in the department. What can we say about mere mortals. There are commercial cemeteries where the land is cheaper - Krasnogorskoe and Raevskoe. On Mamonovsky, which is not far from Domodedovo, an equipped plot is being sold for 80-120 thousand rubles. On the new Bogorodsky, in the Noginsk district, you can buy a place for only 25 thousand.

- Can I buy a place in the cemetery in advance?

- According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, land for burial should be provided free of charge, a place is given after the death of a person, but there is no empty land in Moscow city cemeteries. Sale of already equipped plots. Don't worry, - the agent reassured me, - we will help you solve the problem with registration. It's not easy: you have to go to the morgue, then to the registry office, then to the social security. If a relative died on the weekend, then no one accepts in these offices. And our ritual agent will do everything for you in the best possible way.

We decided to drive around several metropolitan graveyards in order to clarify a number of issues on the spot.

Places "in reserve" on the Troekurovsky churchyard

Arriving at the Troekurovskoye cemetery, which is not officially closed, we learned that mere mortals are not at all welcome here. It's a pity, because it will be very good to lie here. The monuments around are beautiful, made of marble, and the neighborhood is noble. Natalia Gundareva, Lyubov Polishchuk, Valentina Tolkunova with husband, Anna Politkovskaya, Vlad Galkin— a real starfall. Looking at the expensive monuments, we stumbled upon the cemetery workers, who were just completing the installation of a marble fence for one of the graves. But what an oddity caught my eye: there is no name of the deceased, only a plate with the number of the contract.

“These places were bought by people during their lifetime,” one of the workers said. - This place costs two million rubles.

- So this is the price of a good apartment in the region! I wondered. - And they told me that in life you can not buy a place in advance.

Looking around, I saw a dozen more of the same plates with numbers on the sites with a marble fence.

“Someone needs housing during their lifetime, and someone buys an afterlife “apartment” for himself,” the hard worker remarked philosophically. - That's a year ago Vladimir Zhirinovsky our department has allocated such a place next to his relatives. He bought himself a plot near the entrance, next to the central alley.

Passing exactly in the indicated direction, I saw the graves with the well-known surname Zhirinovsky, and next to it was a sign with the number of the contract.

Not believing that two meters of land could cost two million with an average salary in Russia of 17 thousand rubles, we went to the administration of the Troekurovsky cemetery. There we were assured that even if we had two million, we had nothing to count on.

- In this cemetery, burials take place only by decision of the Moscow government. Yes, at his request, the department allocated land to Zhirinovsky. Although he is not a people's artist, he is the vice speaker of the State Duma, and his relatives are buried here. In general, this is a cemetery for the Heroes of Russia, outstanding artists, and mere mortals cannot get into this land. Land for honored people is provided by the government free of charge.

However, the door price list indicated otherwise. The grave of the "honored hero" at the Troekurovsky cemetery costs a pretty penny. The cheapest place - two by four meters - in the far section costs 189 thousand rubles.

... and cookies

— How can this be? If land is given to the heroes for free, then what is the price list for land?

“We don’t have empty land! There are only developed areas. This one, in marble, costs two million rubles. The land is free, but you have to pay for finishing. At the price of 189 thousand is already nothing.

So it turns out that in some strange way the state took care of its prominent figures: they still need to be paid, and paid a lot.

“On the other hand, we don’t have such a law as in Europe, where you have to pay the rent of a site every five years, otherwise the burial will be removed,” the administrator said proudly. Our cemetery is eternal.

Realizing that nothing would shine for us at Troekurovsky, we set off to seek eternal rest where we would have enough “coffin” money allocated by the Moscow government in the amount of four thousand rubles from the security service and 11 thousand “Luzhkov’s”.

Hand trading on Vagankovo

The most prestigious cemeteries in Moscow are Vagankovskoye and Novodevichy. They are considered closed, and to bury a relative here is a great happiness. There was no place left at Novodevichy. When the president was buried Boris Yeltsin, raised the asphalt. According to the administration of the cemetery, the last time they were officially buried here Sergei Mikhalkov. Well, a well-deserved man, he wrote the anthem. However, it is still possible to attach a relative to a prestigious churchyard, though not quite legally. Our people are not afraid of anything. For a certain amount, some are ready to provide the grave of their relatives. According to one such ad on the Internet - "A place for sale at the Vagankovsky cemetery for 50 thousand dollars," I called.

“I have relatives lying there at the 54th precinct, I have documents for these burials,” explained the man, who introduced himself as Dmitry. - Your grandfather can simply be buried from above. We negotiate on price.
In the State Unitary Enterprise "Ritual" we were immediately explained that such transactions are illegal, since only a blood relative can be buried and only 13 years after the previous burial.

“It is impossible to buy land at the cemetery, since it is all municipal,” they explained to us. - But since the cemetery is prestigious, you can earn money on it. Only plots with finishing are sold, at least for 800 thousand rubles. People wonder why it is so expensive, but this money goes to the upkeep of the territory. This was done on purpose so that there would be no bribes, as in Soviet times, when for a place higher they gave “a paw” more, and in a marshy lowland it was cheaper. Now all the plots are well-maintained, and there are no bribes, - the State Unitary Enterprise Ritual explained intelligibly.

Yes, at such prices, you can wash the monuments every day with washcloths and change the water in the vases. “How much do cemetery workers get if they take that kind of money for new plots?” I thought. And she called the familiar director of one of the regional cemeteries.

“My people who dig graves get 12,000 rubles a month,” the director of the Zaeltsovskoye cemetery in Novosibirsk assured me. Gennady Cheshev. - Their salary in Moscow would be from 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

By law, if the deceased did not have a Moscow residence permit, they do not have the right to bury him in the capital's cemetery. However, even if you have a residence permit, you will not find a place in city cemeteries if you are not ready to lay out a crazy amount.

“We only have new plots for 800 thousand rubles,” the Ritual Services at the Vostryakovsky cemetery reported. - There are no other areas.

- And here Joseph Kobzon at your cemetery, did you buy yourself a plot next to the graves of your mother and sister's husband? — I did not let up. “Maybe there will be a place for our grandfather, too?”

- And you have as much money as Kobzon paid, no.

Yes, you can't argue with that.

“You won’t find anything in the city,” the cemetery employees summed up our search. And they advised: “Go to the Perepechinskoye cemetery, where you will give 4,400 rubles for digging a grave. And all the funerals will "fit" in 40 thousand.

Dead man's smile

Grave work in our time does not stand still. What innovations did not appear! Like funeral cards. They are meant to report a sad event. You receive such a romantic postcard, it depicts a young man walking into the distance in the rays of sunset. The first thought: what a fellow my favorite, he came up with this. But it turns out that you should not rejoice, but cry: you are invited to the funeral.

And let's take funeral eggs, where you can put a piece of the burned ashes of the deceased! To bring the deceased into a dignified appearance, today you will be offered a make-up made with the help of aerocosmetics, which is done by Hollywood stars. In life, it was not possible, although in death you can hit others.

And in the Novosibirsk Funeral Home, I came across another novelty. Believe it or not, the city has a service called "Dead Man's Smile"! For only 600 rubles, a loved one will smile in the coffin, which will make this day not so sad for the mourners.

Text: Natalia Murga

Tags: Russia, Society, Zhirinovsky, cemetery

Cemeteries are an integral part of the world of the living. Creepy corners, associated with decay and the fragility of human life, do not cause many people to want to walk through them once again. The havens of the dead are always shrouded in mystical stories, and some graves even have chilling legends.

However, there are unique cemeteries that are more reminiscent of monuments of art. Included in the tourist routes, they do not look like places of mourning, but resemble real open-air museums with their architecture and special majesty.

Today's story will be about one of these corners of silence, which looks like a small town with narrow streets, flower beds, unusual sculptures, incredibly beautiful crypts and small chapels.

The most expensive cemetery in the world

Argentina is a country that has made a national memorial out of a cemetery, which has been recognized as one of its main attractions. The Recoleta necropolis is the most aristocratic and famous on the whole globe. Located in a prestigious area where the very rich people of Buenos Aires live, it occupies a huge area of ​​six hectares.

Surprisingly, it is cheaper for wealthy citizens of the country to buy a luxurious cottage near the cemetery, but not a place on it. Therefore, burials in the necropolis in recent years have been extremely rare.

The history of the necropolis

The history of this ancient place goes back to the beginning of the 18th century, when the Franciscans came to the city of Buenos Aires and founded their monastery on the outskirts - a wasteland called Recoleta ("Ascetic"). Having built a small temple of El Pilar, they also took care of a place for the burial of the servants of the Lord. A hundred years later, the governor considered it necessary to turn the place for the burial of monks into the first public cemetery.

When the city began to be shaken by outbreaks of a terrible disease that claimed thousands of lives, most wealthy citizens hid from the epidemic, moving to the very outskirts of Buenos Aires.

From public to elite

Gradually, the provincial corner grew, turning into the most prestigious area in which all the rich lived. Accordingly, the local Recoleta cemetery changed its social status to an elite one, and now all respected citizens of high society were buried there. And no one will ever call him "ascetic". And the poor from different parts of the city found their last refuge in the west of Buenos Aires.

The rich, who wanted to rest in the most beautiful and expensive crypts, were dissatisfied with the rather modest necropolis and advocated its reconstruction, which took place in 1881, turning the local cemetery into a real work of art.

The most unusual city of the dead

The cemetery of Argentina, recognized in 2003 as an architectural monument, is visited by a huge number of tourists who marvel at the grandeur of such a place and note its unusualness compared to other resting places.

At the entrance, everyone is greeted by a gate made in the neoclassical style with four Greek columns. On the stone slabs, the dates of the year of the foundation of the necropolis (1822), its first reconstruction (1881) and the third (2003) are engraved, while for some reason they kept silent about the second one.

Symbols of the frailty of life

On the outer side of the facade, facing the views of visitors, the inscription in Latin "Rest in peace" is engraved, and on the inside of the cemetery the phrase "We hope in God" seems to convey the appeal of the dead to the living.

On the columns, curious visitors will find pagan symbols that speak of a person’s short stay in the world: scissors that will cut the life thread at any moment, a cross and an urn as signs of death, upside down burning torches and tell about the transience of time.

For many, such symbols on the former monastery will not cause surprise, because Argentina is a country in which Christian traditions are closely intertwined with pagan ones.

Crypt rental

The crypts located inside have long become family graves, in which more than one generation rests. Since this cemetery is considered one of the most expensive in the world, many families only rent for several years the tomb where the body of the deceased is located. Three years later, the crypt is vacated, and the remains are reburied in a special wall on the territory of a luxurious necropolis.

tomb palaces

The Recoleta cemetery, located inside the richest city, has become a symbol of its "golden age". All the nobility and the elite of Buenos Aires, taking care of their future shelter, hired the best architects from other countries of the world to build unusual crypts-mausoleums, reminiscent of luxury palaces in which wealthy citizens lived.

An amazing city within a city is famous for its unusual monumental crypts, reminiscent of Greek temples, which is very symbolic. The oldest burials reflected the spirit of the freedom-loving Argentines, who thus expressed their desire to free themselves from the religious background associated with the yoke of the country's colonization.

The quiet cemetery of Recoleta (Argentina) is an amazing place that combines quaint buildings in the Gothic style with majestic palaces and austere mausoleums. Almost five thousand crypts and about 350 thousand more modest graves are comfortably located in the quarters of a gigantic city that cannot be bypassed in one day.

Manicured and abandoned resting places

Inside many tombs, relatives hang curtains, place fresh flowers in vases and light lamps, thus creating a homely atmosphere for their departed loved ones. Mini-chapels are also equipped there, in which the living pray, remembering the dead. Some tombs go several levels underground.

Next to the well-groomed crypts, lavishly decorated with bas-reliefs and stained-glass windows, there are abandoned ones, with traces of long desolation, but closed with all bolts. It can be seen that no one cares for them, and the buildings are gradually being destroyed. Most likely, the last of the noble Argentine family rested many years ago and lies inside.

But, according to the rules, it is no longer possible to rebury anyone: once a place is bought, it forever belongs to the owner.

First Lady's grave

The burial place of the famous inhabitants of Argentina is a monumental architectural monument, in front of which tourists who have come to the cemetery for the first time feel a little lost. You can wander through the streets of the silent city for a very long time, touching the history of life and death.

For most visitors to the cemetery, Eva Perón's name will be the most famous. Local guides will tell about the difficult fate of the people's favorite. The woman who found peace only 24 years after her death lived a very short life. The death of the first lady was a real tragedy for Argentina, which plunged into mourning for four weeks. So that everyone could say goodbye to Eva, her body was embalmed and put on public display.

But the Argentine "Princess Diana" had not only fans. Her opponents, who believed that a woman could not be among the nobility, stole the body, hiding it outside the country. Buried under a false name, Peron was dug up and buried next to her husband-president, but after a military coup, the remains were again disturbed.

romantic legend

Many legends are associated with the young daughter of the famous writer Velloso, who died at the age of 15. Above her grave is a marble niche, on which lies a snow-white sculpture depicting a sleeping beauty. The inconsolable mother spent a lot of time in the cemetery, mourning her child.

There is a romantic legend about how a young man fell in love with a pretty girl whom he had recently met. Late in the evening, walking her home, he threw his coat over the chilled shoulders of the lady in a white dress. The next day, when the guy, burned with passions, came to his mother, he was seized with real horror: he learned that his beloved had recently died. And when the girl's mother brought him to the famous cemetery, the first thing they saw was the clothes lying in the crypt. It is said that the young man went mad and committed suicide, and the dead girl is called "the lady in white."

Light sadness

Not only tourists roam the silent world of the dead: the cemetery caretakers breed cats that bask on sun-drenched graves. Well-fed and imposing inhabitants of the dead city, according to ancient legends, see what is not given to people to observe.

Death is a natural process that ends a person's life. Beauty that cannot be described in words arouses the burning interest of everyone who has arrived in Buenos Aires. The solemn cemetery of Recoleta does not evoke a sense of hopeless grief in visitors. A place where you can philosophize and think about the frailty and transience of being, sets you on a certain wave, the main emotion of which will be light sadness.

For many millennia, mankind has come up with a huge number of ways to honor their dead. From northern burial boats and Hindu burning at the stake, to Egyptian mummification and Chinese hanging coffins, the choice was vast. The advent of Judaism, Christianity and Islam also changed funeral traditions, bringing the most common type of burial. Today, the burial of the dead has become a profitable business. Many people think about a place for themselves and their families many years before a sad event. Everything is thought out: a coffin, clothes, a cemetery, a monument. The cost in some cases can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions. We offer an overview of the most expensive places in the world for those who have departed to another world.

10 Graceland Cemetery, Chicago: Up to $120,000

Opened in 1860, the cemetery now occupies an area of ​​48 hectares. It is known for its amazing Victorian design and nature. In addition, many of the founding fathers of the city are buried here. The cemetery is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a walking tour. The cost of an ordinary plot varies from two to four thousand dollars, but a premium class or family plot will cost 120 thousand.

9. Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn: Up to $320,000

Established in 1838, Green Wood Cemetery offers a stunning combination of nature, architecture and serenity on 193 hectares. It is more like a park with wonderful lakes, buildings and sculptures. In good weather, people come here not only to visit friends and relatives who have gone to another world, but also for a picnic. There are also many artists and photographers here. The price for a standard plot starts at $1,772, for a burial in a common tomb they will ask for $19,500, and for a private crypt with an area of ​​70 square meters - $320,000.

8. Cryonics, Alcor Life Extension Foundation, Arizona: up to $338,000

Cryonics is the process of freezing a body in liquid nitrogen, which can now be stored almost forever. There is a theory that in the future, thanks to the development of medical technology, it will be possible to revive people. It is believed that memory, individuality and the neurostructure of the brain are preserved for some time after the ascertainment of clinical death. The procedure consists in dehydration of the body with the help of a special chemical cocktail - a cryoprotectant. After that, the body is slowly frozen until its temperature reaches -93°, placed in a container with liquid nitrogen and cooled to -160°. The cost of whole body cryopreservation for a period of 100 years will cost about $338,000.

7 Auburn Cemetery, Massachusetts: Up to $500,000

Sometimes it is also called the first American cemetery-garden for its stunning nature and amazing landscapes. It was founded in 1831 by the famous botanist Jacob Bigelow. More than 100 thousand people are buried here, including many world-famous celebrities. The price of a simple plot in the "Garden of Hope" is $ 1,500, and for a premium one you will have to pay up to 500 thousand.

6 Kensico Cemetery, New York: Up To $500,000

Kensico Cemetery, which opened in 1889, offers an amazingly beautiful last resort for its "residents". Its territory occupies 186 hectares. There are regular tours here. The cost of a simple plot is $1,800, and a personal crypt will cost $500,000.

5. Nirvana Memorial Garden, Singapore: up to $517,800

Built in 2001, the "Garden of Memory" is a luxurious columbarium that serves the Buddhist part of the population of the city-state. It is a combination of tranquility, modern architecture and infrastructure with stunning scenery. It captivates with majestic prayer halls, individual rooms, shining golden statues, laser lighting and a high-quality sound system. The niche price ranges from $6,994 to $517,800.

4. Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale: Up to $825,000

Opened in 1906, the memorial park has since grown six times, but the original cemetery was in Glendale. At the moment, more than 250 thousand people are buried here. There are three chapels on the territory, in which not only the dead are commemorated, but also married, for example, former US President Ronald Reagan and actress Jane Wyman. The art museum regularly hosts exhibitions of famous artists. Many celebrities are buried here, including Michael Jackson. The price for a simple plot is $2820, for a premium one - up to $825,000.

3 Woodlawn Cemetery, The Bronx: Up To $1.5 Million

Woodlawn Cemetery attracts millions of tourists every year, not only because of the celebrities buried here, but also because of the amazing scenery. Possibly the most beautiful cemetery in the world, striking bronze, steel and stone masterpieces. It was opened in 1863 on an area of ​​160 hectares. Here is a memorial dedicated to the tragic death of 192 passengers of the Titanic. The price of a simple plot starts at $4,800, but for a separate crypt you will have to pay up to 1.5 million.

2. Westwood Cemetery, Los Angeles: up to $4.6 million

Westwood Cemetery is known all over the world thanks to the celebrities who have found their last refuge here. Plots here are sold at open auction. In 2009, a wall-mounted vault next to Marilyn Monroe's cell sold for a whopping $4.6 million.

1. Space, up to $34 million

For the wealthiest people, there is another way of burial - space expanses. Eugene Roddenberry (American screenwriter and producer, author of the science fiction television series Star Trek), Leroy Gordon Cooper (American astronaut), Timothy Francis Leary (American writer, psychologist) have already gone on a posthumous journey. The body is pre-cremated, and the cost of the service is calculated - $12,500 per gram. Since on average the ashes of one person weigh 2-3.5 kg, you will have to pay a round sum for the opportunity to travel around the solar system.
Not only the places of burial of people can be unusual, they can turn out to be no less original.
